Pen Bay Healthcare & Waldo County Healthcare Quarry Hill Open House Wednesday, July 1, 1 to 3 p.m. Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden
Quarry Hill will hold the first in a series of open-house events to introduce the public to its cottage homes for adults age 55-plus. Visitors will be welcome to tour cottages that are available for purchase, meet with staff members and residents, and pick up information concerning pricing, services, floor plans, and more. Light refreshments will be served. Signs and balloons will be placed to direct drivers to cottages open for viewing. Free. For more information, call 921-6116.
Hypnobirthing Wednesdays, July 1 - August 5, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Pen Bay Physicians Building, Conference Room C, 4 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport
Mothers and their partners learn techniques for safe and satisfying birthing through guided imagery, visualization and special breathing. A tour of the birth center is included. $102 for mom and partner, a 5 week class.
Family Caregiver Education & Support Group Thursday, July 2, Noon to 1 p.m. Home Health Conference Room, 125 Northport Avenue, Belfast
The group meets monthly and is for all family caregivers, including those caring for family members with Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Come share your wisdom and experiences with other people who are caregivers, while learning more about how you can do the job effectively and keep yourself healthy at the same time. The group is facilitated by social worker, Margie Spencer-Smith LCSW. For more information, call 930-2500 ext. 4795.
Breast Feeding Basics Thursday, July 2, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (First Thursday of every month) Pen Bay Physicians Building, Conference Room C, 4 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport
This two hour class provides a pre-birth opportunity to ask questions and learn about coping with breast feeding and returning to work. $17 for mom and partner.
Pool Party at Belfast City Park Pool Mondays, July 6 - 27, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Belfast City Park Pool, Northport Avenue, Belfast
Free, low-impact, water aerobic exercise class with fun music. Taught by Mirja Pitkin. No registration required. For more information, call 930-2514.
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Better. Together.
Events: July
Pen Bay Healthcare & Waldo County Healthcare
Common Journey: Women’s Cancer Support Group 1st & 3rd Monday of the Month, July 6 & 20, 6 to 8 p.m. Picker Family Resource Center, 3 Glen Cove Drive, Suite 2, Rockport Not a drop-in group. For more information, call 921-8956. Free.
Parkinson’s Support Group Meeting Tuesday, July 7, Noon to 1:45 p.m. Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden
Free & open to those living with Parkinson’s, their family members and caregivers. The area’s Parkinson’s Disease Support Group will hold its 11th annual indoor barbecue picnic and social gathering. Quarry Hill will supply hamburgers, hot dogs, buns and condiments, while participants bring chips and other sides, desserts and nonalcoholic beverages.
Mother’s Milk Support Group Tuesdays, July 7 - 28, 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Pen Bay Medical Center Chapel Room, 6 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport
The Mother’s Milk Network is a support group for breast feeding families. The format is informal. It provides group interaction as well as individual assistance when needed. Pregnant moms wanting a little more information about breast feeding are also welcome. Facilitated by a Lactation Consultant from OB/GYN. This class is free.
Kayak Tour on Belfast Bay Tuesday, July 7, Choose 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. or 5:45 to 7:00 p.m. Water Walker Sea Kayaks, 152 Lincolnville Avenue, Belfast
Our trips are led by Ray Wirth. Ray is a Registered Maine Guide and ACA-certified Open Water Instructor with years of experience paddling the waters of Midcoast Maine. Children ages 6-11 can paddle with an adult in a tandem kayak and ages 12 and up can paddle in a single kayak. Fee includes single or tandem kayak, gear and instruction. Reservations required, call 930-2514, $20.
Alzheimer’s Disease Support Group Tuesday, July 7, 6 to 7 p.m. (First Tuesday of each month) Anderson Inn, Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden
The Alzheimer’s Support Group provides information and support to area residents who have loved ones coping with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. For details, please contact Cheri Alexander, LSW at 921-6237 or at
Cancer Education & Support Group Wednesday, July 8, 4:45 to 6:15 p.m. Belfast Free Library, 3rd floor, 106 High Street, Belfast
The group meets monthly and is for anyone who has or has had cancer, their family members or their friends. Come share your wisdom and experiences with other survivors and people who care, while learning more about how you can live better with cancer. The group is facilitated by social worker, Margie Spencer-Smith LCSW, and patient navigator, Kim Lenfestey MSW. For more information, call 930-2500 ext. 4795.
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Better. Together.
Events: July
Pen Bay Healthcare & Waldo County Healthcare
Zentangle Wednesday, July 8, 6 to 8 p.m. Picker Family Resource Center, 3 Glen Cove Drive, Suite 2, Rockport
Join life coach and certified Zentangle teacher Nancy Lubin to learn the relaxing and fun art of Zentangle. In addition to being a great rainy day activity for the whole family, Zentangle is used to relieve stress, build fine motor skills, improve focus and get creative. Even if you’ve never drawn a line, you can pick up a pen and make a beautiful piece the very first time. Call 921-8950 to register. Space is limited; registration is required. Cost: $35 (includes materials).
Health Matters with Kno-Wal-Lin: Making Sense of Foot and Ankle Pain Thursday, July 9, Noon to 1:00 p.m. (Second Thursday of each month) Picker Family Resource Center, 3 Glen Cove Drive, Suite 2, Rockport
Our feet and ankles endure enormous wear and tear. With a special emphasis on how different types of arthritis and tendonitis can affect the foot and ankle, podiatrist Ryan Payne, DPM of Pen Bay Podiatry, will shed light on how to identify, prevent and treat these conditions and more. Feel free to bring your lunch. Desserts and beverages are provided. Free. Call 921-8950 to register.
Childbirth Preparation Class Saturday, July 11, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Waldo County General Hospital, 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast
Topics covered in class: signs of labor, what to expect at the hospital, stages of labor, pain relief options, including relaxation, breathing, medications and epidural, complications, Caesarean birth and other concerns you may have. Registration required, call 338-9348.
Stand Up Paddle Boarding Tuesday, July 14, 9 to 10 a.m. Old Upper Bridge Rangeway, Belfast, Maine
Our trips are led by Ray Wirth of Water Walker Sea Kayaks, LLC. Ray is a Registered Maine Guide and ACA-certified Open Water Instructor with years of experience paddling the waters of Midcoast Maine. Ages 12 and up. Fee includes equipment and instruction. Reservations required, call 930-2514, $20.
Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Education & Support Group Tuesday, July 14, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Home Health Conference Room, 125 Northport Avenue, Belfast
The group meets monthly and is for anyone with Parkinson’s disease or any other movement disorder, and their caregivers. Come share your wisdom and experiences with others, while learning more about how you can live better with Parkinson’s. Margie Spencer-Smith, LCSW facilitates the group. For more information, call 930-2500 ext. 4795.
Adventures in Living Well: Their Eyes Have Seen the Glory: Art of the Civil War Wednesday, July 15, 10:30 a.m. to Noon Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden
In this illustrated lecture, noted art historian and author Stephen May explores how the Civil War was depicted by painters, sculptors and photographers before, during and after the war. Free and open to the public. Registration is required. Please call 921-6166 or visit:
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Better. Together.
Events: July
Pen Bay Healthcare & Waldo County Healthcare
Quarry Hill Annual Yard Sale Saturday, July 18, 8 a.m. to Noon (no early birds, please) Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden
Bargain shoppers are invited to attend Quarry Hill’s annual Yard Sale. Browse table after table of furniture, decorative items, jewelry, kitchen equipment, books, and more, all at bargain prices. People may donate items to the sale. Proceeds benefit Quarry Hill’s Resident Activities Fund. For more information, or to donate items to the sale, call 921-6250.
Sibling Program Saturday, July 18, 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. Pen Bay Medical Center, Birth Center, 6 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport
Children will learn about newborns and how to interact with them. Some safety lessons will be shared along with a discussion of their new role as big brothers and big sisters. Free, call 921-8345 to register.
Successful Breast Feeding Class Saturday, July 18, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Waldo County General Hospital, 118 Northport Avenue, Belfast
Topics to be covered include benefits of breast feeding, preparing to breast feed, exploring myths of breast feeding, breast care and breast milk storage and return to work. Registration required, call 338-9348.
Childbirth Refresher Saturday, July 18, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Pen Bay Medical Center, Birth Center, 6 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport
This is a one-time, one-hour, overview class for parents with last minute "jitters" who were not able to take the full course, or who need a refresher. $17 (includes partner), call 921-8345 to register.
Midcoast Ostomy Support Group Saturday, July 18, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Picker Family Resource Center, 3 Glen Cove Drive, Suite 2, Rockport For more information call: 785-4727.
Kayaking Tuesday, July 21, 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. Head of the Tide, Old Upper Bridge Rangeway, Belfast
Our trips are led by Ray Wirth of Water Walker Sea Kayaks, LLC. Ray is a Registered Maine Guide and ACA-certified Open Water Instructor with years of experience paddling the waters of Midcoast Maine. Children ages 6-11 can paddle with an adult in a tandem kayak and ages 12 and up can paddle in a single kayak. Fee includes single or tandem kayak, gear, and instruction. Reservations required, call
Varicose Vein Screening Wednesday, July 22, 5 to 7 p.m. Picker Family Resource Center, 3 Glen Cove Drive, Suite 2, Rockport
Are you concerned with unsightly or painful veins in your legs? Vascular surgeon Julie White, MD of Pen Bay Surgery and Wound Healing center is hosting a free varicose vein screening at the Picker Family Resource Center. Call 921-5744 to register. Space is limited; registration required. Free.
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Better. Together.
Events: July
Pen Bay Healthcare & Waldo County Healthcare
Quarry Hill Open House Saturday, July 25, 1 to 3 p.m. Quarry Hill, 30 Community Drive, Camden
Quarry Hill offers the second in a series of open-house events to introduce the public to its cottage homes for adults age 55-plus. Tour cottages that are available for purchase, meet with staff members and residents, and pick up information concerning pricing, services, floor plans and more. Light refreshments will be served. Signs and balloons will be placed to direct drivers to cottages open for viewing. Free. For more information, call 921-6116.
Stand Up Paddle Boarding Tuesday, July 28, 4 to 5 p.m. Goose River, Goose River Boat Launch, Belfast
Our trips are led by Ray Wirth of Water Walker Sea Kayaks, LLC. Ray is a Registered Maine Guide and ACA-certified Open Water Instructor with years of experience paddling the waters of Midcoast Maine. Ages 12 and up. Fee includes equipment and instruction. Reservations required, call 930-2514, $20.
Lung Health Education, Prevention and Wellness Support Group Tuesday, July 28, Noon to 1 p.m. (Last Tuesday of every month) Pen Bay Medical Center, 6 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport
Lung Health Education, Prevention and Wellness Support Group. Held at PBMC in the Pulmonary Rehab Education Room. Call 921-8880 for additional information.
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Better. Together.