Chapter 6 By Green “Dreamers like us weren’t always organized into factions like we are now.” I leaned back in my seat as Frazer began his story. One look at Bluu told me he knew what Frazer was talking about to some extent but was nevertheless intrigued. “We were scattered across the globe, keeping a low profile because the people who acted out generally disappeared within a day or two. My dad, Freddy, didn’t start Nozpin until we found out Freya was a Dreamer. Dad saw straight away that Dreamers with powers like hers needed extra oversight. If led in the wrong direction, they could very well get unwanted attention from the international community and be terminated.” Frazer winced. “I suppose his vision didn’t exactly go as planned. Dad created Nozpin as a haven for Dreamers across the nation. By the time I was a teenager, he had expanded it to encompass the whole world. Eventually, Dad made himself known—discreetly, of course—to select government agencies. Nozpin was classified as a special case and allowed to operate so long as they maintained the peace. We keep an eye out for rogue or emerging Dreamers such as yourself to make sure no one falls out of line. As you know, that peace didn’t last. “Freya was tired of being forced to limit her power and follow regulation. She didn’t understand why she had to bow down to people inferior to her—she wasn’t willing to make the sacrifices. Dad and Freya had arguments a lot, and one day, she finally let loose and had some ‘fun’ as she called it. She messed with the silhouettes—you know, those manifestations of people’s souls when asleep—enough to cause nightmares and sleep deprivation to a whole neighborhood. A lot of Dreamers were injured trying to stop her and bring her back to the real world. Dad ‘grounded’ her, so to speak. But she simply left.” “Left?” I echoed. “Skedaddled? You just let her walk out after everything she did?” “How were we supposed to know she’d start her own organization?” Frazer countered. “Besides, Dad couldn’t bring himself to place any consequences or bounties on her. By the time Sunside grew to become a threat, it was too late for us to reconcile. Dad was busy