You Are Not an Audiologist? There are multiple careers in the field of audiology, the study of hearing. Patients are often surprised to learn that when they go to see their hearing specialists, they may not be a licensed audiologist, or doctor of audio logical medicine. Not all clinics employ audiologists, but all clinics employ hearing specialists, who may not be diagnosticians in their fields but can check for hearing loss and connect you to the next link in the chain. Hearing specialists can also refer you to an audiologist if they feel there is a greater need to check on the structures or health of the internal ear. They act as the go between for audiologists and hearing aid providers to make sure you see exactly who you need to see in order to hear better. They’re quite competent and have adequate schooling so you shouldn’t be nervous about finding out if they can actually help you in the absence of an audiologist. They can also tell if a child should be referred to an audiologist for more involved testing if it seems like a child’s natural hearing ability is at risk. You can rest at ease knowing that no matter who sees you for your hearing problem, you will and should be taken seriously and well cared for. After all, that’s what you want anyway. Call us today or visit our website or watch our videos on YouTube. Peninsula Hearing Center (619) 569-1937 San Diego, CA (858) 768-0454 La Jolla, CA