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Volume 2


Number 11 July 19, 2013

Pennsylvania Hospital

Stephen J. Schuster, MD, Named

2 0 1 3 E h r e n z e l l e r Aw a r d R e c i pient Stephen J. Schuster, MD, is the recipient of this year’s Ehrenzeller Award, given annually to a former Pennsylvania Hospital resident. Dr. Schuster — from the PAH intern group of 1981–82 — was honored on June 18, at a special Grand Rounds lecture and ceremony. Dr. Schuster gave a presentation highlighting the current and future research in the treatment of lymphoma and related diseases.

Dr. Schuster has d e d i c ated his career to t he war on cancer.

This was the 51st year this award — named after Jacob Ehrenzeller, PAH’s very first resident, in 1773 — was given to a former resident who has excelled in his or her field and upheld the high quality of training at PAH.

and director of Lymphoma Translational Research at the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania, where his work with therapeutic vaccines has been groundbreaking and nationally recognized.

Dr. Schuster is the Robert and Margarita Louis-Dreyfus associate professor in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Lymphoma Clinical Care and Research at Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine. Dr. Schuster is the first to hold the Louis-Dreyfus chair. He is also director of the Lymphoma Program

Board certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology, Dr. Schuster received his medical degree from Thomas Jefferson Medical College. He completed his internship, residency and a fellowship at Pennsylvania Hospital and a fellowship in Hematology at Jefferson. / / / Continued on pg 4

Inside In Remembrance…...................2 Biking to Create a World Free of MS..........................................3 How we doin’? New Patient Surveys Make Their Debut.......3 What’s Happening.....................4 Muslims Celebrate Holy Month of Ramadan................................4 2013 Ehrenzeller Award Recipient continued...................................4

Fare wel l to a B eloved PAH Member G e orge Mi l ler Congratulations and best wishes to George Miller, Patient Access/ Admission Department, who is retiring after 32 years and 10 months of dedicated service. George’s last day at PAH is July 19, 2013. Well liked and regarded by all who knew him, George started his career at PAH as an Admission Representative in August 1980. To broaden his experience, he transferred to the Billing Department, then located at 210 W. Washington Square, and worked in the


collections. After a few years he went to work in the Hospital’s Business Office where he also learned OR Scheduling. George then returned to the Admissions department and worked in the Short Procedure Unit. While working full time George attended Wilmington College and Widener University, fulfilling his personal goal of obtaining his Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies. George will truly be missed! We wish him all the best as he embarks on the next exciting chapter of his life.


In Remembrance… A dear friend and colleague, teacher and mentor of Pennsylvania Hospital, Michael J. Haut, MD, passed away last month at the Hospital after a long, brave battle with cancer. He was 71 years old.

For over 30 years, Dr. Haut was

consistently a major contributor — both as a clinician and educator — to PAH and Penn Medicine. Even in retirement he remained actively involved with the hospital. He was the embodiment of caring and compassion as is reflected in the words of PAH Chief of Hematology-Oncology, David M. Mintzer, MD: Dr. Haut was a skilled clinician, teacher, scientist, and author. But what was most notable about him was his unrelenting advocacy for his patients, his enthusiasm for medicine, and his humanism. Those for whom he cared were indeed fortunate to have a physician that related to them not just as patients with diseases, but as individuals. Dr. Haut was always generous with his time, willing to talk and listen — whether with patients, family, colleagues, students or any member of the Pennsylvania Hospital community. He will be missed by all of us. A homegrown “Philly Boy,” Dr. Haut lived in Philadelphia most of his life — many of those years only a few blocks from PAH. He attended Central High School and Northeast High School where he graduated. He attended Franklin and Marshall College as a National Merit Scholar and received his undergraduate degree in1963. He went on to earn his medical degree in 1967, from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.


For Dr. Haut’s postgraduate training, he interned at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center and completed his residency in internal medicine at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center (then, Presbyterian Medical Center). He completed a fellowship in hematology/oncology at Case Western Reserve University/Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital. After completing his fellowship, Dr. Haut served in the armed forces from 1972-1979, at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. He served as the Chief of Hematology from 1974-1979, and was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in 1979. Board certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology, and Medical Oncology, Dr. Haut came back to Philly 1979. At that time, he joined the staff of Pennsylvania Hospital to focus his energies on patient care and teaching. Since being with Penn, Dr. Haut was a clinical assistant and clinical associate professor of Medicine and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and a clinical associate professor of Medicine. In 2000, he was named a full clinical professor of Medicine. Among his many leadership activities, Dr. Haut also directed the PAH Sickle Cell Disease Program for 18 years, established a transition program and partnership with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and established the Philadelphia Adult Gaucher’s Disease Center in 1991. He also founded the Special Coagulation Laboratory at PAH in 1981, which was involved with managing the health complications of pregnant women with bleeding or clotting problems, and patients with hemostatic problems undergoing surgery.

Throughout his career, Dr. Haut was a highly respected colleague and extraordinary mentoring and teaching role model who positively affected hundreds of young interns, residents, and faculty. He received the Edward D. Viner Teaching Award from the Department of Medicine, the Annual Teaching Award for a Non-Obstetrician from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Faculty Honor Roll from the Perelman School of Medicine. Dr. Haut’s publications reflected his life’s work, focusing primarily on: coagulation, platelet disorders in malignancy and other diseases, bleeding/thrombosis in pregnancy, sickle cell disease, red cell enzyme disorders, and malignancy. He served on the editorial board of The Oncologist from 1999-2007. In 2007, he became one of the four founding members of the Society for Translational Oncology, an international society devoted to the application of new findings in tumor biology, molecular biology, and pharmacology in clinical oncology. Dr. Haut retired from PAH in 2008, after which he focused his academic efforts on editing as a scientific and research grant reviewer. Over the past 30 years he was a reviewer for the NIH Hematology Study Sections, the Department of Defense Cancer Initiative Program, prostate and breast cancer grant review panels, and the Susan G. Komen Foundation breast cancer grant review panels. Dr. Haut is survived by his devoted wife Rosalie, their children Elliott R. Haut, MD, and his wife Jayne Gerson; Wendy L. Haut; Jonathan B. Haut; and grandchildren Arenal Gerson Haut and Fletcher Brooks Haut.


to Create a World Free of MS The recruitment events culminated on June 27, with the Team UPHS/Penn recruits and supporters having their picture taken with the 2008 Phillies World Series Championship Ring.

Team UPHS/Penn 2013 MS City to Shore recruitment

and fundraising events culminated in record success this year. Two events were held recently in the Elm Garden Café. On June 11, the 3rd annual “Tour de Elm” capped off the 2013 season with our three returning veteran riders, Bill Hunt, Lab, Arley Johnson, PT/OT, and Ben Palubinsky, 6 Pavilion – who once again spun their hearts out to fight MS. Bill Hunt (22.44 miles) was going for his “three-peat” win before “retiring” this year. However, he was upset by Ben (26.58 miles) who vowed last year to “take in all in 2013.” Arley (22.2) fell to a close 3rd place this year after experiencing technical difficulties (his fan was only functioning for part of the hour!). Spectators speculate that Bill may have to come out of retirement next year to avenge his title. Thank you to all who took a guess on the placing of our riders in support of the MS Society. T he w i n n ers are : Kathy Clark, Nursing: 1st Prize – Lunch for winner and four colleagues with PAH Executive Director, Dr. Buckley. Pete Schiavo, Cardiology Services: 2nd Prize – Phillies package including a Charlie Manuel autographed baseball and a pair of tickets to see the Philadelphia Phillies vs. the Atlanta Braves, Saturday, September 7, supporting Hall Mercer’s Psychiatric Rehab Night. Malinda Ginion, Nursing: 3rd Prize – A Month of Free Coffee from the PAH Coffee Cart. Annette Tantillo, Patient Financial Services/Patient Access – Winner of the grand prize drawing for a one night weekend stay for two at LOEWS HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA including breakfast for two at Solefood.

Team UPHS/PENN successfully recruited a one-day record number of riders at the first event with 30 registrations. The second day netted nine more riders. A combined total of over $500 was raised in support of Team UPHS/ PENN and the MS Society. If you did not yet register, it’s not too late! Visit the team page at: https://secure3.convio.net/nmss/ site/TRR/Bike/PAEBikeEvents/1516 897932?pg=ptype&fr_id=17956

When you register as a team member be sure to indicate the UPHS/PENN team. You can use the ‘team card’ discount and save $10 off registration until 7/31. Bike to create a world free of MS! Named by Bicycling Magazine as the “Best Cycling Getaway in NJ,” the Bike MS: City to Shore Ride promises to be the best cycling experience on the east coast. This year marks the 32nd anniversary of the Bike MS City to Shore Ride, in

which Team UPHS/PENN will with your help, again be the largest team. We’re counting on your leadership to keep the momentum going strong and join the team this September 28 & 29, for an even more successful year. This year’s system-wide goal is to recruit 325 team members and reach a fundraising goal of $150,000. Bum knee and can’t ride? There are plenty of options for everyone to contribute. You can also participate as a virtual cyclist if you can’t ride, but still want to fundraise or can volunteer at the team’s Finish Line tent. The 2012 team of 318 members, qualified for the highlycoveted finish line tent and won five awards: Largest Overall Team, Largest Corporate Team, Top Fund Raising Team, the $100,000 Club, and the Millennium Circle Team. Each person who raises the minimum $300 receives a customized team jersey to wear during the ride and access to the finish line tent with plenty of food and giveaways. Plus, there is an annual Team UPHS/PENN Pasta Dinner the night before the ride — great way to carbo-load for energy before the race! Thanks to all for your continued support of Team UPHS/PENN as they bike to create a world free of MS.

How we doin’? New Patient Surveys Make Their Debut As of July 1, newly revised inpatient satisfaction surveys are being sent to UPHS patients so they may provide valuable feedback. The new survey represents a shorter format consisting of 39 questions, down from the previous count of 80–90 questions. Out of the 39 questions, 32 are mandatory HCAHPS questions (from the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey); Five are

customized for use throughout the Health System, and two questions are open ended to allow for direct patient comment.

and their responses are vitally important to the ongoing internal and external assessment of our performance.”

“We realize that even with 39 questions, this is a long survey for patients to complete, but we do expect a higher rate of return with the new survey,” said Patricia Garcia Sullivan, PhD, vice president, Quality and Patient Safety for UPHS, in an email. “Completed surveys

> > > To see a copy of the new survey, check the Penn Medicine intranet home page under “What’s Hot” at: http://uphsxnet.uphs. upenn.edu/home/


WHAT’S H a p p ening

Your resource for e v e n ts a n d happe n i n gs throughout PA H a n d P e n n M ed i c i n e

For complete events listing, please visit What’s New on the Inside Penn Medicine web site at: http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside

JuLy-September July-August 2013

Penn Program for Mindfulness Summer 2013 Course Offerings

August 9

Grand Rounds: “Becoming Scholars of the Patients’ Illness Experience”

September 14

Colon Cancer Alliance’s Philadelphia Undy 5000

September 22

Penn’s Second Annual 5K for the IOA and Memory Mile

Mu slim s Celeb rate

Holy Month of Ramadan The Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan — which means “the month of mercy” — is celebrated around the globe and began this year in North American on July 10. During this holy month, Muslims fast during the day for 30 days for the purpose of atonement and humility and to express kindness to others.

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars (fundamental religious duties) of Islam. Many Muslims (except children, the sick and the elderly) abstain from food, drink, and certain other activities during daylight hours in Ramadan. It is a time of self-examination and increased religious devotion.

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, which traditionally begins with a new moon sighting. It consists of 12 months, and lasts about 354 days. It is considered the holiest season of the Islamic year and commemorates the time when the Qu’ran is said to have been revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. This occurred on Laylat Al-Qadr, one of the last ten nights of the month. Ramadan ends when the first crescent of the new moon is sighted again, marking the new lunar month’s start. Eid-al-Fitr is the Islamic holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.

People of Islamic faith are encouraged to read the entire Qur’an (Islamic holy book) during Ramadan. Some Muslims recite the entire Qur’an by the end of Ramadan through special prayers known as Tarawih, which are held in mosques every night of the month, during which a section of the Qur’an is recited. Ramadan is also a month for acts of charity. Some Islamic centers and organizations actively take part in charity events and activities such as giving basic necessities, including food and clothing, to the homeless or donating school equipment to schools.

2 0 1 3 E h r e n z e l l e r Aw a r d R e c i p i e n t


2013 PAH Auxiliary Golf Tournament

September 28-29

UPHS/Penn 2013 MS City to Shore Ride

October 18

PPMC’s 2013 Cultural Diversity Conference

November 9, 2013

2013 Penn Medicine Heart Walk

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Stephen J. Schuster, MD, Named

Dr. Schuster has dedicated his career to the war on cancer with clinical expertise in hematologic malignancies and research expertise in lymphoma, myeloproliterative disease, high dose therapy, and bone marrow transplant.

September 23

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A member of the American Society of Hematology, Dr. Schuster is recognized as a Top Doc Philadelphia magazine, in Best Doctors in America, 2005-06, 2011-12; America’s Top Doctors 2011-13; and as a Top Doctor by U.S.News and World Report.

Contact What’snew What’snew at: at: Contact Department of of Communications Communications Department Pennsylvania Hospital Hospital Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA PA 19106 19106 Philadelphia, phone: 215.829.6799 215.829.6799 phone: email: olivia.fermano@uphs.upenn.edu olivia.fermano@uphs.upenn.edu email: WHAT’Snew isis published published biweekly biweekly for for PAH PAH WHAT’Snew employees. Access Access WHAT’Snew WHAT’Snew online online at at employees. http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/whats-new/. http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/whats-new/.

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