Davidsons Animal Feeds

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Out & About is sponsored by DSM Nutritional Products Ltd

A Visit to Davidsons Animal Feeds

OUT & ABOUT by Andrew Mounsey

“Our buzzword is consistency in everything we do. We focus on

as part of an extended family; everyone is important. Farming is a family

consistency of service for our customers, from the salespeople and

business industry and this creates synergy and understanding between

from our drivers who see and interact with them. We need consistent

Davidsons and their customers – it really does make a difference.

quality from the mill and consistent nutrition from the products. We

William tells his staff to give his number to farmer customers so that,

want our customers to know that, when buying from us, they get that

if they have an issue, they can phone him direct – “I may not have all

consistency in service, quality and in value. Everything that we do, right

the answers, I’m not a nutritionist. But I will listen, I’ll take it on board

across the organisation, we have to ask ourselves, ‘This action I am

and do what I can to inform, assist, resolve – whatever is required,”

about to perform, how does this add value to my customer?’ We are

he says.

not looking to be the cheapest supplier, and hopefully we’ll never be the most expensive – what we are looking for is consistent value.”

“First and foremost,” says William, “what a farmer requires of their feed supplier is that when they go to their silos or their bins and open

This is how William Davidson sums up the ethos of Davidsons

the chute, feed comes out.” Remembering to order feed takes up a

Animal Feeds. The company was founded by William’s father Billy

small proportion of a farmer’s thinking time, in amongst all the jobs

Davidson in 1977 and grew rapidly by providing a local alternative

which they have to do in running their farms. But that small proportion is

supplier and a more personal service than much of the competition.

100% of what Davidsons do, so the company has to understand and do

Today it can claim to be the largest manufacturer of animal feed in

its best to achieve the objectives set by the customer when the orders

Scotland. While Billy Davidson is still officially the Managing Director,

are placed. The ethos is to do exactly what they say they will do – not

the role he fulfils on a day-to-day basis is more akin to that of a

to promise what cannot be or is not intended to be delivered. And it is

Chairman, while William, officially Operations Director, actually acts

working: sales are growing, they are getting closer to customers and

more in the capacity of the MD.

to suppliers.

Davidsons’ focus on consistency applies to products and services

The last time I visited Davidsons, in the spring of 2013, the offices

for customers but also benefits suppliers. As suppliers to Davidsons

were in two buildings and on three floors. “Accounts were on the far

know that they can rely on this consistency, this in turn helps with their

side on the top floor. Nobody ever went to accounts and it was a trek

own suppliers and thus strings benefits along the supply chain; this

for accounts to come to

allows value to be passed along the chain and on to the customer.

see anyone else!” William

There are many things in any feed business which cannot be controlled

explains. “My dad was in

– for example the weather and the markets (both the one which the business buys from and the one which its customers are selling into). And while it is necessary to be aware of these and to understand them,

“We want our

it is important to focus on elements which can be controlled, and that

customers to know

is how consistent value can be achieved.

that, when buying

All members of staff are treated equally and everyone has the

from us, they get that

same opportunities, no matter that each has their own role to perform.

consistency in service,

All are part of the team and there are no prima donnas. It is a family

quality and in value,”

business with Billy and William at the core but with everyone regarded

says William Davidson

Page 24 March/April 2014 Feed Compounder

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