Volume 1
WHAT’Snew 2012
Good Samaritan Award Recipient
`` Shown here from L to R are Morris Cheston, Jr. Esq, Sueyun Locks, and Michael Buckley, MD.
Sueyun Locks was named the 2012 Good Samaritan Award recipient during a formal reception at PAH on June 25. Since its inception in 1985, the Good Samaritan Award has been given annually to an individual who has provided exemplary volunteer leadership and support with a spirit of generosity and caring for PAH.
INSIDE Private Room Initiative & Construction Update.....................2 Pennsy Donates Trees to Community.................................2 Employee & Staff Announcements.............................3 UPHS/PENN Bike MS: City to Shore...................................3
July 13, 2012
Pennsylvania Hospital
Sueyun Locks
“Sueyun supports Pennsylvania Hospital in many ways and has over a number of years,” said PAH Executive Director R. Michael Buckley. “She is a valued member of our Board of Managers, a strong neighborhood voice for our hospital and its programs, and generously opens her gallery to us for events. Her advice and counsel have been valuable to me in my relatively new role, and we are all fortunate to have Sueyun as part of our Pennsylvania Hospital family.”
Number 9
Sueyun has served as director of the Locks Gallery of Washington Square since 1987, and publisher of Locks Art Publications since 1990. With her husband, Gene, Sueyun has generously supported several initiatives at PAH including an endowed Neurosurgery professorship and the preservation of the historic Pine Building. The historic basis for the Good Samaritan Award is found in the parable of the Good Samaritan from the Book of Luke, 10:25-37: A traveler was attacked by thieves who robbed him and left him injured and dying by the side of the road. Two different holy men passed by, leaving him dying, but then a stranger, a Samaritan, stopped and bound his wounds and took him to a nearby inn to recover. The stranger gave the innkeeper some money for the man’s care and told the innkeeper, “Take care of him and I will repay thee.” In 1751, Benjamin Franklin and Dr. Thomas Bond chose the lesson of the Good Samaritan as the theme for the seal of our hospital.
`` The new Peak Load Contribution Meter System, accessible by computer, shows Hospital energy usage in real time.
TAKING ENERGY MANAGEMENT to a Whole New Level So far the summer of 2012 has been a real doozey. It’s only mid-July and Philadelphia has already experienced three official heat waves of 90 degree-plus temperatures for more than three days in a row. In an effort to most effectively manage and conserve energy at PAH, particularly during summer months, a new Peak Load Contribution Meter system has been installed in the sub-basement of the Schiedt Building. The Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO) generally defines peak electrical demand hours between 3-6 pm. This peak time period is actually longer for the Hospital with its additional needs, particularly supplying the chillers which provide cold water and air conditioning to the hospital’s buildings. “Problems arise during especially hot summer days when all businesses tend to peak in their electrical usage at the same time,” explained Jim Kelly, director, Engineering Services. “We have always exercised energy conservation tactics but really didn’t know how effective they were in real time. Nor were we able to identify potential energy problems in advance. With this new meter system we can see what our exact energy load is at any given time. This, in turn, enables us to proactively adjust — and reduce where possible — our electrical usage so we can effectively maintain operations and conserve costs and energy.” Remember — we can all help conserve energy by turning off all lighting and equipment when not needed. Every individual’s effort really does help!
What’s Happening..........................4 Latest CAREs Grant Recipients..... 4
PRIVAT E RO OM I N I T I AT I V E & C ON S T RU CT ION In other construction progress news, major demolition in the Cathcart Sub-Basement and on the 8th floor of the Preston building is complete. Installation of new underground piping is currently underway for the new Lab and framing of interior walls has begun. Complete relocation of the Lab remains on track for December 2012.
SPR E A DI NG T H E G R E E N — Pennsy Donates Trees to Community
`` This month marks the completion of the primary steel structure at Penn Medicine Washington Square.
Construction and renovations to accommodate the PAH Private Initiative continue to progress. The final steel beam will be placed at Penn Medicine Washington Square, the new PAH outpatient facility at 8th and Walnut Streets, on July 26, completing the steel structure. On June 14, approximately 250 employees and staff attended an open house to tour the private patient room prototype on 9 Spruce. “It is critical we continue to seek and utilize feedback obtained from our employees to best accommodate our patients, their loved ones and our staff,” said Karla McCaney, vice president, Facilities Management. “We want input from employees from all departments — from Food & Nutrition to Nursing to Respiratory Care — because they are the ones who we entrust with delivering care and services to our patients. Their experience and insight are immensely valuable in helping us improve the flow and logistics of the patient room design.” Everyone who visited the prototype room was asked to complete a simple on-line survey. There was a robust response to the survey of both constructive suggestions and positive feedback. Virtually all employees surveyed commented favorably about the benefits of a private, single occupancy room and a designated family area. Other points of positive feedback included: sleeper sofas to accommodate patient family members, the convenience of bedside computers in each room, the availability of detailed information boards to help keep patients oriented, and ‘charging areas’ for electronic devices.
Being the nation’s first and oldest hospital brings with it many ongoing challenges – one of which being the maintenance of the Hospital’s grounds and gardens. To say grounds-keeping at PAH is an “on-going process” would be an understatement!
UPDATE Everyone in the PAH community would like to give a special shout out to Sam Royer and his crew who transformed the Elm and Hard Gardens this spring and summer. “Sam and his team have done such a terrific job in a small amount of time. We recognize and appreciate their efforts,” said Karla McCaney, vice president, Facilities Management.
Starting this past spring, the Elm Garden has been transformed by Samuel Royer, lead horticulturalist in the Department of Engineering, and his crew. Due to spacing issues — and to best accommodate the growing needs the Gardens’ plant life — 12 trees had to be removed. Through the coordination of Matthew Menard, Community Relations coordinator and physician liaison, PAH was able to donate the 12 trees to the community. All the trees were found new homes with more room to flourish. Six thundercloud flowering plum trees (prunus cerasifera for your serious flora fans) and six pink flowering weeping cherry trees (prunus subhirtella pendula), now all approximately three-four years old, were originally planted in about 15 inches of soil in a lined planting bed the Elm Garden. This was fine when the trees were just saplings. However, as the trees grew, it became clear that there was simply not enough room for the roots to expand, the primary reason the trees had to be relocated. All 12 trees have since found homes with various groups throughout the community including: the Washington Square West neighborhood, The Philadelphia Horticultural Society, Northeast Tree Tenders, and the Smith Memorial Playground and Playhouse. Relocating trees is tricky business as they are much more fragile than people realize. Each tree had to be replanted virtually immediately after being uprooted. All were safely relocated to their new adoptive homes.
`` Shown here from L to R are Hasan Malik from Northeast Tree Tenders, Matthew Menard, Sam Royer, and Earl Johnson.
`` Shown here are three trees donated from PAH in their new adoptive home at the Smith Memorial Playground and Playhouse in East Fairmount Park.
Altrucia Jones Receives
COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Each year the Community Council of Hall Mercer presents an award to an individual or group who has made a major contribution to the improvement in the lives of persons with behavioral health disabilities. Altrucia — or “Trucie” as most of us know her — Jones of Food and Nutrition Services was selected by the Council as the 2012 Community Service Award recipient. The Community Council and the PAH community honored Trucie with a reception in the Great Court June 19.
LIBRARY SERVICES WELCOMES Jessie George Please join Library Services in welcoming Jessie George, MSN, RN, to our staff in the role of Nursing Informatics Coordinator. Her areas of specialization will be ICN, Well Baby, 4/5 Preston, and Labor & Delivery. Jessie received her MSN degree, with a Minor in Health Informatics, from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and has been a highly-regarded nurse in cardiac care at PPMC for the last four years. Her goal at PAH is to help implement and improve nursing information systems that promote high-quality patient care and patient satisfaction. Jessie’s touchdown space is on 2 Pine East and she can be reached at 215.829.7948.
MEDICAL RECORDS LOSES DEAR FAMILY MEMBER It is with great sadness that members of the Department of Medical Records announce the passing of beloved friend and colleague, Gayle Ford. Gayle worked at PAH since 1991 and received her 20 year service award just this past June. She was a wonderful friend to all in the department and was known to many employees throughout the hospital, including residents, physicians and vendors. Here are only just a couple of the many lovely remarks from Gayle’s co-workers: Gayle was a great supervisor, very dedicated to her job and co-workers. She was a hard worker and very focused on her job responsibilities. In difficult situations she always knew what to do and how to solve problems effectively. Gayle had a way of getting connected to the right resources to gain the information needed for us to do our job. She always went above and beyond the call of duty. Gayle will truly be missed here in Medical Records. — Leslie Powell The two words that best describe Gayle are efficient and resourceful. Gayle not only mastered the mechanical and intellectual components of her duties, she had an uncanny ability to approach a problem and determine the necessary measures to resolve issues in a timely manner. Good supervisors are the key to efficient operations. They motivate and direct the little guys while synthesizing and making sense of the boss’s wishes. Gayle was the quintessential supervisor. — Clifford Hill AT THE WISHES OF GAYLE’S FAMILY, anyone wishing to make a contribution in Gayle’s name may donate directly to the Make a Wish Foundation, 3411 Silverside Rd #104wd, Wilmington, DE 19810.
Arlene Branch
RETIRES AFTER 40 YEARS. After 40 years of dedicated service, Arlene Branch is retiring from PAH. According to her colleagues in clinical resource management Arlene is “a Pennsy person through and through.” Arlene graduated from the Pennsylvania School of Nursing in 1971 and began working at PAH immediately after her graduation. “Arlene is a caring, compassionate person who has been an intergral part of hte Pennsylvania Hospital team,” said Anne Arnold, RN MS, director, Clinical Resource Management. She has been in several supervisor roles in which she was able to share her vast knowlege including head nurse from 1972 to 1978 and nursing supervisor from 1978 until 1992. Arlene also served as the infection control practitioner from 1992 to 1996 at the Institute and has held her current position of precertification case manager since 1996. “Arlene — the official ‘go to’ person for many of her coworkers over the years, has mentored many coworkers in this role.” added Arnold. “ We wish her all the best in her retirement.”
Discounted Registration to Join Team UPHS/PENN for the Bike MS: City to Shore Ride ENDS JULY 31 The final Team UPHS/PENN recruitment and fundraising event recently took place in the Elm Garden Café. New recruits took advantage of the discounted registration fee and took a chance on “Bidding MS Goodbye” raffles to raise money throughout the month of June in Telly’s Gift Shop. A total of over $1,100 was raised in support of the Team and the MS Society. Thanks to all who participated. The lucky raffle winners and their prizes are: »» Derrick Hutton, Environmental Services — Go to Bat for MS (including 4 Phillies Tickets) »» Kate Rogers, Food & Nutrition Services — iLove Music »» Bruce Robinson, AELitho — A Day at the Beach »» Dr. Michael Buckley, Administration — Watercolors by Patty Bebee »» Bill Hunt, Allied Health/Laboratory Services — Penn Medicine Bikes MS »» John Lee, RN, 7 Schiedt — Streamlight on MS »» John McGurney and Roy Batey, Respiratory Services — Pretzel Crisps Bundle »» Carole Hayes, Volunteer, Telly’s Gift Shop — Good Morning Ocean City »» Ed Winski, Finance — Post Century Pamper »» Marian Lord-Gartner, Quality & Safety Department — Dinner In »» Desi Jones, OR — Bike Team UPHS/PENN »» Marie Albert, Day Stay Unit — ¡Me Gusto! »» Carole Hayes, Volunteer, Telly’s Gift Shop — Bike MS »» Pat O’Hara, Balloons, Inc. — Double Your Pleasure/Double your Carb Load This year marks the 32nd anniversary of the Bike MS City to Shore Ride. The 2012 system-wide goal is to recruit 325 team members and raise $135,000. It’s not too late to register! Just click on the MS button on the PAH Intranet page and register as a member of the UPHS/PENN team. The $10 off registration ‘team card’ discount fee is available until 7/31.
WHAT’S H a p p ening
For complete events listing, please visit What’s New on the Inside Penn Medicine web site at: http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside
Join Penn Medicine/CHOP Team for the LIVESTRONG Challenge Philly
September 29-30
September 30
Join Team UPHS/PENN for the 32nd Bike MS: City to Shore Ride
5K for The Institute on Aging and The Memory Mile Walk
Latest CAREs Foundation Grant Recipients Congratulations to all the CARE’s foundation Grant Recipients for the fourth quarter of FY2012. Twelve recipients — including two from PAH — have been chosen from throughout Penn Medicine’s Health System entities and the School of Medicine, to receive $1,500 each to help fund the following community outreach initiatives.
PAH CAREs Grant Recipients from PAH: Enhanced Medication Safety Using Pill Organizers > James Bobyak, Pharmacy, PAH
A previous grant recipient, PAH pharmacist James was awarded a second grant to purchase pill organizers to be given to patients as they receive medication counseling during the discharge process. The organizers will simplify patients’ medication regimens, ensuring proper home administration and reducing hospital readmissions.
Raising Healthy and Happy Kids in East Asian Families > Zheya Jenny Yu, MD, Psychiatry, PAH
Dr. Zheya Jenny Yu and her outreach partner, Ingrid Chung, have created outreach sessions tailored the Philadelphia’s East Asian community, a culture known for harboring a strong stigma associated with using mental health services. Cultural and language barriers to access also discourage Asian families from seeking help. This grant funding will help increase awareness about the signs and symptoms of mental health and learning issues
in children, as well as specific acculturation and assimilation difficulties related to recent immigration. The team also plans to train group leaders in the East Asian community so that they may also help families in need get appropriate help.
Additional CAREs Grant Recipients for Q4 FY2012 Emergency Dental Care > Sue Canning, Emergency Medicine HUP
Penn Careers in the City > Janelle Harris, Surgical Nursing HUP
Interfaith Hospitality Network > Kris Gallagher, Plastic Surgery, HUP
urture Your Core: Narcotic’s N Anonymous Women’s Retreat > Michele Pastorius, MSNED, RN, CCRN, Interventional Cardiology Unit, PPMC
Summer Skin Protection > Vivian Prince, Nursing, CPUP
United Community Clinic Vision Program > Douglas Worrall, Medical Student, SOM
HERO – Health Education
Referral Outreach Project >A liya Rogers,RN, BSN, Wissahickon Hospice, HCHS
MELC Infant Friendship Center > Jeanie Carpenter, Business Development, CORP
Camp Bright Feathers, Haven Youth Center > Eric Morgenstein, Wissahickon Hospice, HCHS
Sally Sapega` Director of Internal Communications
Olivia Fermano` Editor and Photographer Pamela Furches Design ` Graphic Design Barry Ogburn` Photography
Susan E. Phillips` Senior Vice President, Public Affairs ` CONTACT WHAT’Snew at: Department of Communications Pennsylvania Hospital Philadelphia, PA 19106 phone: 215.829.6799 email: olivia.fermano@uphs.upenn.edu WHAT’Snew is published biweekly for PAH employees. Access WHAT’Snew online at http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/whats-new/.