Pendle Hill's Programs 2018 - 2019

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Pendle Hill A Quaker center welcoming all for Spirit-led learning, retreat, and community

Pendle Hill is a Quaker adult education, retreat, and conference center on Plush Mill Road in Wallingford. Since 1930, we have worked to foster a more spiritually fulfilling, socially just, ecologically sustainable, and nonviolent human presence on this planet. Every year, people from many faiths and backgrounds come from near and far to experience our educational programs in arts and spirituality, community activism, leadership training, and spiritual deepening. We also provide hospitality and nutritious home-cooked, locally grown meals for those studying with us, on personal retreat, or using our conference facilities to carry on their own work. Our 25 ecologically diverse acres, including our large organic garden and hoop house, offer many opportunities for learning about sustainable living, ecological identity, and inner transition.

Education Learning at Pendle Hill is both experiential and intellectual, rooted in the principles of The Religious Society of Friends. Such learning includes dialogue, personal study and contemplation, collaborative exploration, openness to divine leadings, and interaction with the natural environment. Sustainability Pendle Hill Seeks to be a living, nourishing model of sustainability in a spiritual community. We work to experience and support a way of living that is environmentally, socially, and fiscally sustainable. Social Action and Justice We commit to being a living testimony to a social order that manifests God’s love for everyone. We work to be inclusive, respectful, and supportive of all people. We strive courageously for peace and justice.

Our vision: to create peace with justice in the world by transforming lives

Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations REGISTER BEFORE MAY 1, 2018 Private room Shared room Commute

$ 250 $ 190 $100

IF YOU REGISTER AFTER MAY 1, 2018 Private room Shared room Commute

$ 350 $ 290 $175

Fee covers food, lodging, and program If you need financial assistance, please complete our online Financial Assistance Application

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and thirty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

We are grateful for support from the Bible Association of Friends in America

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 , ext. 137

July 26-29, 2018 (Thursday evening through Sunday noon)

Kairos: Silence, Contemplation, and Scripture A spiritual retreat based on the monastic practice of worshiping, working, and studying while experiencing the dynamic of solitude and community living. Kairos (καιρός) is an ancient Greek noun describing an opportune and decisive moment, a combination of time and place that generates the opportune environment for actions, words, and/or movements. We intend to create such a unique space for spiritual growth by combining key practices from Quaker and other faith traditions. This kairos is rooted in meeting for worship and worship sharing, lectio divina (divine reading), silence, community, work, study, and celebration. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in contemplative praying of the Scriptures as they experience the deep practice of worship sharing. This retreat is designed for nurturing and embracing daily life with courage, simplicity, gratitude, hope, and a deep sense of connection. Francisco Burgos is the director of education at Pendle Hill and has facilitated spiritual retreats and lectio divina sessions for different audiences. He was a De La Salle Christian Brother for almost ten years, serving in Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Costa Rica, and has been a Friend since 2004. Francisco is a member of Harrisburg Friends Meeting and has attended several monthly meetings, including Monteverde Friends Meeting in Costa Rica and Adelphi Friends Meeting in MD.

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

“Our Calling” by Ricardo Levins Morales

Beyond Gender-Based Violence: Justice, Vision, and Accountability at the Intersection JULY 29 through AUGUST 1, 2018 from Sunday 4:30 to Wednesday noon Thanks to the work of Tarana Burke and other effective organizers of the “MeToo” era, sexual harassment and assault are being taken seriously in mass consciousness and popular culture, and several powerful men are being held accountable for their actions. Building on this work, Pendle Hill is hosting a program that grapples with the roots of gender-based violence and paves a path toward a world where women, men, and people of all gender identities can thrive together. We will hold a brave space for people of all genders to come together and vision a world where all can thrive and be free from interpersonal and societal violence locally and globally. Participants will: 

Explore the context of gender-based discrimination and violence;

 Gain skills for recognizing and confronting the roots of gender-based violence within other systems of oppression; 

Connect with each other and be able to create more liberatory relationships;

Identify their stake in creating a world without gender-based oppression

 Gain skills for empowerment, healing, and intersectional work toward overcoming interpersonal and systemic violence.

Ruby Sales

Chloe Schwenke

Sarah Thompson

Visit, or call ext. 137 at 610-566-4507 Or 800-742-3150 (toll-free US)

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507, ext. 137

Tara Rubinstein

Nikki Lopez

Private room $ 400 Shared room $ 300 Commute $ 200

Toby Fraser


Eileen Flanagan


Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

AUGUST 3-5, 2018 (Friday evening—Sunday lunch) Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$ 180 $ 150 $ 100

If you need financial assistance to participate, please complete our online application

Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia, and call for a pick-up.

We are grateful for support from the Bible Association of Friends of America

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507, ext. 137

Fierce Biblical Women Speak Power to Us Today A weekend workshop with Melissa Bennett Audre Lorde said, "When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.�

A multitude of women in both the first and second testaments claim power and summon strength to challenge systems and create more justice. Most seem fearless! Sometimes nameless, often forgotten, we will draw upon the stories of many fierce biblical women, and the fierce women of our own lives, integrating their messages for us today. Through collage, journal writing, sharing, and deep listening, we will bring these women to life again. Interfaith conversation and participants all along the gender spectrum are welcome. Melissa Bennett is an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren, attends Cookman Beloved Community Baptist Church in West Philadelphia, and serves on the staff at Pendle Hill. She considers her calling to be grounded in the anti-oppressive message of the Bible and seeks to create safe and sacred space to explore deep questions of life and faith.

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

August 5-9, 2018 Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in the US)

Accommodations Private room $810 Shared room $730 Commuter $450 Materials fee included

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia to Wallingford station and call for a pickup.

(Sunday evening through Thursday noon)

Visual Storytelling: The Transformative Art of Altered Book-making Learn how to recreate an existing book into your own interactive work of art. Altered book-making is a powerful way to process a life change, or to honor an important memory or vision. Journey through a creative and spiritual process of introspection and self-expression. Use paint or fancy papers. Build windows, doorways, drawers, or scrolls. Embed sentimental objects. Add your own words or find a poem within the existing text. Your book will carefully hold what you give it. As you transform your book, you may find yourself transformed as well. Limit of 16

Jesse White is the Arts and Spirituality teacher at Pendle Hill. She holds a B.A. in Integrative Studies: Creative and Spiritual Process joined with a B.A. in Psychology from Guilford College. Jesse works as an arts educator and art therapist and directs Pigeon Arts, a cathartic art-making organization in Philadelphia. She is clerk of Frankford Friends Meeting (PA). 338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania Ext. 137, 610-566-4507 / 800-742-3150 (US)

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

The Challenge of Progressive Christianity A two-day program of lectures and discussion led by

John Dominic Crossan AUGUST 10-11, 2018 This program made possible with financial support from the Bible Association of Friends in America

Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commuter Commuter without meals

$ 190 $ 160 $ 75 $ 50

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and thirty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507, ext 137

(Friday dinner through Saturday lunch)

Jesus and the Kingdom of God Paul and the Justice of Equality Resurrection and the Vision of God John Dominic Crossan is an Irish-American New Testament scholar, historian of early Christianity, and former Catholic priest who has produced both scholarly and popular works. His research has focused on the historical Jesus, on the anthropology of the Ancient Mediterranean and New Testament worlds. Dr. Crossan has written over 30 books on the origins of Christianity, historical Jesus, and historic Paul. John Dominic Crossan is generally regarded as the leading historical Jesus scholar in the world.

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

AUGUST 24-26, 2018

Playing in the Light: Godly Play®/Faith & Play™ Training for Quakers Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room $180 Shared room $150 Commute $100

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn rail line to Wallingford station and call for a ride.

We are grateful for support from the Bible Association of Friends in America

A weekend with Melinda Wenner Bradley Faith & PlayTM is a Montessori-inspired resource that helps children find words and images for expressing the experiences of holy mystery and wonder in their lives. This powerful way of being with children can transform your Friends meeting's program for children and nurture your own spiritual life. Inspired by stories, materials, and methods from the popular Godly Play® program, Quakers created Faith & Play™ to add elements of Quaker faith and practice to the Bible stories in the Godly Play collection. Learn and practice skills to help children explore the existential limits of their lives through wonder, play, and stories scripted and tested to work well with multiage groups of children. An experienced, certified trainer will model the stories, and you will have opportunities to practice them with your peers. Discussions include:

 

exploring the spirituality of children; considering the “unspoken” lessons of the teaching space and classroom structure;  supporting the circle of children and working with multiage groups and diverse needs;  using stories in multigenerational settings; and  weaving Godly Play/Faith & Play stories into a children’s program with other religious education resources available to Friends. Melinda Wenner Bradley is a teacher, writer, and religious education consultant. After becoming a Godly Play® storyteller in 2005, she co-wrote Faith & Play:™ Quaker Stories for Friends Trained in the Godly Play® Method. An accredited Godly Play® Teacher Trainer, Melinda works with Quaker meetings and Friends schools around the country, training them to use these resources. A co-founder of the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative, she serves Philadelphia Yearly Meeting as the Youth Engagement Coordinator.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 , ext. 137

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

Alternatives to Violence Project Weekend workshops with .O, John Meyer, and Laurent Hahn Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room per weekend Shared room per weekend Commute per weekend

$ 395 $ 355 $ 235

Fee covers food, lodging, and program If you need financial assistance, please complete our online Financial Assistance Application

Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

Visit www.pendlehill for more information

The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) enables participants to deal with potentially violent situations in new and creative ways. Facilitated by certified facilitators, workshops are fully experiential. All AVP workshops draw on the shared experience of participants, using interactive exercises, discussions, games and role-plays to examine the ways we respond to situations where injustice, prejudice, frustration and anger can lead to violent behavior.

AVP Advanced Workshop - SEPTEMBER 7-9, 2018 The Advanced AVP workshop focuses on the underlying causes of violence, both in ourselves and in the world we live in. It is designed to give participants opportunities to rebuild community, review in depth the concept of Transforming Power and proceed to set individual and group goals for the focus of the remainder of the workshop. (Prerequisite: Completion of Basic Workshop)

AVP Basic Workshop - JANUARY 18-20, 2019 The Basic Workshop explores the five pillars of AVP: affirmation, communication, cooperation, community building, and transforming power.

Training for Facilitators - APRIL 5-7, 2019 For those who have completed the Basic and Advanced workshops, this workshop focuses on developing team building, leadership methods, and group process skills. You will work in a small group, actually functioning as a facilitator. You will receive guidance and practice in facilitating all parts of a Basic Workshop. ALL WORKSHOPS BEGIN FRIDAY EVENING, END LATE SUNDAY AFTERNOON.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 , ext 137

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

September 28-30, 2018

Lives of Service

A working retreat weekend with Lloyd Guindon and Bob Denison

Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in the US)

Accommodations Private room $140 Shared room $120 Commuter $85

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/ Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 or 800-742-3150 (US), ext. 137

Join the Pendle Hill maintenance team for a working weekend of fun, service, fellowship, and celebration as we engage in weather-appropriate work projects to spruce up Pendle Hill’s grounds and buildings. There will be opportunities for worship sharing, as well as plenty of guided work for all levels of strength and ability — most of it medium to heavy. Lloyd Guindon has carefully tended the Pendle Hill grounds for over 30 years. A graduate of the Barnes Foundation’s Arboretum School, he is a certified arborist with the International Society of Arboriculture. A lifelong Quaker currently active in Chester Monthly Meeting (PA), Lloyd is also a poet. Bob Denison is a licensed clinical social worker providing hospice services. He is a member of Chester River Monthly Meeting (MD) and a former Pendle Hill resident student and board member with a gift for spiritual nurture.

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

OCTOBER 11-14, 2018

“Here to Stay” by Ricardo Levins Morales

Within and Without: Liberation Theology at Work in Social Movements An interfaith conference examining spiritual practices for the liberation of today’s world. We live in a world in which poverty, violence, injustice, and inequality are different manifestations of long and historical oppressions. Many religious faiths share the conviction that love incarnates in concrete actions toward liberating the oppressed from structures and systems that bind them and restoring the human community to dignity and peace with justice. How are we bringing our faith and spiritual practices to exercise the praxis of liberation to which we are called in this historical moment? We invite you to join an interfaith community in exploring how liberation is at work in our religious and social movements today. Together, we will 

Learn about the work of faith communities in dismantling structural injustice.

Identify creative non-violence practices for social action.

Expand our community interfaith network.

Explore spiritual practices that nurture our work for personal and societal transformation.

Confirmed speakers include . . .

Mark Hathaway

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 , ext. 137

Jerusha Lamptey

Anton Flores-Maisonet Rev. Renee McKenzie Rabbi Mordechai Liebling

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

NOVEMBER 4-8, 2018 Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$ 400 $ 300 $ 200


Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

A Workshop for Women Writers of Color A workshop with Melchor Hall Welcome women of color writers! We can often find it a lonely and daunting experience as we seek to make our contributions in fields dominated by white men, whether in academia or other genres of fiction or non-fiction. Let us come together as women of color to share our writing work in progress, celebrate our diverse voices, confront our common barriers, and build a sisterly community of support for the challenges ahead. Led by a black feminist scholaractivist, this workshop offers strategies for writing alternative epistemologies into, against, and through the canon. Melchor Hall is a faculty member in Fielding Graduate University’s School of Leadership Studies, where she teaches social science courses and supervises doctoral research. As a Visiting Scholar at Brandeis University’s Women’s Studies Research Center, she works at the intersection of art and activism. Through the Student-Scholar Partnership Program, Melchor and her Brandeis undergraduate partner created a series of events engaging “Black Bodies, white Spaces: Exploring Race, Gender, Art & Activism at the Margins.” As part of SisterMentors, Melchor joined with other women of color scholars sharing working drafts and supporting one another as they completed their doctoral dissertations. After participating in Spelman College’s summer institute on “Decolonizing Knowledge/Democratizing Knowledge,” Melchor is co-leading a workshop on “Decolonizing the Curriculum” for members of the Fielding Graduate University faculty.

Photo by Heratch Photography, Waltham, MA

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 , ext. 137

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

Journey Toward Wholeness A Courage and Renewal® Retreat Series facilitated by Valerie Brown and Carol Kortsch

Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commuter

$2365 $2210 $1650

If you need financial assistance, please complete our online financial assistance form.

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and thirty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

Expectations Registrants commit to participating in all four seasonal retreats, to completing a pre-series questionnaire, and to making payment in full at time of registration.

Journey Toward Wholeness A Courage and Renewal® Retreat Series facilitated by Valerie Brown and John Baird November 9-11, 2018 - Seeds of the True Self January 11-13, 2019 - Dwelling in Darkness March 8-10, 2019 - Embracing the Power of Paradox May 3-5, 2019 - Living with Abundance & Gratitude

Register by AUGUST 31 for $100 off fees

Based on the work of Parker J. Palmer and the Center for Courage & Renewal®, this four-part seasonal retreat series combines opportunities to explore within community what matters most to you and to savor rest and renewal. Through deep listening with peers, gain clarity to live in alignment with your deepest values and the courage to act with integrity and authenticity in a world that needs more awakened and alive people. This retreat series is designed for you: 

Are you seeking a time set-aside just for you from the busyness of daily stress to focus on what matters most to you?

Are you in transition and asking yourself: ‘What’s next?’ And, do you want the space to listen to your own inner wisdom?

Are you seeking support to build ongoing practices and a community to help you integrate your deepest intentions into your life and work?

Have you been deeply moved by the writing of Parker J. Palmer and the Circle of Trust® and want to know more?

Valerie Brown is a Courage & Renewal® Facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal. A consultant and principal of Lead Smart Coaching, LLC, specializing in leadership and mindfulness training, she is a popular coach, retreat and pilgrimage leader, and author, most recently of The Mindful School Leader. For more information about Valerie, visit John Baird is a Courage & Renewal® Facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal. A leading Quaker educator for more than 35 years, John has mentored and nurtured leaders, and helped individuals and groups to discern and respond to their deepest sense of calling.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 19086 610-566-4507, ext. 137

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

NOVEMBER 16-18, 2018

Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$ 515 $ 445 $ 320


Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

Clerking: Serving the Community with Joy and Confidence A weekend with Arthur Larrabee and Steve Mohlke This is an opportunity for both new and experienced clerks of Friends’ meetings and committees to meet and think together about the role of presiding clerk. It is expected that each person will leave the weekend with new energy and enthusiasm for being a clerk, feeling well grounded in both the theoretical and the practical. There will be handouts, exercises, and opportunities to share experiences, with most work being done in a whole group setting. Arthur Larrabee is a lifelong Friend and a former clerk of both Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting. Currently, he serves as clerk of the Pendle Hill Board. He has led many workshops on clerking. With a minute for religious service from his meeting, Arthur's current work is teaching and consulting on Quaker decision-making and clerking. Steve Mohlke is a longtime Friend and former clerk of Ithaca Monthly Meeting. He served as coclerk for the 2017 Friends General Conference Gathering. He currently serves as General Secretary of New York Yearly Meeting.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania Ext. 137, 610-566-4507 or 800-742-3150 (US)

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center


Weaving Yourself Toward Wholeness With Jesse White and Jocelyn Emerson

Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$495 $430 $300


Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 or 800-742-3150 (US), ext. 137

Weaving can be a form of prayer and spiritual nourishment. Create a weaving that embodies healing specific to your needs, in the spirit of an altar cloth, a prayer shawl, or a medicine cloth. Guided meditations will help you identify your personal place of healing. As you weave your piece, the meditations will guide you in the process, and you will be led in its creation, its colors, its patterning, and more. There will be opportunities for journaling, sharing with one another, and spending time in nature. Both those new to weaving and established weavers are welcome. Bring your own loom, or use a Pendle Hill hand loom. Jesse White is the arts and spirituality coordinator at Pendle Hill. She holds a B.A. in Integrative Studies: Creative and Spiritual Process joined with a B.A. in Psychology from Guilford College. Jesse works as an arts educator and art therapist and directs Pigeon Arts, a cathartic art-making organization in Philadelphia. She is a member of Frankford Friends Meeting (PA). Jocelyn Emerson is a pastor, spiritual counselor, and energy healer. Founder and director of Weaving Sacred Spaces, Jocelyn uses her skills to guide her clients in the tender work of soul archeology and soul healing. She compassionately helps soul clients release limiting beliefs and obstacles, uncover and heal soul wounds, and empowers them to live a life full of joy, love, peace, and freedom in full alignment with the Divine.

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

What does justice look like?

70 years of Quaker engagement in Palestine

DECEMBER 14—16, 2018 Join the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), the Quaker Palestine Israel Network (QPIN), and Pendle Hill for a weekend of exploring what it will take to realize a just and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel. AFSC and Quakers have been engaging in Palestine for over a century and working for peace with justice since 1948. After decades without change, we want to open up a conversation about what is needed for a just future. It has been 70 years since the 1948 war, when over 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced and the State of Israel was born. It has been over 50 years since Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza, gaining control of all of historic Palestine. It has been 25 years since Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin shook hands on the White House lawn at the start of the Oslo Peace Process.

But 25 years after the start of what was intended to be a five-year peace process, we must start questioning that framework. Why hasn’t peace yet been achieved? What paradigm shifts are needed to bring change? What are the historic injustices that need to be righted, and what might it look like to address these issues in the present? What actions can people outside of the conflict take to promote change? Join us for an interactive weekend of panels and workshops to:

• • •

Learn about what is needed to support change in Israel and Palestine;

Gain skills for taking action and building intersectional work towards change

Connect with other people interested in building towards a different future and taking action;

Give and receive support as you continue to work towards change after the conference.

for more information, visit A conference sponsored jointly by 338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania

610-566-4507, ext 137

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

DECEMBER 9-13, 2018 Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$990 $890 $650

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

Beyond Diversity 101™ A four-day intensive with Tonya McClary and Ingrid Lakey Beyond Diversity 101 intends the healing transformation of personal relationships, community living, and organizations based in power-over dynamics and systematic discrimination. Participants will:  Rigorously examine the dynamics of difference and power;  Move beyond the oppressor/victim framework toward a new model for transformation — real change within, real change without;  Develop applications for continuing work at home;  Become more honest about this work and see where we get stuck; and  Recognize how our spiritual lives relate to our work toward social justice. Beyond Diversity 101 was founded in 1999 by Niyonu D. Spann. Tonya McClary and Ingrid Lakey are trained BD101 Associates. For more information about Beyond Diversity 101, visit Tonya McClary is a minister, healer, lawyer, activist, organizer, and artist. With a long career in indigent defense and criminal justice advocacy, in June 2017, she became Chief Monitor over Use of Force cases in the Office of the Independent Police Monitor in New Orleans, LA. Tonya was a student at several BD101’s intensives before becoming an intern, assistant facilitator, and co-facilitator. Tonya also works in prisons, facilitating art programs she developed as conduits for healing.

Ingrid Lakey has been a trainer and facilitator for 25 years, leading workshops on anti-racism, inclusion, team-building, non-violence, and conflict. She recently spent two years as a capacity builder and trainer for organizations in New Haven, CT, focusing on organizational effectiveness and inclusion. Ingrid is a founder of Earth Quaker Action Team, a grassroots organization working on a nonviolent direct action campaign at the intersection of environmental, economic and racial justice. She is a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507, ext . 137

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

Registration Visit, or call ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accomodations IF YOU REGISTER BY AUGUST 31 Private room $820 Shared room $685 Commute $520 IF YOU REGISTER AFTER AUGUST 31 Private room $860 Shared room $720 Commute $545 Enjoy an alcohol-free New Year’s Eve celebration, featuring hors d’oeuvres, home-cooked dinner, lively musical concert, and candlelight Meeting for Worship

DECEMBER 28, 2018—JANUARY 1, 2019

Music of Inspiration for an Age of Anxiety A musical adventure with Karl Middleman Many of us find ourselves living under an oppressive cloud of anxiety, concerned for our families, concerned for our nation, concerned for our planet. Music offers a potent antidote. Speaking to us beyond words at the level of spirit, it releases sadness, shivers, or joy – helping us remember who we are and nourishing our capacity for love and resistance.

In “Music of Inspiration for an Age of Anxiety,” we will explore the many ways that composers have used music to confront and overcome vexing personal and social concerns. Bach stands up to hostile public opinion. Brahms grapples with the grief of family loss. Fred Astaire sings and dances through the Great Depression, and American composer Florence Price battles racial discrimination. “Music of Inspiration” shows musicians contending with adversity and reminding us that music can be an indispensable part of our own “emotional toolbox,” instilling us with resilience and hope for transforming our daily lives.

Karl Middleman is a versatile musician, composer, lecturer, and conductor of many choirs and orchestras, including the Philadelphia Classical Symphony, which he founded and directs. Maestro Karl mixes scholarship with showmanship, peppering his lively presentations with musical tales, film clips, and piano demonstrations. A career educator on the faculty of Temple University, Karl is currently also a Commonwealth Speaker for the Pennsylvania Council on the Humanities.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 or 800-742-3150 (US), ext. 137

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

DECEMBER 28, 2018—JANUARY 1, 2019 Accomodations IF YOU REGISTER BY AUGUST 31 Private room $820 Shared room $685 Commute $520 IF YOU REGISTER AFTER AUGUST 31 Private room $860 Shared room $720 Commute $545

Enjoy an alcohol-free New Year’s Eve featuring hors d’oeuvres, home-cooked dinner, a lively music and dance concert, and candlelight Meeting for Worship

Registration Visit, or call ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 or 800-742-3150 (US only), ext. 137

Open Heart, Peaceful Mind A Retreat for Rest and Reflection with Valerie Brown Relax into a time of serene rest and renewal. Open to the new year’s unfolding with a retreat that honors your heart, mind, and soul. Practice mindful meditation in the rhythms of daily life with sitting, walking, and eating meditation, as well as mindful dialogue. Savor sustained periods of silence, quiet reflection with poetry and stories by the fireplace, small and large group discussion, an afternoon in the art studio, laughter, a labyrinth walk, and deep relaxation. Restore your spirit and enter the new year with greater calm, clarity, and energy — and ways to sustain yourself in the coming year. Limit 20

Valerie Brown is a Courage & Renewal® Facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal. A consultant and principal of Lead Smart Coaching, LLC, specializing in leadership and mindfulness training, she is a popular retreat leader and author. She has written several books and four Pendle Hill pamphlets, most recently, Coming to Light: Cultivating Spiritual Discernment through the Quaker Clearness Committee (PHP #446). Ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh as a lay member of the Tien Hiep Order, she is also a member of Solebury Monthly Meeting (PA) and a certified yoga instructor. For more information about Valerie, visit

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

DECEMBER 28, 2018—JANUARY 1, 2019 Accommodations IF YOU REGISTER BY AUGUST 31 Private room $845 Shared room $710 Commute $545 IF YOU REGISTER AFTER AUGUST 31 Private room $885 Shared room $745 Commute $570 All materials provided. Materials fee included in price.

Enjoy an alcohol-free New Year’s Eve featuring hors d’oeuvres, home-cooked dinner, a lively music and dance concert, and candlelight Meeting for Worship

Registration Visit, or call ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania

610-566-4507 or 800-742-3150 (US only), ext. 137

Looking Within: Painting as a Spiritual Practice A creative journey with Damini Celebre Give yourself the gift of time, introspection, and delight, as you connect to your heart and soul. Painting as a Spiritual Practice uses the intuitive, creative process to connect you back to yourself, your heart and Source energy — one brushstroke at a time. A spiritual practice is any way that you can connect deeply with something greater than your day-to-day self. This intuitive-based painting journey is a powerful spiritual practice, because it invites you to listen deeply to your body, your feelings, and your inner wisdom. Then — by expressing yourself by putting paint to paper — you invite joy, peace, and centeredness back into your life. The aliveness that comes from heart-full personal expression often looks like an abstract painting. That’s why no painting experience is needed. All you need is a willingness to take this journey of selfdiscovery and play with paint. All supplies provided. Limit of 16 For over 25 years, Damini Celebre has been integrating creative arts to the healing arts. Drawing on her years of experience as an artist, healer and educator, Damini wrote the book Painting the Landscape of the Soul: A Journey of Self Discovery, BrushHeart Press, 2014. Damini facilitates expressive art workshops online and throughout the United States.

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

FEBRUARY 22-24, 2019 Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$ 495 $ 430 $ 300


Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

Strengthening Your Inner Wisdom and Silencing Your Inner Critic A workshop with Dana Mitra Listening to the “still small voice” is central to Quaker practice, and that voice is the touchstone for our life’s journey. Sometimes we are beset with uncertainty as other noisy voices interfere with our ability to hear divine guidance. This interactive workshop will expand the range and methods of accessing inner wisdom and differentiating the voice of the Inward Teacher from the inner critic. It will explore using such tools as guided mediation, journaling, collage, sketching, and discussions. Activities will also increase awareness of how to tap into wisdom from the body and how it is different when it is located in different places—the gut, the heart, the head, the feet, the hands. Dana Mitra is an empowerment coach who focuses on helping others find their purpose, seek balance and harmony, and increase their productivity. She holds a Stanford University Ph.D. focused on leadership and organizations, is a professor of Education Theory and policy at Penn State University, a member of the International Coaching Federation, and received her coaching training from the Coaches Training Institute–the gold standard in coaching. Dana builds her coaching on a research career focused on how people can find their voice and become change agents. She is an international expert on student voice and civic engagement, having published over 30 peer-reviewed articles and four books. A member of State College Friends Meeting, she finds her greatest truths on a long hike in the woods.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 , ext. 137

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

MARCH 2 & 3, 2019 (Saturday, 9:30am-5:30pm—Sunday, 9:30am-4:00 pm)

Compassionate Communication: Life in Relationship With Stephen Michael Tumolo, assisted by Geraldine Scott Co-sponsored by Heart-to-Heart Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$ 385 $ 370 $ 290

For information about scholarships for returning citizens, please contact Susan Weiss at

Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 , ext. 137

Based on the seminal work of Marshall Rosenberg, this two-day workshop provides participants with a grounding in an embodied, spirit-led practice of Nonviolent Communication. We will explore communication, expressing and receiving, as the basic flow of life. Rooted in this understanding of all communication as life expressing and receiving itself, compassion for ourselves and others grows.

One goal for the weekend is to grow our capacities to be powerful speakers of our truth and powerful listeners to the voices of others. We will nurture our abilities to be an empathetic presence in the world, becoming more able to identify our own heart’s desires, or needs, and those of others. The skills we’ll practice are central to all relationships and urgent in times like these. Stephen Michael Tumolo studied Nonviolent Communication with Marshall Rosenberg and Robert Gonzales, and he has been sharing it for over 15 years. He leads Heart-to-Heart, a community organization that empowers people, in and outside of correctional facilities, with skills needed for living increasingly free and creative lives. Geraldine Scott is a registered nurse with over 30 years experience as a public health educator, serving in community health, advocacy, and health education nationally and internationally. Gerry offers trainings in mindfulness practices and meditation with women in federal prison with Heart-to-Heart and in many other settings.

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

MARCH 15-17, 2019 Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)


Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 , ext. 137

Couple Enrichment Retreat A weekend with Mike and Marsha Green What does it take to sustain and deepen intimacy over the years? How do we nurture peacemaking in our precious relationships so as to ‘be patterns and examples� for others? Whether you are just setting out on the adventure of a committed relationship or have been together for many moons, whether your relationship is mixed or same gendered, bring your beloved and join us for a joyful retreat in which we will explore the practices and skills involved in nurturing our relationships. For more of an introduction, watch the Friends Couple Enrichment QuakerSpeak video. Long-time Friends, now members of Durham (NC) Monthly Meeting, Mike and Marsha Green have been leading retreats for families and couples since the early 1990s. They currently reside in a generational bubble--children launched, no grandchildren, parents released to whatever lies beyond. For many years, Mike served as a Core Teacher with the School of the Spirit Ministry and Marsha served on the boards of Friends Journal and Carolina Friends School. Recently, as Resident Friends in Auckland, New Zealand, they travelled extensively in the ministry and led the first Friends Couple Enrichment event there. After 36 years, the blessing of having one another is renewed daily.

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

MARCH 24-31, 2019 (Sunday 4:30 pm to Sunday 1:00 pm)

Befriending Our Lives Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room $ 1165 Shared room $ 980 Commute $ 685 Note: The fee for this retreat does not include any payment to the teachers. There will be an opportunity to make a donation directly to them at the end of the retreat.

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

A Seven-Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat with Mary Grace Orr, Anne Briggs, and Larissa Kitenko How can we meet all the varied and often difficult experiences of our lives open heartedly, with ease and friendliness? The simple technique of mindfulness, taught by the Buddha, teaches us to do just that. This silent retreat will have periods of sitting and walking meditation, opportunities to talk with a teacher, and formal presentations. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced students. Mary Grace Orr is a senior teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Marin County (CA) and the founding teacher of Insight Santa Cruz. A beloved teacher at Pendle Hill, Mary Grace has led retreats here since 1997. She now lives in Hawai’i and teaches retreats both there and throughout the United States. Anne Briggs is a lifelong Quaker who also leads the Insight Meditation Community of Chestertown (MD). She completed the Community Dharma Leader Training (CDLT) at Spirit Rock Meditation Center and has assisted Mary Grace for many years. Larissa Kitenko, a longtime practitioner of Insight Meditation, studies and practices Buddhism in the Theravadan tradition. She completed the CDLT at Spirit Rock Meditation Center with Mary Grace as mentor, and the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MSBR) Program teacher training with Jon Kabat-Zinn. A volunteer hospice and hospital chaplain, Larissa teaches MSBR, leads the Easton Meditation Group, and leads classes and retreats in Eastern Maryland.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507, ext. 137,

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

Upping Your Change Game

MARCH 22-24, 2019

Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)


Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 , ext. 137

Building Skills and Confidence in Nonviolent Direct Action A weekend workshop with Eileen Flanagan Are you convinced that to create real change we need to adopt the kind of loving confrontation championed by Gandhi? Do you already know some basics about nonviolent direct action campaigning and want to increase your strategic understanding and ability to problem-solve in real life situations? Come join campaign trainer and Earth Quaker Action Team leader Eileen Flanagan for a chance to step back from the daily emails, refresh your spirit, and deepen your skills. Taking Eileen’s introductory online class “Building a Nonviolent Direct Action Campaign” is not required to join this live workshop, but it is encouraged. Eileen Flanagan served as clerk of Earth Quaker Action Team for five years, helping to shape the strategy that pressured PNC Bank to stop financing mountaintop removal coal mining, as well as the subsequent Power Local Green Jobs campaign, which works at the intersection of racial, economic, and climate justice. Since the 2016 election, Eileen has shared what she has learned about effective and spiritually grounded activism through her online courses, including Building a Nonviolent Direct Action Campaign, the inspiration for this more advanced program. The award-winning author of three books, her fourth focuses on what it means to work at the intersection of issues. Read more at

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

MARCH 29-31, 2019 Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)


Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

The Work that Reconnects A weekend with Lynne Iser and Rabbi Mordechai Liebling facilitating the work of Joanna Macy We are at a moment in history when many of us feel both the great love that we have for our amazing, beautiful world – and our profound despair about the state of this same precious world. This dynamic, interactive workshop is based on the teachings of Joanna Macy, who has inspired many thousands of people to engage wholeheartedly in working for a life-sustaining society, turning despair in the face of social and ecological crises into constructive, collaborative action. We will use exercises and practices drawn from deep ecology and systems theory to explore our gratitude, grief, and curiosity along with our own unique gifts. We will look at what separates us and rediscover our connectivity with all life as we develop a new way of seeing the world—as our larger living body. Lynne Iser, MPH, is a local activist, organizer and founder of, which educates, supports, and organizes others—primarily on issues concerning climate change and social justice. She was the founding director of the Spiritual Eldering Institute and now teaches in ALEPH Sage-ing Mentorship Program. Lynne teaches deep ecology, conscious aging, and community building as she works with others to create a thriving and just world for future generations utilizing the work of Joanna Macy and The Pachamama Alliance. Rabbi Mordechai Liebling is founder and director of the Social Justice Organizing Program at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. Prior to this he was the Executive Vice-President of Jewish Funds for Justice. He was trained by Joanna Macy in “The Work That Reconnects.” He leads workshops and retreats on the intersection of sustainability, social justice, and spirituality. He responded to clergy calls to come to Ferguson, Standing Rock and Charlottesville.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 , ext. 137

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

APRIL 26-28, 2019

Mindful Mark-Making: Abstract Drawing as Meditation Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)


Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

A weekend of quiet creativity with pen and ink facilitated by Sadelle Wiltshire and Ann Coakley Explore meditative drawing methods using a variety of techniques in pen and ink that encourage and nurture creative flow: continuous line drawing, freeform patterns, Zentangle and more contemplative mark-making. 

Journey into creativity, play, and meditation;

Learn to let go of expectations;

Tame the inner critic and honor process over product; and

Experience new ways to center down and build community through art, creating a safe space to share and process what it means to be creatively connected to the inner light.

No art skills are needed whatsoever, just an opening to trust that we all are capable of making mindful art and sharing our gifts. *Zentangle® is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and intuitive method of drawing black and white abstract images using structured patterns. Sadelle Wiltshire is committed to creating and teaching art as a spiritual practice, especially in these challenging times, as a peacemaking practice. A longtime fiber/textile/mixed media artist and a Certified Zentangle Teacher, she has led a wide variety of art and mindfulness workshops since 1997. Sadelle is a member of Putney Friends Meeting (VT) . Ann Coakley is a clinical social worker who helps people build skills toward a regular practice of Mindfulness, including grounding tools, meditation, compassionate visualization, and meditative drawing methods. Ann is a Certified Zentangle Teacher and has co-led workshops with Sadelle at FGC Gatherings and other venues. Ann attends Putney Friends Meeting.

338 Plush Mill Road

Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507, ext. 137

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

MAY 5-9, 2019

Registration Visit, or call ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room $ 400 Shared room $ 300 Commuter $ 200 IF YOU NEED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, PLEASE COMPLETE OUR ONLINE APPLICATION

Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia, and call for a pick-up.

We are grateful for support from the Bible Association of Friends of America

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 or 800-742-3150 (US only), ext. 137

John’s Gospel: Refreshment and Challenge A short course with David Johnson John’s Gospel is known as the Quaker gospel because the universal Light is central, extending across all worldly barriers of class, gender, and race. Jesus is a model for us – of humility and obedience. We will read and explore together the spiritual messages of John’s teachings that inspired much of early Quaker spirituality. We will also open up selected topics in more detail, using small group sharing, reflective readings and prayer time. We will not focus much on doctrine, rather seeking to experience the Spirit by which these words were written, and which is come David Johnson is a convinced Friend of Conservative nature, a member of Queensland Regional Meeting of Australia Yearly Meeting. David delivered the 2005 Backhouse Lecture to Australia Yearly Meeting on Peace is a Struggle, and wrote A Quaker Prayer Life (2013), and Jesus, Christ and Servant: Meditations on the Gospel According to John (2017). He was involved in setting up the Silver Wattle Quaker Centre in Australia, as a place for spiritual renewal and nurture. With his wife Trish, he was Co-Director of the Centre 2013-2014.

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

MAY 12-17, 2019 (Sunday dinner through Friday lunch) Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$ 985 $ 885 $ 540

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

The Wisdom of Jesus And the Light of Christ A five-day Quaker Wisdom School with Cynthia Bourgeault, Marcelle Martin, and Paulette Meier The first Quakers were convinced they had rediscovered the original form of Christianity, in which the risen Christ was their inward Teacher, guiding them directly. From its inception, Quakerism has been deeply rooted in the living presence of Christ, experienced as the inward Light. Both faith and practice emerge from maintaining a steady connection to this wellspring of compassionate abundance and ethical action. In this five-day Quaker Wisdom School, Cynthia Bourgeault, drawing from classical/enduring mystical principles, will guide us in exploring Jesus as a Wisdom teacher who invited his followers to a radical transformation of consciousness. Marcelle Martin will help us examine the Quaker experience of the Light of Christ within, which leads faithful people to participate actively in God's transforming work in the world. And Paulette Meier will help to make the whole exploration heart-riveting by leading us in chants based on the words of passionate Quakers who experienced the living presence of Christ. Material will be drawn not only from Quaker writers through the centuries, but also from the canonical gospels and the Gospel of Thomas. Our time together will include rhythms of communal worship, prayer, study, and work. Visit www.pendlehillorg for more information and biographies of the leaders.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 or 800-742-3150 (US), ext 137

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

MAY 17-19, 2019 (Friday evening through Sunday lunch)

Getting in Touch A weekend with John Calvi Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$ 495 $ 435 $ 300


Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 or 800-742-3150 (US), ext 137

How often do we get swallowed up in the busyness of the world and the details of daily existence — losing touch with our truer selves and becoming less available even to those we love most deeply? We invite you to come away from the hectic and the fraught, and get in touch.

Get in touch with your own life story and develop a greater appreciation for what gives meaning and trajectory to your life. At the same time get in touch with your own body by learning to give and receive gentle full body clothes-on massage, as well as face and foot massage. As you give and receive gentle touch reverently and your life path in a new way, you will get back in touch with the divine at the center of your life and be better able to carry that connection forward. John Calvi has been teaching at Pendle Hill since 1990. He is a popular and trusted leader in the work of healing trauma and restoration after burnout and heartbreak. John will share from his more than 35 years experience of healing in crisis situations. Following his popular best-seller, The Dance Between Hope and Fear: Healing from Trauma, Friends are awaiting publication of his forthcoming book, “How Far Have You Traveled?”

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

JULY 26-28, 2019 (Friday evening—Sunday lunch) Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$ 495 $ 435 $ 300

If you need financial assistance to participate, please complete our online application.

Travel Pendle Hill is just 15 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and 30 minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia, and call for a pick-up.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507, ext. 137

The Spiritual Practice of Letting Go A weekend with Stephanie Gretchen How many times in your life have you realized it was better to let go of something–a job, habit, or person–rather than keep it in your life? Release what no longer serves you. Make room for Spirit to work more freely and deeply in your life. Whether you pull your hands off the controls or take out the trash, you arrive lighter and freer for it. Experience various practices, including guided meditation, prayer/ personal reflection time, and group discussions. Stephanie Gretchen is a certified Spiritual Director, Life Coach, and retreat leader working with clients around the country through Stephanie Gretchen Coaching and Retreats. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Ithaca College, a master’s degree in journalism from the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University, and is a graduate of the Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction. Stephanie serves on the faculty of Shalem’s Personal Spiritual Deepening Program. Stephanie currently lives in Albuquerque, NM, where she attends Albuquerque Friends Meeting. She has served on the Pendle Hill Board since 2014 and served on the Board of Trustees of Sandy Springs Friends School from 2007-2010. Stephanie does volunteer accompaniment for those in Sanctuary and mothers two adult-ish kids, who rock her world. Read more at

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

AUGUST 4-8, 2019 (Sunday dinner - Thursday lunch) Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in the US)

Accommodations Private room $810 Shared room $730 Commuter $450 Materials fee included

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia to Wallingford station and call for a pickup.

Visual Storytelling: The Transformative Art of Altered Book-making A short course with Jesse White Learn how to recreate an existing book into your own interactive work of art. Altered book-making is a powerful way to process a life change, or to honor an important memory or vision. Journey through a creative and spiritual process of introspection and self-expression. Use paint or fancy papers. Build windows, doorways, drawers, or scrolls. Embed sentimental objects. Add your own words or find a poem within the existing text. Your book will carefully hold what you give it. As you transform your book, you may find yourself transformed as well. Limit of 16

Jesse White is the Arts and Spirituality Coordinator at Pendle Hill. She holds a B.A. in Integrative Studies: Creative and Spiritual Process joined with a B.A. in Psychology from Guilford College. Jesse works as an arts educator and art therapist and directs Pigeon Arts, a cathartic art-making organization in Philadelphia. She is clerk of Frankford Friends Meeting (PA).

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania 610-566-4507 / 800-742-3150 (US), ext. 137

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

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