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In warm environments, dogs regulate their body temperature by panting. Heatstroke happens when a dog is unable to do this efficiently which can be very serious and even life threatening.
Remember the warning signs of heatstroke: panting or rapid breathing, drooling, lethargy, drowsiness, lack of coordination and eventually collapse, vomiting or diarrhoea.
If a dog is displaying any signs of heatstroke, they need to be moved to a cool shaded area and a vet should be contacted immediately.
Do not delay in contacting your vet, but you can also follow these steps to cool your dog whilst awaiting veterinary attention.
Move them to a cool area— preferably shaded.
Apply cool (not cold) water to your dog with wet towels. These can be applied to their back, neck and tummy. The breeze of a fan can be useful.
Make sure your dog has access to small amounts of cool water.
Continue to apply cool water to the dog’s coat until their breathing starts to settle. Don’t use ice and do not cool so much that they begin to shiver.
Take them to the nearest vet as a matter of urgency.
Dave Deane