Opening Doors – Enhancing Lives
Residents’ Newsletter – Summer 2017
In this issue: Pg 3 Extra Care Schemes – Application forms out now!
Pg 4 Universal Credit – Full service on the way!
Pg 6 and 7 STAR Survey – ‘You said, we did’ | Pg 8 Our community events | Pg 12 Competition time! Telephone: 0800 183 5757 or 01745 536800 Email: Clwyd Alyn and Tŷ Glas are part of the Pennaf Housing Group and are charitable Registered Societies
Keep up to date with the latest news and events on Facebook and Twitter
Don’t forget to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages, where we update you with everything that’s happening. Post on our wall if you want to ask anything, discover more about what’s going on in your neighbourhood and find out what we’re doing in your community. We post service updates as well as news from the Group, developments, job vacancies and local events.
ÃÃ Application forms 3 OUT NOW for our Extra Care Schemes ÃÃUniversal Credit – Full service on the way!
4-5 6-7
Like us:
ÃÃ STAR Survey: ‘You said, we did’
Follow us: @PennafHGroup
ÃÃ Community Events
ÃÃ Residents Help Choose 10 Staff at Housing Association
Out of hours emergency repair call: 0300 123 30 91
ÃÃ Get Online 10 ÃÃ Advance Notice: Abolition of Right to Buy
ÃÃ Competition 12
CONTACT DETAILS We always want to hear about your local news. If you have any articles you would like to include in the next newsletter, please send them to Gareth on the contact details below. 01745 536843
Like us: Follow us: @PennafHGroup
72 Ffordd William Morgan, St Asaph Business Park, St Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0JD.
0800 183 5757 or 01745 536800
2 Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017
Application forms OUT NOW for our Extra Care Schemes Tŷ Glas Housing Society, part of the Pennaf Housing Group, are developing 3 Extra Care Schemes, Hafan Cefni in Llangefni, Llys Raddington in Flint and Maes y Dderwen in Wrexham, together they’re worth an estimated £26m and represent a major boost to the region’s economy.
In partnership with
Hafan Cefni – Llangefni 63 Extra Care 1 and 2 bedroom high quality apartments for rent, with communal facilities. 15 apartments are specifically designed and adapted for people with memory loss or living with dementia.
In partnership with
Llys Raddington – Flint 73 Extra Care 1 and 2 bedroom high quality apartments for rent, with communal facilities. 15 apartments are specifically designed and adapted for people with memory loss or living with dementia.
In partnership with
Maes y Dderwen – Wrexham 60 Extra Care 1 and 2 bedroom high quality apartments for rent, with communal facilities.
If you’re 60 or over, have a care or support need, and feel you would benefit from living in one of our Extra Care Schemes, you can contact us in the following ways: Freephone: 0800 183 5757 Email:
Applica t forms a ion re now availab le. Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017
Universal Credit Full service on the way! Universal Credit (UC) is a single monthly payment for people in or out of work. It replaces some of the benefits and tax credits that you might be getting now: • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance • Income Support • Child Tax Credit • Working Tax Credit • Housing Benefit. To date UC has only been available in “live service” areas, which cover most of the areas where we have homes, for claims made by single, childless jobseekers. However, some live service areas are now taking claims for couples and families with children too. The Department for Work and Pensions have since announced that over the next 18 months their “full digital service” is to be rolled out. People currently claiming UC on the live service will be transferred to the full service along with all new claimants.
Full service time frame: • • • • • •
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April 2017 – Flintshire October 2017 - Wrexham February 2018 – Conwy February 2018 – Denbighshire March 2018 – Anglesey June 2018 - Powys
4 Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017
A few things to know about Universal Credit • If you get help with your rent, this will be included in your monthly payment – you’ll then pay your landlord directly. However, in certain circumstances rent can be paid direct to your landlord. • If you live with someone as a couple and you are both entitled to claim UC, you will get one monthly joint payment paid into a single bank account. • UC is paid monthly in arrears so it can take up to six weeks after you make your claim to get your first payment. • There are no limits on how many hours a week you can work if you’re claiming UC. Instead, the amount you get will gradually reduce as you earn more, so you won’t lose all your benefits at once. • In most cases, you have to make your claim online. • When in receipt of UC you will have access to a work coach who can help you with things like, finding work, increasing the hours you work, getting more prepared for when you are able to work by learning new work skills or life skills. Helping you to improve your income is central to the Universal Credit service.
Explaining the Universal Credit payment further • If you make a new claim for Universal Credit you will not be paid for the first seven days. These days are known as waiting days. • Don’t let this stop you making your claim and apply as soon as you are entitled to do so as it can take up to six weeks after you claim for your first payment to reach your account. • The seventh day after you make your claim is the date of the month on which your Universal Credit Payment will be paid each month. This is called your assessment date.
• Universal Credit is paid monthly in arrears so you’ll have to wait one calendar month from your assessment date before your first UC payment is made. This is called your assessment period. • You then have to wait up to seven days for the payment to reach your bank account. • This means it can take up to six weeks before you get your first payment.
Example: Mr Jones • Mr Jones has lost his job and makes a new claim for Universal Credit on 15 July. • He must wait seven days before his claim can start. • This makes his assessment date the 22 July. It means he will be paid on the 22nd of each month. • He needs to wait one assessment period (that’s a calendar month) to 22 August because Universal Credit is paid monthly in arrears. • He also needs to leave up to seven days for the money to reach his account. • He should expect his first payment of Universal Credit no later than 29 August. • If 29 August is a bank holiday Monday, he should receive payment on the last working day (Friday) before the holiday.
When the seven-day waiting period won’t apply The seven-day waiting period won’t apply if, for example you: • Have claimed Universal Credit within the past six months • Are splitting up from or moving in with someone who’s already claiming Universal Credit • Are moving on to Universal Credit from another benefit • Are terminally ill • Are vulnerable, for example you’ve recently been a victim of domestic violence or are leaving care or prison
Your first payment should go into your account no later than five weeks after you make your claim. For more information on claiming UC please visit: or Contact one of our Welfare Rights & Money Advice Officers on 0800 183 5757. Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017
STAR Survey: ‘You said, we did’. You may recall during the summer months last year a landlord wide satisfaction survey of the service you receive (known as STAR) was carried out for our Residents. Since then we have been working on our action plans to deal with the issues raised by Residents.
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PenAlyn – New appointment system! 6 Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017
In the first of a series of reports on what we are doing to improve the services that you have raised as concerns, we look at maintenance, both day to day and planned improvements. It will come as no surprise that this is the service area of most interest to Residents and the one we receive most calls about, for example when you report a repair. So, what are we doing in this area? We set out below some of the big issues currently being tackled arising from the STAR survey:
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Piloting An Appointments System New ‘in house’ cleaning service Residents told us that they would like to see an improvement in communication and a more flexible approach to repairs and maintenance. Currently we operate a system with priorities of 24hr, 5 and 28 days, often without Residents having an appointment in place. PenAlyn are currently working on a new appointment system, to allow all new jobs to be allocated at the first point of call and the Resident informed about the date when these works will be attended/inspected.
Home Improvement Plans Residents also told us that we needed to communicate better when major work such as new kitchen and bathrooms or cyclical painting works, are being carried out to their homes. The new Home Improvement Plan (HIP) will be able to identify what improvements need to be done and their anticipated replacement year as it affects your home, so that you can be reassured that investment works are being programmed in. We anticipate rolling out HIPs to our Residents from 2018 onwards.
STAR Transactional Surveys: Tracking How Satisfaction Is Improving Communication is key to our success in raising satisfaction levels. To enhance this, we are carrying out surveys after you have received a service from us (known as transactional surveys) to find out any issues or concerns you have straight away and put them right. These results then link back to our STAR survey so we can quickly track any improvements to satisfaction.
Satisfaction with the value for money of the service charges you pay was low at only 71%, so we have looked at bringing aspects of it ‘in house’ to ensure we have greater control over how services are carried out. So, from the 1st May 2017 PenAlyn has taken over the cleaning of communal areas as well as window cleaning, paid for out of the service charge. PenAlyn say they are delighted to be given the opportunity to provide additional services for Residents and to deliver an exceptional customer focused service. As far as window cleaning is concerned, the new pole systems used will be operated from the ground without the need for ladders and access equipment, meaning the system can be used virtually anywhere on any surface. Their vehicles are equipped with on board water tanks which means the self-contained system does not need to be connected to water or electricity making it environmentally friendly, using only water and no chemicals. PenAlyn will also carry out scheduled cleaning tasks to keep communal areas clean, safe and a pleasure to live in. We will continually monitor performance to make improvements and involve Residents before changes are implemented to ensure you are kept involved in every stage of the development of this service.
Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017
COMMUNITY EVENTS It’s been a busy time again, for lots of our residents, a big thank you to everyone who participated in our community events. If you would like to read more about the community events highlighted on the pin board or other events, visit:
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How does your garden grow? Are you interested in sharing your garden with our dedicated panel of judges? You can enter the individual garden section or you can enter your scheme or estate in the scheme category. This year we have also added a hanging baskets/pots and a best vegetable patch/allotment section (although please note we are not judging individual produce).
8 Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017
Children from Saltney, enjoying fresh air and fun at a ‘Nature and Wellbeing event’.
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There will be a cash prize of £40 for the winner in each category, £20 for second place and £10 for third place.
1 September 2017, letting us know what category you wish to enter.
Also, we are encouraging people to send their own photographs, preferably digitally, so you can be sure to capture your entry looking at its best.
If you are not able to send in your own photographs, don’t worry. You can contact Gareth Hughes-Roberts on: 01745 536843 and we will arrange for your entry to be photographed.
So, all you need to do is send your digital photo by e-mail to: as soon as you are able, with a closing date of
Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017
Residents help choose staff at Housing Association In a new initiative, Resident Volunteers have been asked to join interview panels when new Customer Service Advisers are appointed so that the Association can ensure customers really are at the heart of the services provided. One of the Resident Volunteers who has helped with interviews is Mike Bradshaw from Buckley, Flintshire. He says “I’ve been a Clwyd Alyn resident for the last 25 years and it was excellent to be part of the process of interviewing candidates for vacancies in the Association’s Contact Centre. Customer service advisers really are in the front line, they are often the first person that have we have contact with as Residents, so it was good to be part of choosing the right people for the vacancies,” Mike added “At first, before the interviews, I was probably more nervous than the candidates but Contact Centre Coordinator Melody BlackwellJones and Customer Service team leader Nicola Hall really put me at ease. “Together we ran through the questions we needed to cover as well as a test scenario. All the candidates were of a high standard so it was excellent to see the rigorous and fair way each was scored on a points system, so that we could ensure the right people were selected.” Mel confirmed that “It is so important for our customers to have an input into choosing who delivers their services and this has been so successful I’m sure we will continue to invite our Resident Volunteers to be part of the appointment procedure in the future.”
Mike Bradshaw is pictured with, from left to right: Mel Blackwell-Jones, Ann Cahill and Hayley Nicholson (seated front), who were the successful candidates and will now be joining the Contact Centre Team.
Get Online Resident’s Portal Don’t forget to register on the Resident’s Portal. You will need your tenancy reference number and a unique number to register. Please note, once you’ve registered on the portal, you no longer need to use the long, unique number, as once activated, you’ll chose your own password to log-in every time. If you need any help registering on the Resident’s Portal, please contact us on 0800 183 5757. Keep up to date with the latest news and events on Facebook and Twitter Like us: Follow us: @PennafHGroup
10 Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017
Advance Notice:
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Abolition of the Right to Buy The Welsh Government has announced that it intends to abolish the Right to Buy, the Preserved Right to Buy and the Right to Acquire for Tenants of Local Authorities and Registered Social Landlords, (including Clwyd Alyn residents), after a period of at least one year following Royal Assent of the Bill. Already the Right to Buy and Right to Acquire is not in operation in Anglesey, Flintshire and Denbighshire after Local Authorities asked for a 5 year suspension. This affects all Clwyd Alyn Residents in those areas now. In introducing the Bill, the Welsh Government aims to protect the Welsh stock of social housing from further reduction, ensuring it is available to provide safe, secure and affordable housing for people who are unable to take advantage of the housing market to buy or rent a home. To encourage the development of new social housing, the Bill, if passed by the Assembly, will provide that the Right to Buy and Right to Acquire will end for newly built homes two months after Royal Assent. This will help encourage social landlords to build new homes in the knowledge that they will not be at risk of being sold after only a relatively short period of time. All Residents should understand how Clywd Alyn deals with applications currently and be aware of the cut off point for both the Right to Buy and the Right to Acquire.
We can help by providing a formal “Guide for Tenants” or answer any e-mailed questions at
Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017
Summer Colouring Competition Parents! Once your child has coloured the picture in, send it to us by 1 September 2017, return to Louise Blackwell, Clwyd Alyn Housing Association, 72 Ffordd William Morgan, St Asaph Business Park, St Asaph, LL17 0JD. Please be sure to fill in your name and address and contact details. Only one entry per child, however if you have more than one child in the family, please either use the Welsh version or photo copy the original. Photocopies of the original images coloured in will be accepted. The prizes will include £10 vouchers donated by Tesco. There is one prize for children aged up to 6 years and one for children aged between 7 and 11. The competition will be judged by Claire Parry, Community Champion at Tesco in Mold and Louise Blackwell, Clwyd Alyn’s Community Development Officer.
Name …………………………………………………..............
Address …………………………………………………..........
Email …………………………………………………....................
Tel/Mob................ …………………………………………....
12 Clwyd Alyn Housing Association and Tŷ Glas Housing Society Residents’ Newsletter - Summer 2017