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Imagine a Boulevard
Six-lane multimodal boulevard: River Terrace to Kenilworth
The northern portion of DC-295 sees the most traffic today with residential neighborhoods and businesses sitting along both sides of the highway. As a result, this busy stretch of highway could lend itself well to a six-lane multimodal boulevard. The boulevard could continue to serve as a high-capacity connector to greater DC and other parts of the river corridor, however, unlike DC-295, this boulevard would accommodate all types of travelers, not just those in private vehicles.
By enabling more access points to and across the road, especially for pedestrians and cyclists, the boulevard could also create opportunities for new commercial activity and a larger development at the PEPCO site.

Proposed features:
• Dedicated bus rapid transit (BRT) in inner lane each way

• Two lanes of vehicle traffic each way
• Two-way cycle track on west side
• Retention median
• Sidewalks on both sides
• Development on both sides except where boulevard approaches CSX rail