Journey to Health Winter 2020 Program Guide

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Winter 2020

Community Health & Wellness Classes Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital


Winter 2020 Classes Healthy Eating & Cooking Cooking Under Pressure Cozy Curries Grow Your Own Microgreens

Physical Movement

A Matter of Balance Beginner Line Dancing Beginner-Plus Line Dancing Easy Going Yoga Flexible 5k Training Gentle Yoga Flow Just for Kids Yoga

Healthy Mind


Conscious Living Creative Journaling Empower Yourself with HeartMath

Health Education & Trainings

Active Parenting: First Five Years Advanced Care Planning Workshops Cancer Education Series: Cervical Cancer

Seasonal Juices & Smoothies Simple Single Servings Surprising Heart Healthy Foods

Moonlight Snowshoe Hike Noon Yoga Restorative Yoga Tai Chi for Osteoporosis Tai Chi for Wellness Yoga Basics Zumba GoldÂŽ

Heart Coherence for Peaceful Living Mindful Eating Wellness 2.0

Naloxone Training National Diabetes Prevention Program Preparing for Childbirth


Healthy Eating & Cooking


FREE CLASSES: Seasonal Juices & Smoothies Dates:

Wednesday, March 18


5:30 - 7:00 p.m.


The Alchemist, Belfast

Eating seasonally is about incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet while they are in season; it allows us to eat food that is fresh, delicious and more nutritious than foods that are out of season. Join Kate Hall, owner of Graze, to learn about using juices and smoothies to incorporate more seasonal goodness into your diet.

Surprising Heart Healthy Foods Dates:

Wednesday, February 12

Time: 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Location:

Camden Public Library

Are you overwhelmed by all the conflicting information about what heart healthy eating is? Join Sherise Cortese, MS, RDN, LD from Pen Bay Diabetes and Nutrition Care Center to get your questions answered and learn about surprising foods that are great for your heart.


Cooking Under Pressure

Cozy Curries



Thursday, February 6

Thursday, January 30

Time: 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Time: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.


Rockland Congregational Church


Lincolnville Community Building





Pressure cookers are all the rage these days with their multiple functions and speedy cook times, but they can be a bit intimidating. Join us to learn about the ins and outs of using a pressure cooker and see how easy it can be to get dinner on the table. You’ll leave with new recipes and the confidence to try pressure cooking at home.

Nothing is more warming than a homemade curry. Whether you’re a curry connoisseur or a naan bread novice, join us in making traditional but approachable curries with ingredients anyone can find at the grocery store.

Grow Your Own Microgreens Dates:

Wednesdays, January 22 - February 12


Tuesdays, March 10 - 31


5:30 - 7:00 p.m.


5:30 - 7:00 p.m.


The Alchemist, Belfast


The Alchemist, Belfast





Have you heard of microgreens but wonder what they really are? Join Kate Hall, owner of Graze, for this four-week gardening class where you will learn all about microgreens and how to incorporate them into your diet as you plant your own. Each week you will learn about the health benefits of your new garden while you watch it grow. 5

Simple Single Servings Dates:

Wednesday, March 11


5:00 - 6:00 p.m.


Rockland Congregational Church



Cooking for one (or two) can be a challenge, especially if you don’t want to eat the same leftovers for a week at a time. This class will show you how to prepare healthy single-serving meals that are as easy to prepare as they are delicious! 68

Physical Movement


FREE CLASS: A Matter of Balance Many older adults experience a fear of falling. People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater. A Matter of Balance is a program designed for community-dwelling adults age 60 and older to increase activity levels and reduce the fear of falling. If you are concerned about falls, have sustained falls in the past, or are interested in improving your flexibility, balance and strength, this class is for you. Please visit to register for a class near you.

Beginner Line Dancing

Beginner Plus Line Dancing



Thursdays, January 16 - March 5 (No class January 23 or February 13)

Mondays, January 27 - March 9 (No class February 17)

Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.


First Baptist Church, Belfast


First Baptist Church, Belfast






Mondays, March 30 - April 27

Come stomp, slide and grapevine with us! Line dancing is a fun way to get moving with great music and easy to follow dance patterns. Step-bystep line dances will be taught in this beginner class. No partner or previous dance experience required.

Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Location:

First Baptist Church, Belfast



This class will start with a traditional beginner style of learning and reviewing dances with three to four distinct movements. As the class progresses, participants will learn additional movement and dance combinations. This class is perfect for those who have taken line dancing before or beginners who are looking for a little challenge. 8

Easy Going Yoga Dates:

Fridays, January 10 - 31


Fridays, February 14 - March 6

Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m.

Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m.


Knox Center, Rockland


Knox Center, Rockland





Easy Going Yoga is designed with the older student in mind. Antonia Small, owner of ORYX WORX Fitness, will teach you to stretch, strengthen, breathe and relax while improving your posture and body alignment. No previous yoga experience required.

Flexible 5k Training

Gentle Yoga Flow



Tuesdays, April 7, May 5 & June 2

Tuesdays, January 7 - February 11

Time: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.


Captain Albert Stevens School, Belfast


Mildren Stevens Williams Memorial Library, Appleton






Tuesdays, March 3 - April 7

This is not your standard 5k class. Get 5k ready when it suits you with this flexible training program that includes a workout schedule, weekly access to a personal trainer and periodic group runs to keep you accountable along the way. This class is perfect for anyone who is looking to get ready for the Run Belfast series!


Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Location:

Mildren Stevens Williams Memorial Library, Appleton



This playful gentle flow class is designed for all levels. Certified yoga instructor Kyla Cech will offer lots of verbal cues for alignment, breath and grounding and introduce poses with several alternatives to suit a wide range of students. This class follows a hatha yoga structure with a more energizing first half and a relaxing ending.

Just for Kids Yoga Traditionally, children are introduced to yoga through stories, songs and games. We continue this practice in our just for kids yoga class, where children move in and out of yoga poses joyfully and explore stories that teach about happiness, anger, love and much more. Find our classes at Ames Elementary School, Appleton Village School, Ash Point Community School, Camden Rockport Elementary School, Lincolnville Central School, South School and St. George Municipal School Unit. Please visit to register for a class near you!

FREE CLASS: Moonlight Snowshoe Hike Dates:

Monday, February 10

Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Location:

Belfast Rail Trail

Join the Community Health & Wellness Team and Coastal Mountains Land Trust for a guided moonlight snowshoe hike along the Belfast Rail Trail. Enjoy nature, good company and exercising in the crisp winter air. Bring a flashlight and a travel mug - a hot beverage will be provided! Family friendly, children must be accompanied by an adult. A limited number of adult and child snowshoes are available for use. Please call 301-3950 to reserve a pair of snowshoes. 10

Noon Yoga

Restorative Yoga



Mondays, February 3 - March 16 (No class February 17)

Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m. Location:

Knox Center, Rockland




Wednesdays, March 4 - April 8

Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m. Location:

Knox Center, Rockland



Wednesdays, January 15 - February 12

Time: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Location:

47 Main Street Studio, St. George



This gentle class will help you stretch and strengthen your muscles, gain flexibility, improve balance, reduce stress, improve joint mobility and relax. Appropriate for all levels.

Escape and refresh on your lunch break with our certified yoga instructors in this gentle yoga class. Each hour-long class will help you stretch and strengthen your muscles while you reduce stress and recharge for the rest of your day. No yoga experience required.

Tai Chi for Osteoporosis Dates:

Thursdays, January 9 - February 13


Tuesdays, March 24 - April 28

Time: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Time: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.


Penobscot Shores, Belfast


47 Main Street Studio, St. George





Tai Chi has been shown to slow the loss of bone density and to improve balance and reduce risk of falls. This beginner-level class contains uniquely powerful qigong movements along with agile steps as well as graceful and slow weight bearing movements to promote strength. Join our certified Tai Chi for Osteoporosis instructors for this six-week class to gain inner strength, stronger muscles and better balance of both mind and body. 11

Tai Chi for Wellness

Yoga Basics



Thursdays, January 16 - February 20

Thursdays, February 13 - April 2

Time: 2:45 - 3:45 p.m.

Time: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.


Quarry Hill, Camden


Rockland Congregational Church





Tai Chi is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints and good for your whole body. Join instructor Adrienne Gallant, certified in Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention, for this six-session beginner-level class to increase your strength, flexibility, balance and overall sense of wellbeing. No previous Tai Chi experience required.

Are you brand new to yoga or looking for a gentle, beginner-level class? Join Jessica Shepard for this welcoming class that will introduce you to the basics of yoga and leave you feeling recharged and relaxed. No previous yoga experience required.

Zumba GoldÂŽ Dates:

Tuesdays, January 7 - February 11


Tuesdays, February 25 - March 17

Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m.

Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m.


Salvation Army, Rockland


Salvation Army, Rockland





Have you wanted to try Zumba but don’t know where to start? Zumba Gold is designed for active older adults or those looking for low-impact exercise. Join certified Zumba instructor Antonia Small for this fun beginner-level dance workout.


Healthy Mind


Conscious Living Dates:

Thursday, January 23

Time: 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Location:

Waldo County General Hospital Classroom




Monday, March 16

Time: 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Location:

Rockland Congregational Church



Tired of being trapped in old thinking patterns that make your body feel less than ideal? Want to bring more awareness and positive change to your relationship with yourself and others? Learn about common distorted thinking patterns that are unconsciously adopted and learn mindfulness and meditation skills to help condition your body to a better-feeling state of being.

Creative Journaling Dates:

Wednesdays, March 4 - 25

Time: 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Location:

Pen Bay Physicians Building



Get in touch with your creative side and experience the relaxing benefits of journaling in this fun and supportive class. Participants will experiment with creative writing, journaling and collage. No previous artistic or writing experience required! 14

Empower Yourself with HeartMath

Heart Coherence for Peaceful Living



Mondays, January 6 & 13

Monday, February 3

Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Time: 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.


Picker Family Resource Center, Rockport


UMaine Hutchinson Center, Belfast




$13 Dates:

Monday, February 24

Everyone feels stressed from time to time. But what is stress? How does it affect your health? And what can you do about it? Join Gilda Joffe, certified HeartMath trainer and coach, to learn how to manage stress with scientifically proven strategies that provide higher personal and professional productivity, so you can become your most resilient self. The stress may not change, but you can!

Time: 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Location:

Rockland Congregational Church



The science of cardioneurology is showing that when we achieve a coherent rhythm in our heart, the heart sends signals to the brain, which then synchronizes to the heart’s rhythm. This makes us feel calm and an increased sense of overall wellbeing. Learn how to use breathwork, mindful gratitude and elevated intentions to shift your emotional state and promote overall health through heart-healthy meditation.

Mindful Eating Are you tired of diets? This class can help you reduce over-eating and help you feel better, without dieting. You’ll develop greater selfawareness using guided mindful exercises, exploring outdated patterns of behavior and sharing experiences. You will be re-acquainted with the balance of enjoying the food you eat and eating foods that fuel your long term well-being. 15


Tuesdays, April 7 - 21

Time: 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. Location:

UMaine Hutchinson Center, Belfast



Wellness 2.0 What does being well look like for you? This three-week class will give you the opportunity to pause, reflect and focus on yourself. You will bring your own agenda and work on whatever wellness goals you choose. Whether you want to get better sleep, increase your physical activity, work on being more positive or adopt healthier eating habits, Health & Wellness Coach Vikki Swan will provide tools, structure and guidance as participants support each other in achieving their personal goals.


Wednesdays, January 15 - 29

Time: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Location:

Picker Family Resource Center, Rockport




Health Education & Trainings Active Parenting: First Five Years

Advance Care Planning Workshops


Advance care planning is an organized process of reflecting upon and discussing goals for future health care decisions. It is an important part of creating an advance directive, which is a written plan that represents your individual preferences and tells others what medical care you want or do not want to receive if you become too ill in the future to tell them. Join trained advance care planning facilitators for a two-session workshop where you will begin the process of filling out your advance directive.

Wednesdays, March 18 - April 8

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Location:

Waldo County General Hospital




Contact Helen Rogers at 844-1285 or


Thursdays, March 19 - April 9

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Location:

Pen Bay Physicians Building



Workshops will be offered in Belfast, Camden, Liberty and Warren. Visit to register for a workshop near you!


Contact Helen Rogers at 844-1285 or

Cervical Cancer Prevention

Your child’s first few years are so important! Learn to make the most of them with this program for parents and caregivers. Written by parenting expert (and dad) Dr. Michael Popkin, this course will show you how to nurture your child with a “just right” combination of freedom and nonviolent discipline. Help your kids start strong - sign up today! Sponsored by Midcoast Maine Community Action.



Wednesday, January 8

Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m. Location:

Pen Bay Medical Center, Center for Excellence, Rockport




Join Jennifer McKenna, MD, for a cervical cancer awareness month presentation to learn about cervical cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment. Refreshments will be served.

Naloxone Training

National Diabetes Prevention Program

Date: Thursday, January 16

The National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) is a group-based lifestyle change program proven to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes by 58%. The program will help you learn how to eat healthier, be active, develop skills to make healthier choices and get the long-term support you need to stick with the changes. This is a lifestyle change program, not a weight loss program. Offered through MaineHealth.

Time: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Location:

47 Main Street Studio, St. George



Register: or 301-3950

Naloxone is a life-saving medication that is used to counter the effects of drugs like heroin and prescription narcotics. In this training, you will learn how to use naloxone to save the life of anyone who is experiencing an opioid overdose.

Please visit to learn more and find a class near you.

Preparing for Childbirth Whether you are expecting your very first child or are welcoming a sibling into your family, being prepared for childbirth is a priority. Join Leah Kohlstrom, doula and childbirth educator, for this engaging class to learn all about childbirth, including how to plan for delivery, the stages of labor and caring for your newborn. This class will answer your questions so you can better prepare for your birthing experience.

Date: Saturday, January 11 OR Saturday, March 14 Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Location:

Picker Family Resource Center, Rockport



Register: or 301-3950 18

Class Locations Appleton


Mildred Stevens Williams Memorial Library 2916 Sennebec Road, Appleton, ME 04862

Camden Public Library 55 Main Street, Camden, ME 04843

Appleton Village School 737 Union Road, Appleton, ME 04862

Quarry Hill 30 Community Drive, Camden, ME 04843



Belfast Rail Trail Front Street, Belfast, ME 04915

Lincolnville Central School 523 Hope Road, Lincolnville, ME 04849

Captain Albert E. Stevens School 31 Elementary Avenue, Belfast, ME 04915

Lincolnville Community Building 18 Searsmont Road, Lincolnville, ME 04849

First Baptist Church 95 High Street, Belfast, ME 04915

Owls Head

Penobscot Shores 10 Shoreland Drive, Belfast, ME 04915

Ash Point Community School 54 Ash Point Drive, Owls Head, ME 04854

The Alchemist 3D Beaver Street, Belfast, ME 04915 University of Maine Hutchinson Center 80 Belmont Avenue, Belfast, ME 04915 WCGH Biscone Medical Building 119 Northport Avenue, Belfast, ME 04915


Rockland Knox Center 6 White Street, Rockland, ME 04841 Rockland Congregational Church 180 Limerock Street, Rockland, ME 04841 Salvation Army 27 Payne Avenue, Rockland, ME 04841



Ames Elementary School 165 New England Road, Searsmont, ME 04973

St. George 47 Main Street Studio 47 Main Street, St. George, ME 04860 St. George Municipal School Unit 65 Main Street, St. George, ME 04860

Camden Rockport Elementary School 11 Children’s Way, Rockport, ME 04856 Pen Bay Medical Center 6 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport, ME 04856 Pen Bay Physicians Building 4 Glen Cove Drive, Rockport, ME 04856 Picker Family Resource Center 756 Commercial Street, Rockport, ME 04856


Registration Information How to Register

Please visit Classes are listed by the same categories you’ll find in this guide. Simply select the class you’re interested in, click “Register” and complete the registration information. Payment can be in the form of check, credit or debit card. Discounts are available online for seniors (age 65 and older) and veterans (those who served in the armed forces of the United States). Registration is required for all classes unless otherwise noted. If you need help registering for a class, have questions, need financial assistance or would like to request a family discount, please call 301-3950.


We will make reasonable modifications and accommodations to ensure that people with disabilities have equal opportunity to participate in all classes and events. If you have a disability that requires an accommodation to participate fully in a Journey to Health class or event, please call 301-3950 at least 48 hours before the start of the class or event.

Class Cancellations

Journey to Health reserves the right to cancel a class due to low enrollment or unexpected events. If either occurs, we will notify you by email and your class fees will be refunded. If Journey to Health cancels a class due to weather, we will put a message on our voicemail at 301-3950 at least two hours before the class start time. You can also find cancellations posted on our Facebook page: Due to our large geographic region (Knox and Waldo counties), classes may be canceled in one location but not at another. Please call 301-3950 with any questions.


Class fees will be refunded if a class is cancelled. No refunds will be given within 24 hours of a class start time or after a class has started. Refunds will be issued in the manner payment was made and may take up to three weeks for processing. To request a refund, please call 301-3950.


Other Services One-on-One Health Coaching Making healthy lifestyle changes often isn’t easy and you may find yourself needing extra support. Health coaching is a great opportunity to uncover your values and help you identify personal goals to increase your overall well-being. Our Certified Health and Wellness Coaches provide you with tools to set realistic goals and help you self-motivate in a welcoming and supportive environment. Join us for one-on-one support.


By appointment; please call for free consultation


Pen Bay Medical Center & Waldo County General Hospital


Please call 301-3950 for packages and pricing

Worksite Wellness The Community Health & Wellness team at Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital offers programs to support employee wellness and engagement at local businesses. We provide a variety of wellness services to meet the specific needs of your business and our certified health and wellness coaches are committed to helping individuals be their best and healthiest selves. For more information about our Worksite Wellness services, please contact Rachael McCormick at 301-3957.

Tobacco Treatment Resources Center for Tobacco Independence


Maine Tobacco Helpline


Tobacco Treatment Coaching


Quit for Life Program

Smokefree Program

Worksite Wellness Pen Bay Medical Center Waldo County General Hospital

Picker Family Resource Center 756 Commercial Street Rockport, Maine 04856

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