Fairfield - March 2022

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MARCH 2023


Cy-Fair Student of the Week

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022


2 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

BOARD MEMBER LISTING Fairfield Village Community Association The “Master Board” is comprised of one representative from each Neighborhood Association Billy Sutton (Fairfield South)........................................................................... President Doug Waterman (Inwood Park) ............................................................. Vice President Jan Bertoli (Fairfield Central)........................................................... Secretary/Treasurer Darlene Sedelmyer (Trails of Fairfield).............................................................. Director Kate Conrey (Lakes of Fairfield) ...................................................................... Director Fairfield Central Neighborhood Association Louis Iselin (President).................................................................. louis@kipatents.com Gary Marler (Vice President)...................................................... Gemarler@yahoo.com Jan Bertoli (Secretary/Treasurer).................................................. JLB8848@gmail.com Dianna Roark (Director)................................................................. ldroark66@aol.com Patricia Powell (Director) Fairfield Village South Neighborhood Association Brian Mcdonough (President)..........................................Bmcdonoughdpt@gmail.com Mark Stine (Vice President) ......................................................Mark.Stine@gmail.com Billy Sutton (Secretary) ............................................................ blsutton@sbcglobal.net Larry Kohler (Treasurer) Charles Tate (Director) Inwood Park Neighborhood Association Marc Newman (President).......................................... marcnewman1957@comcast.net Doug Waterman (Vice President) ..................................waterman_doug@hotmail.com Harriet Tunick (Secretary).......................................................... htunick00@gmail.com Gloria Whitaker (Treasurer).............................................. gloriawhitaker1@yahoo.com Sarah Boson (Director)............................................................ sboson05@sbcglobal.net

Table of Contents Around Fairfield 4

CFISD Student of the Week


A Message from the Editior


Focus on Goals, Not Obstacles


Living Life on Purpose


Entreprenuer Spotlight

Community Events 11

Joyce Behind the Mic


Traveling Seniors of Cypress


Cy-Fair Helping Hands


Harris County Precinct 4 Stats


Fairfield Women's Club


March 4-5 A Kaleidoscope of Colors

School News 14

Spring Fling at Ault


District Champions


Salyards Middle School Bangles take home First Place Trophy


Superintendent's Fun Run


Bridgeland’s Winner’s Circle


Dance students perform at Annual CFISD Dance ShowOffs


Color Guard


CFISD Coaches Selected for 2022 R.O.C.K. Mentoring Program


Culinary Arts Students Compete In Fifth CFISD Cupcake Battle

In Every Issue 18

Teen Job Seekers



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Lakes of Fairfield Neighborhood Association Patrick Wong (President).......................................................... pcwong1@earthlink.net Diana Gee (Treasurer) ....................................................................... diana.gee@att.net Kate Conrey (Director) Nikole Cales (Director)............................................................... Ncales13@gmail.com Trails of Fairfield Neighborhood Association Darlene Sedelmyer (President) ........................................... facofficemgr@sbcglobal.net Kris Cherry (Vice President) ........................................................ kfcherry@gmail.com Janet Sherrill (Secretary) ........................................................janetsherrill@comcast.net Matthew Mann (Treasurer) ................................................... mmann0330@gmail.com Quentin Hinds (Director).............................................................. Qhinds@gmail.com Dianne Adams............................................................................................................... FAIRFIELD VILLAGE MANAGEMENT First Service Residential Help Desk .......................................................... 713-932-1122, contactus.tx@fsresidential.com Fairfield Inspector Kimberly Harman........................713-332-4758, Kimberly.Harman@fsresidential.com Portfolio Administrator Alexandra Sutton.................................... 713-332-4763, Alex.sutton@fsresidential.com Fairfield Project Manager Jennifer Sailer......................................713-332-4761, Jennifer.Sailer@fsresidential.com EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance/Fire/Officer........................................................................................... 911 Poison Control........................................................................................800-222-1222 NON-EMERGENCY NUMBERS Fire/Ambulance.......................................................................................713-466-4073 FBI..........................................................................................................713-693-5000 Harris County Animal Control...............................................................281-999-3191 Harris County Precinct 4........................................................................281-376-3472 Vacation Watch.......................................................................................281-401-6200 MISCELLANEOUS NUMBERS Fairfield Athletic Club (FAC)..................................................................281-373-0834 Harris Co. Library...................................................................................281-890-2665 Harris Co. Mosquito Control..................................................................713-440-4800 Harris County Hazardous Waste.............................................................281-560-6200 Courthouse Annex..................................................................................281-859-0685 Driver’s License...................................................................................... 281-449-2685 Post Office...............................................................................................281-373-9125 Voter Registration...................................................................................713-224-1919 UTILITY NUMBERS Reliant Energy (Electricity).....................................................................713-207-7777 Center Point (Gas)..................................................................................713-659-2111 Inframark (Water, Trash).........................................................................281-398-8211 Waste Management (Trash).....................................................................713-686-6666 Comcast..................................................................................................713-341-1000 SCHOOL NUMBERS Bus Information......................................................................................281-897-4380 Cy-Fair Administration...........................................................................281-897-4000 Cy-Ranch High School...........................................................................281-373-2300 Bridgeland High School..........................................................................281-213-1619 Salyards Middle School...........................................................................281-373-2400 Ault Elementary......................................................................................281-373-2800 Keith Elementary....................................................................................281-213-1744 Spillane Middle School............................................................................281-213-1645 Swenke Elementary.................................................................................281-213-1200 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Public Safety Committee Marc Newman - marcnewman1957@comcast.net Fairfield Area Swim Team Team-president@swim4fast.net Fairfield Women’s Club fairfieldwomensclub@gmail.com JENNIFER SAILER - Fairfield Project Manager FirstService Residential 16055 Mason Road/Cypress, TX 77433 Phone: 713-332-4761/ Toll Free: 800-932-9449 Email: Jennifer.sailer@fsresidential.com Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022


Around Fairfield

CFISD Student of the Week by Jackie Devine

Salyards' principal, Ms. Wood, explained, "The CFISD Student of the Week is designed to highlight outstanding students in the district. Any district staff member is welcome to nominate a student he/she thinks should be recognized for the honor. I submitted Christopher’s name on the recommendation of staff members. We are so happy he was chosen; he deserves it."

Meet Christopher Adegbenro, one of Salyards Middle School's rising stars! He is shining so brightly that Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District chose Christopher to represent the district as Student of the Week on January 31, 2022. 4 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

Christopher's selection was due only partly because he is regarded as a model student and a member of the distinguished honor roll. He is also active, visible, and contributing. Chris is a member of the eighth grade A football team, a track and field participant, a weightlifter, and a leader of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Salyards - an organization that encourages students to think about who they are, who they want to be, and what impact they want to have on the world. According to Maria, his mother, "My husband always made sure the kids were in team sports to build their character as well as their physical stamina. We've always used gym

equipment at the gym and at home, where we have a Peloton bike, treadmill, and weights. Chris got active on the equipment during Covid and can now run a six-minute mile. Currently, he is focusing on strength training to prepare for shot put and discus in the spring and high school football in the fall." Christopher, along with his parents and sister, has lived in Fairfield since 2017. He attended Swenke Elementary and, over the last five years, has played football with the Dolphins and Bears, lacrosse with CyFair Sports Association, and basketball with Fairfield Sports Association. If having lots of outside interests makes one interesting, then again, Christopher moves to the head of the class. Traveling and learning about different cultures is at the top of his list, along with coding, research, and reading informational articles. He also enjoys swimming and doing funny impersonations to make people laugh. Plus, he earned the familial title of the Adegbenro Junior Chef, dabbling in cooking since he was eight years old.

Continued on Page 5 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

Around Fairfield Continued from Page 4 When asked about his favorite things, Christopher replied: Favorite class: "Algebra is my favorite class because I have a great teacher and it is easy for me. Solving equations is fun." Favorite things to do after class: "I love to hang out with friends and go to the gym after school." Favorite Song: "Swag Surfin' by Fast Life Yungstaz." Favorite Website/App: "TikTok because it's fun to watch funny videos." Favorite TV Show: "Grey's Anatomy because there is so much drama and I love it." Favorite movie: "Parent Trap. I first saw this movie when I was little and have loved it ever since."

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Ambition: "I would love to attend college at Penn State and study medicine to become a doctor. I have family near Penn State and it would give me a chance to be near them. Also, it snows there." What topics/things are you passionate about? "I am passionate about football, track, and lifting weights." What inspires you? "My dad inspires me. Despite his health conditions, he takes care of my family." What three things can't you live without? "My cell phone, food, and the gym." What are you most looking forward to this semester? "I am looking forward to taking the HORIZONS test, participating in track, and the eighth grade formal."

A message from your editor

Lately, I’ve included an editor’s letter when the Gazette has room. Of course, like everything else we are dealing with today, everything (time, money, and space) is at a premium. I’m hoping we have just enough space this month for me to tell you all out there in “Reader-Land” that I love and appreciate you. My purpose is to provide you with the most upbeat, up-to-date, helpful information available. Everything this month is upbeat—whether it deals with kids, adults, businesses, or communities. I hope you enjoy our March issue. We couldn’t and wouldn’t exist without you. Please send me any information that you would like to see included. I will do my best to comply. Otherwise, send me stories. Your stories are always better than mine. I love you all. Please keep those cards and letters coming in at jackiedevine@peelinc.com.

Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022


Around Fairfield Focus On Goals, Not Obstacles

Forward by Jackie Devine, story submitted by Stephen Bartholomew a hallway without losing my breath. I was lonely, depressed, and lost. I didn’t know what to do to better myself and I didn’t have any role models that I could turn to for help. I felt like I had lost before I had even started and wrote myself off as worthless and lessthan because of how I looked. Then I found Stephen. “A little over two years later, and with his help, I was down to 155 pounds and the healthiest I had ever been. I looked and felt better physically, but I was also mentally stronger due to the comprehensive nature of his coaching. He focused on the root cause of my physical problems: the mental patterns I had fallen into that prevented me from being the best me. “Now when I wake up, whether I feel like it’s going to be a good day or a bad day, I have the mental strength and discipline to create success and move closer to my personal goals - physical or otherwise. It’s like I’ve been given a tool kit and guide to seize the day and produce progress. Without Stephen, I doubt that I would be anywhere close to this level of focus and determination.

Motivation is what gets you started; habit is what keeps you going. For those of you who have followed me as editor of the Gazette for the last six years, you know that I’m always on the hunt for positive stories. For some time now, I’ve watched Fitness Behavior Coach Stephen Bartholomew, via Facebook, show how his clients have gone from unhappy and unhealthy to strong, energetic, and physically fit. He teaches them to develop character traits that change their body, mind, and spirit forever. I’ve asked him to share a few of his success stories with us. His first installment is below: Cameron has lost some weight, as you can tell, but I’d like to share with you a few other changes he has made that you cannot see in this picture... 6 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

- Jim Rohn

• He often goes on long walks outside to wind down rather than watching TV. • He puts his phone in his backpack or in another room to limit the time he spends on it. • He is more confident in all areas of his life. • He thinks more about his future and is more goal-oriented in all areas of his life. Cam dropped weight and, along with it, dropped insecurities, distractions and mediocrity. A few words from Cameron… “When I started training with Stephen my freshman year of high school, I was 245 pounds and I could barely jog down

“This depth of life change doesn’t come easily and because of the way that Stephen guided me through it, I now recommend him to all of my friends who are looking to start on their own journeys of self-improvement. “He doesn’t just help with your symptoms. He creates meaningful and lasting change in your life.” If you want to make meaningful change, it needs to come from the inside out. You don’t have to do anything crazy; you just need to start. You need to make one small change, stick to it, then make another small change. Who you have been does not predict who you can become. You can become a whole new person. You just have to start.

Stephen Bartholomew Fitness Behavior Change Coach, Accend Fitness 832-943-7822 Yourtrainerstephen@gmail.com Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022


Around Fairfield Living Life on Purpose Forward by Jackie Devine

On February 7th, Bill Orlin, a survivor of the Holocaust, gave a heart-rendering, thought- provoking presentation to the largest crowd to ever attend Classic Adults at Good Shepherd Church. Only thirty of his small village of eight hundred survived. His story is so profound; it makes one believe that his purpose was to survive and tell the story. Between 1939 and 1945, as war engulfed Europe, Bill Orlin and his family lived on the run. Sometimes, civil or military authorities forcibly resettled them. Other times, the family fled in terror. Bill, the eldest son of Sender and Sonia Orlinski, was seven years old when German troops invaded Poland and marched into his hometown of Brok, a resort community not far from Warsaw. Like many other young men, Sender took flight immediately. The

8 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

women, children, and elderly townspeople who stayed behind were herded into the churchyard and watched in horror as soldiers set Brok ablaze. At first, everyone suffered equally under the Germans, but soon the Jews were singled out for abuse. Together with Brok’s other Jews, Bill, his younger brother Boris, their mother (who was six months pregnant), and their grandparents were forcibly marched to Ostrow Mazowiecki, about 50 miles northwest of Warsaw. “We walked all day,” says Bill. “Those who couldn’t make it were either shot or bayoneted on the road.” As they neared the town, Bill witnessed a scene that haunts him to this day: a young German soldier seized Bill’s grandfather and cut off the old man’s beard. The forced march, although terrifying, traumatic, and bewildering at the time may in fact have saved the family’s lives. Soon after Germany invaded Poland from the west, the Red Army invaded from the east and Poland was divided into German and Soviet spheres of influence under the terms of a secret protocol. Once Bill and his family were in Soviet-controlled Poland, they managed to continue their eastward journey into the Soviet interior, where they remained in relative safety for the rest of the war. Their odyssey first took them to Bialystok, where they were reunited with Sender, and then to the Soviet republic of Belarus. Bill’s brother Felix was born there on December 26, 1939 and life resumed a semblance of

normalcy. But respite was short lived. When Germany invaded the USSR in June 1941 the family “ran,” recalls Bill. “We didn’t know where we were going. We just knew we had to get out.” Eventually they made their way to Uzbekistan. Although the family was together, life was tremendously difficult for the next several years. Everyone suffered from hunger and malnutrition, particularly after a fourth son, Hymie (b. Chaim), was born in 1944. After the war, Bill and his family lived in a camp for displaced persons in Germany. They departed for Canada in 1948 and continued on to the United States three years later, settling in Houston. Bill recalls his first impressions: “When we left Montreal it was cold, snowing. When we got [to Houston] it was sunny, 85 degrees, with pecans swaying in the wind. I decided this was the place for me.” Bill was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Korean War and served in Germany. He became an American citizen in 1954 in Frankfurt. The following year he was honorably discharged with the rank of corporal. Married in 1958, he and his wife had two daughters, Julie and Cindy. After Bill’s first marriage ended in divorce, he married his “soul mate,” Edith (Edie) Saunders, who brought two children of her own, Michelle and Mark, to the marriage. Bill had a successful career as an entrepreneur in

Continued on Page 9

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Around Fairfield Continued from Page 8 the beauty supply business and has been semi-retired since 1991. For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/78039800708/ posts/holocaust-survivor-bill-orlin-who-lived-on-the-run-with-hisfamily-from-1939-to-/10155890981250709.

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Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022


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10 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

Who We Are: Leadership has built and managed energy suppliers including years of experience with Twin Eagle Resource Management, Frontier Utilities, and Circular Energy *SIMPLICITY is a licensed aggregator specializing in home and business solutions. We distinguish ourselves by caring for our clients with integrity and highly personalized service. Our expertise offers a streamlined, economical approach to cost-effective long-term business risk. *Our energy procurement consulting firm specializes in residential, commercial and industrial, property management, multi-family, and residential & commercial solar offerings. Our vast expertise provides the resource and intelligence to mitigate risk, improve operational efficiency, market exposure, and reach your financial objectives in the future. *We are here to help organizations of all sizes and across a variety of industries. You will never pay for our services. The only thing our clients experience is savings! Residential | Commercial and Industrial Property Management | Apartments Residential & Commercial Solar Cypress, Texas 77433 www.simplicityenergysolutions.com 281-799-1863 cell text chris@simplicityenergysolutions.com

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Community Events

MARCH MANDI POWELL MUSIC www.mandipowellmusic.com mandipowellmusic


As a female singer/performer in the live music industry, I can say we fall into the minority amongst local artists for sure. MANDI POWELL was the third female I was given the professional priveledge of getting to meet and we soon became close friends. We first met in person at the neighborhood bar CYPRESS LOUNGE (Barwood Bend, 77065) nestled near the same zip code I grew up in. I hosted her “SPOTLIGHT” music event there that night. She arrived as a solo acoustic singer with a hardworking but casual approach. I invariably got my hug, hooked elbows with her and we went to her truck to start unloading gear. Even though I just began my stage resume three months prior, it felt like second nature to me. I was stoked having just met her for the first time, was more than happy to assist however I could and was very much looking forward to her live music performance about to happen. How do I describe MANDI POWELL? Hardworking, dedicated, focused, strong, resilient, tough, caring and very, very talented. MANDI POWELL is a professionally recorded artist with 2 albums available on most music streaming platforms. Her latest original 10-song album titled “Fly Away” (released 8/2015) is categorized as Contemporary Folk with her tone bringing a very soulful sound. She plays locally at WHATEVER BAR (Jones Rd., 77070) every Wednesday night as the house favorite! She also plays at TIKS TAVERN (Jones Rd, 77070), THE BURGER RANCH (House Hahl Rd., 77433) and many others in and around the Cypress area. Visit her on social media to view her event schedule. MANDI POWELL is also a “Family of Artists” Member of Cypress Music Scene! JOIN CMS to catch more of the newest Mandi pics, videos, and song releases to be announced! STAY TUNED… All shows subject to change, no guarantee. Updates available on Facebook by visiting @CYPRESSMUSICSCENE Reach out to me with your music news, alerts, happenings, and questions! Artists/Venues/Agents Welcome. NO SPAM. email me: joycebehindthemic@gmail.com Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

By Jo Ann Lambert March 15: Travel to Gruene, TX Wear your green to Gruene. Ramble around historic Gruene. Have lunch at the Gristmill Restaurant, and explore Gruene Hall is the oldest continually operating dance hall in Texas. Take in the Winery on the Gruene and all the interesting shops in the infamous General Store, where you'll find everything from key chains and postcards to cowboy hats. Free. Leave FBC at 7:30 am. April 19: Boat Swamp Tour & Shangri La Botanical Gardens Tour in Orange, TX Be on the lookout for gators, osprey, and eagles. Tickets purchased in advance. Must pay upon sign-up. Cost: $27.00. Bus leaves FBC 7:00 am. Sept 30- Oct 10: Lancaster Show Trip & Philadelphia and the Dutch Country: Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation, All Lodging Includes 4 Nights in the Lancaster area, Most of Your Meals, DAVID' at the Sight and Sound Theater, Landis Valley Museum & Village, The Amish Experience, Guided Tour of Lancaster and Amish Country and Guided Tour and Free Time in Philly. $1095 Bus leaves from FBC @ 8:00 am. Second and Fourth Thursday: Cards with Karen Cervenka: 5 Crowns/ Mexican Train, Lakeside Trails Clubhouse 1:00 to 4:00. Second and Fourth Friday: Hand and Foot with Jim and Shirley, Lakeside Trails Clubhouse 1:00 to 4:00. Wednesday Breakfast, House of Pies: Between 8:30 and 9:00. Breakfast at Denny's: 1st and 3rd Friday at Denny's on 290. Traveling Seniors of Cypress Info: Jo Ann Lambert at pstlgrl@gmail.com or Jackie Devine at jackie.devine@ comcast.n

Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022


Around Fairfield CYPRESS-TOMBALL DEMOCRATS The Cypress-Tomball Democrats will hold its next virtual monthly meeting, Monday, March 21, 2022. There is a meet and greet at 6:30 p.m. The general meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. To request the ZOOM access code, visit our website at cytomdemocrats.org. Our speaker will be Ryan C. Irving Jr. Ryan is the new President of the Cy-Fair Civic Alliance; a nonpartisan organization formed as a direct response to the November 2021 Cy-Fair ISD Board Trustee election. The Alliance desires to hold the current Board of Trustees accountable for ensuring district policies are in the best interest of all students. Ryan is a current member of the Cy-Fair Houston Chamber of Commerce and the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. In his spare time, he mentors younger students who are interested in how government works. He has a passion and calling to public service, as a direct product of the Cy-Fair school district’s amazing teachers, who played a large role in nurturing his mind and shaping his character into the young, confident man he is today.

12 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

Ryan is a 2016 graduate of Langham Creek High School. He served as an intern for the City of Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner in 2017, where he gained first-hand knowledge and experience working in city government and evaluating the city’s over $5 billion budget He graduated from the University of Houston Honors College with a degree in Political Science in December 2021. All are welcome to attend and to join this growing club, which meets on the third Monday of every month. For more information email us at cytomdems@yahoo.com, go to our Cypress-Tomball Democrats Group on Facebook, or visit the club’s Website at cytomdemocrats.org.

Fairfield Republicans Fairfield Republicans are a group of conservative like-minded neighbors residing in Fairfield and neighboring areas. While we are predominately residents of Fairfield and the adjoining subdivisions, we welcome people from other precincts to attend our meetings as well. Our group meets every month to provide information to our community about current legislative priorities and other pertinent information. We can be found on Facebook under the heading of Fairfield Republicans. Please check those pages for confirmation of the upcoming meeting dates. In addition, you may contact Bill Ely at 832-919-4999 for more information.

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

, Fairfield Women s Club The Fairfield Women’s Club would like to invite all adult ladies from the Fairfield and Lakes of Fairhaven neighborhoods to join our Women’s Club. We are a non-profit organization that promotes community involvement/new social interests and provides volunteer service/ donations to the Fairfield and Cypress communities. We host a variety of events throughout the year and have an active membership of ladies from all ages and stages of life. We meet monthly on the third Tuesday of the month at Bradford Creek Clubhouse, 16011 Fairfield Green Circle, from 7-8:30pm. We typically have a brief business meeting to discuss upcoming events/volunteer opportunities and a short program or activity that changes each month and is always informative, fun, and entertaining. We also make time for enjoying the great food and drinks provided by our members and end the evening with door prizes. Guests are always welcome! Please feel free to join us one month to see what we are all about. Come late or leave early - we are very flexible! Don’t forget to bring a friend, the more the merrier!! Our March General Membership meeting will be held on March 22nd, (due to the Spring Break Holiday). For more info visit our website at fairfieldwomensclub.org or send us an email at FairfieldWomensClub@ gmail.com. Our next Fundraiser Activity is hosting the Fairfield Resident Spring Garage Sale Fundraiser on April 2nd, the first Saturday in April. Fairfield has a no-garage sale policy but generously allows us to do two Resident Garage Sales per year (Fall/Spring) on a coordinated day. We provide a map of participants online, advertise in local newsletters/publications, and provide neighborhood signage to bring in the buyers. The Garage Sale is a fundraiser for our organization so we ask for a donation of $25 for the advertisement and map. We are a non-profit organization so all of the money goes right back into our wonderful neighborhood. Our charities are all of the Fairfield schools, the Fire Department, and the Constables.


The Berry Center- 8877 Barker Cypress Rd, Cypress, TX 77433 (NW Houston Area) Fri 10-5 & Sat 10-4 Come and see over 200 quilts on display, along with tin can gift raffles, boutique, quilter’s treasure aisle, shopping, and a gorgeous opportunity quilt! TCQG is a 300+ member, 501c3 organization and the show helps the group further its charitable aims. Admission is $10 for both days. Masks may be required per Harris Co judge.

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This summer we will host the Annual Fairfield 4th of July Parade on Monday July 4th, 2022. Line-up begins at Ault Elementary at 8:30am and the Parade starts at 9:00am. Following the Parade, we will host The 4th@Fairfield with vendor booths, food trucks, bounce houses, music, and more! Everyone is invited!!! Interested in joining or want to know more? Visit our website at fairfieldwomensclub.org. Send us an email or request to be added to our mailing list at FairfieldWomensClub@gmail.com. Visit our Facebook Page @FairfieldWomensClub for event updates.

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022


School News

Salyards Middle School Bangles take home First Place Trophy Bracket Tournament winning scores.

Game 1 Salyards versus Smith Middle School 34-20

Game 2 Salyards versus Bleyel Middle School 51-14

Game Salyards Versus Hopper Middle School 33-8

Spring Fling at Ault Lindsey Pickett, VP Ault PTO membership and Social Media Ault Elementary PTO presents Spring Fling. Friday March 25th 6:00pm-9:00pm. Spring Fling is a community wide carnival that the whole Fairfield and Cypress community is welcome to attend. There will be inflatables, carnival games, a dunk tank, face painting, karaoke, DJ, silent auction, cotton candy, popcorn, food court and more. Admission is free; you can pre-purchase tickets the night of the event to use for the activities and food or buy them at aultelementarypto.ptboard.com.

District Champions The Cy-Fair High School girls' swim team won the District 17-6A team championship, winning the title with 140 points.

14 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

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School News Bridgeland’s Winner’s Circle More than 420 CFISD football players, managers and student trainers qualified for the Academic All-District 16-6A and 17-6A football teams, released earlier this month. All 12 high school programs were represented by the 422 students who earned the academic all-district recognition. Those who earned the honor finished the 2021 season in good standing and earned a composite weighted grade point average of 5.5 or higher for all classes for the two identified six weeks that make up the majority of their regular season. “Part of a successful culture is winning in all aspects of your respective season, and I am proud that 422 football players, managers, or student trainers earned recognition as Academic All-District this season,” said Kirk Eaton, CFISD associate director of athletics. “It should mean a lot to the CFISD community that we have programs that are pushing our student-athletes to succeed in the classroom and on the playing field.” The following academic all-district athletes were recognized:

Football 23 - Terrance Cullivan 10 - Caleb Fattig 27 - Mason Culton 74 - Chance Scheiffele

Tennis Abbey Faggard (female) Ethan Payne (male)

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

Volleyball 10 - Mallorie Garner 11 - Emily Marks 4 - Alice Volpe

Cross Country Madeleine Wilson (female) Alan Bonner (male)

Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022


School News

Dance students perform at annual CFISD Dance ShowOffs Dance teams from all 12 CFISD high schools showcased their talents at the 2022 CFISD Dance Showoffs on Jan. 27 at the Berry Center. The event kicked off with a performance by the All-District Dance Team, followed by two routines from each school. Dancers performed their solo and ensemble routines at the Berry Center on Jan. 25-26 prior to the team performances.

Congratulations to the Varsity Color Guard on their beautiful performance and 1st place finish at TCGC's Dawson show last weekend. They persevered through a major speaker malfunction and they did it without missing a step!

“CFISD ShowOffs has been a long-standing tradition in our district,” said Ryan Garcia, Jersey Village High School Gold Dusters head director. “What started with two teams has now grown into a four-night event showcasing all 12 of our district’s high school dance teams. ShowOffs is not just an opportunity to preview our individual contest routines but is a moment for our communities to come together and celebrate the talented and hard-working students who represent the CFISD dance programs. It is an honor to work alongside the other 23 dedicated directors and district staff to ensure our dancers have a successful event year after year.” The following five students were announced at the conclusion of the event as recipients of the 2022 All-District Dance Team Scholarship: ·

Grace Sofia Garza, Cypress Woods Crimson Cadettes - $500;


Casey Nguyen, Jersey Village Gold Dusters - $500;


Victorya Roberts, Bridgeland Belles - $500;


Shea Ellis, Cypress Woods Crimson Cadettes - $1,000; and


Lillian Mathis, Cypress Lakes Sterling Stars - $1,000.

Congratulations to the JV Color Guard for their amazing performance and 1st place finish at last weekends TCGC contest in Pearland! 16 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

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Local Church News

Up-Coming Classic Adults Activities at Good Shepherd UMC

ST. JOSEPH ALTARCHRIST THE REDEEMER CHURCH Submitted by Mary Ann Rowell Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church will be presenting our 14th annual St. Joseph Altar on Sunday March 20, 2022, in the church Parish Hall. All are welcome to join us for this Sicilian tradition where we will be selling Italian cookies, desserts, and a St. Joseph’s spaghetti lunch. Admission to the Altar is free, however, if you would like to enjoy the meal, the cost if $8/ adults $4/children 10 and under. Cash, checks, and credit cards are accepted. All proceeds will be donated to CYPRESS ASSISTANCE MINISTRIES. For more information, e-mail: carolynlsmith2@gmail.com


HIGH SCHOOL BEACH RETREAT 2022 DATE: June 12-17 For students entering grades 9-12 and 2022 graduates Cost: Early Bird Rate: $850 by April 30 Regular Rate: $900 after April 30 Click on your campus to register: Cypress Campus Questions? Contact: Amanda Dixon • adixon@second.org

JUNIOR HIGH BEACH RETREAT 2022 DATE: June 19-24 For students entering grades 7 & 8 Cost: Early Bird Rate: $800 by April 30 Regular Rate: $850 after April 30 Click on your campus to register: Cypress Campus Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

The Classic Adults ministry at Good Shepherd UMC on Cypresswood in Fairfield has some exciting programs & activities planned this Spring!

offer, this is an opportunity to hear about the many things they are doing now as well as their future plans.

March…Our March luncheon is on Monday, March 7th at 11:45am in the Youth Room. We are going to do something NEW that will be really FUN… we are going to play BINGO! You will not want to miss it! It’s a great opportunity to meet new friends, have fun & win prizes too!

Other activities…In additional to our monthly luncheons & speakers, we have many other ways to get involved…a linedancing group, Silver Liners, a men’s coffee group, Pickle Ball, great day trips & much more!

Lunch will be a box lunch with a sandwich, chips & a drink for $8 each. Register at www.goodchurch.us/signups April…In April, our luncheon & program will be on Monday, April 4th. Our speaker is Jerry Ashworth, the CEO of the Memorial Hermann Hospital in Fairfield. It’s hard to believe that they are celebrating their 5th anniversary of opening! While many of us know some of the services & programs they

Lunch will be catered Mexican.

Call the church if you have any questions at (281) 373-2273 or visit the GS web site at www.goodchurch.us. If you want to be on our Classic Adults email list so you never miss another event, just send an email to michaelhagan48@gmail.com Purpose/Mission Statement: Good Shepherd Classic Adults welcomes any person 50 years young & better to gather with us for Christian fellowship, entertainment, adventure, & light-hearted & inspirational programs.

Cypress Creek Baptist Church’s Women’s Ministry

In our modern world, women are pulled in a thousand different directions. They are trying to balance careers, family, and marriage along with a multitude of stressors that can overtake their lives. Where can they find help? But not just help, where can they find Bible based help?

In the month of March, Cypress Creek Baptist Church will be starting a new Women’s Mentoring Group. This Group will allow you to get advice from women who have already gone through what you are experiencing? It will connect you to women who can give advice that is both practical and Biblical? This ministry is based on Titus 2:3-5. In these verses, the Bible instructs the older women to mentor the younger women. If that is what you are looking for, come and be a part of our new Women’s For more information please email the Church at cypresscreekbaptist@gmail.com or calling the Church at 281.469.6089or visit www. cypresscreekbaptist.org. Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022




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18 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

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Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022


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20 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

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