• DIY • Saving money • Reducing Energy Bills
Find out about some of the roles at ClwydAlyn Your look into the day of care at Clwydalyn, showcasing some of the fantastic opportunities we offer to both staff and residents.
You can win shopping vouchers by entering our fun competition and by sharing your stories and pictures with us.
Mae ClwydAlyn yn Gymdeithas Gofrestredig Elusennol ClwydAlyn is a Charitable Registered Society
Contents: YOUR WELCOME 3
Editor’s Welcome Influence Us
Meet your Resident Committee Member
5 5
Resident stories: - Visiting anywhere nice this year? - Are You Scam Aware?
Development Update
Affordable Homes Rent To Own
Community Round Up
Helping People into Employability - Project Search
Gardening Tips, Grow your own
Upcycle with Laura
Heat Or Eat, Top tips for saving money
Mailbag - Your questions answered
Saving Energy at Home
Home Safety
Chargeable Costs Policy
Care at ClwydAlyn
Care Practitioner - Career Development Pathway
Upcoming Events
Spot the difference and send in your pictures for a chance to win
Hello everyone and hello Spring!
I really look forward to this time of year – everywhere seems brighter; the days are longer, and nature just starts to come alive. I find it makes it easier to be more active and enjoy the outdoors. With a lot of restrictions easing I am hopeful we can all enjoy the spring and summer months together. Our spring edition is filled with support for you – we have top tips on saving money, keeping safe and keeping busy. As always, we have added a little fun with your chance to win shopping vouchers through our competitions. Did you enjoy our winter edition? You can let us know what you would like to see in the magazine by contacting me personally. This magazine is created for you, so we need to make sure it is filled with content you find useful and interesting. You can call me on 07880431004 or email Laura.McKibbin@clwydalyn.co.uk
Laura x
#InfluenceUs is the face of resident involvement and an easy way to let us know what you think about our services. We’re looking for #Helpers and #Reviewers. What is a #Helper?
Being a #Helper will suit you if you have less time to give, or if you want a lower level of involvement. You can help out by completing surveys via text or post, or by social media.
How can I sign up to be a #Reviewer or a #Helper?
Email: influenceus@clwydalyn.co.uk Direct message us on Twitter or Facebook @ClwydAlyn Visit www.clwydalyn.co.uk/influence-us
What is a #Reviewer?
As a #Reviewer you will have more involvement, this may be attending meetings/video conferences. We want our #Reviewers to look at what is in place now, whether this meets resident needs, and to make recommendations for improvement.
All #Helpers and #Reviewers that take part in our monthly surveys will be entered into a prize draw of £100 shopping vouchers! You have to be in it to win it!
Meet your Resident Committee member,
Gemma Minards
Was there anything that surprised you? It was surprising how supportive and understanding ClwydAlyn was with regards to me needing training, childcare and flexibility as I am a mother of three young children. As a resident what is the most important thing for you? To have a safe, warm and affordable home for my family. What are your hopes and ambitions for ClwydAlyn? I would love to become a housing officer and continue to work with residents to provide a better service and support. Is there any advice you would share with someone considering joining the resident committee in the future?
Gemma has been part of the ClwydAlyn committee for over 2 years now. Gemma offers a great perspective and we really appreciate her input. Gemma has given us a little look into her experience of being a resident committee member. What made you want to join the Resident Committee? I wanted to be able to build on my confidence, gain new skills and knowledge within the housing sector and provide a voice for all residents. Had you sat on any other Boards or Committees before? No, I have never been on any other boards or committees before. Which aspects of the role do you enjoy the most? I love working with the committee and speaking up to provide a voice on behalf of all ClwydAlyn residents.
The committee is a fantastic way to gain confidence, new skills, knowledge and an understanding into all aspects of housing and most importantly being a voice for all ClwydAlyn residents in order to be heard and gain a better service.
If you would like to help shape the service of ClwydAlyn you can join #InfluenceUs - here you will have first look at our 12 month focus and priorities. You can have influence and contribute towards the changes being made to improve our services. You can get involved as much or as little as you like. Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/i2cv5KYwkn
Visiting anywhere nice this year? HANNA, CLWYDALYN RESIDENT The last two years have had a huge impact on how we like to spend our free time. Now the rules are relaxing, we can hopefully start getting back to all the things we enjoy doing. This may be a trip within beautiful Wales, a staycation in the UK, a day out at the beach, a city break or travelling further afield. Our resident Hanna shares some insight on her home-town, its beautiful culture and why she feels it’s a destination worth visiting.
My name is Hanna and if you read my previous article, you will know I am from Poland. I would like to introduce you to my birth town Lublin, which has a population of around 340 000. Lublin is known for the very impressive Old Town - this part of town is the most historical, with colourful, decorated renaissance and classic houses with numerous restaurants, bars and cafes. Old Town has some historical buildings that are most definitely worth a visit - here is just a few; • Metropolitan Cathedral from the 17th century
For those who like nature, Lublin has a beautiful Saxon Garden, close to the town centre and Botanical Gardens. They both are perfect to go in spring/summer so you can enjoy beautiful flowers blooming. Great times to see wildlife and nature. And for the beer lovers... Lublin has its own Perla Brewery in Bernandynska Street which is another historical part of town. You can have a tour of the brewery to learn brewing history, evolution of the bottle’s shape and labels and of course you can taste the beer. Lublin is an important region of culture and festivals in the city and has been selected for the European Youth Capital in 2023. This is my town and I highly recommend visiting to discover its history. Concentration Camp Majdanek
Lublin’s Old Town
• Trinity Tower • Lublin Castle. • Plac po Farze When visiting Lublin the Concentration Camp Majdanek is a must to visit. Majdanek is one of the Nazi regime’s extermination camps. This is not only a death camp but also a prisoner of war camp and a working camp.
Open-Air Vil lage Museum
Another place to explore in Lublin is also the Open-Air Village Museum. It’s one of biggest open-air museums in Poland. You can learn about village lifestyle, see a lot of exhibitions, discover beautiful architecture and lovely landscapes. In our city centre you will notice lovely architecture called Centre for the Meetings of Culture. It is a culture hub with galleries, bars, theatres, and cinema music stage performance. The gallery building is full of glass - on the roof you can walk over glass floors seeing town views.
Saxon Garden
Do you have story you would like share? If so, please get in touch as we have a creative writer who can draft your story if you don’t feel confident or would like support to write your article.
COMPETITION TIME! Share your favourite North Wales spots with us, all winning destinations/pictures used will feature in our summer edition of Home Matters and you will win a £20 shopping voucher. 5
RESIDENT STORIES... ARE YOU SCAM AWARE? SUSAN WILSON, RESIDENT COMMITTEE MEMBER SHARES HER EXPERIENCE WITH US. Just before Christmas, on the 23rd December, resident committee member Sue Wilson was unlucky enough to be the victim of online fraudsters and tells her story here to help raise awareness and protect others from similar experiences. Susan says, “I was diagnosed with a health condition at 4pm that day and was in a lot of pain and feeling vulnerable. At 7pm a message came through WhatsApp impersonating my son in Yorkshire, asking me to pay a bill to help him over the Christmas period. Everything in the message sounded plausible, but I rang him anyway to check. Unfortunately, as he works nights alongside the police the call went through to voicemail and I could not speak with him. I then checked where the money was going and found out the company was registered with the FCA, which again sounded plausible. I made the payment, but the next day spoke to my son and realised I’d been a victim of the scam. I felt really distressed and worried as I’d done everything I could to check things. The fraudsters had hacked my WhatsApp account and sent a message beginning ‘Hi mum,’ etc, that sounded so like my son. My bank has written to say they’re investigating, but there is no guarantee that I will be refunded fully or even partly. I have had to make adjustments to help me reduce my bills due to my unfortunate financial situation. It’s not just the amount of money I’ve lost, but that somebody could be so cruel. It’s happened to a lot of people over Christmas. I was at a low ebb that day and unfortunately more vulnerable than usual. They put pressure on you and I was very unlucky to be targeted.
I think that by making people aware it can really help. Since it happened I’ve posted about it on ‘Next Door’, a website for my local area and my advice with this kind of scam is never to do anything until you’ve spoken to the person you think the message is from. Hopefully my story will help to make more people aware and knowledgeable about things that are happening.” There are many different ways in which you can be scammed - one of our staff members shared how they have recently had a scam scare via a HMRC letter. The letter arrived in the standard brown envelope and included personal details making the letter seem real. The letter implied that a back payment was owed of nearly £200 from 2007. After sharing the content of the letter with friends and family it became apparent this was a scam. The pages on a HMRC letters are usually numbered, and in this case, it wasn’t. The letter coding was also edging off the page and after Googling the phone number it seemed it had previously been reported as a scam number.
Anyone can be scammed, so please spend some time to keep up to date with scam awareness.
SCAM AWARENESS TIPS: Tips on email and internet scams: •U se strong passphrases or passcodes to lock your tablet and phone.
•N ever give personal details to anyone you don’t know or trust.
• S hred any documents with your home address before putting them in the bin or recycling.
•M ake sure any website you use is secure - you can do this by checking to see if there is a padlock in the top left-hand corner - make sure there is a https in the web address.
• I f you are unsure if something is a scam or not then you can use IsLegitSite or ScamFoo to check.
Tips to avoid scam text messages: •D on’t follow any links •D on’t share personal information •C ontact the organisation directly if you’re
Tips to prevent postal scams: •A lways check the credentials of any
company or legal professional you’re unsure about. Don’t respond if you think this is a scam
•N ever pay them any money if you do not know why they are asking for it or who it is from.
Top tips to stop doorstep scams (Cold Callers): •C heck the company’s credentials •D o not make any decisions on the spot •A sk someone you trust for a second opinion •D o not give anyone your personal information (such as a PIN number/passwords/private information which could be used to access your accounts)
•O nly let someone in if you are expecting them.
•D on’t reply •R eport it. What to do if you are a victim of a scam: • S peak to your bank immediately and report any fraud to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. •C all Citizens Advice on 0808 223 1133 • I f you are in immediate danger dial 999 and ask to speak to the Police.
Our development programme will deliver 1,500 new homes in North Wales by 2025 through an investment of £250 million, bringing the total number of homes we own and manage to over 7,500.
1 5 00 N
Here’s an update of how we’re getting on with some of our developments:
Work is well underway on the development of 52 homes, at Hen Ysgol y Bont, in Llangefni, with 12 houses built in phase 1, due to complete in the summer of 2022! These new homes will be EPC A rated & will include a range of sustainable technologies, reducing carbon emissions. Designed in-line with the Welsh Government’s Placemaking Charter, this scheme features some unique touches, such as a community Christmas tree, herbal garden and fruit trees.
Work is progressing well on the development of 63 new homes in Glasdir Denbighshire - they look amazing already! The properties in phase 1 are due to be completed in Spring 2022! These new homes will be EPC A rated & will include a range of sustainable technologies, reducing carbon emissions.
All homes will be complete in the summer of 2023.
The homes will be offered to people on the ‘Single Access Route to Housing Register’ and Tai Teg (Affordable Homes Register) who live and work in the area. All homes will be complete in spring 2023. HEN YSGOL, LLANRWST, CONWY
HEN YSGOL, LLANRWST, CONWY Our most energy efficient home is nearly complete, a first of its kind for ClwydAlyn! The scheme, now on the 4th and final phase of the site, will include the conversion of the former Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy School in Llanrwst into three apartments, (two of which are wheelchair accessible) and the construction of a 3-bedroom wheelchair accessible bungalow. This is the 1st Beattie Passive House for ClwydAlyn; providing excellent health and comfort conditions, whilst using very little energy for heating and cooling, and one that we hope to see more of.
For more information on our developments, go to www.clwydalyn.co.uk/developments
Rent to Own Wales supports the purchase of homes for those people who are struggling to save for a mortgage deposit. The scheme enables tenants to build up a lump sum towards a deposit whilst they rent their home. The lump sum can then be used to help you secure a mortgage, enabling you to purchase your home.
You will initially rent the home and when you are ready to buy, we gift back to you 25% of the rent you paid and 50% of the increase in the property value (if any) to use as a deposit towards purchasing the property. A Rent to Own Wales agreement lasts up to 5 years, and you can apply to buy your home at any time between the end of the second year and the end of the agreement.
• You are aged 18 or over • In employment and have an Annual gross household income between £16,000 to £45,000 (benefits not considered as income) • A first-time buyer or your current home is unsuitable and does not meet your family’s needs • You are unable to afford to rent on the open market and / or buy a property that suits your needs
HOW TO REGISTER: Register with Tai Teg by: • Visiting www.taiteg.org.uk • Click on ‘register with Tai Teg’ • Complete the application form • Click on ‘submit application’ • Tai Teg will assess your application • If you meet the criteria and are approved you can then apply for properties
INTERMEDIATE RENTAL An intermediate rental option is for those who are working but who are not able to afford a full market rent price for reasons such as: insufficient deposit or a poor credit history.
The scheme is aimed at people in employment and not totally dependent on benefits
The rent is based on a Local Housing Allowance or 80% of the open market rents
Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and register with Tai Teg
Website: www.taiteg.org.uk Phone: 03456 015 605 Email: info@taiteg.org.uk
Community has never been so important, so it is good to highlight some of the great work that our staff and residents do within our communities. If you’d like to share a story or an event, send it over to communications@clwydalyn.co.uk
VALENTINE’S DAY As we celebrated Valentine’s Day across ClwydAlyn we shared a quick look into one of our long standing couples at Llys Raddington and their secret to 68 years together. Read their love story here https://bit.ly/3Js121T
IMAGE TO COME Alan and Freda Ryland
GARDENING CLUB Hafan Gwydir tenants have been busy using the tenants fund to get the garden ready for spring, and oh my, haven’t they done a wonderful job! Just look how marvellous their flowers are looking. Some of the tenants at the scheme come together for a group photo, showing that independent living is more than Extra Care, it’s a community where tenants meet up and enjoy events and activities together.
Residents at Hafan Gwydir
ST DAVID’S DAY Tan y Fron - Chef, Stephen Owen and his team worked hard to celebrate both pancake day and St David’s Day. The residents had big choices to make as there were lots to choose from. Homemade cakes, dragon biscuits, bara brith and of course pancakes.
Merton Place celebrated in the traditional way with bara brith, Welsh cakes and a good ‘panad’! Residents also tried their hand at drawing daffodils with pastels, and the results were pretty good! Drawing is such a good mindful and calming thing to do.
DIGITAL INCLUSION SESSION Our community team have been busy delivering some digital inclusion sessions. Erin has been putting more of her digital training into practice, helping elderly residents learn new IT skills. These have taken place at our schemes Llys Raddington and Tan Y Fron and we will be looking at offering more training across our communities in the future. Our residents said they enjoyed the session and are looking forward to learning more digital skills in our next training session! If you would be interested in digital training please contact InfluenceUs@clwydalyn.co.uk
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY We’re proud to support International Women’s day, helping to break the bias, celebrate women’s achievements and promote a diverse and inclusive world. 11
INTO EMPLOYMENT CLWYDALYN IS PROUD TO HOST THE FLINTSHIRE PROJECT SEARCH INITIATIVE FOR ANOTHER YEAR. THIS PROJECT INVOLVES: HFT, CLWYDALYN AND FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL, WORKING TOGETHER, TO SUPPORT YOUNG ADULTS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES OR AUTISM, INTO EMPLOYMENT. The initiative provides a range of work placements for young interns, supported by sessions in the classroom that cover all aspects of job training, including CV writing and interview skills, to help them prepare for work. ClwydAlyn provides a base for the project at Llys Raddington Extra Care Scheme, Flint, where interns complete an initial induction, before beginning work rotations, which include catering, administration, cleaning, library work and much more! Staff within these workplaces mentor interns, alongside HfT’s Job Coaches, supporting them to learn all aspects of the job role, so they develop meaningful, transferable job skills. In 2019, we had 7 graduates based in Flintshire – Rachael, Ellis, Lewis, Letitia, George, Owen, and Jess – and they have all achieved a huge amount since, with 4 (to date) securing full-time, paid employment!
George has worked at McDonald’s successfully for over a year; Owen works at the Flintshire County Council equipment store in Queensferry;
In 2020, throughout lockdown, a new group of interns completed training online; then, with the relaxation of restrictions in 2021, 6 of these interns (Ashley, Ross, Olivia, Erin, Katrina, and Clara) returned to the classroom and started work placements!
Interns have also collaborated, using their personal experiences to put together a valuable ‘ValYou’ training session on ‘neurodiversity,’ which they will deliver this year, to ClwydAlyn and Flintshire County Council employees. This task has involved interns: designing job descriptions (e.g. for a Trainer, Administrator and Marketing) before carrying out these roles to create a specialist training session to: help raise awareness about neurodiversity and advise local employers as to how they can better support neurodivergent individuals, within the workplace. The success stories of our Flintshire Project Search interns speak for themselves and show how far they have come since joining the project! Interns have told us how much of a difference their work placements have made to them, opening up exciting futures and developing their skills and confidence in the process.
Letitia works as ‘Activities Assistant’ at Llys Raddington, and Jess is working in Housekeeping at a local hotel. Furthermore, Rachael, Ellis and Lewis have completed voluntary placements, contributing a great deal to the local community, as well as actively seeking paid employment.
We are pleased to share that Erin, who was on placement with us from Project Search, has secured a 6 month Kick start paid role as our Community Assistant. Olivia who was also interning at Llys Raddington as an Admin Assistant has secured a role through Kick Start as Admin Assistant at HFTs Hwb Cyfle.
Well done to you both on your new roles!
GARDENING TIPS Grow your own veg…
Our Extra Care Manager at Llys Eleanor, Ellen Wharton, shares how she grows her very own vegetables on a budget. I STARTED TO GROW MY OWN BECAUSE… I wanted to spend more time outdoors during Covid. I felt a project would be good to do when I came home from work. Also, I was tired of buying bags of salad leaves which went soggy after a day if you did not use them all which was a waste of money. One thing I did not want to do was spend more on pots, compost, equipment, and seeds than buying the vegetables themselves! It’s also a lot more fun to challenge yourself to spend as little as possible and recycle unused items around the house and garden.
GROWING CHERRY TOMATOES… These must be started inside around mid-March to Mid-April. just sow one seed in a small pot - anything will do if you make a couple of holes in the bottom for drainage and put it on a plate and on a sunny windowsill. Once the green shoots appear just water every few days with a little water to keep the soil damp. As the plant grows, water regularly and when it is about 5 inches in height, transfer it to a larger permanent pot. You can put this outside in a sunny spot when the weather is warmer, or even just leave them indoors to grow.
COST SAVING TIPS… I used yogurt pots and margarine pots that can be used to start seedlings off indoors. I make my own compost from vegetable peelings, nettles, leaves and grass cuttings, this makes nutrient rich compost which is peat free. Buy seeds from budget supermarkets or Home Bargains -they’re a lot cheaper than from a garden centre. And remember you do not have to buy expensive plant pots - you can plant in almost any container if it has drainage holes.
Contact InfluenceUs@clwydalyn.co.uk to get your free pack of seeds.
Let us know if you’d like one of the following categories.
ALL THE VEGETABLES I HAVE GROWN… Last year I grew cherry and plum tomatoes, green and yellow courgettes, cucumbers, radishes, red onions a variety of salad leaves and herbs, all in containers.
• Veg/Fruit indoors • Veg/Fruit outdoors • General seeds Kids can get involved too! So let us know if you’d like some for your children and we’ll order a special pack for them. Email for you pack now! And don’t forget to share your photos.
UPCYCLE WITH LAURA I previously shared my upcycling tips on a mirror and a drinks trolley which were purchased through Facebook Marketplace - in this edition I will share with you how I upcycled a chimney pot into a large planter. My home has been recently renovated and the chimney pot was left over in the garden. I had originally seen a large plant pot online which was priced at £100, so I thought I would attempt to create my own. I took to TikTok and YouTube for tips on how to create a DIY stone effect. 1 I started by cleaning the plant pot as it had been left in the garden for many months. 2 Once cleaned down and dried I painted the base coat with white masonry paint which was left over from the home renovations, (you can use any white paint but personally would not use a gloss as the matt texture offers a more stone effect). 3 I then purchased a small tester pot of beige chalk paint; I used a sponge to apply this, which had been placed in water and drained; this was to give a faded paint look.
4 I dabbed this randomly to create a stone effect. I found this process had minimal cost but gave a great result. 5 I also made the mini tree out of a group of individual leafy stems. The trees I originally wanted were priced at £90, so I bought 2 packs of stems from TKmax which totalled £18. 6 I bunched these together using garden wire and kept in place using stones. I am so pleased with the outcome, and I was excited to share my upcycle with you all.
If you enjoy upcycling as much as I do, I would love to see any of your projects. Send them over to me Laura.mckibbin@ClwydAlyn.co.uk and you could win a £30 home shopping voucher of your choice!
Top tips for saving money…
As the cost of living has risen significantly many are faced with the choice between heat or eat. With fuel costs recently doubling it is important to keep up to date with ways you can reduce your bills, saving money for other necessities. THROUGH OUR SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS, WE ASKED TO HEAR YOUR TOP ENERGY SAVING TIPS AND LOW BUDGET FOOD RECIPES… We received some great tips which you can here. We gave all residents a £10 shopping voucher as a token to say thanks for the clever savvy saving tips!
RISING COST OF LIVING Energy costs are due to rise on average £700 a year from April 2022. This might feel overwhelming, but there’s lots of information and places you can turn to for help. We have created a webpage where you can find some helpful advice on your energy, food and water bills that will allow you to manage your money more effectively. You can also call our welfare team on 0800 1835757
Scan the QR Code:
Your questions answered
Mailbag If you have a question you would like answering in the newsletter then please email us at communications@clwydalyn.co.uk
Question Resident.
Answer ClwydAlyn
With the price of energy going up, what is ClwydAlyn going to do to support its residents?
ClwydAlyn and Warm Wales are working together to deliver Healthy Homes, People, Lives and Communities. Together ClwydAlyn and Warm Wales were able to secure Energy Redress funding to support ClwydAlyn residents with energy advice and expertise. The advice and expertise is tailored to the people’s circumstances, providing anything from light touch advice to in-depth support, helping improve the quality of homes, lives and wellbeing.
If you would like to find out more, please emailhhplc@warmwales.org.uk, complete the Referral Formhttps://forms.gle/KTBFYYo3gCEV4gpy9 or if you would like speak to someone regarding your energy concerns please contact your housing officer or ring 01352 711751
Thank You
Switch off appliances - don’t leave these on stand-by when not in use
Avoid using a tumble dryer when possible
Turn lights off when leaving the room
Swap your bath for a shower, and try to shower for less time
Use your washing machine more carefully – you could try washing at 30 degrees and reduce the amount of wash cycles done a week
Avoid overfilling the kettle, boil your kettle with just enough to fill your cup
Here are some tips to ensure your safety in your home… SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS
• Keep your hallway and any stairs clear of clutter and ensure they are always well lit.
• Make sure pans, boiling water or hobs are kept out of the reach of children.
• Never overload sockets with too many plugs, and do not use plugs that have become damaged, cracked or have wires exposed.
• Use step ladders or stable stools when changing a lightbulb. • Clean up any spills or messes when they occur.
• Position pan handles so they can’t be knocked over when cooking. • Keep clothes and furniture away from heat such as candles or electric fires.
• Never use electrical appliances with wet hands or take them into a bathroom. • Ensure plugs and electrical appliances are kept away from liquid.
OTHER TIPS • Keep medicines, cleaning products and hosehold chemicals locked away and out of reach of children. • Please provide access to ClwydAlyn staff to carry out the required compliance testing to your appliances such as the boiler and electrics to minimise risk to you and your family from old, faulty, worn out or potentially dangerous appliances. • Keep windows and door locked when you aren’t in your home. • Do not allow access by strangers. Ask for identification so a visitor can prove who they are before they enter. ClwydAlyn will be happy to verify the identification of all thier staff if they need access to your home.
Chargeable Costs Policy We are always looking at ways to improve our services and our policies. We recently worked with our InfluenceUs group who helped us with updating our Chargeable Costs Policy, and from our resident feedback we have made some changes and we feel that our new policy is now more in line with our values of hope, trust and kindness. We want our residents to approach us for support on any chargeable repairs so we can work alongside residents to resolve these issues fairly and on a caseby-case basis. Below is our easy read updated policy!
We will only recharge the cost of the works (no admin fees)
What is chargeable cost?
Chargeable costs are repairs that are caused by damage to fixtures and fittings internally or externally which is not considered as normal wear and tear through the duration of your tenancy.
This policy is to ensure that our approach to chargeable costs will take account of our values.
We will pursue chargeable costs for deliberate neglect & damage
We will encourage our residents to work closely with Officers to identify repairs at the earliest time and to discuss any issues that they require support and assistance with. All charges will be explained fully, and our resident will be given an opportunity to provide an explanation.
We will ensure that any repayment plans are affordable for residents We will help identify solutions to avoid chargeable costs wherever possible.
Our Promise is to provide a home that is safe, secure and well-maintained.
We understand that our resident circumstances vary, so our policy approach is flexible. We will assess each chargeable cost on a case by case basis.
#InfluenceUs help shape and improve the service we provide. If you would like to become an influencer please email InfluenceUs@ClwydAlyn.co.uk
Your Look into the day of… CARE AT Our care homes and extra care schemes employ a variety of people to provide an outstanding service, and a fun and safe place for our residents to call home. We want to spotlight some of our amazing staff members: to share what they love about care along with our resident perspective. Ryan Kirk is day care practitioner at Llys Marchan care home in Ruthin and supports residents affected by mental health conditions in a 24 hour service. He grew up in the local area and initially worked at the project as an agency worker, before being offered a permanent role. He says: “I really enjoy working with the residents and it’s very rewarding just being there for them and helping them. Sometimes they have bad days and need someone to talk to, and we are here as back-up and support when they need us. We do activities with them tailored to the person and have just bought a table tennis set!
With 4 female residents and 4 male, it’s nice to spend a decent amount of time with them. A lot of what we do is about how you relate to people and empathy is important. With areas for people to have peace and quiet and areas to talk, it’s a nice atmosphere here and I’ve always loved working here.” Other benefits are the holidays compared to other parts of the industry, and as I live near Llandudno, I plan to access the Cycle-to-Work scheme also. Most of all, I like meeting everyone at the Scheme, and now that I’m here, I know it was a really good move to apply to ClwydAlyn.’
Ryan Kirk, Day Care Practitioner at Llys Marchan
Julie Williams is Activities Coordinator at Chirk Court care home and spoke to us about her role and how she enjoys providing a fantastic programme of support to residents. There are 5 households at the home; 3 are elderly mental health households and 2 are residential. Her typical day starts with printing out and distributing the ‘Reminisce Newspaper’, which residents really enjoy. Due to the restrictions of Covid, Julie has organised group activities within each household. The activities she puts on include singalongs, bingo, dominoes and movie days. Staff take part in the activities alongside her and are very supportive.
An important part of her day is working one to one with residents. For this Julie had funding from the council for a new machine, RITA (Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Actively) – this can be taken from household to household and has a screen where residents can enjoy interactive quizzes, singalongs and much more. And for special events, like Valentine’s Day, St David’s Day, and Easter, Julie encourages residents to do craft sessions to dress up the households.
Julie Williams, Activities Coordinator at Chirk Court
Julie says: “Time can fly on this job. It’s all about supporting the independence of residents for as long as possible. I just like being with them – making them smile, making them laugh. I enjoy hearing their stories above all and how all the residents brighten my day – if you get a smile from the resident, you did something good today.”
Eleri Williams is Deputy Manager at Merton Place care home and is also a Registered General Nurse. Initially working as a Nurse Practitioner on nights, she has been with ClwydAlyn over 10 years and finds the work really rewarding. Eleri says: “Our residents have a range of complex care needs and in in my role as Deputy Manager I assist the nurses with medication in the mornings, before continuing with my work managing the home. My manager Christina is also a Registered General Nurse, and we are on hand to help cover shifts and deal with any emergencies. I love the variety. It is busy and demanding, but you get a lot out of it. From holding someone’s hand and having a chat to managing complex needs. I feel the Covid pandemic has really highlighted the fantastic work that nurses and care staff do. We have a really good team here, and I’ll always be a nurse.”
Joanne Williams began her career with ClwydAlyn as a kitchen and domestic assistant at Chirk Court, before progressing to Acting Team Leader at Castell, one of the residential households in the home. She spoke to us about her role in care and how it enables her to progress and fulfil her career aspirations. “During the Pandemic, my role changed, and I began working as a care practitioner, completing my core training at level 2. Since August of last year, I have taken on an acting senior role, and my aim is to move into a permanent role as Team Leader when the opportunity comes. It’s challenging, and every day is different. I like the way it keeps my head busy, constantly having to think and keep everything organised. I like to lead, and I love the way I can work with other professionals and keep learning, both from myself and others.
The support at Chirk Court has been fantastic and my manager, Lisa, and deputy manager, Dewi, have made me feel I am in a worthy place to be. They have helped me showcase what I can do, and I am now working towards my core training at level 3. I love care work and feel what I put in now will project into the future when I need care when I am older. It’s a very special, rewarding job, and if you are that type of person, then care is definitely for you.”
Ali Jones, Catering Assistant at Llys Raddington
Ali enjoys working at our Extra Care Scheme as she loves talking to the tenants, mingling with them and hearing all the gossip of the day! ‘I enjoy serving the food at lunchtime particularly, as we make sure tenants are OK, and well fed and looked after.’
Rachel enjoys working at our Extra Care Scheme as she loves providing the tenants with homely, tasty food and puddings. ‘For me the best things about working in care are the way we provide a safe, happy, caring environment for all our older residents.’
Kerry Latham, Catering and Domestic Assistant at Llys Raddington
Victoria Munnerley, Domestic Assistant at Llys Raddington
‘Our residents are characters and have really lived it. My favourite part of the job is definitely the serving, where there is always banter and laughs. I am always learning from them.’
‘It’s nice seeing residents doing activities and knowing that they are feeling safe. I love chatting to them and feels this helps them to feel cared for and to not feel lonely.’
Kerry enjoys working at our Extra Care Scheme as she loves being busy, on her feet and interacting with the residents.
Rachel Mann, Catering Assistant at Llys Raddington
Victoria enjoys working at our Extra Care Scheme as she thinks it’s a lovely place to work and she loves keeping the scheme clean for our residents.
Tera Buckley has been a resident at Llys Raddington Extra Care in Flint since the scheme opened. Originally from Manchester, she has been a tenant of ClwydAlyn since 2002, and has lived at properties in the Bagillt area before applying for her flat in 2018. She said… ‘I heard about the scheme in the February and liked the idea of the flats having balconies, and that I could be near family. I was offered my flat in July, and was one of the first residents to move in. It’s the best thing I ever did. It’s so warm, and you are safe and secure. I have made some smashing friends here, and my family do not have to worry. We have everything here that we need, and the scheme is really near the shops and other amenities. I love the view outside my window, and my flat which is so easy to keep clean and that I have recently decorated to make my mark on my home. Age comes to us all, and you can only do so much. I can be as private as I want and knowing that we can get help at the press of a button gives me and my family peace of mind.’
CARE PRACTITIONER - CAREER DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY If you are a warm, kind, caring and friendly person and love our values of trust, hope and kindness, you will be a perfect fit for a career in care! Working with us, we will help you to develop a thorough understanding of the role of a Care Practitioner and support you to achieve the Health & Social Care qualifications required for the role. As a care practitioner you will be supporting individuals to live life fully in line with their interests and ability. You will take a person-centred approach that enables you to understand individuals needs and how to support them with daily tasks in addition to specific care planning to meet their individual needs.
You will work well as part of our team and ensure a safe and caring environment is maintained. Still not sure? ……why don’t you have a chat with us - we could show you around our home and maybe look to offer a short work placement to show you just how rewarding a career in Care can be. We would love to hear from you, please contact the Lisa Ramage L&D Specialist on 07554338180 or email lisa.ramage@clwydalyn.co.uk If you would like to work for ClwydAlyn we regularly update our work for us page here www.clwydalyn.co.uk/work-for-us
We offer a benefits package including membership of pension scheme with employer matched contributions up to 8%, cycle to work scheme, eye care vouchers and a financial wellbeing package, 25 days holiday plus Bank Holidays leading up to 30 days, life assurance, EAP programme and a comprehensive training package, all in a values-based organisation with a great culture.
In each edition we share a low cost and an easy to make meal, the ingredients in our Light Fritata is not only healthy, all the ingredients for this can also be bought for under£4 with some left over ingredients to use on other meals.
Summer Fritata Serves 4
INGREDIENTS: 4 tbsp olive oil 350g new potatoes 3 spring onions Handful of asparagus about 5 or 6 stems 4 eggs Handful of grated cheese - your choice.
Equipment: Large frying pan Chopping board Mixing Bowl Sharp knife Grater Fork / Whisk Grill
An easy midweek meal, this can be enjoyed on it’s own as a lunch, or with a side of our minted greens. 1. Thinly slice the potatoes into discs and set to one side
6. Grate the cheese of your choice and mix through the eggs.
2. Drizzle 4tbsp olive oil into your large frying pan and add the discs of potato. Fry on a very low heat until golden - if you’ve got a lid for your frying pan this will speed up the process.
7. Tip the eggs into the frying pan over all of the veg and continue to cook on a low heat until almost set around the edges - the middle should still be liquid at this stage.
3. Meanwhile thinly slice the spring onions. Chop the ends off your asparagus and then slice diagonally into inch sized pieces. 4. Once the potatoes are golden, throw in the spring onions and asparagus halves and continue to fry for 5 minutes or so. 5. Turn on your grill and set to a medium heat. Meanwhile crack your eggs into a mixing bowl and lightly beat with your fork or whisk - just enough so that the yolk breaks. Season the eggs with salt and pepper.
8. Place the pan under the preheated grill and cook for 2-3 minutes until the eggs have set 9. Leave for a minute or so to cool slightly and then serve - you can also grate some cheese over the top at this stage as an added indulgence.
Here are some upcoming events to jot down in your calendar…
Europe’s largest touring youth festival will be held this year on the outskirts of Denbigh between 30 May and 3 June. Tickets for the festival are free and can be booked online (www.urdd.cymru/tickets) The festival attracts over 65,000 competitors and 100,000 attendees from all over Wales. It’s a fantastic family day out – Sports, shows, music, arts, food and drink and much, much more. This year the event will offer you more than ever, with Gŵyl Triban (a festival within a festival) held on 2, 3 and 4 June to celebrate the Urdd’s special 100th Birthday. The festival will include the best of Welsh music and culture and it’s free!
Get your tickets today: urdd.cymru/ticket
From 15 July 2022 the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 will change the way all landlords in Wales rent their properties.
The new law simplifies the agreements, giving greater clarity on the rights and responsibilities for our residents and for us as landlords. The new law will improve how we rent, manage, and live in rented homes in Wales. Right now, you don’t have to do anything, we are working behind the scenes to ensure we have everything
in place to comply with the new law. It would help us if you can ensure we have your up-to-date contact details, you can check these on our resident Portal, MyClwdyAlyn here www.clwydalyn.co.uk/ MyClwydAlyn or if you need to update your details, please send over an email to help@clwydalyn.co.uk and our Housing team will update this for you. You can read more by scanning the qr code or by clicking on the link here: gov.wales/housing-law-changing-renting-homes
This year will be our 10th anniversary of The Big SleepOut and we’re inviting everyone to get involved.
Over the last 9 years our staff, residents, and partners have raised over £50,000 by swapping their warm comfy beds for a sleeping bag and cardboard box. The funds are raised to support our homeless services and the life-saving North Wales Air Ambulance. The Big SleepOut will take place on Saturday 8th October 2022. Keep your eyes peeled, over the next few months we will be sharing more information on how you can join in on the fun and help raise some funds!
Your Competition Spot the difference competition
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Ann Spikes - Wrexham Anne Fancett - Conwy Valeria Eastwood - Flintshire
1st £30
Natalie Edwards Denbighshire
Closing date for entries is May 25th 2022
3rd £10
Hilda Williams Chirk Court resident with her winning vouchers
2nd £20
Lia Mckinnon Flintshire
To be in with a chance of winning; Write your Full name, telephone number, email address and address. Send in to our Head office address 72 Ffordd William Morgan, St Asaph Business Park, St Asaph, Denbighshire LL17 0JD Text to: 07880 431004 or email InfluenceUs@clwydalyn.co.uk