Garrigan Land & Cattle Sale Catalog 2023

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It’s hard to believe we are all geared up for our 6th annual bull sale. For those who are new to our program, we’d like to say “Welcome,” and for those of you who know our program, we offer a big “Welcome back!”

Before we talk about the bulls, here’s a short family update. Justin and Somer are busy with Karsin’s wrestling season. Justin is helping coach again this year. Quentin finished his first season of elementary basketball and will be doing some traveling basketball this spring. Riley and Cally are busy with the high school girls’ basketball season. Cally helps coach, and Madelyn is a proud water girl. Riley and Gracie are the biggest fans in the stands! In amongst all the family fun, we are getting lots of new calves, and we are making sure the bulls look their best for sale day. We keep busy, but this season of the year remains one of our favorites!

We are very proud of the set of bulls we have to offer in this year’s sale. We are only selling what we consider our “best of the best.” These bulls were not creep fed as calves, and they have been on a developmental, high-roughage ration since weaning the first of October. Jack Sieban of J&R Feeds helps us develop the bulls and keep them on track to be ready to go for breeding season.

The unearthly cold in December was tough on all our animals, but we survived and are thankful for the moisture we’ve gotten this winter. We are praying that moisture will continue to come into the spring and summer months. Our goals for both our bulls and our cows haven’t changed. We continually strive toward consistency in our herd. We want eye-appealing, structurally-sound cows that produce a quality calf every year. We pay attention to the numbers, but we are not looking to blow any of the numbers through the roof. While we realize that data is important, we also know that the numbers are only part of the equation, and they are one of the many decision-making tools available to ranchers. In addition, we are always monitoring our herd docility. The bulls are handled many times throughout the development process, and because of their temperament, we enjoy being around them. We hold the same standards for our cows, and we actively cull any cows that don’t meet our docility standards.

Thank you again for your interest in our program. We invite you to stop at the ranch anytime to view the bulls, see our cows, and see our herd bulls. As always, we look forward to earning your business, and we hope to see you on sale day!

Justin, Somer, Quentin, and Karsin

Riley, Cally, Madelyn, and Gracie


Annual Bull Sale

bull sale monday, april 17, 2023 - 2pm (mt)

Faith Livestock Auction - Faith, SD


Dace Harper | 605-515-153


Dan Piroutek, Tri-State Livestock | 605-685-4556

Jon Millar, KBHB Radio | 605-347-0553

Jade Harper, Faith Livestock | 605-515-0337


The sale will be broadcast via Click on “Live Auctions” on sale day to view the sale. If you plan to bid via the internet, register one week in advance to make sure you are approved to bid at the sale. If you have trouble bidding online, we encourage you to contact Faith Livestock to place your bid.


Bull videos are available at


The terms of the sale are cash or check. Registration certificates will be transferred to the new owner(s) once payment is made. BULLS WILL SELL IN CATALOG ORDER. The sale will follow the suggested sale terms and conditions of the American Angus Association.


All announcements from the block on sale day will take precedence over the information in this catalog.


All bulls are guaranteed 100% for soundness and fertility at delivery. If a bull is injured or dies during the first breeding season, a replacement will be supplied, if available. If a replacement is not needed or available, we will offer a sale credit of up to $3,500. We will do our best to accommodate your individual situation.


Branding Impressions, Sturgis SD | 605-347-0402


Faith Livestock Commission Co.

127 N. 5th Ave. W. Faith, SD 57626


Faith Livestock | 605-967-2200

Justin Garrigan | 605-280-9220

Riley Garrigan | 605-280-9722


Bulls have been on a shot protocol recommended by Dr. Tammy Winger of Faith Veterinary Service.

Birth: Alpha CD, Inforce 3

Branding: Inforce 3, One Shot BVD

Preconditioning: Ultrabac 7 with Somnus, Bovishield Gold 1 Shot

Post-Weaning: Inforce 3, Autogenous, Pulmaguard

PHM-1, Dectomax Injectable

Fertility Testing: Fusogard (booster 3 weeks later), Clean-Up


All bulls on today’s sale have passed their fertility examination as performed by Dr. Rhett Scoggins; therefore, they will be ready to take home on sale day if you choose. Scrotal and pelvic measurements will be available sale day.


A $50 credit will be given for each bull taken home on sale day. GLC offers free delivery within 300 miles. GLC will do all they can to accommodate any further distances. GLC will start bull delivery immediately after the sale. Talk to Justin or Riley if alternate arrangements need to be made with any bulls you purchase.


GLC plans to keep 1/3 semen interest in all bulls sold at today’s sale.


Lot 1

GLC Coalition 8432

HF Syndicate 213Z

U-2 Coalition 206C

U2 Erelite 109Z V D A R Cedar Wind 1064 GLC Queen Lass 843 Garrigan Queen Lass 4DG1

GLC Resilient 392

• Stalky, extremely deep-ribbed bull who carries lots of muscle

• Dam WR – 8 @ 108 – Pathfinder.

• Dam regularly produces bull calves with herd sire caliber. We’ve used two of her calves in our own herd.

GLC Valor 7072



• Big, square hips with an overall classic Angus look • Lot’s of performance without sacrificing style • Dam is our most productive Charlo daughter.

DOB: 02/24/22 Reg #: 20577420 BRAND: 392
BW: 80 Adj WW: 676 Ratio: 110 Adj. YW: 1364 Ratio: 116 ADG: 4.26 Ratio: 126 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 13 -0.9 59 101 28 0.55 0.49 0.042 34 % 10 15 60 65 40 60 70 90 85 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW
2 Sitz Stellar
Sitz Resilient 10208 Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 Connealy Mentor 7374 Garrigan Mentor 901
R L Integrity Babe 901 DOB: 02/25/22 Reg #: 20587745 BRAND: 8432
BW: 91 Adj WW: 698 Ratio: 113 Adj. YW: 1400 Ratio: 118 ADG: 4.35 Ratio: 129 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 4 2.9 68 128 31 0.38 0.35 0.014 67 % 70 85 30 20 31 75 90 55 10 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Stylish bull with high growth • Monster ADG • Dam WR – 3 @
108 – Pathfinder
DOB: 03/02/22 Reg
20473310 BRAND: 7072
Lot 2
BW: 86 Adj WW: 653 Ratio: 106 Adj. YW: 1341 Ratio: 113 ADG: 4.26 Ratio: 126 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 6 2.1 67 122 29 -0.15 0.67 0.034 47 % 55 70 35 30 30 95 45 80 55 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW
VDAR Stout 2837
Stout 319
C C & 7 944
GLC Blackcap
Garrigan Blackcap 4RW1

GLC Reputation 9192

GLC Coalition 8402

DOB: 03/08/22 Reg #: 20580608 BRAND: 9192
BW: 95 Adj WW: 665 Ratio: 108 Adj. YW: 1324 Ratio: 111 ADG: 4.09 Ratio: 121 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD -5 4.9 76 132 20 0.45 0.42 0.024 60 % 95 95 15 15 83 70 80 70 25 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Classic Angus look – lots of style, excellent disposition, and excellent feet • Dam WR – 2 @ 107 4 S A V Renown 3439 Millars Renown 912 Millars Queen Lass 8276 V D A R Cedar Wind 1044 GLC All Lady 919 Miss JT All Lady 978 Lot 4 DOB: 02/20/22 Reg #: 20587749 BRAND: 8402
BW: 73 Adj WW: 646 Ratio: 105 Adj. YW: 1270 Ratio: 107 ADG: 3.87 Ratio: 114 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 7 0.2 51 103 35 0.25 0.23 -0.017 40 % 45 30 80 60 5 90 95 15 70 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Smooth build with a great hind quarter and great foot structure • Dam WR – 3 @ 101 5 HF Syndicate 213Z U-2 Coalition 206C U2 Erelite 109Z V D A R Cedar Wind 1064 GLC Forever Lady 840 DRL Forever Lady 1L3 of 313 Lot 5 4

GLC Reputation 9212

S A V Renown 3439

Millars Renown 912

Millars Queen Lass 8276

V D A R Cedar Wind 1044

GLC Cattle Lady 921

• Millars Renown son from a 1044 daughter – lots of performance and cow making in this pedigree

Garrigan Cattle Lady 4MR11 Lot

• Larger frame with excellent feet and disposition

• Dam WR – 1 @ 113

GLC Roosevelt 8302

V D A R Churchill 1063 GLC Churchill 228 GLC Queen Lois 616 V D A R Cedar Wind 1044 GLC Elbora Key 830

Garrigan Elbora Key 548

long bull who carries his frame well •

3 @ 104

GLC Roosevelt 5432

Upward 1241 Garrigan Edella 543 Garrigan F Direction 418

GLC Valor 362

DOB: 02/24/22 Reg #: 20473332 BRAND: 362
BW: 98 Adj WW: 644 Ratio: 105 Adj. YW: 1226 Ratio: 105 ADG: 3.61 Ratio: 107 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 3 2.8 66 112 34 0.65 0.52 0.029 36 % 75 85 35 45 3 45 65 75 80 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Above average bull from a proven, 10 year old cow • Dam WR – 8 @ 105 – Pathfinder 9 VDAR Stout 2837 GLC Stout 319 Garrigan C C & 7 944 Mra Upward 1241 Garrigan R Upward 645 Millars Queen Lois 645 Lot 9 DOB: 02/26/22 Reg #: 20473299 BRAND: 5432
BW: 80 Adj WW: 595 Ratio: 97 Adj. YW: 1227 Ratio: 105 ADG: 3.91 Ratio: 116 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 8 0.7 58 112 24 0.88 0.25 0.048 49 % 35 40 60 45 51 25 95 90 50 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Stylish bull with added frame, capacity, and depth of rib • Proven calving ease cow with 6 calves averaging 75 lb @ birth 8 V D A R Churchill 1063 GLC Churchill 228 GLC Queen Lois 616 Mra
DOB: 02/20/22 Reg #: 20473324 BRAND: 8302
BW: 85 Adj WW: 614 Ratio: 100 Adj. YW: 1238 Ratio: 104 ADG: 3.87 Ratio: 114 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 8 -1.3 51 101 25 0.43 0.34 0.005 35 % 35 10 80 65 40 70 90 40 80 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Extra
Dam WR –
#: 20580609 BRAND: 9212
DOB: 02/28/22 Reg
Ratio: 113 Adj. YW:
Ratio: 109 ADG:
Ratio: 109 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD -4 3.7 67 111 30 0.45 0.39 0.028 62 % 95 95 35 50 11 70 85 75 20 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW
WW: 693

GLC Resilient 6522

GLC Coalition 8492

GLC Coalition 8482

DOB: 02/18/22 Reg #: 20577406 BRAND: 6522
BW: 75 Adj WW: 637 Ratio: 104 Adj. YW: 1205 Ratio: 103 ADG: 3.52 Ratio: 104 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 7 1.7 65 110 26 0.84 0.72 0.012 41 % 45 65 40 50 36 30 35 50 70 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Above
Dam & Sitz Upward
genetics here! • Dam WR – 5 @ 100 10 Sitz Stellar 726D Sitz Resilient 10208 Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 Garrigan Hoover Dam 2H2 GLC All Lady 652 Garrigan S Upward 978 DOB: 02/24/22 Reg #: 20587747 BRAND: 8482
average across the board
son that goes back to Hoover
on the
side – lots
BW: 89 Adj WW: 682 Ratio: 111 Adj. YW: 1215 Ratio: 102 ADG: 3.30 Ratio: 98 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 7 2.8 62 108 35 0.37 0.46 0.014 58 % 45 85 50 55 5 80 75 55 25 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Bull that exhibits great overall shape • Dam WR – 3 @ 98 12 HF Syndicate 213Z U-2 Coalition 206C U2 Erelite
D A R Cedar Wind 1064
Jeanne 848 Garrigan Jeanne 513 DOB: 02/24/22 Reg #: 20587746
BW: 89 Adj WW: 659 Ratio: 107 Adj. YW: 1221 Ratio: 103 ADG: 3.48 Ratio: 103 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 4 1.4 52 96 30 0.05 0.14 0.003 34 % 70 55 80 75 25 95 95 40 85 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Well-put
bull with good muscle expression and a great hip • Dam WR – 3 @ 102 11 HF
U-2 Coalition 206C U2 Erelite 109Z V D A R Cedar
GLC Cattle
Garrigan Cattle Lady
Syndicate 213Z
Wind 1064
Lady 849
517 Lot
Lot 12

GLC Resilient 6132

LOTS 14-16 are three excellent half brothers that would make great pasture mates. Rainmaker 4404 is known for consistently siring top-notch females.

GLC Rainmaker 0562

GLC Rainmaker 0582

GLC Rainmaker 0362

DOB: 02/27/22 Reg #: 20576009 BRAND: 362
BW: 88 Adj WW: 660 Ratio: 107 Adj. YW: 1242 Ratio: 106 ADG: 3.61 Ratio: 107 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 0 4.1 73 130 38 0.65 0.86 0.001 59 % 90 95 20 20 3 45 20 35 25 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Monster growth Rainmaker son • Top 2% Milk and top 20% for growth 16 Basin Rainmaker 2704 Basin Rainmaker 4404 Basin Joy 1036 GLC Black Granite 216 GLC Edella 036 Garrigan Edella 543 DOB: 02/23/22 Reg #: 20576006 BRAND: 562
BW: 79 Adj WW: 653 Ratio: 106 Adj. YW: 1242 Ratio: 106 ADG: 3.65 Ratio: 108 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 8 1.3 56 109 35 0.28 0.55 -0.005 50 % 35 55 65 50 17 85 65 30 45 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Rainmaker son with calving ease • Milk number is in the top 10%, along with foot EPD’s in the top 25% 14 Basin Rainmaker 2704 Basin Rainmaker 4404 Basin Joy 1036 Pine Creek Chisum 7017 GLC Queen 056 GLC Queen 839 DOB: 02/24/22 Reg #: 20576007 BRAND: 582
BW: 88 Adj WW: 641 Ratio: 104 Adj. YW: 1238 Ratio: 106 ADG: 3.70 Ratio: 109 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 7 0.8 66 114 30 0.47 0.75 0.017 48 % 45 40 35 40 16 70 30 60 50 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Rainmaker son with
calving ease • Above average across the board 15 Basin Rainmaker 2704 Basin Rainmaker 4404 Basin Joy 1036 GLC Huckleberry 498 GLC Elbora Key 058 GLC Elbora Key 830 DOB: 02/25/22 Reg #: 20577402 BRAND: 6132
BW: 88 Adj WW: 641 Ratio: 104 Adj. YW: 1195 Ratio: 102 ADG: 3.43 Ratio: 102 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 10 -1.4 57 104 29 0.77 0.52 0.017 26 % 20 10 65 60 23 35 65 60 95 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Resilient son that goes back to Comrade on the dam’s side • Dam WR – 5 @ 103 – YR 5 @ 101 • Dam is one of our favorites. 13 Sitz Stellar 726D Sitz Resilient 10208 Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 Connealy Comrade 1385 GLC Cardinal 613 Garrigan Mentor 313
Online bidding available at 7

GLC Stout 8372

GLC Roosevelt 8212

GLC Stout 6462

GLC Roosevelt 8282

DOB: 03/21/22 Reg #: 20473307 BRAND: 6462
BW: 96 Adj WW: 636 Ratio: 103 Adj. YW: 1167 Ratio: 105 ADG: 3.30 Ratio: 98 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 2 3.6 54 99 27 0.34 0.4 -0.001 38 % 85 95 75 70 29 80 85 35 75 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Smooth, moderate frame bull from a great cow line • Dam WR – 5 @ 101 19 V D A R Stout 1623 VDAR Stout 2837 V D A R Lass 3180 Garrigan Hoover Dam 2H2 GLC Forever Lady 646 DRL Forever Lady 1L3 of 313 DOB: 02/20/22 Reg #: 20473320 BRAND: 8212
BW: 92 Adj WW: 652 Ratio: 106 Adj. YW: 1158 Ratio: 97 ADG: 3.13 Ratio: 93 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD -1 2.1 61 113 21 0.59 0.18 -0.006 41 % 95 70 50 45 61 55 95 25 70 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Thick bull with a great profile • Dam WR – 3 @ 105 18 V D A R Churchill 1063 GLC Churchill 228 GLC Queen Lois 616 V D A R Cedar Wind 1044 GLC Blackbird 821
20473322 BRAND: 8282
DRL Blackbird 10 of 721 DOB: 02/23/22 Reg #:
BW: 92 Adj WW: 564 Ratio: 92 Adj. YW: 1182 Ratio: 100 ADG: 3.04 Ratio: 90 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 2 1.7 52 97 22 0.35 0.3 -0.014 28 % 85 65 80 70 64 80 90 20 90 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • ¾ brother to lots 23 and 31 • Dam WR – 3 @ 99 20 V D A R Churchill 1063 GLC Churchill 228 GLC Queen Lois 616
D A R Cedar
GLC Annie 828 Garrigan Annie 4U5 DOB: 03/11/22 Reg #: 20473328 BRAND: 8372
Wind 1044
BW: 84 Adj WW: 644 Ratio: 105 Adj. YW: 1206 Ratio: 102 ADG: 3.48 Ratio: 103 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 0 4.1 70 121 28 0.23 0.46 0.039 53 % 90 95 25 30 36 90 75 85 40 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • High growth and lots of performance – big hip and great feet • Dam WR – 3 @ 99 17 V D A R Stout 1623 VDAR Stout 2837 V D A R Lass 3180 GLC Huckleberry 496 GLC Blackbird 837 Garrigan Blackbird 4CF1
19 Lot 20 8

GLC Cavalry 9322

GLC Black Granite 7282

GLC Roosevelt 8272

GLC Valor 5492

DOB: 03/01/22 Reg #: 20473300 BRAND: 5492
BW: 81 Adj WW: 653 Ratio: 106 Adj. YW: 1115 Ratio: 95 ADG: 2.87 Ratio: 85 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 4 1.6 51 85 26 0.4 0.65 0.028 33 % 70 60 80 90 32 75 45 75 85 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Dam and paternal grand dam are two of the best cows we’ve raised in our program. • Dam WR – 6 @ 108 and YR – 5 @ 107 • Lots of maternal merit in this bull! 24 VDAR Stout 2837 GLC Stout 319 Garrigan C C & 7 944 Millars Extra 972 Garrigan Eriskay 549 Eriskay Answer 2FA5 DOB: 03/16/22 Reg #: 20473314 BRAND: 7282
BW: 75 Adj WW: 640 Ratio: 104 Adj. YW: 1152 Ratio: 103 ADG: 3.17 Ratio: 94 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 16 -3 50 84 17 0.33 0.23 0.037 21 % 1 1 85 90 91 80 95 85 95 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Extreme calving ease with an attractive overall appearance • Dam WR – 4 @ 104 • Proven calving ease dam – 4 calves with average 70 lb. BW 22 Connealy
GLC Black Granite 216 Garrigan Mentor 901 V D A R Cedar Wind 1044 GLC Cherry 728 Garrigan Cherry 518 DOB: 02/21/22 Reg #: 20473321 BRAND: 8272
Black Granite
BW: 92 Adj WW: 630 Ratio: 102 Adj. YW: 1115 Ratio: 94 ADG: 3.00 Ratio: 89 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 6 0.7 45 87 28 0.32 0.4 0.012 32 % 55 40 90 85 27 85 85 50 85 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • ¾ brother to lot 20 and 31 • Dam WR – 2 @ 101 23 V D A R Churchill 1063 GLC Churchill 228 GLC Queen Lois 616 V D A R Cedar Wind 1044 GLC All Lady 827 Garrigan All Lady 4U4 DOB: 03/15/22 Reg #: 20580610 BRAND: 9322
BW: 86 Adj WW: 579 Ratio: 94 Adj. YW: 1174 Ratio: 105 ADG: 3.70 Ratio: 109 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 4 2 35 65 32 0.39 0.39 -0.016 22 % 70 70 95 95 31 75 85 15 95 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Younger bull in the sale • Dam WR – 2 @ 108 • Dam is an exciting young cow. We kept her bull calf last year for a herd bull. 21 U-2 Coalition 206C GLC Coalition 170 GLC Queen 629 V D A R Cedar Wind 1064 GLC Cherry 932 Garrigan Cherry 544 Lot 21 Lot 22 Lot 23 Lot 24 9

GLC Roosevelt 8362


A R Churchill 1063

Good top line with added depth • Unique pedigree with some timeless genetics and cow power on both sides

Dam WR–3 @ 111–Pathfinder. Dam is one of the last calves out of our foundation cow Dorothy. Exciting young cow who is already producing top-notch calves!

GLC Sleep Easy 0462

• Long, smooth moderate frame 1044 son. 1044 calves are favorites for our heifer bull customers.

GLC Black Granite 6292

Connealy Black Granite

Granite 216

Mentor 901

V D A R Cedar Wind 1044

Queen 629 Garrigan Queen 4N1

DOB: 02/16/22 Reg #: 20473290 BRAND: 462
BW: 79 Adj WW: 633 Ratio: 103 Adj. YW: 1145 Ratio: 98 ADG: 3.17 Ratio: 94 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 4 0.4 46 86 27 0.21 0.5 -0.01 28 % 70 30 90 85 40 90 70 25 90 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW
D A R Cedar
V D A R Cedar Wind
V D A R Lass 2556
GLC Blackcap
Blackcap Answer
DOB: 03/16/22 Reg #: 20473304 BRAND: 6292
comes from a productive cow line that goes back to Final Answer.
Wind 8111
Answer 046
BW: 88 Adj WW: 640 Ratio: 104 Adj. YW: 1128 Ratio: 102 ADG: 3.04 Ratio: 90 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 7 1.2 45 71 30 0.72 0.4 0.006 29 % 45 50 90 95 26 40 85 45 90 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Calving ease
both sides of the pedigree • Dam WR – 5 @ 105 27
DOB: 02/24/22 Reg
20473327 BRAND:
BW: 89 Adj WW: 621 Ratio: 101 Adj. YW: 1112 Ratio: 94 ADG: 3.04 Ratio: 90 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 4 1.1 53 89 22 0.97 0.13 0.04 20 % 70 50 75 85 63 20 95 85 95 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW •
GLC Churchill 228 GLC Queen Lois 616 GLC Huckleberry
GLC Dorothy
TA Au Bar for Sure 806
27 10


GLC Reputation 9412

S A V Renown 3439

Millars Renown 912 Millars Queen Lass 8276 Millars Windy 444 GLC Blackcap 941 Mra Blackcap 0107

• Lots of rib and added bone with calving ease – a great combination – comes from a sire who was a great herd bull for us.

• Dam raised a set of twins her first year. She comes from a highly productive cow line going back to SAV Mandan.

GLC Roosevelt 5402

GLC Roosevelt 6232

GLC Cavalry 9362


V D A R Cedar Wind 1064

GLC Eriskay 936 GLC Eriskay 653


DOB: 02/26/22 Reg #: 20473298 BRAND: 5402
BW: 77 Adj WW: 604 Ratio: 98 Adj. YW: 1081 Ratio: 92 ADG: 2.96 Ratio: 87 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 8 -0.7 32 58 24 0.17 0.37 0.014 11 % 35 15 95 95 52 95 85 55 95 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Smooth-made bull that will add some frame to your calves • Dam WR – 6 @ 100 29 V D A R Churchill 1063 GLC Churchill 228 GLC Queen Lois 616 Mra Upward 1241 Garrigan Sara 540 DRL Trav 004-572 AU BAR F114 DOB: 02/28/22 Reg #: 20473303 BRAND: 6232
BW: 84 Adj WW: 627 Ratio: 102 Adj. YW: 1083 Ratio: 92 ADG: 2.83 Ratio: 84 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 5 0.7 49 78 21 0.72 0.31 -0.006 18 % 60 40 85 95 67 40 90 25 95 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • ¾ brother to lots 20 and 23 • Dam WR – 5 @ 100 30 V D A R Churchill 1063 GLC Churchill 228 GLC Queen Lois 616 V D A R Cedar Wind 1044 GLC Ann 623 Garrigan
DOB: 03/28/22 Reg #: 20580612 BRAND: 9362
Ann 4CF4
BW: 96 Adj WW: 626 Ratio: 102 Adj. YW: 1152 Ratio: 103 ADG: 3.26 Ratio: 96 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 2 2.9 39 82 20 0.05 0.17 -0.028 17 % 85 85 95 90 94 95 95 10 95 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Moderate frame, deep ribbed bull • Coalition grandson out of a Cedar Wind
daughter 31 U-2 Coalition
206C GLC Coalition 170 GLC Queen
DOB: 03/08/22 Reg #: 20580611 BRAND: 9412
BW: 79 Adj WW: 689 Ratio:
Adj. YW: 1145 Ratio: 96 ADG: 2.83 Ratio: 84 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 12 -1.5 56 92 40 0.48 0.75 -0.003 36 % 10 10 65 80 2 65 30 30 80 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW
30 Lot 31 11

GLC Resilient 7292

GLC Stout 7472

GLC Black Granite 8582

DOB: 02/21/22 Reg #: 20577397 BRAND: 7292
BW: 79 Adj WW: 573 Ratio: 93 Adj. YW: 1058 Ratio: 89 ADG: 3.00 Ratio: 89 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 10 -1.9 59 96 34 0.48 0.28 0.036 28 % 20 4 60 75 5 65 95 85 90 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Resilient son out of a Cedar Wind 1044 daughter • Lots of calving ease and maternal merit in the pedigree 32 Sitz Stellar 726D Sitz Resilient 10208 Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 V D A R Cedar Wind 1044 GLC Alliance Star 729 Garrigan Alliance Star 530 DOB: 03/25/22 Reg #: 20473316 BRAND: 7472
BW: 95 Adj WW: 640 Ratio: 104 Adj. YW: 1117 Ratio: 100 ADG: 2.96 Ratio: 87 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD -1 2.5 39 69 28 0.31 0.15 0.002 12 % 95 80 95 95 39 85 95 35 95 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Stout son from our favorite Dorothy cow line • Dam WR – 3 @ 104 33 V D A R Stout 1623 VDAR Stout 2837 V D A R Lass 3180 B Bar Rainmaker 2487 GLC Dorothy 747 TA Au Bar for Sure 806 DOB: 03/17/22 Reg #: 20473331 BRAND: 8582
BW: 85 Adj WW: 647 Ratio: 105 Adj. YW: 1074 Ratio: 96 ADG: 2.65 Ratio: 78 Scrotal: Pelvic: EPD 13 -0.8 53 92 26 0.2 0.26 0.024 20 % 10 15 75 80 32 90 95 70 95 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW • Stylish built, moderate frame bull • Dam WR – 3 @ 106 – Pathfinder 34 Connealy Black Granite GLC Black Granite 216 Garrigan Mentor 901 GLC Treasure 516 GLC Cattle Lady 858 GLC Cattle Lady 651 Lot 32 Lot 33 Lot 34 12



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839 S


• A great bull who is above average in nearly all areas

• Very clean-footed with a tight sheath and a wide back


• A bull with lots of muscle and the ability to add some frame and pounds without sacrificing birth weight

• Dam MPPA 104

• Dam’s bull calf has been at the top every year she’s been in

DOB: 02-24-2022 Reg #: 4661815 BRAND: 6282
BW: 81 Adj WW: 618 Ratio: 106 Adj. YW: 1215 Ratio: 108 ADG: 3.70 Ratio: 115 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 104, 31% HB: 33, 87% GM: 71, 5% EPD 12 -2.5 50 85 26 -3 0.85 0.19 0.04 19 0.07 % 54 37 84 75 50 23 2 36 85 68 53 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • Clean-built bull with a long stride that makes you take notice • Dam MPPA 99 37 LSF MEW X-FACTOR 6693D LSF SRR PRIME FACTOR 9014G LSF SRR RAINDANC A3045 E7254 TRADITION 81 SCN S BAR U JESSIE 628 S BAR U JESSIE 992 DOB: 02-24-2022 Reg #: 4661755 BRAND: 8392
BW: 86 Adj WW: 647 Ratio: 109 Adj. YW: 1231 Ratio: 111 ADG: 3.61 Ratio: 112 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 102, 34% HB: 19, 97% GM: 84, 1% EPD 12 -1 67 117 27 1 0.73 0.06 0.03 41 0.2 % 57 66 25 13 33 38 6 65 81 4 97 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG
production 36
DOB: 02-18-2022 Reg #: 4661809 BRAND: 0722
BW: 78 Adj WW: 664 Ratio: 112 Adj. YW: 1220 Ratio: 110 ADG: 3.43 Ratio: 107 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 86, 61% HB: 30, 90% GM: 55, 17% EPD 15 -2.7 67 111 35 5 0.35 0.52 -0.01 38 -0.08 % 24 33 27 21 1 61 65 3 3 7 4 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG
Dam MPPA 105 35
Lot 36 Lot 35




DOB: 02-24-2022 Reg #: 4661779 BRAND: 9492
BW: 74 Adj WW: 608 Ratio: 102 Adj. YW: 1178 Ratio: 106 ADG: 3.52 Ratio: 110 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 73, 80% HB: 17, 97% GM: 56, 16% EPD 13 -1.3 63 109 36 13 0.39 0.29 0.01 39 0.06 % 41 61 39 25 1 93 54 19 40 6 49 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • A Front Row son out of a Domain daughter • High growth and high milk with calving ease • Dam MPPA 102 39 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B LASO FRONT ROW X37D LASO LINDA T64X 3SCC DOMAIN A163 S BAR U SONJA 949 S BAR U SONJA 718 DOB: 02-22-2022 Reg #: 4661731 BRAND: 5482
BW: 72 Adj WW: 589 Ratio: 99 Adj. YW: 1094 Ratio: 98 ADG: 3.13 Ratio: 98 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 127, 8% HB: 57, 46% GM: 70, 5% EPD 17 -5.2 52 89 28 5 0.94 -0.03 0.06 20 0.22 % 8 5 79 67 29 58 1 83 99 61 99 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • Prime Factor son that goes back to Beckton Nebula
• Dam MPPA 99 40 LSF MEW X-FACTOR 6693D LSF SRR PRIME FACTOR 9014G LSF SRR RAINDANC A3045 E7254 CTS S BAR U NEBULA 320 S BAR U BARONESS 548 S BAR U BARONESS 176 Lot 39 Lot 40 DOB: 02-24-2022 Reg #: 4661763 BRAND: 9532
on the
BW: 84 Adj WW: 650 Ratio: 109 Adj. YW: 1199 Ratio: 108 ADG: 3.39 Ratio: 106 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 115, 18% HB: 44, 73% GM: 71, 4% EPD 13 -2.7 65 105 28 5 0.92 0.2 0.05 28 0.15 % 45 33 32 33 28 60 1 34 97 29 89 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • A bull that forces you to take notice - he just keeps getting better and better! • Dam MPPA 104
Lot 38



DOB: 02-24-2022 Reg #: 4661825 BRAND: 2965
BW: 69 Adj WW: 602 Ratio: 103 Adj. YW: 1116 Ratio: 100 ADG: 3.17 Ratio: 99 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 56, 94% HB: 52, 55% GM: 4, 97% EPD 17 -4.8 47 75 35 7 0.24 -0.24 0.01 6 0.1 % 7 8 89 87 1 75 89 99 41 95 71 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • Deep ribbed, thick made bull with a nice hind quarter – very balanced from front to back • Dam MPPA 102 42 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B LASO FRONT ROW X37D LASO LINDA T64X RIDGE ADVANTAGE 7612 S BAR U LIZZIE 965 S BAR U LIZZIE 336 DOB: 03-05-2022 Reg #: 4661765 BRAND: 9592
BW: 78 Adj WW: 596 Ratio: 100 Adj. YW: 1145 Ratio: 103 ADG: 3.39 Ratio: 106 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 77, 74% HB: 50, 61% GM: 28, 71% EPD 15 -1.3 56 97 35 10 0.32 -0.14 0.01 15 0.1 % 18 61 66 51 1 85 72 95 37 78 72 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • Heifer bull with extra eye appeal • Dam MPPA 100
5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B LASO FRONT ROW X37D LASO LINDA T64X TMAS MR SMOKY 731E GLC JENNA 959 S BAR U JENNA 545 Lot 41 Lot 42 Thank You 16 for your support & interest in our program







5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B


A young bull that is growing into one of our favorites

is one of our favorite original red cows. She has a great calf every year and is very docile to be around.


DOB: 02-23-2022 Reg #: 4661753 BRAND: 8262
BW: 72 Adj WW: 601 Ratio: 101 Adj. YW: 1086 Ratio: 98 ADG: 3.00 Ratio: 93 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 117, 16% HB: 45, 71% GM: 72, 4% EPD 19 -6.4 43 70 30 5 0.83 0.6 0.04 27 -0.01 % 2 2 93 91 13 61 3 2 92 35 15 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • Prime Factor son with
huge GM • Dam MPPA 103 43 LSF
GMRA STETSON 2240 GLC SONJA 826 S BAR U SONJA 572 DOB: 03-24-2022 Reg #: 4661729 BRAND: 5532
extreme calving ease and a
BW: 82 Adj WW: 625 Ratio: 105 Adj. YW: 1116 Ratio: 100 ADG: 3.04 Ratio: 95 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 52, 96% HB: 52, 56% GM: 0, 98% EPD 13 -1.6 58 86 20 4 0.25 0.24 -0.01 3 -0.13 % 39 55 61 72 92 56 87 26 4 98 2 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG •
• Dam MPPA
TRADITION 81 SCN S BAR U SONJA 553 S BAR U SONJA 216 DOB: 03-05-2022 Reg #: 4661741 BRAND: 6012
100 •
BW: 76 Adj WW: 600 Ratio: 101 Adj. YW: 1077 Ratio: 97 ADG: 2.96 Ratio: 92 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 95, 46% HB: 69, 22% GM: 25, 75% EPD 14 -1.2 69 109 23 5 0.36 0.3 -0.01 11 -0.11 % 27 63 21 24 76 63 63 17 6 89 3 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • Smooth, long Blockade son that checks all the boxes • Dam MPPA 107 44 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B FORSTER BLOCKADE E046 FORSTER SADIE Z019 CTS S BAR U NEBULA 320 S BAR U TINKERBELL 601 S BAR U TINKERBELL 403 DOB: 02-13-2022 Reg #: 4661787 BRAND: 0732
BW: 63 Adj WW: 643 Ratio: 108 Adj. YW: 1101 Ratio: 99 ADG: 2.83 Ratio: 88 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 106, 28% HB: 54, 53% GM: 53, 21% EPD 18 -1.5 61 100 33 7 0.48 0.18 0.02 39 0.13 % 2 57 47 44 4 73 34 39 64 6 82 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • High calving ease • Dam is a Domain daughter – this is her first calf that weaned off at 643 lb! • Dam MPPA 103 46 LASO FRONT ROW X37D FEDDES FRONT ROW C78-0240 FEDDES LAKINA 9194-C78 3SCC DOMAIN A163 GLC SONJA 073 S BAR U SONJA 572 Lot 43 Lot 44 Lot 45 Lot 46 17


5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B

• A moderate frame, cherry red bull with a great profile

Dam comes from our Angel cow line, who hails as a maternal favorite with great structure and longevity


5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B

Lot 47

built, moderate frame, great heifer bull prospect

is a kid favorite that they nicknamed “Sweetheart” for obvious reasons!



DOB: 02-27-2022 Reg #: 4661751 BRAND: 8282
BW: 83 Adj WW: 578 Ratio: 97 Adj. YW: 1070 Ratio: 96 ADG: 3.04 Ratio: 95 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 91, 52% HB: 63, 33% GM: 28, 70% EPD 12 -1.3 57 96 29 9 0.38 -0.2 0.04 15 0.2 % 54 61 63 52 22 81 57 98 91 80 97 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG
LASO LINDA T64X BROWN AA PRESTIGIOUS B5153 GLC ANGEL 828 S BAR U ANGEL 504 DOB: 02-25-2022 Reg #: 4661827 BRAND: 9782
BW: 73 Adj WW: 579 Ratio: 100 Adj. YW: 1086 Ratio: 97 ADG: 3.13 Ratio: 98 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 105, 30% HB: 62, 35% GM: 43, 38% EPD 16 -4.4 51 88 30 7 0.37 0.05 -0.01 18 0 % 15 11 82 68 15 71 61 67 6 71 19 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • Smooth
• Dam
LASO LINDA T64X GLC PRESTIGIOUS 5047 S BAR U SONJA 978 S BAR U SONJA 387 DOB: 03-23-2022 Reg #: 4661773 BRAND: 9652
BW: 83 Adj WW: 670 Ratio: 113 Adj. YW: 1135 Ratio: 102 ADG: 2.87 Ratio: 89 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 75, 78% HB: 56, 47% GM: 18, 86% EPD 11 -0.5 72 122 20 8 0.1 0.39 -0.03 20 -0.14 % 77 75 13 7 91 76 99 9 1 63 2 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • Blockade son with well above average growth • Dam MPPA 107 49 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B FORSTER BLOCKADE E046 FORSTER SADIE Z019 TMAS MR SMOKY 731E GLC BABE 965 GLC BABE 712 DOB: 02-09-2022 Reg #: 4661785 BRAND: 0672
BW: 65 Adj WW: 626 Ratio: 105 Adj. YW: 1070 Ratio: 96 ADG: 2.74 Ratio: 85 Scrotal: -- Pelvic: ProS: 106, 29% HB: 68, 24% GM: 38, 49% EPD 17 -4.8 55 86 34 3 0.43 0.15 0 22 0 % 5 8 72 73 2 50 45 45 10 53 18 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG • Extreme calving ease with high milk • Dam is a fancy, young Merlin daughter. • Dam MPPA 102 50 LASO FRONT ROW X37D FEDDES FRONT ROW C78-0240 FEDDES LAKINA 9194-C78 WFL MERLIN 018A GLC ANGEL 067 S BAR U ANGEL 504
Lot 48
50 18

U-2 Coalition 206C

U-2 Coalition 206C

Sitz Resilient 10208

Sitz Resilient 10208

GLC Churchill 228

Millars Renown 912

GLC Stout 319

DOB: 01/23/15 Reg #: 18626847 BRAND: 206C
BW: 83 205 Adj WW: 814 365 Adj. YW: 1582 EPD 10 .8 56 110 28 .40 .52 -.015 43 % 25 40 65 50 35 65 60 20 55 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW A Connealy Consensus 7229 HF Syndicate 213Z HF Miss Blackcap 27R Young Dale Xclusive 25X U2 Erelite 109Z U-2 Erelite 1X Ref. Sire DOB: 02/15/18 Reg #: 19057457 BRAND: 10208
EPD 9 .3 75 135 21 .87 .74 .002 46 30 30 15 15 80 20 30 40 45 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW B Mohnen Substantial 272 Sitz Stellar 726D SITZ Pride 200B Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 Ref. Sire DOB: 02/09/19 Reg #: 19617547 BRAND: 912 Millars Renown
BW: 92 205 Adj WW: 809 Ratio: 121 365 Adj. YW: 1339 Ratio: 117 EPD -5 5.0 63 114 23 .51 .53 .043 61 95 95 45 45 70 55 60 90 15 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW C Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Renown 3439 S A V Blackcap May 4136 Boyd Poundmaker 21 Millars Queen Lass 8276 Millars Queen Lass 276 Ref. Sire DOB: 02/23/18 Reg #: 19129981 BRAND: 228
BW: 85 205 Adj WW: 720 Ratio: 114 365 Adj. YW: 1323 Ratio: 116 EPD 4 .6 63 113 22 .89 .23 .010 40 70 35 45 45 75 20 90 50 60 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW D DFA Hero 6017 V D A R Churchill 1063 V D A R Forever Lady 1409 A & B SpotLite 3065 GLC Queen Lois 616 Garrigan R Upward 684 Ref. Sire DOB: 03/23/19 Reg #: 19431663 BRAND: 319
EPD 7 1.5 55 96 24 .07 .62 .003 29 45 60 70 70 65 95 45 40 85 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW E V D A R Stout 1623 VDAR Stout 2837 V D A R Lass 3180 SydGen C C & 7 Garrigan C C & 7 944 Miss JT Queen 944
Ref. Sire
19 BW: 80 205 Adj WW: 747 Ratio: 121 365 Adj. YW: 1088 Ratio: 117 BW: 91 205 Adj WW: 624 Ratio: 98 365 Adj. YW: 1123 Ratio: 99

Basin Rainmaker 4404

GLC Black Granite 216

Forster Blockade E046

Forster Blockade E046

LSF SRR Prime Factor 9014G

Feddes Front Row C78-0240

Laso Front Row X37D

DOB: 03/19/14 Reg #: 17913751 BRAND: 4404
BW: 74 205 Adj WW: 702 365 Adj. YW: 1118 EPD 6 1.3 59 108 37 .51 .51 .025 51 55 55 55 55 4 55 60 70 35 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW F Basin Rainmaker P175 Basin Rainmaker 2704 Basin Erica 7520 BV Basin Payweight 107S Basin Joy 1036 Basin Joy 566T Ref. Sire DOB: 03/15/16 Reg #: 18473987 BRAND: 216
BW: 84 205 Adj WW: 711 Ratio: 110 365 Adj. YW: 1199 Ratio: 105 EPD 13 -.3 54 89 32 .61 .80 -.008 35 10 20 70 80 15 45 20 25 70 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF REA Fat CW G Connealy Consensus 7229 Connealy Black Granite Eura Elga of Conanga 9109 Connealy Mentor 7374 Garrigan Mentor 901 D R L Integrity Babe 901 Ref. Sire DOB: 04-28-2017 Reg #: 3859535 BRAND: E046
BW: 77 Adj WW: 731 Ratio: 120 Adj. YW: 1242 Ratio: 114 ProS: 73, 70% HB: 68, 26% GM: 5, 92% EPD 11 -.4 77 122 14 12 0.13 0.76 -.03 14 -.29 74 72 11 14 98 88 93 3 4 76 2 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG 5L DEFENDER 560-30Z 5L BLOCKADE 2218-30B 5L OPAL 656-2218 RED SSS ENDORSE 639X FORSTER SADIE Z019 FORSTER SADIE 5068 H Ref. Sire DOB: 01-02-2019 Reg #: 4109988 BRAND: 9014G
BW: 71 Adj WW: 715 Ratio: 116 Adj. YW: 1219 Ratio: 106 ProS: 145, 5% HB: 38, 74% GM: 107, 1% EPD 15 -3.8 66 111 30 2 1.25 0.49 0.06 40 0.12 27 19 36 28 17 38 1 9 97 12 72 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG REDHILL TEN X 104U 190A LSF MEW X-FACTOR 6693D MEW COVERGIRL 402B LSF NEXTPECTATION 0083X LSF SRR RAINDANC A3045 E7254 LSF SRR RAINDANCE A3045 I Ref. Sire DOB: 01-29-2020 Reg #: 4289093 BRAND: 0240
BW: 81 Adj WW: 715 Ratio: 105 Adj. YW: 1213 Ratio: 103 ProS: 100, 36% HB: 51, 54% GM: 49, 28% EPD 16 -1.4 64 105 38 11 0.40 0.36 -0.01 41 -0.00 14 57 42 40 1 86 52 17 9 9 20 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B LASO FRONT ROW X37D LASO LEANNA BC114R FEDDES MONTANA X44 FEDDES LAKINA 9194-C78 FEDDES LAKINA 9194 J
Sire DOB: 02-01-2016 Reg #: 3549925 BRAND: X37D
BW: 81 Adj WW: 677 Ratio: ET Adj. YW: 1191 Ratio: ET ProS: 80, 62% HB: 36, 77% GM: 44, 36% EPD 14 -2.4 63 114 44 22 0.20 0.18 -0.01 39 0.05 30 39 48 24 1 99 86 38 12 12 41 CED BW WW YW Milk ME IMF REA Fat CW YG C-T THE QUEST 1103 5L OUT IN FRONT 1701-457B 5L FIREFLY 3109-1701 BASIN HOBO 79E LASO LEANNA BC114R LASO LEANNA BC 114 K Ref. Sire

in the market for bred heifers?

At Garrigan Land & Cattle, we sell a package of home-raised, home-developed, and homebred commercial Angus heifers at Faith Livestock each winter. These heifers come straight from our own cow herd and are backed by our own genetics.

Stop by the ranch anytime if you are in the market for bred heifers and we’d be glad to show you what we have to offer. We typically AI our heifers with a due date of February 15th for one day, and then they are cleaned-up with our bulls for 45 days, with a due date beginning March 5th. They are split into short calving intervals.

Visit with Justin or Riley to learn more. (References are available)


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