Case Study: Investigation Harassment Investigation (Public Sector Agency) People Resolutions was commissioned to investigation a situation in which a line manager and subordinate had raised grievances against each other on the same day. The line manager’s complaint was of intimidation and harassment with the subordinate’s counter complaint alleging that he had been bullied and harassed, thereby creating a hostile and unpleasant working atmosphere and environment. The situation between the two parties had progressed over several months and was by then having a significant impact on both the working environment of the parties involved and other people in the department. In response, an experienced People Resolutions investigator was assigned and a Terms of Reference produced to outline and clarify a dual investigation into both complaints concurrently, but culminating in two distinct reports. Much of the behaviour alleged centred around several specific incidents around which the investigator sought further clarification in the form of interviews with both parties, plus several key witnesses. Following submission of the reports, a review call was conducted between the client commissioning manager, the investigator and PRL case manager to clarify the decision making behind the conclusions made and empower the organisation to take the most appropriate action. After the completion of the investigations, the organisation asked People Resolutions to conduct a mediation and several coaching in order to strengthen the relationship between the two individuals and help prevent any further problems in the future Please note that the names and organisations of the parties involved have been omitted for confidentiality purposes.
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