Peggy Anderson Arch 4671 Historic Preservation!
Historic Preservation in Rural Communities There are many differences between urban and rural communities in the United States that make each place unique. Urban communities have larger populations and typically have more resources than do rural communities. Rural communities are able to build capital from industries that urban communities cannot. Both urban and rural communities have a history and a culture yet each one’s heritage is unique to only them. With such diversity among communities it is easy to see how complicated it is to provide programs and policy to suite everyones needs. Achieving meaningful historic preservation policy is no exception. What this report hopes to uncover is whether or not the unique qualities of a rural life may in fact increase the difficulty faced by rural communities as they seek to achieve their preservation goals. Several programs and organizations are dedicated to helping communities of all types preserve their heritage, but are these resources equally as useful for rural communities as they are for urban communities? This paper will explore some of the unique challenges faced by rural communities as they seek to preserve their cultural heritage. It will also look at the relationships between rural community leaders and preservation policy officials. However, understanding how rural communities allocate their available resources to historic or cultural preservation, and the significance members place on doing so, will be this report’s primary focus. Several secondary sources of literature written by historic preservation and community development professionals, as well as literature from geographers and real estate professionals, were reviewed in order to collect the information for this report. Several themes have surfaced in the literature. The themes are: the effects of preservation policy and land use laws on a rural community’s ability to meet their historic preservation needs, variances in support for preservation efforts by locals, tourists and officials, issues of economic development, and limited resources. Some of the themes may overlap in some respects but for the most part are clearly defined. These themes will be presented in greater detail in the following sections. There where three common questions asked by the authors as well. The questions were: what do citizens of rural communities want to do about preserving their culture and heritage, what do visitors expect from a rural community regarding heritage tourism, and should federal and state governments be doing more to better serve rural communities through
February, 2015!