Fairfield - March 2022

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Around Fairfield Focus On Goals, Not Obstacles

Forward by Jackie Devine, story submitted by Stephen Bartholomew a hallway without losing my breath. I was lonely, depressed, and lost. I didn’t know what to do to better myself and I didn’t have any role models that I could turn to for help. I felt like I had lost before I had even started and wrote myself off as worthless and lessthan because of how I looked. Then I found Stephen. “A little over two years later, and with his help, I was down to 155 pounds and the healthiest I had ever been. I looked and felt better physically, but I was also mentally stronger due to the comprehensive nature of his coaching. He focused on the root cause of my physical problems: the mental patterns I had fallen into that prevented me from being the best me. “Now when I wake up, whether I feel like it’s going to be a good day or a bad day, I have the mental strength and discipline to create success and move closer to my personal goals - physical or otherwise. It’s like I’ve been given a tool kit and guide to seize the day and produce progress. Without Stephen, I doubt that I would be anywhere close to this level of focus and determination.

Motivation is what gets you started; habit is what keeps you going. For those of you who have followed me as editor of the Gazette for the last six years, you know that I’m always on the hunt for positive stories. For some time now, I’ve watched Fitness Behavior Coach Stephen Bartholomew, via Facebook, show how his clients have gone from unhappy and unhealthy to strong, energetic, and physically fit. He teaches them to develop character traits that change their body, mind, and spirit forever. I’ve asked him to share a few of his success stories with us. His first installment is below: Cameron has lost some weight, as you can tell, but I’d like to share with you a few other changes he has made that you cannot see in this picture... 6 Fairfield Community Gazette - March 2022

- Jim Rohn

• He often goes on long walks outside to wind down rather than watching TV. • He puts his phone in his backpack or in another room to limit the time he spends on it. • He is more confident in all areas of his life. • He thinks more about his future and is more goal-oriented in all areas of his life. Cam dropped weight and, along with it, dropped insecurities, distractions and mediocrity. A few words from Cameron… “When I started training with Stephen my freshman year of high school, I was 245 pounds and I could barely jog down

“This depth of life change doesn’t come easily and because of the way that Stephen guided me through it, I now recommend him to all of my friends who are looking to start on their own journeys of self-improvement. “He doesn’t just help with your symptoms. He creates meaningful and lasting change in your life.” If you want to make meaningful change, it needs to come from the inside out. You don’t have to do anything crazy; you just need to start. You need to make one small change, stick to it, then make another small change. Who you have been does not predict who you can become. You can become a whole new person. You just have to start.

Stephen Bartholomew Fitness Behavior Change Coach, Accend Fitness 832-943-7822 Yourtrainerstephen@gmail.com Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

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