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Benefits for Development

The removal of DC-295 will has the potential to catalyze more equitable development east of the river. The map to the right shows possible areas of new development following the conversion of DC295 to a boulevard. The benefits of a new boulevard to equitable development are listed below.

Larger housing supply and lower cost burdens


The biggest benefit of a boulevard conversion for development is that such a project would open up large amounts of developable land and provide an opportunity to increase the supply of housing, while maintaining affordability and alleviating cost burden.

Responsible zoning

Taking down a physical barrier allows new development uses to be focused on connecting Ward 7 and Ward 8 residents to the river. By incorporating this goal into local zoning policy, the conversion of DC-295 into a boulevard could ensure that development expands upon existing neighborhood character and supports existing neighborhood institutions.

More accessible homes and services

Emphasizing multimodal options within a boulevard conversion opens up the possibility of building true density around transit nodes, which does not yet exist in the area. Greater density near high-quality transit in turn could create more accessible homes and services for the Anacostia River Corridor.

Existing bike lane

Existing bike share station

Existing Metro station

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