Mycometer Rapid testing brochure

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A new tool for the fish farmer who wants to be in control

Rapid testing for total bacteria contribute to better fish welfare

The most advanced smolt facility in the world

A new tool for the fish farmer who wants to be in control Modern recirculating aquaculture systems are revolutionizing fish production. It also increases the demand for being in control of water quality at all stages of the production. Mycometer provide a US-EPA Verified rapid technology for analyzing total bacteria in minutes - Bactiquant®-water. Bactiquant-water is primarily and foremost a microbial water quality parameter. In the fish farm, Bactiquant-water is used with a systematic approach to risc management, that originates in the food production

industry, described as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). HACCP is a systematic approach to reduce the risk of biological, chemical and physical hazards in production processes. The starting point is to select Critical Control Points (CCP’s) in the production system. Regular sampling and routine analysis are then used to establish baselines for normal operation. This allows the operator to rapidly detect critical events and focus on early detection and prevention of problems rather than the correction of problems after they have occurred.



Process control

Source water

Early warning

Fish tanks



Biofilter maintenance

Before and after water treatment steps

Optimization of sanitation


Impact evaluation of operating practices

Pump sump

MISSION CRITICAL Early warning Establish baseline for normal operation and monitor for deviations. Verify and document Early warning allows the operator to make rapid adjustments in processes and stay in control.

Be proactive Grab samples any place in the production and get a rapid assessment of bacterial abundance. Documented Technology: Mycometer technology is being used worldwide and improves the quality of life for millions of people around the globe every day. The technology is well documented for use in aquaculture systems.

Picture kindly provided by Leroy, Belsvik, Norway

Rapid testing for total bacteria contribute to better fish welfare and profitability in Aquaculture This information leaflet describes a project funded by the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark. The Project was managed by the DTU Aqua – The National Institute of Aquatic Resources. Recycling of water and fish welfare.

The need for rapid analysis results The market for recycled aquaculture systems is growing rapidly in these years, and large landbased freshwater and saltwater production systems have been established at home and abroad. These systems reuse water and this has clear environmental benefits because water consumption is reduced and the water is cleaned. At the same time, however, the risk of microorganisms being concentrated in the recycled water is raised and in the worst case this can lead to disease outbreaks. Once bacterial growth has occurred, it should not take a week to get an analysis result. Therefore, there will be a great need for technologies that can provide a rapid assessment of the microbiological water quality.

An enzyme analysis for total bacteria A new rapid test for total bacterial analysis in water samples allows the operator to detect poor water quality in time to make rapid adjustments and maintain control of water quality. The Bactiquant method is a simple and robust rapid test, developed and patented by the Danish company, Mycometer A / S. The technology was verified by the US-EPA in 2012 and has found wide spread use in water utilities and industrial applications worldwide. The method consists of a simple measurement of a naturally occurring enzyme activity in bacteria.

The procedure itself comprises three simple steps. 1) The bacteria in a given water sample are concentrated by filtration on a sterile filter. 2) The filter is saturated with an enzyme substrate that upon degradation by a specific enzyme in bacteria is releasing a compound that emits fluorescence. 3) After a 5-10 minutes reaction the fluorescence is measured using a field portable fluorometer. The amount of fluorescence is directly proportional to the total content of bacteria in the water sample. New insights The new analysis method is a bit of an eye opener for relationships in aquaculture operating practices and microbial water quality. Now the operator can quantify and shed new light on processes that have not been described so far. At the DTU Aqua, the rapid method has been applied to a number of research projects in pilot scale plants, as a central measurement parameter. The analysis method was also demonstrated and implemented on a Danish model-3-fish farm and a smolt production plant in Norway. In both cases, the Bactiquant measurements provided important information about the impact and optimization of sanitizing agents, while measurements on the smolt production plant, provided new knowledge about the importance of the feed impact on water quality and the effect of biofilter maintenance. The analysis method also provided new insights into how particles and bacteria are removed and are created in the plant.

operation in the CCP. This allows the operator to rapidly detect critical events and focus on early detection and prevention of problems, rather than the correction of problems after they have occurred. Baseline data can also be compared to the operating routines, or changed assumptions, for example, as a result of new feed, feed spill, altered operating practices for sludge drainage or recycling of biofilters. Benefits and applications The projects have demonstrated some of the rapid method’s clear benefits and applications in the aquaculture industry. Bactiquant measurements have given a new view of bacterial dynamic causal relationships, some immediately straightforward others more complex. The method is suitable for controlled aquaculture studies and research, and is already included at the end of the project as a routine measurement method at several European knowledge institutions. Today the use of the technology, as a process monitoring tool, has been implemented at several large scale fish production facilities in Denmark, Norway, Singapore and Australia. Project title: Stable water quality in fish farming with new microbiological rapid test [Biostable water] Project participants: Mycometer A / S, Billund AquakulturService A / S and DTU Aqua. Project period: 1/1 2014- 30/09 2016 Granted amount: 1,578,278 kr.

Water quality management The starting point is to select critical control points (CCP´s) in the production systems. Regular sampling and routine analysis is then used to establish a baseline for normal

From GUDP Contact: Lars-Flemming Pedersen, tel: +45 35 88 32 15, email:

Mycometer enjoy collaborations with Applied Aquaculture Research Institutions in Europe: • DTU Aqua the national institute of aquatic resources, Denmark • NOFIMA, Institute for applied research within the fields of fisheries, aquaculture and food research, Norway • Institut für Binnenfischerei e.V. Potsdam-Sacrow - Im Königswald, Germany • Fisheries Research Station Baden-Württemberg, Germany • Gesellschaft für Marine Aquakultur (GMA) mbH , Germany

Scientific publications: • Rojas-Tirado, P., Pedersen, P. B., & Pedersen, L. F. (2016). Bacterial activity dynamics in the water phase during startup of recirculating aquaculture systems. Aquacultural Engineering. article/pii/S0144860916301509 • Rojas-Tirado, P.A.,Pedersen, P.B. Vadstein, O., and Pedersen, L.F. (2016) Effects of feed loading on microbial Water quality in RAS. In international Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture, Roanoke, Aug., 2016. bda94a40dd8a48f8af6a55712b95f4ab.pdf • Pedersen, L.F., and Pedersen, P.B. (2016) Microbial Water quality-tools and challenges. In International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture, Roanoke, Wv, USA, Aug. 2016 bda94a40dd8a48f8af6a55712b95f4ab.pdf • Pedersen et al. (2017) Particle surface area and bacterial activity in recirculating aquaculture systems. http://www. S0144860917300092

• Pedersen, Per Bovbjerg; von Ahnen, Mathis; Fernandes, Paulo; Naas, Christopher; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Dalsgaard, Anne Johanne Tang. Room for all? – Particulate surface and bacterial activity in RAS in 3rd Nordic RAS workshop on recirculating Aquaculture Systems Molde, Norway, 30 september – 1 October 2015: Book of abstracts. ed./ Dalsgaard Anne Johanne Tang, Technical University of Denmark. National Institute of Aquatic Resources, 2015, p. 28 DTU Aqua Report; No. 301-2015). • Christopher Naas (2016) Effects of varying biocarrier circulation intervals and methanol dosages on the denitrification performance of a SID-Reactor. Fishery Science and Aquaculture. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Lebensswissenschaftliche Fakultät. • Christopher Naas (2014) Organic matter removal in a free Water Surface Wetland of a Trout Farm. Institut für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaftliche Fakutät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. • Rojas-Tirado,Paula Andrea (2018) Microbial water quality within Recirculating Aquaculture systems. PhD thesis, Section for Aquaculture, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical Univeristy of Denmark.

One of the most advanced smolt facilities in the world Leroy Seafood Group is a world-leading seafood corporation with a history reaching back to 1899.

grow out. The smolt production chain starts with the fertilized eggs and the fish are reared to 80g within 39 weeks.

The Group´s core business is the production of salmon and trout, catches of whitefish, processing, product development, marketing, sale and distribution of seafood. The 3.800 employees deliver seafood corresponding to five million meals every year in more than 80 countries around the world.

An important focus for the Leroy smolt operation is to maintain a stable production environment. The Bactiquant-water technology is used to monitor microbial water quality at all stages of production. The applications include, monitoring feeding impact, filter functions, verification of cleaning procedures, improving hydrodynamics in tanks and catching any irregularities in the microbial water quality.

Leroy is operating one of the world’s largest smolt facilities, located west of Trondheim. The facility has an area of 11.000 square meters, and consists of 11 separate departments, with three hatcheries and eight departments for

Julia Fossberg, Biologist, Lerøy Midt AS

Main office Mycometer A/S Dr. Neergaards Vej 3 DK-2970 Hørsholm, Tel.: +45 3916 1072

Mycometer Inc. 4004 S Mac Dill Ave, Suite 7 Tampa, Florida 33611, USA Tel.: 813 831 6511 Fax.: 813 831 6505

Mycometer Asia Pte. Ltd. 84 Toh Guan Road East #02-08 Singapore 608501 +65 83663166

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