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New Term: Back block: connect frames but still allow movement Material: - Timber: Engineering timber (stronger)—flooring system + Structural timber (denser) - Concrete: both pre-cast concrete and in-situ concrete - Plasterboard: Cladding - Steel: Structural system Structural Elements: Joints: Gang nail joint (used to connect two vertical members); Metal joint (used to connect two horizontal members) Wall system: vertical stud, nogging, top plate, cross or ply bracing, bottom plate Roof system: rafter, ridge beams, ceiling joist, wall plate, overhanging Foundation: Slabs, columns, beams Peiyi Wang 668731

Current Stage: Roof Structure, only structural system no enclosure or mechanical system Roof system: the roof has not finished yet, what can be seen at this stage is a timber made structure with trusses for stabilization. Timber framing system: Timber stud wall placed with small spacing, and the windows are made by timber and aluminum frames Foundation system: Single layer of concrete slab that was poured on site, Retaining wall was constructed for the car park at ground level.


Week 6


Current Stage: Most parts of the structural system have already finished, now the enclosure system and mechanical are constructed. Wall system: Timber framework stud wall Brick veneer exterior Roof system: I-beam used for ceiling Mechanical system: Drainage system is installed at the perimeter around the building and inside it using pipes with different thicknesses for different function, such as pipe for toilet, for kitchen, etc. 2 Studs are used here because the load is concentrated here New Term: Diagonal steel bracing

Other material: - Concrete blocks - Masonry bricks - Steel - Timber: plywood and LVL Peiyi Wang 668731

SITE 2 NORTH MELBOURNE Structural Elements: Joints: Fixed joints Bracing: Metal bracing (Diagonal steel) and Sheet bracing Wall system: vertical stud, nogging, top plate, cross or ply bracing, bottom plate, masonry units, etc. Roof system: ceiling joist Week 6

Material 1-- I Beam: a timber product used as strong joists for roof system (celling joists) and usually cheap




Pictures and load path diagrams for the canopy structure of Oval Pavilion Building Trusses


Steel Timber: Cypress Glulam Post



Structure of our group

The material used by this group is balsa sheet, which is relatively weaker than the materials used in our group because it is thinner and therefore bears less loads Peiyi Wang 668731

The material used by this group is Popsicle stick. As a result, lots of joints are forms due to the length limitation of sticks, which could largely decrease the strength. After bearing too much load, the structure made by fragments will start to break down Week 6


Concrete roof

W06 02_LEARNING LOOP Flat roof: pitch is between 1-3 degree

Structural steel framed roof 1. Flat: composed by primary and secondary beam 2. Slope: beams and purlins 3. Portal frame: connected by rigid joints

Material used for roofing system: Concrete. Timber and Steel Some timber products that could be used in roofing system: (envs10003, w6 m2). They can be used as rafters


Pitched and sloping roof: pitch is greater than 3 degree

Concrete slab used here could be precasted or in situ, and reinforcement here is necessary (Ching, 2014). Concrete roof cannot be totally flat, it needs to have small angle to prevent ponding. Moreover, waterproof is required (envs10003, w6 c1).


Truss roof Steel/timber

Ching, 2014

Peiyi Wang 668731

Spaced frame: 3D Truss Week 6

Steel: is an alloy that consist mainly Fe and C, and it could be used as framing materials or sheeting (cladding) material in a roof system (envs10003, w6 m2). And steel could also be used as reinforcement with concrete to form a flat concrete roof (envs10003 w6 c1).

Mechanical system can be found on a roof (Ching, 2014) and the spaces inside a truss roof or a spaced frame are designed for any cable to put in, this could increase the efficiency on space using (envs10003, w6 c1) 5

W06 03_GLOSSARY APPENDIX Alloy: Alloy is a kind of materials that is composed by 2 or more metal elements; therefore, the properties of this kind of material are more than single metal elements (envs10003, w6 m1).

Eave: Eave is the cantilever in a roofing system, which could also be called as overhanging (H. Mitcheltree, personal communication, September 5, 2014).

Portal frame: Portal frame is a kind of structural steel framed roofs that rigid joints connect the beams and columns on that structure (envs10003, w6 c1).

Cantilever: Cantilever is a kind of structural members that are only supported at one end, and is could be vertical, horizontal or angled (Beams and Cantilever, 2014).

Peiyi Wang 668731

Week 6


Purlin: Purlin is the horizontal element positioned above beams and under the decking in a sloping roof that is framed by structural steel or timber (envs10003, w6 c1).

Rafter: Rafter is an element that is built from the ridge beam to wall plate and it is in a light framed roofing system that is mainly constructed by timber (envs10003, w6 c1).

Peiyi Wang 668731

Soffit: Soffit is the surface area where is underneath the overhanging on a roof (Ching, 2014).

Top chord: Top chord is the beam that is at the top of a truss in the roofing system (Ching, 2014).

Week 6


W06 04_REFERENCE LIST Beams and Cantilever. (2014). ENVS10003 [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from University of Melbourne, LMS web site: https://app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/courses/ENVS10003_2014_SM2/WEEK%2004/BEAMS%20AND%20CANTIL EVERS.pdf Ching, F. (2014). Building Construction Illustrated (5th ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons. Envs10003. (2014, April 1). W05 m3 Engineered Timber Products [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YrYOGSwtVc&feature=youtu.be Envs10003. (2014, April 9). W06 c1 Roof Systems [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5ms8vmhs50&feature=youtu.be Envs10003. (2014, April 9). W06 m1 Introduction to Metals [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RttS_wgXGbI&feature=youtu.be Envs10003. (2014, April 9). W06 m3 Non Ferrous Metals [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDtxb7Pgcrw&feature=youtu.be

Peiyi Wang 668731

Week 6


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