I am delighted to welcome you and your family to the Penrhos College boarding community. Being a boarder is an opportunity to create happy memories and friendships to last a lifetime.
Care and consideration for others is at the very heart of our community; all staff and students can expect to be treated with courtesy, fairness and respect.
There is much for our boarders to enjoy, and many opportunities exist for students to follow their personal interests and to develop their individual talents. To get the most out of their life at Penrhos College, our boarders are invited and encouraged to participate in a wide range of sporting, artistic, academic and social activities.
This handbook outlines the day-to-day procedures and guidelines of the Boarding House. We ask that all boarders and their families support our commitment to ensuring the personal safety and wellbeing of all in the boarding community by following the guidelines and adhering to the necessary regulations.
Embarking on a journey in boarding is exciting and we look forward to having you join us soon!

Our aim

Liz Langdon Head of Boarding
Provide a happy, nurturing and safe residence for girls while they receive their secondary education at Penrhos College
Foster communication between all members of the boarding community
Create an environment where girls’ self-esteem and sense of worth are enhanced and where values of respect, responsibility, tolerance, initiative, cooperation, an acceptance of the differences in others and striving for excellence are foremost

Develop independence and self-reliance
Provide the opportunity for all girls to reach their academic potential
Educate girls with regard to their personal health and safety
Provide opportunities that will keep girls engaged, challenge them, use their talents and enable them to exercise their leadership potential
Make the transition for new boarders as smooth as possible.

Liz Langdon
Head of Boarding
08 9368 9502 (office) 0414 072 849 (mobile)
Kris Callaway
Assistant Head of Boarding (Operations)
Please phone Kris during the school day for any general enquiries. 08 9368 9563 8am – 4pm (Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri)
After hours reception
(All day Saturday and Sunday, before 9am and after 3pm Monday – Friday)
08 9368 9524
Please note this phone is not monitored during the school day.
Health Centre
8am – 5pm (Monday – Friday) 08 9368 9505
Postal address
Penrhos College Boarding Locked Bag 690 Como WA 6952
The staff in the Boarding House welcome communication from families.
The Menai email address goes to all Boarding staff and is the best way to get a message delivered quickly and easily, at any time:
The Boarding House Weekly Newsletters are sent to families on a boarding house email address. Please do not reply to this email, as the account is not monitored.

Working alongside the Head of Boarding are the Assistant Heads of Boarding (AHoB). On certain nights of the week and days on the weekend, the AHoB will be on call and working in the Boarding House. On these occasions, the AHoB will work with the boarding staff to resolve any issues that may arise.
To further streamline the staff structure, each year group will be linked with a Year Coordinator (YCo). The YCos will manage their year group’s day-to-day emotional, social, health and academic needs. The YCo is the first point of contact for parents/guardians.
Difficult or sensitive issues are referred to the Head of Boarding who will liaise with key staff at school if needed and maintain open communication with parents/ guardians. The YCos will email reports to parents/ guardians and keep them up-to-date with what has been happening. They will also hold meetings and workshops and run planned and impromptu activities with their year group to help build confident and resilient boarders.

All items of clothing (including shoes) are to be clearly marked with the student’s full name (not just initials).
School uniform
The Uniform Shop will offer guidance
• 1 Penrhos hat
• 3 summer uniforms
• 1 Penrhos blazer
• 2 winter skirts
• 1 Penrhos jumper or cardigan
• 3 blouses
• 1 Penrhos black backpack
Sports uniform
• Sports shorts
• School sports top
• House polo shirt
• School bathers
• Track suit
• Penrhos sports cap
• Swimming cap – House colour
• Sports bag
• 3 pairs of sport socks
Shoes and stockings
• Lace-up shoes
• 5 pairs of stockings
• 3 pairs of socks
Please note: no jewellery, other than a watch, may be worn with school uniform. Gold or silver studs or sleepers are the only earrings acceptable with the school uniform and ONE ONLY in each ear lobe.
Casual clothing
• Casual clothing for weekends and after school
• Underwear
• Sleepwear
• Bathers and rashie for sun protection
• Hat/cap
• Casual and dress shoes
• A more formal outfit
• Personal toiletries (no aerosols – including hairspray / roll-on deodorant only)
• Sunscreen
• Combination lock for cupboards (optional)
• Water bottle
• Tissues
• Clothes and skirt hangers
• Tub or basket for laundry (please label with your daughter’s name)
• Laundry powder and secure container for storage
• Blu Tack and drawing pins for securing photos
• Small digital alarm clock
• NO large electrical appliances e.g. fans, bed lamps
• 2 sets of single sheets
• 2 pillowcases
• 2 bath towels
• Beach towel
• Pillow/s
• Doona and cover
• Other personal bed adornments e.g. rug or throw

Timetable subject to change
7am Rising call 7am Breakfast in the Dining Room
7am – 8.20am Tidying of rooms and preparation for school
8.20am Leave for school
3.15pm Afternoon tea in Common Rooms
3.15pm – 5.30pm After school activities
5.30pm – 6pm Dinner in the Dining Room (2 sittings)
6.30pm – 8.30pm Prep (Monday – Thursday)
Year 7: 6.30pm – 7.30pm in the Library (phones collected)
Years 8 to 9: 6.30pm – 8pm in the Library (phones collected)
Years 10 to 12: In rooms (Year 10 phones collected)
Prep guidelines
• Consideration for others is essential during Prep
• Please do not distract other students
• Mobile phones are not to be used during Prep time
• Girls wishing to listen to music must use headphones
• Parents are requested not to phone their daughters during Prep
Charging of phones
The boarders’ phones are not charged overnight. Phones can be charged during the school day in their bedrooms.
Timetable subject to change
8am – 10am Breakfast in the Dining Room
11.30am – 1.30pm Lunch in the Dining Room 3pm Afternoon tea in Common Rooms
5.30pm – 6pm Dinner in the Dining Room
6.30pm – 7.30pm Sunday night Quiet time to prepare for the week ahead, finish off homework and tidy room
ROUTINE (Sunday – Thursday)
Phones – returned after Prep or quiet time on Sunday
Phones and laptops – hand in (sleep routine*)
Phones and laptops – returned in the morning In bed Lights off
Phones – hand in for Prep or quiet time on Sunday 6.20pm 6.20pm 6.20pm 6.20pm Keep phones Keep phones 7.30pm 8pm (Sun 7.30pm) 8pm (Sun 7.30pm) 10pm (quiet time) 10.30pm (encouraged) 10pm (quiet time) 8.30pm (Sun 7.30pm) Keep phones Keep phones 8.15pm 8.45pm 9pm 9.45pm Keep phones and laptops Keep phones and laptops Keep phones and laptops Keep phones and laptops 8.30pm 9pm 9.15pm 9.45pm 8.45pm 9.15pm 9.30pm 10pm 10.30pm 7am 7am 7am 7am
* All electronic devices, including iPads and smart watches, are collected overnight.
ROUTINE (Friday – Saturday) YEAR 7
Laptops –hand in In bed Lights off
Phones –hand in 8.45pm 9.15pm 9.15pm 9.30pm 10pm Keep phones Keep phones 8.45pm 11pm (encouraged) 10.30pm (quiet time) 10.30pm (quiet time) Keep laptops Keep laptops Keep laptops Keep laptops 9pm 9.30pm 9.45pm 10.15pm 9.15pm 9.45pm 10pm 10.30pm 11pm
Campus gates are locked at 9.30pm Monday to Thursday and Sunday night. Girls out on host leave on these nights must return by 9.20pm.
Campus gates are locked at 10.30pm on Friday and Saturday only. Girls out on host leave must return by 10.20pm.

To ensure the safety of our boarders, the following rules apply:
• Students must take their mobile phone on all casual leave and have saved the phone number for after-hours Boarding Reception to their phone contacts: 08 9368 9524.
• Be sun smart and stay hydrated.
• Shopping leave to Fremantle, Garden City and Perth city is allowed after 10.30am on Sunday.
• 5pm curfew applies for all casual day leave on weekends, unless otherwise approved by the Boarding House staff.
• 5.15pm curfew applies for all casual leave taken during the week, unless otherwise approved by the Boarding House staff.
• The timings of public transport must be considered when planning leave.
YEAR 7 – 8
‘Littlies’ 30-minute outings
‘Biggies’ 90-minute outings
Mends Street Angelo Street
Garden City Perth Fremantle
• In pairs
• In pairs
• 2x Year 7 or 8 plus one older student
• Penrhos Tennis/ Netball Courts
• 1 hour on School Oval and Ryrie Reserve
• 90 minutes
• 2x Year 7 or 8 plus one older student
• In pairs
9 – 10
• 1 hour walk
• In pairs
• 2 hours
• In pairs
• Year 10
• 4 hours
• Weekends only
• In pairs
• Parent permission to go unsupervised
• Parent permission to go unsupervised
• 1 hour walk
• Parent permission to exercise alone
• 2.5 hours
• In pairs
• 4 hours
• Weekends only
• In pairs

Host leave
Any situation when a boarder is away from the Boarding House on leave to visit family and friends is known as host leave.
• A parent, guardian or boarder must submit a leave form online via Reach and wait for approval prior to taking leave from the Boarding House.
• For extended overnight weekend leave, leave requests need to be submitted no later than Thursday morning at 10am. At other times, there must be sufficient time for staff to assess the leave request arrangements (minimum of one hour).
• All leave is at the discretion of the Head of Boarding or an AHoB.
• All leave requests are considered, and parents, guardians and boarders will be advised if more information is required or if the leave has been approved/rejected.
• In some instances, the Head of Boarding or a proxy may refuse leave, even though parental permission has been granted.
• As a general guideline, boarders may never leave the Boarding House alone. The adult hosting a student on leave must come to reception and sign their guest out and back into the Boarding House. A staff member will sight and then sign all boarders out or back into the Boarding House.
• Boarders must return to the Boarding House by the time on their leave form. If there is a genuine reason for a late return, please contact Boarding House reception.
• Changes to an original leave arrangement, must be communicated to Boarding House reception.
• If a boarder is going to miss a day at school for special family circumstances, leave from the Boarding House will only be approved once the College has been notified and granted approval.
• Failure to comply with the guidelines outlined in this policy may result in a loss of privileges.
Visitors are always welcome at the Boarding House. All visitors, including day girls, must be introduced to staff on duty when they arrive and sign the Visitors’ Register on arrival and departure. For reasons of privacy and security, visitors must not be taken into girls’ rooms or Common Rooms. They can be hosted in the reception sitting areas and in the grassed area between the Boarding House and the Sports Centre.
Boarders who are hosting visitors are responsible for ensuring that their guests respect the rights and property of all members (staff and students) of our community. Should either a boarder or visitor not follow these guidelines, the visitor will be asked to leave the College immediately.

Students and parents can access important College systems via the Penrhos Portal link on our website.
Reach is the electronic leave system. Please note that access is only possible via the Penrhos Portal, not via the Reach app. If you are experiencing difficulties logging into Reach, please inform a member of the boarding staff.
Compass is the College’s absentee system. If your daughter is going to be away from the school, for all or part of the day, you must record their absence via Compass.
Penrhos Portal also allows a family to update all details via My Family Details. If there is a change of address or phone number, please ensure that these details are updated.
Signing of forms
From time to time, the College will require parents to sign various forms – e.g. for camp and excursion permissions, assessment policies, acceptable use of the internet, medical information.
Girls are requested to send forms home for parents to sign and return to the Boarding House via email to
Guardians and emergency contacts
All boarders must have a guardian who resides in Perth. Your daughter’s guardian must be available to look after her should she need to be out of the Boarding House, taken to hospital or isolated due to illness.
Mobile phones
The College does not accept any liability for lost electronic equipment. Boarders may have one personal mobile phone and the Boarding House will record the number. All electronic devices of boarders in Years 7 to 10 are handed in during Prep and overnight. Direct access to the Internet on a mobile can put students at risk. Please consider whether this access is necessary for your daughter. If student conduct is found to be inappropriate via this direct access, the device will be confiscated and a discussion will be held with parents.

Sport and activities
The Boarding House transports the boarders to Boarders’ Netball at the Fremantle Netball Association courts during netball season.
The Boarding House does not have the capacity to transport boarders to other sport and activities off campus. Boarders who wish to participate in sports or activities run by other associations will need to make alternative transport arrangements.
On the occasion that a boarder needs one-off transport, due to a temporary change in transport availability, or four or more boarders are participating together in a sporting activity, there is the potential for transport to be provided. Requirements need to be discussed with the Head of Boarding or an AHoB. Transport will only be provided if both the car and a member of staff are available. The fixture or activity must be within a 5km radius of the Boarding House.
End of Term and long weekend
Parents are required to book their daughter’s travel home by plane, train or bus and then notify the Boarding House of the details. The Boarding House and College will only book travel in the instance where subsidies are involved through ABSTUDY and/or the Department of Transport.
On the first and last day of term and the first and last day of the long weekend, the Boarding House will transport students to and from the airport and East Perth Train and Bus Stations.
Transport will only be provided between the following times:
• On the return from holidays from 11am – 8pm
• On the return from the long weekend from 3pm – 8pm
• Leaving for holidays and the long weekend from 6am – 4pm
If transport is required outside these times, we will help to facilitate the booking of a taxi or private taxi service. The Boarding House does not support boarders travelling in Ubers, as legally all passengers must be 18 years of age.
Shebah is an all women rideshare. Parents can download the app, book a rideshare for their daughter and track their journey. The drivers are reliable, helpful and friendly. This is a great alternative to using an Uber.
Medical appointments
Due to limited driver availability, transport to medical or other health related appointments is not always possible. The Health Centre liaises with the Boarding House and the boarder’s family to determine whether transport can be arranged to and from an appointment. Transport can only be provided if the appointment is within a 5km radius.
If transport is not possible, alternative transport arrangements will be made. The Health Centre will book a taxi and will provide a taxi voucher, which will be charged to your account.
It is the responsibility of the parent to inform the Health Centre of all medical appointments.

Weekends and after school are a good time for boarders to catch up on extra study, do personal housekeeping and participate in organised sport, excursions and social activities. Board games, a pool table, table tennis and sporting equipment are available for recreational use.
On weekends, activities are organised and conducted by the Recreation Officer. The activities are advertised to the boarders on Tuesday and those interested in attending must register and confirm their interest by 8.30am on Thursday.
Examples of activities include trips to the movies, shopping, football matches, iceskating, aquatic centres, concerts and ten-pin bowling. Students are encouraged to put forward their ideas for excursions.

The YCos organise whole year group activities. These outings and activities are organised according to the needs and wishes of the cohort. The aim is for every year group to participate in one major activity each semester, such as a dinner at a restaurant, going to the movies or taking a trip to Fremantle. Smaller activities occur throughout the week and might include a cooking activity, a walk along the foreshore or a trip to the shops.
The activities program is funded directly from boarding fees and covers most of the activities, events and workshops on offer. In some cases, boarders will be given the opportunity to attend additional events at a cost, which is then charged to the school account. This can include anything from year group functions and dinners to musical theatre performances.
Celebrating birthdays is important in the Boarding House. On the day of the birthday, the boarding community celebrate with the birthday girl by singing ‘Happy Birthday’ and sharing an ice-cream cake in the Dining Room.
Often families provide a cake, cupcakes or doughnuts for their daughter to share with their year group. The YCos are always happy to arrange a gathering in the Common Room and to send some photos of the occasion to families.
Meals are important communal times in the Boarding House. Good table manners and behaviour are expected in the Dining Room, along with suitable dress.
There are two sittings for dinner:
• Years 10 to 12 eat from 5.30pm – 5.45pm
• Years 7 to 9 eat from 5.45pm – 6pm
Parents are always welcome to join their daughters – as a courtesy, please advise the staff on duty.
Menus are set in advance by our catering company. Parents must advise the Head of Boarding in writing of any special dietary requirements their daughters may have. Please note that at each meal, there is always a vegetarian choice available.
Dining Room procedures
• Students are not permitted to remain in the Boarding House during mealtimes.
• Punctuality at mealtimes must be maintained by all boarders.
• Appropriate dress must be worn to meals (Bare feet, revealing sleepwear, bathers and wet sports clothes are not permitted.)
• Students may not leave the Dining Room while eating (breakfast and dinner).
• Mobile phones are not permitted in the Dining Room. The only exception is breakfast and lunch on the weekend.
• Early breakfasts, late dinners and packed lunches can be arranged by speaking with the YCo or AHoB.
The boarders’ school and sports uniforms are washed and ironed. Girls place their washing in baskets located in common areas and clean laundry is returned to the Boarding House on the same day (Monday to Friday).
The Boarding House is equipped with washing machines, clothes dryers and other facilities so girls can do their personal washing and ironing at any time that is convenient to them. The Boarding House laundries are closed during Prep and overnight from 8.30pm until 7am.
The Year 12 boarders are allowed to keep their car on the Penrhos campus from the beginning of Term 2. There is a boarding agreement that needs to be signed by the boarder and their family. This outlines the expectations and rules that are enforced by the boarding and school community. Any breach of this agreement will result in the boarder having restricted access to their car, while it is on the Penrhos campus.
The school also needs to grant permission, have a copy of the driver’s licence and the car officially registered, before it can stay on the campus. This permission is granted through Secondary School Reception.

Penrhos College Health Centre
The Health Centre at Penrhos College is staffed by a team of Registered Nurses who work closely with the Head of Boarding, boarding staff, students, boarding parents, teachers and the pastoral care team to provide the best possible care to students.
Parents are encouraged to drop in and introduce themselves to the Health Centre team. It is essential that parents and guardians regularly update the Health Centre staff with any changes to their daughter’s medical information. Ensuring a safe and nurturing environment and providing high quality health care and education are our priority.
Contacting the Health Centre
The Health Centre is located adjacent to the Menai Boarding House and is open from 8am – 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8am – 4pm on Friday.
• Health Centre office: 08 9368 9505
• Health Centre Manager, Kirsty Bulloch: 0403 466 677
Please feel welcome to email the Health Centre or Kirsty Bulloch with any appointments, questions or medical updates regarding your daughter(s):
Health Centre resources
The Penrhos Portal includes Health Centre policies and procedures as well as health resources and information for parents and students.
Injury or illness
If a boarder is unwell or injured, they will be directed to the Health Centre for assessment and care. If it is deemed that a further medical appointment is required, the Health Centre team will liaise with parents to discuss and organise this.
For any specialist appointment, it is highly recommended that a parent or guardian accompanies the student on this visit to ensure correct information is discussed and decisions can be made in terms of follow up care. In an emergency, an ambulance will be called to take the student directly to hospital for appropriate care.
Should a boarder become unwell and develop potentially infectious symptoms or high temperatures, after assessment, nursing staff will contact a parent to arrange collection of their daughter out of the Boarding House to allow for rest and recovery and further medical treatment if necessary. If a parent is not available, the nominated emergency contacts will be notified.
Boarders are not permitted to keep any form of medication in their rooms other than asthma medication. All other medication must be handed to the Health Centre or the Boarding House staff and this medication will only be administered by them.
All regular prescription medication is dispensed via Webster packs. This is prepared by our pharmacy at a small cost. All scripts and medication are to be handed to Health Centre staff for packing and all medications administered will be recorded. All medication will need to be supplied (in original container) to the Health Centre with the student’s name and instructions for use.
Should your daughter be prescribed a medication of any kind, the prescription will be sent to the Community Pharmacy in South Perth and parents will be billed directly.
Nit checks
At the start of each term, the Boarding House employs a company to check the hair of all boarders for nits. The College pays for the checks; however, if a boarder is found to have nits, the cost of the treatment is added to the school account.
Parents are asked to inform the Health Centre staff by phone or email of all appointments required during Term time.
Your daughter will be reminded of her appointment the day before and advised to sign out before being collected by a parent, relative or alternative transport (as organised in conjunction with the Health Centre).
Upon return, your daughter will need to report back to the Health Centre to discuss any further follow-up resulting from the medical appointment.
Pastoral care
If your daughter is ever in need of advice or support, be assured there are always staff available to listen to her concerns, including the Dean of Students, Head of Boarding, Boarding House YCos (fondly referred to as ‘House Mothers’ by the girls), Head of Students, Health Centre staff, Chaplain and College Psychologists.
Boarders are asked to clearly mark all belongings with their name. The security of valuable items cannot be guaranteed within the Boarding House. However, girls can assist in making their property more secure by engraving their valuables, clearly labelling their belongings, not leaving valuables or money unattended and by keeping their cupboards locked.
Passports, visas and plane tickets should be kept in the locked cabinets in the staff offices for security.
The boarders have wireless access to the Penrhos internet.
• From 12-5am the internet is turned off in the Boarding House.
• From 10pm each night, access to some streaming services, e.g. Netflix, is turned off for the boarders in Year 7 to Year 9.

From Monday to Thursday there is supervised homework and ‘Prep’ for all boarders. On Sunday night the boarders have an hour of quiet time, in which they can study and complete homework.
An academic support program is in place to support the boarders and address their study needs. From Monday to Thursday between 6.30pm and 8.30pm, two Penrhos College teachers or ex-Penrhos boarders are available for support. They are based in the Library and the boarders can make an appointment to get their assistance. The aim is to have one tutor who focusses on Maths/Science and one who focuses on English/HASS.
• Year 10 to 12 boarders study in their own rooms, all of which have internet access.
• Printers are available for students to use with their personal laptops.
• Bedroom doors must remain open during Prep, which is supervised by the YCo.
Year 7 to 9 boarders study in the Library under the supervision of the YCo. The YCo makes sure boarders are engaged in study and/or completing their homework during Prep, have established study routines, make good use of their diaries and access help when needed. They also help the boarders with their study and homework.
Each boarder must accept responsibility for their own study program and recognise the right of their fellow boarders to work in an environment that permits full concentration and application. All boarders are expected to work quietly, independently and without distracting others.
Dress standards
Clothing worn to activities and outings away from campus must be acceptable. House staff have the discretion to ask girls to change their clothing if they feel they are inappropriately dressed.
Breaches of trust
The Boarding House staff strive to develop relationships with students based on courtesy, mutual trust and open communication.
Our guidelines and rules are based on the following three core concepts: Duty of Care, Cooperation and Consideration.
Parents and girls are asked to observe the guidelines to support the wellbeing of our boarders.
Outlined below are two important rules which must always be observed:
1. Students must always inform the House staff of their whereabouts. Girls may never leave the school grounds without permission from either House Staff or the Head of Boarding.
2. The use and/or possession of nonprescription drugs, marijuana, alcohol, vapes or tobacco are major infringements and will not be tolerated.
Our disciplinary system is based on care, concern, and mutual responsibility; it allows for the temporary or permanent exclusion of students who fail to respond to Boarding House directives.
Of equal importance is the process of reconciliation and the restoration of good relations, mutual trust and respect following issues of misconduct which have attracted disciplinary measures, and which have been successfully worked through and resolved.
The YCos will deal with minor offences, such as disruptive or uncooperative behaviour, being late back from leave, rudeness to staff/ other students, etc.
More serious offences will be dealt with by the Head of Boarding and the College Principal, including offences that are inconsistent with our College values.
Consequences may include parental contact, no leave for a designated period or extra duties. We would appreciate parental support with disciplinary measures, particularly regarding the time frame for any restriction on leave issued by the Boarding House staff.
Smoking, alcohol, vape and/or drug possession or consumption, or continuous bad behaviour will involve parental contact and suspension from the Boarding House and/or removal from school.
Damage or graffiti
Breakage of, or graffiti to, any article or piece of equipment in the Boarding House must be reported to House staff immediately. The cost for repairs or replacement of Boarding House equipment deliberately damaged by a student will be charged to the parents’ account.
When allocated to a new room, girls must immediately notify staff of any existing damage and graffiti to avoid confusion regarding responsibility. No posters, Blu Tack, pins or thumb tacks are to be affixed to painted areas or ceilings. Please note that no materials are to be draped over lights, due to the potential fire hazard.
Withdrawal from the Boarding House
Boarders are expected to remain as boarders for the duration of the school year. A full term’s notice, in writing, of intention to withdraw a student in the following year is required, otherwise a penalty of one half of the annual boarding fee is payable.
In the event of withdrawal at any stage during the year, the conditions as set out in the current Schedule of Fees and Charges under the heading Notice of Withdrawal will apply and the balance of Boarding Fees for the remainder of the year shall become immediately due and payable.
1971 S Moss
1972 J Worts
1973 L Jenkinson
1974 J Bond P Maiklem
1975 B Threlfall/J Lester P Hensen
1976 T Robinson R Harris
1977 L Maddock T Dickson
1978 J Fowler L Simpson
1979 A Curnow G Guest
1980 J McGregor E Pollard
1981 C Smith R Gardiner
1982 C Lange E Trestrail
1983 T J Burton S Doncon
1984 N Teakle T Martin
1985 J Lethlean W Doncon
1986 E J Pirie N Simkin
1987 C Clayton R Olsen / J Page
1988 A Officer R Partridge
1989 S Syme J Hortin
1990 J Gething J Officer
1991 K Raston S Cail
1992 A Gayfer G Brown
1993 R Proud J Whitfield
1994 A Shepherdson M Campbell
1995 Chelsea Pirie Renae Williams
1996 Renee Young Rachel Lundy
1997 Renee Stokes Emma Stevens
1998 Alana Jasper Rachelle Robertson
1999 Paige Madden Amanda Leeming
2000 Shelley Robinson Kylie Sadler
2001 Callie Forsyth Mia Stevens
2002 Kate Miller Lauren Gibson
2003 Elizabeth Stewart Sarah Carter
2004 Chelsea Burton Ashleigh Michael
2005 Kate McLarty Cassie Stone
2006 Georgia Michael Amber Munns
2007 Erin Shaw Clara Martin
2008 Gabrielle Leavesley Kelsey Ware
2009 Caitlyn Plewright Ebony Rendell
2010 Jacinta Patterson Jade Eaton
2011 Molly Delaney Amelia Leavesley
2012 Melanie Plewright Bronte Marshall
2013 Nicola Raszyk Shenae Cail
2014 Nicole Salmeri Kay Law
2015 Chiquita Minshull Zoe Lang
2016 Montana Nicholls Laura Abbott
2017 Amy Crees Bianca Zweck
2018 Annie Messina
2019 Renea Reid
2020 Amber Dixon
2021 Michaela Beeck
2022 Isabella Critch
2023 Tanna Bellotti
2024 Taylor Ferguson