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Traveling Seniors

TravelingSeniors of Cypress TravelingSeniors of Cypress

Day Trips


August 9: Astros Vs. Rangers Field Seats-Dollar Hot Dogs. Dinner at Cleburne Cafeteria. $35.00. Leaves FBC at 4:30 pm. August 16: TranStar and 911 Call Center. Representatives from the City of Houston, Harris County, METRO, and TxDOT who keep motorists informed, roadways clear, and lives safe in Houston speak on safety. Bus leaves FBC at 8:30. Free Trip. September 6: Enjoy the Astros game in the Gallagher Club: Buffet and ballgame ticket included. The bus leaves FBC at 4:30. $122.00. September 8: Wine Tour. Three wineries and tastings. $30 for tastings, and lunch on your own, leaving from FBC at 9:00 am. September 15: Potluck and Bingo. Begins at noon at Lakeside Trails Clubhouse. September 27: Good Shepherd United Church. Tour the Painted Churches. Bus leaves at GSUMC at 8:00 am $20.00. October 13: Halloween Potluck & Bingo. Dress festively! The fun begins at noon. October 22: Renaissance Festival: The bus leaves at 8:30 from FBC. $27.00 November 15: 1940 Air Terminal/Longhorn NASA project. Lunch at Bubba Gumps on the Kemah Boardwalk, on your own.Leaving at 10:00 from FBC. $5.00. November 17: Thanksgiving Potluck & Kitchen Towel Exchange. Bring a side dish or desert. We provide the turkey. See you at noon at Lakeside Trails Clubhouse. November 22: Good Shepherd Brookwood Tour. Tour the facilities; poinsettias will be in full bloom. Lunch included in the Tea Room $30.00. The bus leaves FBC at 8:30. December 13: Zoo Lights Dinner at Cleburne's on your own. Price TBD. We won't know the price until November. Leaving FBC at 5:30 pm. December 18 from 2 to 4 pm Cookie and Gift Exchange. Bring two or three dozen of your favorite cookies and a gift to exchange with your friends. Pay upon sign-up. Must be 50 years of age to ride the Harris County Bus. Tickets are non-refundable.

Extended Excursions

October17-20, 2022, Dallas: 3 nights/4 days $495.00 double occupancy. Bus leaves at 8:00 from FBC. Request details from jackie. devine@comcast.net. May 13-21, 2023, Garden of the Gods, The Royal Gorge, and Colorado Springs, Colorado $995. Eight nights lodging 4 consecutive nights in scenic Colorado, 14 meals: 8 breakfasts and 6 dinners. Departure: Fairfield Baptist Church at 8:00 am.

Games and Gatherings

Thursday: Cards with Karen Cervenka: 5 Crowns, Lakeside Trails Clubhouse 1:00 to 4:00. Second and Fourth Friday: Hand and Foot with Jim and Shirley, Lakeside Trails Clubhouse 1:00 to 4:00. Wednesday Breakfast, House of Pies: Between 8:30 and 9:00. Breakfast at Denny's: 1st and 3rd Friday at Denny's on 290.

Traveling Seniors of Cypress • Jo Ann Lambert at pstlgrl@gmail.com or Jackie Devine at jackie.devine@comcast.net

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