Penn Dental Journal Fall 2012

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Penn Dental Journal For the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Community / Fall 2012

Growing a World-Class Faculty: Three New Recruits Bring Depth of Clinical, Research Expertise | page 2 Faculty Perspective: Oral Cancer Screening | page 7 | Facilities Update, Master Plan Spotlight | page 8 Answering the Call to Higher Education: Alumni in Academia | page 10 Honor Roll: 2011–12 Donors | page 29

in this issue

Features 2 Growing a World-Class Faculty

Penn Dental Journal Vol. 9, No. 1

by katherine unger baillie

7 Faculty Perspective:

University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine

Oral Cancer Screening by faizan alawi, dds


8 Facilities Update,


Master Plan Spotlight by beth adams

denis f. kinane, bds, phd Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations maren gaughan Director, Publications beth adams

10 Answering the Call to Higher Education


by juliana delany


On Campus: News and People

25 Scholarly Activity 28 Philanthropy Highlights 29 Philanthropy Honor Roll 37

Alumni: News


Class Notes

44 In Memoriam


Contributing Writers beth adams katherine unger baillie juliana delany debbie goldberg Design dyad communications Photography mark garvin peter olson Penn Dental Journal is published twice a year for the alumni and friends of the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. ©2012 by the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. We would like to get your feedback and input on the Penn Dental Journal — please address all correspondence to: Beth Adams, Director of Publications, Robert Schattner Center, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, 240 South 40th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6030, Office of Development and Alumni Relations, 215-898-8951

ON THE COVER: New faculty recruits (left to right) Betty Harokopakis-Hajishengallis, DDS, MSc, PhD, Chief of the Division of Pediatric Dentistry and Associate Professor of Pediatric Dentistry; Anh Le, DDS, PhD, Chair and Norman Vine Endowed Professor of Oral Rehabilitation in the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/ Pharmacology; and George Hajishengallis, DDS, PhD, Professor, Department of Microbiology.

A Message from the office of the dean

his is a time of unprecedented growth and development at Penn as a whole and Penn Dental Medicine in particular, thanks mainly to the tremendous support and engagement of devoted alumni and friends. In December, the University celebrates the official close of its seven-year, $3.5 billion Making History Campaign — a University-wide goal that has been exceeded. Penn Dental Medicine has a $37 million goal as part of this Campaign, and as we draw to a close, I am confident we will reach that mark. On behalf of our current and future students, I thank you and all our supporters for your commitment to this great institution. In this issue of the Journal, we are pleased to present our fiscal year 2011-2012 honor roll of contributors.


Your support is helping to move the School forward on varied fronts to ensure ongoing leadership in academics, clinical care, and research and scholarship. Among recent steps has been the successful faculty recruitment of accomplished researchers and clinicians in the areas of microbiology, oral surgery, and pediatric dentistry (see story, page 2). Advancing patient care and educational resources will be the new Syngcuk Kim Endodontic Clinic, slated to open early in the New Year. This clinic is the first key project of our 10-year Master Plan for facilities improvements, and fundraising is underway for our next — a new Preclinical Lab and Training Center (see story, page 8) with the technology to teach today’s generation of students. Our goal is to continue to attract tomorrow’s leaders in all fields of dental medicine and oral health care. We welcomed another outstanding group of students with the Class of 2016, and as a guide to our freshmen, in this issue, we spotlight alumni who have pursued the academic path (see story, page 10). Through teaching, administrative leadership, and research, they are developing the next generation of dentists and advancing the science and practice of dentistry. As a school, our mission is the same; and with a shared commitment, we can continue to shape the future of dental education and care. The accomplishments of the Making History Campaign are to be celebrated indeed, but we need to continue moving forward and I ask you to build on this momentum and continue to support our students, enhance our facilities, and strengthen our faculty and research to better serve our community. Thank you for your support.

Denis F. Kinane, BDS, PhD Morton Amsterdam Dean

growing a

world-class Penn Dental Medicine does not operate by half-measures.“The dental school strives for excellence in clinical dentistry, in research, in service, and in teaching,” says Dr. Dana Graves, Professor in the Department of Periodontics and Associate Dean for Translational Research. This year, the School has taken significant steps toward enhancing all of those areas of excellence, with the recruitment of three new talented and accomplished faculty members. Husband and wife Dr. George Hajishengallis and Dr. Betty Harokopakis-Hajishengallis joined Penn Dental Medicine in March, and Dr. Anh Le began her appointment in July. Each of them embodies the best of dental science and practice. Their recruitment is the result of a renewed focus on augmenting innovative research enterprises and attracting field-leading researchers to join the faculty. Such a strategy promises to elevate the School for decades to come. “It’s important that our new faculty complement the major research areas of the University to secure a strong place for Penn Dental in the future of the University as a whole,” says Dr. Kelly Jordan-Sciutto, Chair and Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology, who chaired the search committee for Dr. Hajishengallis. Dr. Hajishengallis joins the Department of Microbiology as a Professor, Dr. Harokopakis-Hajishengallis was appointed Chief of the Division of Pediatric Dentistry and an Associate Professor of Pediatric Dentistry, and Dr. Le is now Chair and Norman Vine Endowed Professor of Oral Rehabilitation in the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/Pharmacology. “All three have dual degrees — dental degrees as well as a Ph.D. — so all of them have strong combinations of clinical training and research training,” says Dr. Graves, who led the recruitment committee for Dr. Le’s position. “By having strengths in these different areas, they’re particularly wellpositioned and well-trained to fulfill the mission of the School.” And the School is primed to provide these dental scientists what they require to actualize their potential. “Penn has a lot to offer high-profile researchers,” says Dr. Jordan-Sciutto. “We have a number of key research areas and leading researchers in each of those fields, colleagues who really complement one another. It’s a great place to do collaborative, interdisciplinary work.”



faculty GEORGE HAJISHENGALLIS, DDS, PHD Professor, Department of Microbiology

Eye on Inflammation Trained as a dentist in Greece, Dr. George Hajishengallis was happy enough with the idea of practicing dentistry there. But something was missing. “As important as clinical treatment is — and I think it’s more important than research,” says Dr. Hajishengallis, “it can become routine.” Realizing he would miss the stimulus of constant learning, he made the decision to continue his studies in the United States, enrolling in a doctoral program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. His dissertation work focused on the development of a new platform for a vaccine that offers protection against tooth decay, a construct he has since patented. After receiving his doctorate, he pursued postdoctoral studies at the University of Buffalo. There and in his subsequent faculty positions at Louisiana State University and University of Louisville his focus shifted to the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis, which is implicated in many cases of periodontitis. Dr. Hajishengallis and other scientists had previously observed that, even in diseased animals, P. gingivalis was rare — far outnumbered by other kinds of bacteria. Through experiments with mice, he noticed that adding P. gingivalis to the mouth caused a jump in the numbers of other bacteria. The composition of the bacterial community also changed upon addition of P. gingivalis. And when mice raised in a germfree environment were given P. gingivalis, they did not develop the bone loss associated with periodontitis. “So we started to espouse this heretical view,” says Dr. Hajishengallis. “It’s not actually the P. gingivalis that causes the bone loss; it’s the other bacteria. But they need P. gingivalis to do it.” Because of this, they dubbed P. gingivalis a “keystone pathogen.” In the September issue of Nature Reviews Microbiology, Dr. Hajishengallis and colleagues have supported the view

Growing a World-Class Faculty

that keystone pathogens may also underlie the pathogenesis of other diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, and obesity. He and his colleagues discovered that P. gingivalis subverts the immune system response by “hijacking” a receptor on white blood cells, rendering them unable to clear infection. As a result, other bacteria increase and, along with P. gingivalis, feast off the nutrients released by the inflammatory response and destruction of gum tissue. By blocking the hijacked white blood cell receptor, the researchers could stop the damaging inflammation catalyzed by P. gingivalis. They are now testing this technique of blocking access to the receptor in more advanced animal models, hoping to develop a new therapy for periodontitis. Another line of Dr. Hajishengallis’s recent work, culminating in a publication that was featured on the cover of the journal Nature Immunology earlier this year, may also lead to a potential drug against gum disease, as well as other inflammatory diseases that strike in old age. He arrived at this enticing molecule by searching mice for proteins that were expressed in the mouth and that also declined as the animals aged. Among those that turned up was a protein called Del-1. Other scientists had found that Del-1 prevented immune cells like neutrophils from moving to and accumulating at the site of infection or inflammation. Dr. Hajishengallis hypothesized that older mice — and people — may be more likely to develop periodontitis because, as Del-1 levels drop, they are no longer able to prevent inflammatory cells from

moving to the gums. This overwhelming inflammation may then lead to not only periodontal disease but also systemic diseases such as diabetes and atherosclerosis. Sure enough, Dr. Hajishengallis found that young mice bred to lack Del-1 developed gum disease, just as older mice did naturally. Injecting Del-1 into the mice’s gums protected them from this inflammation and bone loss. And interestingly, preliminary research indicates that humans with periodontal disease have low levels of Del-1 in their diseased gum tissues, but maintain higher levels of Del-1 in their healthy tissues. Moving forward, Dr. Hajishengallis plans to examine whether Del-1 and associated molecules might be potential drugs or drug targets. He also hopes to collaborate with new Penn colleagues who can share their expertise in other inflammatory conditions. “Penn has been historically a research intensive institution and is currently an international leader in the generation of new knowledge in both basic and translational biomedical sciences,” he says. “It’s an honor and privilege to be a part of this institution and have all the necessary support to develop treatments for oral diseases.”

“Penn has been historically a research intensive institution and is currently an international leader in the generation of new knowledge in both basic and translational biomedical sciences.” GEORGE HAJISHENGALLIS, DDS, PHD penn dental journal: fall 2012 3

Growing a World-Class Faculty

ANH LE, DDS, PHD Professor & Chair, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/Pharmacology

Speaking Two Languages Like Dr. Hajishengallis, Dr. Anh Le cares deeply about making an impact at the levels of basic science and clinical practice. So deeply, in fact, that she views it as her mission. “That’s always been the guiding principle in my career. I don’t want to only speak the language of the basic scientist, because I can do lots of hard work and it will only stay in the lab,” says Dr. Le, who in her new role here will lead oral surgery at Penn Dental Medicine as well as within the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and

The work involved developing antibodies that target cellular growth factors. Though at the time Dr. Le was simply involved in the day-to-day bench science, the seeds of that work evolved into an FDA-approved chemotherapy called Erbitux, today used to curtail the growth of certain cancers. Dr. Le went on to pursue her dental degree at the University of California, Los Angeles, and, encouraged by mentor Charles Bertolami, now dean of New York University’s College of Dentistry, followed that with a Ph.D. in oral biology in combination with residency training in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Her doctoral research examined wound healing on

“At other institutions people always talk about collaboration, but here I can see it in the infrastructure, the culture, the history, and the leadership.” ANH LE, DDS, PHD

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “I need the ability to also speak the language of the clinician to be a bridge between basic science and its clinical applications.” This drive to generate translational scientific findings was planted in her during her undergraduate years at the University of California, San Diego. “I started from a very strong basic science background,” says Dr. Le. “As an undergrad, I was engaged in some landmark research with Gordon Sato and John Mendelson.”



the cellular and molecular level — an ideal complement to her concurrent clinical experiences, which included working with trauma patients in Los Angeles’ King Drew Medical Center. Faculty appointments at Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science and UCLA followed. In 2004, Dr. Le was recruited to the University of Southern California’s School of Dentistry and began investigating mesenchymal stem cells from adult oral tissues. Together with collaborators, she isolated and characterized adult stem cells from gingival tissue — a discovery she patented while at USC. Studying those stem cells further, Dr. Le proposed a new mechanism by which they might aid in wound healing.

Growing a World-Class Faculty

“Initially, the paradigm was that the role of stem cells is to arrive at the site of a wound and differentiate into different tissues to replace missing cells,” she says. “That’s a beautiful concept, but scientists have struggled to prove that an adequate number of cells actually arrive at the site of injury to fill in the missing tissue component. So we were proposing that maybe the stem cells perform other functions, like modifying the environment of the wound.” This new concept, that stem cells are the conductors rather than the musicians in the orchestra of wound repair, earned Dr. Le and her colleagues NIH funding and a wealth of new avenues of research to explore, all aimed at regenerating missing craniofacial tissue. Those threads of research connect to another area of investigation for Dr. Le — the study of bisphosphonaterelated osteonecrosis of the jaw, or BRONJ. It is a condition involving degeneration of the mandible that can arise after taking certain bisphosphonate-based drugs to treat cancer or prevent bone loss associated with osteoporosis. Research by Dr. Le and collaborators in mice has identified biomarkers that put individuals at a higher risk of developing osteonecrosis of the jaw. They have found that an infusion of mesenchymal stem cells can cure the condition in mice — a promising breakthrough for patients with this debilitating and painful disease. At USC, Dr. Le worked with colleagues at both the dental and medical schools to gather samples from 80 human patients to test them for a biomarker of vulnerability to osteonecrosis of the jaw. She plans to expand those studies into patients with multiple myeloma, likely collaborating with Penn researchers. And last year, she organized a symposium dedicated to antiresorptive-agents-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw — an event she would like to make an annual occurrence, working with her new Penn Dental Medicine colleagues in oral medicine and oral surgery. Dr. Le’s drive to apply lab-earned knowledge to medical practice permeates every aspect of her work. “Our field will only evolve if we face the challenges that science has been giving us,” she says. To accomplish such an evolution, she looks not only to her colleagues, but to the next generation of researchers. In her short time at Penn so far, Dr. Le made sure to reach out to the School’s oral surgery residents to share her vision.

“I have had the benefit of being mentored by great role models and that’s shaped my life and my career,” says Dr. Le. “For the field to advance, we need to nurture and develop more clinician-scientists who share the same mission.” As she settles into her position, Dr. Le is eager to collaborate not only with other researchers at the dental school, but also with faculty at Penn Medicine, those who specialize in cancer, stem cells, and other fields. “At other institutions people always talk about collaboration, but here I can see it in the infrastructure, the culture, the history, and the leadership,” she says. “That’s the reason I joined Penn.”

BETTY HAROKOPAKIS-HAJISHENGALLIS, DDS, MSC, PHD Associate Professor & Chief of the Division of Pediatric Dentistry

Focus on Young Patients In her new role, Dr. Betty Harokopakis-Hajishengallis will be deeply involved in such collaborations with fellow faculty members, students, and administrators from around Penn. She will spend half her time teaching, splitting the remaining time between administration and research. It is a multi-faceted appointment requiring the flexibility and versatility that have been characteristic of her career. Dr. Harokopakis-Hajishengallis earned her dental degree at the University of Athens, where she also met her husband. When the two made the move to the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and, shortly after giving birth to the couple’s twin daughters in 1991, Dr. HarokopakisHajishengallis began work on a master’s in oral biology. “It was a challenge, having the twins, but I’m convinced that if you want something enough, you can do it,” she says. Finding a passion for research, she continued her training in a combined Ph.D./pediatric dentistry certificate program — one that she designed with the assistance of Dr. Marjorie Jeffcoat, former Dean of Penn Dental Medicine and current Professor in the Department of Periodontics, who was then an Assistant Dean at UAB. In 1997, Dr. HarokopakisHajishengallis was awarded a Dental Scientist Award from the National Institutes of Health for research focusing on designing new strategies for oral vaccination.

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Growing a World-Class Faculty

After finishing her degree program in 1999, Dr. Harokopakis-Hajishengallis returned to Greece for a few years to work in private practice, while spending time with her family who still lived there. “I was the first pediatric dentist practicing in my province, so it was very busy from day one,” she says. “I enjoyed that time, enjoyed the interaction with other dentists, local dentists, and my community, but I missed the scientific interaction.”

“Here, I feel very supported by Dean Kinane; I feel like the vision I have for pediatric dentistry can be accomplished, because he also wants the division to go forward.” BETTY HAROKOPAKIS-HAJISHENGALLIS, DDS, MSC, PHD

She rejoined academia in 2003 with a position at Louisiana State University, when her husband also joined the faculty there, and later with an appointment at the University of Louisville. Throughout, she focused on clinical duties, while continuing her research part-time. A key element of her laboratory studies involved identifying a role for Toll-like receptors in the pathway leading to P. gingivalisinduced inflammation. At Louisville, Dr. HarokopakisHajishengallis was appointed Chief of the Division of Pediatric Dentistry, working with the predoctoral students as well as postgraduate residents, garnering experience that is serving her well now at Penn.

“Being an administrator has a lot of challenges, but at the same time, I think it builds other skills in you, the persistence, the diplomacy,” she says. “Here, I feel very supported by Dean Kinane; I feel like the vision I have for pediatric dentistry can be accomplished, because he also wants the division to go forward.” Together with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Dr. Harokopakis-Hajishengallis is working to expand Penn Dental Medicine’s pediatric dentistry residency program. Among her many goals for the Division, she also hopes to develop a sedation program by bringing a dental anesthesiologist on board, to introduce new rounds for the predoctoral students, and to continue her laboratory research in collaboration with Penn faculty. “I’m going to be looking at a type of periodontal disease in monkeys,” she says, “trying to find different anti-inflammatory molecules to see if we can stop or prevent disease from emerging or progressing.” Dr. Harokopakis-Hajishengallis notes she and her husband drew up a pro-con list to decide whether to make the move to Penn Dental Medicine; clearly, they felt the benefits were many. “It is a privilege to be here, no doubt,” she says. PDJ —Katherine Unger Baillie



faculty perspective

Oral Cancer Screening By Faizan Alawi, DDS Associate Professor of Pathology Director, Penn Oral Pathology Services n the United States, 2012 will yield over 26,000 new diagnoses of oral cancer.1 In addition, over 5,200 deaths will be attributed to these cancers. Overall, the five-year survival rate is approximately 60%. However, if oral cancers are diagnosed and treated early, they are eminently curable and the survival rate exceeds 80%. Thus, our responsibility and efforts as dental practitioners should be primarily focused on early detection and prevention. The vast majority of oral cancers arise from premalignant lesions (epithelial dysplasia). A persistent red mucosal patch (erythroplakia) is an ominous sign warranting of a surgical biopsy for histologic diagnosis. Most erythroplakias show at least some microscopic evidence of epithelial dysplasia and/or cancer. In contrast, a persistent white patch (leukoplakia) is more likely to be clinically, histologically, and biologically benign. Yet, up to 18% of oral leukoplakias are either malignant or dysplastic and will eventually become malignant.2 Indeed, the clinical appearance of a premalignant or cancerous lesion may mimic that of a traumatic hyperkeratosis and other common benign and reactive conditions. They may also lurk within the mucosa and be completely invisible to the naked eye. Therein lies the crux of a significant diagnostic dilemma that we face as clinicians. How do we know if, when, and what to biopsy? How can we predict which lesions are at risk for malignant transformation? Will routine oral cancer screenings on all our patients help reduce the incidence of this deadly disease? These important questions can only be answered through rigorous research and they have caught the attention and


Faizan Alawi, DDS

financial support of the National Institutes of Health. Recently, industry has also jumped into the fray. With direct-to-consumer advertising, patient awareness has increased and you may be fielding questions about or requests for an evaluation using a specific oral cancer screening device (see table). All patient exams should include a comprehensive history and a systematic visual and tactile examination of the head, neck, and oral soft tissues. Most of these commercial devices were designed to further assist the dental practitioner in either identifying early tissue changes that may be cancerous, to assess the biological significance of a mucosal lesion, or to explore morphological and biochemical tissue alterations that cannot be observed by normal, incandescent light.2-4 However, a recent study commissioned by the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs and the Centers for Disease Control concluded that these adjunctive aids may not significantly improve the detection and diagnosis of potentially malignant lesions beyond that of conventional clinical and histologic examination, and that the current level of scientific evidence was insufficient to

support recommending the routine usage of any of these devices.4 With continued technological advancements, independent research, and the development of patient-tailored molecular-based approaches, we may eventually have efficient, cost-effective, and validated diagnostic tools at our disposal. Until then, clinical vigilance and increased patient education about the risks for oral cancer are the only ways we can prevent these cancers from developing or progressing to more advanced stages. Suspicious or persistent oral lesions should be biopsied and submitted to a pathology laboratory for microscopic examination. The combination of clinical surveillance with histological examination remains the current gold standard for oral cancer and precancer diagnosis. 1. American Cancer Society. 2. Lingen MW et al. Oral Oncol 2008;44:10-22 3. Poh C et al. Periodontol 2000 2011;57:73-88 4. Rethman et al. J Am Dent Assoc 2010;141:509-20

Oral cancer screening devices • DOE Dental Oral Exam System® (DentLight, Plano, TX) • Identafi® Oral Cancer Screening Device (DentalEZ Group, Malvern, PA) • Microlux/DL® (AdDent Inc., Danbury, CT) • Oral CDx BrushTest® (Oral CDx, Suffern, NY) • Orascoptic DK® (Sybron Dental, Orange, CA) • VELscope® VX (LED Dental, Inc. Burnaby, BC, Canada) • ViziLite® Plus with TBlue® (Zila, Fort Collins, CO)

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Facilities Update, Master Plan Spotlight New Endodontic Clinic Nearing Completion, Sights Set on Next Facilities Project PENN DENTAL MEDICINE is continuing to move forward with its strategic plans for facilities improvements as the first key project of the School’s 10-year master plan for facilities renovations is nearing completion. At press time, the new Syngcuk Kim Endodontic Clinic is anticipated to be open for patient care early in 2013. “I am thrilled. This new clinic will be a state-of-the-art environment for state-of-the-art education and clinical care,” says Dr. Syngcuk Kim, the Louis I. Grossman Professor of Endodontics, who has led the department for nearly 20 years. “I am also very humbled by the naming of this clinic in my honor and the tremendous alumni support at all levels that has made it possible.” Support from alumni and friends met the project’s $2 million goal, enabling the new clinic — also the elite training center for the Department’s highly respected continuing education programs in microsurgery — to be technologically top-of-the-line. In preparation for full implementation, the technology capacity is being upgraded, and with it, the final project goal has been increased to $2.5 million. “Our education at Penn Dental has given us so much; it is only appropriate that we give back, and recognize Dr. Kim, who has been such a great mentor,” says Dr. Samuel Kratchman (GD’91), Clinical Associate Professor of Endodontics at Penn Dental Medicine, who along with his fellow endodontic alumni – Drs. Jung Lim (GD’ 04) and Brian Lee (D’00, GD’04) – have led fundraising efforts for the clinic renovation among the



“I am thrilled. This new clinic will be a state-of-the-art environment for state-of-the-art education and clinical care. I am also very humbled by the naming of this clinic in my honor and the tremendous alumni support that has made it possible.” —DR. SYNGCUK KIM, LOUIS I. GROSSMAN PROFESSOR OF ENDODONTICS

Penn Endo Graduate Alumni Group. “I hope we can come together as the clinic nears completion to reach and even succeed this added funding goal for technology.” The new clinic remains in its previously existing space on the second floor of the historic Evans Building, but is gaining square footage by expansion into an adjoining area. The facility will feature 23 chairs, two surgical suites, a consultation room, modular operatories with an operating microscope and computer at each chair, and a handicapped-accessible reception room. The clinic will also be outfitted with technology for real-time video streaming of cases to classrooms, continued education programs, and national and international meetings. A special dedication celebration for the new clinic will be held in the spring. To view photos of the building progress in the final months of construction, visit

Facilities Update, Master Plan Spotlight

Next Step: A Simulation Lab to Inspire Learning “Instructors will be able to create calibrated, In addition to the Endodontic Clinic, proposed projects magnified videos of procedures, which students can see in Phase I of the master plan include a new predoctoral right in front on them, stopping and replaying the video as restorative clinic in the lower concourse of the Evans they go. Faculty will also be able to do live demonstrations Building, new study spaces in the library, and a new Preclinical Lab and Training Center – the next top priority. visible on each student’s individual monitor.” “We need to move our preclinical education into the —DR. MARGRIT MAGGIO, 21st century with the ability to teach to the millennial DIRECTOR OF PRECLINICAL DENTISTRY generation of dental students. They are technologically savvy. They need and expect a learning environment that incorpoThis new space and its technology will also be used for rates technology,” says Dr. Margrit Maggio, Assistant hands-on continuing education programs, where presenters Professor of Restorative Dentistry, Director of Preclinical can stream live demonstrations. Dentistry, and Director of Advanced Simulation. “Plus, giving “It’s where we need to be,” adds Dr. Maggio, “to maintain students ready access to instructional videos and creating a top quality of instruction and for teaching today’s generation simulated environment as they build their psychomotor skills of learners.” and learn clinical techniques are optimal.” Fundraising is underway with this $2.5 million project. Such are the plans for the new Preclinical Lab and For information on naming opportunities within the Training Center, which will replace the General Restorative Preclinical Lab and Training Center, contact Maren Dentistry Lab currently in the basement of the Evans Gaughan in the Office of Development and Alumni Building with a bright, high-tech environment on the buildRelations, at, 215-898-8951. ing’s third floor. The east wing of the third floor was renovated in the summer of 2010 for office space, opening up the area to reveal the original windows and vaulted ceilings; the same will be done in the west wing where the Preclinical Lab will be located, flooding the area with natural light. The new space will feature fixed benches with ample space for table-top projects and approximately 75 retractable simulation units, fully outfitted with dental equipment and designed to replicate the spatial dynamics of a clinical setting to reinforce correct positioning and posture. Each space will also have a dental light and computer monitor for instructional videos and steaming of live demonstrations. “This will give us a calibrated way to give a demonstration – step-by-step, one-on-one for each student,” explains Dr. Maggio. “Instructors will be able to create calibrated, magnified videos of procedures, which students can see right in front on them, stopping and replaying the video as they go. Faculty will ABOVE: The new Preclinical Lab and Training Center, planned for the Evans Building third floor, also be able to do live demonstrations visible will be flooded with natural light. OPPOSITE PAGE: Dr. Syngcuk Kim in the endodontic clinic construction site in early September. on each student’s individual monitor.”

penn dental journal: fall 2012 9

Answering the Call to Higher Education

With a national shortage

of dental school

faculty an ongoing challenge within dental education, schools across the country are looking for fresh ways to interest dental students in academic careers. “Younger people with a strong academic orientation are…needed to keep curricula up-to-date, sustain strong research programs, and develop the policies and practices that will shape our institutions moving forward,” said Dr. Rick Valachovic, Executive Director of the American Dental Education Association in a recently published letter. With these critical needs in mind, Penn Dental Medicine combines a strong commitment to research with several innovative programs, including a brand new postgraduate curricular option, to encourage students to


consider an academic path, and in turn, prepare them to take on the varied and challenging roles of academia. This latest addition — a Doctor of Science in Dentistry (DScD) degree — allows postgraduate students to combine their specialty training with advanced research and academic opportunities in an alternative to the traditional PhD (see related story, page 17). It builds upon the School’s Master of Science in Oral Biology, which also enables students to integrate more extensive research into their postgraduate education. For predoctoral students, the School’s long-standing Summer Research Program partners students with faculty members on investigations affecting today’s dental practice, giving students hands-on research experience and the opportunity to present their findings. The competitive Degree Honors Program allows students to participate in advanced clinical, research, or community health honors experiences that can be highly relevant to academic career settings. And through dual-degree programs, qualified dental students may pair their dental degrees with a master’s degree in Bioethics, Business Administration, Public Health, Bioengineering, or Higher Education, drawing on the extraordinary resources of other schools within Penn. The three alumni profiled here — all at very different stages of very distinctive academic careers — have something in common: They all took advantage of the School’s flexible, multidisciplinary offerings to position themselves for success in the academic world.

10 features



t’s been less than a year since Dr. Maria Velasco (D’10, GEd’10) finished her residency and accepted a full-time faculty position at New York Presbyterian/Columbia University’s pediatric dentistry program, and her memories of time spent at Penn Dental Medicine are still vivid. Graduate school presented so many attractive and promising options, she remembers, that choosing a single focus for her education and eventual career seemed an impossible task. “There was so much to learn and so much that I wanted to do,” she says. “I didn’t want to limit my education in any way.” Luckily, she didn’t have to: As a dual-degree student who combined a traditional dental degree with a graduate degree from Penn’s School of Education, she was able to craft a flexible curriculum that wove together her interests in dentistry, teaching, and research. After graduating in 2010 with a DMD and a Master’s in Higher Education, and completing a residency in pediatric dentistry at Columbia, she was offered an academic position that makes full use of all aspects of her unique background.

A TALENT FOR MULTITASKING: As an Instructor of Dental Medicine at Columbia, Dr. Velasco’s busy weekly schedule combines all of her passions — teaching, mentoring, research, and practice. In short, she is doing what she loves best: multitasking. “I have always been comfortable doing multiple things at the same time,” she says, a predilection which helped her simultaneously tackle two very different — and very difficult — educational experiences at Penn. She found role models at every turn: “It was fabulous to learn from people who were so well-rounded and doing so many interesting things. I had great mentors every step of the way, and no one ever denied me an opportunity to do something that interested me.” Combining intensive clinical experiences at Penn Dental Medicine with lectures and seminars in the School of Education helped Dr. Velasco build a powerful combination of skills. “I will never regret the extra work,” she says of her decision to pursue a dual degree. “My coursework in education has made me a better speaker and a better writer — skills I need to be an effective teacher — and my solid clinical dentistry background is something I feel confident about every day.” Two other aspects of her background — academic research and community health — have also inspired her, playing important roles in her educational plans and in her ultimate career choice of academia. >

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ALUMNI AT PENN DENTAL MEDICINE Following are those Penn Dental Medicine alumni who are part of the School’s full-time standing faculty and in key administrative roles; the associated and part-time faculty also includes a strong corps of Penn Dental Medicine graduates. Joli C. Chou, M’04, GD’07 Assistant Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/Pharmacology Chun-Hsi Chung, D’86, GD’92, MS’92 Chair and Associate Professor of Orthodontics Director, Postdoctoral Orthodontic Program Robert Collins, D’71 Clinical Professor of Community Oral Health Director of International Relations Helen Giannakopoulos, GD’02 Associate Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/Pharmacology Director, Postdoctoral Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Program Martin S. Greenberg, GD’68, HOM’73 Professor, Dept. of Oral Medicine

Francis Mante D’95, HOM’99 Associate Professor, Division of Restorative Dentistry Director of Biomaterials Mel Mupparapu, D’96 Professor of Oral Medicine Director, Division of Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology Andres Pinto, D’99, GD’01, GR’07, GR’12, M’12 Associate Professor of Oral Medicine and Community Oral Health Director of Oral Medicine Services Chief, Division of Community Oral Health Alan M. Polson, D’94 Professor, Dept. of Periodontics Peter D. Quinn, D’74, GD’78 Schoenleber Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/Pharmacology Vice Dean for Professional Services, Perelman School of Medicine Senior Vice President for CPUP, University of Pennsylvania Health System Olivia Sheridan, D’90, GD’92 Clinical Associate Professor of Preventive & Restorative Sciences Assistant Dean for Admissions

Bekir Karabucak, GD’98, D’02 Associate Professor of Endodontics Interim Director, Postdoctoral Endodontics Program Director, Graduate Dental Education Programs

Thomas P. Sollecito, D’89, GD’91 Chair and Professor of Oral Medicine

Jonathan Korostoff, D’85, GR’91, GD’92 Associate Professor of Periodontics Director, Master of Science in Oral Biology Program

Eric T. Stoopler, D’99, GD’02 Associate Professor of Oral Medicine Director, Postdoctoral Oral Medicine Program

Heywood Kotch, D’77 Clinical Associate Professor of Preventive & Restorative Sciences Assistant Dean of Clinical Operations

Robert L. Vanarsdall, GD’72, GD’73 Professor, Dept. of Orthodontics Director, Postdoctoral Periodontic/Orthodontic Program Assistant Dean for Advancement of Dental Specialties

Ernesto Lee, GD’87 Director, Postdoctoral Periodontic/Prosthesis Program Lawrence M. Levin, D’86, GD’90 Associate Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/Pharmacology Chief, Division of Dentistry, CHOP Rochelle Lindemeyer, GD’79 Associate Professor of Pediatric Dentistry Director, Postdoctoral Pediatric Program Margrit Maggio, D’87 Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry Director of Preclinical Dentistry Director of Advanced Simulation

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David Stanton, D’88, M’92, GD’95 Associate Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/Pharmacology

OPPORTUNITIES FOR RESEARCH: Fascinated by research since

high school, Dr. Velasco was thrilled to collaborate with Dr. Sunday Akintoye, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine, while at Penn Dental Medicine, assisting on a research project involving oral facial bone marrow stem cells. Later, as head resident at Columbia, she worked closely with Dr. Burton Edelstein, Professor of Clinical Dentistry and Clinical Health Policy Management and Chairman of the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences, where her research involved measuring patient satisfaction in the faculty practice there. Both projects resulted in an appreciation and deeper understanding of how research, teaching, and practice could work in harmony. “I realized I didn’t have to pick teaching over research or research over practice to grow in my career,” she says. At Columbia, she hopes to eventually focus her research on oral intervention for premature infants and adolescents, two groups of children who she notes are often overlooked in research. COMMUNITY CARE: A native of Ecuador and a fluent Spanish

speaker, Dr. Velasco also felt a responsibility for helping local Hispanic populations receive good dental care. As a student in Penn Dental Medicine’s clinics, she saw a unique opportunity to be of service to Spanish-speaking patients: “I realized that so many important aspects of dental care were getting lost in translation, and that my language skills could help whole families get better care.” At Penn Dental Medicine, she was able to combine the School’s community service requirements with her work on the Hispanic Student Dental Association to help build a program of free dental services for Hispanic residents of South Philadelphia. It was there that she learned how much she enjoyed working with children, which led to her choice to pursue a specialty in pediatric dentistry. (She selected Columbia’s residency program in part because of the school’s location in the largely Hispanic Manhattan neighborhood of Washington Heights.) Today, she is the first Latino tenure-track faculty member at Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, an accomplishment of which she is particularly proud. Dr. Velasco’s new faculty position satisfies the desire she nurtured at Penn Dental Medicine to connect the fields of teaching, research, and practice, and to never put limits on learning. As she explores her new roles, she is eager to pass on her passion to a new generation of students.




he impressive career path of Dr. Cecile Feldman (C’80, D’84, GD ’85, W’85), Dean of the New Jersey Dental School of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), spans nearly 30 years, and has been marked by extraordinary opportunities that guided her educational choices and propelled her to the top post at a prestigious dental school. As a chemistry and economics major at Penn in the late ‘70s, Dr. Feldman, a Clifton, N.J. native and the daughter of an orthodontist, had a keen interest in health care and was considering dentistry. She also had a fascination with business and planning. Although still an undergraduate, she applied for and was hired as a programmer in Penn’s Planning Office (now the Office of Strategic Planning), eventually becoming a research fellow at the University’s Higher Education Research Institute. There, she learned firsthand the complexities of strategic planning for a university, and her interest in higher education blossomed. That early chance for her, as a student, to prove her worth in a professional setting is what the University of Pennsylvania is all about, she says: “Penn excels at creating opportunity.”

Building on her interests in dentistry and business, Dr. Feldman pursued a joint DMD/MBA degree in conjunction with the Wharton School, which is now officially one of the dual-degree options for dental students, preparing them for careers in administration and industry. She completed both degrees, along with her postdoctoral dental residency in general dentistry, over the next five years. During this time, her unique blend of educational experiences was further strengthened through another key opportunity: working with Penn Dental Medicine’s Dean at the time, Dr. D. Walter Cohen, and the Associate Dean, Dr. James Galbally, in her position at the Higher Education Research Institute, she helped build financial models for the dental school. For three years after her graduation in 1985, she stayed on at Penn Dental Medicine, teaching in the Department of Dental Care Systems, and she is still a member of the School’s adjunct faculty. In the Dental Auxiliary Utilization Clinic, she taught operative dentistry, as well as practice management, and other business-related courses. She had been at Penn for 11 years when she heard about an opening on the faculty at UMDNJ, the nation’s largest free-standing health science university, which will soon become a part of Rutgers, The State University, under the recently enacted New Jersey Medical and Health Sciences Higher Education Restructuring Act. That position led to a post as Associate Dean for Planning and Assessment. To Dr. Feldman, it was a perfect marriage of health care and business — and a major learning experience. She helped develop the University’s new comprehensive care program, managing information systems and quality assurance. Then, in 1999, yet another milestone opportunity arose: She was asked to serve as acting dean, and then, when it was clear that the Dean was not going to return to the dental school, she applied for the permanent position. >

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Jeffrey Hutter (D’75), Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine

Richard Buchanan (D’69), College of Dental Medicine at Roseman University of Health Sciences

Mark Latta (D’83), Creighton University School of Dentistry

Cecile Feldman (C’80, D’84, GD’85, WG’85), New Jersey Dental School, UMDNJ

Col. Thomas R. Schneid (D’79), US Air Force Dental Service Dean

CHALLENGES AND REWARDS: “I love what I do,” she says. “It Michael Glick (GD’88, HOM’94), University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine

ALUMNI AT SCHOOLS NATIONWIDE A sampling of Penn Dental Medicine alumni currently working in academic teaching, research, and clinical roles at schools nationwide. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Stephen. J Chu, D’84 Clinical Associate Professor, Periodontology & Implant Dentistry Director, Esthetic Education Madeline Susan Ginzburg, D’79, GD’80 Assistant Clinical Professor Assistant Attending, Oral Surgery Joseph McManus, D’72, GD’76 Associate Clinical Professor, Dental Medicine Section of Social & Behavioral Sciences Division of Community Health Maria Velasco, D’10, GEd’10 Instructor of Dental Medicine East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine Nancy Jacobson, D’89 Clinical Associate Professor, AEGD Residency Program Francis G. Serio, D’80 Interim Vice Dean and Professor Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs Georgia Health Sciences University COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE Katharine Ciarrocca, D’96, GD’98, GED’98 Assistant Professor & Director of Geriatrics Scott S. De Rossi, D’95, GD’97 Associate Professor & Chair, Oral Health & Diagnostic Sciences J. Kobi Stern, GD’08 Director, Advanced Education of Periodontics Assistant Professor, Periodontics MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA Jack C. Yu, D’82, GED’84, M’85 Milford B. Hatcher Chair, Professor, & Chief, Section of Plastic Surgery Chief, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Children’s Medical Center

Harvard School of Dental Medicine Katherine Klein, D’05 Instructor Clinical Associate in Dentistry, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Mass General Hospital Nathaniel Simon Treister, D’00 Assistant Professor of Oral Medicine Director of Postgraduate Oral Medicine Associate Surgeon, Division of Oral Medicine & Dentistry, Brigham and Women's Hospital Jefferson Medical College George Feldman, D’83 Associate Professor, Orthopaedic Research Mount Sinai Medical Center, Dept. of Dentistry & Oral Surgery James H. Doundoulakis, D’82, GED’82 Director of Implant Prosthetics New Jersey Dental School, UMDNJ Pamela Alberto, D’80 Clinical Associate Professor, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Larry Gorzelnik, D’87 Clinical Assistant Professor, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Howard Pomeranz, D’62 Clinical Professor, Endodontics Reena Varghese, D’02, GED’02 Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center & Weill Cornell Medical College Abhinav Sinha, D’05 Director, Pediatric Dental Clinic, New York Presbyterian Hospital Assistant Attending, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Dentistry Assistant Professor of Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical College NOVA Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine Abby J. Brodie, D’83 Associate Dean, Curriculum & Educational Affairs Associate Professor Steven Haas, D’83, GD’84 Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry Assistant Dean, Predoctoral Clinics LIST CONTINUED ON PAGE 16

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is fun and exciting, and there is a great deal of collegiality among the faculty, students, and administration here.” Dr. Feldman’s days are filled with creating budgets, developing programs, and working to advance the school. “Perhaps the most challenging aspect of the job is dealing with the financial challenges,” she says. “Over the last decade, there have been significant cuts in support to public schools. These cuts are occurring at the same time that costs are increasing, there is a greater need for access to care by underserved populations, and an economic recession is making it more difficult for people to pay for their care. Trying to balance the school’s tri-part mission of education, service, and research is becoming more and more difficult.” One of the accomplishments of which she is most proud is forming the New Jersey Dental School’s first Department of Oral Biology. The department achieved top-10 status in less than 10 years since its creation. She also is proud of UMDNJ’s community-oriented dental education program, which allows fourth-year students to spend their entire senior year at one of several community sites where residents have limited access to dental care. “I believe we are the only dental school that has created a program where students live for a year in the community where they are working,” she says. Over the last several years, Dr. Feldman has had the opportunity to serve in leadership roles at both the state and national level. This year, Dr. Feldman is Chair of the ADEA Council of Deans. For four years, she served on the NIH NIDCR Advisory Council and on the NIH Council of Councils. And several years ago, she held posts on the Commission on Dental Accreditation and New Jersey Commission on Higher Education. The experiences she gained at Penn, she says, have been critical to these and other professional successes. “The people I had the good fortune to work with were so open to mentoring me,” she says. “Because of them, I was able to experience all aspects of the academic world.“ “Penn’s outstanding people are always looking to push forward the frontier and break boundaries,” she adds. “That attitude helped set my outlook for my whole career, and it has become a part of my vision.”



r. Robert Genco (GD’67, GR’67), SUNY Distinguished Professor of Oral Biology and Microbiology and Vice Provost of Science Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach at the University of Buffalo, splits his time between teaching and research, and his 35 years as a practicing periodontist have helped influence both. “My work is grounded in ideas that will ultimately benefit the patient,” says the veteran researcher. Among his significant research interests are the identification and study of risk factors that predict periodontal disease and the use of tissue engineering in regenerating bone in patients. These projects, and others, have led Dr. Genco to publish nearly 260 research papers. In addition, his current job involves teaching periodontics to dental students and overseeing the University of Buffalo’s technology incubator, where academic researchers are supported in startup businesses based on their discoveries. A LOVE OF SCIENCE: Dr. Genco attributes his early interest in

science to teachers, including an excellent high school biology and chemistry instructor in his home town of Silver Creek, N.Y.,

and a college botany professor who offered him the chance to work with algae in the lab. “I guess you could say I was bit by the discovery bug,” he says of these experiences, and he has been fascinated by the scientific process ever since. “The nature of research is that there is always a new challenge,” he explains. “On any given day, you might discover something no one has ever seen before.” An experience of another kind also shaped Dr. Genco’s career. In his youth, he “spent a lot of time in a dental chair,” and came to respect deeply the work that his dentist performed. He went on to earn his dental degree from the University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. There a professor introduced him to Dr. D. Walter Cohen, Dean Emeritus of Penn Dental Medicine, who at the time was director of the Penn Dental Medicine postgraduate periodontal program. Dr. Genco was intrigued when Dr. Cohen outlined a flexible course of graduate study for him at Penn, utilizing the resources of both the dental and medical schools, that would combine periodontics, with a PhD in immunology and microbiology and allow him to pursue his passion for research. SUPPORT FOR RESEARCH: “I appreciated the strong support

that Penn provided for research in a dental environment. In those days this was unique,” he remembers. “The dental school faculty were respected by the medical school faculty and treated as equals, as were the students.” From 1963–1967, he completed the postgraduate program in periodontics here, concurrently earning his PhD at Penn as well. “Penn was a true highlight of my education,” he says. “I have wonderful memories of friends and colleagues there, but most of all, I remember the excellent faculty.” Later, hired at the University of Buffalo for a faculty position in the newly created, research-focused oral biology department, Dr. Genco began a teaching career that would span decades and help educate generations of students, bridging the educational gap between basic science and dental science. The department will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its PhD program, which Dr. Genco helped develop as a means for periodontal residents to obtain research training. >

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ALUMNI AT SCHOOLS NATIONWIDE LIST CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 NOVA Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine (cont.) Maria Hernandez, GD’03 Assistant Professor & Director of Postgraduate Periodontics Steven M. Kelner, D’79, GD’86 Associate Dean of Institutional Affairs Professor, Endodontics Seymour Oliet, D’53 Professor, Endodontics Dean Emeritus Robert Seltzer, D’72, GD’76 Associate Professor, Endodontics NYU College of Dentistry Stephen. J Chu, D’84 Clinical Associate Professor, Periodontology & Implant Dentistry Dharti Patel, D’02 Clinical Assistant Professor, Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Radiology, & Medicine Cristina Teixeira, GD’97, D’00, GR’01 Associate Professor, Orthodontics & Basic Science & Craniofacial Biology Chair, Orthodontics

University of Louisville School of Dentistry Wendy Hupp, D’84 Assistant Professor, General Dentistry & Oral Medicine University of Maryland School of Dentistry Guadalupe E. Garcia, D’02 Assistant Professor & Director, Implant Prosthodontics Predoctoral Program University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry J. Bruce Bavitz, D’84, GD’85 Dr. Merritt C. Pedersen Professor & Chair, Surgical Specialties University of Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry Robert Boyd, GD’74 Professor & Chair, Orthodontics Joorok Park, D’06 Assistant Professor, Orthodontics University of Pittsburgh Bernard J. Costello, D’94, M’97, GD’00, RES’00 Chief, Pediatric Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Professor & Program Director, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Residency & Fellowship Program, School of Dental Medicine

Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine Ann Nasti, D’82 Clinical Associate Professor, General Dentistry Director, Year 2 Primary Care Clinic

University of Southern California Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry Mahvash Navazesh, GD’78, D’83 Associate Dean, Academic Affairs & Student Life

Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry Meredith Bogert, D’83, GD’84 Director, AEGD Program

University of Tennessee Eric R. Carlson, D’85 Professor & Chair, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine Director, OMS Residency Program

Daniel Boston, D’78 Associate Dean for Comprehensive Clinical Care Laura Carnell Professor of Restorative Dentistry

John D. Seeberg, D’69 Assistant Professor & Director of Undergraduate Clinics, Health Science Center College of Dentistry

University of Buffalo Heidi Crow, D’85 Associate Dean, Advanced Education, School of Dental Medicine Associate Professor, Oral Diagnostics Sciences Robert Genco, GD’67, GR’67 SUNY Distinguished Professor of Oral Biology and Microbiology Vice Provost of Science Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach University of Connecticut Douglas E. Peterson, D’72, PhD’76 Professor, Oral Medicine, Dept. of Oral Health & Diagnostic Sciences, School of Dental Medicine Co-chair, Program in Head & Neck Cancer & Oral Oncology, Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center University of Florida Marc W. Heft, EE’70, D’74 Professor, College of Dentistry, College of Medicine, and College of Public Health Director, Claude Denson Pepper Center for Research on Oral Health in Aging

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A MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH: Discovering who is likely to

develop periodontal disease — and why — has been one of Dr. Genco’s ongoing research interests over the years, and his results have shaped current knowledge and treatment. “We used to think that people got periodontal disease regardless of their medical history,” says Dr. Genco, who has received 21 years of federal support to study the topic. “Gradually, our studies allowed us to identify a list of risk factors — diabetes, smoking, stress, osteoporosis, low calcium levels — that predict the prevalence of the disease.” By studying Native American populations, particularly the Pima Indians, who have a 50% incidence of Type 2 diabetes, he and his team discovered that a lack of diabetic control was linked to an increase in the severity of periodontal disease. He and his coworkers also found that those with diabetes who suffered from periodontal disease had worse diabetes, and were at greater risk of dying from heart and kidney disease than those diabetics with little or no periodontal disease. This breakthrough in the understanding of the systemic effects of periodontal disease marked the birth of modern periodontic medicine. This year, Dr. Genco was recognized for his many contributions to the understanding, prevention, treatment, and systemic consequences of periodontal disease with the American Academy of Periodontology's Distinguished Scientist Award for 2012.

NEW IDEAS TO MARKET: In addition, Dr. Genco’s research has focused on tissue engineering, the regeneration of periUniversity of Texas Health Science odontal tissue and bone after it has been lost to periodontal Center at San Antonio disease. In collaboration with BioMimetic Therapeutics, he Barbara A. MacNeill, D’02 Clinical Assistant Professor, evaluated Gem 21, a platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) Comprehensive Dentistry that has been approved by the FDA for treatment of periodontic Stephen R. Matteson, D’62 bone loss. A new dental regeneration product using fibroblast Research Professor, Developmental growth factor (FGF) will soon enter clinical trials. Both products Dentistry allow implants to be placed in jaws weakened by periodontal Thomas W. Oates, D’83, GD’84 disease. These are typical of the many new discoveries being Assistant Dean for Clinical Research Professor & Vice Chair, Periodontics brought to market by the University of Buffalo’s technology incubator, which Dr. Genco describes as “a welcoming environment for startup businesses,” including those that produce drugs, medical devices, and software. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Research results like these, directly benefitting We realize there are other alumni in academic patients, are a large part of what makes Dr. Genco’s roles; this list includes those we were able to confirm for this issue, but if you are working career such a satisfying one: “I have the opportunity to in academia, we would like to hear from you truly make a contribution, to positively affect people so we can share that in a future Penn Dental around the globe.” PDJ Journal. Please submit your information at or

— Juliana Delany

On Campus news

CODA Approves Expansion of DScD Program

In August, the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) approved an expansion of Penn Dental Medicine’s Doctor of Science in Dentistry (DScD) program, enabling students in the Pediatric Dentistry program to combine their specialty certificate with a DScD degree. Students who opt for this combined program concurrently complete their pediatric certificate and DScD in five years. With this latest approval, a combined DScD/specialty certificate is now available to students in six of the School’s specialty programs, which in addition to Pediatric Dentistry, include Endodontics, Orthodontics, and Oral Medicine on the five-year track; Periodontics on a five-and-a-half-year track; and Periodontics/Prosthesis on a six-year track. The DScD program, introduced at Penn Dental Medicine this past academic year, is designed for students with an interest in advanced research/academic dentistry, preparing them to successfully pursue careers as clinical or basic science researchers. Candidates concurrently complete their clinical specialty training and DScD degree, which is tailored for each specialty to meet the CODA requirements for each clinical specialty. Clinical, didactic, and research aspects of the program are integrated so that in all years students experience both clinical and research training; awarding of the DScD culminates in a thesis and oral defense. The DScD program combines the research and clinical strengths of the School, drawing faculty mentors from throughout the clinical and basic science departments. With the goal of providing the opportunity to pursue research across disciplines, students also have the

Dr. Beverley Crawford Recognized at First Multicultural Summit This summer, Penn Dental Medicine faculty, students, and alumni took part in the 2012 Multicultural Oral Health Summit — the first ever joint session of the National Dental Association (NDA), the Hispanic Dental Association (HDA), and the Society of American Indian Dentists (SAID), held July 20–24, 2012 in Boca Raton, Fla. Dr. Beverley A. Crawford, Director of Diversity Affairs, and second-year dental student Jessica Germain (D’15) represented Penn Dental Medicine at the four-day conference, where Dr. Crawford was also recognized as a recipient of the 2012 National Dental Association Foundation (NDAF)/Colgate-Palmolive Faculty Recognition Award in the Alumnae Drs. Ngozi Okoh (D’12) and Joan Malcolm category of Administration/Service. (D’94) with Dr. Beverley Crawford, Director of Diversity Presented in three categories, these Affairs, at the Multicultural Oral Health Summit. awards honor full-time dental faculty whose actions produce a balance between dental educators and dental practitioners through joint efforts of the NDA and the American Dental Education Association. “We were honored to be able to participate in this historic collaboration between professional organizations and represent our school’s and University’s commitment to advancing diversity,” says Dr. Crawford, who is also taking part in the American Dental Association Institute for Diversity in Leadership, which began this fall. “I hope this summit will be the catalyst to show students how much they could accomplish if they work together.” Playing a key role in the Summit’s meeting programming was recent Penn Dental Medicine graduate Dr. Ngozi Okoh (D’12). As the 2012 national president of the Student National Dental Association (SNDA), she oversaw the student-centered activities of the Summit. Student travel to the Summit was supported by the Dr. Linda Gilliam Fund, established at Penn Dental Medicine by alumna and Board of Overseer Dr. Linda Gilliam (D’89), and the New Era Dental Society, the Philadelphia-area chapter of the NDA.

option to work with researchers from Penn’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, and School of Veterinary Medicine. “This important advance provides another avenue for Penn Dental Medicine students to expand their opportunities and pursue an academic career,” says Dr. Dana Graves, Interim

Director of the DScD program and Associate Dean for Translational Research. “So we are pleased to now have the DScD degree program accessible to pediatric residents as well as those in our other certificate programs.”

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Division of Community Oral Health, oriented her to the School’s various community outreach programs for the underserved, including the school screening and mobile sealant programs, PennSmiles full-service dental van, and dental services for the elderly. Since her visit, Dr. Stjernswärd has been working with Penn Dental Medicine to feature a select number of the School’s programs in the Bank of Ideas within the CAPP database.

As part of the Esthetics Symposium, Christoph Hämmerle, DMD, above, presented a hands-on portion on current surgical modalities for preparing the ridge for optimal functional and esthetic results of subsequent reconstructive therapies.

Global Update

Penn Dental Medicine continues its global engagement on many fronts — from student exchange to international symposia — here’s an update of some recent activities. Exchange Agreement: On May 23, 2012, Dr. Denis Kinane, Morton Amsterdam Dean of Penn Dental Medicine, signed a renewed memorandum of understanding (MOU) agreement with Dr. Junji Tagami, Dean of the TMDU Graduate School of Medical and Dental Science, outlining future collaborations in research and student and faculty exchange between the two institutions. In addition to Dean Kinane, the Penn Dental Medicine delegation to TMDU included Dr. William Cheung, President of the Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers, and Dr. Syngcuk Kim, Associate Dean for Global Affairs. Global Endodontic Symposia: The 6th Penn Endodontic Global Symposium was held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, September 19-20, 2012 as a prelude to the International Association of Dental

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Traumatology’s 17th World Congress on Traumatology. And May 24-25, 2012, Tokyo was the site of the 5th Penn Endodontic Global Symposium. “Our goal with the symposia is to establish a global network of modern endodontic educators by presenting our teaching philosophy and interacting with dentists and endodontists around the world,” says Dr. Syngcuk Kim. Organized by the faculty and alumni of Penn Dental Medicine’s Department of Endodontics, the recent symposia drew 300 and 400 attendees, respectively. Along with Dean Kinane and Dr. Kim, presenters included endodontic program faculty and alumni. Plans are underway for 2013 with an endodontic symposium slated for China in the fall. WHO: Penn Dental Medicine is a WHO Oral Health Collaborative Center (OHCC), and on May 10-11, 2012, Dr. Jayanthi Stjernswärd, Director, WHO OHCC in Malmö Sweden, visited to share data on her programs and learn more about the School’s. She presented an overview of the Country Area Project Profile (CAPP) database that she maintains for the WHO, and in turn, the

International Externships: Among the Class of 2013, 40 students currently have plans to complete their four-week hospital externships at nine different sites throughout the world, expanding their perspective of dental education and oral health care delivery in different cultures. These sites include universities and hospitals in Korea, France, Taiwan, Vietnam, Fiji, England, Israel, Japan, and Thailand. Exchange Students: From January through September 2012, Penn Dental Medicine welcomed 64 students from schools around the globe, including Nigeria, Taiwan, Germany, Peru, Korea, France, Japan, England, and Spain. Students spend two to four weeks at Penn Dental Medicine, attending selected classes and observing in the clinics. Penn Esthetics Symposium: Approximately 500 attendees from around the world attended the Penn Esthetics Symposium-Biologic Compatibility, held June 14-16, 2012 at the Annenberg Center on Penn’s campus. The three-day event, presented in conjunction with the Osteology Foundation and developed by the School’s Department of Periodontics, featured leading experts in the areas of osteology, esthetics, implants, periodontics, and prosthodontics.

Penn Dental Medicine to Host International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry

Penn Dental Medicine will host the 5th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry (IAD), to be presented June 14-15, 2013 at the Annenberg Center on Penn’s campus. This is the first time this conference will be held in the U.S., and Dr. Markus Blatz, Chair and Professor of Preventive and Restorative Sciences at Penn Dental Medicine, is serving as President of this 5th IAD, heading the organizing committee. “We are excited to bring this continuing education event to Penn Dental,” says Dr. Blatz. “Few areas have influenced and literally transformed our field to the extent of adhesive dentistry, and we will be showcasing the most recent, cutting-edge science and state-of-art esthetics by some of the most eminent researchers and clinicians from around the world.” The Executive Committee/Scientific Advisory Board for the Congress includes faculty from 21 other universities throughout the world, and the preliminary speakers list includes leading researchers, clinicians, and educators from a variety of schools in the United States, Switzerland, Brazil, Italy, United Kingdom, Turkey, Germany, China, Belgium, and Japan.

“There is a continuous quest for less invasive, more esthetic, and longlasting dental solutions and restorations, and adhesive dentistry now impacts all dental specialties,” notes Dr. Blatz. “Clinical success, however, cannot be achieved without the sound and relevant research performed at numerous universities and centers around the world, and the outcomes and applications of such research is what we will be highlighting in this program.”

As the speakers are finalized, information of the program schedule and registration can be found at and through the continuing education section of the Penn Dental Medicine website, at There will be a discounted registration fee for Penn Dental Medicine alumni.

Welcome Class of 2016 Penn Dental Medicine welcomed the Class of 2016 with its annual White Coat Ceremony, held Monday, August 20, at the Zellerbach Theatre in the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Center. This annual tradition holds symbolic significance for incoming students as they declare their commitment to assume the responsibilities and obligations of the dental profession. This new class includes 121 students — 54 men and 67 women, representing five foreign countries and 21 states. The program included a keynote address by Dr. Afaf Meleis, the Margaret Bond Simon Dean of Nursing at Penn’s School of Nursing, and highlights by Dr. D. Walter Cohen (C’47, D’50), Dean Emeritus of Penn Dental Medicine, on the history of Penn Dental Medicine.

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Penn Dental Medicine hosted a successful day of community service in partnership with the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) and the AGD Foundation on June 23, providing free dental care to approximately 400 members of the community. The event was held at the School in conjunction with the AGD 2012 Annual Meeting & Exhibits with volunteer dentists, hygienists, dental assistants recruited by the AGD and Penn Dental Medicine students and faculty providing the care.

21st Annual Oral Health Fair > On May 1, Penn Dental Medicine’s student research organization, the Vernon J. Brightman Research Society, organized the 21st Annual Oral Health Fair, spotlighting student research projects conducted throughout the academic year. There were 26 students presenting posters on their basic science and clinical research and 13 students on their projects as part of the Bridging the Gaps community outreach externship. This year’s winners included: Matthew Paradisgarten (D’15), first place for “Conformational Change of Viral Fusogen gB Probed by Mutagenesis and Fluorescence”; Ben Keyser (D’14), second place “Evaluation of Gamma-Sarcoglycan as a Mechano-Sensor”; and Christine Lama (C’14), third place, for “Effects of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans on Healthy Human Gingiva.” The winners within the Bridging the Gaps community externship programs were: Marla Martinez (D’14), first place for her work with South Philadelphia Mexican Outreach; Kruti Patel, second place for her Extreme Health and Fitness Program at South Philadelphia High School; and Colleen O’Neill, third place was for her project, “Taking Little Steps Toward Healthy Choices in a Big Kid World,” with the Children’s Crisis Treatment Center.

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4th Annual Philly Oral Cancer Walk & 5K Run


AGD Outreach Event


~ Special Events ~

Penn Dental Medicine students and faculty helped to raise awareness of oral cancer prevention and to raise funds for the Oral Cancer Foundation through the 4th Annual Philly Oral Cancer Walk and 5K Run. This April 29 event, which also included free oral cancer screenings, was organized by the student-run Oral Cancer Society. This year’s walk and run drew 243 participants and raised nearly $13,000 for oral cancer awareness and the Oral Cancer Foundation. Approximately 100 students volunteered and contributed a collective 280+ hours to make this day a success.

Congratulations Class of 2012! Commencement for the Class of 2012 was held on May 14. Where are they now? Following is a breakdown by the numbers of self-reported plans after graduation – nearly 64% of the Class of 2012 went on to postgraduate study at the schools and centers noted below.

Armed Services................................................................................3 Advanced Education in General Dentistry..........................7 Eastman Dental-University of Rochester Rochester, NY Lutheran Medical Center Boston, MA Lutheran Medical Center San Francisco, CA University of Connecticut Farmington, CT University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Foreign Military Service..............................................................2 General Practice Residency........................................................38 Abington Memorial Jenkintown, PA Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Brigham & Women's, MASS General Hospital Boston, MA Cambridge Health Alliance Cambridge, MA Christiana Care Hospital Wilmington, DE Coler-Goldwater Specialty Hospital New York, NY Denver Health Denver, CO Hartford Hospital Hartford, CT Jacobi Medical Center Bronx, NY Lancaster General Hospital Lancaster, PA Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA Long Island College Hospital Brooklyn, NY Monmouth Medical Center Monmouth, NJ Montefiore Hospital New York, NY Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, NY New York Methodist Hospital Brooklyn, NY Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Newark, NJ Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital New Brunswick, NJ Sacred Heart Hospital Allentown, PA St Joseph’s Medical Center Reading, PA University of Colorado Aurora, CO University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC University of Washington Seattle, WA Virtua Health Camden, NJ Woodhull Medical Center New York, NY Private Practice...............................................................................45 Public Health....................................................................................1 SPECIALTY TRAINING Endodontics Residency................................................................4 Harvard University Boston, MA Temple University Philadelphia, PA Tufts University Boston, MA University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Residency...............................7 Beth Israel/Jacobi/Einstein Hospitals New York, NY Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, NY New York Medical Center New York, NY University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Woodhull Medical Center Brooklyn, NY Orthodontics Residency..............................................................15 Boston University Boston, MA Case Western Reserve Cleveland, OH Detroit Mercy-University of Detroit Detroit, MI Eastman Dental-University of Rochester Rochester, NY Loma Linda University Loma Linda, CA NYU New York, NY Temple University Philadelphia, PA Tufts University Boston, MA University of Buffalo Buffalo, NY University of Illinois-Chicago Chicago, IL University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Newark, NJ University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA University of Washington Seattle, WA Pedodontics Residency................................................................7 Bronx Lebanon Hospital Bronx, NY Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI Children's Mercy Hospital Kansas City, MO Lutheran Medical Center Brooklyn, NY Montefiore Medical Center Bronx, NY Strong Hospital-University of Rochester Rochester, NY Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA Periodontics Residency................................................................3 Columbia University New York, NY University of Connecticut Farmington, CT University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Perio-Orthodontics Residency..................................................1 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Prosthodontics Residency..........................................................4 Montefiore Medical Center Bronx, NY Bethesda Naval Base Bethesda, MD NYU New York, NY UCLA Los Angeles, CA

penn dental journal: fall 2012 21

~ Research Spotlight ~ Penn Dental Medicine Researchers Study Safety of Nasal Spray to Numb Teeth

Surveys indicate that up to 40 million people in the U.S. may avoid going to the dentist because they fear needle injection pain, says Dr. Elliot Hersh, Professor, Department of Oral Surgery and Pharmacology. To counter that problem, Dr. Hersh and a Penn Dental Medicine research team recently published findings on the safety of promising technology to numb the top teeth using an intranasal spray. In a second study that will be submitted for publication soon, Dr. Hersh and Penn Dental Medicine researchers tested an intranasal application of the pain reliever ketorolac to see how well it controlled pain following dental implant procedures, the first time it had been tested in this patient population. While these two studies focus on the nose as a means to deliver pain relief and numb teeth, Dr. Hersh, who was principal investigator of both studies, says his more general research interest is to study novel formulations of local anesthetics and analgesics. He was an investigator in a number of studies that led to FDA approval for new formulations of delivering medication, including ibuprofen in liquigel form. One advantage of intranasal delivery, as with the liquigel formulation, is that medication often can get into the bloodstream faster than something in tablet form, which must disintegrate and dissolve in the stomach, Dr. Hersh says. The intranasal ketorolac, he notes, appears as quick acting as an intramuscular injections. In the study that was published in August in the Journal of the American Dental Association, Dr. Hersh and his colleagues tested a nasal spray that was

Dr. Elliot Hersh, Professor, Department of Oral Surgery and Pharmacology

3 percent tetracaine, a local anesthetic, and 0.05 percent oxymetazoline, a vasoconstrictor that helps the tetracaine stay in place. Spraying a plume to the back of the nose allowed the drugs to reach the three nerves in the maxillary sinus that give sensation to the upper teeth. This phase II trial tested the medical tolerance of participants, measuring blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen saturation. Even at double the maximum dose, the tetracaine/ oxymetazoline combination “produced modest and generally clinically insignificant changes in cardiovascular parameters,” according to the study. Based on these promising results, the FDA has approved Phase III efficacy trials to see how well the intranasal anesthetic works on patients undergoing restorative procedures. One of these trials, led by Dr. Hersh, is expected to get underway at Penn Dental Medicine by early November. “We’re hoping for an 85 to 95 percent success rate of procedures completed without the need for injections,” he says, which would

be close to the 92 – 97% percent success rate of a lidocaine plus epinephrine injections. Although the nasal spray has its drawbacks—it only works on the upper teeth, and doesn’t reliably anesthetize the nerve that impacts the molars and wisdom teeth — Dr. Hersh says, “I think if you can get most of the maxillary teeth numb without the use of needles, a lot of clinicians and patients are going to jump on that.” The second study involved intranasal ketorolac, a pain medication marketed as SPRIX, which was approved more than a year ago for moderate to moderately severe pain, but has not been studied in patients following routine dental implant surgery. The researchers found that the intranasal application of ketorolac produced meaningful pain relief in about five minutes and it lasted at least six hours for the majority of dental implant patients studied. “I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the pain relief came on — more rapidly than any tablet formulation I’ve studied,” Dr. Hersh says. In addition, Dr. Hersh says the study is just one of a handful to look generally at pain levels in patients who receive implants. Although small, the study found that almost 90 percent of subjects experienced pain of at least moderate intensity within 4 hours of surgery, and more than half continued to use the intranasal ketorolac for pain control for three days following their implants. “We wanted to characterize dental implant pain, and it was more than expected considering these patients had only 1 – 3 implants placed with no significant bone regeneration procedures performed,” he notes. — Debbie Goldberg

22 on campus: news

On Campus people

Dr. Kelly L. Jordan-Sciutto Named Pathology Chair

Kelly L. JordanSciutto, PhD, has been named Chair of Penn Dental Medicine’s Department of Pathology; her appointment to this leadership role was effective Dr. Kelly Jordan-Sciutto July 1, 2012. Dr. Jordan-Sciutto, who served as Interim Chair of the Department since 2011, has been a member of the School’s faculty since 2001 and has been Associate Professor of Pathology since 2008. Dr. Jordan-Sciutto holds a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Thomas Jefferson University, which she earned in 1996. Her research interests focus on the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration associated with neuroinflammation during HIV infection. Within the University of Pennsylvania, she is also a member of the Center for AIDS Research, the Mahoney Institute of Neurological Sciences, the Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Group, the Pharmacology Graduate Group, and the Neuroscience Graduate Group. Effective July 1, she was also selected as a member of the NeuroAIDS and Other End-Organ Diseases Study Section within the NIH Center for Scientific Review. Members are selected on the basis of their demonstrated competence and achievement in their scientific discipline as evidenced by the quality of research accomplishments, publications in scientific journals, and other significant scientific activities, achievements and honors. Study sections review grant applications submitted to

the NIH, make recommendations on these applications to the appropriate NIH national advisory council or board, and survey the status of research in their fields of science. Dean’s Scholars

This year, Penn Dental Medicine awarded Dean’s Scholarships to 25 accomplished students. These scholarships, offered at the time of admission, recognize outstanding students based on their academic as well as nonacademic achievements. Among the selection factors are: academic record, DAT scores, extracurricular activities, predental and research experience, community service, and leadership qualities. The scholarship

is renewable for a maximum of four years if the recipient maintains a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. Congratulations to the Dean’s Scholars in this year’s freshman class, pictured below. They include: Tatyana Alimova, Joel Ayon, Alexandria Butler, Zesheng Chen, Diana Cuesta, Silke Cummings, Raul Davila, Emily Ding, Gene Eng, Katherine France, Lan La, Anthony Machani, Sh’Rae Marshall, Alexander McClure, Ji Sun Min, Seeun Mok, Garret Ramirez, Warner Robinson, Nicholas Saggese, Jaskaran Saggu, Janet Sung, Samantha Tagerman, Leiza Walia, Emily Watson, and Boshi Zhang.

The new Class of 2016 Dean’s Scholars. The Dean’s Scholarships, offered at the time of admission, recognize outstanding students based on academic and nonacademic achievements.

penn dental journal: fall 2012 23

Dr. William DeVizio Appointed to Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers

Dr. William DeVizio, Vice President for Oral Care Research & Development at Colgate-Palmolive Company, has been appointed to the Penn Dental Dr. William DeVizio Medicine Board of Overseers. His three-year renewable term was officially approved by the University of Pennsylvania’s Board of Trustees at its June meeting. At Colgate-Palmolive, Dr. DeVizio is responsible for leading the development of oral care products that meet consumer health and beauty needs through clinically proven technologies. A widely published and internationally respected lecturer in dentistry, Dr. DeVizio is also a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ),

“Bill’s expertise in the research and development of clinically proven dental products offers an invaluable complement to our own translational, Universitybased research activities.” —Dr. Denis Kinane, Morton Amsterdam Dean of Penn Dental Medicine

where he earned his DMD degree in 1986. Prior to joining Colgate-Palmolive, he and his wife, Dr. Joan Barras, had a private practice in family dentistry in Lincroft, N.J. The Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers, which with Dr. DeVizio’s appointment is now comprised of 16 members, provides volunteer leadership to the School and acts as a sounding board and advisory resource for the Dean and other administrative leaders, stewarding the missions of both Penn Dental Medicine and the University of Pennsylvania.

24 on campus: people

“Bill brings a depth of experience in research, education, and clinical care to the Board,” says Dr. Denis Kinane, Morton Amsterdam Dean of Penn Dental Medicine. “His expertise in the research and development of clinically proven dental products offers an invaluable complement to our own translational, University-based research

Student Awards Penn Dental Medicine students continue to excel in their academic and research activities. Among some recent awards and achievements: Dr. Ying Wai Sia (GD’12), recipient of the Lester Burket Memorial Award from the American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM). Presented during the Annual Meeting of the AAOM, held in April 2012 in Charleston, S.C., this award was created to promote basic and clinical research. Only residents/fellows of AAOM-accredited Oral Medicine training programs are eligible for the Award, and submitted abstracts must represent significant thesislevel research. Dr. Sia, a second-year Oral Medicine resident, worked with research mentor Dr. Andres Pinto, Associate Professor of Oral Medicine and Community Oral Health, on a systematic review and metaanalysis on the evidence supporting an association between salivary flow and primary burning mouth syndrome (BMS). Matthew Oishi (D’15), selected as a 2012-2013 Gert Quigley Public Policy Fellow by the American Association for Dental Research. This fellowship is designed to familiarize dental school, Ph.D., or dual-degree students with the federal legislative process as it relates to basic and translational dental and craniofacial research, as well as research on the oral health care delivery system. Oishi, a second-year student, holds a master’s degree in Biomedical Science Policy and Advocacy from Georgetown University. Jyoti Dangi (D’14) and Michael Walters, recipients of a 2012 American Association for Dental Research Bloc Travel Grant. As grant recipients, they were among 27 students nationwide selected to present their research abstract at the 90th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, held in Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, in June 2012. Dangi completed her research with mentor Dr. Andres Pinto, and Walters conducted his research under the mentorship of Dr. Edward Lally, Professor, Department of Pathology.

activities. Bill’s collegiality and energy, and passion for dentistry, will be a major asset for our Board and will help us advance our mission and goals. I very much look forward to working with him.”

Angela Brown and Megan Pugach, recipients of Pathway to Independence grants from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Both are postdoctoral fellows within the School’s basic sciences. This grant provides Brown with two years of mentored funding, during which time she will work with Dr. Edward Lally, and Dr. Kathleen Boesze-Battaglia, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, followed by three years of independent funding, which she will use to establish her own research laboratory in a future tenure-track faculty position. Her project, titled “Cytotoxic mechanisms of Aggreg-atibacter actinomycetemcomitans leukotoxin” will investigate the pathways used by a bacterial toxin to kill white blood cells and promote disease progression. Pugach, under the mentorship of Dr. Carolyn Gibson, Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, received a five-year Pathway to Independence award for her project titled “The Role of LRAP in Enamel Mineral Formation.” The fundamental goal of her research is to determine how abundant amelogenin isoforms are processed and involved in enamel mineral formation, which will help elucidate Amelogenesis Imperfecta disease mechanisms. Teemar Carey (D’15), 2012 recipient of a Cheung Family World Scholarship. The Cheung Family World Scholarship was established by Penn Dental Medicine’s Board of Overseers Chair, Dr. William Cheung (D’81, GD’82), and his wife, Cathy, to support accomplished students from developing countries who plan to return to their home country to practice. Carey is a native of the Bahamas.

Scholarly Activity Awards & Achievements Dr. Joy Abt, Clinical Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry • Recipient of the Award for Outstanding Service to Students, presented by Penn Dental Medicine student body, April 2012. Dr. Morton Amsterdam, Professor Emeritus, Department of Periodontics • Awarded Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Carol Davila Bucharest, Romania Dr. Paul Berson, Clinical Associate Professor of Restorative Dentistry • Recipient of the 2012 American Dental Association’s Golden Apple Award for Inspiring Careers in Dental Education. Dr. Markus B. Blatz, Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Chairman, Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences • Awarded “Ausserplanmaessiger Professor” (Adjunct Professorship) at the University of Freiburg School of Dentistry, Germany, July 2012. Dr. Robert Collins, Clinical Professor of Community Oral Health • Served as guest editor of a special issue on prevention of the Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice, June 2012. Dr. Joseph R. Greenberg, Clinical Professor of Periodontics • Inducted into the International College of Dentists, October 2012. Dr. Rochelle Lindemeyer, Associate Professor of Pediatric Dentistry • Appointed as a Pediatric Dentistry consultant for the Commission on Dental Accreditation. Dr. Mel Mupparapu, Professor of Oral Medicine • Presented paper on osteonecrosis of the jaw at 2012 FDI Annual World Dental Congress, Hong Kong, August 2012 • Guest speaker at National Oral Medicine PG conference, India, August 2012

Dr. Louis Rossman, Clinical Professor of Endodontics • Elected President-Elect of the American Association of Endodontists Foundation.

Akintoye SO, Hersh EV. Risks for jaw osteonecrosis drastically increases after 2 years of bisphosphonate therapy. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2012 Jun;12(2):116-8.

Dr. Antonino Secchi, Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthodontics • Featured speaker at Pennsylvania Association of Orthodontists, Cambridge, MD, June 2012; Sociedad Venezolana de Ortodoncia, Caracas, Venezuela, July 2012; XXXII Annual Seminar of the Mexican Association of Orthodontists, Queretaro, Mexico, August 2012. • Presented course for orthodontists in Hangzhou, China, June 2012, and Milan, Italy, July 2012.

Albert DA, Ward A, Allweiss P, Graves DT, Knowler WC, Kunzel C, Leibel RL, Novak KF, Oates TW, Papapanou PN, Schmidt AM, Taylor GW, Lamster IB, Lalla E. Diabetes and oral disease: Implications for health professionals. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2012 May;1255:1-15.

Dr. Frank Smithgall, Clinical Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry • Recipient of the Award for Outstanding Service to Students, presented by Penn Dental Medicine student body, April 2012. Dr. Arthur Steinberg, Clinical Professor of Restorative Dentistry • Inducted into the US State Department Alumni Association as a past Senior Fulbright Scholar. Dr. Arnold Weisgold, Adjunct Professor, Department of Periodontics • Recipient of the 2013 Alpha Omega Achievement Medal, recognizing outstanding service to dental education and research. Dr. Kay You, Clinical Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry • Awarded diploma from the America Board of Prosthodontics.

Selected Publications A selection of recently published work by Penn Dental Medicine faculty and researchers (indicated in bold). Adams SL, Margulies S, Volk SW. Phoebe S. Leboy, groundbreaking activist for women in STEM. DNA Cell Biol. 2012 Aug;31(8):1439.

Bezerra Bde B, Andriankaja O, Kang J, Pacios S, Bae HJ, Li Y, Tsiagbe V, Schreiner H, Fine DH, Graves DT. A.actinomycetemcomitans-induced periodontal disease promotes systemic and local responses in rat periodontium. J Clin Periodontol. 2012 Apr;39(4):333-41. Blatz MB. Laser therapy may be better than topical desensitizing agents for treating dentin hypersensitivity. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2012 Jun;12(2):69-70.

Andersson L, Andreasen JO, Day P, Heithersay G, Trope M, DiAngelis AJ, Kenny DJ, Sigurdsson A, Bourguignon C, Flores MT, Hicks ML, Lenzi AR, Malmgren B, Moule AJ, Tsukiboshi M. International association of dental traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 2. avulsion of permanent teeth. Dent Traumatol. 2012;28(2):88-96. Avrampou M, Mericske-Stern R, Blatz MB, Katsoulis J. Virtual implant planning in the edentulous maxilla: Criteria for decision making of prosthesis design. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012 Feb 13 Barton ER. Mechanical signal transduction: Divergent communication and the potential consequences for masticatory muscle. Semin Orthod. 2012;18(1):2-9.

Blatz MB, Mante FK, Saleh N, Atlas AM, Mannan S, Ozer F. Postoperative tooth sensitivity with a new self-adhesive resin cement-a randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Invest. 2012:1-6. Bockow R, Evans M, Chung CH. Diagnosis of anomalous teeth with cone-beam computed tomography. J Clin Orthod. 2012;46(3):156,158; quiz 183-184. Choi JG, Kim SY, Perez-Atayde AR, Padwa BL. Bilateral coronoid process hyperplasia with pseudocartilaginous joint formation: Jacob disease. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Chou JC, Horswell BB. Facial dermatologic lesions in children. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2012 Aug;24(3):497-509.

Barton ER, Park S, James JK, Makarewich CA, Philippou A, Eletto D, Lei H, Brisson B, Ostrovsky O, Li Z, Argon Y. Deletion of muscle GRP94 impairs both muscle and body growth by inhibiting local IGF production. FASEB J. 2012 May 30 Bastos AS, Graves DT, Loureiro APDM, Júnior CR, Abdalla DSP, Faulin TDES, Câmara NO, Andriankaja OM, Orrico SRP. Lipid peroxidation is associated with the severity of periodontal disease and local inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012;97(8):E1353-62.

Chung CH. Residents' journal review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2012 Aug;142(2):155-8. Collins RJ. The mind of the public from resignation to protection. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2012 Jun;12(2):45-6. Damek-Poprawa M, Jang JY, Volgina A, Korostoff J, DiRienzo JM. Localization of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans cytolethal distending toxin subunits during intoxication of live cells. Infect Immun. 2012;80(8):2761-70. Darveau RP, Hajishengallis G, Curtis MA. Porphyromonas gingivalis as a potential community activist for disease. J Dent Res. 2012 Sep;91(9):816-20.

penn dental journal: fall 2012 25

DeRossi SS, Sollecito TP. The oralmedical disease connection: Pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2012 Jun;33(6):406,13; quiz 414, 416. Dhima M, Petropoulos VC, Han RK, Kinnunen T, Wright RF. Dental students' perceptions of dental specialties and factors influencing specialty and career choices. J Dent Educ. 2012;76(5):562-73. Dhima M, Petropoulos VC, Salinas TJ, Wright RF. Predoctoral dental students' perceptions and experiences with prosthodontics. J Prosthodont. 2012 Jul 4 Donaldson M, Goodchild JH. Pregnancy, breast-feeding and drugs used in dentistry. J Am Dent Assoc. 2012 Aug;143(8):858-71. Eisenberg RJ, Atanasiu D, Cairns TM, Gallagher JR, Krummenacher C, Cohen GH. Herpes virus fusion and entry: A story with many characters. Viruses. 2012 May;4(5):800-32. Eliav E, Mupparapu M. Trends in oral and maxillofacial imaging: Education is the key. Quintessence Int. 2012 Apr;43(4):271. Eskan MA, Jotwani R, Abe T, Chmelar J, Lim JH, Liang S, Ciero PA, Krauss JL, Li F, Rauner M, Hofbauer LC, Choi EY, Chung KJ, Hashim A, Curtis MA, Chavakis T, Hajishengallis G. The leukocyte integrin antagonist del-1 inhibits IL-17-mediated inflammatory bone loss. Nat Immunol. 2012 Mar 25;13(5):465-73. Floratos SG, Kratchman SI. Surgical management of vertical root fractures for posterior teeth: Report of four cases. J Endod. 2012 Apr;38(4):550-5. Foo CH, Whitbeck JC, Ponce-de-Leon M, Saw WT, Cohen GH, Eisenberg RJ. The myristate moiety and amino terminus of vaccinia virus l1 constitute a bipartite functional region needed for entry. J Virol. 2012 May;86(10):5437-51. Freeland TD. Articulators in orthodontics. Semin Orthod. 2012;18(1):51-62.

26 scholarly activity

Garza LA, Liu Y, Yang Z, Alagesan B, Lawson JA, Norberg SM, Loy DE, Zhao T, Blatt HB, Stanton DC, Carrasco L, Ahluwalia G, Fischer SM, FitzGerald GA, Cotsarelis G. Prostaglandin D2 inhibits hair growth and is elevated in bald scalp of men with androgenetic alopecia. Sci Transl Med. 2012 Mar 21;4(126):126ra34. Giannakopoulos H, Levin LM, Chou JC, Cacek AT, Hutcheson M, Secreto SA, Moore PA, Hersh EV. The cardiovascular effects and pharmacokinetics of intranasal tetracaine plus oxymetazoline: Preliminary findings. J Am Dent Assoc. 2012 Aug;143(8):872-80. Giannakopoulos HE, Sinn DP, Quinn PD. Biomet microfixation temporomandibular joint replacement system: A 3-year follow-up study of patients treated during 1995 to 2005. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Apr;70(4):787,94; discussion 795-6. Gluch JI. As an adjunct to tooth brushing, interdental brushes (IDBs) are more effective in removing plaque as compared with brushing alone or the combination use of tooth brushing and dental floss. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2012 Jun;12(2):81-3. Gonzalez-Martin O, Lee EA, Veltri M. CBCT fractal dimension changes at the apex of immediate implants placed using undersized drilling. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012 Aug;23(8):954-7. Graves DT, Kang J, Andriankaja O, Wada K, Rossa C, Jr. Animal models to study host-bacteria interactions involved in periodontitis. Front Oral Biol. 2012;15:117-32. Grosskopf CC, Kuperstein AS, O'Malley BW,Jr, Sollecito TP. Parapharyngeal space tumors: Another consideration for otalgia and temporomandibular disorders. Head Neck. 2012 Feb 6 Guan H, Ricciardi RP. Transformation by E1A oncoprotein involves ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of the neuronal and tumor repressor REST in the nucleus. J Virol. 2012 May;86(10):5594-602.

Guha S, Baltazar GC, Tu LA, Liu J, Lim JC, Lu W, Argall A, BoeszeBattaglia K, Laties AM, Mitchell CH. Stimulation of the D5 dopamine receptor acidifies the lysosomal pH of retinal pigmented epithelial cells and decreases accumulation of autofluorescent photoreceptor debris. J Neurochem. 2012 Aug;122(4):823-33. Hajishengallis G, Darveau RP, Curtis MA. The keystone-pathogen hypothesis. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2012 Oct;10(10):717-25. Heyward CY, Patel R, Mace EM, Grier JT, Guan H, Makrigiannis AP, Orange JS, Ricciardi RP. Tumorigenic adenovirus 12 cells evade NK cell lysis by reducing the expression of NKG2D ligands. Immunol Lett. 2012 May 30;144(1-2):16-23. Horvath SD, Wegstein PG, Luthi M, Blatz MB. The correlation between anterior tooth form and gender - A 3D analysis in humans. Eur J Esthet Dent. 2012 Autumn;7(3):334-43. Jeffcoat M. Another viewpoint. J Am Dent Assoc. 2011 MAY;142(5):485-7 Kang J, de Brito Bezerra B, Pacios S, Andriankaja O, Li Y, Tsiagbe V, Schreiner H, Fine DH, Graves DT. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans infection enhances apoptosis in vivo through a caspase-3-dependent mechanism in experimental periodontitis. Infect Immun. 2012 Jun;80(6):2247-56. Kinane DF, Mombelli A. Periodontal disease. foreword. Front Oral Biol. 2012;15:v-ix. Kinane JA, Benakanakere MR, Zhao J, Hosur KB, Kinane DF. Porphyromonas gingivalis influences actin degradation within epithelial cells during invasion and apoptosis. Cell Microbiol. 2012 Jul;14(7):1085-96. King J, Jensen B, Gannon P, Akay C. Persistence of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders in the Era of Antiretroviral Therapy In: Saxena S, editor. HIV Infection. 1st edition ed. Intech OpenAccess Publisher; 2013; Koizuka M, Komine F, Blatz MB, Fushiki R, Taguchi K, Matsumura H. The effect of different surface treatments on the bond strength of a gingiva-colored indirect composite veneering material to three implant framework materials. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012 Jun 19

Kuperstein AS. Defective plastic infection-control barriers and faulty technique may cause PSP plate contamination used in digital intraoral radiography. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2012 Jun;12(2):121-2. Kuznetsova T, Iwabe S, BoeszeBattaglia K, Pearce-Kelling S, Chang-Min Y, McDaid K, Miyadera K, Komaromy A, Aguirre GD. Exclusion of RPGRIP1 ins44 from primary causal association with earlyonset cone-rod dystrophy in dogs. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 Aug 15;53(9):5486-501. Kwok V, Caton JG, Polson AM, Hunter PG. Application of evidencebased dentistry: From research to clinical periodontal practice. Periodontol 2000. 2012 Jun;59(1):61-74. Lambris JD, Hajishengallis G. Innate immunity mechanisms. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;946:v. Leboy PS, Madden JF. Limitations on diversity in basic science departments. DNA Cell Biol. 2012;31(8):1365-71. Lee JS, FitzGibbon EJ, Chen YR, Kim HJ, Lustig LR, Akintoye SO, Collins MT, Kaban LB. Clinical guidelines for the management of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2012 May 24;7 Suppl 1:S2. Lenzi R, Trope M. Revitalization procedures in two traumatized incisors with different biological outcomes. J Endod. 2012 Mar;38(3):411-4. Levin BP, Tawil P. Posterior tooth replacement with dental implants in sites augmented with rhBMP-2 at time of extraction—a case series. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2012 Feb;33(2):104,8, 110; quiz 111-2. Liang Q, Fu B, Wu F, Li X, Yuan Y, Zhu F. ORF45 of kaposi's sarcomaassociated herpes virus inhibits phosphorylation of interferon regulatory factor 7 by IKK{varepsilon} and TBK1 as an alternative substrate. J Virol. 2012 Sep;86(18):10162-72. Lin TH, Chen L, Cha J, Jeffcoat M, Kao DW, Nevins M, Fiorellini JP. The effect of cigarette smoking and native bone height on dental implants placed immediately in sinuses grafted by hydraulic condensation. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2012 Jun;32(3):255-61.

Lindemeyer RG, Satpute NS, Katz SH. Evaluation of bronchial asthma as risk factor for early childhood caries. J Mich Dent Assoc. 2012 May;94(5):46-9. Liu J, Lu W, Guha S, Baltazar GC, Coffey EE, Laties AM, Rubenstein RC, Reenstra WW, Mitchell CH. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator contributes to reacidification of alkalinized lysosomes in RPE cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2012 Jul;303(2):C160-9. Lu DP, Wu P-, Lu WI. Sedating the apprehensive debilitated patients for dental procedures by combining parenteral sedation and hypnosis with supplemental acupuncture therapy. Acupunct Electro-Ther Res. 2012;37(1):49-62. Maggio, M, Hariton-Gross, K, Gluch, J, The Use of Independent, Interactive Media for Education in Dental Morphology. J Dent Educ 2012;76(11):1497-1511. Mupparapu M. CBCT in orthodontics. J Am Dent Assoc. 2012 Aug;143(8):830-2. Mupparapu M, Kuperstein AS. The changing world of medically complex dental patients: Electronic health records and more. Quintessence Int. 2012 Sep;43(8):639-40. Northridge ME, Ue FV, Borrell LN, De La Cruz LD, Chakraborty B, Bodnar S, Marshall S, Lamster IB. Tooth loss and dental caries in community-dwelling older adults in northern manhattan. Gerodontology. 2012;29(2):e464-73.

Samatha Y, Kiran AR, Sankar AJ, Mupparapu M, Singer SR, Lakshmi C. Familial white sponge nevus of the oral mucosa: Report of occurrence in three generations. Quintessence Int. 2012 Apr;43(4):319-23. Sathish N, Wang X, Yuan Y. Tegument proteins of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus and related gamma-herpes viruses. Front Microbiol. 2012;3:98. Setzer FC, Kataoka SH, Natrielli F, Gondim-Junior E, Caldeira CL. Clinical diagnosis of pulp inflammation based on pulp oxygenation rates measured by pulse oximetry. J Endod. 2012 Jul;38(7):880-3. Stoopler ET, Desai B. A tongue mass in a patient with oral lichen planus. J Can Dent Assoc. 2012;78:c60. Stoopler ET, Kuperstein AS. Pregnancy gingivitis and pregnancy tumor. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2012 Jun;34(6):509. Stoopler ET, Sollecito TP. Oral lichen planus. CMAJ. 2012 Apr 2 Tian Y, Mu Y, Setzer FC, Lu H, Qu T, Yu Q. Failure of fiber posts after cementation with different adhesives with or without silanization investigated by pullout tests and scanning electron microscopy. J Endod. 2012 Tripodakis AP, Kaitsas V, Putignano A, Eliades G, Gracis S, Blatz M. Proceedings of the 2011 autumn meeting of the EAED (active members' meeting) - versailles, October 20-22nd, 2011. Eur J Esthet Dent. 2012 Summer;7(2):186-241.

Ozcaka O, Basoglu OK, Buduneli N, Tasbakan MS, Bacakoglu F, Kinane DF. Chlorhexidine decreases the risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care unit patients: A randomized clinical trial. J Periodontal Res. 2012 Feb 29

Walter R, Swift EJ, Jr, Nagaoka H, Chung Y, Bartholomew W, Braswell KM, Pereira PN. Two-year bond strengths of "all-in-one" adhesives to dentine. J Dent. 2012 Jul;40(7):549-55.

Ponugoti B, Dong G, Graves DT. Role of forkhead transcription factors in diabetes-induced oxidative stress. Exp Diabetes Res. 2012;2012:939751.

Wang X, Qi M, Yu X, Yuan Y, Zhao W. Type-specific interaction between human papillomavirus type 58 E2 protein and E7 protein inhibits E7mediated oncogenicity. J Gen Virol. 2012 Jul;93(Pt 7):1563-72.

Rosenberg HM, Lindemeyer RG. Bruxism In: Schwartz MW, editor. The 5-minute pediatric consult. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012; p. 138-9.

Wei W, Howard PS, Kogan B, Macarak EJ. Urinary diversion results in marked decreases in proliferation and apoptosis in fetal bladder. J Urol. 2012 Aug 16

Xia J, Lim JC, Lu W, Beckel JM, Macarak EJ, Laties AM, Mitchell CH. Neurons respond directly to mechanical deformation with pannexinmediated ATP release and autostimulation of P2X7 receptors. J Physiol. 2012 May 1;590(Pt 10):2285-304.

Grants Recently awarded research grants. Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology Genetics of Caries 7/26/2012-6/30/2013 Funding Source: University of Pittsburgh/ NIH Principal Investigator: Carolyn Gibson, Professor

Department of Oral Surgery/Pharmacology A Phase 4, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blinded, Controlled Study of OraVerse速 for Safety and Efficacy in Pediatric Dental Patients Undergoing Mandibular and Maxillary Procedures 2/8/2012-2/28/2013 Funding Source: Novocol Pharmaceutical of Canada, Inc. Principal Investigator: Elliot Hersh, Professor Department of Pathology Cytotoxic mechanisms of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans leukotoxin 7/1/12-6/30/2017 Funding Source: NIH Principal Investigator: Angela Brown, Postdoctoral Researcher

Lowering lysosomal pH in RPE cells of ABCA4-/- mice with acidic nanoparticles 7/1/12-6/30/2013 Funding Source: Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Principal Investigator: Claire Mitchell, Associate Professor

Oligodendrocyte damage and dysfunction in HIV associated neurocognitive disorder 7/16/2012-6/30/2017 Funding Source: NIH Principal Investigator: Kelly JordanSciutto, Associate Professor

Department of Biochemistry Lysosomal maturation during periodontal infections 7/12/2012-4/30/2017 Funding Source: NIH Principal Investigator: Kathleen Boesze-Battaglia, Professor

Department of Periodontics Dendritic Cells and Periodontal Disease 6/1/2012-5/31/2017 Funding Source: NIH Principal Investigator: Dana Graves, Professor

Department of Microbiology Study of Actinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans Virulence 8/1/2012-7/31/2013 (Administrative Supplement) Funding Source: NIH Principal Investigator: Joseph DiRienzo, Professor

Effect of bariatric surgery on periodontal parameters 8/29/2012-8/28/2015 Funding Source: Colgate Palmolive Company Principal Investigator: Denis Kinane, Professor Department of Preventive & Restorative Sciences Clinical performance of two fluoride releasing resin materials in restoration of occlusal cavities 5/23/2012-5/31/2013 Funding Source: Shofu Principal Investigator: F. Fusun Ozer, Instructor

Department of Oral Medicine Complications of Jaw Osteoradionecrosis in Cancer Management 9/1/12-8/31/15 Funding Source: NIH Principal Investigator: Sunday Akintoye, Assistant Professor Clinical Registry of Dental Outcomes in Head and Neck Cancer Patients 9/26/2012-5/31/2017 Funding Source: NIH Penn Principal Investigator: Thomas Sollecito, Professor and Chair Intracellular trafficking of Bisphosphonates in bone mesenchymal Stem Cells 9/1/2012-8/31/2014 Funding Source: NIH Principal Investigator: Sunday Akintoye, Assistant Professor

Clinical Evaluation of an Experimental Universal Adhesive Used with and without Phosphoric Acid Pretreatment in Posterior Composite Resin Restorations 5/15/2012-5/31/2014 Funding Source: DENTSPLY Principal Investigator: Ricardo Walter, Assistant Professor

penn dental journal: fall 2012 27

Philanthropy highlights


This coming December marks the official close to the University of Pennsylvania’s Making History Campaign, the ambitious seven-year campaign that challenged the schools and centers throughout the University to reach a combined $3.5 billion goal. A goal that was reached and exceeded — the $3.5 billion mark was met in September 2011, and by June of this year, the campaign total had gone on to surpass $3.8 billion in support of faculty, undergraduate scholarships, graduate and professional student aid, buildings and renovations, programs and research, and unrestricted resources. In a May 2012 message, Penn President Amy Gutmann wrote, “This spring…we are witnessing…the blossoming of our Making History Campaign into a University transformed, revealing the enlarged possibilities of what higher education can do for our society and world. Not only have we come together in record numbers to propel this University’s soaring success, but — more impressively — we are joining together in even larger numbers to see how much farther Penn can go.”

Penn Dental Medicine Nearing its Making History goal! Be included in supporting the future of the School and the positive and thoughtful progress this campaign is making possible. To be part of the Making History Campaign, gifts need to be made by December 31, 2012. (Use the gift envelope enclosed; go online,; call the Office of Development & Alumni Relations, 215-898-8952)

28 philanthropy: highlights

fund support; the development of a 10-year master plan for facilities improvements and the near completion of the first project in that plan with the state-of-the-art Syngcuk Kim Endodontic Clinic (see related story, page 8). Shaping the Future of Care

As Penn Dental Medicine joins with the rest of the University in celebrating the success of Making History, plans are set to continue the momentum for ongoing Penn Dental Medicine Campaign Co-Chairs Drs. David Tarica growth and development (D’83) and Richard Copell (D’80), front, with Dr. William Cheung (D’81, GD’82), Chair, Board of Overseers, back, center. through facilities improvements, student scholarships, Penn Dental Medicine, which had faculty and research, and community a $37 million goal as part of Making outreach programs. History, has built resources for facilities To help lead that next phase and renovations and endowed funds for engage alumni in these priorities going faculty recruitment/retention and forward, Drs. David Tarica (D’83) and student scholarships. Among some of Richard Copell (D’80) were named the successes this campaign has made Campaign Co-Chairs in October 2011. possible: creation of the CAD/CAM Both are also members of the Penn Ceramic Center dedicated to the study Dental Medicine Board of Overseers. and application of the latest dental “Maintaining Penn Dental’s leadership technologies in CAD/CAM and allrole requires strategic investments on ceramic restoration materials; endowed multiple levels, and while we have made faculty positions and resources for great strides, we must continue to build research, new technology, and upon our successes,” says Dr. Tarica. enhanced educational experiences for The next key funding priority for facilithe Department of Oral & Maxillofacial ties is a new Preclinical Lab & Training Surgery and its residency program Center (see related story, page 8). through the record $17.3 million gift “We must continue to attract the from the Louis Schoenleber (C’42, best students and faculty, to advance D’43) estate; the Cheung Family World research, to update the School’s infraScholarship to support students from structure, and to engage in the comdeveloping countries; the William munity,” adds Dr. Copell. “I am W.M. Cheung Advanced Dental Care thrilled to be working with all members Clinic to manage advanced cases in of the Board and the Dean to connect restorative and esthetic dentistry; the with fellow alumni and help build support recruitment of accomplished clinicians for these areas. It’s an exciting time.” and researchers in pediatrics, microbiology, and oral surgery; growing annual

Philanthropy honor roll, july 2011—june 2012

Thank You! ON THE PAGES THAT FOLLOW are the donors for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. On behalf of Penn Dental Medicine, I would like to convey our thanks for your continued support of our mission. Many of the donors listed are Annual Fund contributors. I cannot overstate how critical the Annual Fund is to the School and how every contribution makes a difference. The Annual Fund supports priorities of the School unmet by tuition: digital radiography; updates to student spaces; support for student clubs; some scholarship funding; seed research funding; and so much more. Penn Dental Medicine is tasked with seeing to the superior education of our students, keeping in the forefront of research, and serving the community — priorities that could not be accomplished without our dedicated faculty, administration, and yes, you the donor. The graphs within this Honor Roll section give a clear indication of how your funds are utilized. Charitable giving to the School fits into several well-defined categories. As you can clearly see, much of the funding is focused on facility renovations, but just as important, as noted above, are the Unrestricted or Annual Fund dollars. They fund smaller initiatives that are not huge changes but have huge impact. I also find it interesting and important to note that it is alumni who overwhelmingly support the School. We have many great corporate and foundation partners, but they do not do half of what our individual donors do in support of our mission. As we close the University’s Making History Campaign on December 31, 2012, Penn Dental Medicine is excited to celebrate our successes and looks forward to our next steps. We need you to help Shape the Future of Care and add your name to the donor pool for exciting new projects, like the Preclinical Lab and Training Center, the Lower Concourse Clinic, and the Library Study Rooms. Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Maren Gaughan Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations

penn dental journal: fall 2012 29

Annual Giving Donors This list includes all donors who made unrestricted gifts totaling $250 or more to Penn Dental Medicine’s annual giving funds in 2011-12. By providing essential support to help Penn Dental Medicine meet its annual needs, the generosity of our donors is critical to the School’s success in adapting its programs to stay at the forefront of dental medicine. Their commitment sustains Penn’s preeminence in dental medicine, and advances the School’s mission of preparing its graduates to become dentistry’s leading clinicians, educators, and researchers.

benjamin franklin society The Benjamin Franklin Society is the University of Pennsylvania’s leadership unrestricted annual giving group. Members of the Benjamin Franklin Society form the most critical base of support for the University and serve as a powerful motivator for garnering greater participation. Through their vision and generosity, members of the Benjamin Franklin Society are an inspiration and example to others. Founder ($10,000—$24,999) William W.M. Cheung, D’81, GD’92 Carmen M. Nolla, D’48 Robert I. Schattner, D’48 Catherine Y. Waung Fellow ($5,000—$9,999) Clement C. Alpert, C’32, D’34 Sandra K. Alpert Marion O. Bergman Stanley M. Bergman Laurence B. Brody, C’52, D’56 Loretta T. Brody Richard Copell, D’80 Mary N. Doyle Matthew J. Doyle Lawrence A. Friedman, D’62, GD’65, GD’67 David Tai-Man Shen, D’79, GD’81 Ya-Ling Tzeng, G’89 Chi-Tsai Yeh, D’90 Serap O. Yigit Umit Yigit, C’81, D’86 Associate ($2,500—$4,999) Nina V. Aks, D’01 J. M. Bayless, D’81 Laurence G. Chacker, D’85 Jennifer K. S. Choi Kwon, D’92 Michael J. Feldman, D’89 Harry S. Galblum, C’42, D’43 Velma Galblum Sam Ghosh, D’93 Janice M. Gian-Grasso, GNU’77 Joseph E. Gian-Grasso, C’67, D’71 W. Darby Glenn III, M’56 Frances B. Glenn, D’56 Bentha Johnson Edward P. Johnson, D’72 Anita Nayar Joy, D’81 Christopher H. Joy, D’80 Fred B. Kastenbaum, D’77 Lynn Jalens Kay, PT’79 William Kay, D’80 Allan D. Klenetsky, D’74

Judith C. Koss, C’81 Gerald H. Kreinces, D’68 Bernard W. Kurek, D’73, WMP’03, WEV’04 Keith D. Libou, D’84 M. Marc Liechtung, D’86, GD’87 Randolph L. Mitchell, D’81 Jody Paolino Robert M. Paolino, D’83, GD’87 Irving M. Rothstein, C’38, D’41 Lorain R. Rothstein Olivia Sheridan, D’90, GD’92 Mark B. Snyder, D’90, GD’77 Thomas L. Snyder, D’74, WG’77 Caryn L. Stark, GED’76 Robert E. Weiner, C’72, D’79 Roberta Weiner Margaret S. Williams, CW’62, GED’85 Robert H. Williams, CHE’59, D’63

thomas evans society Named after Thomas Evans, who left his estate to Penn Dental Medicine, the Thomas Evans Society honors those donors who, like Evans, want to support a dental school that is “second to none”. Fellow ($1,000—$2,499) Jeffrey W. Anderson, D’90 Ann Kearney Astolfi, D’92 John David Beckwith, D’87 Russell H. Bernd, Jr., D’53 Marian W. Bernd John W. Burk, D’74 Paul J. Carpinello, D’86 Winnie W. Cheung, D’99 Chun-Tai Chung, D’95, GD’97 D. Walter Cohen, C’47, D’50 Gail Spiegel Cohen, C’76, D’80 Martin A. Cohen Bruce W. Corbin, D’92 Marc Anthony Cozzarin, D’87 Silvana Cumani, D’04 Mark B. Desrosiers, D’84 Gregory S. DiRenzo, D’87 Helen Haynes DiRenzo, NU’85, GNU’88 Margo B. Faier, G’72 Paul R. Feldman, D’83 Cecile Arlene Feldman-Zohn, C’80, D’84, GD’85, WG’85 Arthur Fertman, D’60 Richard L. Gaines, D’70 Cheryl Beddoe George, DH’81 Thomas Edmond George, D’84, GD’85 Albert F. Giallorenzi, D’71 Myron S. Graff, D’72 Daniel B. Green, D’60 Stephen H. Grossman, D’79, GD’80 Sidney Gutsin, D’68

30 philanthropy: honor roll

Aaron M. Hader, D’58 Stewart V. Haggerty, C’54, D’65 Mark A. Higginbottom, D’74 Brian P. Hogan, D’84 Lori Hogan Barbara Franco Hudson, DH’82 James D. Hudson, D’82 Benjamin P. Iuvone, D’74 William E. Jacoby, Jr., D’64 Howard Kantrowitz, D’76 Alisa G. Kauffman, D’85 Dorothy A. Kinney, D’52 Ilze Lakstigala, D’54 Brett R. Levin, D’00 Joanna Z. Levin, D’96, GD’97, GD’99 Michael W. Lew, D’83 Marc F. Lipkin, D’80, GD’81 Robert N. Lipner, D’77 Vivian Lo, GAR’84, GCP’84, GFA’84 Kenneth Adams MacAfee, D’83, GD’86 A. K. Bobby Mallik, D’97, GD’98 Matthew A. Mandel, D’68 Bruce D. Manson, WG’87 Robert K. C. Mao, D’70 George H. Master, D’70 James S. Mckelvey, D’68 Philip L. Michaelson, D’99 Kenneth M. Pearson, D’70 Thomas Paul Petrick, Jr., D’87 Donald C. Phillips, D’66 Ronald Michael Pross, D’74 Susan Hymes Pross, GR’75 Gail E. Schupak, D’83 Steven Alan Schwartz, D’76 Ronald J. Scornavacca, D’68 Paul L. Segal, D’62, GD’64 Bertram H. Serota, D’60 Phyllis Berman Serota, CW’58 David Richard Silver, D’85, GD’86, GD’88 Eric H. Spellman, D’76 Linda Spellman Amy Schild Spiegel, D’80 Louis Spiegel, D’79 William C. Stavrides, D’53 Debra Kamerling Stern, D’87 Robert Marc Stern, D’87 Susan L. Stern, C’77, D’81 Jun Sun, D’94 Edwin S. Sved, D’51 Gary P. Swistak, GD’83 Paul Michael Tedeschi, D’88 Jack Weil, D’75 P. Deborah Weisfuse, D’77 Harold P. Wittman, D’60 Kijin Woo, D’08 Deirde Woods Michael D. Yasner, C’79, D’83, GD’84, GD’86 Valerie Eisenberg Yasner, C’79, D’83, GD’86 Harry Kenneth Zohn, GD’86 Associate ($500—$999) Gerald Adachi, D’86 Edward B. Allen, D’47 Albert J. Anderson, Jr., C’52, D’55 John D. Andrews, D’63 Deborah Rosenblum Arlick, C’84, GED’84 Jay Lee Arlick, D’85 George S. Atebara, D’55 Joseph C. Au, D’65 Joseph Bartoloni, D’80 Jeffrey A. Bassin, D’70 Edward J. Beatty, Jr., D’64 Jennifer L. Beaudin, D’04, GED’04 Judith Zack Bendit, DH’81 John Allan Bier, D’54 Gary D. Bogachus, GD’76

Ralph J. Bozza, D’79 Corinne L. Cacas William C. Caddoo, D’70 Matthew S. Cantner, D’01, GD’04 Andrew B. Casabianca, D’79 James E. Clayton, Jr., D’82 Leonard A. Cole, D’57 Richard G. Commons, D’53 Stephen A. Cooper, D’71 John M. Cross, D’82 William K. Deal, D’65 Dianne Woods Defrino, CW’58 Francis A. Defrino, D’58 Robert J. Demarco, D’87 Breese M. Dickinson, Jr., GD’64 Ann K. Dickinson Michael G. DiFelice, D’06 R. Allen D’Innocenzo, D’88, GD’94 Lee B. Durst-Roisman, D’83 Barbara Fine, ED’57, GED’59 Gerald L. Fine, D’59 Craig W. Fischer, D’70 Gregory L. French, D’85 Robin F. Gallagher, D’80 Rosalia Gallo, D’85 Patricia Gibbons, D’94 David G. Gifford, D’62 Erick M. Goldberg, C’02, D’07 Tatyana S. Goldberg, NU’05 Richard G. Gray, D’89 William N. Hanafee, Jr. Louis Jameson Hardy, GD’88 Gary L. Hartz, D’79 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hayashi John L. Hayes, GD’86 Sharon Kift Kayes, D’80 Marc W. Heft, EE’70, D’74 Lawrence T. Herman, D’72 Diane Schuehler Hillyard, W’81 Gregory A. Hillyard, D’85 Jesse H. Hogg, Jr., D’53 Edwin C. Horne, D’52 Michael L. Iczkovitz, GD’79 Kenneth A. Ingber, D’71 Mark A. Judy, D’71 Irena Jug-Weiss, D’87 John J. Keating III, GD’81 Joseph L. Keefer, D’84, GD’85 Steven J. Kerpen, D’81 Jerome A. Kleponis, D’81 Anna Kornbrot, D’79, GD’82 Ernesto A. Lee, GD’87 Melissa L. Lee, D’96 Susan M. Lee, D’72 Martin D. Levin, D’72, GD’74 Susan Levin Deborah Pollock Levitt, CW’69 Richard E. Levitt, C’68, D’72, GD’77 Jay J. Liu, D’98 Larry P. Markel, D’84 LynAnn Mastaj, D’88 Laurence S. Masuoka, D’83 Paul J. McKenna, Jr., D’79 Simon Milman, D’81 Frederick R. Molander, Jr., D’72 Deborah Nash Molander, CW’71 Robert S. Morgenstein, D’65 Susan Morgenstein Joseph M. Nastri, Jr., D’58 Diem-Trang D. Nguyen, D’91 Afolabi O. Ogunleye, D’01 Francine J. Paladino, D’82 Douglas E. Peterson, D’72, GR’76 I. David Popkin, C’59, D’63 Lewis E. Proffitt, D’73, WG’80 Dallas L. Pulliam, Jr., D’85 Ipinder S. Puri, D’03 J. Anthony Quinn, D’70

Joseph Stephen Rava, D’91 Steven J. Reubel, EE’75, D’80 Richard D. Riddle, D’84 Linda E. Rigali, D’83 Alan B. Rosenthal, D’79 Marian G. Royer, D’80 Walter F. Russo, D’83 Jeffrey B. Sameroff, D’71 Gary W. Seldomridge, D’81 Lawrence H. Shendalman, D’74 Donald H. Silverman, D’73, WG’74 Francis J. Smithgall, C’79, D’83 Dustin Snyder, D’08 Robert M. Sorin, D’74 Theodore A. Souliotis, D’65 Katherine R. Sporn, D’86 Brad M. Strober, D’86, GD’87 Carol W. Summers Robert B. Summers, C’61, D’65, GD’67 Chin-Chia Eric Tsao, D’89 Judy YH Tsao, D’89 Orhan C. Tuncay, GD’74 John V. Ward, Jr., D’77 Ronald G. Weissman, D’74 Patti Lee Werther, D’78, GED’78, GD’81 Philip Wolkstein, D’70 Peter C. Wright, D’74 Bernard Zeifang, D’59 Virginia Zeifang Member ($250—$499) Pamela L. Alberto, D’80 J. Craig Alexander, D’82 Matthew S. Applebaum, D’04, GED’04 Murry A. Awrach, D’68 Alexandra A. Baker, D’77 Steven M. Baron, D’67 William D. Baxter, D’72 Pamela S. Benedon Robert M. Benedon, D’81, GD’84 Jay A. Black, D’80 Sherrie Allemang Black, D’80 Mr. & Mrs. Mitchel J. Blumenthal James V. Bordoni, D’80 Jonathon S. Bowden, D’99 Alvin T. Boyd, D’71 Thomas E. Boytim, D’79 Charles M. Brenner, D’73 Brian E. Breslin, D’81 Charles Bromberg, D’65 Howard Buckwald, D’66 Martin P. Carlin, D’69 Shu Cheung Cheuk, D’65 Stefani L. Cheung, C’08, D’11 Peter Chin, D’84 Richard E. Chodroff, D’79 Susan D. Chodroff Barry S. Chudnofsky, D’81 Jenny C. Chung, GD’79 Johnson Chung, D’81 James S. Cinamon, D’78 Dennis N. Cohen, D’73 Robert J. Connelly, Jr., D’82 Karen G. Cook, D’81 Michael G. Cook, C’72, D’76 Philip A. Cooper, D’76 Edwin Cowen, C’49, D’51 Heidi C. Crow, D’85 Charles R. Dagati, D’66 Joel S. Delfiner, M’79 Alan J. Demaso, D’84 Gary A. Di Santo-Rose, D’79, GD’80 Victor S. Dietz, D’69 Edward Bronislaw Drozd, GD’87

This issue of the Honor Roll represents activity in Fiscal Year 2012 (July 1,2011 through June 30, 2012).


Alumni 80% Individuals 4%

Edward K. Swain, Jr., D’70 Charles W. Tager, D’58 Lawton C. Thomas, Jr., C’65, D’63 Louis A. Tobia, Jr., C’61, D’63 Elaine Torres-Melendez, D’82 Richard W. Vogel, D’66 C. Robert Waters, Jr., D’68 John D. Wayman, D’51 Arthur Z. Weiss, D’75 John C. Wheeler, D’66 John C. Worsley, D’75 Judith N. Worsley, PT’76 Jean P. Wynn

Foundations 8% Corporations 8%

*Total annual giving gifts in FY2012 was $390,896 Charles R. DuFort, D’70 Arthur F. Eddy, D’77 Jay D. Edwards, C’49, D’51 Natalie O. Edwards, DH’51 James R. Elder, D’69 Michael Elliott, D’71 Gertrude Stahl Epstein, DH’66 Neil B. Epstein, D’66 Robin Cohen Feinberg, C’79, D’83 Ronald F. Feinberg, GR’83, M’83, GM’95 Amy D. Field, D’90 Robert A. Fischer, D’60 Spyros Floratos Russell L. Forman, D’91 Spencer D. Forman, D’75 Bennett D. Frankel, D’67 Robert S. Frankel, D’72 Robert D. Funk, D’84 Joseph A. R. Gabany, D’94, GED’95 Lu Gan, D’99 John A. Gawlik, D’84 George M. Georgelis, D’98 Marc Phillip Gimbel, D’88 Madeline S. Ginzburg, D’79, GD’80 Bruce H. Godick, D’79, GD’83 Jerome B. Goldberg, C’78, D’80 Ronald S. Goldenberg, D’75 Susan W. Goldenberg, OT72 Stephen F. Goodman, D’60 Betsy Harris Granite, GR’85 James R. Granite, C’66, D’70, GD’73 Alyssa Marlin Greenberger, D’02 Arnold S. Greene, D’60, GD’61 Robert S. Hall, D’64 Herbert A. Hammel, D’57 Payam Hanian, D’99 Jeffrey H. Harnett, D’66 Stanley C. Heifetz, D’78 Christopher B. Hill Rowland A. Hutchinson, D’58 Hiroshi Ishii, GD’06 Andrew G. Jacobson, D’78 Karen Rones Jacobson Syamala Jasti, D’94 Venu G. Jasti Charles W. Jensen, Jr., C’56, D’59 Yi-Tai Jou, D’99 Jeffrey B. Kadesh, D’77

Arnold Katz, C’55, D’58 Myron E. Katz, D’66 John A. Kerchoff, D’74 Arthur W. Kilkuts, D’80 Gary N. Kitazawa, GD’76 Jeffrey C. Kleiman, EE’75, D’79 Ross E. Kline, C’80, D’84 Kenneth L. Kobliner, GD’85 Michael R. Kremer, D’81 Ari Y. Krug, D’03 Andrew J. Krygier, D’93, GD’96 Amy D. Kuhmichel, D’07 Charles H. Lambert, D’76 Barry W. Langsam, D’62 Morton A. Langsfeld III, D’64 Judith Korman Langsfeld, CW’67 Steven D. Lasser, D’73 William S. Laubach, D’68 Eric Lewis, D’76 Ramona M. L’Heureux, D’82 Noelle Ling, D’99 Charles R. Lipton, D’69 Donald G. Lovejoy, D’59 Vernon Loveless, D’73 Frank R. Lowrey, D’51 Marie J. Lowrey, CW’50 Amy L. Ludwig, D’83 Laura Clemente Mackey, D’84 Rashi Majithia, D’01, GD’02 John G. Manning, D’74 Paul J. Markowitz, D’65 Laurene Alyse Marks-Wolf, D’94 Deborah Stutz Marmor, D’03, GD’04 George B. Marschall, D’65 Marian Schmidt Marschall, CW’62 Walter E. Maust, Jr., D’67 Barry D. Meiselman, D’58 Toba R. Meiselman, CW’56 Gerardo J. Melendez Michael W. Migdal, D’84 Carol J. Montee, D’04 Stanley Montee, D’04 John W. Mooney, D’27 Randolph C. Myerson, D’73, GD’78 Soochul C. Myung, D’96 Joel I. Nathanson, D’82 Judith Sinanis Nist, DH’69 Robert E. Nist, D’70 Franklin D. Niver, D’66 Mindy Ok, D’97

Maria E. Parrella, GD’91 Craig Steven Pate, D’87 Ashish S. Patel, D’01 Martin Phillips, D’62 Hugh L. Pollack, D’79 Martha Pollack Charles F. Post, D’74, GD’75 Monroe H. Rackow, D’66 Stephanie J. Rahner, DH’74 Joanne S. Reiffe-Fishbane, D’79 Louis A. Rigali, D’57 Richard A. Romano, D’73 Ira S. Rosen, D’83 Karen Knopf Rosen, C’82, D’85 John W. Rosenlieb, D’86 David A. Rosh, D’94 Anthony M. Rossi, D’72 Steven J. Rothenberg, D’78 Lawrence N. Rouff, D’63, GD’66 Anthony J. Russo, D’52 Donald J. Salomon, D’85 Robert G. Savarese, D’82 Lawrence Scharff, D’57 Diane Hyman Schneider, ED’57 Herbert A. Schneider, D’58 John W. Schreiber, D’73 G. Ross Segal, D’98 Behnaz Shakoori, D’00 David M. Sheintop, D’85 Jinyoung Shin, D’97 Albert J. Simkins, Jr., D’58 Donald L. Simpson, D’68 William G. Sloan, D’72, GD’87 Vincent J. Smith, D’54 Lillian C. Smith Randy L. Smith, D’80 Andrea K. Solomon, C’78, GED’82, GR’88 Robert M. Solomon, D’78 Stephen A. Solomon, D’84 Alena R. Spielberg, D’97 Gerald W. Springstead, GD’67 Robert J. Steinberg, C’43, D’44 Shirley R. Steinberg Alan M. Stoneback, D’57 Cornelius J. Sullivan, D’83, GD’84

Capital and Endowment Giving Donors This list includes all donors who made restricted gifts to Penn Dental Medicine’s capital and endowment funds in 201112. Their gifts in support of enhancing and developing new programs, providing scholarship aid, and renovating facilities, and upgrading equipment and technology are an enduring legacy and provide for the future of Penn Dental Medicine. Arnold & Marci Weisgold Periodontal Prosthesis Scholarship Fund Morton Amsterdam, C’43, D’45 Jean-Pierre M. Arnoux, GD’90 Edward E. Best, GD’77 Philip S. Caplan, D’60 Coastal Orthodontics, PLLC Jack H. Corn, D’81, GD’82 Roger B. Daniels, M’60 Howard Drew Lawrence A. Friedman, D’62, GD’65, GD’67 Friedman Charitable Fund Edward Gerson Joseph R. Greenberg, D’72, GD’76 David T. Hansen Independence Foundation Joseph T. Kelly, D’93, GD’95, GD’96 Robert A. Levine, GD’84 Steven I. Lieber, D’74, GD’76 Harold Litvak Sallie H. Maser Haruo Matsukawa Margy Ellin Meyerson, G’93 Louis E. Rossman, D’75, GD’77 Val Rossman Barton M. Silverman, MTE’53, CGS’07 Richard Stanley Tobey, Jr., D’75, GD’80, GR’81 Gail Yates Tobey, GNU’75, GD’80, GR’81 Anthony C. Vigliotti, GD’71 Frank A. Vigliotti, D’94, GD’98 Arnold S. Weisgold, GD’65 Myra Chernoff Weisgold, CW’61 Gary Wiser

Cheung Family World Scholars Fund William W.M. Cheung, D’81, GD’82 Catherine Y. Waung Class of 1982 Endowed Scholarship Fund Corinne L. Cacas William N. Hanafee, Jr. David Shen Dean’s Discretionary Fund David Tai-Man Shen, D’79, GD’81 Dental School General Fund Benco Dental Company Dentsply International, Inc. Dentsply LD Caulk Division JJ Serafin, Inc. Heywood R. Kotch, D’77 Premier Dental Products Company Serap O. Yigit Umit Yigit, C’81, D’86 Dr. Bal Goyal Memorial Fund Allendale Dental Kunaal Goyal, C’87, D’91, CGS’02 Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Sipe Memorial Scholarship Fund Estate of Mary McGinley, DH’32 Drs. Samuel and Louis Rossman Endodontic Scholarship Fund Corinne L. Cacas Alan Feldman Janice M. Gian-Grasso, GNU’77 Joseph E. Gian-Grasso, C’67, D’71 William N. Hanafee, Jr. Louis E. Rossman, D’75, GD’77 Val Rossman Barbara J. Steinberg Endodontic Clinic Renovations Fund American Association of Endodontics Arrail Group Stacy Bea David W. Belardi, GD’73 Craig C. Broome, GD’94 Michael Dustin Brown, GD’04 Debra L. Carri, D’95, GD’99 Jeffrey P. Chen, D’98, GD’00 Contemporary Endodontics PC EndoNet Consulting, LLC Exton Endodontics Denny Y. Fang, GD’01 Maxine Fleisher Robert M. Fleisher, GD’76 Cheng D. Fong Julio R. Galvez, GD’97, D’01 Saju J. George, D’95, GD’00 Young-Jin Hahn, D’86 Terry G. Han, GD’05 Spencer Hinckley, GD’08 Young-Yi Hsu, GD’95 Aleksander Iofin Hiroshi Ishii, GD’06 Jamie S. Kang, D’98, GD’01 Jean Kang, GD’00 Hee J. Kim, GD’09 Jung Baik Kim, D’91, GD’93

penn dental journal: fall 2012 31

Eunah Koh, D’00, GD’03 Samuel I. Kratchman, GD’91 Joanna T. Ku, GD’07 Brian Lee, D’00, GD’04 Julie Lee Kenneth Lee, C’91, D’95, GD’98 Jeffrey A. Levin, D’91, GD’99 Marty D. Levin, D’72, GD’74 Susan Levin Donald Tsung-I Liu, D’96, GD’99 Francesco Maggiore, GD’99 A.K. Bobby Mallik, D’97, GD’98 Michael Stephen Marmo, D’95, GD’98 Akira Matsuura Paula Mendez, GD’10 Erick Menegazzo, GD’04 Mid-County Endodontic Group PA NYC Microendodontics PLLC Rinku Parmar, D’02, GD’09 Benjamin Porras Prudent Endodontics Norihiro Sawada Tom Schloss

Grossman Professorship in Endodontics Estate of Clara P. Reeves International Friends of SDM Scholarship Fund Lee N and Grace Q Vedder Foundation J. Henry O’Hern Resident Research & Meeting Fund Alta View Orthodontics Otis G. Beck, GD’64 Frank R. Besson, Jr., D’94, GD’96 Geraldine L. Besson, D’94, GD’95 John M. Capogna, GD’88 Chao-Hung Chung, GED’01 Chun-Hsi Chung, D’86, GD’92 Coastal Orthodontics, PLLC Charles Crowder, GD’06, GD’07 Joel Elliot Elfman, GD’84 Susan Elfman Stephen E. Ellender, GD’65 Douglas Scott Harte, D’88, GD’91

Tony L. Skanchy, GD’91 Maureen O. Smith David G. Wilson, GD’78 Warren D. Woods, GD’82 Woods Orthodontics Joseph Foote Endowed Scholarship Fund Jeannette Abboud-Niemczyk, MT’78, D’85 Harvey J. Barbag, D’74 Bruce Bragdon, D’74 Therese DiFlorio Brennan, D’94, M’98, GD’01 Paul R. Farrell, D’79, GD’83 Carol Falcone Fetter, DH’75 Kenneth A. Fetter, C’72, D’76 Dr. and Mrs. Barry H. Hendler Cindi B. Hersh Elliot V. Hersh Howard C. Hopenwasser, D’74 Jerome M. Kildee, D’74 Thomas Krakower, D’74, GD’78 Ronald M. Martin, D’75, GD’78 Stephen P. Niemczyk, D’82, GD’84


Alumni 91% Individuals 4% Foundations 2% Corporations 3%

*Total number of donors in FY2012 was 972

Su-Jung Shin, GD’04 Heike Steffan University of Pennsylvania USA Foundation Ltd Toshihiro Ushikubo Patrick Wahl, GD’93 Helmut Walsch, GD’00, GD’01 West Chester Endodontics, LLC W&F Dental Associates, LLC Allen Yang, GD’02, D’04 Robert Oifang Zou, WG’94 Graduate Periodontics Symposium Biohorizons Implant Systems, Inc. Robert E. Canale Dentium America, Inc. Hiossen, Inc. Keystone Dental Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc. Stephanie Mowbray Nobel Biocare Piezosurgery, Inc. Salvin Dental Specialties, Inc.

John L. Hayes, GD’86 Sharon Kift Hayes, D’80 David C. Hufham, GD’01 Kazumi Ikeda, GD’81 Grace Y. Juan, GD’04 Soo-Jin Kim, GD’06 Paul Y. Lee, GD’84 Brett R. Levin, D’00 Joanna Z. Levin, D’96, GD’97, GD’99 Levin Orthodontics Allen L. Litvak, GD’03 Peter J. Monckton, GD’94 Vanezza A. Morenzi, D’83, GD’84, GD’89 Paul Lee DDS Inc. Frederick G. Preis, GD’68 Francis V. Pribula, C’51, D’55, GD’57 Karen Rella Reisner, GD’95 Lawrence N. Rouff, D’63, GD’66 Mark A. Ruggerio, D’82, GD’83, GD’85 Drew F. Seibert, D’56, GD’58 Mandy-Pen Shui, D’91, GD’91, GD’93 Heidi R. Skanchy

32 philanthropy: honor roll

Ronald Michael Pross, D’74 Susan Hymes Pross, GR’75 Peter D. Quinn, D’74, GD’78 Reading Oral Surgery Group Ltd. David P. Rossiter, III, D’70, GD’74, GR’76 Ronald G. Weissman, D’74 Bernardine Whitehouse Michael J. Whitehouse, D’74 Lenore and George Feldman Scholarship Michael J. Feldman, D’89 Michael J. Feldman Family Philanthropic Fund Lester Burket Fund Ruth Kosterlitz Rider, D’57 Lower Concourse Clinic Renovation Fund Richard Copell, D’80 David S. Tarica, D’83 Michele Tarica

Main Clinic Renovations David B. Ettinger, M.D., D’87, GD’93 Jacqueline S. Leder-Ettinger, GNU’87 Estate of Bruce W. Manning, D’64 Measey Foundation Dental Scholarship Fund Benjamin and Mary Siddons Measey Foundation Morris Bradin Memorial Library Fund Bernice Bradin Vera Bradin Susan B. West Ora Dental School Project Fund American Heart Association Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Synthes USA Oral Medicine Department W.D. Fitzhugh, III, D’88 Orthodontic Clinic Technology Fund Sandra Strohecker Beckett, GD’99 John M. Capogna, GD’88 Daniel Chen, D’03, GD’05 Eastern Orthodontics 7 Pediatric Dentistry Joel Elliot Elfman, GD’84 Susan Elfman Stephen E. Ellender, GD’65 Carolyn D. Forwood Francis G. Forwood, D’77, GD’79 George Georgieff, GD’62 David Huertas, GD’99 David C. Hufham, GD’01 Ji Y. Kim, D’08, GD’11 Bon C. Koo, GD’98 Julian Mayro, C’54 Rosario F. Mayro, GD’76 Robert L. Perlot, D’97, GD’99, GD’00, CGS’02 Lawrence N. Rouff, D’63, GD’66 Michael B. Rulnick, D’74, GD’76 Mandy-Pen Shui, D’91, GD’91, GD’93 Strohecker Orthodontic Associates Robert L. Vanarsdall, Jr., GD’72 Betty S. Vodzak Louis S. Vodzak, GD’67 Wallace W. Wong, GD’98 Andrew P. Woo, GD’00 William L. Wood, D’78, GD’83 Pediatric Dentistry Department Fund Pennsylvania Dental Foundation Penn Community & Oral Health Fund James Charatan, ENG’07, GEN’07 Robert J. Collins, D’71 Jaclyn M. Gleber, DH’74 Marriet Krangel Goldin, CW’62 Marshall J. Goldin, C’60, D’64 Aejaaz A. Issa, D’99

Jessica R. Marinoff, C’06, D’10 Marcie Merz, Esq, WMP’00 Michael A. Moore Fedele A. Musso, D’75 Steven Parode Wells Fargo Capital Finance Penn Dental Oral Cancer Walk Delta Dental DentalEZ Group Lynn Pencek Minni Penn Periodontics Fund Amanda Diffenderfer Penn Restorative Fund Alvin F. DeSiena, D’70 Thomas R. Schneid, D’79 Periodontal Research Fund Jonathan J. Coslet, W’87 J. Coslet & J. Rosner Comm Prop Trust Post Gateway Building Improvement Fund Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuperman Nalin Patel, D’90 Robert Baker Scholarship Endowment Robert W. Baker, Jr., D’85 Nancy L. Baker Baker Foundation

Alumni Donors by Class Year This list includes all Dental, Graduate Dental, and Dental Hygiene alumni who made a gift to any Penn Dental Medicine fund in 2011-12. If a graduate has multiple degrees from Penn Dental Medicine, they are listed under the class year of their first degree. Class of 1934 Clement C. Alpert Class of 1939 Herbert C. Krout Class of 1940 Mortimer J. Cohen Zvi Rozenn Eli P. Zebooker Class of 1941 David J. Kennedy Irving M. Rothstein Class of 1943 Robert E. Brenner Harry S. Galblum Ralph Terrace Class of 1944 Neal R. Fee Morton E. Melman Nicholas D. Saccone Robert J. Steinberg

This issue of the Honor Roll represents activity in Fiscal Year 2012 (July 1,2011 through June 30, 2012).

Class of 1945 Morton Amsterdam Alan B. Benjamin Doris Krewson Brannigan Herbert R. Chauser Emmett R. Costich Seymour W. Silberberg Class of 1946 William Abesh Peter A. Frank, Jr. Melvin B. Fuerst Joseph H. Goldberg Yale E. Schnader Class of 1947 — 65th Reunion Edward B. Allen Irving J. Alper H. Martin Deranian Henry Gaines Betty Rowe Horner J. Raymond Moore, Jr. Charles J. Rehkamp Mortimer L. Weisenfeld Joann Kelchner Wilkins Class of 1948 Edward M. Grosse Helen Tamlander Heath Theodore H. Kirrstetter, Jr. Ruth Morrison Mitchell Carmen M. Nolla Peter S. Pappas Harry R. Philippi Robert I. Schattner Class of 1949 Joan Edwards Lukert Class of 1950 Theodore Adler D. Walter Cohen Jerome Flamm Ralph D. Fleming Henry A. Geidel, Jr. Harold Krivins Paul J. McKenna Class of 1951 Edwin Cowen Jay D. Edwards Natalie Oberhaus Edwards William W. Flanagan, Jr. Frank R. Lowrey Kenneth W. Miller William E. Rasberry John H. Rey Dillman C. Sallada, Jr. Edgar J. Schmidt Edwin S. Sved Joyce Barnett Unger Marshall D. Vaughters John D. Wayman Class of 1952 — 60th Reunion Glenn F. Bitler Mitchell J. Burgin Raymond K. Clark Ann Lindsay D’Anna Marlene Rutkowski Hill Edwin C. Horne Roger P. Kellogg Dorothy A. Kinney Sanford Krimmer James P. Nitschke Kenneth E. Penny Anthony J. Russo

Class of 1953 H. Russell Bernd, Jr. Harvey Cedarbaum Richard G. Commons Eric R. Cone Joseph W. D’Anna Douglas M. Dunbar Joseph I. Gerber Jesse H. Hogg, Jr. George S. Johnson Bernard P. Lewis Alex R. Matera W Eugene Ryon III William C. Stavrides Arthur H. Tomlinson Class of 1954 John Allan Bier Errikos Constant Thomas T. Doran Joseph P. Falcetti Albert A. Galullo Richard P. Greenlee Fred D. Heilbrunn Louis D. Kaplan Ilze Lakstigala Diane De Shazo McKenzie Milton I. Ratner Vincent J. Smith, Jr. Claude W. Springer William L. Wesner Arthur L. Wool Class of 1955 Albert J. Anderson George S. Atebara Deo Rhodes Boyland Valerie Van Es Davidson Donald B. Dolan Alan H. Gelbert Robert A. Greene, Jr. Arthur Edward Halprin Suzanne Weaver Huey Suzanne Cole Inman Hillard I. Lerner Richard Levine C. Wendell Lofland Bruce G. MacKenzie John R. Mann, Jr. G. Edward McComsey, Jr. Arthur Z. Ponce Francis V. Pribula Morton J. Weyler Joan Marilyn Wunsch John T. Ziegler Class of 1956 Charles V. Adrian Laurence B. Brody Edmund B. Coughlin Alvin Eller Harold B. Ginsberg Frances B. Glenn Heber T. Graver Lois Greiss Graver Edward G. Holteen Marjorie Baskin Kurcias G. Robert Lange Robert G. Latoff Bernard M. Mechlowitz Paul G. Mosch Kenneth W. Purdy, Jr. Bartley C. Reuter, III Thomas M. Sagges Drew F. Seibert William R. Shoulberg Irving R. Spector Dennis R. Tryon Morton S. Weinstein

Class of 1957 — 55th Reunion Leonard A. Cole Leonard J. Drazek Brooke D. Fulford Herbert A. Hammel Stuart A. Kleit Ruth Kosterlitz Rider Louis A. Rigali Burton Rosan Lawrence Scharff Lloyd F. Shaver, Jr. Joseph Stock Alan M. Stoneback Elizabeth Haring Wood Class of 1958 Richard S. Altman Richard J. Castor Francis A. Defrino James B. Edwards John S. Eppolito Norman F. Faulkner Abe M. Finton John M. Fosnocht Aaron M. Hader George D. Harff Walter W. Hashimoto, F.A.G.D. Rowland A. Hutchinson Leonard G. Jewson Arnold Katz J. David Kohn Arthur Marshall Barry D. Meiselman Joseph M. Nastri, Jr. Mary Lewis Berry Orsatti Joseph R. Pastorello William E. Patton Murray J. Plishtin David Rapkin Charles E. Reich Myron I. Schaffer Herbert A. Schneider Albert J. Simkins, Jr. Marvin H. Sitrin Charles W. Tager Class of 1959 Chris T. Armen Walter S. Bogad Theodore M. Bolotin Joseph R. Bonacci Richard Y. Cheskis Richard P. Dakin Norman F. Davis Gerald L. Fine Arthur M. Gitlin Jay I. Glat Charles W. Jensen, Jr. Donald G. Lovejoy Frederick W. Richartz James D. Sheen Robert B. Spilker John T. Stevens Peter H. Strife, II Alfred C. Thompson Bernard Zeifang Class of 1960 James L. Ackerman Barry Benn Philip S. Caplan Arthur S. Cobin Richard C. Durbeck James H. Dyen Arthur Fertman Robert A. Fischer Jack S. Ginsberg Stephen F. Goodman Daniel B. Green Arnold G. Greene Hugh C. Howarth

Carol Balla Hutzell Bertram H. Serota Harold P. Wittman Denison W. Young Malcolm B. Zola Class of 1961 Franklin M. Barber Benjamin Chan Lawrence G. Coulter Harry E. Dolph Bonnie Wilson Hartsock Rusi A. Hilloowala Robert A. Katin Sheldon Paley Louis Sandor Harold Schachter Richard T. Secord John W. Sheffield, Jr. Norman A. Whytock James Pinson Woolf Class of 1962 — 50th Reunion Marion Querido Aronheim Ross P. Cafaro Richard M. Feingold Lawrence A. Friedman George Georgieff David G. Gifford Gordon B. Groff Barry W. Langsam Donald B. Munger Martin Phillips Howard H. Pomeranz Robert S. Rubler Paul L. Segal Norman Shapiro Robert J. Silverman Eli Wilks Dennis E. Winn Elsa F. Wixom Class of 1963 John D. Andrews D. Bryan Braman David J. Crossley Richard W. D’Eustachio Roger D. Goldberg Ronald L. Good Charles P. Hadtke, Jr. Henry S. Hammer Gerald P. Hirsch Herbert Hodess Thomas E. Holbrook Farouk A. Mourshed I. David Popkin Cerlene M. Rose Lawrence N. Rouff Allen R. Savage Betty Brussel Shamas Louis A. Tobia, Jr. Emanuel R. Tress Robert H. Williams Class of 1964 Myron Allukian, Jr. Jerry Baldwin Edward J. Beatty, Jr. Otis G. Beck Jack D. Berns Breese M. Dickinson, Jr. Clair William Flinn, Jr. Neal L. Freeman Marshall J. Goldin Robert H. Graeme Robert S. Hall William E. Jacoby, Jr. Marvin J. Ladov Morton A. Langsfeld, III

Robert A. Lawton Warner E. Lund, Jr. Henry A. Miller James D. Smallwood Sanford A. Stein Joshua H. Wilson, Jr. Paul F. Zizza, Jr. Class of 1965 Peter J. Abell Joseph C. Au Gail Downs Baer Robert W. Beideman James D. Brackett Charles Bromberg David J. Cantor Lawrence G. Caruth Kenneth A. Chernow Shu Cheung Cheuk William K. Deal Richard E. Derrick Stephen E. Ellender, Jr. Martin H. Frost Alan L. Gartenberg Robert G. Giannuzzi Norman Goldberger Robert F. Goulstone Kaye Anderson Haggerty Stewart V. Haggerty William J. Haggerty Leonidas C. Holt Frederick O. Johnson Joseph Kornbleuth Irvin G. Lubis Paul J. Markowitz George B. Marschall Robert S. Morgenstein Stuart C. Rubin Howard J. Schare Theodore A. Souliotis Robert B. Summers Vija Tamuzs-Rubans Arnold S. Weisgold Joseph R. Zaientz Class of 1966 Kathleen Arkle Borofsky Malvin F. Braverman Howard Buckwald Charles R. Dagati Gertrude Stahl Epstein Neil B. Epstein Mary Ellen Breen Field Ronald M. Gittess Jay P. Goldsmith Anthony C. Harlacher Jeffrey H. Harnett Robert Henner Myron E. Katz David A. Lederman Franklin D. Niver Donald C. Phillips Jeffrey R. Plancey Monroe H. Rackow Jeanne Nesslage Reilly Albert G. Senger, Jr. Jerold R. Shapiro Richard W. Vogel Richard C. Weiss John C. Wheeler Class of 1967 — 45th Reunion Steven Martin Baron Edwin L. Cohen Harold E. Coulston, Jr. John T. Curtiss Donald T. Dockstader Bennett F. Frankel Philip C. Giarraputo

penn dental journal: fall 2012 33

Veronica Prang Giarraputo Michael Russ Glogoff Marshall I. Gottsegen Joanne C. Kettle Barry Klassman Jerome M. Laffer Robert L. Leff Walter E. Maust, Jr. Roger H. McConnell Charles B. Millstein Jeffrey B. Shapiro Gerald W. Springstead Normal H. Stoller Thomas N. Theise Louis S. Vodzak Class of 1968 Anthony V. Angelichio Murry A. Awrach Donald G. Bell, Jr. Deanna Halsor Benicewicz Bobby S. Elkins Frederic J. Freidus David I. Greenberg Sidney Gutsin Gerald H. Kreinces William S. Laubach Matthew A. Mandel James S. McKelvey Deborah Shellenberger Niederer Frederick G. Preis Carl W. Schamu Ronald J. Scornavacca Donald L. Simpson C. Robert Waters, Jr. Class of 1969 Michael L. Brugg Martin P. Carlin Victor S. Dietz James R. Elder Charles R. Lipton Barbara G. Morgan Judith Sinanis Nist Stephen D. Smith John E. Spellman Juris M. Svarcbergs Lawton C. Thomas, Jr. Steven Aaron Wolman Class of 1970 David K. Anderson John R. Bartlett Jeffrey A. Bassin Danny E. Black Bruce Blasberg William C. Caddoo Richard C. Condos Alvin F. DeSiena Charles R. DuFort Philip B. Edgerton Craig W. Fischer Alan H. Frankel Richard L. Gaines James R. Granite Andras G. Haris Frederick D. Hicks John A. Korkosz Robert K. C. Mao George H. Master John J. Mehlem Robert E. Nist Kenneth M. Pearson Sara N. Prioleau J. Anthony Quinn David P. Rossiter, III Edward K. Swain, Jr. Robert J. Tisot Philip Wolkstein

Class of 1971 Robert H. Bechtold Alvin T. Boyd Berkey S. Clark Robert J. Collins Stephen A. Cooper C. Dwight Decker Michael Elliott Alan R. Frieman Albert F. Giallorenzi Joseph E. Gian-Grasso Allan C. Goldfeder Ira Goldman Sandra Terece Greenberg Howard B. Grover Kenneth A. Ingber Mark A. Judy Robert W. Jung Michael J. Kish Donald E. Kondrat Peter Steven Lamm Mary E. McFadden-Agostinelli Frederic Paperth Jeffrey B. Sameroff Walter R. Shaghalian Thomas L. Snyder Mark Unger Anthony C. Vigliotti Douglas C. Walters Class of 1972 — 40th Reunion David M. Barnett William D. Baxter A. Patrick Flynn Robert S. Frankel Myron S. Graff Joseph R. Greenberg Lawrence T. Herman Edward P. Johnson Howard P. Kessler Susan M. Lee Martin D. Levin Richard E. Levitt David Levy Frederick R. Molander, Jr. Saul R. Payne Douglas E. Peterson Anthony M. Rossi William G. Sloan Ronald P. Strauss Robert L. Vanarsdall, Jr. Jay T. Winburn, III Class of 1973 David W. Belardi Charles M. Brenner David Brother Dennis N. Cohen Edward W. Donle William F. Dudley, Jr. Elliott K. Gutman Bernard W. Kurek Steven D. Lasser Vernon Loveless David M. Mendelson Randolph C. Myerson Ralph S. Pfeifer Lewis E. Proffitt Richard A. Romano Jay M. Rossell John W. Schreiber Donald H. Silverman Joel S. Teig Michael A. Wernick Class of 1974 Harvey J. Barbag Bruce R. Bragdon John W. Burk Walter I. Chinoy

34 philanthropy: honor roll

Ann Marie McFadden Denenberg Ellen Eisenberg Jaclyn M. Gleber Carl S. Gulrich Marc W. Heft Mark A. Higginbottom Howard C. Hopenwasser Benjamin P. Iuvone Richard M. Kanter John A. Kerchoff Jerome M. Kildee Allan D. Klenetsky Thomas Krakower Jeffrey M. Leitner Steven I. Lieber John G. Manning Kim R. Montgomery Charles F. Post Ronald Michael Pross Peter D. Quinn Stephanie J. Rahner Marco D. Rand Richard W. Ruby Michael B. Rulnick Peter C. Ryan Lawrence H. Shendalman Mark B. Snyder Robert M. Sorin Orhan C. Tuncay Ronald G. Weissman Michael J. Whitehouse Charles C. Wilson Peter C. Wright Class of 1975 Melvin S. Babad Leonard A. Cherkas Carol Falcone Fetter Spencer Z. Forman Ronald S. Goldenberg Joel H. Harrison Susan H. Kass Richard P. Klich Michael A. Krane Ronald M. Martin James W. McClellan Fedele A. Musso Harold R. Romesburg Louis E. Rossman Kenneth R. Schneider Philip A. Shore Howard E. Strassler Richard Stanley Tobey, Jr. Jack Weil Arthur Z. Weiss Dale E. Wilcox John C. Worsley, Jr. Class of 1976 Gary D. Bogachus Michael G. Cook Philip A. Cooper Kenneth A. Fetter Robert M. Fleisher Robert J. Golden Victor Gregor Dr. Alan J. Guber Howard Kantrowitz Gary N. Kitazawa Brian S. Kunz Elaine M. Kuracina Charles H. Lambert Eric Lewis Rosario F. Mayro Neil L. Moscow Howard J. Ritt Joe T. Ruby Steven Alan Schwartz Eric H. Spellman John V. Tanzilli

Class of 1977 — 35th Reunion Alexandra A. Baker Edward E. Best Robert B. Bookman Peter G. Campbell G. Frans Currier Arthur F. Eddy Francis G. Forwood Gregory G. Indyke Jeffrey B. Kadesh David G. Kaplan Fred B. Kastenbaum John C. Kois Arnold O. Koon Heywood R. Kotch Jack T. Krauser Arthur A. Kravitz Robert N. Lipner Jay R. Melvin Alan L. Morris Robert Resnick Barry P. Setzer Mitchell A. Smolow Jo Apple Steinhart Michael G. Town John V. Ward, Jr. P. Deborah Weisfuse Class of 1978 Lawrence A. Amsterdam Jay R. Augenstein James S. Cinamon Arthur F. Dean Stanley C. Heifetz Andrew G. Jacobson Farideh Moattari Madani Mansoor Madani Steven J. Rothenberg Alan J. Seltzer Neal S. Slutsky Donna Lewis Smolow Carolee S. Solof Robert M. Solomon Patti Lee Werther David G. Wilson William L. Wood Class of 1979 Sheryl R. Berezin Thomas E. Boytim Ralph J. Bozza Andrew B. Casabianca MD Richard E. Chodroff Jenny C. Chung Gary A. Di Santo-Rose Paul R. Farrell Gregg M. Garcia Madeline S. Ginzburg Bruce H. Godick Robert A. Goodwin, Jr. Terence M. Gordon Stephen H. Grossman Elizabeth Nissley Harrison Gary L. Hartz Michael L. Iczkovitz William G. Kelly Jeffrey C. Kleiman Anna Kornbrot Paul J. McKenna, Jr. Hugh L. Pollack Joanne S. Reiffe-Fishbane Alan B. Rosenthal Thomas R. Schneid David Tai-Man Shen Louis Spiegel W. Michael Tuman Robert E. Weiner Deborah J. Whitman

Class of 1980 Pamela L. Alberto Marilyn Macleod Altbush Joseph Bartoloni Jay A. Black Sherrie Allemang Black James V. Bordoni Gail Spiegel Cohen Richard Copell Philip H. Ehret Richard L. Fiese Robin F. Gallagher Jerome B. Goldberg Sharon Kift Hayes Christopher H. Joy William Kay Arthur W. Kilkuts Marc F. Lipkin Steven Jay Reubel Marian G. Royer Randy L. Smith Amy Schild Spiegel Gary B. Toubman Edward S. Yalisove Class of 1981 J. Mark Bayless Judith Zack Bendit Robert M. Benedon Brian E. Breslin Paul W. Brown William E. Butt William W. M. Cheung Barry S. Chudnofsky Johnson Chung Karen G. Cook Jack H. Corn Robert C. Director William F. Fischer Cheryl Beddoe George Stuart M. Ginsberg Kazumi Ikeda James E. Jacobs Anita Nayar Joy John J. Keating III Steven J. Kerpen Jerome A. Kleponis Michael R. Kremer Stephen Allan Locke Charles T. Loo Simon Milman Randolph L. Mitchell George P. Moutevelis Richard J. Phillips, Jr. Peter S. Rosenman Gary W. Seldomridge Susan L. Stern Class of 1982 — 30th Reunion J. Craig Alexander, II James E. Clayton, Jr. Robert J. Connelly, Jr. John M. Cross Jeffrey A. Goodman Christopher B. Hill Barbara Franco Hudson James D. Hudson Robert Korwin Ramona M. L’Heureux Joseph J. Lucchesi Craig F. McBeth Joel I. Nathanson David A. Newman Stephen P. Niemczyk Francine J. Paladino Chester J. Palmieri Robert I. Rosner

This issue of the Honor Roll represents activity in Fiscal Year 2012 (July 1,2011 through June 30, 2012).


Clinic/Facility Renovation 62% Scholarship Support 7% Endowed Professorships >1% Clinic Research 8% Unrestricted (Annual Giving) 23%

*Total funds raised in FY 2012 was $1,690,431

Mark A. Ruggerio Robert G. Savarese Elaine Torres-Melendez Mark L. Waltzer Linda C. Weisenfeld Warren D. Woods Class of 1983 Beth A. Ageloff-Posner Meredith C. Bogert William H. Bohrod Lee B. Durst-Roisman Linda B. Edelson-Slocum Robin Cohen Feinberg Paul R. Feldman David E. Freilich Martin J. Glassman Michael W. Lew Amy L. Ludwig Kenneth Adams MacAfee, II Richard J. MacFeeters Laurence S. Masuoka William J. Messersemith Vanessa A. Morenzi Michael R. Nawfel Robert M. Paolino Linda E. Rigali Ira S. Rosen Walter F. Russo Joni E. Saul Gail E. Schupak Jane K. Segal Francis J. Smithgall Cornelius J. Sullivan Gary P. Swistak David S. Tarica Steven D. Ureles Michael D. Yasner Valerie Eisenberg Yasner Class of 1984 Cindy M. Behrens John R. Bonasera Bryan J. Boosz Peter Chin Alan J. Demaso Mark B. Desrosiers Joel Elliot Elfman Cecile Arlene Feldman-Zohn Jay S. Fishbein Robert D. Funk John A. Gawlik, II

Thomas Edmond George David A. Goodman Paula Grant Mark R. Greco Michael B. Heller Brian P. Hogan Patrice Ierardi Steven C. Isaacson Joseph L. Keefer Ross E. Kline Paul Y. Lee Eric M. Levine Robert A. Levine Keith D. Libou Laura Clemente Mackey Wayne W. Maibaum Larry P. Markel Michael W. Migdal Augustus Nogueira Bruce E. Parad Alena E. Raidl Richard D. Riddle, II Stephen A. Solomon Class of 1985 Jeannette Abboud-Niemczyk Jay Lee Arlick Robert W. Baker, Jr. Charles H. Bloom Stephen R. Bradley Laurence G. Chacker Heidi C. Crow Robyn J. Dogus Robert A. Domozych, Jr. Gregory L. French Rosalia Gallo Gregory L. Goding Gregory A. Hillyard James A. Isaacson Alisa G. Kauffman Kenneth L. Kobliner Agnes Lau John F. Lhota Sarah M. Lynch Thomas A. McGraw Dallas L. Pulliam, Jr. Karen Knopf Rosen Peter D. Russo Donald J. Salomon Maria Christina Sevilla David M. Sheintop David R. Silver Timothy P. Sweet

Class of 1986 Gerald Adachi Gari G. Bloom Michael A. Carol Paul J. Carpinello Chun-Hsi Chung Young-Jin Hahn John L. Hayes M. Mark Liechtung Emmy Omoto John W. Rosenlieb, Jr. Katherine R. Sporn Brad M. Strober Nicholas Charles Tucci Umit Yigit Harry Kenneth Zohn Class of 1987 — 25th Reunion John David Beckwith Stuart Alan Chavis Guy Coby Marc Anthony Cozzarin Robert J. Demarco Gregory S. DiRenzo Edward Bronislaw Drozd David B. Ettinger, M.D. Donna M. Federici Albert Smith Harris III Irena Jug-Weiss Ernesto A. Lee Medline Regina LoducaMaisano Craig Steven Pate Thomas Paul Petrick, Jr. Keith Martin Phillips Michelle Kauffman Sandler Cheryl A. Sandor-Birnbaum Robert M. Stern Lisa D. Testa Newsome Class of 1988 John M. Capogna R. Allen D'Innocenzo W. D. Fitzhugh, III Marc Phillip Gimbel Louis Jameson Hardy Douglas Scott Harte Yuh-Fang Hsiao Donna Marie Jankiewicz LynAnn Mastaj Francis Joseph McClain Nadine Simone Mende Anthony M. Polimeni Thomas B. Puschak Gail Tanksley Rice Hilton Zvi Segal Paul Michael Tedeschi

Class of 1989 Michael J. Feldman Richard G. Gray Neil Alan Hoss Maryellen Keefe David A. Mugford Sharon Hibbard Stokes Chin-Chia Eric Tsao Judy Yuan-Ching Tsao Class of 1990 Jeffrey W. Anderson Jean-Pierre M. Arnoux Hilary Chung Amy D. Field Santosh Mittal Nalin Patel Barry L. Sandor Jay K. Selznick Olivia Sheridan Chi-Tsai Yeh Class of 1991 Karl A. Arakelian Victor J. Buccellato Stephanie E. D'Aprile Russell L. Forman Kunaal Goyal Anthony R. Harlacher Jung Baik Kim Samuel I. Kratchman Jeffrey A. Levin Diem-Trang D. Nguyen Maria E. Parrella Joseph Stephen Rava Mandy-Pen Shui Tony L. Skanchy Class of 1992 — 20th Reunion Ann Kearney Astolfi Jennifer K. S. Choi Kwon Bruce W. Corbin Mamle O. Mante Victor Charkin Wang Class of 1993 Sam Ghosh Dorit G. Hermann-Chasen Charles L. Hill, IV Joseph T. Kelly Andrew J. Krygier Steven S. Oh Samantha A. Vitagliano Patrick Wahl Class of 1994 Frank R. Besson, Jr. Geraldine L. Besson Craig C. Broome Therese M. DiFlorio Brennan Joseph A. R. Gabany Patricia Gibbons Alan R. Hecht Syamala Jasti Anna Marchenko Laurene Alyse Marks-Wolf Peter J. Monckton David A. Rosh Jun Sun Frank A. Vigliotti

Class of 1995 Allison Lynn Brazzo Debra L. Carri Chun-Thai Chung William N. Cummings Saju J. George Yeung-Yi Hsu Kenneth Lee Michael Stephen Marmo Karen Rella Reisner Class of 1996 David Russell Dalrymple Mandana S. Etemad Anika L. Howell-Hastings Melissa L. Lee Joanna Z. Levin Donald Tsung-I Liu Soochul C. Myung John Rawa, Jr. Class of 1997 — 15th Reunion Julio R. Galvez A.K. Bobby Mallik Mindy Ok Robert L. Perlot Jinyoung Shin Alena R. Spielberg Class of 1998 Jeffrey P. Chen Yoon S. Choi Scott C. Dickinson May Dongmei Gao George M. Georgelis Jamie S. Kang Bon C. Koo Amar Kosaraju Jay J. Liu Mark S. Nadolne Himanshu Nigam G. Ross Segal Wallace W. Wong Class of 1999 Sandra Strohecker Beckett Jonathon S. Bowden Winnie W. Cheung Douglas L. Ditty Lu Gan Payam Hanian David Huertas Aejaaz A. Issa Yi-Tai Jou Noelle Ling Francesco Maggiore Philip L. Michaelson Corina Radu Class of 2000 Jason L. Burak Jean Kand Eunah Koh Brian Lee Brett R. Levin Biplab K. Malo Behnaz Shakoori Helmut Walsch Andrew P. Woo Class of 2001 Nina V. Aks Matthew S. Cantner Denny Y. Fang David C. Hufham Rashi Majithia Afolabi O. Ogunleye Ashish S. Patel

penn dental journal: fall 2012 35

Class of 2002 — 10th Reunion Adelani Abimbola Samina Ashraf Gerry J. Cellura Anthony P. Eltink Alyssa Marlin Greenberger Jay B. Laudenbach Penny M. Leong Adriana Mora Rinku Parmar Bo Hyun Seok Gregory R. Urfrig Vivian A. Wasmuht-Perroud Allan Yang Steven K. Zombek Class of 2003 Ricardo A. Boyce Daniel Chen Nada Hemedan Rohini Kataria Ari Y. Krug Kathleen P. Lambert Allen L. Litvak Deborah Stutz Marmor Deborah N. Nwosu Ipinder S. Puri Yoon K. Tak David Chun-Te Yu Class of 2004 Matthew S. Applebaum Jennifer L. Beaudin Michael Dustin Brown Silvana Cumani Wadia M. Hanna Grace Y. Juan Erick Menegazzo Carol J. Montee Stanley Montee Su-Jung Shin Xin Zhang Class of 2005 Terry G. Han Seena Joseph Christopher A. Rawle T. L. Roberts, IV Margarita M. Rodriguez Adam L. Saylor Lydra Tapija Robert S. Weishoff Class of 2006 Adam C. Barbag Charles Crowder Michael G. DiFelice Seth C. Houwer Hiroshi Ishii Soo-Jin Kim Juan-Carlos Mora Class of 2007 — 5th Reunion Elizabeth L. Baker Erick M. Goldberg Gurpreet S. Khurana Joanna T. Ku Amy D. Kuhmichel Melissa A. Restrepo Peter Rouff Lena N. Turner Class of 2008 Hawa Z. Ertugrul Spender Hinckley Ji Y. Kim Bradley Schnebel Dustin Snyder Kijin Woo

Class of 2009 Hee Jin Kim Marshall B. Montgomery Class of 2010 Jessica R. Marinoff Paula Mendez Jakub P. Pelka Spencer D. Peoples Aarthi Ramakrishnan Maria F. Velasco Class of 2011 Stefani L. Cheung Candace F. Coen Jillian M. Harrison Markus S. Hill

Friends Donors This list includes all friends who made a gift to any Penn Dental Medicine fund in 2011-12. We are grateful for their support as their generosity sustains Penn’s preeminence in dental medicine. Sandra K. Alpert Jeffrey M. Altbush, WG'80 Deborah Rosenblum Arlick, C'84, GED'84 Robert L. Baer, CHE'65, GEE'67, GR'71 Linda D. Baker Nancy L. Baker Gordon H. Baltuch Stacy Bea Mary Ellen Beideman, GNU'88 David L. Beik, C'81 Pamela Salomon Benedon Marion Olsfanger Bergman Stanley M. Bergman Marian W. Bernd Mitchel J. Blumenthal Bernice Bradin Vera Bradin Loretta T. Brody Corinne L. Cacas Robert E. Canale James Charatan Susan Dean Chodroff, NU'80 Chao-Hung Chung Martin A. Cohen, MD Jonathan J. Coslet, W'87 Roger B. Daniels Barbara Ruth Dean, PT'77 Dianne Woods Defrino, CW'58 Joel S. Delfiner Harry P. Denenberg Ann K. Dickinson Amanda Diffenderfer Helen Haynes Direnzo, NU'85, GNU'88 Mary N. Doyle Matthew J. Doyle Howard Drew Natalie Zellat Dyen, CW'66, GED'67 Susan Elfman Adrienne Eltink Margo B. Faier Ronald F. Feinberg Alan Feldman Barbara Fine, ED'57, GED'59 Maxine Fleisher Spyros Floratos Cheng D. Fong Carolyn D. Forwood

36 philanthropy: philanthropy:honor honorroll roll

Peggy Frankel Renee T. Freilich, NU'78, GNU'81 Velma Galblum Joan Gerber Edward Gerson Janice M. Gian-Grasso, GNU’77 Eleanor Behren Glat, GED'60 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gleason W. Darby Glenn III, MD, M'56 Tatyana S. Goldberg, NU'05 Susan W. Goldenberg, OT'72 Harriet Krangel Goldin, CW'62 Marjorie T. Goldsmith, GED’66 Betsy Harris Granite, GR’85 Brenda J. Guber William N. Hanafee, Jr. David T. Hansen Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hayashi Dr. & Mrs. Barry H. Hendler Cindi B. Hersh Elliot V. Hersh Diane Schuehler Hillyard, W’81 Lori Hogan Aleksander Iofin Karen Rones Jacobson, GED'77 Venu G. Jasti Bentha Johnson Harriet Juli Jacqueline White Kaplan, MT’74 Linda L. Kaplan Steven Kass, W’74 Lynn Jalens Kay, PT'79 Lorion Bowne Korkosz, CGS’69 Judith C. Koss, C’81 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kuperman Michael G. Kurcias, W'55, L'58 Nan A. Lamm, GED’71 Judith Korman Langsfeld, CW'67 Valerie Laudenbach Jacqueline S. Leder-Ettinger, GNU'87 Julie Lee Susan Levin Marlene S. Levine, CW'54 Deborah Pollock Levitt, CW'69 Harold Litvak Vivian Lo, GAR’84, GCP’84, GFA’84 Carolyn F. Locke, GED'84 Marie J. Lowrey, CW'50 Beatrice Mann Estate of Bruce W. Manning, D'64 Bruce D. Manson, WG'87 Marian Schmidt Marschall, CW'62 Sallie H. Maser Haruo Matsukawa Akira Matsuura Julian Mayro, MD, C'54 Estate of Mary McGinley, DH’32 Sheila Ryan Mehlem, HUP’66, NU’69 Toba R. Meiselman, CW'56 Gerardo J. Melendez Estate of Harriet Worrall Mershon Marcie Merz, WMP’00 Margy Ellin Meyerson, G’93 Deborah Nash Molander, CW'71 John W. Mooney, D’27 Susan Morgenstein Dorothy Mc Murray Mosch, HUP'55, NU'55 Ellen J. Moscow Stephanie Mowbray

Jody Paolino Valerie Seidman Parad, SW’83 Steven Parode Lynn Pencek-Minni Martha Pollack Benjamin Porras Jordan F. Posner, WG’86 Susan Hymes Pross, GR'75 Estate of Clara P. Reeves Daniel R. Reilly, V.M.D., V’69 Margaret Dillon Reuter, MT'56 Nancy Reyes-Svarcbergs, GNU'82 Helen M. Rosan, SW'77 Julia L. Rosner, W'80 Val Rossman Lorain R. Rothstein Ronald V. Runyon Norihiro Sawada Davida I. Schachter, CW’59 Lois Brown Schaffer, ED'59 Tom Schloss Diane Hyman Schneider, ED’57 Phyllis Berman Serota, CW’58 Barbara Ruche Shoulberg, CW’62 Barton M. Silverman, MTE’53, CGS’07 Eloise K. Sitrin Heidi R. Skanchy Hortense B. Sladek Susan F. Slatkoff, MD, CW'73, M'78 Lillian C. Smith Maureen O. Smith Andrea K. Solomon, C'78, GED'82, GR'88 Linda Spellman Caryn L. Stark, GED'76 Heike Steffan Arthur I. Steinberg Barbara J. Steinberg Shirley R. Steinberg Debra Kamerling Stern, W'87, WG'92 Robert Fraser Stokes, M’88 Carol W. Summers Melody Troeger Sweet, GR'85 Michele Tarica Gail Yates Tobey, GNU’75, GR’81 Susan G. Toubman, C’79 Alison Slap Tress Ya-Ling Tzeng, G’89 Toshihiro Ushikubo Betty S. Vodzak Catherine Y. Waung Roberta Weiner Myra Chernoff Weisgold, CW'61 Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Wesolowski Susan B. West Bernardine Whitehouse Margaret S. Williams, CW’62, GED’85 Gary Wiser Deirdre Woods Judith N. Worsley, PT’76 Jean P. Wynn Serap O. Yigit Virginia Zeifang Robert Oifang Zou, WG’94

Tribute Gifts This list includes all donors who made tribute gifts of any amount to any Penn Dental Medicine fund in 2011-12. For many, a gift to the School is more than just a financial contribution – it is a meaningful way to honor or remember someone special in their lives. Deo Rhodes Boyland, D’55 John M. Capogna, GD’88 Roger B. Daniels, M’60 Joel Elliot Elfman, GD’84 Susan Elfman Alan Feldman Richard L. Gaines, D’70 Janice M. Gian-Grasso, GNU’77 Joseph E. Gian-Grasso, C’67, D’71 David Huertas, GD’99 David C. Hufham, GD’01 Harriet Juli Lynn Jalens Kay, PT’79 William Kay, D’80 Ji Y. Kim, D’08, GD’11 Jeffrey M. Leitner, D'74 Julian Mayro, C’54 Lynn Pencek Minni Robert L. Perlot, D’97, GD’99, GD’00, CGS’02 Lawrence N. Rouff, D’63, GD’66 Ronald V. Runyon Mandy-Pen Shui, D’91, GD’91, GD’93 Hortense B. Sladek Barbara J. Steinberg Joyce Barnett Unger, DH’51 Robert L. Vanarsdall, Jr., GD’72 Wallace W. Wong, GD’98 Andrew P. Woo, GD’00 William L. Wood, D’78, GD’83 Tribute gifts were made in honor of the following alumni. Clement C. Alpert, C’32, D’34 Seymour Bauch’s 99th Birthday, C’36, D’37 Julian E. Brightman C’87 Jeremy Kay, D’12 Louis Rossman, D’75, GD’77 Robert L. Vanarsdall, GD’72 Arnold S. Weisgold, GD’65 Tribute gifts were made in memory of the following alumni. Samuel F. Bogatin, D’12 Colum J. Boyland, D’53 J. Henry O’Hern, Jr., D’53, GD’55 Maija G. Ozols, D’57 Alan M. Tenen, D’74 David S. Unger, D’53

This issue of the Honor Roll represents activity in fiscal year 2012 (July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012). We have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of this report. If your name has been omitted or misprinted, please accept our sincere apologies and notify the Penn Dental Medicine Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 215-898-8951.

Alumni news

Call for

Nominations Dear Fellow Alumni, We want to hear from you! The Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Society invites nominations for candidates to serve on its Executive Board and candidates for the following distinguished awards: “Alumni Award of Merit” and “Thomas Evans Achievement Award.” To nominate someone, please download and print the appropriate online nomination form. All forms, additional information, and past award recipients can be found at: Sincerely, Bernard W. Kurek, D’73, WMP’03, WEV’04 First Vice-President & Nominations Committee Chair Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Society Executive Committee

Robert Schattner Center Marks 10-Year Anniversary

It is 10 years since the dedication of the Robert Schattner Center, and the School celebrated Dr. Robert Schattner (D’48) and his long-time commitment to and support of Penn Dental Medicine with a toast on May 15, 2012, following the spring meeting of the School’s Board of Overseers. It was in large part through the generous gift from Dr. Schattner and his late wife, Kay, that the construction of the Robert Schattner Center and the Foncesa Gardens behind it were made possible. Along with adding a significant amount of clinical space to the School, the Robert Schattner Center, which serves as the School’s main entrance, enabled the creation of a unified dental campus by linking to the Thomas Evans Building and the Leon Levy Center for Oral Health Research.

Top: Alumnus and Board of Overseer Dr. Robert Schattner (D’48), center, with Dean Denis Kinane, left, and Dr. William Cheung (81, GD’82), right, Chair of the Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers. Bottom: Dr. Robert Schattner (D’48) in front of the School’s Robert Schattner Center, which marked its 10th anniversary since its dedication this year.

penn dental journal: fall 2012 37

Alumni Weekend 2012 Penn Dental Medicine welcomed back alumni May 11-13 for Alumni Weekend 2012. It was the reunion year for class years ending in “2” and “7”. The festivities included presentations by Dean Denis Kinane and faculty, a Dental Hygiene Alumni Association meeting and luncheon, school tours, the class parade across campus and alumni picnic, and a reception and dinner at the Union League of Philadelphia, where the Alumni Award of Merit was presented to Dr. Lawrence M. Levin (D’78, GD’92) and Dr. Louis I. Rossman (D’75, GD’77). It was wonderful to see all in attendance, and we hope to see you at Alumni Weekend 2013, May 10-12! 4 Classmates H. Martin Deranian, D’47, and Edward Allen, D’47, celebrate their 65th Dental Reunion together in Philadelphia. Both Doctors Deranian and Allen are still practicing dentistry! 5 Penn Dental Medicine’s Dental Hygiene alumni at Alumni Weekend 2012.


6 Gail Spiegel Cohen, C’76, D’80, catches up with the Class of 1977 celebrating their 35th Dental Reunion. Front Row: Charles Palian, D’77; Don Riviello, C’73, D’77; and Stephen Hartman, D’77. Back Row: Bruce Prior, D’77, and John Ward, D’77.

7 2


3 1 David Ettinger, D’87, GD’93, and wife, Jacqueline, GNU ’87, check out the Class of 1987 composite. 2 Classmates Lawrence Friedman, D’62, GD’65, GD’67; Richard Chillemi, D’62; and Charles Walowitz, D’62, gather before the Alumni Parade with their wives Lynn Friedman, Diane Chillemi, and Sylvia Walowitz. 3 Gerald Mesolella, D’62; Keith Hutchings, D’62; and William Humphrey, D’62, celebrate their 50th Reunion at the Alumni Weekend Welcome Reception at the School of Dental Medicine. 38 alumni: news

8 6


7 Lawrence Levin, D’87, GD’92, and Louis Rossman, D’75, GD’77, 8 receive the 2012 Alumni Award of Merit presented by Keith Libou, D’84, President of the Alumni Society Executive Board.

9 Gautam Govitrikar, D’07; Sandy Benkler, D’07; Zahida Iqbal, D’07; and Maria Janjua D’07 celebrated their 5th Reunion at the Union League of Philadelphia.

10 Louis Rigali, D’57, and Robert Siegel, D’57, reconnected to celebrate their 55th Reunion at the Union League of Philadelphia.



11 The Penn Dental Medicine Class of 2002 celebrated their 10th Reunion at this year’s Reunion. 12 The Class of 1987 celebrated their 25th Dental School Reunion with nearly 30 classmates returning to Philadelphia for Alumni Weekend 2012. 13 The Class of 1982 had a stellar turnout at Alumni Weekend with nearly 30 classmates returning to celebrate their 30th Dental Reunion.


10 12




penn dental journal: fall 2012 39

2012 Omicron Kappa Upsilon Inductees

Penn Dental Medicine’s ETA Chapter of the Omicron Kappa Upsilon National Dental Honor Society (OKU) held an induction ceremony for the Class of 2012 graduates during the Senior Farewell Dinner held in May 2012. Established to promote and recognize scholarship and character among dental students, the Society selects up to 12 percent of each year’s graduating class from a list of at least the upper 20 percent OKU members with the 2012 inductees to this National Dental Honor Society. The newest members were inducted at the based on scholarship, Senior Farewell Dinner in May. exemplary traits of character, and potential In addition, Dr. Beverley Crawford, who has demonstrated scholarship, qualities of future professional growth. Director of Diversity Affairs, was character, and the potential promise for The inductees from the Class of inducted as a dental honorary member, advancement of dentistry and service to 2012 included: Laura Barunas, humanity; this year’s recipient was Marni Glick, Ashley Gonsky, Maureen and Caryn Stivelman, Director of Academic Affairs, was inducted as a Matthew Ryskalczyk (D’14). Kuhta, Raha Mozaffari, Alyssa nondental honorary member. OKU Nielubowicz, Michael Segall, Chad also presented the Dr. William S. Speirs, Alexander Volchonok, Joseph Kramer Award of Excellence, given Yang, Hannah Zelman, and Saleh to a rising junior student at the time Rajaeian.


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40 alumni: news



Alumni class notes




Seymour Bauch (C’36 D’37) celebrated his 99th birthday this past winter! Dr. Bauch presently resides in the Hollywood, Fla., area.

IShu Cheung Cheuk (D’65) returned to Hong Kong to practice with his uncle, Dr. K.W. Chawn. He was able to visit the School of Dental Medicine last Christmas with his niece, Patricia Petit (D’90) and her husband, Scott Silverman (D’91), but is planning a return to the School in 2015 for the class of 1965’s 50th reunion and looks forward to seeing everyone there!

Rochelle G. Lindemeyer (GD’79) has been appointed as a Pediatric Dentistry consultant for the Commission on Dental Accreditation.

Mildred Weiss Levitt (DH’32) celebrated the 80th anniversary of her Penn Dental Hygiene graduation in May 2012!

1940’s Edward Allen (D’47) and H. Martin Deranian (D’47) along with their wives, Shelagh Allen and Virginia Deranian, celebrated their 65th Penn Dental Reunion together at the School of Dental Medicine this May!

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Gerald Hirsch (D’63) has volunteered to work in the Children’s Dental Clinic in Jerusalem, Israel; started by Penn Dental’s AU Fraternity. He was sponsored by DVI Friends of Israel and will set up a branch of the Institute for Implantology and Gerontology while in Israel. I. David Popkin (C’59, D’63) is presently engaged in private practice in Trenton, N.J. He completes his 46th year in practice in 2012! Congratulations to the Penn Dental Class of 1962 who celebrated their 50th Reunion at Alumni Weekend 2012. The Class would like to remind everyone to save-the-date for their 55th Reunion in 2017!

P. Deborah Weisfuse (D’77) was elected President of the New York State Dental Association in June 2012. She is the first women elected to this position in the association’s 142 year history. Bob Koons (CHE’70, D’77) published a book entitled Evolution and Other Lies that examines the issue of evolution from both scientific and legal perspectives. Bob and his wife, Sharon, reside in the Plano, Texas-area and celebrated the arrival of their eighth grandchild in 2011. Dr. Koons sold his practice to Heartland Dental Care, but is planning to stay on long term as the dentist-employee. Paul J. Berson (GD’77) was selected by the Council on Dental Education and Licensure to receive the 2012 American Dental Association’s (ADA) Golden Apple Award for Inspiring Careers in Dental Education.

Louis Rossman (D’75, GD’77) received the 2012 Alumni Award of Merit at the Reunion Dinner during Alumni Weekend 2012 (See photo, page 39). In April, Dr. Rossman was also elected President-Elect of the Foundation for the American Association of Endodontists. May was also a big month for the Rossman family as their daughter Alexis (C’06) married Patrick Madden (C’05), and their son, Benjamin, graduated from Dartmouth College.

1950’s Irving R. Spector (D’56) has a grandson now attending the University of Pennsylvania. His sons Lawrence Spector (W’80, WG’81, L’84) and Bruce (C’87) are also proud Penn alumni. Marshall Vaughters (D’52) and Edwin Horne (D’52) celebrated their 60th Penn Dental Reunion together at the School of Dental Medicine this May! George Johnson (C’50, D’53) has been retired for 22 years and is enjoying playing bridge and the stock market. He hopes to get back to golfing this Fall.

Ronald I. Deblinger (D’75, GD’76) received the President’s Award from the American Association of Endodontists during the 2012 Annual Session in Boston. He is one of only eight to be honored with the award. Dr. Deblinger served as an AAE Board of Directors member from 1988-1992, contributed his talents on the Continuing Education Committee and Membership Services Committee and served as chair twice on the Annual Session Site Selection Committee. Most recently he completed a three-year term on the Journal of Endodontics Scientific Advisory Board.

Cynthia Staman Kleiman (DH’77) received the 2012 Penn Dental Hygiene Alumni Special Achievement Award for her outstanding contributions to the growth and development of the profession. The award was presented by fellow alumna, Ann Eshenaur Spolarich (DH’82 GED’99).

Benjamin Iuvone (D’74) is in private practice with his son, Anthony Iuvone. They are in the process of constructing their own professional building located in Morris Township, N.J.

penn dental journal: fall 2012 41

Michael Glick (GD’88, HOM’94) received the Samuel Charles Miller Award given by the American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM) in recognition of his outstanding academic and clinical achievements, specifically his pioneering work with dental management of patients with HIV-AIDS, as well as patients with other medically complex conditions. Dr. Glick is currently Professor of Oral Medicine and Dean of the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Buffalo.

Otto F. Tidwell (GD’84) opened a new practice in Rehoboth Beach, Del., in April of 2012, specializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery with a focus on dental implants, tooth extractions, cancer surgery, and pathology. Michael Lew (D’83) and his wife, Vivan (GAR’84, GCP’84, GFA’84), opened a nonprofit clinic in January 2012 to help address access to dental care issues in Monterey, Calif. Previously, there had been no clinic within 50 miles of the area.

1980’s In August 2012, Lyn Ann Mastaj (D’88) did a medical service project at Double Cure Medical Center in Mpigi, Uganda. She is a member of the ECHOES Foundation. After she finished the project, she climbed Mt. Kilamanjaro in Tanzania.

Lawrence Levin (D’87, GD’92) received the 2012 Alumni Award of Merit at the Reunion Dinner during Alumni Weekend 2012. (See photo, page 39) The Penn Dental Class of 1987 celebrated their 25th Reunion at Alumni Weekend 2012 with 28 classmates returning to Philadelphia. Congratulations Class of 1987! Chun-Hsi Chung (D’86, GD’92) was named Chair of the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine beginning July 1, 2012. Dr. Chung has served as Interim Chair since 2011.

42 alumni: class notes

Eric R. Carlson (D’85) of Knoxville, Tenn., received the 2012 AAOMS Committee Person of the Year Award in September during the opening ceremony of the 94th Annual Meeting, Scientific Sessions and Exhibition of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in San Diego, Calif. Dr. Carlson is professor and chair of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and director of the OMS residency program at the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine. He was named AAOMS Committee Person of the Year in recognition of his leadership of the AAOMS ParCare Committee. Under his stewardship the committee has produced two editions of clinical practice guidelines for the 11 recognized areas of oral and maxillofacial surgery scope of practice.

Rich Copell (D’80) and David Tarica (D’83) were recently named Campaign Co-Chairs for the Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers.


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Thomas P. Sollecito (D’89, GD’91) has been appointed the Oral Medicine Section Editor for the Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry.

The Penn Dental Class of 1982 celebrated their 30th Reunion at Alumni Weekend 2012 with 28 classmates returning to Philadelphia. Congratulations Class of 1982!

The School of Dental Medicine has launched the “Find a Penn Dentist” application on the Penn Dental Medicine website. This tool allows potential patients to find Penn Dental Medicine alumni practices in their ar ea area and also enables you to sear ch search for rreferral eferral practices based on specialty.. Opt-in is location or specialty rrequired. equired. Get counted today at www .dent!!

1990’s Eric Stoopler (D’99, GD’02) was elected to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the American Academy of Oral Medicine at the April meeting in Charleston, S.C.

Cristina Teixeira (GD’97, D’00, GR’01), Associate Professor of Orthodontics and of Basic Science and Craniofacial Biology, has been appointed Chair of the Department of Orthodontics at New York University College of Dentistry (NYUCD).



Or, you can send your submissions to:

Catherine Muldoon (D’11) was crowned Miss Virginia USA 2012 and competed in the nationally televised Miss USA 2012 pageant in June.

Robert Schattner Center University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Office of Development and Alumni Relations 240 South 40th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6030 215-898-8951 (p)

We want to hear from you. Share your news on personal and professional accomplishments with your fellow Penn Dental Medicine alumni through the Class Notes section of the Penn Dental Journal. We have made it easy for you to make a submission — simply go to where you can quickly send us your information — we welcome photos as well.

2000’s David Galler (D’03) was elected President of the American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics. He is the First General Practitioner to hold the title in the organization. For more information visit

Maria Hernandez (GD’03) has been appointed Director of Postgraduate Periodontics at Nova Southeastern University, College Of Dental Medicine in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The Penn Dental Class of 2002 celebrated their 10th Reunion at Alumni Weekend 2012 with 27 classmates returning to Philadelphia. Congratulations Class of 2002! Nima Massoomi (D’01, GED’01) was awarded the first LEED – Platinum Certification by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) on April 27, 2012. San Francisco Surgical Arts is the first Medical/Dental Surgical office in the world to achieve this status under the Commercial LEEDCI v2009 classification.

Create Your Legacy with a Commitment to Excellence DENTAL THE PENN P ENN D ENTA L MEDICINE M ED ICI NE PROGRAM BEQUEST PR OGR AM Many people choose to support Penn Dental Medicine by including a gifft in their will. for many For some, this is their first gift, but for others this gift is a continuation of giving begun long ago. Estate giffts have helped shape Penn Dental Medicine since it was founded, and provide the resources that create extraordinary opportunities today and preserve its tradition of academic excellence well into the future. Plan a gifft today.

O U R T H A N K S TO TO Y YO OU Your gifft entitles you to membership in the University’s Harrison Society, which recognizes alumni and friends who have made commitments through bequests, trusts, charitable gifft annuities, retirement plan and life insurance designations and other structured giffts. This support is vital to Penn Dental Medicine’s future. To learn more about the benefits of membership, please contact us.


Frank Barrr, JD | Office of Gift Planning 800.223.8236 or 215.898.6171

penn dental journal: fall 2012 43

In Memoriam Dr. Phoebe Leboy Remembered Penn Dental Medicine was deeply saddened by the death of Dr. Phoebe Starfield Leboy, Professor Emerita of Biochemistry at Penn Dental Medicine. Dr. Leboy, a highly respected scientist and tireless advocate for women in science, passed away on June 16, 2012, after a four-year battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease. She was 75. Dr. Leboy joined the School’s faculty in 1966, was promoted to associate professor in 1969, and to the rank of professor in 1976, serving as chair of the department from 1992-95. For 21 years, she remained the only tenured woman at Penn Dental Medicine. Dr. Leboy had a distinguished career in two main areas of research — nucleic acid modifications and bone-forming adult stem cells. “However, perhaps her greatest scientific impact was through her activism for other women scientists,” says Dr. Sherri Adams, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Penn Dental Medicine. Her advocacy for women began in 1970, with the formation of Women for Equal Opportunity at Penn, an organization she chaired and founded. She was also a member of the University Council Committee on the Status of Women, which conducted the first official study on women’s status at Penn, and co-chaired Penn’s Task Force on Gender Equity, 2000-2001. In 2001, she was part of a group from nine top research universities that engaged in an unprecedented discussion on barriers to success for women faculty in science and engineering. Upon retirement in 2005, she continued her advocacy for women, becoming President of the Association for Women in Science, 20082009. Memorial contributions can be made to the Association for Women in Science,

Royal T. Popper (GD’48) Punta Gorda, FL; February 26, 2012

Charles A. Cooper (D’58) Kutztown, PA; July 1, 2011

Lee F. Reilly, Jr. (D’48) Essex Junction, VT; April 27, 2011

Edward J. Foster (GD’58) Alameda, CA; March 25, 2011

Elizabeth Foster Snyder (DH’48) Marmora, NJ; July 12, 2012

Blanche Reese Babiash (DH’59) Royersford, PA; March 31, 2011

John J. Zambito (D’48) Newburgh, NY; April 30, 2012

Richard S. Bach (D’60) Miami, FL; June 8, 2012

Howard D. Beardmore (D’51) Key Biscayne, FL; January 20, 2012

Gary O. Prescott (D’60) Westlake, OH; April 10, 2012

Leo T. Bruyette (D’51) Simsbury, CT; July 18, 2012

Bertram H. Serota (D’60) Philadelphia, PA; April 11, 2012

Charles B. Farrell (D’52) Seminole, FL; March 14, 2012

Roger P. Wiley (D’61) Waterford, PA; January 20, 2012

John S. Sowter (D’52) Morrisville, NC; April 10, 2012

Helge Tamme Kangur (DH’62) North Garden, VA; November 20, 2011

Colum J. Boyland (D’53) Saint Helena Island, SC; March 20, 2012

Robert S. Rubler (C’58 D’62) Scarsdale, NY; March 5, 2012

William O. Crain (D’53) Thomasville, GA; April 20, 2012 Kenneth C. Fordham (D’53) Naples, FL; July 29, 2012 Col. James W. O’Hara, Jr. (D’54) Woodstock, GA; March 17, 2012

Gladys Larson Tomes (DH’27) Ligonier, PA; March 20, 2011

Frank R. Berson (D’44) Weston, MA; January 30, 2012

Dorothy Davis Brown (DH’36) Clementon, NJ; December 27, 2011

Victor H. Boris (D’44) Boynton Beach, FL; January 27, 2012

Martha A. Ewasick (DH’40) Hudson, NY; June 3, 2012

Leonard L. Millican (D’44) Sun City Center, FL; February 27, 2012

Thomas M. Destefano (D’41) Teaneck, NJ; August 13, 2012

John O. Bower, Jr. (D’46) Humboldt, IA; April 13, 2011

Melvin W. Jacobs (D’41) Aurora, CO; August 3, 2012

Philip H. Dunham (D’46) Brattleboro, VT; November 10, 2011

Morton B. Parmet (C’37, D’41) Allentown, PA; August 20, 2012

Phyllis Noble Tucker (DH’46) Waterford, ME; November 29, 2011

Sidney G. Rachlin (D’41) Aventura, FL; April 28, 2012

John P. Donovan (D’48) Emerson, NJ; December 19, 2011

Daniel B. Freeman (C’42, D’43) Dingmans Ferry, PA; March 26, 2012

Andrew R. Knowland (D’48) Marlborough, MA; February 26, 2012

Myron L. Friedman (C’41, D’43) Morristown, NJ; April 3, 2011

Ruth Rodgers Lugassy (D’48) San Rafael, CA; May 17, 2012

44 in memoriam

Robert V. Walker (GD’54) Dallas, TX; April 28, 2011 Howell E. Cook Jr. (GD’55) Longport, NJ; August 10, 2011 Stanley J. Denmark (D’55, GD’57) New York, NY; October 8, 2011 Richard A. Dooley (C’50, D’56) Jacksonville, FL; January 13, 2012 Edward G. Holteen (D’56) Ambler, PA; July 13, 2012 Richard J. Antioch (GD’57) Wheeling, WV; January 1, 2012 Robert W. Smith (GD’57) Anchorage, AK; January 1, 2012 Linda Englander Apell (DH’58) Palm Beach Gardens, FL; March 15, 2011

Robert A. Sterling (D’62) Miami, FL; March 14, 2012 Kurt Sherbourne Petrie (C’61, D’64) New Hope, PA; April 27, 2012 Andrew F. Curtin (D’65) Allenwood, NJ; January 1, 2012 Patricia A. Moore (DH’65) Philadelphia, PA; July 29, 2011 Robert W. Johnson (D’67) Watertown, NY; August 26, 2012 Miles A. Kletter (D’67) Saratoga Springs, NY; January 15, 2012 Mark A. Goldblatt (D’69) Paramus, NJ; February 25, 2011 Anthony J. Ciurczak (D’72) Great Meadows, NJ; June 29, 2012 Harry N. Waterston (D’73) Wallingford, PA; April 2, 2012 Pearl T. Lieberman (D’86) Marlboro, NJ; March 14, 2012

Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Society Executive Committee Keith D. Libou, D’84 President Bernard W. Kurek, D’73, WMP’03, WEV’04 First Vice-President Spencer-Carl Saint-Cyr, D’97 Immediate Past President David Richard Silver, D’85, GD’86, GD’88 Secretary-Treasurer Members-at-Large John David Beckwith, D’87 Judith Zack Bendit, DH’81 Jeffrey R. Blum, D’80 Stefani L. Cheung C’08 D’11 D. Walter Cohen, C’47, D’50 Gail Spiegel Cohen C’76, D’80 Marc Anthony Cozzarin, D’87 Lee B. Durst-Roisman, D’83 Kimberly A. Farrell, D’11 Paul Feldman, D’83 Charlene Fenster, DH’75 Catherine Foote, C’00 D’04 GD’06 Howard P. Fraiman, D’91, GD’93, GD’94 Marshall J. Goldin, C’60 D’64 Dan Han, D’07 GD’11 Sam S. Kadan, D’95 Alisa G. Kauffman, D’85 Elena Kurtz, D’04 GD’06 Michael B. Rulnick, D’74, GD’76 Donald H. Silverman, D’73,WG’74 Thomas L. Snyder, D’71, WG’74 Dean Ford Sophocles, D’87 Robert Marc Stern, D’87 Robert J. Tisot, GD’70 Robert E. Weiner, C’72, D’79 Edwin J. Zimmet, D’70

Past Presidents (last 7 years) Spencer-Carl Saint-Cyr, D’97 Tara Sexton, D’88 Marc B. Ackerman, D’98 Anna Kornbrot, D’79, GD’82 Lewis E. Proffitt, D’73, WG’80 Margrit M. Maggio, D’87 Laurence G. Chacker, D’85 Michael D. Yasner, C’79, D’83, GD’84, GD’86 Ex officio Member Dr. Jaclyn M. Gleber, DH’74 Student Representatives Riddhi Patel Student Council President Matt Ryskalczyk Class of 2013 President Seyar Baqi Class of 2014 President Fadi Raffoul Class of 2015 President School Administration Denis F. Kinane, B.D.S., Ph.D. Morton Amsterdam Dean Professor of Pathology and Periodontics Maren Gaughan Associate Dean, Development and Alumni Relations Sarah Burton Director, Alumni Relations and Annual Giving

Penn Dental Medicine Board of Overseers William W. M. Cheung, D’81, GD’82, Chair Linda J. Gilliam, D’89, Vice Chair Stanley M. Bergman Laurence B. Brody, C’52, D’56 Richard Copell, D’80 Matthew J. Doyle, PhD Patrik Eriksson Lawrence Kessler, C’66, D’70 Lewis E. Proffitt, D’73, WG’80 Robert I. Schattner, D’48 David S. Tarica, D’83 Georges Tawil, DDS, DScod William DeVizio, DMD Umit Yigit, C’81, D’86 Robert Zou, WG’94 Ex officio Members Martin D. Levin, D’72, GD’74 Chair — Dean’s Council Keith Libou, D’84 President — Penn Dental Medicine Alumni Society

Dean’s Council Martin D. Levin, D’72, GD’74, Chair Robert Brody, C’80, D’84 Joseph E. Gian-Grasso, C’67, D’71 Glen Oxner Howard Rosa, D’82 Louis E. Rossman, D’75, GD’77 Tara Sexton, D’88

Faculty Honored by Class of 2012 Penn Dental Medicine faculty members were honored by the graduating class for excellence in teaching at the School’s Senior Farewell in May. Pictured with the Class of 2012 officers are award recipients (front and back, left to right) Dr. Cyelee Kulkarni (D’07), Clinical Instructor, Division of Pediatric Dentistry, awarded The Earle Bank Hoyt Award for excellence in teaching by a Penn Dental Medicine graduate who is a fulltime junior faculty member; Margrit Maggio (D’87), Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry, awarded The Robert E. DeRevere Award for excellence in preclinical teaching; Dr. Elliot Hersh, Professor, Department of Oral Surgery and Pharmacology, awarded The Basic Science Award for excellence in teaching within the basic sciences; and Dr. Scott Odell (D’82), Clinical Assistant Professor of Oral Medicine, awarded The Senior Outstanding Teaching Award for having a significant impact on the class’s educational experience, and The Joseph L. T. Appleton Award for excellence in clinical teaching by a part-time faculty member.

The University of Pennsylvania values diversity and seeks talented students, faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds. The University of Pennsylvania does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status or any other legally protected class status in the administration of its admissions, financial aid, educational or athletic programs, or other Universityadministered programs or in its employment practices. Questions or complaints regarding this policy should be directed to the Executive Director of the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Programs, Sansom Place East, 3600 Chestnut Street, Suite 228, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6106; or (215) 898-6993 (Voice) or (215) 898-7803 (TDD). Specific questions concerning the accommodation of students with disabilities should be directed to the Office of Student Disabilities Services located at the Learning Resources Center, 3820 Locust Walk, Harnwell College House, Suite 110, 215.573.9235 (voice) or 215.746.6320 (TDD).

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Robert Schattner Center University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine 240 South 40th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6030

Calendar of events November 26, 2012 Penn Dental Alumni Reception at the Greater NY Dental Annual Session Penn Club of New York New York, NY February 1, 2013 Dinner and Art Museum Tour Boston, MA April 17–20, 2013 American Association of Endodontics Annual Meeting Honolulu, HI April 18–19, 2013 Making History Campaign Celebrations Philadelphia, PA

April 23–27, 2013 American Academy of Oral Medicine Annual Meeting San Antonio, TX

May 13, 2013 Class of 2013 Commencement Irvine Auditorium Philadelphia, PA

May 3–7, 2013 American Association of Orthodontists Annual Meeting Philadelphia, PA

June 14–15, 2013 5th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry – IAD 2013 Annenberg Center, Zellerbach Theatre Philadelphia, PA

May 7, 2013 Senior Farewell 2013 Philadelphia, PA May 10–12, 2013 Alumni Weekend 2013 Reunions for Classes ending in “3” and “8” Philadelphia, PA 46 penn dental journal

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