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Fairfield Women's Club - Christmas Market
The Fairfield Women's Club
Just a few more days until……DEC 4th
The Christmas Market and Lighted Parade
The Fairfield Women's Club is excited to sponsor the 2021 Fairfield Christmas
Market and Christmas Parade!
The 2021 Fairfield Christmas Market will be held on Saturday, December 4th from 9:00AM – 2:00PM at Good Shepherd United Methodist Church. The holiday market will host a variety of local vendors selling an assortment of products - perfect for early Christmas shopping! Bring the family and come early, as we hear many of the vendors often run out of their goods before noon! Vendor booths will be arranged outside in the parking lot on the 290 feeder side across from Kroger.
For any questions go to Fairfieldwomensclub@gmail.com.
Following the Christmas Market, we will hold a Lighted Christmas Parade at 5:30PM through the neighborhood. The parade will follow the 4th of July parade route starting at Ault Elementary. We hope you will join us in celebrating this exciting time of year!!
Anyone is welcome to participate in the parade! Decorate your car, truck, trailer, golf cart, bicycle, scooter, stroller, etc. or if you are walking...decorate yourself, with lights, tinsel, and your best holiday cheer!! If possible, please try to have Christmas music playing. To participate in the parade - just show up at Ault Elementary at 5:00PM on Dec. 4th and let the fun begin! The lighted Christmas parade is an event you will not want to miss!! The Fairfield Women’s Club will even have a special guest performing!! So invite your family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy the lights, music, and spectacular sense of community as we kick off the 2021 Christmas season!
Next Meeting
We will not have a December meeting but the next FWC meeting will be January 18th at Bradford Creek Clubhouse. All women from Fairfield are welcomed!

16 Fairfield Community Gazette - December 2021 Copyright © 2021 Peel, Inc.