Pendle Hill Events - January-February 2018

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Faith View January 6—April 26, 2018 The Barn Galley at Pendle Hill Artist’s Talk and Reception January 7, 2-4 pm FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Joe Faith’s Artist’s Statement My paintings are meant to be a conversation with the viewer. It may be poetic, or it may be an argument, or it may be a question. Through imagery and representation, I paint interpretive forms to incite understanding and emotional connections. I create pieces meant to draw the viewer to the spirit of the land, or the inner dialog of inspiration, or to analysis and introspection. Ultimately through painting and showing I hope to nurture a closer awareness of the world around us as well as connections with the self. A Philadelphia native, son of a musician and an artist, Joe Faith first developed his interest in painting in high school. His first full-time job after high school was sketching people on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. He studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia College of the Arts, and Tyler School of Art, from which he received is B.F.A. He is a founding member of the Delco Art Critique group and the Delaware Valley Artists Collective. Joe can be found painting in his Norristown art studio or en plein air in the area.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania Ext. 137, 610-566-4507

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

JANUARY 8, 2018 · 7:30-9:00 PM

“The Doctrine of Discovery Unmasking the Domination Code” A documentary by Sheldon Wolfchild and Steven Newcomb followed by a discussion led by Sandra Boone Murphy FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

This film is based on Steven T. Newcomb’s extensively researched book, Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery. Cristobal Colón (Columbus) and other colonizers laid claims to the lands of original nations and peoples on the basis of the idea that Christians had a biblical right to discover and dominate non-Christian lands. This doctrine of ancient Christendom, supported by papal edicts, continues to serve as the conceptual foundation of the political and legal system of the United States and of other dominating political systems throughout the world in relation to indigenous peoples and nations. This film vividly lays out the basis for the doctrine, its alarming application, and its ongoing impact today. Sandra Boone Murphy is of Scheyichbi, ascribed an “extended family” member by the Nanticoke-Lenape Tribal Nation, and conferred “ally” of Lenape Tribal Councils of NJ and DE. The light of this f(F)riend and neighbor of Lenape Tribal Nations Peoples has manifested as founding member of both the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) First Contact Reconciliation Collaborative and the Salem Quarter Indian Affairs Committee. Very active in Quaker affairs at the local, quarterly, and yearly meeting level, Sandra serves on the PYM’s Mulitcultural Audit Steering Committee. She also facilitates the work of Toward Right Relations with Indigenous Peoples. Since the mid 1970s, Sandra has been designing educational programs embracing cultural inclusion - value systems, resources, and diversity of learning styles. Quests and spiritual witness have fostered her engagement with non-indigenous and indigenous peoples in North America, Ireland, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Hawaiian Islands, Guam, Republic of Palau, Yap, Pohnpei, and Korea.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania Ext. 137, 610-566-4507

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

JANUARY 21, 2018 · 4:00-6:00 PM · THE BARN

Life Is Funny, but It Ain’t No Joke A book talk and signing by RegE Walker


Life Is Funny, but It Ain’t No Joke recounts the spiritual journey of the author, who forgets his divine identity and then mistakenly identifies with his mind as himself and experiences the dire consequences that inevitably follow. The author then takes you along with him as he courageously undertakes the “hero’s journey.” His awakening allows him to reclaim his true identity, his authentic life, and to share more than 125 striking, original wisdom sayings from his venture within. These pearls of wisdom are designed to help free you from the prison of your mind and its surrogate — the ego, so that you can begin living the life you were born to live. RegE Walker is a spiritual guide, counselor, and entrepreneur. He holds a degree in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He was a member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee during the initial period of the Black Power movement in the spring and summer of 1966. After traveling extensively throughout Africa and Western Europe, Walker returned to the United States and developed a spirituallybased course called “Mind Power,” the first of its kind to be offered at UPenn. He has designed spiritually empowering workshops and seminars for local and international organizations and maintains his personal and spiritual counseling practice of over 25 years.

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania Ext. 137, 610-566-4507

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

Freedman’s Barracks, Alexandria, VA

JANUARY 28, 2018 · 4:00-6:00 PM · THE BARN

A Civil Life in an Uncivil Time: Julia Wilbur’s Struggle for Purpose A book talk and signing by Paula Tarnapol Whitacre


In the fall of 1862, at 47, Quaker abolitionist Julia Wilbur left a stable life in Rochester, New York, and headed for Alexandria, Virginia, and the chaos of the Civil War. A Southern town captured by the Union early in the war, Alexandria was a turbulent hub of activity, serving as a refuge for African Americans escaping slavery and site of hospitals for wounded Union soldiers. Julia Wilbur spent much of the war devising ways to aid the newly emancipated and the wounded. A Civil War in an Uncivil Time shapes Wilbur’s diaries and other primary sources into a captivating story of a woman who remade herself at midlife during a period of massive social upheaval and change. Paula Tarnapol Whitacre has been a freelance writer and editor for over 20 years, usually on projects for national nonprofits and government agencies. She has lived in Alexandria, VA since the mid-1980s, where she is active in many local organizations. About 10 years ago, she began to volunteer for the city’s Local History programs. This led her to Julia Wilbur’s diaries and, ultimately, the book that she just published. She is on the boards of Friends of Alexandria Archaeology and the Civil War Roundtable of Washington, DC. Visit

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania Ext. 137, 610-566-4507

Pendle Hill

A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

You’re invited to attend Values in Action, a Trinity Institute Conference. This annual conference takes place in New York City and at partner sites around the country via live stream, including at Pendle Hill. We all want to create a better world—and that requires action and connection. Discerning shared values is crucial to forming powerful partnerships and moving forward with courageous intention. Explore how we can set a collaborative course forward at this year’s conference.



To register for Trinity Institute at Pendle Hill, visit or call registration at 610-566-4507, ext. 137 WHERE: 338 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, PA, 19086 WHEN: February 2, 7:00-9:30pm; February 3, 9:30am to 5:30pm. COST: $50 to participate in the program both days, including lunch on Saturday. The price does not include overnight accommodation. If you wish to stay overnight for an additional fee, please contact the registration office at 610 -5664507, ext. 137. CONTACT: To register, contact the registration office at 610-566-4507, ext. 137. For more information, contact Lina Blount, Education Coordinator, at FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT TRINITY INSTITUTE’S NATIONAL THEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE—including speaker bios, schedule, videos, and more—visit

Registration Visit, or call Ext. 137 at 610-566 4507 or 800-742-3150 (toll-free in US)

Accommodations Private room Shared room Commute

$ 598 $ 558 $ 518

Travel Pendle Hill is just fifteen minutes from Philadelphia International Airport, and twenty minutes outside the city. The campus is near the Wallingford train station. Take the SEPTA Media/Elwyn line from Philadelphia and call for a pick-up.

February 17-19, 2018 (Saturday, 9 am to Monday, 5 pm)

Tribe of the H.E.A.R.T. Retreat for Nurture, Reflection and Joy Rooted in the principles of the H.E.A.R.T.,* this Saturday to Monday retreat with Dr. Amanda Kemp is for those deeply engaged in antiracism work, have read Amanda Kemp’s book, Say the Wrong Thing: Stories and Strategies for Racial Justice and Authentic Community, and/or have participated in one or more of Amanda’s classes or programs. [*Hold space for transformation; Express yourself: Act with intention (driven by vision); Reflect on yourself. Trust the process.]

This retreat is a time for you to take a step back from the work you have been doing — whether it’s in your community, your religious group, school or family. Get grounded in your vision of transformation. Reconnect with the love that is at the center of all justice work. Nurture your body with mindful movement, healing sound, and liberatory touch. Re-experience the joy of passionate creative community. Emerge replenished and even more capable to hold the ground of both Love and Justice. Dr. Amanda Kemp is a racial justice and mindfulness mentor. Author of Say the Wrong Thing: Stories and Strategies for Racial Justice and Authentic Community, she has been called a master teacher, having helped over 25,000 people build their capacity to practice selfcompassion and self-critique. Her H.E.A.R.T. Method for Racial Justice and Mindful Living has been adopted by teachers from grade 6college levels. Dr. Kemp is a Visiting Scholar in Africana Studies at Franklin & Marshall College and a graduate of Stanford and Northwestern Universities. Her TEDxtalk, “How to Have a Voice and Lean in to Conversations about Race,” was recently released. She regularly mentors educators and leaders via her Compassionate Change Makers Program and online classes. Visit

338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania Ext. 137, 610-566-4507

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

MAY 3-6, 2018 TRUTH AND HEALING: Quakers Seeking Right Relationship with Indigenous Peoples A Pendle Hill Conference for inspiration, education, networking, discernment, and action Both Canada and the United States of America are built on the so-called Christian Doctrine of Discovery, which purports to justify the theft of land and resources and the enslavement or destruction of many Nations. As descendants of European settlers, Quakers benefitted and benefit from this history. Even when well-intentioned, Quakers often played a paternalistic role with Indigenous Peoples, and US Quakers ran Indian Boarding Schools, enterprises designed to erase Indian language and culture from Native youth – “Kill the Indian . . . Save the Man.” As Friends, we rarely talk about our continuing benefit from this history or about our roles as invasive peoples on what the Original Peoples of this land called Turtle Island. We invite Quakers from throughout Canada and the United States to gather at Pendle Hill to meet together with Indigenous people, to hear truth spoken plainly, to listen deeply with open hearts and minds, and to seek together ways of acknowledging ongoing and intergenerational injuries, owning responsibility, and repairing injustice as Spirit guides us. Come to be inspired, to become better equipped to involve Meetings and local communities in building right relationship, and to be renewed in Spirit and energy for this long-term justice journey.


338 Plush Mill Road Wallingford, Pennsylvania Ext. 137, 610-566-4507

Pendle Hill A Quaker Study, Retreat, and Conference Center

JUNE 1-6, 2018 A Pendle Hill Conference for Young Adult Friends As young adults today, we confront global existential threats, political and social disruption, economic uncertainty, AND exponential technological change, instantaneous communication and access to information, and distractions unknown to previous generations. Continuing Revolution can help us live our lives intentionally, faithfully following our Inward Teacher, and doing the work that is ours to do in the world. We will form a community of young adult Friends and seekers to explore ways to live centered lives of intention. We will have the opportunity to establish patterns and practices that support personal and communal transformation. An array of presenters and workshops will help us focus on four particular facets of our lives: work, love and relationships, justice and community, and spiritual practices. Enjoy opportunities for reflection, sharing, worship, and skill-building with other young adults (ages 18-35) from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences in the nurturing environment of Pendle Hill.

For more information and resources, visit, or email

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