1 minute read
Tanya, a previous editor at Penarth View says that whilst her freelance business Lynchpin is having a quiet break from the rat race that no longer seems to be racing, lockdown has given her the time and energy to fall back in love with her side project Ease Retreats.
Like many in the wellbeing and travel industries Tanya is also waiting for social distancing restrictions to be lifted before being able to get back to it.
“I didn’t quite believe the hype to be honest. It took me a good couple of weeks to get my head around the news and work out exactly what to do. During week three, it hit me hard, and I started to think how I could pivot my career and especially how I needed to be resourceful.”
Thankfully, through the power of digital platforms, her customers—or her tribe, as she likes to call them—are engaging with her and are all having a hoot. Of course, there are down days, but it’s a supportive network so everyone is able to help each other through the lockdown lull.
In fact, this online community will continue into the future, but since the business is primarily dependent on retreats being hosted in gorgeous beach houses along the West Wales coastline, it will only be a sideline to the main offering—social distancing isn’t a given in the retreats industry.
Write a brand manifesto. It’s a good exercise to focus your mind on what your business actually stands for and what its purpose really is.
Do one thing and do it well. Remain focused, don’t be distracted by what the rest of the herd are doing.
It’s okay to feel vulnerable, and be honest with your customers. If it’s taking longer to complete a project, let your clients know. If they trust in your brand they trust in you.