3/7/23, 3:36 PM Let Penn Dental Help You Share Your Best Smile with the World https://470721.hubspotpreview-na1.com/_hcms/preview/content/104155601066?portalId=470721&_preview=true&cacheBust=0&preview_key=TxgmNzKB&from_ 1/4 OUR SERVICES OUR DOCTORS OUR OFFICES Be Proud of Your Mouth This March March is a great month for smiling! Not only is March 5-11 Dental Assistants Recognition Week, but also March 20 is World Oral Health Day. At Penn Dental Family Practice (PDFP), our dental assistants, dentists, and entire team do all we can to provide patients in our corner of the world all they need to achieve and maintain great oral health. Value your oral health. Share your best smile with the world. Plan your visit to PDFP today, and we’ll help you enjoy a lifetime of smiles Schedule Now > CallPennDentalFamilyPracticeToday 215-898-PDFP(7337)
Walk with Us Sunday, April 16
Register now for Penn Dental Medicine’s annual Oral Cancer Walk & 5K, taking place Sunday, April 16. The event directly bene ts the PDM Oral Cancer Care and Research Fund. Post-race activities include free oral cancer screenings, dental education, music, food, and refreshments.
Get Details >
Penn Dental Tips
Every day brings many opportunities to make good choices for our oral health. These blogs o er expert advice about making the most of them, from the drinks you choose to the sticks of gum you chew
How to Choose Drinks That Are Good for Your Teeth
Is Chewing Gum Bad for Your Teeth?
If you don’t know what drinks bene t your teeth, you’re not giving
The answer isn’t as clear-cut as you might think. Get the facts about
3/7/23, 3:36 PM Let Penn Dental Help You Share Your Best Smile with the World
SaveTheDateForThis OpenEnrollmentFair
3/7/23, 3:36 PM Let Penn Dental Help You Share Your Best Smile with the World https://470721.hubspotpreview-na1.com/_hcms/preview/content/104155601066?portalId=470721&_preview=true&cacheBust=0&preview_key=TxgmNzKB&from_ 3/4 your oral health every advantage. Discover the best choices Read More > chewing gum’s bene ts and risks to your oral health Read More >
GetYourAppointmentNow! Schedule your appointment with Penn Dental Family Practice today MakeAnAppointment>
Our annual Open Enrollment Fair is Wednesday, April 26 the perfect opportunity to get the dental insurance you and your family need, or to change your current coverage. Penn Dental plans o er comprehensive,affordablecarefor University of Pennsylvania employees, University of Pennsylvania Health System employees, and their dependents. Watch your email for more details and review our plan options now. LearnMore>
3/7/23, 3:36 PM Let Penn Dental Help You Share Your Best Smile with the World https://470721.hubspotpreview-na1.com/_hcms/preview/content/104155601066?portalId=470721&_preview=true&cacheBust=0&preview_key=TxgmNzKB&from_ 4/4 Locust Walk 240 S 40th St, 3rd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19104 University City 3737 Market St, Suite 1000 Philadelphia, PA 19104 University City - Locust Walk Philadelphia PA 19104-6030 You received this email because you are subscribed to Marketing Information from Penn Dental Family Practice. Update your email preferance to choose the types of emails you receive. Unsubscribe from all future emails