2013 Pei Yi Cho's Portfolio

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2010-2013 +嗄886-958395099



Pei Yi Cho cho5099@hotmail.com.tw +886-958395099 3F., No.409, Zhongxing Rd., Guishan Township, Taoyuan County 333, Taiwan

Education National Cheng Kung University Department of Industrial Design Sept. 2010 - June 1014

Skills & Strength 2D / Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign

3D / Solidworks / Keyshot

Multimedia / Sony Vegas / Flash

Born in 1992, love to explore the world in any way, consider that DESIGN is a kind of bridge which can connect different fields. Therefore, designers should think more, experience more and enjoy in their lives more to bring the power of design into full play.



Design Experience 2012 WLT alumni association - Graphic Designer Final Exibition - Exibition Designer 2011 NCKU Design camp - Graphic Designer YDW "Design And Culture Integration" & "Intelligent Living Space" Workshop - Graphic Designer IDA Taipei - Narrator and Video editor of NCKU

USA "Work and Travel" Program in Six Flags Great Adventure, NJ

Event Participation 2013

RCA X NCKU "Mind the Gap" Workshop


2011 47th Rainbow Project - One day trip for mental disabilities

Tainan MUN / Model United Nations UNFCCC Conference


Trekking Taiwan Project - Tribal experience

2010 NCKU X STU "Double D" Design Workshop

PEGA D&E "Growth of Ideas" Design Workshop in Taiwan Designer's Week


Product Design

OK,GO! Hair Dryer Design



Kitchen Product for The Elder



Tape Dispensor Design


Future Clothing

Usability Design & Future Product Exploitation


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Texture research

Graphic Design

2.5D Variation of Paper


Ms. Nanny

Baby Pruducts Brands CIS Design

Environmental Experiment

South Stream Magazine Editing

Boundary Public Art Design


NCKU ID Final Exibition Main Visual Concept

Design's Week Poster Design

Goodbye Dears

2011 NCKU ID Camp

Trigger of Emotion Expression

Certificate Design




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OK,GO! Hair Dryer Design Topic Research in Group Individual Design

"I hope the wire of my hair Dryer could never be so annoying when i try to pack it up in my suitcast."

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Details Target user

Traveler, People living in limited space


8.5*9*16 cm3


A new way to pack the hair blower with its wire Visual effect improve - It can erect on the plane surface

Intention As a student who lives in dormitory where people don't have too much private space, I was always annoyed by my hair dryer because I can't find a efficient way to arrange its wire and make it look better on the shelf. On the other hand, the young have the opportunity of bringing there own hair dryer when staying in cheap hostel. If the wire wasn't packed well, it may be a interference everytime the owner wants to take something out from his suitcase.

To arrange the hair dryer with ease and more efficient to pack it up

Persona &


Tony Male / College student

Tony lives in school dormitiry and likes to go on a trip in free time; tends to leave the wire unbunched on the table 'cause it's too annoying for him to arrange it everytime after he use the hair dryer. If he need to pack the hair dryer up to stay in other place, he'd just encase it in a plastic bag in case of.the wire tangle up with other things in his little suitcase. With the re-designed hair dryer, Tony got used to wrap the wire around the hair dryer and it's never a problem to carry it out. What's more, it even becomes a decoration on the shelf!

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OK, GO! Hair Dryer Design

The machine consist of several components, such as a fan, a motor and a heating coil, etc. So, our first step is disassembling a hair dryer in order to know more about the inside and remind us what should be considered when re-design a hair dryer.


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Sketch & Define the Size Sketched of the possible shapes and what the posture of hand would be when manipulating it.



To make the product more suitable for traveler to pack up in the luggage, I consulted the smallest size of available hair dryers, which is foldable and the size is 6.0*8.7*14.8 cm3. The size of "OK,GO!" hair dryer is 9*8.5*16cm, which includes the bulk of wire and the shape is more eazy to be packed up in a luggage.

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OK, GO! Hair Dryer Design How to Use

Final Present

step 1. Undraw the body of machine. step 2. Wrap the wire around the central part inside the shell. step 3. Use the tenon on the cover to fix the wire.

Prototype I made two kind of prototype before well defining every details. One of them mainly focus on the measurement and the other is a experiment of another way to wrap the wire.


inside is heating coil where to wrap the wire

mesh metal screen tenon for the plug

the exit of wire

the electric motor, and the fan on/off button

where the air is sucked in the starting point of wire

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Innovation By changing the traditional shape into this one, the wire can be hidden inside the shell and the machine itself also serve as a decoration with its unique curve.

Feature On/Off Button Simplify the function to the basic - The speed and temerature are restricted to default.

Tenon Make use of the space and component, the cover, to fix the plug.

Flat Bottom The machine can stand on the plane with its flat bottom.

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Kitchen Product Design for The Elder Target User Research in Group Individual Design

"Oil, salt, calorie, leave my mouth alone!"

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User Research

Google the topic, as well as,

Target user

The elder; people who care about healthy diet


25*19*5.5 cm3


It's Adjustable to assort with different size of plates Filter superfluous oil and sauce to help people avoid absorb too many calories and salt and fat.

Interview my mom and grandpa to get the firsthand data

The target user is defined as the elder, aged over 50 years old and still having the ability to take care themselves well. According to the data we founded, we generalized some symptom of aging ... Mentally


/slowed movement /decreased sensibility /memory lose /declining visual abilities /loss of mobility, agility, and flexibility /...

/depression /longliness /refuse to admit their aging and the need of help /...

Environmental Research In Taiwan ,the traditional kitchen system is not friendly to the elder. With the increasing lifespan, more and more problems appear...


Traditional Taiwanese food tend to be added lots of oil to make the food taste better and look delicious. On the other hand, the elder may add extra amount of salt or oil due to their declining sense of taste.

Cooking & Diet Habits

According to the data, the elder who cooks frenquently is less possible to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. If the elder willing to spend more time in kitchen, can the kitchen become a new place to interact with others and make cooking a method to reduce longliness or depression?

Interpersonal Relationship

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O-fliter Kitchen product design for The Elder

Branstorming & Sketching

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O-fliter Kitchen Product Design for The Elder

Prototype At first, the size of the filter was smaller and not shaped in round. But I change it after I made the prototype ,trying to munipulate the process of using, finding it was not efficient to use.

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Design Concept Healthy Diet

Chinese cooking methods tend to add many oil, water, sauce, which mixed with food and put in the same containers. O-fliter id designed as a tool which can efficiently filter the liquid and prevent people from absorbing too much calories.

The Elder's Cooking Habits

More people begin to regard for healthy diet, but the elder's cooking habits may hard to change immediately. So, with the O-filter, the elder don't need to change the habits and can still avoid unhealthy things.

The patterns of the containers aren't unified

There are always many kinds of plates in the family cupboard, and they are hard to unified the visual style when placed on the table. O-filter can be a method to solve the problem and create new atmosphere with its bright colors.

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O-fliter Kitchen Product Design for The Elder Adjustable The O-fliter can adjust to difference depth of the container, just like the image shows.



Easy to filter and shift


If the user want to keep the rest food to next meal, he can just pull up the handle on the side and fliter the surplus oil and sauce and contain the food in another smaller clean plate.

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The bottom is risen high and there are several hold on this part to let the oil be flitered.

There are grooves on the outside surface, which make it easy to fold and fix the edge height of O-filter.

O-fliter is made of silicon which can show in bright color; therefore, O-fliter can be a kind of decoration for the table and create a joyful atmosphere.

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Tape Dispenser Design Individual Design

"Oh, I forgot to bring my scissors!" "Don't worry, 'cause you have the Snail."

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Details Target user

Students; People who want an alternative to traditional heavy tape dispenser.


4.2*2*1.7 cm3


The size is small and easy to carry with. Directly combine the blade and the tape, more convenient to dispense the tape.

There have been too much stuff on the desk; tape is an essential but not a daily-needed tool. Also, it's really hard to despense tapes without scissers.

Intention A tape dispenser is convenient to be used anytime and anywhere and do not occupy space.

The shape of the tape dispenser was based on the inspiration of snail. When it is set on the tape, they will look like a snail with a big big shell.


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Snail Tape Disepenser Design

Prototype I used thick paper to make the model, trying to find a resonable way to combine the dispenser with tape as well as a better-looking shape.

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Button To control the position of the blade


Design Concept The tape dispenser consists of two parts - the upper layer and the below. Just use finghers to seperate them, and set the tape between them. There are delicate rails on the inner wall and make it easy to operate.

When you want to despense the tape, use the top button to push out the blade, which will automatically pull back in case of accident.

Double layer rails When the tape become thinner after using, user can adjust to upper rails to stabilize the tape.

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Details Target user

No limited


A technological cloth which can display image on surface. It can be a new platform of interaction and sharing imformation.

FUTURE CLOTHING Usability Design & Future Product Exploitation Research and Design in Group

"Show your style, design your own cloth, and Always be at the leading edge of fashion!"

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Future Clothing Future Product Exploitaiton Project

Topic Research

In the past, why do people wear cloth?

Cool- proof

In the future , what kind of cloth people will wear?

Cover body

TOUCH A sense of belonging

Fashion Image Board

Status Symbol

Experience in life

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Technology Study To make a feasible product,

Design Concept 1. Show personal style 2. Can enhance interpersonal relationship 3. Keep intersting people and variable

Texture Display

Mood and Belief Pattern

we want to know more about how is the technology of E-textile and the development direction in the furture. So we collected lots of information about this feild.

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Future Clothing Future Product Exploitaiton Project

Introdution There are two modes supported by the Future Clothing. One is Mood Sensing and Dispalying, which the color of cloth will change according to the wearer's mood. And the other is Image Display, the wearer can display what he want on the cloth and share the image with others.

1. Mood Sensing and Dispalying Mood Sensing and Display Image Display and Sharing

The mode buttons are at the inner layer of cuff.

Turn the cuff inside out → press the button → start the Mood-mode There are sensors which were sewed into the fiber, detecting the change the wearer's pulse and skin. Then, they will calculate the data and turn it into corresponding colors.

2. Image Displaying

This mode can be divided into two parts, sharing and display setting.

How to share the image?

Turn the cuff inside out; press the button to start the mode

Connect to the other wearer. There will be a gilltering sign representing connecting successfully.

Bang each other with fists to transfer the image.

The sender' s fist should move from the top down, and the addressee should keep static.

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How to disply the image?

Take a picture

Start the App

Pick up the picture


Retouch the picture

Follow the instructor and shake the cell phone

Operation The flow chat shows the simplified steps to use the App and display the image.

Set the display items

Connect with cloth

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Future Clothing Future Product Exploitaiton Project Assign a Mission, and Design the Interface of App This part we designed the interface of App which

The following flow chat is the process of Usability Design achieve these missions: 1. Pick up a photo. 組員 陳竑文三 徐華錚 卓霈宜 洪崑涵 黃義峻 2. Retouch it and turn it into cartoon style. 3. Display the final image on the cloth.

will show when the cloth-wearer want to display Shirtyle a photo on his cloth. prototyping We used paper and color pan to illustrate the icon and the instruction. Operate procedure









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We used Flash to make the interface of App and then conneted the file to arduino to simulate the real condition of operating. Cause this was our first time to apply Arduino, we only simulated how the App works when adjust the size and position of the image on the cloth.

Arduino Application

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Future Clothing Future Product Exploitaiton Project

Demonstration Video





SHARING After deside the topic and the detail function, my partners and I filmed a video to introduce our design and the scenario when people wearing the Future Clothing.


A guy was bored with the old clothes in his closet.

He saw the vandor was selling a sepcial cloth and he bought one..

Then, he put on the cloeh and stated to experience the product.

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Reveal the details of fuction.


Funtion 2

Mood Sensing and Dispalying

Image Displaying

FINISH The second fuction Includes two parts, individual displaying and images sharing.

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2.5 D Variation of Paper Individual Design "It's not just a sheet of paper."

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Details Standard

54*54*? cm3

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2.5D Variation of Paper

片 Peel

刺 There are so many kind if texture in our lives and each of them have different sence of touch. I used thick paper to simulate some texture. By trying different methods to process paper, I found that paper can be more than a paper. There are many possibilities between the 1mm thickness.


洗 Wash

刮 Scrape

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割 Rub

泥 Cut

絨 Node

壓 nap

塊 Scales


揉 Pellet

刷 Gap



尖 Brush


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Inspiration Everytime we students go to library for studying, most of them tend to pick the seat which nobody sits besides. If somebody take the seat next to where we sit, we will feel uncomfortable and it's hard to avoid being interfere by others.

BOUNDARY Public Art Design Design in Group "We live in our own comfort zone, but are inevitably interfered by others."

The Light

The front of the library is coverd by turf, where several lamps stand on top. We take the visual impression of light to figure people's feeling.

The Rings

The rings represent the degree of sensitiveness to the distance between ownself and others. The shorter the distance is, the more nervous and uneasier people feel. On the other hand, two individuals will interfere each other, so we made the line shape in waves or overlap the other, as a symbolization of kinds of interpersonal relationship.


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Boundary Public Art Design

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View during the Day

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Boundary Public Art Design

1st Presentation


More discussion and devision Envitonment observation

Revise our concept



2nd Presentation & Group critiques

Prototype making

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Final presentation & Professors' critic

Night View

End product making

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| 53 2013 workshop with RCA platform 17 Topic

Mind the Gap


Tainan Train Station

GOODBYE DEARS Trigger of Emotion Expression Design in Group

"Please give me a hug and a kiss-goodbye, before the train leaves."

Environment Observation To start to do this project, we went to Tainan train station first to observe the environment and find out the problems existing in this place.

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Goodbye Dears Trigger of Emotion Expression


InspIration People in UK tend to express their feeling more intuitively and direct. They hug, kiss and send flowers when they meet up with their acquaintance and it’s quite common to see flower shops in the train station.





By contrast, Taiwanese just simply say goodbye and leave. They are shy to express their emotions and keep their care gently.




Main Concept

How can we encourage Taiwanese to Be brave to express their emotions when saying goodbye?

Target Group

Most Phone Calls Card


Most Phone Calls

Lots of Food

one Just y MSG Ph Calls Sa Goodbye

Elderly s Parentld)




We listed different ways of saying goodbye in different kind of relationships.

Couples Cards Hug

MSG Flowers Phone Kiss Calls


Finally, we chose couples as our target to do the experiment because we found out that couples may be more possible to show love and emotion.

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Experiment We picked up five way to encourage couples to open their mind and express their feelings bravely.




Secret Kissing hat


Outcome Many people refused to response to our activities. Even the couples who were willing to hug or kiss looks awkward to hug each other. Using the Notes might be the most successful way to encourage people to open their mind. We considered that it is easier for people to understand what we are doing through pictures. Also, we noticed that even foreigners in Tainan Station are shy to express their feelings.

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Goodbye Dears Trigger of Emotion Expression

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Conclusion We've got several interesting results from those different experiments.

1. Taiwanese-are mmore -willing -to- open- their- herts-to foreigner. 2. The- atmosphere -of -the -environment- could- affect -people’s- behavior . According to our conclusion of the experiments, we’d love to design a device which can encourages people to express their feelings when saying goodbye as well as notice culture difference between British and Taiwan.

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CIS Design for Baby Pruducts Brands


Colour Plan

R:1 G:2 B:67

R:169 G:234 B:228

R:254 G:253 B:188

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Business Card Envelope

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SOUTH STREAM Magazing Editing

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Cover Design

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Contents Editing


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NCKU ID FINAL EXIBITION Main Visual Concept Design

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DESIGN'S WEEK Poster Design

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2011 NCKU DESIGN CAMP Certificate Design

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Insprired by the july sunshine and blossom.

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Pei-Yi Cho's portfolio 2010-2013 +ĺ—„886-958395099


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