Basf article

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Added value through feed preservation By Dr. Gerd Diebold, Technical Marketing Manager Organic Acids, EAWA, BASF Animal Nutrition In times of low sales revenues from animal products, farm-produced

odour to visible mould, and possibly toxin formation, is the consequence

feed becomes particularly important, as does its quality.

of microbe multiplication. Once toxins have formed from fungi or bacteria,

Unpredictable weather patterns and heavy rainfall combined

they are almost impossible to eliminate. Spoiled feed can thus lead to

with a more and more effective harvest chain constantly present new

reduced livestock performance. With advanced spoilage of feed, serious

challenges to the harvest of feed such as hay or grain.

illnesses of the animals, occasionally with fatal consequences, cannot

BASF provides solutions that help optimize the nutrient content and quality of harvested feed and improve the hygiene of by-products

be ruled out. Residues of certain mycotoxins such as ochratoxin and aflatoxin in the final products meat and milk are also known.

and farm-produced feed. This is where the known mould-inhibiting effects of the propionic

Advantages of preservation

acid Luprosil® are particularly useful. Depending on the application,

Natural occurrence of propionic acid

the product Amasil® NA, containing formic acid, is also recommended.

The main active ingredient of the BASF preservation agents is propionic

Formic acid is very effective in specifically preventing the growth of

acid, which is a naturally occurring organic acid. Propionic acid is a

bacteria such as E. coli or Salmonella.

building block in the metabolism of animals and plants. For instance,

BASF also features a number of additional products whose ratio of

up to 1.5 litre propionic acid is formed daily by the rumen microbes

formic acid to propionic acid has been adapted to suit a wide variety of

of dairy cows and this represents an important source of energy for

application areas. The products Lupro-Grain and Luprosil NC contain

the ruminant.



buffered propionic acid. Lupro-Cid® NA and Lupro-Mix® NA contain additional amounts of formic acid as well. Lupro-Grain® and the ‘NC’ and ‘NA’ products are highly effective and significantly more user-friendly than pure acids, since they are less

Natural propionic acid also occurs in silage. It is found in food too. Swiss cheese contains up to 1 per cent propionic acid which is formed during ripening of the cheese. This concentration is sufficient to preserve grain with a moisture content of 26% for a whole year.

corrosive to infrastructure and are not considered hazardous materials under transport regulations.

Inhibitory effect on fungi, yeasts and bacteria Propionic acid shows broad, antimicrobial activity against fungi, yeasts

Importance of feed hygiene

and bacteria, which lasts up to one year at sufficient doses. The number

Feedstuffs such as grain, maize, pulse crops or even compound feed

of fungi, yeasts and bacteria is reduced drastically by preservation.

have a naturally high population of bacteria, fungi and yeasts. Up to

Subsequent further multiplication of the microbes is successfully

6 million bacteria, 40,000 fungal micro-organisms and 50,000 yeasts

suppressed by Luprosil. These two effects, microbe reduction and

are tolerated as an upper limit per gram of grain. With feed, the micro-

prevention of microbe multiplication, are well illustrated, for example,

organisms have an ideal substrate and under certain conditions can

in a preservation test with winter wheat. The preservation performance

multiply very quickly.

of Luprosil is hardly limited by the grain moisture content. However,

If a high water content coincides with the naturally high microbe

the required Luprosil dose increases in line with rising grain moisture

population, explosive propagation of the fungi, yeasts and bacteria

content and longer storage periods. For instance high-moisture maize,

occurs. In turn, the metabolism of these micro-organisms increases the

even with a water content between 40 and 50%, can be protected

moisture content further and also the temperature of the feed, which

against spoilage for a whole year with Luprosil.

can accelerate the spoilage process.

In addition to preservation in storage, it is particularly important

In the case of oats this critical moisture boundary lies at about 14%.

in practical farming that acid treatment allows the production of low-

Other types of grain can only be kept stable under summer temperature

microbe and hygienically safe feed grain, which relieves the burden on

conditions at grain moisture contents below 15%. Pulse crops such as

the immune system of the animals and has a stabilising effect on the

peas and field beans, as well as rapeseed, spoil at moisture contents

digestive system. This promotes feed intake and digestibility.

in excess of 12% water.

Fungi are virtually completely killed off by Luprosil at the time of

We recommend preservation with Luprosil for a grain moisture

harvesting and reproduction of mould fungi during storage is suppressed.

content of 14% upwards for all grain types and for a moisture content

This successfully prevents the formation of mycotoxins from the time

of more than 12% for pulse crops.

of harvest onwards. However, mycotoxins which are formed up to the

However, acid treatment to reduce the microbe population and to

time of harvesting by field fungi (e.g. the fusariotoxins, zearalenone and

improve the hygiene quality is worthwhile even at lower moisture contents

DON = Desoxynivalenol), cannot be eliminated by acid treatment, and

and is particularly recommended for breeding sow and piglet feeding, as

remain in the grain. Thanks to acid preservation, however, it is possible

well as for use in liquid feed. Feed spoilage, which ranges from a musty

to harvest the grain at the optimum ripening time, despite a relatively

Page 40 September/October 2016 Feed Compounder

high moisture content. This eliminates the waiting period for complete drying of the grain, which under adverse weather conditions may take days or even weeks. Thus, the time frame for the growth of field fungi and the possible formation of mycotoxins can be effectively shortened by an early harvest followed by preservation with acid.

Impacts on the grain The acid treatment minimizes oxidative damage of the nutrients in the crop during storage, since the propionic acid acts on the metabolism of the grain. In line with the increase in the Luprosil dose, enzyme systems in the grain are blocked, the kernels’ breathing declines and the germinability is lost. That is why storage losses due to grain breathing hardly occur at doses of approx. 0.70% propionic acid and more. Seed grain and grain for malting may not be treated with Luprosil

suitable fields are tabulated. These recommendations include not only

products since the germinability of the grain is impaired. Furthermore,

the preservation performance, but also the application properties of

acid conservation is not permitted for breadstuffs and grain for distilling

the products.


For instance, Luprosil is in principle very well suited for protecting a Total Mix Ration (TMR) against post-warming, but we recommend

Advantages of moist grain preservation in the sectors of labour organisation and investment costs

the products Luprosil® NC and Lupro-Grain® for this, since these do

The preservation procedure can easily be integrated into the

the right product for your application!

organisation and the circumstances of the individual farm.

not have a caustic effect and have only a low corrosive action. Choose The right treatment of feed introduces antimicrobial activity against

This results in the following advantages:

fungi, yeasts and bacteria. With reliable feed hygiene, serious animal

1. Very high throughput rate during harvest since the performance of

illnesses and even fatalities can be prevented. In addition to that,

the dosing equipment can easily be adjusted to the farm situation.

preservation with our agents helps to prevent feed damage by insects.

2. Low capital tie-up due to low procurement costs for dosing equipment

BASF Animal Nutrition products for feed preservation can be used for a

and screw conveyor in comparison with drying facilities.

wide variety of application. Increasing the quality and hygiene of farm-

3. Existing buildings can be used as stores (barn, storage halls and

produced feed makes this raw material even more valuable for you.

silage silos etc.). 4. Independence from external drying facilities.

For further information:

5. Less reliance on the weather and hence more flexibility for machine


use during harvest.

Please stop by our booth (Hall 22, Stand C03) at EuroTier in Hannover,

6. The inhibition of grain respiration minimizes the loss of dry matter and carbohydrates.

Germany, from 15 – 18 November 2016, and talk with us about our solutions for feed preservation and our comprehensive feed additive product portfolio for premixer, feed millers and integrators as well as

Products for preservation


Which product for which application?

Follow us on LinkedIn:

For which preservation problem do you need a solution? The following

table is intended to help you to select the right preservation agent easily.


The left column of the table shows the most important applications for

Visit our website:

our Luprosil-brands, and in the right columns the products and their




Luprosil NC

Lupro-Mix NA

Lupro-Cid NA

Amasil NA

Moist grain whole corn







Moist grain meal / coarsely ground







Pulse crops







On-farm compound feed







Liquid feed







Total-Mix-Ration (TMR)














Product is:

++ = very well suited

+ = well suited

(+) = conditionally suited

- = not suited

Feed Compounder September/October 2016 Page 41

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