Pelehti 2019 - Booklet for master students

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PELEHTI 2019 | Booklet for master students

Table of contents GREETINGS FROM THE CHAIRWOMAN ............................................... 3 GUILD INTRODUCTION....................................................................... 4 THE BOARD OF PELLETTI.................................................................. 5 GREETINGS FROM TUTORS ............................................................... 6 TEEKKARICULTURE AND TRADITIONS ................................................ 8 SURVIVAL ........................................................................................ 9 ACADEMIC ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS TEK .................................. 10 OVERALLS........................................................................................ 11 FRESHMAN YEAR IN 4 PICTURES .................................................... 12 CHECKLIST...................................................................................... 13 SOCIAL MEDIA................................................................................. 14

Publisher: Sponsor: Editor: Printing:

Pelletti ry Tekniikan akateemiset TEK Sonja Töyrylä LUT Yliopistopaino


Trexler Hirn, Kamran Hossain, Fatemeh Jouzi, Jenni Partti, Pallav Shrestha, Minttu Valjakka, Vertti Vesanto


Miika Tiainen, Joni Kinnunen, Ella Hatara


Ella Hatara


GREETINGS FROM THE CHAIRWOMAN Congratulations of your study place in Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology. You are currently reading the magazine Pelehti, made by student association called Pelletti ry. This magazine introduces Pelletti ry, student life and especially persons who will introduce you to a new and fascinating student life in Lappeenranta. Environmental technology students are a close community, and we have a great team spirit. The new students are warmly welcomed and you get know our guild’s member from younger to older ones really well. Tutors will help you get started in your studies and all the practicalities associated with university studies. Moving in Lappeenranta and a new school can seem really scary, but I'm sure you can quickly find new friends and feel at home. I myself remember the first days of a new place where I knew no one. After the first days, however, I noticed how awesome the experience of university life is. Pelletti will make sure that everyone feels welcome. The campus area is also close, and in Lappeenranta it is easy to live in harmony with all students, regardless of the field. Working together and experiencing will increase you as a person more than you can imagine. You are coming to a place where there is a unique sense of community and a common spirit called the Skinnarila Spirit. During your freshman year, you'll find out what this all means. As chairwoman of the Pelletti I would like to welcome you to Pellet and to this great community! My most important tip is this: be curious and open-minded about everything that student life brings! Looking already forward to freshman weeks Jenni Partti Chairwoman of the board, Pelletti ry


GUILD INTRODUCTION WHAT IS GUILD? A ”guild” is a link between a degree program and its respecive students. A guild’s main purpose is to bring together students studying the same field. Guilds are a very important aspect of teekkari culture organizing social activities, providing feedback on studies and introducing career opportunities in your field of study. Guilds are also in charge of tutoring freshmen and new students and introducing them to the university and program.

WHAT IS PELLETTI? Pelletti ry is the student organization for environmental technology students of Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology. Pelletti represents all environmental students at LUT. Our goal is to connect environmental technology students as group, to guide and integrate new students into their studies and student life and to represent our interests at the university. Pelletti serves its members needs academically, socially and professionally. Pelletti is a link between its students and the university, and has an influence on study matters. One of our main tasks is gathering feedback about the environmental technology courses and presenting it to the department to continue to develop the education in our university. Additionally, we manage public relations with the departments of School of Energy Systems and other guilds mainly here in Lappeenranta, and occasionally with other universities. Pelletti also co-operates with companies that are related to environmental engineering organizing excursions and company visits. Also, we are taking part of decision making in the Student Union of

Lappeenranta University of Technology (LTKY). All of this is possible thanks to our active members, our committees and Pelletti’s board.



Pelletti aims to fulfil the expectations and hopes of its members in the best way possible. Guild room: Our guild room is located in LUT’s 1st building (room 1224). It is the place where you can hang out with other guild members, play cards or PlayStation. In exchange for a coffee fee, you can drink coffee or tea while enjoying your time in our guild room. Weekly letter: You can get a weekly newsletter to your email, it has the latest events and news. Overalls: Our guild’s grey overalls are included with membership. Events: The Guild of Environmental Technology plans and organizes parties, excursions, sports events and other events for its members. The guild arranges a lot of activities especially for first-year students called freshmen or fuksi in Finnish. Excursions: Visits to different interesting companies (excursions) are an essential part of our activity as well.


THE BOARD OF PELLETTI Each of the board members have a specific field they take care of, and together the board takes care of the members of the guild and all the things happening in the guild. The guild has a board consisting of 9 students selected annually. The board is responsible for organizing events and looking after the guild members’ interest. There are also 5-10 guild officials, who help organize events, keep our guild room clean, inform and keep in touch with the support groups of the guild.

HOW TO JOIN? You can join to a guild online on guild’s website or by coming to the guild room and talking to one of the board members. The membership costs 15 euros.

GREETINGS FROM TUTORS I am a mother, my name is Fatemeh Jozie and I come from Iran. No matter where I am and what I do, I enjoy my life and I am surprised by nature and her beauty, people and their abilities, and human mind. Before starting my second master’s in sustainability science and solutions at LUT, I studied Physics and Philosophy of Science at my home university in Iran and I worked as a journalist for several years. My tutor’s warm greetings last year when I came here was an exciting start for this new period in my life and now it is my turn to be with you to assist in finding proper answers and solving problems after your arrival. Welcome to this nice and peaceful campus!

My Name is Kamran Hossain. I am from Bangladesh and started Master of Science in Environmental Technology with focusing on Sustainability Science and Solutions in Lappeenranta University of Technology in 2018. Becoming a tutor comes into my mind after getting benefit from my tutor in the last year when I was a tutee. As a tutor, my moto is to help newcomers to smooth their beginning in Lappeenranta. Moreover, I am a proud and active member of our guild called Pelletti, a student associations of Environmental Technology department in the LUT. We have a nice environment in our guild room where every guild member hangout with other members in their free time. Not only that, Pelletti arranges different kinds of cultural activities, parties as well as company trips throughout the year. So, I will highly recommend newcomers to join Pelletti.

Hello! I am an outdoorsy, adventurous and thill-seeking person, some call me a 21st century hippy, others call me Trexler. I’m from the mountains of Colorado and did my bachelor's in chemistry in Pennsylvania before moving to Lappeenranta for my master’s in August of 2018. I enjoy meeting people, doing random fun things and learning from others’ insights on life and the world. I also hope people can learn from mine. As a tutor I hope to be of assistance with matters related to school, student life and things to do in Lappeenranta, as well as to get to know you, your ideas and outlooks. I would like to expand the humble Finnish welcome from Pelletti with a tang of bold American, err, crazyness. My general philosophy is work hard play harder while connecting to our living planet. You gotta keep life fun and interesting to feed the passion for your studies. Looking forward to meeting you all soon!

I am Pallav Shrestha and I am from Nepal. I am doing my masters in Lappeenranta since August 2018. I did my bachelor's from TAMK, Tampere in Environmental Engineering. From experience; new university, new city or new country can be overwhelming. That’s what tutors are for, to ease you into the new environment. My tutors helped me settle and make the whole transitioning experience convenient and fun. I hope to pass it on.


TEEKKARICULTURE AND TRADITIONS Teekkari culture has a long history and traditions, which makes the student life here unique. Teekkaris are known as fun people, who often get into crazy projects. We encourage you to try out as many things and events as you can, it’s sure fun! The most important aspect of being a teekkari is having fun and being a part of a community. Here’s a few important aspects of the culture.

Freshman point scorecard Freshmen points are collected with freshmen point cards. These cards have mandatory points that need to be completed, and voluntary points, from which you can choose enough points to complete at least the minimal amount required.

Teekkari Cap Teekkari Cap is the symbol of teekkari. The cap has been used among technical students for over 100 years. It is white, hexagonal shape and has a black tassel. It is a summer cap, worn in 1.5.-30.9. To get a teekkari cap, new students have to collect freshmen points. It is fun and useful, as it helps students to integrate in the community. A person who hasn’t accomplished the tasks and gotten the cap, isn’t allowed to wear one. After gathering thepoints, new students get to put their cap on the midnight of the potentially organized Wappu.

Overalls Most students in Finland have overalls. Overalls differ in color based on their guild and distinguish what students are studying. Students traditionally decorate their overalls with badges, patches and other stuff.

Sitsit Sitsit are an academic table party, where a three-course meal is served, as well as drinks. The main point is to spend the evening together and sing. Singing is an important part of the teekkari culture and teekkaris love to sing. In sitsit, you get to sing for the whole evening by the lead of the song leaders. There is usually a dresscode for sitsit, it can be fancy or have a theme.


SURVIVAL Health Services FSHS, Finnish Student Health Service (YTHS, Ylioppilaiden terveydenhoitosäätiö) is an organisation that provides health care services for students of universities. There is an FSHS service unit in the campus area. To get this student friendly health care you have to be a member of LTKY. Check

Student card Members of LTKY are entitled to apply for student card, which gives you many discounts and other benefits. Digital student card is free. Student card is required for student discount on the VR train. Application and information:

Sports Exercise at campus with Salut, that offers both gym practise and group training with student friendly prices. Check

Eating There are many restaurants in Skinnarila in which you can get lunch at student friendly price. To see the menu of the week in all restaurants check

Housing Need to find a student apartment? Apply for all possible student apartments. Check and apply for LOAS Check also private apartments.

Transport Lappeenranta offers good public transportation. It’s easy to go to different places in Lappeenranta area by bus. Check and for different routes. A bus card can be purchased in the Aalef store.

ACADEMIC ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS TEK TEK or Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland is an interest group for graduates and students of engineering, architecture, computing science and natural science at university. TEK supports its members in their studies and their careers by offering best tailored services. In TEK’s 72 000 members there are around 20 000 students. TEK acts as part of Akava (Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland) in labor market. Also, TEK acts in education and technology policy by supporting technology and its valuing and applications in terms of sustainable development. Its members TEK supports in every part of their careers and students have almost every TEK’s services in their use, too.

TEK’s student benefits: •

Salary Surveyor and recommendations

Job hunting services

CV Clinic

TEK Lounge at LUT campus

Electronic newsletter

Unemployment Insurance

Several discounts for members from

Students are involved in decision making in TEK. TEK is taking part of organizing and supporting several events and other students’ activities around campus area and outside of it during academic year. When student membership costs nothing (0 €) are the benefits at least good. The student membership doesn’t obligate you anything, so when graduating you can choose, if you want to keep on as TEK’s member or not. Joining as a member happens easy on TEK’s web site.

insurances, hotels and many other

So, what role do I have in this? I’m Pelletti’s TEK guild contact person (in Finnish “TEK-kiltayhdyshenkilö” or briefer “kyhi”) and my most important taskis to communicate between TEK and Pelletti. There are also seven other guild contact persons (one for every engineering guild) and one TEK student liaison, who represent TEK in LUT campus area. So, if you have anything to ask about TEK, I have the answer for you!

services, for example.

See you in autumn!

More benefits can be found here.

Yours, Minttu Valjakka TEK guild contact person 2019 ps. TEK online


OVERALLS As a small guild the students in Pelletti are a tight group. Pelletti students are involved with student life and attend events frequently. You can see this for yourself by looking at the people wandering around in gray overalls. They are fellow guild members so feel free to go over and say hi. Overalls are an important piece of clothing for Finnish university students, especially for us in Pelletti. Every guild has a different color of overalls, and they are a kind of a symbol for the students. While wearing our gray overalls, we are representing sustainability science. Just keep in mind that the color of your overalls does not define who you can get to know or hang out with. We are very interdisciplinary in Lappeenranta, and have many friendships that span guilds and study year. Through the course of your studies everyone’s overalls will become unique with all the patches

and whatever else they want to attach to them, so feel free to do the same! So how do you get the overalls for yourself? When you join Pelletti your overalls will be included. This is becasue we have ads decorating our overalls. This is where I step into the picture. I’m in charge of contracting the ads to fund our overalls. We can order them for the new members as soon as we have enough ads to pay for the order. Here you have a chance to speed up the ordering process. If you know a person from a company who could possibly buy an ad placement let me or your tutor to know. We in the board of Pelletti will take care of the rest! Best regards, Vertti Vesanto Corresponding of the business relationships


FRESHMAN YEAR IN 4 PICTURES At the Pelletti guild room, you find coffee, tea, studying supplies, different kinds of games and great company for sure!

At the annual celebration you get to dress up and enjoy good food, show and company. Picture: Miika Tiainen

Ever since the welcoming week you’ll easily get to know other students from your own guild as well as from all the others. Picture: Joni Kinnunen

The freshmen get their teekkari baptism on the May Day eve at the end of the freshman year.

CHECKLIST Before arriving      

Read this booklet to get some basic information. Your tutor will send you an email. Reply to the email and let yout tutor know when you arrive. Apply for an apartment! Remember to pack some warm clothes too! It gets cold pretty fast in the autumn and winter. Some waterproof clothes are also good. Arrive before the orientation week. Join Pelletti’s fresmen 2019 Facebook group

After arriving 

    

Remember to register in the Finnish Population Information System at the Local Register Office (maistraatti). (required if you’re staying longer than a year) Remember to register of residence in the Finnish Immigration Service (required if you’re staying more than 90 days for non-EU and non-EEA citizens) Apply for a student card: Get a bus card. You can get it from Aalef for example. Aalef is LUTuniversity’s campusshop. Join Pelletti (see how to join) Enjoy your time in Lappeenranta!


SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK Freshmen group: Pelletti’s freshmen 2019 Pelletti’s page: Pelletti ry

INSTAGRAM @pellettiry

SNAPCHAT @pellettiry

And in the Internet:


Tutors welcome you to Lappeenranta!

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