School holiday opening hours will be advertised online and on College social media platforms leading into each school holiday period.
Appointments are required for all NEW students to the College to be fitted for their uniform.
Please contact the Uniform Shop to make an appointment.
Correct as of October 2024. Prices are subject to change.
Please note, Penrhos winter wear is applicable from Tuesday, 3 June to Thursday, 21 August 2025. Formal skirt or formal trousers are compulsory (dress and formal shorts are not to be worn during this period.)

Formal uniform
Bucket hat green with crest $20.00
Polo white short sleeve or long sleeve with crest tucked in for formal occasions/as required, otherwise may be worn out
$40.00 – $47.00
Cardigan / jumper green with red dragon $75.00
Skirt * $95.00
Formal shorts black not to be worn during winter $50.00
Dress with crest worn at knee length, not to be worn during winter $90.00 Formal trousers *
Socks white with ‘Penrhos’ $10.00
Socks black to be worn with formal trousers $10.00
Shoes black lace-up or Mary Janes
Winter wear dates: Tuesday, 3 June to Thursday, 21 August 2025. * Formal skirt or formal trousers are optional year round; however, are compulsory during the winter period (dress and formal shorts are not to be worn during winter dates.)

YEAR 3 – 6

Formal white hat with crest to be worn to and from school, and during recess and lunch when in the sun
Bucket hat green with crest can be worn during recess and lunch
Dress with crest worn at knee length, not to be worn during winter
Cardigan / jumper green with red dragon $75.00
Blazer green with crest to be worn to and from school during winter
white with ‘Penrhos’
Socks black to be worn with formal trousers
Tights liquorice green optional – available in spandex or cotton blend, to be worn with skirt and only during cooler months $10.00 – $15.00
Shoes black lace-up or Mary Janes
Winter wear dates: Tuesday, 3 June to Thursday, 21 August 2025. * Formal skirt or formal trousers are optional year round; however, are compulsory during the winter period (dress and formal shorts are not to be worn during winter dates.)

Formal white hat with crest to be worn to and from school and during recess and lunch when in the sun
Dress with crest worn at knee length, not to be worn during winter

Shoes black lace-up
Winter wear dates: Tuesday, 3 June to Thursday, 21 August 2025. * Formal skirt or formal trousers are optional year round; however, are compulsory during the winter period (dress and formal shorts are not to be worn during winter dates.)

Our students are strongly encouraged to take pride in themselves and to be conscious that judgments are made about them and their school, based on their behaviour, appearance and manners. Students must always present in uniform of the highest possible standard.
Please note that the only acceptable items of uniform are those purchased from the Penrhos College Uniform Shop.
1. The correct uniform must be worn to and from school whether travelling by public transport, car, bicycle or on foot.
2. Students are not permitted to present at school with extreme hair styles or colours. The final decision as to what constitutes “extreme” rests with the Head of Secondary School/Dean of Students. Hair lengths that reach the shoulders or below must be tied back with hair ties and accessories purchased from the Uniform Shop.
3. Makeup may not be worn to school.
4. Coloured nail-polish (clear is ok), false, fake and gel nails are not to be worn to school unless approved by the Head of Secondary School/ Dean of Students.
5. No jewellery is to be worn with the school uniform apart from the following:
• Plain gold/silver studs/sleepers and only one in each lower ear lobe. Visible piercings (such as upper ear, nose, tongue, eyebrow studs, etc.) are not permitted nor are coverings (including clear plastic) to hide these.
• A watch
• A simple chain and cross.
Permission may be granted on a case-by-case basis to a student to wear a specified item of jewellery. This may be for religious, cultural or pastoral reasons. In such cases, a uniform pass will be issued to the student.
Staff will confiscate any items of jewellery that do not comply.
6. The correct length for the dress and skirt is knee length or below.
7. The College straw hat must be worn to and from school each day, throughout the year and when students sit in the sun during break times. The straw hat may be required to be worn on excursions.
8. Blazers are to be worn to and from school every day in Terms 2 and 3, and on all school outings and at formal occasions such as assemblies. There is an expectation that students will have their blazer at the College.
9. Shoes must be polished regularly and shoelaces must be black and of appropriate length.
10. Students are only permitted to wear Penrhos badges on their uniforms.
11. For cultural reasons, and in consultation with the Dean of Students/Head of Secondary School, an individual may wear an item of clothing outside of those items sold at the Uniform Shop, such as a hijab. In these circumstances, the item of clothing must align with the main colours in the uniform (white, black, moss green).
Leavers’ jumpers are a privilege of being a Year 12 student. They are not a substitute for the College blazer.
Leavers’ jumpers may be worn:
• With uniform outside and within the school
• To training and rehearsal after school
• To PE lessons
Leavers’ jumpers may not be worn:
• On excursions
• To occasions where students are officially representing Penrhos.
Full Sports Uniform consists of the following items:
• Penrhos tracksuit
• Penrhos shirt
• Penrhos black shorts
• Sport shoes
• White socks with red dragon.
Please note:
1. Any other top (e.g. rowing) can only be worn for before or after school training and NOT for Interschool or Interhouse competitions or PE classes
2. Penrhos House shirts and Penrhos interschool shirts are the only acceptable tops to be worn to PE classes and competitions
3. Canvas shoes are NOT deemed acceptable footwear.
Before- and after-school training
• Students must wear appropriate Penrhos sports uniform.
• Students attending before-school training sessions may come to school in their sports uniform.
• Students attending after-school training sessions may travel home in their sports uniform.
Physical Education lessons
• Students are to change into their sports uniform at school.
• Secondary School students are not permitted to wear their sports uniform to normal classroom lessons.
• School uniforms must be carried in the black Penrhos College sport bag.
Outdoor Education sessions
Students who have Outdoor Education elective lessons may wear their PE uniform for practical and outdoor activities.
Students who study Dance must wear the College Dance uniform.
Year 7 Wednesday Sport
Year 7 students are permitted to wear sports uniform to the College for the whole day.
IGSSA matches
• Rowing jumpers and Leavers’ jumpers may NOT be worn to interschool competitions.
• Students playing an interschool ‘away’ match must change into their sports uniform before departing.
• Students playing an interschool ‘home’ match must change into their sports uniform at 3.15pm
• Students returning from interschool matches may travel home in their sports uniform.
If a student does not uphold the College uniform standards, she will be issued with an infringement. The first infringement will result in a warning; the second a yard duty; and the third an after-school detention.
Parents will be notified in writing if their daughter receives a yard duty or detention. Further failure to comply with the required standards will incur consequences in discussion with the Head of Secondary School/Dean of Students.

Skirt and shirt
• May be worn all year
• May be worn with stockings (only during winter) or Penrhos socks
• Black College bag must be used
• To be worn with straw hat (all year) and a blazer (Terms 2-3) when travelling to and from the College

Trousers and shirt
• May be worn all year
• Worn with black socks with red dragon
• Black College bag must be used
• To be worn with straw hat (all year) and a blazer (Terms 2-3) when travelling to and from the College
Dress and shorts
• Not to be worn during winter period
• Shorts to be worn with white shirt
• Worn with Penrhos socks
• Black College bag must be used
• To be worn with straw hat (all year) and a blazer (Terms 2-3) when travelling to and from the College

Sports uniform
• To be worn with House top (Athens/Sparta/ Troy/Rome) when not representing the College
• White socks with red dragon to be worn and black Penrhos sports bag to be used