1 minute read

Imagine a Boulevard

Parkway from D St SE to Capitol St SE

After E Capitol St SE, DC-295 curves into the park, at which point the new boulevard could look more like a parkway. Today, there are no connections between DC-295 and the park. In the future, the parkway could run at grade with several crossing points to ensure this segment, like the others, reverses DC-295’s role as a barrier between neighborhoods, the park, and the river.


This portion could narrow into two lanes of traffic in each direction, slowing vehicle speeds down as the boulevard leaves the mixed commercial and residential areas. A cycle track, wide sidewalks, trees, and park space would line both sides of the parkway, creating a new space for residents and visitors to enjoy the park.

Proposed boulevard segment

Proposed features:

• Dedicated bus rapid transit (BRT) in inner lane each way

• Two lanes of vehicle traffic each way

• Two-way cycle track on west side with a connection to the river trail

• Retention median

• Sidewalks on both sides

• Park on both sides, no development

Proposed Bus Rapid Transit

Existing bike lane

Existing bike share station

Existing Metro station

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