Spring Cove Ranch Sale Catalog 2023

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The same Angus cow herd, raised on the same Idaho ranch, by the same family for 104 years.

Angus Bull & Female Sale

Monday, March 13 th , 2023

At Spring Cove Ranch, Bliss, Idaho • 1:00 PM MDT

Sale Details

SALE DATE: Monday, March 13th, 2023


LOCATION: Sale is held at Spring Cove Ranch, Bliss, Idaho. Address for GPS: 269 Spring Cove Rd. , Bliss, Idaho 83314 Map & directions are on the back of this salebook and at www.springcoveranch.com

LODGING: Amber Inn, Bliss: (208) 352-4441

Billingsly Creek Lodge, Hagerman: (208) 837-4822

Hagerman Valley Inn, Hagerman: (208) 837-6196

VIDEOS : Sale cattle videos can be viewed after March 6 at www.springcoveranch.com

SALE ORDER: Cattle sell in catalog order. Buyers are invited to come to the ranch early and view the sale cattle.


● Bull buyers who haul their own on sale day or the day after receive $100 off bull purchases. Notify clerks at check out.

● Volume discount of 5% of purchase price on 5 bulls or more.

● Volume discount of 10% of purchase price on 20 bulls +.

● Bulls will be delivered within a 500 mile radius free of charge.

● Hauling of females is the buyer’s responsibility.


***** 5 Star bulls, double digit CED and zero or less for BEPD.

**** 4 Star bulls, Top 50% CED and a BEPD of 1.0 or less.

*** 3 Star bulls, suitable for large heifers, BEPD 2.0 or less.


**All sale cattle have had 8 Way, 3X (birth,branding & weaning). Vista Once two times(branding & weaning). Pink Eye vaccine and De-wormed 3X.

**Bulls were vaccinated with Fusogard for foot rot 2X.

**Bulls are freeze branded with their indentity and have an EID ear tag.

**All females are calfhood vaccinated for Brucellosis.

**All bulls have passed a thorough Semen/Breeding Soundness Evaluation by Dr. Marty Bennett, DVM.

**All bulls sell with a negative Trich test or a Certificate of Virginity. Bulls selling to state requiring Trich Tests will be tested and delivered after the completion at no cost to buyers.

**All cattle have been BVD-PI3 tested negative.

**All registered cattle in the sale known to be potential carries for AM, NH, CA, D2, M1, DD, OH or OHP have been tested free or are otherwise noted.


● Sight Unseen Guarantee. If you call us ahead of the sale, we will work diligently to match the bulls/females to your operation. Your satisfaction will be guaranteed.

● First Breeding Season Guarantee:

● All bulls selling or $3000 or more will be covered 50% by Spring Cove Ranch if they are injured during their first breeding season.

● Breeding season is defined as the 90 day period following the first turnout of the bulls.

● ½ of the purchase price less the salvage value, if any, will be credited to the buyer in a future sale or toward a replacement bull if one is available. All claims must be made by September 1st, and accompanied by a statement from a veterinarian.

ICA MEMBERS DISCOUNT: Buyers who are members of the Idaho Cattle Association will receive a $50 discount on each bull purchased costing $3000 or more. ICA Rep will be at the sale to sign up new members and take membership renewals.


Sale Day Phone : (208) 490-3126

Art Butler cell: (208) 280-1026

Stacy Butler cell: (208) 320-8803

Josh & Denise Mavencamp cell: (208) 358-0057

Randy Lancaster cell: (208) 731-1947

Chad & Sarah Helmick cell: (208) 490-0741

Chris Earl, CK6 Consulting: (630) 675-6559

Auctioneer: Rick Machado (805) 501-3210

American Angus Assoc, Quanah Gardiner: (620) 635-0294

Special Assignment, Rod Wesselman: (509) 750-2185

John Dickinson, Parnell Dickinson, Inc: (916) 806-1919

Western Livestock Journal, Logan Ipsen: (916) 947-2392

Western Livestock Journal, Jared Patterson: (208) 312-2386

M3 Marketing, Matt Macfarlane: (916) 803-3113

Watch and Bid Online

Go to www.dvauction.com to register…it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 …

1. Complete and submit the form on “Create New DVAuction Account”

2. Apply for bidding by clicking “apply for bidding” in the upper left of your screen, at least 24 HOURS PRIOR to the auction.

3. Tune into the sale and make your purchase.

** You will receive an e-mail message to activate your account.

**Once the account has been activated, be sure to log back in prior to the sale to confirm your profile has been set up correctly.

** For questions contact :

JC Niesen, WVM: (530) 218-8523

DVAuction HELP DESK : (402) 316-5460

Holly Foster, WVM: (530) 570-0757

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Cattle sale under the Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association.

RETAINED INTEREST: We are retaining 1/3 revenue sharing interest in all the bulls. Possession and salvage value is 100% the buyers’s unless otherwise stated. If we chose to collect semen, it will be done at the buyer’s convenience and our expense. All announcements from the auction block will take precedence over statements in the sale books.

the Brand

57% of the bulls in this offering earned the Target
Logo (25 % is breed average)
EPDs contained in the hard copy of this sale book were current as of print date. Digital versions of this sale book can be viewed online at www.angus.org and will have EPDs updated every Friday with the exception of EPD references in footnotes and photos. Any PDF downloads from the website will contain EPDs current as of the date downloaded. References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusLinkSM, CAB®, Pathfinder® Breed Average EPD and $Values - Spring 2022 - Non-Parent Bulls CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK CW Marb RE Fat $M $G $B $C +6 +1.2 +61 +108 +.86 +27 +48 +.63 +.62 +.013 +62 +50 +138 +241 Breed Average EPD and $Values - Spring 2022 - Non-Parent Cows CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK CW Marb RE Fat $M $G $B $C +6 +1.2 +60 +107 +.84 +25 +48 +.66 +.64 +.011 +62 +51 +139 +241

American Angus Association $Value Indexes

Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), an index expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences in progeny due to genetics from conception to weaning. $M is built off of a self-replacing herd model where commercial cattlemen replace 25% of their breeding females in the first generation and 20% in subsequent generations. Remaining cull females and all male progeny are sold as feeder calves. Increased selection pressure on $M aims to decrease overall mature cow size and improve foot structure and fertility while maintaining weaning weights consistent with today’s production.

Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index expressed in dollars per head, provides the expected difference in future progeny preweaning performance from birth to weaning. $W assumes that producers retain 20% of their female progeny for replacements and sell the rest of their cull female and male progeny as feeder calves. Over time, increased selection pressure on $W will increase pre-weaning growth through additional weaning weight and maternal milk with expenses adjustment for mature size and maternal milk.

Feedlot Value ($F), an index expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning merit compared to progeny of other sires. The underlying objective assumes commercial producers will retain ownership of cattle through the feedlot phase and sell fed cattle on a carcass weight basis with no considerations of premiums or discounts for quality and yield grade.

Grid Value ($G), an index expressed in dollars per carcass, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit, including quality and yield grade attributes, compared to progeny of other sires.

Beef Value ($B), an index expressed in dollars per carcass, facilitates simultaneous multi-trait genetic selection for feedlot and carcass merit. $B represents the expected average differences in the progeny post-weaning performance and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires. This index assumes commercial producers wean all male and female progeny, retain ownership of these animals through the feedlot phase and market these animals on a quality-based carcass grid.

Combined Value ($C), an index expressed in dollars per head, includes all traits that make up both $M and $B with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and eventually sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid.

– 1 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
EPDS DIREC TLY INCORPORATED INTO EACH $VALUE MATERNAL TERMINAL CED BW WW CEM Milk MW DOC HP Claw Angle DMI CW RE Marb Fat TR AIT$M $W $C $F $G $B YW Dollar value indexes, or $Values, are a tool used to select for several traits at once based on a specific breeding objective. An economic index approach takes into account genetic and economic values as well as the relationships between traits to select for profit.
ABOVE AVERAGE GOALS REQUIRE TARGETED BULLS The Targeting the Brand™ logo highlights registered Angus bulls with greater genetic potential to produce calves that meet the most challenging specifications of the Certified Angus Beef ® brand. For more information on Targeting the Brand™ visit CABcattle.com. Aim High Marbling EPD (Marb) Dollar Grid Carcass Index ($G) +0.65 +55.0 Minimum Genetic Requirements Only 1 in 4 non-parent Angus bulls qualify.

Welcome to the Sale.

To our Customers and Friends,

We are proud to present to you our culmination of 104 years of progressive Angus cattle breeding. Our ranch was grubbed out of sagebrush, along the Oregon Trail in Idaho in the early 1900’s by Grandfather A.H. Butler who settled this dry, rocky, 8 inch annual rainfall desert in 160 acre Homestead Act parcels. He raised, sold and showed Percheron draft horses and registered Angus cattle across the West and his descendants have continuously raised registered Angus cattle on that same land since 1919.

Each breeding decision beginning with grandfather, father and now us and our children and grandchildren has been made with the intention of improvement. Improvement of fertility, improvement of structure, improvement of udder quality & teat size and improvement of performance has always been our goal. The convenience traits of the Angus breed that my grandfather recognized in the first year he owned Angus cattle have always been of utmost importance. Traits that keep us all in business like calving ease, mothering ability, range-ability and moderate mature cow size.

Stacy and I have deliberately tried to add marbling genetics to our cattle since the mid 1980’s and after the first Beef Quality Assurance Audit came out in the early ‘90’s we put more emphasis on it. We do all this while managing the herd much like commercial cattle ranchers do in our region. We don’t try to maximize size or performance. We believe cattle need to fit the environment they run in and ours is arid, rocky and in some places steep making form and structure imperative.

The Angus cow has provided a living for this family for 104 years and she continues to amaze us with her tenacity and endurance. Maternal instincts and calves that get up and go are imperative for survival in our western range outfit.

We feel it’s imperative to personally evaluate each young sire purchased and AI sires used. This insures they meet our criteria for phenotype and possess the genetics to fit our western environment. We strive to improve form, function, durability and profitability with each and every mating decision.

We proudly produce Angus bulls for commercial ranchers who need functional genetics that excel in carcass merit, calving-ease and maternal values. It’s imperative that the genetics we introduce to our herd, and to your herd, meet strict criteria for phenotype and possess the genetics to fit our western environment.

The bulls and heifers in this sale, along with their dams were raised “outside” and under the same western range conditions that many of you deal with.

The bulls are developed at Spring Cove Ranch on a roughage diet with a minimum amount of grain. We strive for maximum fertility and longevity not maximum performance. This allows adequate growth yet keeps the bulls sound and functional and able to work and last in rough environments.

We use all available tools to make our breeding decisions; DNA, performance, visual trait appraisal and EPD’s but in the end our goal is to make cows that keep us all in business

Chad, Sarah, Helen & Isabelle Helmick Spring Cove Ranch & Helmick Ranches Josh, Wyatt, Harvey, Will & Denise Mavencamp Spring Cove Ranch & Mavencamp Livestock 1920, Art’s grandfather, AH Butler plowing the field north of the house we live in today. Art’s Dad, Doran Butler, on riding on Jumbo’s back. AH Butler with herd bull at SCR in the early 1950’s

AngusGS genomic DNA tests have been done on all of the animals in this offering and on every calf born at Spring Cove and Triple L for the past 8 years. We’ve accumulated generations of data on over 5200 head and have contributed to the greater AAA database. This genomic information and performance data has been incorporated into the EPD’s and increases their accuracy and reliability. We’ve done our job of getting the performance data reported in the proper contemporary groups and the DNA testing done so parentage is verified and the EPD’s in this book are a real-time, current expression of the animals potential. The genomic data is like having the accuracy equivalent of 10 to 15 progeny from each individual; more than a lifetime of a cow’s production. We use it as a tool in our attempt to increase the predictability of the genetics we sell.

Our 2023 offering is strong throughout the book. We have a great selection of heifer bulls, growth bulls, marbling bulls, and bulls that will leave behind daughters who will thrive in harsh environments and most of the bulls combine all these traits. Your will find a bull for every budget. The registered and commercial females offered this year are from the heart of our very best cow families.

All the bulls in the sale have been fertility tested, trich tagged and examined by Dr. Marty Bennett, DVM and have also tested negative for BVD-PI. Scrotal measurements will be available on a supplement sheet on sale day. Please note the “Calving Ease “score for the Angus bulls, printed next to the name of each qualifying animal. Calving ease bulls have been given a 3 to 5 star rank. “5 Star” bulls are considered competitive with a Longhorn without sacrificing growth, color or horns. “4 Star” bulls still possess exceptional calving ease potential, and “3 Star” bulls are still suitable for heifers with discretion. These ratings are based on genetics, genomics and our knowledge of the cow families and our assessment of the data for the individual, the dam and the sire. There are 43 - 5 Star bulls, 43- 4 Star bulls and 55-3 Star Calving Ease bulls in this offering.

You will notice that we referred to PAP EPD’s in some footnotes. This new EPD is a tool to increase the environmental adaptability of cattle living at higher altitude. We referenced it on bulls that are in the top 30% of the breed or less. We did this because our elevation is not high enough to test, yet we have many customers who run their herds at higher altitude. This EPD will get more accurate as more data is submitted. You can find the PAP EPD’s and all EPD’s , percentiles and $Values on every lot by entering their registration numbers at www.angus.org.

Please feel free to call us if you have any questions about the sale cattle. Videos will be posted on our website after March 1st. Regards to the Bunch,

– 3 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S

Spring Cove Crossfire 26H



Spring Cove Crossbow

Birth Date: 01-24-2014

Tattoo: 4205 Bull *17924903

#*Summitcrest Complete 1P55

#+*KM Broken Bow 002 16764044

#Summitcrest Princess 0P12

#*C C A Emblazon 702

Spring Cove Pretty 205 17423236

Spring Cove Pretty 009

#C F Right Design 1802

Summitcrest Elba 1M17

Basin Ambush 8161

#Summitcrest Princess 2J10

#+O C C Emblazon 854E

Limestone Blackcap R128

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

Spring Cove Pretty 737

Spring Cove Reno 4021

Birth Date: 02-12-2014

Tattoo: 4021 Bull #*17926446

#*Summitcrest Complete 1P55

#+*KM Broken Bow 002 16764044

#Summitcrest Princess 0P12

#*C C A Emblazon 702

*Spring Cove Liza 021 16773385

Mahans Woodrow F34

Birth Date: 11-11-2018

Tattoo: F34 Bull +*19298622

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021


*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Connealy Stimulus 8419

*Hickory Hill Erica 009


Hickory Hill Erica TA32

#*Summitcrest Complete 1P55

#Summitcrest Princess 0P12

#*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Liza 721

#+H A Power Alliance 1025 Black Creesa of Conanga 5332

#Morgans Direction 111 9901 Hickory Hill Erica RA58

Musgrave Crackerjack

Birth Date: 01-08-2018

#+*LD Capitalist 316

*Musgrave 316 Stunner 18467508

Tattoo: A811 Bull *19202253

#*Connealy Capitalist 028

LD Dixie Erica 2053

#MCATL Pure Product 903-55

CROSSFIRE was the high selling bull at our 2021 sale at $120,000 to Triple L Angus, T/D Angus and Sitz Angus. He saw AI use in all four herds and pasture use at Sitz Ranch and his dam, who has earned her way into our donor pen, continues to build an impressive production recording 5@97 birth ratio and 5@113 Weaning ratio. A maternal brother to Crossfire, Spring Cove Legacy, sold in our 2020 sale to Grimmius Cattle Co. for $55,000 and is a featured sire in their bull battery. Crossfire’s first calf crop sells in this sale, and he is proving himself to be a calving ease and marbling sire. You will like the depth, function and consistency of his calves. Twenty Crossfire sons and seven daughters sell in this offering.

CROSSBOW is sired by the balanced trait, Sire Alliance leader “Broken Bow” and was the high selling bull at $20,000 in our 2015 sale going to ABS Global. His pedigree is an efficient blend of calving ease, growth and maternal and is complimented by his very correct structure, big top and extra rear muscle expression. Crossbow ranks in the top 4% CED, top 15% BW & top 2% for Marbling EPD. CROSSBOW progeny will lower birth weight, improve carcass weight and marbling while maintaining growth and maternal efficiency. His daughters are easy fleshing, moderate, maternal with excellent udder quality and look much like the “702” daughters. Crossbow is seeing widespread use in commercial heifer projects due to his ease of calving and vigorous calves. Progeny excel at high elevations, and he ranks in the top 15% of the breed for PAP EPD. Crossbow is the sire of Spring Cove Compound 12E who is a turnkey calving ease and marbling sire at Select Sires. Five sons sell and many grandsons. CROSSBOW semen is available through ABS Global. Owned by Spring Cove Ranch & ABS Global.

RENO was the high selling bull at our 2015 bull sale going to David Rutan, Morgan Ranches of Jordan Valley, Oregon. He was used in their commercial herd AI and natural and then returned to Spring Cove Ranch for pasture service as a yearling and a 2 yr old. ST Genetics purchased RENO from Morgan Ranches and due to his untimely death there is limited semen available. Reno’s flawless phenotype, powerful maternal pedigree and EPD profile are elite and have caught the attention of performance breeders across the nation and he has been an excellent ambassador for our program. The fabulous Spring Cove Liza cow family who produced Reno traces to cows born at Spring Cove Ranch in the 1920’s and his grand dam, Liza 721, was in production at Spring Cove as a 14 year old. He ranks in the top 10% of the breed for WW, top 15% for YW, top 10% for Marbling, top 1% $M and top 4% for $C. RENO progeny will add growth and carcass quality while maintaining excellent maternal efficiency. 4 direct Reno sons sell in this offering and he is represented by multiple daughters and grandsons Mahan Woodrow F34, Semex sire Pine View Raider G244 and Select Sire’s Yon Top Cut G730.

WOODROW is a maternal brother to BUBS Southern Charm AA31 out of Spring Cove Reno 4021. We purchased him from Mahan Angus at the 2020 NWSS Bull Sale in Denver. He has been used as a pasture sire in both our spring and fall herds for three seasons now, and we really like the shape, style, muscle and performance of his calves. He’s an aggressive breeding bull with great libido and has super feet and legs. He ranks in the top 1% of the breed for $M, top 3% for WW and top 15% for YW and $C. Fifteen progeny of Woodrow sell in this offering.

#MCATL Blackbird 831-1378

#*Musgrave Big Sky

Musgrave Rito Jet A649 18619232

G C F Miss New Level R216

MCATL Blackbird 1378-573

#+*Connealy Earnan 076E

SAV Primrose 7861

#Ironwood New Level #RR Rito Jet 7171

Pine View Raider G244


CRACKERJACK was the top selling bull from Musgrave’s in 2019. He has proven his utility in many environments as a go to heifer bull that creates tremendous replacements. He is known for calf vigor at birth and a jet-black coat color with outstanding Angus character. Five Crackerjack sons and four daughters sell in this offering.

RAIDER was bred by our friend John Wessel at Pine View Angus in Iowa and leased to SEMEX. He is a son of Spring Cove Reno 4021 and a standout growth, carcass and calving ease sire with an appealing and dominating presence. He’s an outcross pedigree to most notable performance sires with no VAR Discovery, Ten X, Black Magic, 1682 or Rampage in his lineage and has 17 traits and indexes in the top 15% or higher including top 1% rankings for YW, CW, REA, FAT and $B. Seven progeny of Raider sell in this offering.

– 4 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S RefeRence SiReS
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +11 -.9 +64 +116 +1.82 +2.65 +32 -32 +46 +.70 +.78 -.013 +36 +59 +156 +238
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +8 +2.1 +87 +136 +1.40 +.89 +34 -24 +48 +.63 +.91 -.029 +106 +59 +138 +285
Spring Cove
Summitcrest Elba 1M17 Basin Ambush 8161 #Summitcrest Princess 2J10 #+O C C Emblazon 854E Limestone Blackcap R128 #Hyline Right Time 338 #Spring Cove Liza 146
Liza 721 #C F Right Design 1802
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +7 +1.0 +82 +136 +1.08 +2.90 +30 -20 +51 +1.14 +.74 -.041 +99 +82 +164 +312
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +14 -1.0 +55 +106 +.37 -.51 +25 -34 +27 +1.36 +.35 -.018 +32 +85 +158 +237
Bull +*19716901
Birth Date: 01-27-2020
002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442
Complete 1P55 #Summitcrest Princess 0P12 #*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Pretty 009 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Basin Erica 2223 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z Spring Cove Laura 035
#+*KM Broken Bow
Cove Crossbow 17924903
Cove Laura 601 18652698 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +10 -.6 +65 +120 +.32 +.83 +23 -32 +53 +1.11 +.46 +.017 +44 +72 +168 +262
Date: 01-28-2019 Tattoo: G244 Bull +*19499409 #+*KM Broken Bow 002
021 +baldridge
x743 +*44
*Spring Cove Liza
#*Summitcrest Complete
#Summitcrest Princess 0P12 #*C C A Emblazon 702
Cove Liza 721
#*Hoover Dam Baldridge Queen S87 #+Boyd New Day 8005
Ruby 1224
Cove Reno 4021
18205326 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +12 -.2 +93 +170 +1.09 +1.96 +22 -51 +83 +.69 +1.41 -.072 +66 +72 +199 +324
+*Pine View Ruby C001

Sitz Feat 729H

Birth Date: 01-22-2020 Tattoo: 729H Bull *19677962

*Poss Achievement

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F


Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F


+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

Poss Lasting Impact 3118

*Poss Erica 327

#+*S A V Resource 1441

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 14Y

#*Mohnen Substantial 272

*SITZ Pride 200B

#*Raven Powerball 53

#Sitz Forever Lady 612T

Sitz Accomplishment 720F

FEAT was our choice of the 2021 Sitz Angus Ranch spring bull sale. We then sold ½ interest to Musgrave Angus in Illinois. His progeny are the highlights for each herd. Josh, Denise and Art thought he was easily the best bull they’d seen. He exhibits muscling, base width and depth in a flawless and we mean flawless skeletal design. His foot and leg structure is ideal. In the recent NWSS Foundation Female Sale, Feat’s first daughter, Spring Cove Carol 216 sold for $17,000 to Reverse Rocking R Ranch in New Mexico. He is a top growth sire ranking in the top 5% WW and top 10% YW yet keeps frame in check. He’s also in the top 5% Claw, top 1% angle, 10% PAP, 10% Rib, 3% $M and 10% $C. 13 Feat sons and 4 promising, easy fleshing daughters sell in this offering.

Sitz Resilient 10208

Birth Date: 02-15-2018

Bull *19057457

#*Mohnen Substantial 272

*Sitz Stellar 726D 18397542

*SITZ Pride 200B

#*Sitz Top Game 561X

*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 18395931

Sitz Miss Burgess 4381

DB Iconic G95

Ms Discovery D13


Tattoo: 10208

#*Benfield Substance 8506

Mohnen Glyn Mawr Elba 1758

#*Connealy Final Product

#+*Sitz Pride 308Y

#+GDAR Game Day 449

#Sitz Pride 88T

Sitz Rainmaker 10899

Sitz Miss Burgess 1609

Mill Brae Benchmark 9016

Birth Date: 02-05-2019

Tattoo: 9016 Bull +*19503604

#*Connealy Confidence 0100

#*Connealy Confidence Plus


Elbanna of Conanga 1209

#*Connealy Final Product

#Mill Brae FP Joanie 3063 17630369

#Mill Brae FA Joanie 9263

Connealy Tobin

Becka Gala of Conanga 8281

#*Connealy Consensus Elbasta of Conanga 9703

*Connealy Product 568

#Ebonista of Conanga 471

#*S A V Final Answer 0035

+Mill Brae Joanie Ferd 903

Birch Creek Alternative 0213

ACCOMPLISHMENT was a cowboy favorite and the high seller at the 2019 Sitz Sale. He combines the eye appealing calving ease and carcass merit of Achievement with the powerful muscle mass of Resource and is a big bodied, powerfully constructed bull that excels for thickness and volume. We added him to our program as an outcross and admired his sound structure, depth, good feet and his 35 PAP score. He ranks in the top 15% of the breed for YW. We appreciate the consistency of phenotype in his calves. They are structurally correct, with great bone and muscle and the heifers are feminine. We liked them so much as babies that we purchased an Accomplishment son at the 2021 Sitz Sale and named him Sitz Feat 729H. There are 11 sons of Accomplishment selling in this offering and 17 grand progeny by “Feat”.

RESILIENT was the record setting $165,000 bull of the Fall 2019 SITZ Angus Ranch sale at Harrison, Montana. His PAP score of 37 at 18 months of age contributes to an elite PAP score EPD and makes him a great choice for producing cattle that will work at altitude. He offers an outcross pedigree for many of the popular and high usage sire lines in the industry. He ranks in the top 4% of the breed for $M and the top 15% for $C, 5% PAP, 10% HP, 5% Claw, 2% Angle and 15% Marbling. Resilient sired the $21,500 popular Lot 2 bull in our 2022 sale, and we have 20 more Resilient bulls and an outstanding heifer in this offering.

ICONIC was bred by the Doug Booth family of Torrington, Wyoming. He offers the same great phenotype with additional growth and carcass merit as his sire the highly regarded Musgrave 316 Stunner. Iconic is a unique blend of physical excellence and outstanding EPDs, making him an easy mating for so many breeding programs. He’s an exciting young sire at GENEX and they say he defines Cow Sense & Science! He ranks in the top 2% for WW, YW and CW, top 1% Marbling and top 2% $C. 18 Iconic sons and one daughter sell in this offering.

BENCHMARK is the Confidence Plus son of the Montana Ranch second generation Pathfinder Dam Mill Brae FP Joanie 3063 that stacks the famous Pathfinder Sires Final Product and Final Answer. He ranks in the top 10% WW & YW, top 15% $M and top 25% $C.

Birch Creek Alternative 0213 is a son of the breed leading Baldridge Alternative E125 (pictured here). His dam TL Prairie 6113 was purchased in our sale by Logan Sampson of Birch Creek Angus, Ruby Valley, Nevada, who bred her to “Alternative E125” and that breeding led to 0213. His dam, Prairie 6113, descends from Josh’s original foundation heifer Spring Cove Prairie 361. 0213 is a moderate birth, high growth sire with above average top 3% CW and 15% Rib and 15% $C. Twelve sons, one daughter and one paternal brother sell in this offering.

– 5 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S RefeRence SiReS
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +9 +2.1 +80 +145 +1.03 +3.44 +31 -31 +48 +.65 +.80 +.042 +75 +53 +143 +260
Birth Date: 02-14-2019 Tattoo: G95 Bull *19611994 #+*LD Capitalist 316 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 LD Dixie Erica 2053 #MCATL Pure Product 903-55 MCATL Blackbird 1378-573 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +*Deer Valley Rita 0308 #+*PA Power Tool 9108 DB Ms Final Answer 17 *Musgrave 316 Stunner 18467508 *DB
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +5 +1.3 +86 +150 +1.46 +3.81 +29 -43 +69 +1.71 +.69 +.061 +57 +100 +210 +329
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +9 +.3 +76 +135 +.99 -1.64 +22 -18 +46 +.89 +.74 +.001 +86 +67 +151 +282
Birth Date: 01-24-2018 Tattoo: 720F Bull *19078208 Poss Lasting Impact 3118 *Poss Erica 327 #+*S A V Resource 1441 Sitz Barbaramere Nell 14Y Poss Easy Impact 0119 Poss Blackbird 005 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Poss Erica 1203 +Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 *S A V Blackcap May 4136 #*Connealy Right Answer 746 Sitz Barbaramere Nell 143W *Poss Achievement 18631344 Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D 18415163 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +10 +.6 +73 +135 +1.16 -1.76 +26 -35 +48 +.66 +.55 +.057 +67 +49 +137 +245
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +2 +3.2 +85 +144 +.84 -1.11 +24 -26 +66 +.49 +1.00 +.050 +87 +47 +157 +291
Birth Date: 03-07-2020 Tattoo: 0213 Bull *19773586 Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #*Basin Bonus 4345 TL Prairie 4153 #Poss Total Impact 745 Poss Elmaretta 736 #*Hoover Dam Baldridge Blackbird X89 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Basin Erica 2223 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z J/M Prairie 6161 +*Baldridge Alternative E125 18837398 *TL Prairie 6113 18652461 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC PAP MILK $EN CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C EPD +8 +1.8 +80 +138 +.68 +1.14 +21 -30 +77 +.38 +.90 +.010 +70 +44 +167 +287

Spring Cove Feat 58K

• Lot 1 is the first son of our new herd sire “Feat” to sell. 58K’s pedigree is steeped in foundation Spring Cove herd sires that have stood the test of time and produced daughters that last. He stems from a long line of donor cows who have earned their way into the donor pen with their stellar production records. His dam has 5 calves on record @111 Weaning Ratio, his granddam has 6 @106, and his great granddam produced 9@106. This pedigree combination of Feat x Reno also produced the Lot 28, second high selling female at the 2023 Foundation Female Sale at the NWSS in Denver, who sold to Reverse Rocking R Ranch in Maxwell, New Mexico, for $17,000. His outstanding phenotype is accompanied by an EPD profile designed to improve nearly every trait. Target the Brand and his $M is in the top 2% of the breed, 3 Star Calving Ease, Herd Bull material, low PAP EPD and multi-trait excellence.

– 6 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S YeaRling BullS
Spring Cove Carol 216 - Spring Cove Carol 216 was the first daughter of “Feat” offered at auction and sold in the 2023 Foundation Female Sale at the NWSS to Reverse Rocking R Ranch, NM, for $17,000.
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 81 804 114 1286 108 5-98 5-111 1-108 Carcass EPDs CW +56 Marb +.74 RE +.89 Fat +.046 $Values $M +90 $G +58 $B +147 $C +281 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +.4 +74 +135 +.78 +26 Birth Date: 01-31-2022 Tattoo: 58K Bull *20425177 Calving Ease *Sitz Accomplishment 720F *Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F #*Spring Cove Reno 4021 +Spring Cove Star 214 *Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D *Sitz Stellar 726D +*Sitz Forever Lady 9D #+*KM Broken Bow 002 *Spring Cove Liza 021 #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 #Spring Cove Star 925 *Sitz Feat 729H 19677962 *Spring Cove Star 680 18652773 ★★★ 1 Sitz Feat 729H
Sire of Lot 1, 3
& 5 and more bulls and 4 heifers in this book.

lot 2 - Spring Cove Quarterback 20K

Spring Cove Quarterback 20K

Birth Date: 01-17-2022

*Poss Achievement

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F


Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

#*JVC Cavalry V3326

*Spring Cove Liza WJM 907


+*Spring Cove Liza 710

Tattoo: 20K Bull *20425076

Poss Lasting Impact 3118

*Poss Erica 327

#+*S A V Resource 1441

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 14Y

#*Connealy Cavalry 1149

+Brusett Forever W857

*Spring Cove Crossbow

*Spring Cove Liza 412

+15 -2.2 +74 +127 +1.11 +26

• Our then 7 yr old grandson Wyatt chose the great-granddam of Lot 2 as his first Angus female in 2014, from the first crop of “Longevity” daughters born at SCR. We named this bull Quarterback in honor of Wyatt and his accomplishments as a freshman QB on the 2022 Hagerman varsity football team. 20K is a 5 star Calving Ease bull with excellent growth numbers, marbling and a low PAP EPD suitable for use at high elevation. A stout, sleep all night heifer bull with muscle and growth.


lot 3- Spring Cove Feat 46K

Spring Cove Feat 46K

Birth Date: 01-28-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H


*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

*Spring Cove Paygrade 5064

#+*Spring Cove Blossom 835


*Spring Cove Blossom 47

Tattoo: 46K Bull *20425166

*Poss Achievement

Barbaramere Nell 166D *Sitz Stellar 726D

Forever Lady 9D

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

Cove Ella 064

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z #+Spring Cove Blossom 841

• Lot 3 comes to you from the tried and true Spring Cove Blossom cow family who traces to cows born here at the ranch in the 1920’s. This attractive, muscular bull is a phenotypic standout like his sire “Feat” and his maternal grandsire “Paygrade.” Look for these “Feat” bulls to improve hoof quality with great shape and angle. This bull will sire excellent replacement females.

our FreSHman varSity QB Wyatt

Spring Cove Accomplished 30K

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F 19078208

#*Spring Cove Star 8007 19232466

A V Resource 1441

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 14Y

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

+Sonrise Everelda 0203

*Sackmann Chief 325 #Spring Cove Star 927


• Study the data on this stout, 4 Star Calving Ease bull. Double digit CED, top 15% for WW and YW, Targets the Brand, top 10% $M and a negative PAP EPD suitable for high elevations. He traces to “Chief,” a “Chisum” son we purchased from Jeff and Jamie Sackmann in WA. His productive dam has produced 3 calves at 107 WR and he has a maternal brother working at Morgan Ranches, JV, OR and Flat Top Cattle, Aberdeen, ID.


lot 5 - Spring Cove Feat 49K

Spring Cove Feat 49K

Birth Date: 01-29-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H 19677962

*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

SITZ Resource 525C

*Spring Cove Georgette 7056 18894466

*Spring Cove Georgette 44

*Poss Achievement

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#+*S A V Resource 1441

Sitz Blackbird 202S

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

TL Georgette 2149

Tattoo: 49K

Carcass EPDs

CW +64

Marb +.38

RE +1.18

• This powerful “Feat” son is stout, muscular, deep and correct. Ranks in the top 10% of the breed for WW and YW EPD, top 2% for Rib and has a negative PAP EPD suitable to run at high elevations. He has a maternal brother working in George Montgomery’s herd in Albion, Idaho.

– 7 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 777 110 1243 105 3-101 3-107 2-107 Carcass EPDs CW +53 Marb +.85 RE +.60 Fat +.066 $Values $M +81 $G +58 $B +141 $C +264 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 +.6 +77 +133 +.29 +34 Birth Date: 01-24-2022 Tattoo: 30K Bull *20425157
Ease *Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D *Spring Cove Payweight C11 Spring Cove Star 560 Poss Lasting Impact 3118 *Poss Erica 327 #+*S
★★★★ 4
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 90 712 101 1238 104 4-101 4-97 2-102
+49 $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +1 +3.5 +81 +144 +1.39 +27
Fat -.003 $Values $M +49 $G
Bull *20425169
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 76 751 106 1260 106 1-95 1-106 1-106 Carcass EPDs CW +39 Marb +.86 RE +.19 Fat +.042 $Values $M +51 $G +55 $B +129 $C +218
Calving Ease
★★★★★ 2
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 739 104 1259 105 3-111 3-106 1-105 Carcass EPDs CW +53 Marb +.33 RE +.97 Fat +.011 $Values $M +71 $G +43 $B +133 $C +244 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +2.7 +76 +129 +.62 +19

lot 6- Spring Cove Accomplished 29K

Spring Cove Accomplished 29K

Lasting Impact 3118

• Another long-bodied son of Accomplishment. Top 5% for WW, top 10% for YW. His dam is on the way to achieving Pathfinder status and his maternal grandsire came to SCR from Hinman Angus in Malta, MT. 29K has maternal brothers working at Percy Ranch, Mountain Home, Idaho, and at Peter and Marcia Scott’s in Twin Bridges, Nevada. Note his dam’s outstanding production record.



Spring Cove Accomplished 26K


• This muscular, high performing bull posts a marbling EPD in the top 25% of the breed, a low PAP EPD suitable for consideration for use in the mountains, and his maternal line traces to Spring Cove Liza 721, the Granddam of Spring Cove Reno 4021.

Spring Cove Crossfire 41K

Birth Date: 01-26-2022

*Spring Cove Crossbow

+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H


*Spring Cove Laura 601

*Sackmann Chief 325

*Spring Cove Liza 5023 18340228

*Spring Cove Liza 021

Tattoo: 41K Bull *20425163

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

Spring Cove Pretty 205

#*Basin Bonus 4345

Spring Cove Laura 442

#*S Chisum 6175

Sackmann Princess 943

#*C C A Emblazon 702

Spring Cove Liza 721

Calving Ease

• “Crossfire 26H” was the $120,000 high seller in our 2021 offering and this is the first of his sons to sell. His dam, sired by Sackmann Chief 325 is a maternal sister to “Reno” and has weaned 5 calves @ 108 WR. 5 Star Calving Ease and negative PAP EPD for those who run at high elevations. Maternal brothers working at Pat Hendren’s, Monetview, Idaho, Blake Wickel, Elba, Idaho, and for Mike Irish of Buhl.


Spring Cove Crossfire K34

• This high performing, deep, soggy “Crossfire” son is a 5 Star Calving Ease bull. Double digit CED, negative Birth EPD and he Targets the Brand. Low Pap EPD predicts he’s suited for high elevations. Maternal brothers working at Ruby Ranches in JV, OR. Note his dam’s record and his great weaning ratio.

– 8 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
YeaRling BullS
9 - Spring Cove Crossfire K34
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 82 802 111 1280 110 5-98 5-104 3-106 Carcass EPDs CW +69 Marb +.88 RE +.69 Fat +.044 $Values $M +45 $G +62 $B +182 $C +281 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +13 -.2 +67 +131 +.96 +27 Birth Date: 01-22-2022 Tattoo: K34 Bull *20409910 Calving Ease *Spring Cove Crossbow *Spring Cove Laura 601 *B/R Game On 375 TL Florabelle Fanny 3144 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442 BDAR Game On X047 #+*Brusett 520 U027 SLL Titlelist X23 TL Florabelle Fanny 8143 +*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H 19716901 *TL Florabelle Fanny 5111 18347052 ★★★★★ 9 Spring Cove liza 021 tHe dam oF Spring Cove reno 4021 and a maternal SiSter to tHe dam oF lot 8.
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 83 773 109 1261 106 3-97 3-101 1-106 Carcass EPDs CW +42 Marb +.85 RE +.28 Fat +.054 $Values $M +69 $G +54 $B +133 $C +242 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +2.0 +63 +119 -.02 +26 Birth Date:
Bull *20425127 *Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D +*Spring Cove Longevity 65D *Spring Cove Liza 640 Poss Lasting Impact 3118 *Poss Erica 327 #+*S A V Resource 1441 Sitz Barbaramere Nell 14Y #*Sitz Longevity 556Z Limestone Blackcap R128 Ox Bow Cedar Ridge 2240 *Spring Cove Liza 313 *Sitz Accomplishment
*Spring Cove Liza
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 800 113 1282 108 5-98 5-108 4-107 Carcass EPDs CW +38 Marb +.74 RE +.19 Fat +.007 $Values $M +65 $G +52 $B +126 $C +228 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -1.9 +63 +112 +.50 +25
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 88 802 113 1284 108 3-110 3-111 3-106 Carcass EPDs CW +60 Marb +.57 RE +.49 Fat +.034 $Values $M +59 $G +46 $B +142 $C +243 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 +1.7 +83 +145 +1.71 +27 Birth
Calving Ease *Poss Achievement Sitz
Spring Cove
*Sitz Accomplishment 720F 19078208 #Spring Cove
19232486 ★★★ 6 Let us help you MARKET Let us help you market your calves ! John Rodgers (559) 730-3311 Rick Machado (805) 501-3210 Art Butler (208) 280-1026
Date: 01-24-2022
29K Bull *20425155
Barbaramere Nell 166D
Sirloin 5423 #Spring Cove Josie 359
Erica 327
A V Resource 1441
Barbaramere Nell 14Y
Blackcap Lady 0855
Windy 078
Josie 051
Josie 8032

Spring Cove Cheyenne K26

Birth Date: 01-19-2022

*DB Iconic G95

YeaRling BullS


#+*LD Capitalist 316

Blackbird 831-1378

#*V A R Discovery 2240



Florabelle Fanny


Florabelle Fanny 4127


#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 Limestone Blackcap R128


Spring Cove Ruby Mtn K223

Birth Date: 01-29-2022

*Birch Creek Alternative 0213

Calving Ease

• Lot 10 “Cheyenne” and Lot 11 “Fort Laramie” are the first sons of the Wyoming bred, Genex sire DB Iconic G95 to sell at SCR. “Cheyenne” is stout, stylish, muscular and long-bodied. Top 10% WN EPD,top 4% YW EPD, top 2% SC, top 10 % CW, top 5% Marbling and top 5% $C. Maternal brother working in Weiser, Idaho, at Bruce Winegar’s ranch. 3 Star Calving Ease and he Targets the Brand.

• Big, stout feature bull here just like the Nevada mountain he’s named for. Top 10% for WW and YW EPDs and top 10% for $M. Top 20% for Marbling and Rib and top 5% for $C. A great combination. Flush brothers sell as Lots 13, 66, 74, 76, 93 and 137 and a flush sister sells as Lot 217.

Spring Cove Alternative K218

• Long-bodied, growth bull. Moderate mature size to make great cows. Top 20% $M. 0213 traces to the great Spring Cove Prairie 361 cow of Josh’s. Flush brothers sell as Lots 12, 66, 76, 93, and 137 and flush sister sells as Lot 217.


Spring Cove Fort Laramie K27

*Musgrave 316 Stunner

*DB Iconic G95 19611994

*DB Ms Discovery D13

Bushs Special Reserve 623

TL Rachel 8150 19233571

TL Rachel 8145

Tattoo: K27 Bull *20411186

#+*LD Capitalist 316 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378

#*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120

#*Basin Excitement

#Bushs Timeless Lady 3867

+Holiday Destination 5216 Rachel of Holiday 4088



• “Fort Laramie” is another curve bending, 4 star Calving Ease son of Iconic. WW EPD in the top 3% , YW EPD in the top 5% and marbling EPD in the top 10%. He’s long, stylish and level-hipped and he Targets the Brand.

monarCH ruBy S284 tHe maternal granddam oF lot 12 and 13

– 9 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 785 100 1294 100 5-100 6-94 1-105 Carcass EPDs CW +63 Marb +.97 RE +.83 Fat +.023 $Values $M +87 $G +70 $B +176 $C +315 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 +2.4 +82 +140 +.63 +22
Tattoo: K223 Bull +*20413685
*TL Prairie 6113 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +Monarch Ruby S284 Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #*Basin Bonus 4345 TL Prairie 4153 #*Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #*Gardens Prime Star +Southern Ruby of
+*Baldridge Alternative E125
17990541 12
+TL Ruby 4141
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 817 100 1271 100 5-100 6-94 1-105 Carcass EPDs CW +55 Marb +.59 RE +.76 Fat +.024 $Values $M +75 $G +51 $B +145 $C +263 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +4 +3.7 +78 +127 +.31 +19
Tattoo: K218 Bull
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 *TL Prairie 6113 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +Monarch Ruby S284 Poss Easy Impact
Baldridge Blackbird A030 #*Basin Bonus 4345 TL Prairie 4153
Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #*Gardens Prime Star +Southern Ruby of Tiffany3495
Creek Alternative 0213 19773586 +TL Ruby 4141 17990541 13
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 800 110 1333 114 3-94 4-104 2-104
EPDs CW +72 Marb +1.25 RE +.63 Fat +.044 $Values $M +56 $G +79 $B +196 $C +310 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +1.8 +83 +151 +2.12 +22
*Musgrave 316 Stunner *DB Ms Discovery D13 #MCATL
Cove TL Whiskey 3044
Ms Final Tool 4120
19611994 TL
#*Connealy Capitalist 028 18930870 ★★★
Florabelle Fanny R319 10
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 82 786 109 1240 107 3-94 2-111 1-107 Carcass EPDs CW +59 Marb +1.17 RE +.77 Fat +.048 $Values $M +56 $G +76 $B +169 $C +275 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 +.3 +86 +146
Birth Date: 01-20-2022
Calving Ease
lot 12 -Spring Cove Ruby Mtn K223
lot 10- Spring Cove Cheyenne K26
lot 11-Spring Cove Fort Laramie K27

Spring Cove Compass 52K

Birth Date: 01-30-2022

*Spring Cove Compound 12E

+*Spring Cove Compass 28H 19716250

*Spring Cove Liza 678

Bushs Special Reserve 623

#*Spring Cove Star 741 18894488

*Spring Cove Star 504

YeaRling BullS

Tattoo: 52K Bull *20425173

*Spring Cove Crossbow

#Spring Cove Liza 507

SCR-TL Tomorrow 0016

#Spring Cove Liza 713

#*Basin Excitement

#Bushs Timeless Lady 3867

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

#Spring Cove Star 939

Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease, double digit CED, Negative BW EPD with explosive growth and he Targets the Brand. The first son of “Compass” to sell. This deep-bodied, heavy muscled, clean fronted calf ranks in the top 5% for $M. His Pathfinder dam stems from the historic Star cow family. His sire “Compass” was the $77,000 2nd high seller in our 2021 sale going to Grimmius Cattle Co., CA. Maternal brothers to this lot are working in the Peter Janss herd in Bliss, Idaho, and for Kyle Mathews of Rockland, Idaho.

Spring Cove Raider 11K

+*Pine View Raider G244

*TL Blackcap 0101

Blackcap 8163


Broken Bow 002 *Spring Cove Liza 021

+baldridge Xpand x743

+*44 Ruby 2225

*Spring Cove Crossbow

#Spring Cove Liza 507

#+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 #+*TL Blackcap 3132

• Study the birth to growth spread on this calf. Double digit CED, less than a pound for Birth EPD and a Weaning and Yearling EPD in the top 1% of the breed. Foundation Spring Cove herd sires, Reno, Crossbow, Compound and “Whiskey” all represented in this pedigree. Top 1% for $C.

Spring Cove Compass 65K

Birth Date: 02-05-2022

*Spring Cove Compound 12E

*Spring Cove Liza 678 #*C C A Emblazon 702


Tattoo: 65K

Spring Cove CompaSS 28H Sire to lotS 14, 16 and 17 on tHiS page. He WaS a HigH Seller in our 2021 Sale going to grimmiuS Cattle Co.

Spring Cove Compound 12K

*Spring Cove Melody 008 19776161

• 4 Star Calving Ease Compound son out of a productive “Entice” daughter from the Melody cow family. This gentle, broad topped bull posted a YW EPD in the top 4% of the breed.

Blackcap R128

Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease bull by “Compass 28H.” He’s deep, level-hipped, Targets the Brand and his dam is a Pathfinder “702” daughter. Note his dam’s excellent production record.

Spring Cove Compass 4K

Birth Date: 01-11-2022

*Spring Cove Compound 12E

+*Spring Cove Compass 28H

*Spring Cove Liza 678

+*B/R Comrade 49

*Spring Cove Carol 071

*Spring Cove Carol 727

lot 19 - Spring Cove Benchmark K12

Spring Cove Benchmark K12

*Spring Cove Crossbow

#Spring Cove Liza 507

SCR-TL Tomorrow 0016

#Spring Cove Liza 713

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

+*HFG Wendy 825

*B/R Destination 123-4210

#+*Spring Cove Carol 418

4K Bull *20425170 Calving

• You’ll like this big ribbed, wide, stout Compass son. He’s a 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. His pedigree combines two our best cow families; the Liza’s and the Carols who both trace to cows born at SCR in the 1920’s.


Birth Date: 01-10-2022 Tattoo: K12 Bull *20411175

#*Connealy Confidence Plus

+*Mill Brae Benchmark 9016 19503604

#Mill Brae FP Joanie 3063

*MOGCK Entice

*TL Black Rose 0127 19740081

TL Black Rose 5129

#*Connealy Confidence 0100

Elbanna of Conanga 1209

#*Connealy Final Product

#Mill Brae FA Joanie 9263

SydGen Enhance #*MOGCK Erica 2255

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

+Western Rose Black Rose R313

Calving Ease

• This stout, moderate framed bull excels in Marbling and Rib EPD and Targets the Brand. Ranks in the top 1% for $M. Should produce attractive, productive daughters.

– 10 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 69 769 109 1257 106 1-93 1-109 1-106 Carcass EPDs CW +65 Marb +.51 RE +.87 Fat -.005 $Values $M +53 $G +51 $B +162 $C +263 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 +.3 +82 +148 +1.33 +18
Tattoo: 12K Bull *20425013 Calving Ease
#+*KM Broken Bow
Spring Cove Pretty 205 #+*Basin Payweight
#Spring Cove Liza
SydGen Enhance #*MOGCK Erica
#*C C A Emblazon
*Spring Cove Crossbow #Spring Cove Liza 507 *MOGCK Entice *Spring Cove
Cove Melody 381 *Spring Cove Compound 12E 18875915
★★★★ 18
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 72 801 113 1273 107 4-87 4-108 3-106 Carcass EPDs CW +60 Marb +.68 RE +.93 Fat +.019 $Values $M +86 $G +58 $B +151 $C +282 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +13 -.2 +80 +139 +1.72 +23
★★★★★ 14
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 72 804 114 1242 105 1-96 1-114 1-105 Carcass EPDs CW +80 Marb +.66 RE +.66 Fat -.030 $Values $M +74 $G +57 $B +181 $C +309 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +.3 +94 +174 +.55 +21 Birth
Calving Ease #*Spring
Date: 01-14-2022
Cove Reno 4021 +*Pine View Ruby C001
Cove Compound 12E
19740063 ★★★★ 15
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 758 107 1208 101 5-100 5-107 4-110 Carcass EPDs CW +50 Marb +.89 RE +.72 Fat +.043 $Values $M +64 $G +63 $B +154 $C +264 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +.5 +62 +114 +.19 +21
19716250 #Spring
18652726 ★★★★
Cove Everelda 428
Cove Crossbow
Cove Liza 507
Tomorrow 0016
Cove Liza 713
C C Emblazon 854E
Titlelist X23
Everelda Entense 8132
Cove Compass 28H
Cove Everelda 624
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 757 107 1277 107 1-100 1-107 1-107
CW +55 Marb +.58 RE +.83 Fat +.007 $Values $M +64 $G +53 $B +140 $C +246 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +1.6 +69 +116 +.95 +24
Carcass EPDs
19775048 ★★★
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 791 109 1228 105 1-112 1-109 1-105
EPDs CW +48 Marb
RE +.71 Fat +.029 $Values $M +91 $G +69 $B +141 $C +274 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +.9 +77 +136 +1.35 +42

Spring Cove Benchmark 1K

Birth Date: 01-05-2022

#*Connealy Confidence Plus

+*Mill Brae Benchmark 9016


#Mill Brae FP Joanie 3063

#+*TEX Playbook 5437

TL Georgette 0135


#TL Georgette 8114

YeaRling BullS

Spring Cove Resilient 32K

Date: 01-25-2022

*Sitz Resilient 10208

*Sitz Stellar 726D *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856

Longevity 556Z

#*Spring Cove Violet 629

• A long, deep, stylish, performance bull with a top Rib Eye EPD. Low PAP EPD predicts he can be used at high elevations. Dam is on her way to Pathfinder status. Note her excellent production record. Maternal brothers to this lot are working at Ruby Ranches in JV, OR, and at Bill Turpin’s herd in Idaho Falls, ID.

Spring Cove Longevity K81

Tattoo: 1K Bull *20428700

#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Connealy Final Product #Mill Brae FA Joanie 9263 #+*Basin Payweight 1682

+*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete

Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96

J/M Georgette 6076

• This power bull is long, stout and smooth with a clean front. Dam descends from Sarah’s successful Jr Show heifer Georgette 6076. Top 10% for WW EPD and top 15% for YW EPD.

• 5 Star Calving Ease bull. Long, clean fronted and he Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Iconic K25



Spring Cove Resilient 27K

Birth Date: 01-22-2022

*Sitz Stellar 726D

*Sitz Resilient 10208


*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

#+*Spring Cove Carol 418


Cove Carol 033

Tattoo: 27K Bull +*20425137

#*Mohnen Substantial 272

*SITZ Pride 200B

#*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381

#*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

#Spring Cove Carol 629

• Top growth and maternal prospect from our great Carol 418. She produced the Centennial Pen of 3 Paygrade sons Josh took to Denver in 2019. This long, balanced EPD bull is bred for maternal excellence and Targets the Brand. Maternal brothers to this lot are working at Helmick Ranches, Mayfield, ID, Anthony Edwards Ranch, Rigby,ID, Kunzler Ranch, Park City, Utah, Harold Cook Ranch, Dietrich, ID, Flat Top Cattle, Aberdeen, ID, and Morgan Ranches, JV, OR. The prolific donor dam of this lot has 10 sons and 1 daughter in this offering. Lots 21, 79, 108, 109, 110, 113, 177, 178, 179, 180 and 220.

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull to use on large heifers and cows. He is deep and soggy and Targets the Brand. Great birth to weaning EPD spread.

Sitz longevity 566z, our $50,000 CHoiCe at tHe 2013 Sitz ranCH Sale He’S

– 11 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 806 114 1267 106 1-104 1-114 1-106 Carcass EPDs CW +60 Marb +.49 RE +.57 Fat +.023 $Values $M +69 $G +44 $B +137 $C +247 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +4 +2.9 +80 +132 +.78 +35
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 92 803 113 1253 105 5-105 5-106 4-106 Carcass EPDs CW +66 Marb +.55 RE +1.01 Fat -.005 $Values $M +65 $G +55 $B +162 $C +275 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +4 +3.2 +88 +152 +1.29 +24 Birth
Tattoo: 32K Bull *20425159
Spring Cove Violet 341
Substantial 272 *SITZ Pride
Sitz Miss Burgess
Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W SCR-TL Tomorrow 0016 Spring Cove Violet 128
200B #*Sitz
Game 561X
4381 #*Connealy
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 753 104 1238 106 4-96 4-107 1-106 Carcass EPDs CW +42 Marb +.96 RE +.66 Fat -.003 $Values $M +61 $G +69 $B +154 $C +261 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 -.4 +59 +110 +.11 +23
Tattoo: K81 Bull 20409940
Ease #*Sitz Longevity
+*TL Blackcap 3134 #*S A V Ten Speed 3022 TL Forever Lady 4185 #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 Limestone Blackcap R128 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #S A V Madame Pride 1134 Spring Cove Dozer 0336 TL Forever Lady 1150
Cove TL Longevity D59 18556486 TL Forever Lady 6123 18654760 ★★★★★ 23
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 73 813 112 1256 107 7-94 7-105 6-103 Carcass EPDs CW +62 Marb +1.05 RE +.58 Fat +.047
$M +45 $G +68 $B +163 $C +256
+80 +135
+4 +.4
K25 Bull 20411184
Birth Date: 01-19-2022 Tattoo:
Ms Discovery D13 SLL Overload T18 TL Hanna 8117 #+*LD Capitalist
#MCATL Blackbird
#*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 RDDA Overload 2437R +SLL MF Miss P414 Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96 Hanna of Holiday 4073
*Musgrave 316 Stunner *DB
TL Hanna 0147 16773461 ★★★ 24
*DB Iconic G95 19611994
tHe maternal grandSire
oF lot
and He inFluenCeS pedigreeS tHrougHout tHiS Book.
21 & 22 and
paternal grandSire
lot 20 - Spring Cove Benchmark 1K lot 21- Spring Cove Resilient 27K
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 87 744 ET 1253 ET 5-91 5-107 2-106 Carcass EPDs CW +59 Marb +.80 RE +.57 Fat +.015 $Values $M +73 $G +59 $B +162 $C +283 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +2 +2.7
+141 +1.01 +30

Spring Cove Growth Fund 56K

Birth Date: 02-01-2022

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

+*Deer Valley Growth Fund 18827828 Spring Cove Carol 033 16773393

+*Deer Valley Rita 36113

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

#Spring Cove Carol 629

YeaRling BullS

Spring Cove Resilient 45K

Tattoo: 56K Bull +*20425175

#+*Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017

#*Plattemere Weigh Up K360

Valley Rita 9457

Destination 727-928

Brook Entense 76D 29H #Hyline Right Time 338 Spring Cove Carol 909

• A power bull from our foundation donor Carol 033. He ranks in the top 3% for WW, YW and top 10% for $M. His dam has sons working in herds across the country from Georgia to Nevada and the fly over states in between. Note his dam’s excellent production record. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.

Date: 02-04-2022

Alternative E125

*Birch Creek Alternative 0213

*TL Beauty 9188 19491485

K203 Bull +*20413670

Blackbird A030


Bonus 4345

Southern Charm AA31

Ethta W9

Wisdom 297B

Beauty 3124

• A long, smooth growthy grandson of Baldridge Alternative E125. This ET calf ranks in the top 1% for WW & YW EPD. Donor dam is a great young “Gentry” daughter that has earned her way into the donor pen. Flush brothers sell as Lots 64 & 94.


• An outstanding, moderate, high performing Resilient son from the Spring Cove Melody Tribe. This long-sided bull ranks in the top 1% for $M and top 4% for $C and he Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Crossfire K47

Birth Date: 01-24-2022


• 3 Star Calving Ease “Crossfire” son for use on larger heifers and cows. This deep, long, heavy bull Targets the Brand and posts a low PAP EPD. His dam by “702” has an excellent production record. Good desert bull.

– 12 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 81 804 114 1247 105 2-106 2-109 1-105 Carcass EPDs CW +57 Marb +1.06 RE +.67 Fat +.011 $Values $M +98 $G +73 $B +163 $C +309 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +1 +1.7 +69 +117 +1.00 +41
Date: 01-28-2022 Tattoo: 45K Bull *20425165 *Sitz Stellar
#*Spring Cove
*Spring Cove Melody 700 #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *SITZ Pride 200B #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 *Spring Cove Liza 021 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z #*Spring Cove Melody 542
726D *Sitz
Burgess 1856
Reno 4021
19430125 27
*Spring Cove Melody 903
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 802 111 1202 103 4-101 5-107 3-105
EPDs CW +48 Marb +.80 RE +.42 Fat -.006 $Values $M +52 $G +59 $B +145 $C +240 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +2.0 +64 +108 +1.14 +26
Calving Ease
Tattoo: K47
*Spring Cove Laura 601 #*C C A Emblazon 702 +TL Blackcap 2142 #+*KM
Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442 #+O C C Emblazon
*Spring Cove Crossbow
Broken Bow 002
854E Limestone Blackcap R128 SLL
T18 Limestone Blackcap R128
TL Blackcap
17930617 ★★★ 28
+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H 19716901
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 92 743 ET 1236 ET 4-93 4-114 3-105 Carcass EPDs CW +68 Marb +.46 RE +.75 Fat +.034 $Values $M +84 $G +44 $B +149 $C +277 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD
+3 +3.3 +87 +153 +1.05 +41
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 86 803 ET 1246 ET 2-112 2-107 2-103 Carcass EPDs CW +74 Marb +.63 RE +.78 Fat -.021 $Values $M +67 $G +57 $B +159 $C +273 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +0 +5.6 +94 +161 +.39 +28 Birth
*TL Prairie
BUBS Gentry
#*TL Beauty
Spring Cove Alternative K203 26
Impact 0119
Spring Cove reno 4021 tHe maternal grandSire oF lot 27. reno’S pedigree inFluenCe iS tHrougHout tHiS Book.
CCa emBlazon 702 tHe maternal Sire oF lot 28. He’S alSo tHe maternal Sire oF reno, CroSSBoW, paygrade and HiS pedigree inFluenCe iS Found tHrougHout tHiS Book deer valley groWtH Fund Sire oF lot 25 BuBS gentry 682d WHo We purCHaSed From tHe BuB ranCH pen oF 3 at tHe 2019 nWSS in denver. He’S tHe maternal grandSire oF lot 26.

lot 20 - Spring Cove Cornerstone 162J

Spring Cove Cornerstone 162J

*Sitz Resilient 10208 29

Birth Date: 09-05-2021

*Sitz Stellar 726D

*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856

#*C C A Emblazon 702

Cove Pretty 205

Cove Pretty 009

Tattoo: 162J Bull +*20425252

#*Mohnen Substantial 272

*SITZ Pride 200B

#*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381

#+O C C Emblazon 854E

Calving Ease

Spring Cove Resilient 164J

Carcass EPDs

*Sitz Resilient 10208


*Spring Cove Liza 454 17930545

• Art named this maternal brother to ABS Global’s sire Spring Cove Crossbow, “Cornerstone.” Their dam, Spring Cove Pretty 205 has weaned 7 calves at 107 ratio, is still in production at SCR and raises her calves under western range conditions. At 11 years of age, her udder is still perfect, her feet are excellent, and she’s bred back to calve again. “Cornerstone” is a 4 Star Calving Ease, fall born ET bull with a low PAP EPD and added muscle and shape. He is herd bull material. Maternal brothers to Lot 29 are working at ABS Global, Chapman Cattle in Alberta, Canada, and Rabbit Creek Ranch in Elko, Nevada. Flush brothers sell as Lots 30 & 31.

Spring Cove Resilient 180J

Pride 625W

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

#Spring Cove Liza 146

• 4 Star Calving Ease, Fall yearling Resilient son. A well-balanced bull from the great Liza cow family. Low PAP EPD and top 10% $M. Maternal brothers working in Blake Wickel’s herd in Elba, ID, Dave MacKenzie’s herd in JV, OR, and Morgan Ranches, JV, OR.

Tattoo: 180J Bull +*20425262

#*Mohnen Substantial 272


*Sitz Stellar 726D

*Sitz Resilient 10208

*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856

#*C C A Emblazon 702

Spring Cove Pretty 205


Spring Cove Pretty 009


*SITZ Pride 200B

#*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381

#+O C C Emblazon 854E

Limestone Blackcap R128

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 Spring Cove Pretty 737

★★★★ 30

Calving Ease

+73 +124 +1.76 +36

• Another stout Fall yearling, 4 Star Calving Ease, Resilient son out of the dam of “Crossbow.” Flush brother to Lots 29 and 31. He Targets the Brand. Negative -2.39 PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.

Spring Cove Resilient 161J

Tattoo: 161J Bull +*20425251

#*Mohnen Substantial 272

5-year-old grandaughter Helen in the pumpkin field at SCR this fall.

*Sitz Stellar 726D

*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856

Cove Pretty 205

#*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Pretty 009

*SITZ Pride 200B

#*Sitz Top Game 561X

Sitz Miss Burgess 4381

#+O C C Emblazon 854E




Calving Ease

BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 60 752 ET 1192 ET 7-94 7-107 7-107 Carcass EPDs CW +26 Marb +.58 RE +.41 Fat +.027 $Values $M +76 $G +46 $B +104 $C +211 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -1.2 +61 +107 +.98 +33

• 5 Star Calving Ease, Fall born Resilient son out of the dam of “Crossbow.” Sleep all night heifer bull. Flush brother to Lots 29 and 30. He’s in the top 15% of the breed for $M. Cowmaker. Negative PAP EPD suitable for high elevation

3-year-old granddaughter Isabelle “helping” her Mom tag calves. “Look Mom, I wrote my numbers.”

– 13 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S fall YeaRling BullS
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 72 751 103 1122 106 5-98 5-104 5-107 Carcass EPDs CW +33 Marb +.74 RE +.35 Fat +.029 $Values $M +85 $G +52 $B +109 $C +226 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +.8 +69 +118 +1.15 +39
Bull *20425253 Calving Ease
Stellar 726D
Birth Date: 09-10-2021 Tattoo: 164J
*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z #Spring Cove Liza 034 #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *SITZ Pride 200B #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 #*Connealy Final Product
★★★★ 32
RE +.41 Fat +.051 $Values $M +51 $G +49 $B +127 $C +216 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK
+11 +.9 +70 +120 +1.21 +32
19057457 Spring
Limestone Blackcap R128 #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 Spring Cove Pretty 737 17423236 ★★★★
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 70 741 ET 1101 ET 7-94 7-107 7-107 Carcass EPDs CW +42 Marb +.70 RE +.56 Fat +.007 $Values $M +81 $G +55 $B +122 $C +239 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK
Birth Date: 09-10-2021
Spring Cove pretty 205, dam oF lotS 29, 30 and 31. SHe’S alSo tHe dam oF aBS gloBal’S Spring Cove CroSSBoW. SHe’S piCtured Here on our Summer range at 10 yearS oF age
Birth Date: 09-03-2021
Limestone Blackcap R128 #+SydGen 928
17423236 ★★★★★ 31
*Sitz Resilient 10208 19057457

teHama patriarCH

Spring Cove Pilot 163J

Birth Date: 09-01-2021

#*S S Niagara Z29

*Tehama Patriarch F028


Tehama Elite Blackbird D826

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

+*TL Blackcap 6138


Limestone Blackcap R128

Tattoo: 163J Bull +*20428755

#*Hoover Dam Jet S S X144

#Connealy Thunder

Tehama Elite Blackbird Z630

#*Connealy Final Product

+Sitz Pride 625W

#Hyline Right Time 338

+Three Trees Blackcap 3337

Carcass EPDs

lot 35 - Spring Cove Resilient 182J

Spring Cove Resilient 182J

Birth Date: 09-10-2021

*Sitz Stellar 726D

*Sitz Resilient 10208

*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

*Spring Cove Liza 412 17930521

#*Spring Cove Liza 912

• Pilot is an outstanding Patriarch son produced by a maternal sister to CCA Emblazon 702. He Targets the Brand, has a low PAP EPD and a powerful performance and phenotype. His $M is in the top 1% of the breed. He’ll make some awesome replacement females.

Spring Cove Desperado 172J

• Desperado is a 5 Star Calving Ease bull with the added growth and marbling of his sire who is a maternal brother to BUB’s Southern Charm. Double digit CED, negative BW EPD and Weaning and Yearling EPDs in the top 20% of the breed. He Targets the Brand, has a Marbling EPD over +1.0 and $M in the top 2% of the breed. Marbling and Maternal. Stems from Wyatt’s first heifer Liza 412.

Tattoo: 182J Bull +*20425264

#*Mohnen Substantial 272 *SITZ Pride 200B



Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease, Resilient son out of Wyatts’ “picture perfect” Liza 412 donor cow. Double digit CED, negative BW, great marbling, Targets the Brand, low PAP EPD and has a $Maternal in the top 10% of the breed. Maternal brothers to this lot are working at Helmick Ranch, Mayfield, ID, 7 Triangle Ranch, Gooding, ID, Paul Edwards Ranch, Salmon, ID and at Metzger Angus in Towner, ND. A flush brother sells as Lot 36. Keep them together for a consistent calf crop.

Spring Cove Resilient 181J

Birth Date: 09-10-2021

Tattoo: 181J

• Flush Brother to Lot 35. Footnote is the same. Marbling and Maternal in a Calving Ease package. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation

– 14 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S fall YeaRling BullS
ET 6-94 6-99 6-97
80 751 ET 1122
Carcass EPDs
+.029 $Values
+.2 +82 +146 +1.13 +34
#*Sitz Top Game
Sitz Miss Burgess
#*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W
#*Stevenson CE Deluxe 1914 Spring Cove Liza 721
★★★★★ 35
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 706 ET 1015 ET 6-94 6-99 6-97 Carcass EPDs CW +43 Marb +.65 RE +.46 Fat +.056 $Values $M +80 $G +47 $B +134 $C +254 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 -2.3 +62 +102 +1.12 +31
Bull +*20425263 Calving Ease *Sitz Stellar 726D *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z #*Spring Cove Liza 912 #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *SITZ Pride 200B #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #*Stevenson CE Deluxe 1914 Spring Cove Liza 721
Resilient 10208 19057457
Cove Liza 412 17930521 ★★★★★ 36
Fat +.018 $Values $M +104 $G +56 $B +126 $C +267 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +4
+109 +1.68 +44
CW +46
+1.4 +65
tHe HigHly proven Sire oF
lot 33
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 60 742 101 1102 103 1-88 1-101 1-103 Carcass EPDs CW +55 Marb +1.02 RE +.60 Fat +.023 $Values $M +94 $G +69 $B +159 $C +300 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +14 -1.3 +77 +130 +1.02 +35 Birth Date: 09-23-2021 Tattoo: 172J Bull *20425258 Calving Ease #*Spring Cove Reno 4021 *Hickory Hill Erica 009 SydGen Enhance *Spring Cove Liza 412 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 *Spring Cove Liza 021 #*Connealy Stimulus 8419 Hickory Hill Erica TA32 #*SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Rita 2618 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z #*Spring Cove Liza 912 +*Mahans Woodrow F34 19298622 +*Spring Cove Liza WJM 9099 19755864 ★★★★★ 34

lot 37 - Spring Cove Comrade 167J

Spring Cove Comrade 167J

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

+*B/R Comrade 49

+*HFG Wendy 825

+*B/R Comrade 49

*Spring Cove Rachel WLM 9097 19755613

*Spring Cove Rachel WLM 402

YeaRling BullS

Spring Cove Woodrow 166J

Birth Date: 09-25-2021

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

+*Mahans Woodrow F34 19298622

*Hickory Hill Erica 009 +*B/R Comrade 49

*Spring Cove Claire DVB 9096 19755612

Tattoo: 166J Bull *20430322

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Connealy Stimulus 8419

Hickory Hill Erica TA32

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

+*HFG Wendy 825


Calving Ease

• A 5 Star Calving Ease “Woodrow” son from Dale’s pretty Claire cow family. His CED is in the top 1% of the breed. He’s a low maintenance heifer bull for tough country who has a low PAP EPD and Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Woodrow 169J


#*Connealy Consensus 7229

Gee of Conanga 919 #G A R Retail Product

A A R Wendy 2151 #*Connealy Comrade 1385

Wendy 825

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

Rachel 2154


Birth Date: 10-27-2021 Tattoo: 169J Bull *20425255

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

+*Mahans Woodrow F34 19298622

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021 *Hickory Hill Erica 009 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z

*Spring Cove Rachel WLM 402 18564154

Rachel 2154

Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease bull whose line bred to “Comrade.” Double digit CED, negative Birth EPD and he Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Enhance 1025

*Spring Cove TL Enhance G80


Thomas Lucy 9209


Exceed 3223

Rita 2618

Traction 292

Emblazon BlackLassie 420

Elsa 21165

#*Musgrave Aviator Thomas Lucy 21090


• 5 Star Calving Ease “Enchance” bred bull with big growth EPDs and he Targets the Brand. Look at his combination of Marbling and Rib EPDs.

Spring Cove Woodrow 176J [ DDC ]

Birth Date: 10-14-2021

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

+*Mahans Woodrow F34


*Hickory Hill Erica 009

+*B/R Comrade 49

*V4 Rita 9090


V4 Rita 1100

Tattoo: 176J Bull *20425260

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Connealy Stimulus 8419

Hickory Hill Erica TA32

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

+*HFG Wendy 825

#*B/R New Day 454

V4 Rita 905

Calving Ease

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers or cows. This Reno grandson of Sarah’s was made to breed cows up on Bennett Mtn. Top 10% for WW and top 15% for YW and Marbling. Top 3% for $M. Low PAP EPD, and he Targets the Brand.

*Spring Cove Liza 021 #*Connealy Stimulus 8419

Hill Erica TA32 #*Connealy Final Product

Pride 625W SLL Titlelist X23

Cove Rachel 756

• A 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. His $M is in the top 1%, and he Targets the Brand.


Spring Cove Woodrow 177J

Birth Date: 11-21-2021

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

+*Mahans Woodrow F34 19298622

Spring Cove Blossom 9094 19755610

*Hickory Hill Erica 009 +*B/R Comrade 49 Spring Cove Blossom 413

Tattoo: 177J Bull *20425261

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021 #*Connealy Stimulus 8419

Hickory Hill Erica TA32

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

+*HFG Wendy 825

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

+Spring Cove Blossom 578

• Nice Fall, growth bull from the Blossom tribe with low PAP EPD and a big rib EPD.

Spring Cove Woodrow 170J

Birth Date: 10-02-2021

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

+*Mahans Woodrow F34

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

SITZ Resource 525C

*V4 Rita 8087

*V4 Rtia 6049

Tattoo: 170J Bull *20425256

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Connealy Stimulus 8419

Hickory Hill Erica TA32

#+*S A V Resource 1441

Sitz Blackbird 202S

+*Sitz Wisdom 297B

V4 Rita 1100

• Stout Fall bull with good growth data. Top 10% $M and Rib EPD.

– 15 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S fall
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 60 737 101 1025 97 1-88 1-101 1-97 Carcass EPDs CW +15 Marb +.93 RE +.49 Fat -.024 $Values $M +93 $G +67 $B +113 $C +240 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +16 -2.0 +51 +82 +.77 +33
Cove Claire
V Warrior Spring Cove Claire DVB 946
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 70 751 103 1013 100 6-92 6-99 6-100
EPDs CW +26 Marb +.73 RE +.48 Fat +.009 $Values $M +98 $G +55 $B +104 $C +233 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +1.7 +71 +110 +.71 +35
★★★ 41
YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 70 722 100 1087 100 1-100 1-100 1-100 Carcass EPDs CW
RE +.85 Fat -.010 $Values $M +91 $G +47 $B +143 $C +276 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +2.4 +78 +129 +1.44 +32
2-99 2-89 2-88
EPDs CW +60 Marb
RE +1.01 Fat -.005 $Values $M +84 $G +56 $B +155 $C +285 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 +2.1 +79 +134 +1.77 +37
WR YR 75 725 99 1117 105
19543466 43
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 745 102 1095 103 1-108 1-102 1-103 Carcass EPDs CW +37 Marb +.86 RE +.29 Fat +.028 $Values $M +92 $G +57 $B +136 $C +268 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +13 -1.4 +60 +98 +.61 +21
Birth Date: 10-02-2021
★★★★★ 37
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 644 99 1218 100 1-110 1-99 1-100 Carcass EPDs CW +49 Marb +1.23 RE +1.05 Fat +.003 $Values $M +71 $G +87 $B +180 $C +304 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 -.3 +71 +127 +1.35 +32 Birth
SydGen Enhance *JMB
Date: 10-13-2021
20368021 Calving Ease
Black Lassie Trac 780
Absolution 6568
Lucy 61800
C F Bennett Absolute
★★★★★ 38
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 725 99 1075 101 1-112 1-99 1-101
EPDs CW +42 Marb +1.01 RE +.40 Fat +.042 $Values $M +92 $G +64 $B +143 $C +277 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 +1.7 +80 +134 +1.01 +34
★★★ 39

Two YeaR old BullS

Spring Cove Comrade 146J

• 5 Star Calving Ease , 2-year-old bull ready to go to work. Low PAP EPD indicates he should be good for high elevation use.

lot 44 - Spring Cove Bonus 147J

Spring Cove Bonus 147J

#*Basin Bonus 4345

*Spring Cove Liza 678

Spring Cove Comrade WLM 129J

Payweight 006S

O Lass 7017 #*Connealy Consensus 7229

Erica W040 #*B/R New Day 454

Florabelle Fanny 8143 #+H A Power Alliance 1025

Cove Liza 404

• Lot 44 leads off the 2-year-old offering in the sale. We chose a select group of bulls to hold over as two’s to offer some age advantaged bulls to our customers. This bull is the natural calf out of the donor Liza 678 who is best known as the dam to Spring Cove Compass 28H. This smooth, correct bull will improve feet and make outstanding cows. Maternal brothers are working at Salmon Falls Land and Livestock, Hagerman, ID, Rabbit Creek Ranch, Elko, NV, Grimmius Cattle Co, CA, and for Peter and Marcia Scott, Twin Bridges, NV.

Spring Cove Bonus 64J

#*Basin Bonus 4345


Spring Cove Eleanor 223

304 45

• 4 Star Calving Ease, older bull with a top Marbling EPD and $M. His productive dam by “702” has 8 calves on record. A maternal brother by “Feat” sells as Lot 99. Maternal brothers are working at Flat Top Cattle , Aberdeen, ID, and Oscar Mattson, Firth, ID. Targets the Brand.


Date: 03-15-2021


127J Bull *20075816

Consensus 7229

• Another 5 Star Calving Ease, 2-year-old bull that Targets the Brand. Low PAP EPD, high Marbling EPD and top 3% for $M. Maternal brothers are working at Kunzler Ranch, Park Valley, UT, Hawk Shadow Ranch, Volcano, CA, and at Todd Carpenter’s outfit in Malta, ID.

Spring Cove Comrade JM 95J

Birth Date: 03-04-2021

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

+*HFG Wendy 825

SLL Titlelist X23

95J Bull *20031332 Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease, 2-year-old bull sired by “Comrade.” Low maintenance, Low PAP EPD for tough environments. Note his positive $EN. Maternal brother working for Casey Knudsen, Albion, ID.

Spring Cove Comrade 123J

Birth Date: 03-14-2021

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

Tattoo: 123J Bull 20075813

#*Connealy Consensus 7229


Gee of Conanga 919

Happy Gee of Conanga 919




Wendy 825

Cove Crossbow

A A R Wendy 2151


Cove Star 564 +*B/R Comrade

Broken Bow 002

Longevity 556Z


BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 600 83 1131 99 2-98 2-97 1-99 Carcass EPDs CW +37 Marb +.83 RE +.30 Fat +.013 $Values $M +65 $G +57 $B +139 $C +245 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10

+*B/R Comrade 49 17806109

+*HFG Wendy 825

#TC Aberdeen 759

Spring Cove Star 004 16775486

Spring Cove Star 843


#+TC Blackbird 4034

+B/R Destination 928-543

#Spring Cove Star 352

Calving Ease

Carcass EPDs CW +40

• 5 Star Calving Ease, 2-year-old bull sired by “Comrade” who Targets the Brand. Note his dam’s great production record. Maternal brothers to this lot are working at Rabbit Creek Ranch, Elko, NV, B&B Cattle, Hagerman, ID, and for Todd Carpenter at Malta, ID.

– 16 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 664 97 1154 100 4-99 4-92 1-100 Carcass EPDs CW +29 Marb +.65 RE +.51 Fat +.020 $Values $M +80 $G +51 $B +120 $C +236 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -1.5 +59 +105 +.14 +18
Date: 04-01-2021 Tattoo: 146J Bull *20075830 Calving Ease #*Connealy Comrade
+*HFG Wendy
SLL Titlelist X23 Spring Cove Blossom 104
Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 #G A R Retail Product +B A A R Wendy 2151 #EXAR Titlelist T011 +SLL MF Miss P414 #*B/R New Day 454 Spring Cove Blossom 936
Comrade 49 17806109
Cove Blossom
18654013 ★★★★★ 47
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 676 94 1127 99 4-99 4-100 3-100 Carcass EPDs CW +29 Marb +.87 RE +.36 Fat +.021 $Values $M +88 $G +59 $B +129 $C +255 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +14 -1.7 +56 +101 +.17 +28
Date: 03-13-2021 Tattoo: 129J Bull 20075818 Calving Ease #*Connealy Comrade 1385 +*HFG Wendy 825 #*Basin Bonus 4345 *Spring Cove Rachel WLM 402 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 #G A R Retail Product +B A A R Wendy 2151 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Basin Erica 2223 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z TL Rachel 2154 +*B/R Comrade 49 17806109 Spring Cove Rachel WLM 613 18652718 ★★★★★ 48
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 710 98 1160 101 3-96 3-98 2-95 Carcass EPDs CW +31 Marb +.60 RE -.03 Fat +.017 $Values $M +55 $G +41 $B +113 $C +202 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +.9 +48 +88 +.71 +30
+Spring Cove Blossom 579 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 #G A R Retail Product +B A A R Wendy 2151
Cove Blossom
18652702 ★★★★ 49
#EXAR Titlelist T011 +SLL MF Miss P414 #+B/R New Frontier 095 Spring Cove Blossom 611 +*B/R Comrade 49
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 758 105 1172 102 9-100 9-105 7-103
Marb +.81 RE +.67 Fat +.029 $Values $M +74 $G +60 $B +135 $C +249 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -.8 +62 +98 +1.21 +28
A R Retail Product +B A A R Wendy 2151
#C R A Bextor 872 5205 608
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 83 753 110 1209 105 5-96 4-108 3-104
CW +50 Marb +.38 RE +.72 Fat +.004 $Values $M +77 $G +42 $B +132 $C +248 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +3 +1.9 +70 +121 +1.30 +35 Birth
#Spring Cove
Carcass EPDs
Date: 04-02-2021
*20075831 #+*Basin Payweight 1682
Erica 2223
Tomorrow 0016
Liza 713
18652770 44
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 89 693 96 1082 94 8-103 8-100 6-98 Carcass EPDs CW +29 Marb +1.03 RE +.34 Fat +.051 $Values $M +73 $G +64 $B +127 $C +238 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.0 +56 +97 +.57 +34 Birth Date: 02-22-2021 Tattoo: 64J Bull 20025068
Ease #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Basin Erica 2223 #*C C A Emblazon 702 #Spring Cove Eleanor 630 #+*Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +44 Erica W040 #+O C C Emblazon 854E Limestone Blackcap R128 #Hyline Right Time 338 #Spring Cove Eleanor
Calving 17423228 ★★★★
• 5 Star Calving Ease, 2-year-old bull who will improve Marbling.
Spring Cove Comrade 127J
-.9 +65 +116 +.63 +24
Calving Ease
Comrade 1385
Cove Star 627
A R Retail Product
Cove Pretty 205
*Spring Cove Star 812 19232529

Two YeaR old BullS

Spring Cove Sonny WJM 139J

*BUBS Southern Charm AA31

*BUBS Southern Son 33C 18451499

+*Spring Cove Liza 7081 18937221

*Silveiras Conversion 8064

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

*BUBS Tom Tom W02

Lula 26X #+*KM Broken Bow 002

• 5 Star Calving Ease, 2-year-old bull sired by BUBS Southern Son 33C “Sonny.” Note his high Marbling EPD and that he Targets the Brand. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation

lot 51- Spring Cove Comrade 144J

Spring Cove Comrade 144J

Birth Date: 03-27-2021

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

+*HFG Wendy 825

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

Tattoo: 144J Bull *20075828

Consensus 7229

Gee of Conanga 919

Spring Cove Sonny 151J

Birth Date: 04-08-2021

*BUBS Southern Charm AA31

*BUBS Southern Son 33C 18451499

#BUBS Lula 9Z #*Sitz Longevity 556Z

#Spring Cove Lillian 441 17930538

Cove Lillian 057

Calving Ease

• Another 5 Star Calving Ease, Comrade 2 yr old. He’ll be a low maintance sire who should work in rugged, high country.

Spring Cove Longevity 153J



• 4 Star Calving Ease , 2 yr old bull who Targets the Brand. Low PAP EPD, high Marbling and his $M is in the top 1% of the breed. Note his dam’s tremendous production record. This bull will make daughters to keep you in the business. His dam is now owned by Wagon Box Angus in Cowley, Wyoming.

Spring Cove Longevity 145J

Birth Date: 03-27-2021 Tattoo: 145J Bull *20075829

+*Spring Cove Longevity 65D

*Spring Cove Longevity 170F


*Spring Cove Melody 730

*Spring Cove Star 680 #*Spring Cove Reno 4021 #+*Spring Cove Melody 519


Longevity 556Z Limestone Blackcap R128

Cove Reno 4021

Cove Star 214

Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z Spring Cove Melody 053

• 5 Star Calving Ease, 2-year-old bull out of a great young Reno daughter. He Targets the Brand, has a low PAP EPD, great carcass numbers and should produce excellent daughters.

Tattoo: 151J Bull 20075834

*Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Hickory Hill Erica 009 *BUBS Tom Tom W02

Lula 26X #*Connealy Final Product


Emblazon 702

Calving Ease

• Correct, balanced 2-year-old bull with a great EPD profile out of a Pathfinder dam. A maternal brother sold to Big Dry Angus in Jordan, MT.

Spring Cove Charm DVB 142J

*BUBS Southern Charm AA31

*Spring Cove Charm 29G 19430032

*Spring Cove Claire DVB 920 19430120

Broken Bow 002

Cove Blossom 204 *Silveiras Conversion 8064

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

Spring Cove Claire 436

• 4 Star Calving Ease, 2-year-old bull who is a grandson of BUB’s Southern Charm and Blossom 49. He Targets the Brand and is ready to go to work.

Spring Cove Charm DVB 133J

Birth Date: 03-17-2021

*BUBS Southern Charm AA31

*Spring Cove Charm 29G 19430032

Spring Cove Blossom 49

*BUBS Southern Charm AA31

*Spring Cove Erica DVB 956

Spring Cove Erica DVB 6027


*Silveiras Conversion 8064

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

Spring Cove Blossom 204

*Silveiras Conversion 8064

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

#*Hoover Dam RT Predominant 338 130

• Big growthy 2-year-old bull out of Dale’s herd. 3/4 brother to Lot 56.

– 17 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 629 92 1119 97 2-106 2-96 2-98 Carcass EPDs CW +35 Marb +1.03 RE +.50 Fat +.028 $Values $M +67 $G +68 $B +138 $C +246 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 -.1 +65 +112 +1.38 +36
Tattoo: 139J Bull *20075825
Birth Date: 03-19-2021
#BUBS Lula 9Z *Spring Cove Crossbow
Cove Liza 412
#*Sitz Longevity
#*Spring Cove Liza 912
Cove Pretty 205
★★★★★ 54
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 660 96 1178 102 2-98 2-98 1-102 Carcass EPDs CW +43 Marb +1.01 RE +.58 Fat +.025 $Values $M +58 $G +68 $B +150 $C +253 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 +.5 +66 +116 +.84 +39
Birth Date: 03-22-2021 Tattoo: 142J Bull *20079955 Calving Ease
Cove Blossom 49 *BUBS Southern Charm AA31
Cove Claire DVB 489 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Hickory Hill Erica 009
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 73 759 111 1210 105 2-105 2-104 1-105
$Values $M +58 $G +54 $B +153 $C +256 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +2.6 +75 +124 +.50 +23
Tattoo: 133J
19430172 57
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 723 100 1229 100 8-99 8-101 3-105 Carcass EPDs CW +53 Marb +.94 RE +.35 Fat +.048 $Values $M +102 $G +60 $B +161 $C +311 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +1.2 +57 +105 +.78 +30 Birth Date: 04-15-2021 Tattoo: 153J Bull 20075835
Ease #*Sitz Longevity 556Z +*TL Blackcap 3134 #*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Alta 831 #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 Limestone Blackcap R128 #+O C C Emblazon 854E Limestone Blackcap R128 SydGen Corona 6078 Spring Cove Alta 372 *Spring Cove TL Longevity D59 18556486 Spring Cove Alta
★★★★ 52
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 70 669 98 1167 102 3-96 3-107 2-102 Carcass EPDs CW +47 Marb +.64 RE +.95 Fat -.004 $Values $M +76 $G +58 $B +144 $C +263 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 -1.5 +59 +102 +.14 +33
Calving Ease
★★★★★ 53
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 725 106 1202 105 5-105 5-102 2-102 Carcass EPDs CW +19 Marb +.72 RE +.22 Fat +.030 $Values $M +78 $G +49 $B +101 $C +209 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 -.6 +50 +83 +.77 +24
#G A
+B A
#*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride
Holiday Paradox
+*B/R Comrade
17806109 +*Spring
18652719 ★★★★★ 51
Cove Star 564
R Retail Product
A R Wendy 2151
Cove Star 905
Cove Star 615
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 89 668 97 1111 96 6-98 6-107 5-103 Carcass EPDs CW +41 Marb +.59 RE +.52 Fat +.005 $Values $M +65 $G +49 $B +134 $C +239
+60 +110 +1.30 +27
+Sitz Pride
Cove Laura 97 644
★★★ 55

YeaRling BullS

Sitz reSilient 10208 Sire oF lotS 58 and 61

Spring Cove Diligent 24K

Substantial 272

Pride 200B

Top Game 561X

Miss Burgess 4381

Cavalry V3326

Blackcap Empress 339

Spring Cove Feat 39K

*Spring Cove Star 909

*Spring Cove Crossbow Spring Cove Star 560

• This 3 Star Calving Ease, Resilient son out of a tremendous young “Brigade” daughter is herd bull material. His maternal brother was the very popular Lot 5 in last year’s sale going to Morgan Ranches and Flat Top Cattle for $17,500. He’s been a ranch favorite. Exceptional growth EPDs, low PAP EPD, good Marbling, Rib, $M and $C, and he Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Accomplished 37K

• 5 Star Calving Ease bull with good projections for Marbling and negative PAP EPD as well. Double digit CED, negative Birth EPD and he Targets the Brand. Dam has sons working at Ruby Ranches, JV,OR, and at Lund Ranch, Centerfield, Utah.

• Great, balanced bull by “Feat.” Low PAP EPD as well. Maternal brother is working at Parsnip Peak Cattle, JV, OR.

Spring Cove Resilient 28K

• 4 Star Calving Ease with explosive weaning growth. Low PAP EPD, high Marbling projections, Targets the Brand and has a $M in the top 4% of the breed. Stems from the Liza cow family who produced “Reno.”

– 18 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 731 103 1224 103 2-112 2-105 2-105 Carcass EPDs CW +48 Marb +.63 RE +.55 Fat +.063 $Values $M +69 $G +47 $B +133 $C +242 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +2.4 +69 +118 +.73 +24
Date: 01-25-2022 Tattoo: 39K Bull *20425161
Accomplishment 720F
Sitz Forever Lady 12F +*T/D Brigade
#Spring Cove Blossom 019 *Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D *Sitz Stellar 726D +*Sitz Forever Lady 9D #*JVC Cavalry V3326 *B/R Blackcap Empress 339 #TC Aberdeen 759 #Spring Cove Blossom 704
Feat 729H 19677962 Spring Cove Blossom 9001 19430059 60
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 804 114 1258 106 2-100 2-109 1-106 Carcass EPDs CW +48 Marb +.99 RE +.55 Fat +.051 $Values $M +89 $G +65 $B +135 $C +264 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +.8 +86 +134 +.99 +28
28K Bull *20425146 Calving Ease
Stellar 726D *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 *Spring Cove Crossbow #Spring Cove Liza 034 #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *SITZ Pride 200B #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 #Spring Cove Liza 146
19430082 ★★★★
01-24-2022 Tattoo:
*Sitz Resilient 10208
Liza 9033
61 lot 60 - Spring Cove Feat 39K
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 772 109 1254 105 2-106 2-111 2-109 Carcass EPDs CW +61 Marb +.77 RE +.85 Fat -.008 $Values $M +89 $G +63 $B +156 $C +291 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.7 +82 +150 +.33 +28 Birth Date: 01-20-2022 Tattoo: 24K Bull *20425109 Calving Ease *Sitz Stellar 726D *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 +*T/D Brigade 714 *Spring Cove Star 702 #*Mohnen
*Sitz Resilient 10208 19057457
19430111 ★★★ 58
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 708 100 1228 103 3-95 3-104 3-104 Carcass EPDs CW +28 Marb +.91 RE +.58 Fat +.042 $Values $M +68 $G +62 $B +128 $C +234 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -1.6 +58 +101 +.34 +31 Birth Date: 01-25-2022 Tattoo: 37K Bull *20425160
Ease *Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D *Spring Cove TL Cat D13 *Spring Cove Blossom 375 Poss Lasting Impact 3118 *Poss Erica 327 #+*S A V Resource 1441 Sitz Barbaramere Nell 14Y #*Basin Bonus 4345 TL Ruby 4143 #*C C A Emblazon 702 #Spring Cove Blossom 319 *Sitz Accomplishment 720F 19078208 +*Spring Cove Lucy Blossom 879 19233294 ★★★★★ 59 Spring Cove tl Cat d13, tHe $40,000 HigH Seller in our 2017 Sale He’S tHe maternal grandSire to lot 59.
Spring Cove CroSSBoW - His influence is throughout the offering.

lot 62 - Spring Cove Accomplished 34K

Spring Cove Accomplished 34K

34K Bull *20428795

Lasting Impact 3118

Erica 327

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

Barbaramere Nell 166D

Pioneer 566B

Spring Cove Carol JM 9003

Cove Carol 116

A V Resource 1441

Barbaramere Nell 14Y

A V Pioneer 7301

Elluna Elite 243X

Overload T18

Cove Carol 565

• 3 Star Calving Ease for use on larger heifers and cows. A deep, long, thick bull with very low PAP EPD for high elevation use.

lot 64 - Spring Cove Range Rover K210

Spring Cove Range Rover K210

lot 63 - Spring Cove Iconic K15

Spring Cove Iconic K15

Birth Date: 01-13-2022 Tattoo: K15 Bull *20411177

*Musgrave 316 Stunner

*DB Ms Discovery D13 Crouthamel Merritt 4054

Blossom 5141

#+*LD Capitalist 316

#MCATL Blackbird 831-1378

#*V A R Discovery 2240

Ms Final Tool 4120

*CCC Merritt 030

Mytty Blackbird 120U

Cove TL Payload 1029

Blossom 1152

Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease son of Iconic from the Blossom cow family. Great birth to growth spread EPDs, lots of marbling, and he Targets the Brand.

Birth Date: 01-20-2022

+*Baldridge Alternative E125

Prairie 6113

Gentry 682D

Beauty 6160

K210 Bull +*20413675




Prairie 4153 *BUBS Southern Charm AA31

Ethta W9

Beauty 3124

★★★ 64

• 3 Star Calving Ease for use on larger heifers and cows. Long bodied growth bull. Full brothers sell as Lots 26 and 94. “Range Rover” is on the bull on the front cover of this book.

Spring Cove Iconic K30

• 3 Star Calving Ease for use on larger heifers and cows. A growthy performance Iconic son that stems from the Blackcap cow family who produced CCA Emblazon 702. He Targets the Brand.


Spring Cove Alternative K201

Birth Date: 02-05-2022 Tattoo: K201 Bull +*20413669 +*Baldridge Alternative E125

*Birch Creek Alternative 0213 19773586

*TL Prairie 6113

#*Connealy Consensus 7229

+TL Ruby 4141 17990541

Poss Easy Impact 0119

Baldridge Blackbird A030

#*Basin Bonus 4345 TL Prairie 4153

#*Connealy Consensus

Lilly of Conanga 16

Carcass EPDs


+Monarch Ruby S284

#*Gardens Prime Star +Southern Ruby of Tiffany3495

• Another ET bull from 0213 x Ruby 4141 flush. Growth bull with excellent carcass merit. Moderate frame, low PAP EPD, and he Targets the Brand. Flush brothers sell as Lots 12, 13, 74, 76, 93, 137 and a flush sister is Lot 217.

– 19 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
YeaRling BullS
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 788 109 1242 106 3-99 2-104 1-106 Carcass EPDs CW +68 Marb +1.05 RE +.29 Fat +.057 $Values $M +57 $G +64 $B +175 $C +284 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +.9 +74 +134 +.97 +32
Tattoo: K30 Bull *20411188 Calving Ease *Musgrave
*DB Ms Discovery
Crouthamel Merritt
TL Blackcap 2168 #+*LD Capitalist 316 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 #*V A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool 4120 *CCC Merritt 030 Mytty Blackbird 120U SLL Titlelist X23 TL Blackcap 9125
Iconic G95 19611994 *TL Blackcap
19233608 ★★★ 65
316 Stunner
5-100 6-94 1-105
810 ET 1253 ET
$Values $M +78 $G +63 $B +163 $C +289
+0 +3.1 +73 +120 +1.03
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 86 707 100 1238 104 2-103 2-102 1-104 Carcass EPDs CW +38 Marb +.35 RE +.48 Fat +.051 $Values $M +69 $G +34 $B +113 $C +216 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +1.6 +65 +121 +.64 +29 Birth
Calving Ease
Date: 01-25-2022
*Poss Achievement
19542666 ★★★ 62
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 773 107 1234 106 3-103 3-105 3-103 Carcass EPDs CW +57 Marb +.92 RE +.34 Fat +.001 $Values $M +49 $G +63 $B +154 $C +249 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +.5 +78 +140 +1.54 +31
*DB Iconic G95 19611994
19233604 ★★★★ 63
#*TL Blossom 8183
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 771 ET 1225 ET 2-112 2-107 2-103 Carcass EPDs CW +60 Marb +.11 RE +1.10 Fat -.006 $Values $M +72 $G +36 $B +142 $C +256 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 +1.5 +73 +126 -.48 +21
Calving Ease TL
Easy Impact 0119
Blackbird A030
Bonus 4345
Wisdom 297B
*Birch Creek Alternative 0213 19773586
*TL Beauty 9188 19491485

Spring Cove Iconic K19

Birth Date: 01-17-2022

*Musgrave 316 Stunner

*DB Iconic G95

*DB Ms Discovery D13

#*S A V Ten Speed 3022 TL Prairie Star 4146

Tattoo: K19

#+*LD Capitalist 316

#MCATL Blackbird 831-1378

#*V A R Discovery 2240

Ms Final Tool 4120

#*A A R Ten X 7008 S A

A V Madame Pride 1134


Prairie Star 1151

Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease outcross pedigree. Double digit CED, negative Birth EPD and good growth data from the Praire Star cow family. He Targets the Brand. Maternal brothers working at Todd Carpenter’s in Malta, ID, and at Rabbit Creek Ranch, Elko, NV.

Spring Cove Crossfire 69K

Broken Bow 002

Cove Pretty 205

Bonus 4345

Cove Laura 442

Overload 2437R

MF Miss P414

Cove Lillian 467

New Day 454

Cove Laura 924

Calving Ease

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. Great growth data and high Marbling in a stout,big topped “Crossfire” son. Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Crossbow 8K

*Spring Cove Crossbow


*Spring Cove Claire DVB 054


lot 71 - Spring Cove Crossbow 19K

Spring Cove Crossbow 19K

Birth Date: 01-18-2022

Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Crossbow 17924903

Cove Pretty 205


*Spring Cove Blossom WLM 029 19777882

19K Bull *20425043


• 4 Star Calving Ease, moderate mature size, exceptional Marbling and Rib numbers. Top 4% for $G. He Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Emblazon K10

Wind 3122

Spring Cove Claire DVB 120

• 4 Star Calving Ease, Targets the Brand. Dam is a productive young “Charm” daughter.

Spring Cove Crossfire K57

Birth Date: 01-27-2022

*Spring Cove Crossbow

+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H 19716901

*Spring Cove Laura 601

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

#TL Rachel 4121 17930633

Western Rose Black Rose R463

Tattoo: K57 Bull 20409924

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

Spring Cove Pretty 205

#*Basin Bonus 4345

Spring Cove Laura 442

#*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W

#B/R New Design 323

+Western Rose Black Rose R203

Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease “Crossfire” son with excellent growth data from a Pathfinder dam. He Targets the Brand

• An own son of CCA Emblazon 702 out of young, productive “Charm” daughter. Excellent growth numbers and Marbling EPD. He Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Iconic K37

Birth Date: 01-22-2022 Tattoo: K37 Bull 20411193

*DB Iconic G95 19611994 TL Estonia 1124

316 Stunner

*DB Ms Discovery D13

New Day 454 TL Estonia 9102

#+*LD Capitalist 316

Blackbird 831-1378

#*V A R Discovery 2240

Ms Final Tool 4120

New Day 8005

B/R Ruby 1224

#Morgans Direction 111 9901 J/M Estonia 7106

• 3 Star Calving Ease for use on larger heifers and cows. High Marbling EPD, and he Targets the Brand. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation

– 20 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
YeaRling BullS
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 724 102 1244 104 1-106 1-102 1-104 Carcass EPDs CW +37 Marb +1.32 RE +.61 Fat +.029 $Values $M +69 $G +83 $B +154 $C +269 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +1.5 +67 +119 +.82 +32
SydGen Enhance #*MOGCK
Cove Blossom WLM 850 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55
Princess 0P12
C A Emblazon 702
Cove Pretty 009
Erica 2255 *Spring Cove Paygrade 5064
Cove Blossom 47
★★★★ 71
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 86 786 109 1271 109 1-115 1-109 1-109 Carcass EPDs CW +30 Marb +.83 RE +.31 Fat +.001 $Values $M +37 $G +58 $B +118 $C +190
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +2.8 +74 +125 +1.26 +13
Tattoo: K10 Bull *20409883 #+O C C Emblazon 854E Limestone Blackcap R128 *BUBS Southern Charm AA31 #TL Beauty 4109 #D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 #Hyline Right Time 338 +Three Trees Blackcap 3337 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Hickory Hill Erica 009 SCR-TL Tomorrow 0016 TL Beauty 2108 #*C C A Emblazon 702 15980098
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 90 798 110 1222 105 8-100 8-98 6-102 Carcass EPDs CW +53 Marb +1.16 RE +.51 Fat +.044 $Values $M +59 $G +73 $B +159 $C +265 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +2.0 +73 +117 +1.89 +32
★★★ 73
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 766 106 1203 103 5-98 5-102 4-101 Carcass EPDs CW +52 Marb +1.13 RE +.43 Fat +.030 $Values $M +72 $G +71 $B +163 $C +283 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 -1.2 +69 +117 +.92 +30
Bull *20411179
*Spring Cove Titan
★★★★★ 67
*TL Prairie Star 6106 18654771
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 77 809 114 1275 107 7-104 7-111 5-108 Carcass EPDs CW +54 Marb +1.01 RE +.36 Fat +.022 $Values $M +52 $G +66 $B +152 $C +249 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.0 +70 +118 +.35 +25 Birth
Date: 02-19-2022
69K Bull *20425200
Y81 Spring Cove
19716901 Spring
17930553 ★★★ 68
Cove Crossbow
Cove Laura 601
Lillian 106
+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 744 105 1232 103 1-100 1-105 1-103 Carcass EPDs CW +52 Marb +.96 RE +.69 Fat -.004 $Values $M +60 $G +70 $B +161 $C +269 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 +.5 +66 +120 +.99 +38 Birth Date: 01-14-2022 Tattoo: 8K Bull *20425205 Calving Ease #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 *BUBS Southern Charm AA31 *Spring Cove Claire DVB 596 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #Summitcrest Princess 0P12 #*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Pretty 009 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Hickory Hill Erica 009 Spring Cove Idaho
★★★★ 69
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 82 767 106 1239 106 6-99 6-105 6-106 Carcass EPDs CW +58 Marb +1.04 RE +.54 Fat +.039 $Values $M +49 $G +68 $B +165 $C +263
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 -.3 +76 +133 +.71 +25
★★★★★ 70

YeaRling BullS

Spring Cove Alternative K230

Birth Date: 02-01-2022

+*Baldridge Alternative E125

*Birch Creek Alternative 0213


*TL Prairie 6113

#*Connealy Consensus 7229

+TL Ruby 4141 17990541

Tattoo: K230 Bull +*20413690

Poss Easy Impact 0119

Baldridge Blackbird A030

#*Basin Bonus 4345

TL Prairie 4153

#*Connealy Consensus

Blue Lilly of Conanga 16

#*Gardens Prime Star +Southern Ruby of Tiffany3495

Calving Ease

Spring Cove Resilient 53K

*Sitz Resilient 10208

*Sitz Stellar 726D *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 *Spring

*Spring Cove Barbara 845 19232553

• 4 Star Calving Ease flush brother to Lots 12, 13, 66, 76, 93 and 137 and sister to Lot 217.

Spring Cove Iconic K217

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. Targets the brand with a high $M. Maternal brothers working at Harold Cook’s Ranch, Dietrich, ID, and Darrow Farms, Buhl, ID.

Spring Cove Accomplished 57K

Birth Date: 02-09-2022 Tattoo: K217

*Musgrave 316 Stunner *DB Ms Discovery D13

Longevity 556Z

Prairie 6161


Capitalist 316

Blackbird 831-1378

A R Discovery 2240

Ms Final Tool 4120

Final Product

Pride 625W

Fast Forward 3063

Cove Prairie 380

• A growthy ET Iconic son out of the Prairie 4153 donor who is one of seven flush brothers who sell in this offering. Moderate birth EPD, explosive growth and stellar Marbling EPD. He Targets the Brand. Flush brothers sell as Lots 77, 95, 97, 132, 133, and 139.

Spring Cove Alternative K219

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F 19078208

#+*Spring Cove Carol 418 17933017

• 5 Star Calving Ease ET bull from the Carol 418 x Accomplishment Flush. Flush brothers sell as Lots 109 and 110.

Spring Cove Longevity K66

Birth Date: 02-02-2022

+*Baldridge Alternative E125 *TL Prairie 6113

#*Connealy Consensus 7229

Bull +*20413682

Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030

Bonus 4345

Prairie 4153


Tattoo: K219


★★★ 76

Calving Ease

• A growthy, stout bull. Flush brothers sell as Lots 12, 13, 66, 74, 93 and 137 and sister is Lot 217.

Spring Cove Iconic K204

• Growth bull with a negative PAP EPD and big Rib EPD. Maternal brothers working at Salmon Falls Land and Livestock, Hagerman, ID, L&L, Gooding, ID, and at Wickel Ranch, Elba, ID.

Spring Cove Longevity 79K

Birth Date: 02-18-2022

*Musgrave 316 Stunner

*DB Iconic G95

*DB Ms Discovery D13

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

Prairie 4153

Prairie 6161

#+*LD Capitalist 316 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378

#*V A R Discovery 2240

Ms Final Tool 4120

Final Product

Pride 625W

Fast Forward 3063 Spring Cove Prairie 380

Birth Date: 02-06-2022 Tattoo: K204 Bull +*20413671 Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease, high performing ET Iconic son. High marbling EPD and he Targets the Brand. Flush brothers sell as Lots 75, 95, 97, 132, 133, and 139.

+*Spring Cove Longevity 65D

*Spring Cove Longevity 170F 19229080

*Spring Cove Star 680

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

Spring Cove Eleanor 625 18652727

Spring Cove Eleanor 059

Tattoo: 79K

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

Limestone Blackcap R128

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

+Spring Cove Star 214

#*Connealy Final Product

+Sitz Pride 625W

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 #Spring Cove Eleanor 630

Calving Ease





• 5 Star Calving Ease, big butted, long, smooth bull who Targets the Brand and has a low PAP EPD for high elevation use. Maternal brother working at Mule Shoe Ranch, Bruneau, ID.

– 21 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 710 100 1219 102 3-98 3-101 3-101 Carcass EPDs CW +43 Marb +1.10 RE +.45 Fat +.034 $Values $M +70 $G +70 $B +140 $C +252 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +1.4 +76 +126 +1.41 +32
Tattoo: 53K Bull *20425338 Calving Ease
Spring Cove Barbara 52
Substantial 272 *SITZ Pride
#*Sitz Top Game
Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z Spring Cove Barbara 335
Miss Burgess 4381 #+*KM Broken Bow 002
★★★ 78
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 76 706 ET 1210 ET 5-91 5-107 2-106 Carcass EPDs CW +28 Marb +.74 RE +.28 Fat +.065 $Values $M +51 $G +48 $B +110 $C +194 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +13 -.3 +58 +105 +1.20 +41
Tattoo: 57K Bull +*20425176 Calving Ease *Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D #*Sitz Longevity 556Z Spring Cove Carol 033 Poss Lasting Impact 3118 *Poss Erica 327 #+*S A V Resource 1441 Sitz Barbaramere Nell 14Y #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 #Spring
Cove Carol 629
★★★★★ 79
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 87 776 107 1243 106 8-103 9-99 6-100 Carcass EPDs CW +52 Marb +.57 RE +1.10 Fat -.030 $Values $M +64 $G +59 $B +153 $C +262 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +2 +1.7 +71 +126 -.27 +30 Birth Date: 02-03-2022 Tattoo: K66 Bull 20409931 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z +*TL Blackcap 3134 #*Summitcrest Complete 4U75 +Summitcrest Missie 1S78 #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 Limestone Blackcap R128 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Summitcrest Airn 1N36 #B/R Destination 727-928 Summitcrest Missie 2F55 *Spring Cove TL Longevity D59 18556486 TL Missie 2152 17376169 80
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 753 106 1219 102 5-98 5-101 3-104
$Values $M
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -.7 +63 +120
Carcass EPDs
Bull *20425195
★★★★★ 81
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 82 796 ET 1159 ET 5-100 6-94 1-105 Carcass EPDs CW +50 Marb +.55 RE +.72 Fat +.009 $Values $M +72 $G +50 $B +141 $C +255 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 +1.1 +68 +117 +.50 +27
+Monarch Ruby S284
★★★★ 74
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 791 ET 1276 ET 6-100 7-96 2-99 Carcass EPDs CW +59 Marb +1.30 RE +.46 Fat +.051 $Values $M +57 $G +78 $B +179 $C +289 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +2 +1.2 +80 +138 +1.91 +28
G95 19611994 TL
17930661 75
Prairie 4153
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 90 808 ET 1275 ET 6-100 7-96 2-99 Carcass EPDs CW +41 Marb +1.21 RE +.54 Fat +.046 $Values $M +59 $G +75 $B +150 $C +254 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +.6 +69 +116 +.96 +34
19611994 TL
17930661 ★★★★ 77
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 82 798 ET 1222 ET 5-100 6-94 1-105 Carcass EPDs CW +45 Marb +.46 RE +.68 Fat +0 $Values $M +85 $G +46 $B +130 $C +254 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +2.0 +70 +113 +.59 +22
+Monarch Ruby S284 #*Connealy
Lilly of Conanga 16 #*Gardens Prime Star +Southern Ruby of Tiffany3495
*Birch Creek Alternative 0213 19773586 +TL Ruby 4141 17990541

YeaRling BullS

Birth Date: 02-18-2022


#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

*Spring Cove Longevity


*Spring Cove Star 680

*Spring Cove Paygrade 5064

+*Spring Cove Blossom 027

Limestone Blackcap R128

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

+Spring Cove Star 214

#+*Basin Payweight 1682 Spring Cove Ella 064

#+B/R New Frontier 095

*20425194 Calving Ease

BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 753 106 1230 103 4-95 4-102 4-102 Carcass EPDs CW +46 Marb +1.01 RE +.47 Fat +.009 $Values $M +70 $G +68 $B +154 $C +270 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +0 +61 +112 +1.33 +34


Spring Cove Benchmark OK

Birth Date: 01-04-2022

#*Connealy Confidence Plus



Confidence 0100

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. Explosive weaning EPD with lots of muscle and a broad top. Dam is a promising young descendant of R128 (Dam of CCA Emblazon 702).

BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 72 795 110 1249 107 1-98 1-110 1-107 Carcass EPDs CW +62 Marb +1.23 RE +.74 Fat +.023 $Values $M +83 $G +81 $B +181 $C +318 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +2.1 +89 +156 +.82 +31 Birth Date: 12-30-2021 Tattoo: K2 Bull *20411180 #*Connealy Confidence Plus #Mill Brae FP Joanie 3063 SydGen Enhance TL Carol 8153 #*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Connealy Final Product #Mill Brae FA Joanie 9263 #*SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Rita 2618 Bushs Special Reserve 623 TL Carol 1167 +*Mill Brae Benchmark 9016 19503604 *TL Carol 0104 19777606 83

+*Mill Brae Benchmark 9016 19503604

*TL Carol 0225 19777623

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

ER Lady Kelton R321

*Spring Cove Crossbow TL Carol 5107

★★★ 85

BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 791 109 1269 109 1-105 1-109 1-109



• 3 Star Calving Ease Benchmark son from a really good E28 daughter. Note his weaning ratio. 3/4 brother to Lot 84. Maternal grandsire is a herd bull for Nancy and Jared Brackett.

– 22 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 741 105 1267 107 1-105 1-105 1-107 Carcass EPDs CW +54 Marb +.25 RE +.54 Fat +.014 $Values $M +62 $G +33 $B +122 $C +220 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.8 +81 +144 +1.38 +26
Spring Cove TL Payweight
*TL Blackcap
#*Connealy Final Product #Mill Brae FA Joanie
#+*Basin Payweight
ER Lady Kelton R321 Spring Cove TL Drover
Calving Ease Limestone Blackcap R128
Joanie 3063
of Conanga 1209
+*Mill Brae Benchmark 9016
★★★ 84
*TL Blackcap 0187 19752149
Spring Cove Benchmark K11
$Values $M +70 $G +51 $B +133 $C +243 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 +1.3 +70 +123 +1.14 +33
Tattoo: K11 Bull
Ease #*Connealy Confidence Plus #Mill Brae FP Joanie 3063 Spring Cove TL Payweight E28
Carol 7108 #*Connealy Confidence
of Conanga
#Mill Brae
Carcass EPDs
*20411174 Calving
0100 Elbanna
Final Product
Joanie 9263
• 4 Star Calving Ease bull who Targets the Brand. Stout & stylish son of herd sire 170F with a high Marbling EPD and from a great cow family. Maternal brothers working for David MacKenzie, JV, OR, Percy Ranch, Mt.Home, ID, and for Tom and Heather Nielson, CA.
Spring Cove Longevity 77K
Tattoo: 77K
+*Spring Cove Longevity 65D
19229080 +*Spring Cove Blossom 738 18894485 ★★★★ 82
+*Spring Cove Blossom 572
• Growthy Benchmark son who Targets the Brand. Top 2% for WW & YW. A big volume bull who Targets the Brand. Excellent $M and $C .
Spring Cove Benchmark K2
mill Brae BenCHmark 9016
to lotS 83, 84 and 85 Spring Cove paygrade 5064 tHe materal grandSire to lot 82 and to many otHer eaSy FleSHing, good uddered CoWS in our Herd
mill Brae Fp Joanie 3063 tHe maternal granddam to lotS 83, 84 & 85 and all tHe BenCHmark progeny in tHe Sale
83 - Spring Cove Benchmark K2

Spring Cove Samson 64K

Birth Date: 02-05-2022

+*SS Samson C4701

+*Pine View Samson G546


+*G A R Prophet 1463

Spring Cove Liza 072 19775049

*BUBS Southern Charm AA31 Spring Cove Liza 007

Tattoo: 64K Bull *20425181

#*Plattemere Weigh Up K360

*SS Isabel Z720

#+*G A R Prophet

+G A R New Day 3070

*Silveiras Conversion 8064

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

#TC Aberdeen 759 Spring Cove Liza 828

Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease bull who Targets the Brand and has an outcross pedigree. We purchased his sire “Samson” at John Wessel’s Pine View Angus sale in Iowa. Low birth, big Weaning and Yearling EPDs and great $M and $C.

Spring Cove Exclusive K21

Birth Date: 01-18-2022 Tattoo: K21 Bull *20411181

Capitalist 316

*Musgrave 316 Exclusive

*TL Blackcap 5152 18347083

Spring Cove Crossfire K28

Prim Lassie 163-386

Game On 375

Blackcap 3132

Capitalist 028

Dixie Erica 2053 #*Musgrave Foundation

Prim Lassie 80634

Game On X047

520 U027

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

Limestone Blackcap R128

• 3 Star Calving Ease son of Musgrave 316 Exclusive. We like the function and form of the Musgrave genetics. Granddam is Blackcap 3132, Randy’s great Whiskey donor cow who is a model Angus cow and a sister to CCA Emblazon 702. Strong maternal genetics here.

Spring Cove Crossbow 6K

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. Targets the Brand. Marbling EPD in the top 3%.

Spring Cove Crossfire K51

#TL 89

Birth Date: 01-24-2022

*Spring Cove Crossbow

Cove Crossfire 26H

Beauty 4109

Tattoo: K51 Bull *20409920

• 4 Star Calving Ease bull who Targets the Brand. Moderate frame, negative PAP EPD and high Marbling EPD. Maternal brothers working at Robert Maack Ranch, CA., and Valley View Ranch, Jerome.

Spring Cove Bonus K78

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. Grandson of Basin Bonus 4345. Long hipped, smooth and complete. Top 10% for $M.

Spring Cove Alternative K228

Birth Date: 01-13-2022


Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345



Tomorrow 0016

Beauty 2108

*Birch Creek Alternative 0213 19773586 +TL

Consensus 7229

Ruby S284

Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease “Crossfire” son who Targets the Brand.

Bonus 4345


Blue Lilly of Conanga 16

#*Gardens Prime Star +Southern Ruby of Tiffany3495

• 3 Star Calving Ease flush brother to Lots 12, 13, 66, 76, and 137 and sister to Lot 217. Moderate mature size and low PAP suitable for high elevations.

– 23 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
YeaRling BullS
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 81 771 106 1225 105 5-102 5-101 3-102 Carcass EPDs CW +53 Marb +.99 RE +.43 Fat +.006 $Values $M +75 $G +67 $B +152 $C +272 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +3 +.9 +68 +112 +.12 +33 Birth Date: 01-20-2022 Tattoo: K28 Bull *20409908 Calving Ease *Spring Cove Crossbow *Spring Cove Laura 601 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z TL Estonia 1124 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442 #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #*B/R New Day 454 TL Estonia 9102
Cove Crossfire 26H 19716901 TL Estonia 6124 18652466 ★★★★ 91
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 83 762 105 1264 108 4-103 5-103 1-108 Carcass EPDs CW +45 Marb +.54 RE +.37 Fat +.037 $Values $M +82 $G +42 $B +124 $C +243 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +2 +.8 +64 +111 +.55 +43 Birth Date: 02-13-2022 Tattoo: K78 Bull *20409937 Calving Ease #*Basin Bonus 4345 *TL Carol 6147 SLL Titlelist X23 TL Missie 2152 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Basin Erica 2223 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z TL Carol 2166 #EXAR Titlelist T011 +SLL MF Miss P414 #*Summitcrest Complete 4U75 +Summitcrest Missie 1S78 *Spring Cove TL Bonus F14 19224849 TL Missie 5147 18347080 ★★★
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 759 ET 1213 ET 5-100 6-94 1-105 Carcass EPDs CW +56 Marb +.47 RE +.71 Fat +.035 $Values $M +71 $G +44 $B +139 $C +251 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 +1.3 +73 +121 +1.21 +28
Calving Ease +*Baldridge
Alternative E125 *TL Prairie 6113
Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030
Prairie 4153
17990541 ★★★ 93
Ruby 4141
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 737 104 1279 107 1-100 1-104 1-107 Carcass EPDs CW +54 Marb +.86 RE +.67 Fat +.010 $Values $M +73 $G +64 $B +150 $C +268 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 +1.1 +71 +129 +1.51 +35
★★★★ 86
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 768 106 1192 102 4-100 4-106 2-101 Carcass EPDs CW +55 Marb +.71 RE +.46 Fat +.044 $Values $M +66 $G +51 $B +143 $C +251 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5
+1.2 +74
★★★ 87
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 719 102 1245 105 1-106 1-102 1-105 Carcass EPDs CW +56 Marb +1.38 RE +.36 Fat -.005 $Values $M +40 $G +85 $B +174 $C +266 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +1.3 +77 +140 +1.37 +30 Birth Date: 01-12-2022 Tattoo: 6K Bull *20425187 Calving Ease #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 *MOGCK Entice +*Spring Cove Beauty DVB 822 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #Summitcrest Princess 0P12 #*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Pretty 009 SydGen Enhance #*MOGCK Erica 2255 *Spring Cove TL Cat D13 *Spring Cove Beauty DVB 206 *Spring Cove Crossbow 17924903 *Spring Cove Beauty DVB 001 19774962 ★★★
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 83 794 110 1218 105 3-104 2-110 2-105 Carcass EPDs CW +43 Marb +.82 RE +.70 Fat +.021 $Values $M +38 $G +61 $B +146 $C +227 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 -1.0 +55 +106 +.13 +29
19716901 *TL
*Spring Cove Laura 601 Bushs Special Reserve 623 19233547 ★★★★★
#+*KM Broken Bow 002
Cove Laura 442
Timeless Lady 3867
Beauty 8115
Spring Cove CroSSFire 26H Sire oF lotS 88, 89, & 91

Sitz Feat 729H Sire oF lotS 100, 101, 102 and 103

Spring Cove Feat 51K

Birth Date: 01-29-2022 Tattoo: 51K Bull *20425172

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H 19677962

Sitz Forever Lady 12F

Cove Reno 4021

*Spring Cove Ella 916 19430166

Cove Ella 770

*Poss Achievement

Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#+*Basin Payweight 1682 Spring Cove Ella 064

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. A “Feat” son out of the Ella cow family who produced Spring Cove Paygrade 5064. A growth bull in a package fitting western, arid environments. Compact and muscular. Negative PAP EPD as well.

lot 102 - Spring Cove Feat 31K

Spring Cove Feat 31K

Birth Date: 01-23-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H 19677962

*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

*Spring Cove Crossbow

#Spring Cove Rachel 816 19232532

Spring Cove Rachel 430

Tattoo: 31K Bull *20425158

*Poss Achievement

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D +*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

Spring Cove Pretty 205

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

Spring Cove Rachel 003

Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease “Feat” son from a productive daughter of ABS Global sire Spring Cove Crossbow. Note the dam’s production record. Great phenotype, negative PAP EPD for high elevations, top 15% Marbling. He’ll produce calves that will be born unassisted and add end product merit to your calf crop.

lot 101 - Spring Cove Feat 25K

Spring Cove Feat 25K

Birth Date: 01-22-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H


*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

+*Spring Cove Liza 767


*Spring Cove Liza 021

Tattoo: 25K Bull *20425117

*Poss Achievement

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#B/R Destination 727-928

+Shady Brook Entense 76D 29H

#*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Liza 721

Calving Ease


lot 103 - Spring Cove Target K65

Spring Cove Target K65

Birth Date: 02-02-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H 19677962

*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

*EXAR Monumental 6056B

*TL Beauty BRL 9100

TL Beauty BRL 7175

• 4 Star Calving Ease son of “Feat” out of maternal sister to Spring Cove Reno 4021. He Targets the Brand and is royally bred. Negative PAP EPD for high elevations, high marbling and rib EPDs. Herd Bull.

Tattoo: K65 Bull *20409930

*Poss Achievement

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#3F Epic 4631

*FWY 7008 of C085 4029

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

TL Beauty BRL 0101


Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease “Feat” son out of a young daughter of “Monumental.”

Double digit CED, Weaning EPD in the top 5%, Yearling EPD in the top 10%, and high $M and $C. He Targets the Brand. One of Randy’s favorites.

– 25 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
YeaRling BullS
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 70 742 105 1203 101 3-87 3-105 1-101
EPDs CW +54 Marb +1.05 RE +.62 Fat +.054 $Values $M +66 $G +68 $B +169 $C +285 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +14 -.7
+60 +115 +.30
★★★★★ 102
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 789 109 1250 107 2-100 2-102 2-108
$M +86 $G +64 $B +175 $C +313 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +13 +0 +83 +146 +1.21 +29
EPDs CW +65 Marb +.88 RE +.96 Fat +.062 $Values
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 86 763 108 1294 109 2-110 2-104 2-105 Carcass EPDs CW +60 Marb +.58 RE +.97 Fat +.004 $Values $M +76 $G +55 $B +149 $C +269 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 +1.7 +84 +136 +.73 +28
Calving Ease
★★★ 100
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 77 744 105 1226 103 4-93 4-101 1-103 Carcass EPDs CW +51 Marb +1.07 RE +.78 Fat +.077 $Values $M +71 $G +69 $B +154 $C +271 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +.9 +74 +125 +.54 +33

Donation Lot 104: Proceeds go to the Brent Jones Family.

Spring Cove Longevity 105K

*Spring Cove Longevity 170F 19229080

*Spring Cove Barbara 8012 19232471

+*TL Blackcap 3134

SCR-TL Tomorrow 0016

Spring Cove Barbara 015

• This balanced growth bull Targets the Brand is in the top 10% $M & $C and his sire is a maternal brother to Lot 1.

• We are donating the proceeds from the sale of Lot 104 to the Brent Jones family in Oakley, Idaho. Brent was seriously injured in a horseback accident in the fall of 2022. His neck was broken, and his medical expenses have been overwhelming. We continue to pray for Brent and his family and hope this helps ease the burden a bit.


This week, Brent had another CT scan and neurosurgery follow up. Everything is healing and looking good overall! All the hardware is still in place where it’s supposed to be, and his fractures are healing. His doctors. have been carefully keeping an eye on a couple of things in his imaging, but long story short, things are stable. He’s not fully fused quite YET, but he is making progress and just needs more time to fully heal. He has also been given the go-ahead to start physical therapy, which will help strengthen the muscles, especially in his arms and shoulders. He hasn’t been released to do ranch work yet, but it is likely by spring. His hands are still numb, and he still has nerve pain down his shoulders and arms, but he is starting to notice improvements with this as well. Happy to see progress, healing, and improvements start to pick up. Brent says he’ll be back, ready to brand calves this spring.

Spring Cove Feat K106

Birth Date: 02-21-2022 Tattoo: K106 Bull *20409887

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H


*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

+*TL Blackcap 7162 18930874

#+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*TL Blackcap 3132

*Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#+*Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 Limestone Blackcap R128

Calving Ease

lot 105 - Spring Cove Feat K70

Spring Cove Feat K70

Birth Date: 02-05-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

Feat 729H

*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

Brigade 714


*TL Blackcap 7208


*Poss Achievement

Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D +*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

Cavalry V3326

*B/R Blackcap Empress 339

Cove Reno 4021

Blackcap 3132

Tattoo: K70

• Another well balanced, thick “Feat” son from a promising young Blackcap cow. He Targets the Brand with an elite $M and $C combination. The T/D Brigade 714 daughters are doing a great job at Spring Cove Ranch. Low PAP EPD.


• 5 Star Calving Ease “Feat” son. Double digit CED and negative Birth EPD, negative PAP EPD for high elevations, and $M in the top 15%.

Spring Cove Woodrow 67K

Birth Date: 02-13-2022

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

+*Mahans Woodrow F34 19298622

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Ella 450 17932706

Spring Cove Ella 064

Tattoo: 67K Bull *20425184

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Connealy Stimulus 8419

Hickory Hill Erica TA32

#*Summitcrest Complete 1P55

#Summitcrest Princess 0P12

#*C C A Emblazon 702

Spring Cove Ella 747

Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease son of Mahan’s Woodrow F34 who is a maternal brother to BUBS Southern Charm AA31. Spring Cove Reno 4021 is this bull’s paternal grandsire, and his dam is a maternal sister to Spring Cove Paygrade 5064. Double digit CED, negative Birth EPD, good growth data, Targets the Brand and is in the top 1% for $M. Note his dam’s production record.

– 26 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
YeaRling BullS
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 736 104 1251 105 3-101 2-101 1-105 Carcass EPDs CW +66 Marb +.85 RE +.59 Fat +.070 $Values $M +84 $G +57 $B +162 $C +294 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +0 +1.8 +70 +126 +.72 +36 Birth Date: 02-25-2022 Tattoo: 105K Bull *20424999 +*Spring Cove Longevity 65D *Spring Cove Star 680 *Spring Cove TL Longevity D59 Spring Cove Barbara 243 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z Limestone Blackcap R128 #*Spring Cove Reno 4021 +Spring Cove Star 214 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 795 110 1280 110 2-100 2-104 1-110 Carcass EPDs CW +59 Marb +.69 RE +1.00 Fat +.027 $Values $M +108 $G +59 $B +150 $C +303 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.4 +80 +137 +.72 +33
*TL Blackcap
YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 81 798 110 1252 107 3-105 3-101 2-105 Carcass EPDs CW +55 Marb +.66 RE +.49 Fat +.052 $Values $M +77 $G +48 $B +141 $C +260
MILK +11 -.5 +71 +131 +1.09
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 70 755 107 1232 104 6-98 6-107 4-103
CW +43 Marb +.84 RE +.53 Fat +.014 $Values $M +97 $G +60 $B +132 $C +268 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +15 -2.9 +70 +114 +1.24 +36
Carcass EPDs
★★★★★ 107
lot 104 - Spring Cove Longevity 105K
“ “


Spring Cove Signal 80K

Birth Date: 02-18-2022

Stellar 726D

*Sitz Resilient 10208


Miss Burgess 1856

Longevity 556Z

#+*Spring Cove Carol 418 17933017

Cove Carol 033

YeaRling BullS

Tattoo: 80K Bull +*20425197

#*Mohnen Substantial 272

*SITZ Pride 200B

#*Sitz Top Game 561X

Miss Burgess 4381

#*Connealy Final Product

+Sitz Pride 625W

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

#Spring Cove Carol 629

• 3 Star Calving Ease Resilient ET bull out of our super donor Spring Cove Carol 418. Signal ranks in the top 2% for Weaning EPD, top 10% for Yearling EPD and Marbling EPD, and top 1% for $M. He Targets the Brand and signals that you can have Marbling and Maternal Traits in a functional, eye appealing package. Flush brothers sell as Lots 21 and 177.


lot 109 - Spring Cove Accomplished 55K

Spring Cove Accomplished 55K

Birth Date: 01-31-2022

Tattoo: 55K Bull +*20425174

Poss Lasting Impact 3118

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F


*Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

#+*Spring Cove Carol 418 17933017

Cove Carol 033

*Poss Erica 327 #+*S A V Resource 1441

Barbaramere Nell 14Y

Final Product

Pride 625W

928 Destination 5420

Cove Carol 629

Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease bull who is a member of the Accomplishment 720F flush out of super donor Spring Cove Carol 418. Note his impressive birth to weaning spread and his dam’s record. Flush brothers sell as Lot 79 and 110.

lot 110 - Spring Cove Accomplished 96K

Spring Cove Accomplished 96K

Carcass EPDs



• 4 Star Calving Ease ET bull out of 720F and Spring Cove Carol 418. Two flush brothers sell as Lots 79 and 109. Keep them together to increase the consistency of your calf crop. They will produce some amazing replacement females.

Spring Cove Resilient 15K

Birth Date: 01-15-2022

*Sitz Stellar 726D

*Sitz Resilient 10208 19057457

*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856

*Spring Cove Compound 12E

*Spring Cove Lucy Blossom 044 19775030

*Spring Cove Lucy Blossom 851

Tattoo: 15K Bull *20425036

#*Mohnen Substantial 272

*SITZ Pride 200B

#*Sitz Top Game 561X

Sitz Miss Burgess 4381

*Spring Cove Crossbow

#Spring Cove Liza 507 Bushs Special Reserve 623

#Spring Cove Blossom 480

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +13 -1.9 +66 +104 +.04 +36


Calving Ease

$Values $M +109 $G +53 $B +116

• 5 Star Calving Ease son of Resilient out of a great young Compound dam. Sleep all night heifer bull with negative PAP EPD for use at high elevation and $M in the top 1% of the breed. Will make great replacement females.

– 27 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 76 719 102 1207 102 1-101 1-102 1-102
EPDs CW +31 Marb +.63 RE +.77 Fat +.030
$C +259
RE +.59 Fat +.035 $Values $M +72 $G +51 $B +133 $C +245 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +.8 +79 +132 +1.47 +25
Bull +*20425211 Calving Ease *Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D #*Sitz Longevity
Spring Cove
Poss Lasting Impact
Sitz Barbaramere Nell 14Y #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 #Spring Cove Carol 629 *Sitz Accomplishment 720F 19078208 #+*Spring Cove Carol 418 17933017 ★★★★ 110 lot 112 - Spring Cove Resilient 15K
Carol 033
Erica 327
A V Resource 1441
lot 108 - Spring Cove Signal 80K
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 81 799 ET 1287 ET 5-91 5-107 2-106 Carcass EPDs CW +54 Marb +1.16 RE +.57 Fat +.056 $Values $M +98 $G +73 $B +154 $C +298 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6
+1.4 +89 +145 +.96
Ease *Sitz
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 729 ET 1247 ET 5-91 5-107 2-106 Carcass EPDs CW +54 Marb +.67 RE +.54 Fat +.065 $Values $M +54 $G +48 $B +143 $C +239 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 +.9 +83 +143 +1.43 +19

Spring Cove Orbit 68K

*Spring Cove Crossbow

YeaRling BullS

Complete 1P55

Princess 0P12

C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Pretty 009

#*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

Cove Carol 629

• 4 Star Calving Ease son of ABS Global’s Spring Cove Crossbow out of our super donor Carol 418. “Orbit “ Targets the Brand and has low birth and explosive growth numbers and a super Marbling EPD in a moderate, muscular, functional package.

Spring Cove Raider 13K



Broken Bow 002

Xpand x743


*20409904 #+O C C Emblazon 854E

#*C C A Emblazon 702 15980098

Blackcap R128 *Spring Cove Payweight

*TL Rito Lady 8177 19233592

H D Traveler 6807


Right Time 338

Trees Blackcap 3337

Payweight 1682

Everelda 0203 #+*Connealy Courage 25L



• An own son of foundation sire CCA Emblazon 702. Muscular, moderate and built for tough country. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.


• 5 Star Calving Ease grandson of Reno out of an impressive young daughter of Crouthamel Merritt 4054. He Targets the Brand and traces to our special Pathfinder Laura cow family. Note his weaning ratio. This bull should be a maternal powerhouse.

Spring Cove Crossfire 59K

Birth Date: 02-01-2022

*Spring Cove Crossbow

*Spring Cove Laura 601


#+*KM Broken Bow 002

Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442



+*Spring Cove Liza 943

*BUBS Southern Charm AA31

+*Spring Cove Star 937


*Silveiras Conversion 8064

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 #Spring Cove Star 925 19716901

• An attractive “Crossfire” son who Targets the Brand out of a great young daughter of “Charm.”

*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*C C A Emblazon 702


Cove Liza 446


95K Bull *20425210

*SITZ Pride 200B

#*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 #+O C C Emblazon 854E




Cove Liza 149

BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 728 103 1248 105 2-97 2-107 2-103 Carcass EPDs CW +52 Marb

RE +.22 Fat +.050 $Values $M +69 $G +68 $B +153 $C +267 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +1 +1.4 +75 +125 +.48 +26 Birth

• A growthy Resilient son who Targets the Brand and is in the top 10% for Marbling EPD. Note his dam’s record. Will make excellent replacement females.

Spring Cove Resilient 35K

Birth Date: 01-25-2022

*Sitz Stellar 726D

*Sitz Resilient 10208 19057457

*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856

*Spring Cove Crossbow

*Spring Cove Blossom 976 19430185

#+*Spring Cove Blossom 513

Tattoo: 35K Bull *20425335

#*Mohnen Substantial 272

*SITZ Pride 200B

#*Sitz Top Game 561X

Sitz Miss Burgess 4381

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

Spring Cove Pretty 205

*Koupals B&B Extra 0011

#Spring Cove Blossom 319

SC MILK +5 +2.1 +83 +139 +1.06 +22


• Powerful Resilient son out of one of Art’s favorite cow families that traces to Spring Cove Blossom 319. He Targets the Brand, has excellent growth EPDs and is in the top 15% of the breed for $M. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.

– 28 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 83 707 100 1233 104 2-106 2-100 1-104
EPDs CW +49 Marb +.66 RE +.88 Fat -.032
$Values $M +78 $G +61 $B +141 $C +261
RE +.25 Fat +.027 $Values $M +47 $G +64 $B +141 $C +230 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +.5 +80 +136 +.81 +19 Birth Date: 02-15-2022 Tattoo:
Calving Ease #+*KM
Spring Cove Pretty
#*Sitz Longevity
Spring Cove Carol
Carcass EPDs
+46 Marb +1.02
Broken Bow 002
17933017 ★★★★ 113
#+*Spring Cove Carol 418
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 793 112 1281 108 1-104 1-112 1-108 Carcass EPDs CW +51 Marb +.86 RE +.85 Fat +.007 $Values $M +77 $G +66 $B +155 $C +278 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 -.5 +60 +113 +.99 +30 Birth
#*C C
+*Pine View Raider G244 19499409 *Spring Cove Laura
19827675 ★★★★★ 114
Calving Ease
Cove Reno 4021
View Ruby C001
Merritt 4054
Cove Laura 517
Cove Liza 021
Ruby 2225
Merritt 030
Blackbird 120U
A Emblazon 702
Cove Laura 924
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 82 721 102 1198 101 2-97 2-103 1-101 Carcass EPDs CW +65 Marb +.69 RE +.61 Fat +.021 $Values $M +59 $G +54 $B +160 $C +267 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK -1 +3.0 +80 +140 +.89 +26
+Spring Cove Star 214 Spring
+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 87 729 101 1214 104 2-105 1-101 1-104
$Values $M
C11 TL Rito
Spring Cove Emblazon K14 TL
+3.1 +64 +109 +.77 +17
Birth Date: 01-12-2022
Lady 5133
Erica of C H 1019
Rito Lady 0120
Spring Cove Resilient 95K
Date: 02-04-2022
*Sitz Stellar 726D
#*Mohnen Substantial 272
Blackcap R128
Broken Bow 002
*Sitz Resilient 10208
19430161 117
lot 113 - Spring Cove Orbit 68K

Spring Cove Resilient 33K

#*Mohnen Substantial 272 *SITZ Pride 200B #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381

*CCC Merritt 030 Mytty Blackbird 120U

#*C C A Emblazon 702

Spring Cove Alta 831

YeaRling BullS

Spring Cove Accomplished 36K

• Low PAP EPD for high elevation use. This bull’s pedigree combines the maternal greatness of Resilient and “Merritt 4054.” His maternal granddam Alta 239 weaned eight calves at above average weaning ratio and is in production in Cowley, Wyoming, at Wagon Box Angus.

Spring Cove Resilient 47K

*Sitz Resilient 10208

*Spring Cove Sabrina DVB 899

• $M in the top 1% of the breed.


Pride 200B #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

+*HFG Wendy 825

#*Hoover Dam 4PAR 913 Sabrina 213

• Growthy Accomplishment son out of a nice young Charm daughter.

Spring Cove Longevity 110K

Birth Date: 02-25-2022

Cove Longevity 65D

• 4 Star Calving Ease bull from the tried and true Spring Cove Melody cow family.

Spring Cove Accomplished 42K

Spring Cove Resource 85K

Birth Date: 02-19-2022



• A nice Accomplishment bull out of a great young Paygrade daughter who traces to Reno. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.


Spring Cove Feat 66K

Birth Date: 02-08-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H


*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

#Spring Cove Liza 507


#Spring Cove Liza 309

Tattoo: 66K Bull +*20425183

*Poss Achievement

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#+*Basin Payweight 006S

21AR O Lass 7017

#+GDAR Game Day 449 Spring Cove Liza 149


• Flush brother to Lot 99. A maternal brother to Select Sire’s Spring Cove Compound 12E. Top 2% for $M. Note his dam’s production record. This wide, deep and muscular bull has a low PAP EPD for high elevations. Maternal brothers working at Stratton Sheep Co, Riverton, Wy, Jeff Eddington, Blackfoot, ID, Percy Ranch, MT Home, ID, and David Parke, Carey, ID.

85K Bull *20425201 Calving

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull with a low PAP EPD .

Spring Cove Woodrow 102K

Birth Date: 02-22-2022

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

+*Mahans Woodrow F34 19298622

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

+*B/R Comrade 49

*Spring Cove Blossom 889 19232590

#+*Spring Cove Blossom 638


#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Connealy Stimulus 8419

Hickory Hill Erica TA32

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

+*HFG Wendy 825

*Spring Cove Gentleman Jack Spring Cove Blossom 104


Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease son of Woodrow, low PAP EPD and high $M. Real deep, thick and soggy.

– 29 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 83 707 100 1238 104 2-104 2-101 1-104 Carcass EPDs CW +41 Marb +.58 RE +.66 Fat +.045 $Values $M +55 $G +47 $B +130 $C +224 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.8 +66 +122 +1.24 +26
Tattoo: 36K Bull *20425336
Achievement Sitz
Spring Cove Alta 239 Poss Lasting Impact
*Poss Erica 327 #+*S A V Resource 1441 Sitz Barbaramere
*Silveiras Conversion
*Hickory Hill Erica 009 #*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Alta 831 *Sitz Accomplishment 720F 19078208 Spring Cove Alta
Birth Date: 01-25-2022
Barbaramere Nell 166D
Southern Charm AA31
Nell 14Y
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 77 752 106 1147 96 3-100 3-99 1-96 Carcass EPDs CW +48 Marb +.24 RE +.26 Fat +.067 $Values $M +78 $G +24 $B +110 $C +221 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +.6 +55 +99 +1.12 +40
Calving Ease +*Spring
*Spring Cove
*Spring Cove Payweight C11 #Spring Cove Melody 551 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z Limestone Blackcap R128 #*Spring Cove Reno 4021 +Spring Cove Star 214 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +Sonrise Everelda 0203 +Spring Cove Forecast 611A +Spring Cove Melody 273
170F 19229080 Spring Cove Melody
19232594 ★★★★
Star 680
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 725 102 1168 98 5-97 5-97 3-100 Carcass EPDs CW +46 Marb +.56 RE +.28 Fat +.042 $Values $M +51 $G +42 $B +121 $C +208 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +.6 +62 +105 +1.01 +21
TL Evergreen
#*Sitz Longevity
#Spring Cove Star
#+*S A V Resource
Sitz Blackbird
SCR-TL Tomorrow 0016 #TL Evergreen 1154 #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W Holiday Paradox 3128 #Spring Cove Star 905
Cove TL Resource
18652724 ★★★ 125
SITZ Resource 525C
+*Spring Cove Star 620
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 706 100 1194 100 3-97 3-103 1-100
$Values $M +90 $G +48
+124 $C +251 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -.7 +68 +117 +1.54 +38
Carcass EPDs CW +41
PRODUCTION BR WR YR 89 723 100 1254 100 5-97 5-110 2-111
EPDs CW +49 Marb +.44 RE +.67 Fat +.044 $Values $M +91 $G +41 $B +122 $C +249 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK -2 +3.3 +77 +119 +1.32 +31
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 83 702 99 1256 105 3-100 3-101 1-105
EPDs CW +45 Marb +.52 RE +.45 Fat +.003 $Values $M +57 $G +45 $B +121 $C +214 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +1.6 +80 +136 +.79 +20 Birth Date: 01-24-2022 Tattoo: 33K Bull *20425334 Calving Ease *Sitz Stellar 726D
Crouthamel Merritt
Spring Cove Alta 239
*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856
19232596 ★★★ 119
*Sitz Resilient 10208 19057457 Spring Cove Alta 896
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 710 100 1275 107 3-99 3-98 1-107 Carcass EPDs CW +42 Marb +.28 RE +.53 Fat +.020 $Values $M +99 $G +34 $B +107 $C +238 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +4 +1.2 +70 +118 +1.26 +26 Birth Date: 01-28-2022 Tattoo: 47K Bull *20425167 Calving Ease *Sitz Stellar 726D *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 +*B/R Comrade 49 Spring Cove DVB Sabrina 6019 #*Mohnen
272 *SITZ
19232599 ★★★ 120
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 732 103 1193 100 3-103 3-103 2-103 Carcass EPDs CW +50 Marb +.34 RE +.85 Fat +.022 $Values $M +53 $G +41 $B +129 $C +220 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.2 +75 +122 +1.12 +21 Birth Date: 01-27-2022 Tattoo: 42K Bull *20425337
Ease *Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D *Spring Cove Paygrade 5064 #+*Spring Cove Star 626 Poss Lasting Impact 3118 *Poss Erica 327 #+*S A V Resource 1441 Sitz Barbaramere Nell 14Y #+*Basin Payweight 1682 Spring Cove Ella 064 #*Spring Cove Reno 4021 +Spring Cove Star 214 *Sitz Accomplishment 720F 19078208 *Spring Cove Star 844 19232552 ★★★ 121

Spring Cove Benchmark K6


Confidence 0100

of Conanga 1209

+*Mill Brae Benchmark 9016


Final Product #Mill Brae FA Joanie 9263 #*JVC Cavalry V3326 B/R Blackbird 358 #+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36

Georgette 2162

• 4 Star Calving Ease. Good heifer bull with muscle and style. Targets the Brand

Spring Cove Benchmark K13

Date: 01-11-2022 Tattoo: K13 Bull *20411176

lot 145 - Spring Cove Benchmark K7

Spring Cove Benchmark K7



• 5 Star Calving Ease. Moderate framed bull that ranks in the top 10% for $M.

Spring Cove Benchmark K101

+*Mill Brae Benchmark 9016

Blackcap 5117

Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease, above average growth, wide based with good rib shape and Rib EPD. Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Benchmark K3


• 5 Star Calving Ease. Long, smooth bull with double digit CED and negative Birth EPD. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.

Spring Cove Crossfire K24

Birth Date: 01-02-2022

#*Connealy Confidence Plus



Blackcap 3132

Tattoo: K3 Bull *20411187

Confidence 0100

of Conanga 1209

Final Product

Brae FA Joanie 9263 SydGen Enhance

Erica 2255 #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

Blackcap R128

19740086 ★★★ 144

• 3 Star Calving Ease. Two popular AI sires featured in this pedigree. Targets the Brand. High growth bull that is attractive with length and thickness. Top 4% $M.

Birth Date: 01-19-2022

Cove Crossbow

+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H 19716901

Cove Laura 601

Payweight 4471

*TL Black Rose 8172 19233588

*TL Black Rose 4151

K24 Bull *20409907

Broken Bow 002

Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345

Cove Laura 442 #+*Basin Payweight 107S #Basin Clova Pride 634U

Spring Cove Dozer 0336

TL Black Rose 1110

• 4 Star Calving Ease bull that Targets the Brand. Low PAP EPD for high elevations.

– 32 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
YeaRling BullS
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 773 107 1155 99 1-105 1-107 1-99 Carcass EPDs CW +45 Marb +.62 RE +.79 Fat +.026 $Values $M +83 $G +53 $B +135 $C +258 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +14 -1.5 +64 +111 +.62 +34 Birth Date: 01-07-2022 Tattoo: K7 Bull *20411203 Calving Ease #*Connealy Confidence Plus #Mill Brae FP Joanie 3063 #+*TEX Playbook 5437 TL Ruby 4143 #*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Connealy Final Product #Mill Brae FA Joanie 9263 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete B/R Complete 4U75-257 +Monarch Ruby S284
Brae Benchmark
Ruby 0144 19740094 ★★★★★ 145
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 726 100 1113 95 5-99 6-104 3-99 Carcass EPDs CW +44 Marb +.63 RE +.58 Fat +.066 $Values $M +65 $G +47 $B +127 $C +230 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +13 -.4 +64 +119 +.79 +39 Birth Date:
Tattoo: K101 Bull *20411172 Calving Ease #*Connealy Confidence Plus #Mill Brae FP Joanie 3063 *B/R Game On 375 +*TL Blackcap 3134 #*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Connealy Final Product #Mill Brae FA Joanie 9263 BDAR Game On X047 #+*Brusett 520 U027 #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 Limestone Blackcap
19503604 #*TL
18347056 ★★★★★
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 739 102 1182 101 3-95 3-104 2-103 Carcass EPDs CW +42 Marb +.97 RE +.53 Fat +.025 $Values $M +32 $G +66 $B +148 $C +224 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +.2 +62 +114 +1.05 +24
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 77 773 107 1179 101 1-104 1-107 1-101 Carcass EPDs CW +46 Marb +.71 RE +.93 Fat +.052 $Values $M +67 $G +57 $B +131 $C +237 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +.1 +68 +117 +.79 +30 Birth Date:
Tattoo: K6 Bull
Calving Ease #*Connealy Confidence Plus #Mill Brae
T/D Cavalry
*TL Georgette
FP Joanie
19848920 ★★★★ 142
*TL Georgette 0203
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 81 784 108 1171 100 1-109 1-108 1-100 Carcass EPDs CW +41 Marb +.76 RE +.92 Fat +.025 $Values $M +68 $G +61 $B +139 $C +248 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +.7 +68 +128 +.96 +29 Birth
SydGen Enhance +*TL Primrose 1172 #*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Connealy Final Product #Mill Brae FA Joanie 9263 #*SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Rita 2618 #+B/R Ambush 28 TL Primrose 8104 +*Mill Brae Benchmark 9016 19503604 *TL Primrose 0128 19740082 ★★★★ 143
#*Connealy Confidence Plus
Brae FP Joanie 3063
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 723 100 1166 100 1-107 1-100 1-100 Carcass EPDs CW +62 Marb +.84 RE +.72 Fat +.021 $Values $M +88 $G +62 $B +160 $C +296 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +1.8 +79 +134 +.71 +41
Calving Ease Limestone
Brae FP Joanie 3063 *MOGCK Entice
+*Mill Brae Benchmark 9016
*TL Blackcap 0132
lot 142 - Spring Cove Benchmark K6

*Spring Cove Laura 601

Pretty 205


BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 70 735 102 1148 99 3-93 3-96 1-99 Carcass EPDs CW +49 Marb +.72 RE +.56 Fat +.006 $Values $M +31 $G +56 $B +143 $C +216 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +11 -.2 +70 +121 +.12 +30 Birth Date: 01-18-2022 Tattoo: K20 Bull 20409906

muSgrave 316 exCluSive Sire oF lotS 153 & 154

Spring Cove Crackerjack K31

Birth Date: 03-03-2022

Tattoo: K119 Bull *20409897

*Musgrave 316 Stunner

Cove Pretty 205

Bonus 4345

Cove Laura 442

Broken Bow 002


Cove Liza 021


Calving Ease

BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 83 765 106 1195 103 3-100 2-103 1-103 Carcass EPDs CW +58 Marb +.56 RE +.53 Fat -.004 $Values $M +54 $G +49 $B +140 $C +236 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.0 +82 +136 +.19 +21

Rito Jet A649

TL Drover 1001

• 3 Star Calving Ease in an attractive thick package. Stems from the Blackcap cow family that produced CCA Emblazon 702. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.

Spring Cove Exclusive K46




BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 70 682 94 1184 101 2-91 2-104 2-102 Carcass EPDs CW +53 Marb +.76 RE +.82 Fat -.027 $Values $M +46 $G +64 $B +156 $C +248 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +.4 +74 +132 +.49 +25 Birth Date: 01-26-2022 Tattoo:

Birth Date: 01-24-2022






#*Connealy Capitalist 028

Dixie Erica 2053

Wendy 825

Game On 375

★★★ 153


• 3 Star Calving Ease for use on larger heifers and cows. Long spined, large hipped, upstanding calf.

*Spring Cove Crossbow *Spring Cove Laura 601

TL Florabelle Fanny 7211

#+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205

#*Basin Bonus 4345




Cove Just In Time 925


Florabelle Fanny 9153


Florabelle Fanny K009

Calving Ease

BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 77 731 101 1149 98 4-93 3-94 1-98 Carcass EPDs CW +37 Marb +.69 RE +.36 Fat +.035 $Values $M +59 $G +49 $B +120 $C +215 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 -.3


Florabelle Fanny 8143 16059098

*Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386 #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 ER Florabelle Fanny R319


#*Connealy Capitalist 028

LD Dixie Erica 2053

#*Musgrave Foundation #SCR Prim Lassie 80634

#B/R Destination 727-928

+Shady Brook Entense 76D 29H

#+*Kahn Broadband R A 94L


#ER Florabelle Fanny K009

★★★★★ 154

Calving Ease

BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 755 104 1222 105 7-95 7-97 6-100

Fat +.073 $Values $M +79 $G +45 $B +122 $C +237 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +13 -.1 +61 +103 +.25 +36

• 5 Star Calving Ease. Stout, big ribbed maternal brother to Spring Cove/TL herd sire “Tomorrow 0016.” Sleep all night heifer bull from a great old cow. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.

– 33 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
YeaRling BullS
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 87 729 101 1123 96 5-104 6-102 2-97 Carcass EPDs CW +59 Marb +.12 RE +.83 Fat -.044 $Values $M +58 $G +35 $B +140 $C +240 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +4 +1.3 +68 +121 +1.11 +29
Tattoo: K31 Bull
#+*LD Capitalist
#MCATL Blackbird
#*Musgrave Big Sky G C F Miss New Level R216 SLL Overload T18 #+J/M Blossom 6217 #Hyline Right Time 338 +Three Trees Blackcap 3337
Birth Date: 01-21-2022
*20411189 Calving
Blackcap R128
*Musgrave Crackerjack 19202253
17930672 ★★★ 152
BR WR YR 81 734 101 1164 99 4-99 4-101 2-103 Carcass EPDs CW +53 Marb +.49 RE +.82 Fat +.019 $Values $M +75 $G +48 $B +137 $C +253 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +1 +1.1 +73 +119 +.74 +28
Calving Ease TL
Capitalist 316
Prim Lassie 163-386 +*B/R Comrade 49
Foundation #SCR Prim Lassie 80634
Comrade 1385
Hanna 3111
*Musgrave 316 Exclusive 18130471
*TL Hanna 7156 18930872
Spring Cove Exclusive K48
Carcass EPDs CW +45 Marb +.63
Birth Date: 01-24-2022
K48 Bull 20411199
Capitalist 316
*Musgrave 316 Exclusive 18130471 TL
• 5 Star Calving Ease. A long bodied, growthy Crossfire son that Targets the Brand. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.
Spring Cove Crossfire K20
Cove Crossbow
J/M Gem 7105 #+*KM
Spring Cove
#*Basin Bonus
Spring Cove
#*Mytty In Focus Summitcrest Elba 1M17 #+B/R Ambush 28 J/M Gem 519
19716901 TL Gem 4125 17930637 ★★★★★ 148
Focus 2U66
Broken Bow 002
Laura 442
Crossfire 26H
• 3 Star Calving Ease for use on larger heifers and cows. Long, broad topped bull with excellent growth data from a super cow family.
Spring Cove Crossfire K119
19716901 *Spring Cove
19232569 ★★★ 149
*Spring Cove Crossbow *Spring Cove Laura 601
Cove Reno 4021
Cove Laura 410
Broken Bow 002
Longevity 556Z
Cove Laura 810 +*Spring
Crossfire 26H
Laura 865
• 4 Star Calving Ease bull who Targets the Brand and has excellent growth EPDs. Broad topped, deep ribbed and muscular.
Spring Cove Crossfire K55
*Spring Cove Crossbow *Spring Cove Laura 601 *Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 163C #+*KM Broken Bow
Spring Cove Pretty
#*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442 Poss Lasting Impact
*Poss Erica 327 #*Connealy In Focus 4925 +Sitz Barbaramere
+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H 19716901
19392988 ★★★★
Calving Ease
Nell 718Y
Nell 66G
• 5 Star Calving Ease in a growthy, long, wide topped bull. Low PAP EPD. Sleep all night heifer bull for high country.
Spring Cove Crossfire K40
Birth Date: 01-23-2022 Tattoo: K40 Bull *20409913
#*Sitz Longevity 556Z
Cove Laura 442
#*Connealy Final Product 18930907 ★★★★★
Pride 625W 151
+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H

Spring Cove Crackerjack K42

Birth Date: 01-23-2022 Tattoo: K42 Bull *20411196

*Musgrave 316 Stunner

*Musgrave Crackerjack

*TL Josie 7113

Rito Jet A649

#*Basin Bonus 4345

Josie 5102

Let us help you MARKET

#+*LD Capitalist 316

#MCATL Blackbird 831-1378

#*Musgrave Big Sky

G C F Miss New Level R216

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

+*Basin Erica 2223

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

Josie 3154

• 5 Star Calving Ease and new genetics for old customers. Long and thick made. Maternal brother purchased by Skows Great Basin Angus. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.

Spring Cove Exclusive K86

Capitalist 316

*Musgrave 316 Exclusive

*TL Rachel 7160

Let us help you market your calves !

John Rodgers (559) 730-3311

Rick Machado (805) 501-3210

Art Butler (208) 280-1026

Spring Cove Crackerjack K100

Prim Lassie 163-386

Comrade 49

Rachel 5154

Capitalist 028

Dixie Erica 2053

#*Musgrave Foundation #SCR Prim Lassie 80634

#*Connealy Comrade 1385

+*HFG Wendy 825

*B/R Game On 375

Rachel 3145

• 4 Star Calving Ease Exclusive son that Targets the Brand. Great Marbling and Rib EPDs.

• 4 Star Calving Ease. Long, level and wide hipped with a touch more frame. Maternal brother working at Wickel Ranch in Elba,ID.

Spring Cove Crackerjack K73

Birth Date: 02-11-2022

*Musgrave 316 Stunner

*Musgrave Crackerjack 19202253 TL Blackcap 6104

Musgrave Rito Jet A649 #*S A V Ten Speed 3022


lot 157 - Spring Cove Samson 163K

Spring Cove Samson 163K

Birth Date: 01-24-2022

163K Bull *20509827

#*Plattemere Weigh Up K360

+*Pine View Samson G546

+*SS Samson C4701 +*G A R Prophet 1463 +*B/R Comrade 49

*Spring Cove Sweetie V4 0018

*Spring Cove Sweetie V4 7036

*SS Isabel Z720 #+*G A R Prophet

A R New Day 3070

#*Connealy Comrade 1385 +*HFG Wendy 825

#*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove V4 Sweetie 253

Calving Ease

• 3 Star Calving Ease. New genetics. Muscular bull with great growth EPDs. Top 10% for $M.

Tattoo: K73 Bull *20411204


Blackbird 831-1378

Big Sky

Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease in an outcross pedigree. Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Crackerjack K53

Birth Date: 01-25-2022 Tattoo: K53

*Musgrave 316 Stunner

*Musgrave Crackerjack 19202253

Musgrave Rito Jet A649 Bushs Special Reserve 623

TL Carol 8153

Carol 1167

#+*LD Capitalist 316 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378

#*Musgrave Big Sky G C F Miss New Level R216

#*Basin Excitement

#Bushs Timeless Lady 3867

#*C C A Emblazon 702

Carol 9101

Calving Ease

• 3 Star Calving Ease. Outcross pedigree. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.

– 34 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
YeaRling BullS
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 718 99 1179 101 6-99 6-100 4-96 Carcass EPDs CW +41 Marb +.54 RE +.90 Fat +.025 $Values $M +38 $G +50 $B +132 $C +209 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +.7 +57 +99 +.31 +33
Tattoo: K100 Bull
Calving Ease *Musgrave
Musgrave Rito
#+*EXAR New Look 2971 TL Blossom 156 #+*LD Capitalist 316 #MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 #*Musgrave Big Sky G C F Miss New Level R216 #Bon View New Design 1407 N Bar Primrose 2424 Spring Cove Just In Time 925 Spring Cove Blossom 444 *Musgrave Crackerjack 19202253 TL Blossom 2134 17376157 ★★★★ 159
316 Stunner
Jet A649
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 70 690 95 1151 98 4-95 4-101 1-98 Carcass EPDs CW +35 Marb +1.03 RE +.29 Fat +.023 $Values $M +76 $G +65 $B +136 $C +252 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -2.2 +60 +102 +1.06 +28
TL Blackcap 4103 #+*LD Capitalist
C F Miss New Level R216
A R Ten X 7008 S A
A V Madame Pride 1134 #*C C A Emblazon 702 +TL Blackcap 2142
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 660 91 1138 97 3-105 2-95 1-97
$Values $M +58 $G +39 $B +136 $C +234
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.6 +68 +117 +1.18 +25
Bull *20411201
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 82 687 95 1172 100 3-101 3-103 3-100 Carcass EPDs CW +44 Marb +.43 RE +.62 Fat +.023 $Values $M +52 $G +42 $B +132 $C +223 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +13 -2.1 +61 +108 +1.41 +33
Calving Ease
18932764 ★★★★★ 155
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 738 102 1186 102 4-95 3-102 2-99 Carcass EPDs CW +59 Marb +.99 RE +.83 Fat +.027 $Values $M +72 $G +71 $B +171 $C +294 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 +.3 +72 +122 +.54 +28 Birth Date: 02-15-2022 Tattoo: K86 Bull *20411207
Ease #+*LD
18930873 ★★★★
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 703 99 1180 99 1-106 1-99 1-99 Carcass EPDs CW +50 Marb +.54 RE +.61 Fat +.039 $Values $M +79 $G +45 $B +127 $C +244 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.1 +76 +133 +.61 +22

Spring Cove Calvary K72

#*Connealy Cavalry 1149 +Brusett Forever W857

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 Limestone Blackcap R128

Overload 2437R +SLL MF Miss P414

C Lookout 7024

Cove J/M Hanna 6491

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull that Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Enhance K83

YeaRling BullS

Spring Cove Cavalry K87


K83 Bull 20409942

Exceed 3223

Rita 2618

Complete 4U75-257

Ruby S284 #*Connealy Final Product

Pride 625W

Cove Forecast 611A

• 4 Star Calving Ease. Larger framed, long heifer bull. Good marbling and $M.

Spring Cove Cavalry K45

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull that Targets the Brand with a great EPD profile.

soggy calf with low PAP EPD for high elevations.

Spring Cove Spur K97

Date: 02-19-2022

Spur E870

Countess C43

21AR 165

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

+*TL Everelda


+Sonrise Everelda 0203

#*Connealy Spur

Lass 4942

#*JVC Cavalry V3326

+*Buford Countess V9112


Spring Cove Sonny 161K

Birth Date: 02-15-2022

• Stout, high volume, wide hipped bull. Low PAP, great marbling, and he Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Reno 144K

O Lass 7017 BuBS SoutHern Son 33C Sire oF lot 167

Trees Everelda 2685

• 3 Star Calving Ease “Reno” grandson who Targets the Brand. Deep and long with exceptional marbling.

– 35 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 729 101 1153 99 3-102 2-103 2-99 Carcass EPDs CW +53 Marb +.66 RE +.86 Fat +.008 $Values $M +96 $G +57 $B +144 $C +283 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +1.7 +75 +123 +1.17 +25 Birth Date:
Tattoo: K87 Bull *20409943 Calving Ease #*JVC Cavalry V3326 #+*TL Blackcap
+*TEX Comrade 5085 *TL Erica 6103
Cavalry 1149 +Brusett Forever W857 #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 Limestone Blackcap R128 #*Connealy Comrade 1385 +*TEX Miss Effis12001 #*S A V Ten Speed 3022 TL Erica 4194
19449219 *TL Erica 8113 19233545 ★★★ 166
+*Spring Cove
Cavalry G63
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 744 105 1155 97 6-96 6-100 4-101 Carcass EPDs CW +47 Marb +.94 RE +.65 Fat +.012 $Values $M +72 $G +67 $B +146 $C +261 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +4 +1.9 +74 +126 +1.62 +27
Bull 20425038 *BUBS Southern Charm AA31 #BUBS Lula 9Z #*Sitz Longevity 556Z #Spring Cove Violet 906 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Hickory Hill Erica 009 *BUBS Tom Tom W02 BUBS Lula 26X #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #*B/R 65R Genesis #Spring Cove Sweet Violet 702 *BUBS Southern Son 33C 18451499 Spring Cove Violet 48 17930564 167
$Values $M
$B +180 $C
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +1.4 +74 +134 +1.12 +36
Tattoo: 144K Bull *20425023 Calving Ease #*Spring Cove Reno
+Spring Cove Blossom
#*Sitz Longevity
Spring Cove Star 902 #+*KM Broken Bow
*Spring Cove Liza 021 #+*EXAR New
Spring Cove Blossom 611 #*Connealy
Product +Sitz Pride
#*Stevenson CE Deluxe 1914 Spring Cove Star 726 Spring Cove Reno 143E 18893411 *Spring Cove Star 643
Carcass EPDs
Look 2971
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 717 99 1123 96 7-98 7-99 2-98 Carcass EPDs CW +44 Marb +.81 RE +.51 Fat +.017 $Values $M +75 $G +59 $B +138 $C +254 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.1 +64 +109 +1.07 +32
Calving Ease
+SLL Reload Y81 TL Hanna 1132
Birth Date: 02-10-2022 Tattoo:
#*JVC Cavalry V3326 #+*TL Blackcap 3132
17930683 ★★★ 162
+*Spring Cove TL Cavalry G63
TL Hanna 4181
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 728 101 1152 99 5-101 5-102 2-100 Carcass EPDs CW +26 Marb +.70 RE +.52 Fat +.034 $Values $M +76 $G +52 $B +108 $C +216 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 -.6 +64 +110 +.14 +31 Birth
Calving Ease SydGen Enhance TL Ruby
#*Sitz Longevity
J/M Carol
Spring Cove
*Spring Cove TL Enhance H50 19737965 TL Carol 4119 17930631 ★★★★
Date: 02-13-2022 Tattoo:
Carol 955
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 81 720 99 1138 97 1-109 1-99 1-97 Carcass EPDs CW +45 Marb +.81 RE +.36 Fat +.045 $Values $M +62 $G +54 $B +135 $C +237 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +1 +1.9 +65 +109 +1.32 +29 Birth Date: 01-24-2022 Tattoo: K45 Bull *20409916 #*JVC Cavalry V3326 +*Buford Countess V9112 #*Basin Bonus 4345 TL Princess 2165 #*Connealy Cavalry 1149 +Brusett Forever W857 #S A F Focus of E R Mytty Countess 906 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Basin Erica
Leadore RS 508 Efficient 039 #TL Princess 0113 +*Spring Cove TL Cavalry G59 19449216 *TL Princess 0145 19752142 164 • 3 Star Calving Ease bull
growth EPDs. Top 3% $M.
with good
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 81 728 101 1104 95 2-90 2-99 1-95 Carcass EPDs CW +54 Marb +.30 RE +.29 Fat +.065 $Values $M +89 $G +28 $B +106 $C +226 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +1.5 +78 +124 +1.12 +32 Birth
Calving Ease Vermilion
K97 Bull *20409950
#+*Basin Payweight 006S 19291277 ★★★
Jetset 7122
*JVC Spur 217


Spring Cove Cavalry K59

Birth Date: 01-28-2022

#*JVC Cavalry V3326

#+*TL Blackcap 3132

Brigade 714

YeaRling BullS

Spring Cove Payweight K105

#*Connealy Cavalry 1149 +Brusett Forever W857 #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

Blackcap R128

K59 Bull *20409925 Calving Ease

• 3 Star Calving Ease for use on larger heifers and cows. Note his excellent Weaning ratio and growth EPDs in the top 15%.

Spring Cove Cavalry K89

Birth Date: 02-17-2022

#*JVC Cavalry V3326

+*Spring Cove TL Cavalry G59

+*Buford Countess V9112

*BUBS Southern Charm AA31

*TL Estonia 0130

Estonia 6124

Tattoo: K89 Bull *20409944

Cavalry 1149

Forever W857

A F Focus of E R Mytty Countess 906

Conversion 8064 *Hickory Hill Erica 009

Longevity 556Z

Estonia 1124

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. Targets the Brand. Attractive, long, deep calf with clean front. Maternal brothers working at Barrick Ranches, NV.

Spring Cove Crossfire K50

Calving Ease

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull that Targets the Brand. Low PAP EPD for high elevations.

Spring Cove Payweight K96

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. Targets the Brand. Long, high volume bull who should leave you some great replacements.

Spring Cove Determined K8


Crossfire 26H 19716901 TL Blackbird 1112 17021332

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. Low PAP EPD for high elevation.

Spring Cove Gentry K102


*Spring Cove Gentry 93G 19430157

*TL Marlene BRL 9105 19491412


Ruby 4143

Cove TL Whiskey 3044

Marlene 4152

• Long, stout, clean fronted “Gentry” grandson who Targets the Brand and has excellent marbling, Rib and $M. Negative PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.

Spring Cove Enhance K64

Exceed 3223

*Spring Cove TL Enhance H50 19737965

Ruby 4143

Brigade 714

*TL Blackcap 0165 19740111

*TL Blackcap 8198


Rita 2618 B/R Complete 4U75-257

+Monarch Ruby S284

#*JVC Cavalry V3326

*B/R Blackcap Empress 339

Crouthamel Merritt 4054 TL Blackcap 2168

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. Targets the Brand, excellent Marbling, Rib and $M.

– 36 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 738 102 1151 99 4-95 4-102 3-98 Carcass EPDs CW +26 Marb +1.06 RE +.16 Fat +.024 $Values $M +71 $G +65 $B +122 $C +229 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +.8 +59 +101 +.72 +27 Birth Date: 02-21-2022 Tattoo: K105 Bull *20409886 Calving Ease #+*Basin Payweight 1682 ER Lady Kelton R321 #*EXAR Denver 2002B S M A Prospector In Focus826 #+*Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 #K C F Bennett Coalition SCC ER Lady Kelton M128 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #*Mytty In Focus S M A Prospector By Design Spring Cove TL Payweight E28 18864954 +*TL Miss Pride 7131 19034142 ★★★
[ DDF ] BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 755 104 1142 98 7-99 8-105 5-104 Carcass EPDs CW +46 Marb +.53 RE +.62 Fat +.006 $Values $M +42 $G +48 $B +133 $C +215 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +3 +.8 +61 +105 +.86 +27
Date: 01-24-2022 Tattoo: K50 Bull 20409919 Calving Ease *Spring Cove Crossbow *Spring Cove Laura 601 SLL Overload T18 B/R Blackbird 0160 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442 RDDA Overload 2437R +SLL MF Miss P414 #*N Bar Emulation EXT B/R Blackbird 672
★★★ 174
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 83 760 105 1106 95 2-96 2-98 2-100 Carcass EPDs CW +46 Marb +.82 RE +.74 Fat -.036 $Values $M +86 $G +66 $B +152 $C +283 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +2 +2.1 +59 +111 +1.03 +38
BUBS Gentry
#Spring Cove Laura 653 *Spring Cove TL Cat D13 *TL-BRL Marlene
Birth Date: 02-21-2022
7164 *BUBS Southern Charm AA31
Ethta W9
Longevity 556Z
Cove Laura 320
1-101 1-100 1-98
EPDs CW +51 Marb +.96 RE +.62 Fat +.003 $Values $M +79 $G +68 $B +152 $C +276 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +1.4 +71 +128 +.64 +42
Ease SydGen
722 100 1146 98
Birth Date: 01-31-2022
*20409929 Calving
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 76 795 110 1177 101 1-102 1-110 1-101 Carcass EPDs CW +60 Marb +.40 RE +.83 Fat -.022 $Values $M +76 $G +47 $B +147 $C +267 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +.8 +75 +128 +.41 +30
TL Hanna
+*Spring Cove Longevity
+Spring Cove J/M Hanna 6491
Cavalry V3326
Blackcap Empress 339
+*Spring Cove TL Cavalry G63
19740079 ★★★ 169
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 767 106 1143 98 1-105 1-106 1-98 Carcass EPDs CW +63 Marb +.86 RE +.51 Fat +.046 $Values $M +68 $G +59 $B +160 $C +276 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +1.8 +77 +127 +1.22 +36
19740084 ★★★ 170
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 740 102 1164 100 3-97 3-109 2-100 Carcass EPDs CW +39 Marb +.76 RE +.47 Fat +.008 $Values $M +62 $G +56 $B +140 $C +244 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +1.0 +59 +110 +.95 +29 Birth Date: 02-18-2022 Tattoo:
Bull *20409949
Ease #+*Basin Payweight 1682 ER Lady Kelton R321 #+*Connealy Courage 25L TL Rito Lady 0120 #+*Basin Payweight
21AR O Lass 7017 #K C F Bennett Coalition SCC ER Lady Kelton
Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 #TC Aberdeen 759 HA Rito Lady 5628 Spring Cove TL Payweight E28 18864954 TL Rito Lady 5133 18349941 ★★★ 171 • 5 Star Calving Ease. Long, thick heifer bull.
Confidence 0100
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 69 779 108 1161 100 3-91 3-98 2-104 Carcass EPDs CW +35 Marb +.62 RE +.56 Fat +.048 $Values $M +67 $G +48 $B +119 $C +221 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -3.2 +54 +97 -.08 +41 Birth Date: 02-14-2022 Tattoo: K85 Bull *20411214 Calving Ease *Spring Cove TL Cat D13 *TL Jenni 4186 Mytty Net Return 4054 TL Queen 2158 #*Basin Bonus 4345 TL Ruby 4143 +SLL Reload Y81 TL Jenni 1118 #+MF Net Return 8197 Mytty Barbaramere Nell 1018 *Varsity V Warrior TL Queen 9134 *Spring Cove TL Determination 19237184 *TL Queen 8166 19233585 ★★★★★ 172

lot 177 - Spring Cove Enough 71K

Spring Cove Enough 71K

Date: 02-16-2022

Stellar 726D

*Sitz Resilient 10208

Miss Burgess 1856

Longevity 556Z

#+*Spring Cove Carol 418

YeaRling BullS

Spring Cove Reno 86K

Birth Date: 02-19-2022

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z


• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. A member of the Reno x Carol 418 flush who Targets the Brand. Deep, smooth bull. Excellent marbling EPD and $M. Flush brother to Lots 178, 180 and 181. Herd Bull.

Spring Cove Reno 101K

71K Bull +*20425189

Substantial 272

Pride 200B

Top Game 561X

Miss Burgess 4381

Final Product

Pride 625W

928 Destination 5420

Cove Carol 629

Calving Ease

• 5 Star Calving Ease Resilient son out of our super donor Carol 418. Double digit CED, negative Birth EPD and top 10% Weaning and Yearling EPDs. You’ll like this long, wide chested, thick, smooth ET calf. Herd Bull. Flush brothers sell as Lots 21 and 108.

lot 178 - Spring Cove Reno 97K

Spring Cove Reno 97K

Birth Date: 02-22-2022 Tattoo: 97K Bull +*20425212

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021 17926446

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#+*Spring Cove Carol 418

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z Spring Cove Carol 033

#*Summitcrest Complete 1P55

#Summitcrest Princess 0P12

#*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Liza 721

#*Connealy Final Product

Pride 625W #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

Cove Carol 629

Calving Ease

• 3 Star Calving Ease for use on larger heifers and cows. Another Reno flush brother out of Carol 418 who Targets the Brand. Thick made, flat topped with good growth and should make some excellent replacement females. Flush brothers sell as Lots 179, 180 and 181.

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021 17926446

Birth Date: 02-23-2022 Tattoo: 101K Bull +*20424996

#+*KM Broken Bow 002 *Spring Cove Liza 021


Cove Carol 033

#*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #Summitcrest Princess 0P12 #*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Liza 721 #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 #Spring Cove Carol 629

★★★ 180

• 3 Star Calving Ease bull for use on larger heifers and cows. Another long, thick Reno X Carol 418 ET calf who Targets the Brand. Flush brothers sell as Lots 178 and 179.



Spring Cove Reno 107K

Birth Date: 02-26-2022

Broken Bow 002

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021 17926446

*Spring Cove Liza 021

Spring Cove Carol 033 16773393

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 #Spring Cove Carol 629

#*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #Summitcrest Princess 0P12

#*C C A Emblazon 702

Cove Liza 721

#B/R Destination 727-928

+Shady Brook Entense 76D 29H

#Hyline Right Time 338

Spring Cove Carol 909

Carcass EPDs CW +48 Marb +.66 RE +.81 Fat -.035

• Growthy ET bull out of the powerhouse Whiskey donor cow Spring Cove Carol 033 (Dam of 418). This stout bull has great growth EPDs and Targets the Brand and will leave you with fabulous replacement females. $M in the top 2% of the breed.

– 37 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 77 763 ET 1213 ET 5-91 5-107 2-106 Carcass EPDs CW +57 Marb +.72 RE +.49 Fat +.043 $Values $M +83 $G +52 $B +148 $C +275 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK
+11 -.6 +82 +136 +.74 +24
Cove Carol 033
17933017 ★★★★★ 177
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 730 ET 1202 ET 5-91 5-107 2-106 Carcass EPDs CW +42 Marb +.89 RE +.40 Fat +.029 $Values $M +84 $G +60 $B +130 $C +253 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +1.3 +77 +122 +1.51 +30
Calving Ease
Cove Carol 033
Complete 1P55
Princess 0P12 #*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Liza 721 #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #+SydGen 928 Destination 5420 #Spring Cove Carol 629 #*Spring Cove Reno 4021 17926446 #+*Spring Cove Carol 418 17933017 ★★★ 179
- Spring Cove Reno 107K
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 751 100 1217 100 4-93 4-114 3-105
$G +60 $B +133 $C +267 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 +2.1 +79 +135 +1.43 +35
107K Bull +*20425001
ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 745 ET 1233 ET 5-91 5-107 2-106 Carcass EPDs CW +45 Marb +.85 RE +.65 Fat -.022 $Values $M +70 $G +66 $B +150 $C +265 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +4 +1.0 +65 +111 +.31 +25
17933017 ★★★ 178
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 84 742 ET 1180 ET 5-91 5-107 2-106 Carcass EPDs CW +45 Marb +.86 RE +.67 Fat -.024 $Values $M +70 $G +66 $B +151 $C +266
+4 +1.2 +66 +113 +.35 +25
Calving Ease Spring
Longevity 556Z
#+*Spring Cove Carol 418 17933017

lot 182 - Spring Cove Compass 9K

Spring Cove Compass 9K

Birth Date: 01-14-2022

*Spring Cove Compound 12E

+*Spring Cove Compass 28H

*Spring Cove Liza 678

Sitz Pioneer 566B

*Spring Cove Star 098

*Spring Cove Star 680

YeaRling BullS

Spring Cove Compound 14K

• 5 Star Calving Ease, Sleep all night heifer bull sired by Compound. He Targets the Brand and posts a high Marbling EPD and excellent $M and $C. Muscular, level hipped.

Spring Cove Compound 5K

Tattoo: 9K Bull *20425214

*Spring Cove Crossbow #Spring Cove Liza 507

Tomorrow 0016

Cove Liza 713

A V Pioneer 7301

Elluna Elite 243X

Cove Reno 4021

Cove Star 214

Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease son of Compass. Deep, wide topped bull with big Rib EPD and great $M and $C Indexes. Low PAP EPD for high elevations.


lot 183 - Spring Cove Crossfire 98K

Spring Cove Crossfire 98K

Birth Date: 02-23-2022

*Spring Cove Crossbow

+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H 19716901

*Spring Cove Laura 601

*Spring Cove Resource 134E

*Spring Cove Carol 9071 19430107

+*Spring Cove Carol 527

Tattoo: 98K Bull *20425213

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345

Cove Laura 442 SITZ Resource 525C +Spring Cove Star 214 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z Spring Cove Carol 033


+7 +.7 +72 +134 +.58 +28

Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease Crossfire son who Targets the Brand. Great birth to growth spread. Deep, high volume, growthy heifer bull with a low PAP EPD for high elevations. Brought to you by the Carol cow family.

Birth Date: 01-11-2022

*Spring Cove Compound 12E 18875915

*Spring Cove Blossom 080 19775056

• 5 Star Calving Ease Compound son. Another Sleep all night heifer bull who Targets the Brand. Excellent marbling, rib, and $M.

Spring Cove Crossbow 21K

Birth Date: 01-19-2022 Tattoo: 21K

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Crossbow 17924903

*Spring Cove Blossom 052


Princess 0P12

#*C C A Emblazon 702

#Spring Cove Blossom 319

• Stout, deep bodied, muscular, high marbling son of Crossbow who Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Crossfire K1

Birth Date: 12-29-2021

*Spring Cove Crossbow

+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H 19716901

*Spring Cove Laura 601

*Connealy Treasure 558H

CCC Treasure Lass 0155 19778495

CCC Product Lady 4060

Tattoo: K1 Bull *20409882

#+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345

Spring Cove Laura 442

#+*MGR Treasure Jarva of Conanga 558H

#*Connealy Final Product #CCC MS Coal Bank 8036

• 5 Star Calving Ease Crossfire son who Targets the Brand. A muscular, long hipped, sleep all night heifer bull. Excellent marbling and Rib EPDs.

– 38 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 72 718 101 1140 95 1-96 1-101 1-95 Carcass EPDs CW +48 Marb +1.19 RE +.43 Fat +.050 $Values $M +74 $G +73 $B +167 $C +291 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +14 -1.1 +66 +123 +.86 +28
Date: 01-15-2022 Tattoo: 14K Bull *20425027 Calving Ease
Cove Crossbow #Spring Cove Liza 507 *Spring Cove TL Longevity D59 *Spring Cove Star 63 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #Spring Cove Liza 309 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z +*TL Blackcap 3134 #*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Star 444
Cove Compound 12E 18875915
Cove Star 0052 19774993 ★★★★★ 184
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 73 707 100 1150 97 1-98 1-100 1-97 Carcass EPDs CW +32 Marb +1.02 RE +.59 Fat -.001 $Values $M +72 $G +71 $B +142 $C +256 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +16 -2.1 +53 +102 -.26 +30
Bull *20509828
Ease *Spring
Spring Cove
#+*KM Broken
Spring Cove Pretty
#+*Basin Payweight
#Spring Cove
#+*Basin Payweight
SCR-TL Tomorrow
Spring Cove Blossom
Cove Crossbow
Cove Liza 507
Bonus 4345
Blossom 242
Bow 002
Liza 309
Erica 2223
★★★★★ 185
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 80 726 103 1164 98 1-106 1-103 1-98 Carcass EPDs CW +29 Marb +1.34 RE +.29 Fat -.002 $Values $M +55 $G +82 $B +141 $C +238 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +2.4 +62 +105 +.60 +23
*Spring Cove
Cove Pretty 205
Southern Charm AA31
Blossom 375 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55
C A Emblazon 702
Cove Pretty 009 *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Hickory Hill Erica 009
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 66 742 102 1129 96 1-90 1-102 1-96
$Values $M +45 $G +73 $B +163 $C +256 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -1.7 +72 +129 +.57 +27
Carcass EPDs
Calving Ease
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 72 717 101 1216 102 1-96 1-101 1-102 Carcass EPDs CW +59 Marb +.61 RE +.88 Fat +.009 $Values $M +75 $G +55 $B +154 $C +275 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 +.6 +64 +119 +.85 +32
19775068 ★★★★ 182
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 715 101 1197 100 2-90 2-101 1-100 Carcass EPDs CW +55 Marb +1.04 RE +.72 Fat +.023 $Values $M +45 $G +72 $B +168 $C +263

YeaRling BullS

Spring Cove Compound 10K

lot 188Spring Cove Top Cut 2008

Spring Cove Top Cut 2008




+*Yon Top Cut G730


+*ICC Miss Wix 3049


Miss Wix 4618

Broken Bow 002 *Spring Cove Liza 021

#*V A R Discovery 2240

+*Yon Sarah A615

S Alliance 3313 #S Gloria 464

#Sitz Alliance 6595

Miss Wix 415 of Mc Cumber

• Thick, deep, big hipped calf by Yon Top Cut, a Spring Cove Reno 4021 son who is a breed leading sire at Select Sires. He Targets the Brand with excellent marbling, rib, $M and $C.

Spring Cove Woodrow 70K

Birth Date: 02-15-2022

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

+*Mahans Woodrow F34

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

Bushs Special Reserve 623

*Spring Cove Rachel 7047

Spring Cove Rachel 556

• 4 Star Calving Ease Compound son who Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Longevity 117K

Birth Date: 03-09-2022


#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Connealy Stimulus 8419

Hickory Hill Erica TA32

#*Basin Excitement

#Bushs Timeless Lady 3867

*Sackmann Chief 325 Spring Cove Rachel 108

Tattoo: 70K Bull *20425188 Calving Ease

• 4 Star Calving Ease son of Mahans Woodrow. High Volume, moderate heifer bull with excellent $M index.

Spring Cove Samson 74K

+*SS Samson C4701

View Samson G546

A R Prophet 1463

*Spring Cove Liza 014 19775012

Isabel Z720

A R Prophet

A R New Day 3070

Erica 2255

Cove Reno 4021

Cove Liza 034

• Wow! Study this Samson calf’s data. Top 2% for Weaning EPD, top 5% for Yearling EPD, and he Targets the Brand. High Marbling and Rib EPDs with top 15% $M. Outcross genetics.

Spring Cove Samson 61K

Birth Date: 02-02-2022

+*SS Samson C4701

+*Pine View Samson G546 19709113

+*G A R Prophet 1463

*MOGCK Entice

*Spring Cove Melody 009 19776162

Cove Melody 881

Tattoo: 61K Bull *20425180

#*Plattemere Weigh Up K360

*SS Isabel Z720

#+*G A R Prophet

+G A R New Day 3070

SydGen Enhance

#*MOGCK Erica 2255

*Spring Cove TL Cat D13

Cove Melody 406

Calving Ease

• Long bull with top 10% WW, YW, Marbling and $M. He Targets the Brand. Low PAP EPD suitable for high elevation.

Spring Cove Longevity 157K

Birth Date: 03-18-2022 Tattoo: 157K

*Spring Cove Beauty DVB 837 19232547

• 4 Star Calving Ease heifer bull who Targets the Brand. Top 4% for $M.

Spring Cove Charm 133K

+9 +.4 +68 +122 +.67 +24

• 4 Star Calving Ease Samson x Entice outcross genetics. He Targets the Brand, is deep and thick and posts a tremendous marbling, rib and $M combination.


Birth Date: 03-19-2022 Tattoo: 133K Bull *20425016

*Silveiras Conversion 8064

*Spring Cove Charm 53G


*BUBS Southern Charm AA31 #+*Spring Cove Laura 517

+*Spring Cove Liza 722 18894478

*Spring Cove Crossbow Spring Cove Liza 721

*Hickory Hill Erica 009

#*C C A Emblazon 702

#Spring Cove Laura 924

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

Spring Cove Pretty 205

#Hyline Right Time 338 #Spring Cove Liza 146

Carcass EPDs





• We conclude the bull offering with a good one from grandson Harvey’s great Liza 722 cow. This deep, smooth attractive calf Targets the Brand.

– 39 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 70 716 101 1138 95 1-94 1-101 1-95 Carcass EPDs CW +55 Marb +.91 RE +.73 Fat +.007 $Values $M +75 $G +67 $B +160 $C +283 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 +.3 +70 +125 +1.42 +34
Tattoo: 10K Bull *20425003 Calving Ease
#Spring Cove Liza 507
Cove TL Longevity D59 *Spring Cove Liza 567 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #Spring Cove Liza 309 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z +*TL Blackcap 3134 *Sackmann Chief 325 #*Spring Cove Liza 912
Cove Compound 12E 18875915
Cove Liza 0012 19774965 ★★★★ 192
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 90 713 101 1201 101 4-105 4-104 3-102 Carcass EPDs CW +55 Marb +1.14 RE +.36 Fat +.068 $Values $M +84 $G +68 $B +157 $C +288 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +3 +1.7 +81 +138 +1.08 +31
Tattoo: 117K Bull *20425006 #*Sitz Longevity
Spring Cove Star 560 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z *Spring Cove Beauty DVB 206 #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W *Sackmann Chief 325 #Spring Cove Star 927 #*Connealy Final Product +Sitz Pride 625W #*C C A Emblazon 702 Spring Cove Beauty DLB 058
Cove Longevity 67G 19430058
DVB 735 18895010 193
80 720 102 3-110 3-96 Carcass EPDs CW +42 Marb +.95 RE +.33 Fat +.020 $Values $M +90 $G +62 $B +132 $C +261 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +1.1 +73 +118 +1.70 +33
Limestone Blackcap R128 #*Spring Cove Reno
+Spring Cove Star
#+*Basin Payweight
+*Spring Cove TL
*Spring Cove
*20425033 Calving Ease +*Spring Cove Longevity 65D *Spring Cove Star 680
Bonus 4345 *Spring Cove Beauty
Longevity 556Z
Erica 2223
Whiskey 3044
*Spring Cove Longevity 170F 19229080
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +2.6 +68 +119 +1.14 +31
$Values $M +58
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 674 100 1260 100 6-97 5-104 2-100 Carcass EPDs CW +43 Marb +.99 RE +.71 Fat +.015 $Values $M +101 $G +70 $B +151 $C +297 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +2.3 +72 +117 +1.85 +17 Birth Date: 02-28-2022 Tattoo: 2008 Bull +*20417043
#*Spring Cove Reno 4021
Sarah D668
Chisum 6175
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 714 101 1157 97 4-88 4-96 2-96 Carcass EPDs CW +33 Marb +.28 RE +.97 Fat -.032 $Values $M +99 $G +44 $B +106 $C +236 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +0 +67 +112 +1.38 +32
18894460 ★★★★
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 74 725 102 1159 97 1-99 1-102 1-97 Carcass EPDs CW +73 Marb +.93 RE +1.04 Fat +.002 $Values $M +81 $G +73 $B +173 $C +305 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +3 +2.0 +89 +144 +1.01 +26
Birth Date: 02-17-2022 Tattoo: 74K Bull *20425192
*MOGCK Entice
Cove Liza 867 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360
SydGen Enhance
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 72 706 100 1144 96 1-96 1-100 1-96
EPDs CW +40 Marb +.98 RE +.79 Fat -.009 $Values $M +79 $G +72 $B +148 $C +271

4 Conventional Frozen Embryos 197

4 Conventional Frozen Embryos 198

4 Conventional Frozen Embryos

dB iConiC - Sire of the Lot 197199 Embryos

Sitz inSpire 729J - Son of Sitz Barbaramere Nell 66G and maternal brother to these embryos.

• Guarantee of 2 pregnancies.

• Offering 3 lots of 4 conventional embryos out of Sitz Barbaramere Nell 66G and DB Iconic G95 with a guarantee of 2 pregnancies per 4 embryos. Sitz Barbaramere Nell 66G was Randy Lancaster’s choice of the 2021 Sitz Elite Sort Female offering. Randy also purchased her son Sitz Inspire 729J pictured here. A cutting edge mating out of a foundation cow.

– 40 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S fRozen emBRYoS
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK S +5 +1.4 +87 +152 +1.45 +28 D +14 -1.5 +69 +127 +1.46 +28 Musgrave 316 Stunner DB Ms Discovery D13 Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 163C LD Capitalist 316 MCATL Blackbird 831-1378 V A R Discovery 2240 DB Mis Final Tool 4120 Poss Lasting Impact 3118 Poss Erica 327 Connealy In Focus 4925 Sitz Barbaramere Nell 718Y DB Iconic G95 19611994 SITZ Barbaramere Nell 66G 19392988
CW MARB RE FAT $M $G $B $C S +72 +1.73 +.69 +.063 +58 +100 +214 +336 D +53 +.64 +.87 -.008 +66 +57 +160 +274

YeaRling HeifeRS

TL Blackwood 2188

Birth Date: 02-15-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H 19677962


Sitz Feat 729H - Sire of Lots 200-203

TL Bonny 2193

Birth Date: 02-16-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H


*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

#+*TEX Playbook 5437

CCC Bonny Blacks 8163 19195151

CCC Granite Lady 6110

Tattoo: 2193 Cow *20409854

*Poss Achievement

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

+*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete

#*Connealy Black Granite CCC Product Lady 4109

• Lot 200 is a heifer to build a foundation on. A “Feat” daughter from a CCC cow that Randy Lancaster of Triple L purchased from Colyer’s and renamed the “Bonny” tribe. Her sire “Feat” was our choice of the 2021 Sitz Ranch offering and these are his first progeny to sell. Great phenotype, balanced EPD profile with a low PAP EPD, a pretty heifer from a productive cow family and a $M in the top 1% of the breed.


dB iConiC g95 - Sire of Lot 204

TL Florabelle Fanny 2158

Birth Date: 02-01-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H


*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

+*T/D Brigade 714

TL Florabelle Fanny 9139


TL Florabelle Fanny 1147


*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

*TL Blackwood 7117 18932767

*Spring Cove Crossbow TL Blackwood 5165

*Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 Spring Cove TL Drover 1001 #TL Blackwood 0106

• A high performing “Feat” daughter from a productive young “Crossbow” dam. She Targets the Brand and has a low PAP EPD as well. Another foundation female. Note her dam’s excellent production record.

TL Blackbird 2202

Birth Date: 02-19-2022

*Sitz Accomplishment 720F

*Sitz Feat 729H 19677962

*Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F

#*Basin Bonus 4345

*TL Blackbird 7119 18932769

TL Blackbird 5137

Tattoo: 2202 Cow *20409860

*Poss Achievement

Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

Erica 2223

Cove Idaho Wind 3122


CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +.2 +60 +102 +.57 +30

Carcass EPDs


+.37 RE +.87



$M +83 $G +42 $B +112 $C +228

• This fancy “Feat” daughter stems from B/R Blackbird 0160, an Emulation EXT daughter Josh purchased from Bill Rishel. Her PAP is very low (-2.29 at the time we are writing this). She is moderate and maternal with great phenotype and $M in the top 10% of the breed.

TL Carol 2140

Birth Date: 01-23-2022

*Musgrave 316

*DB Iconic G95

*TL Carol 8183

• TL Carol 2140’s pedigree stacks generations of calving ease and carcass traits. Genex has deemed her sire the “Cow Sense and Science sire.” Low PAP EPD and Marbling EPD in the top 10% of the breed, and she Targets the Brand.

Tattoo: 2158 Cow *20409828

*Poss Achievement Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D

*Sitz Stellar 726D

+*Sitz Forever Lady 9D

#*JVC Cavalry V3326

*B/R Blackcap Empress 339

#*C C A Emblazon 702

TL Florabelle 9105

• This member of the Florabelle Fanny family traces to a cow Josh and Art bought many years ago in the Edwards Ranch dispersal in MT. She’s another daughter of “Feat” who would make a great foundation female. Balanced EPDs from a great cow family, a low PAP EPD suitable for high elevations and a $M in the top 10% of the breed.

– 41 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
EPDs CW +61 Marb +.81 RE +.69 Fat +.027 $Values $M +63 $G +60 $B +164 $C +276 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +14 -1.3 +66 +122 -.41 +36
TL Blackbird
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 74 740 97 2-89 1-97 Carcass EPDs CW +39 Marb +1.32 RE +.28 Fat +.080 $Values $M +67 $G +74 $B +151 $C +263 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +12 -.9 +57 +99 -.01 +30
Tattoo: 2140 Cow *20411154
#MCATL Blackbird
A R Discovery 2240 DB Ms Final Tool
#+MF Net Return
Mytty Barbaramere
SCR-TL Tomorrow
Stunner *DB Ms Discovery D13
Net Return 4054
Carol 5107 #+*LD
831-1378 #*V
Nell 1018
Carol 1167
RE +.95 Fat +.044 $Values $M +94 $G +51 $B +150 $C +289 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 +.3 +71 +122 +1.36 +31
Carcass EPDs
+59 Marb +.57
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 77 758 100 2-102 2-100 1-100 Carcass EPDs CW +45 Marb +.60 RE +.80 Fat +.023 $Values $M +82 $G +52 $B +140 $C +264 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +10 -.1 +63 +114 +.46 +23
Spring Cove Fall Calving CoWS grazing Spring rangeland in 2022.


0100 - Sire of Lots 205-207

Spring Cove Violet 297

Birth Date: 03-02-2022

*Tehama Patriarch F028

*HAYNES Papa 0100


HAYNES Elite Lass 452 8247

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

+*Spring Cove Violet 948

#*Spring Cove Violet 403

YeaRling HeifeRS

Spring Cove Liza 220

• A Liza heifer from the cow family that produced the now famous “Reno.” Her sire “Resilient” was the $165,000 high seller in the Sitz Fall 2019 sale and is leaving a maternal legacy. Here’s another foundation female to build a program around. She Targets the Brand.

Tattoo: 297 Cow *20440702

#*S S Niagara Z29

Tehama Elite Blackbird D826

#*HAYNES Outright 452

HAYNES Elite Lass Waylon 366

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

#*Spring Cove Violet 965

Carcass EPDs

CW +68

• A new pedigree from an old, tested by time, Spring Cove cow family. Haynes Papa 0100 progeny offer pedigree diversity and an elite EPD profile. Study the numbers on this nice March heifer. Her own weaning ratio was 108, she’s over +1.00 for Marbling and the top 2% of the breed for $M, and her pedigree can be traced to cows born at Spring Cove Ranch in the 1920’s. She Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Melody 2001

Birth Date: 03-05-2022

*Tehama Patriarch F028

*HAYNES Papa 0100


Elite Lass 452 8247 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z

#+*Spring Cove Melody 519

Tattoo: 2001 Cow *20440699

Niagara Z29

Elite Blackbird D826

Outright 452

Elite Lass Waylon 366

Final Product

Pride 625W

928 Destination 5420

#Spring Cove Melody 543

• You’ll like this March heifer by Haynes Papa out of the Spring Cove Melody tribe. Her dam is one of our favorite cows. Take time to study the data set here. Pathfinder dam, balanced EPDs, low PAP prediction, and she Targets the Brand. Once again, the Melody cow family can be traced to cows born at Spring Cove Ranch in the 1920’s. A heifer to build a program around.


Spring Cove Liza 2012

Birth Date: 03-15-2022

*Tehama Patriarch F028

*HAYNES Papa 0100


HAYNES Elite Lass 452 8247

#*Spring Cove Reno 4021

*Spring Cove Liza 915


*Spring Cove Liza 729

Tattoo: 2012 Cow *20440700

#*S S Niagara Z29

Tehama Elite Blackbird D826

#*HAYNES Outright 452

HAYNES Elite Lass Waylon 366

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

*Spring Cove Liza 021

#*Sitz Longevity 556Z

Cove Liza 523

• The Haynes Papa x Reno cross worked well and here’s another example. Great growth coupled with moderate mature size and top Marbling makes for great profit potential. Negative PAP EPD, top 4% for $M, and she Targets the Brand.

Spring Cove Blackcap 234

Birth Date: 01-27-2022 Tattoo: 234


+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H

#+*Spring Cove Blackcap 533

• We are tickled to offer progeny out of “Crossfire” who was the $120,000 high selling bull in our 2021 sale going to Triple L Angus, T/D Angus and Sitz Angus. This first “Crossfire” daughter to sell stems from the Blackcap cow family that produced CCA Emblazon 702 who has left a legacy of moderate, good uddered, fertile cows in our herd. A real piece of the breeding puzzle here. Balanced EPDs, moderate frame, muscle and shape, and she Targets the Brand.

– 42 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 85 621 97 2-108 2-100 1-101 Carcass EPDs CW +37 Marb +.77 RE +.51 Fat +.034 $Values $M +74 $G +55 $B +122 $C +232 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +6 +2.2 +76 +130 +1.38 +30 Birth Date: 01-25-2022 Tattoo: 220 Cow *20425333
Stellar 726D *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 *Spring Cove Compound 12E Spring Cove Liza 721 #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *SITZ Pride 200B #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 *Spring Cove Crossbow #Spring Cove Liza 507 #Hyline Right Time 338 #Spring Cove Liza 146
Resilient 10208 19057457
+*Spring Cove Liza 9043 19430091 208
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 68 578 90 6-96 6-103 4-104 Carcass EPDs CW +37 Marb +.81 RE +.15 Fat +.006 $Values $M +80 $G +55 $B +125 $C +242 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 -.7 +60 +100 +.56 +25
Cow *20425100
#*Basin Excitement Limestone Blackcap R128 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442 +Basin Expedition R156 Basin Lady S532 AK #Hyline Right Time 338 +Three Trees Blackcap 3337
Cove Crossbow *Spring
Laura 601
RE +.82 Fat -.003 $Values $M +90 $G +75 $B +179 $C +322 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +2.2 +81
+135 +1.43
19430164 205
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 75 672 105 6-96 6-104 3-106 Carcass EPDs CW +73 Marb +.80 RE +1.13 Fat +.015 $Values $M +77 $G +67 $B +182 $C +313 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +1.0 +79 +147 +1.12 +33
Cove Melody 053 #*S S
18340252 206
EPDs CW +53 Marb +1.01 RE +.74 Fat +.041 $Values $M +86 $G +69 $B +158 $C +291 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +1.3 +68 +117 +1.43 +29
pap Spring Cove liza 721 - Maternal granddam of Lot 208 and maternal granddam of Spring Cove Reno 4021. Picture taken at 11 years of age. limeStone BlaCkCap r128 - Maternal granddam of Lot 209 and dam of CCA Emblazon 702.

YeaRling HeifeRS

TL Hanna 2161

Birth Date: 02-02-2022


+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H

Spring Cove CroSSFire 26H - Sire of Lots 210-215

TL Florabelle Fanny 2203

Birth Date: 02-20-2022

*Spring Cove Crossbow

+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H

*Spring Cove Laura 601

Payweight 4471

*TL Florabelle Fanny 6211

Florabelle Fanny 4192

Tattoo: 2203 Cow *20409861

Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205

#*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442

#+*Basin Payweight 107S #Basin Clova Pride 634U *Varsity V Warrior

Florabelle Fanny 1147

• Lots 209-215 represent the first and possibly only “Crossfire” daughters to sell due to his untimely death in Nebraska. This high performing heifer Targets the Brand. Note her weaning ratio.

TL Beauty 2131

Birth Date: 01-20-2022 Tattoo: 2131

• This lot’s great granddam, Hanna 4073, was Sarah’s Jr Angus show heifer back in the early 2000’s. Another complete “Crossfire” daughter with great potential.

TL Rachel 2120

*Spring Cove Crossbow

+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H

*Spring Cove Laura 601 #+*Summitcrest Focus 2U66

#TL Rachel 4124

• Generations of AI sires in this pedigree. Calving Ease and carcass traits in a maternal package.


TL Profit Queen 2123

Birth Date: 01-18-2022

*Spring Cove Crossbow

+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H 19716901

*Spring Cove Laura 601 +*Basin Payweight 4471

*TL Profit Queen 8159 19233580

TL Profit Queen 5153

• Beauty 2131 stems from the B/R Beauty cow family who goes back to VDAR Beauty 228. This heifer’s dam is a Pathfinder, she Targets the Brand and is double bred to CCA Emblazon 702.


TL Foxy Lady 2121

Birth Date: 01-15-2022 Tattoo: 2121 Cow 20409812

Broken Bow 002

+*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H

*Spring Cove Crossbow *Spring Cove Laura 601 #*Sitz Longevity 556Z

Foxy Lady 4114


Cove Pretty 205

Bonus 4345

Cove Laura 442

Final Product

Pride 625W

Magnum 399-7186

Foxy Lady 8103

• Low birth EPD heifer sired by “Crossfire.” She’ll produce calving ease prospects who Target the Brand.

• Calving ease, marbling and maternal.

TL Star 2165


Tattoo: 2123 Cow *20409813

#+*KM Broken Bow 002

Spring Cove Pretty 205

#*Basin Bonus 4345

Spring Cove Laura 442

#+*Basin Payweight 107S

#Basin Clova Pride 634U

+*Spring Cove Whiskey 921G

KD Miss Profit Queen 9103

Birth Date: 02-05-2022 Tattoo: 2165 Cow *20412069

+*Baldridge Alternative E125

*Birch Creek Alternative 0213 19773586

*TL Prairie 6113

+*T/D Brigade 714

*TL Star 9191


+TL Star 7139

Poss Easy Impact 0119

Baldridge Blackbird A030

#*Basin Bonus 4345

TL Prairie 4153

#*JVC Cavalry V3326

*B/R Blackcap Empress 339

#+SydGen 928 Destination 5420

#Spring Cove Star 925

Carcass EPDs

CW +80 Marb +.29 RE +1.08

• This heifer’s pedigree combines the maternal excellence and great phenotype of the “Prairie” cow family with the calving ease and marbling of the highly proven sire Baldridge Alternative E125. Her sire was raised by the Sampson family of Ruby Valley, Nevada, and Randy used him as an AI and Flush sire. Look for his progeny throughout this book. The original “Prairie Star 361” was Josh’s show heifer back in the 90’s.

– 43 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 77 755 99 5-97 5-102 2-89 Carcass EPDs CW +49 Marb +.58 RE +.34 Fat +.009 $Values $M +48 $G +46 $B +134 $C +222 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +4 +1.3 +64 +112 +.30 +27
Tattoo: 2161 Cow *20409830
SCR-TL Tomorrow
TL Hanna 0153 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura
New Day
TL Florabelle Fanny
SLL Overload T18 Hanna of Holiday 4073
Cove Crossbow *Spring Cove Laura 601
442 #*B/R
#TL Hanna 5180
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 78 770 101 6-91 7-110 2-101 Carcass EPDs CW +44 Marb +.71 RE +.36 Fat +.041 $Values $M +62 $G +50 $B +134 $C +236
BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +7 +.8 +58 +109 +.35 +27
Tattoo: 2120 Cow 20409811
Birth Date: 01-15-2022
#+*KM Broken
Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442 #*Mytty In Focus Summitcrest Elba
#+B/R Ambush 28 Rachel of Holiday 4088
TL Rachel 1149
Bow 002
17930636 214
100 3-95 3-100 2-97
RE +.54 Fat +.032 $Values $M +59 $G +53 $B +138 $C +238 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +5 +.3 +64 +115 +.11 +26
Carcass EPDs
Fat -.009 $Values $M +36 $G +44 $B +180 $C +269 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +3 +2.2 +76 +137 -.22 +19
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 74 834 110 4-102 3-107 Carcass EPDs CW +53 Marb +.97 RE +.46 Fat +.028 $Values $M +51 $G +64 $B +151 $C +247 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +1 +2.6 +78 +133 +.32 +18
18652521 210
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 77 727 96 7-99 7-100 1-103 Carcass EPDs CW +25 Marb +.92 RE +.32 Fat +.012 $Values $M +50 $G +62 $B +124 $C +211 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +8 -.2 +52 +88 +.59 +18
Cove Crossbow *Spring Cove Laura 601 SCR-TL Tomorrow 0016 TL Beauty 2108 #+*KM Broken Bow 002 Spring Cove Pretty 205 #*Basin Bonus 4345 Spring Cove Laura 442 #*B/R New Day 454 TL Florabelle Fanny 8143 Spring Cove Dozer 0336 +B/R Beauty 031 +*Spring Cove Crossfire 26H 19716901 #TL Beauty 4109 17930622
*20409816 *Spring
BW ADJ WW/RATIO ADJ YW/RATIO DAM’S PRODUCTION BR WR YR 79 759 100 4-104 4-100 2-98 Carcass EPDs CW +46 Marb +.91 RE +.30 Fat +.056 $Values $M +68 $G +57 $B +141 $C +251 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK +9 -1.1 +60 +108 +.02 +31
TL Foxy Lady
19716901 TL
– 45 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
Herd Unit A : Four daughters of Mahans Woodrow F34 223 Spring Cove Sweetie V4 2027 3/25/2022 20425058 2027 Dam: Spring Cove Sweetie V4 636 MGS: B/R Comrade 49 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +11 +.7 +70 +114 +26 +72 +248 224 Spring Cove Liza 2018 3/19/2022 20425052 2018 Dam: Spring Cove Liza 736 MGS: Spring Cove Crossbow CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +15 -.8 +62 +113 +35 +81 +277 225 Spring Cove Blossom 278 3/11/2022 20425050 2013 Dam: Spring Cove Blossom 815 MGS: B/R Comrade 49 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +13 -.5 +64 +101 +29 +101 +261 226 Spring Cove Blossom 2013 2/28/2022 20425149 293 Dam: Spring Cove Blossom 7045 MGS: Spring Cove Reno 4021 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +11 +.1 +73 +116 +43 +91 +248 Herd Unit B : Five daughters of Spring Cove TL Payweight E28 227 TL Florabelle Fanny 2175 2/11/2022 20409841 2175 Dam: TL Florabelle Fanny 7127 MGS: B/R Comrade 49 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +5 +.7 +59 +112 +32 +63 +223 228 TL Ruby of Tiffany 2179 2/13/2022 20409845 2179 Dam: TL Ruby of Tiffany 8136 MGS: Bushs Special Reserve 623 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +8 +.7 +66 +122 +29 +67 +234 229 TL Rachel 2191 2/15/2022 20406853 2191 Dam: TL Rachel 6175 MGS: Sackmann Chief 325 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +0 +3 +58 +108 +23 +54 +229 230 TL Lucy 2210 2/23/2022 20409865 2210 Dam: ICC Lucy 9722 MGS: SydGen Enhance CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +6 +3.3 +86 +149 +31 +58 +255 231 TL Prairie 2224 3/7/2022 20409875 2224 Dam: TL Prairie 8141 MGS: Bushs Special Reserve 623 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +5 +.6 +63 +115 +24 +71 +240
HeifeR HeRd uniTS
– 46 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S
Unit C: Three daughters of Spring Cove TL Longevity D59 232 TL Blackcap 2221 3/4/2022 20409873 2221 Dam: TL Blackcap 7111 MGS: Spring Cove Crossbow CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +0 +3.2 +69 +128 +23 +69 +273 233 TL Forever Lady 2234 3/24/2022 20515064 2234 Dam: TL Forever Lady 9149 MGS: T/D Cavalry 751 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +7 +.8 +80 +142 +27 +66 +286 234 TL Flora 2237 3/28/2022 20509820 2237 Dam: TL Flora 4148 MGS: Varsity V Warrior CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +3 +1.5 +75 +132 +36 +75 +286 Herd Unit D : Three daughters of Musgrave Crackerjack 235 TL Josie 2126 1/18/2012 20411145 2126 Dam: TL Josie 8157 MGS: Bushs Special Reserve 623 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +12 -.9 +52 +86 +31 +74 +206 236 TL Georgette 2155 1/27/2022 20411161 2155 Dam: TL Georgette 4162 MGS: Varsity V Warrior CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +11 -1.3 +53 +101 +31 +42 +217 237 TL Everelda 2197 2/18/2022 20411167 2197 Dam: TL Everelda 6216 MGS: B/R Complete 4U75-257 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +7 +.4 +60 +97 +36 +65 +212 Herd Unit E : Five daughters of T/D Brigade 714 238 TL Carol 2169 2/6/2022 20409836 2169 Dam: TL Carol 6164 MGS: B/R Game On 375 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +6 +1 +52 +103 +41 +55 +217 239 TL Prairie Star 2170 2/7/2022 20409837 2170 Dam: TL Prairie Star 7177 MGS:Spring Cove TL Whiskey 3044 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +9 -.9 +52 +99 +40 +48 +243 240 TL Florabelle Fanny 2185 2/14/2022 20409848 2185 Dam: TL Florabelle Fanny 4192 MGS: Varsity V Warrior CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +6 +1.9 +63 +107 +24 +59 +239 241 TL Florabelle Fanny 2186 2/14/2022 20409849 2186 Dam: TL Florabelle Fanny 5132 MGS: SCR-TL Tomorrow 0016 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +9 +1.4 +60 +110 +26 +69 +238 242 TL Florabelle Fanny 2213 2/27/2022 20409868 2213 Dam: TL Florabelle Fanny 9178 MGS: Spring Cove TL Cat D13 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +10 +1.2 +65 +113 +34 +58 +215 Herd Unit F : Two daughters of Pine View Samson G546 243 Spring Cove Star 291 2/25/2022 20425148 291 Dam: Spring Cove Star 038 MGS: MOGCK Entice CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +11 -.07 +60 +103 +32 +71 +245 244 Spring Cove Josie 254 2/3/2022 20425112 254 Dam: Spring Cove Josie 094 MGS: Sitz Resource 525C CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +8 +.6 +60 +105 +27 +73 +222
HeifeR HeRd uniTS Herd
Musgrave Crackerjack reg 19202253, sire to Herd Unit D.

Sitz Longevity 556Z paternal grandsire of Herd Units C and H and paternal GG grandsire to Herd Unit G

paternal grandsire to Herd Units A and J.

104 Y ear S HeifeR HeRd uniTS Herd Unit G : Four daughters of Spring Cove Longevity 170F 245 Spring Cove Pretty 269 2/16/2022 20425126 269 Dam: Spring Cove Pretty 53 MGS: Sitz Longevity 556Z CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +15 -2.6 +45 +91 +32 +55 +231 246 Spring Cove Blossom 2040 3/19/2022 20425068 2040 Dam: Spring Cove Blossom 224 MGS: CCA Emblazon 702 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +13 -1.5 +63 +112 +25 +81 +266 247 Spring Cove Melody 296 2/26/2022 20425152 296 Dam: Spring Cove Melody 236 MGS: CCA Emblazon 702 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +9 +.5 +62 +116 +29 +69 +238 248 Spring Cove Eleanor 293 2/28/2022 20425149 293 Dam: Spring Cove Eleanor 684 MGS: SCR-TL Tomorrow 0016 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +12 -1 +56 +104 +39 +70 +240 Herd Unit H : Three daughters of Spring Cove Longevity 67G 249 Spring Cove Rachel 2006 3/10/2022 20425046 2006 Dam: Spring Cove Rachel 003 MGS: TC Aberdeen 759 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +8 -1 +54 +96 +32 +59 +257 250 Spring Cove Star 260 2/13/2022 20425118 260 Dam: Spring Cove Star 981 MGS: Crouthamel Merritt 4054 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +11 -1.1 +59 +94 +22 +72 +230 251 Spring Cove Lucy Blossom 262 2/15/2022 20425120 262 Dam: Spring Cove Lucy Blossom 8008 MGS: B/R Comrade 49 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +16 -1.9 +56 +102 +30 +67 +224 Herd Unit I: Three daughters of Spring Cove TL Resource F105 252 Spring Cove Star 282 2/19/2022 20425139 282 Dam: Spring Cove Star 616 MGS: Spring Cove Reno 4021 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +5 +1.3 +66 +122 +28 +65 +265 253 Spring Cove Carol SB 275 2/18/2022 20425132 275 Dam: Spring Cove Carol SB 5004 MGS: Sackmann Chief 325 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +1 +3.3 +62 +103 +30 +58 +220 254 Spring Cove Blossom 267 2/15/2022 20425124 267 Dam: Spring Cove Lucy Blossom 5018 MGS: SLL Titleist X23 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +5 +1.1 +54 +100 +33 +63 +228 Herd Unit J: Five daughters of Spring Cove Reno 142E & 143E 255 Spring Cove Blossom 2008 3/11/2022 20425048 2008 Dam: Spring Cove Blossom 375 MGS: CCA Emblazon 702 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +2 +2.8 +64 +109 +40 +74 +265 256 Spring Cove Beauty JM 265 2/13/2022 20428779 265 Dam: Spring Cove Beauty 747 MGS: Sitz Longevity 556Z CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +2 +1.9 +58 +98 +37 +67 +223 257 Spring Cove Blossom 290 2/25/2022 20425147 290 Dam: Spring Cove Blossom 857 MGS: Spring Cove Paygrade 5064 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +5 +1.1 +61 +110 +31 +81 +259 258 Spring Cove Blackcap 279 2/20/2022 20425136 279 Dam: Spring Cove Blackcap 869 MGS: Spring Cove Paygrade 5064 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +2 +3.3 +67 +104 +29 +70 +226 259 Spring Cove Blossom 2017 3/17/2022 20428707 2017 Dam: Spring Cove Blossom 7019 MGS: Spring Cove Reno 4021 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD Milk $M $C +2 +2 +64 +105 +29 +63 +245
Spring Cove Reno


● Group C-1

● Lots 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274.

15 head of commercial yearling Angus heifers sell as one lot. They are sired by Spring Cove Ranch & Triple L Angus herd bulls.

● Group C-2

● Lots 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289.

15 head of commercial yearling Angus heifers sell as one lot. They are sired by Spring Cove Ranch & Triple L Angus herd bulls.

● Group C-3

● Lots 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297,

● 298, 299, 300, 301, 302.

13 head of commercial yearling Angus heifers sell as one lot. They are sired by Spring Cove Ranch & Triple L Angus herd bulls.

– 48 – S pring C ove r an C h 104 Y ear S

Thank you to our Customers!

269 Spring Cove Road Bliss, ID 83314 Address Correction Requested Presorted First Class US Postage Paid Poor Richard's Press 93401 Angus Bull & Female Sale Monday, March 13 th , 2023 At Spring Cove Ranch, Bliss, Idaho • 1:00 PM MDT 2019 Certified Angus Beef LLC Spring Cove Ranch Seedstock Commitment to Excellence Award Winner Selling: 160 Yearling Bulls, 30 Older Fall and 2 Year-Old Bulls, 60 Registered Heifers and 43 Open Commercial Heifers

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