Workplace mediator

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The Workplace Mediator ILM Accredited 5 Day Course



The Workplace Mediator An ILM Accredited 5-day course for up to 8 people.

Course Suitability

Method and Assessment


The course is aimed at potential workplace media-

Interactive, practical and skills-based, including role-

Our 5-day Workplace Mediator programme is a mar-

tors, HR managers, equality and diversity specialists,

plays, case studies and discussion-based activities.

ket leader in the field designed by mediation special-

workplace support staff, complaints handlers, inter-

All trainers are experienced mediation practitioners

ist John Crawley. This is equivalent to the National

nal facilitators, counsellors and coaches. It is a na-

and will draw from real-life experience. Skills coach-

Standards for Mediation Training, is accredited

tional qualification for those who need to adopt the

ing in role plays will include motivational and devel-

by the ILM and equips participants with the skills

role of workplace mediator effectively, consistently

opmental feedback. A range of assessment methods

and knowledge to be an independent mediator.

and appropriately. The programme also offers sig-

are used on the course including assessed role plays;

nificant personal development, self awareness and

group activities, skills exercises; a reflective log and

advanced communication skills which are of great

an on-line post course pack to reinforce learning and

value to leaders.

test knowledge (between 4 and 6 hours work).

Tel. 0845 600 8851



More Information COURSE OUTCOMES The Workplace Mediator programme will enable participants to: • Explore and understand feelings and issues at work with a wide range of people • Build rapport under pressure and set people at ease • Respond with empathy and impartiality to upset and strong emotions • Communicate about dispute resolution options in straightforward language, empowering parties and potential users to make informed choices • Manage and reality check expectations about the mediation process impartially • Encourage the use of informal resolution where appropriate • Work with parties in a balanced impartial fashion • Maximise the participation of all the parties in the process • Help the parties navigate through the mediation process • Encourage the disputants to adopt a win/win approach to their dispute • Defuse angry and upset behaviour and manage conflict in a non-blaming, proportionate way • Develop strategies for encouraging dialogue and building agreement in a range of workplace disputes • Manage the mediation process with appropriate control and safety • Understand and demonstrate how to close mediation appropriately • Mediate effectively when there are power imbalances present in a workplace dispute • Promote and build awareness of mediation as a key tool for workplace conflict prevention and resolution

Tel. 0845 600 8851



Course Outline Days 1 & 2

Day 3

Day 4 & 5




Introducing Mediation

The structure and dynamic of the joint

All participants will run a complete live case

Understanding conflict – Why does it happen?


The impact of negative conflict.


Skills coaching and input will concentrate on:

from start to finish.

Thinking like a Mediator

Mediator power – how does it work?

Sustaining rapport under pressure

Harnessing the positive and mediating the

Opening and uninterrupted time.

Building commitment to mediation

negative aspects of conflict.

Encouraging and sustaining direct dialogue.

Rebuilding relationships

Are you a Taking a non-judgmental approach.

Learning when to sit back and when to

Restoring communication

Responding to People like a Mediator


Managing and balancing power- the ‘Drama

Understanding where people are coming from.

Seeking movement.

Understanding what people are looking for –

Preparing for agreement and closing the

Made to measure challenging role-plays


Review of course

Role plays – Running a Joint Mediation Session

Preparing for mediation practice

Closure of the course

Clean-sheet listening, reflection and checking, funnelling questions. •

Creating a positive platform for resolution –


Making the most of being ‘in the middle.’ •

Win-win – moving from positions to interests.

Building mediation readiness.

Role Plays - Meeting the Parties Separately

Run through of a joint session

Tel. 0845 600 8851


Why People Resolutions? Highlight Benefits All of our programmes: • Contain immediately usable skills and strategies to alter thinking, raise awareness and change behaviour • Contain unique People Resolutions content • Are customised to your organisation’s policies, processes and cultural context - see later for more information • Come with free telephone support • Can be blended with pre and post-course learning material (including e-learning) to maximise the effectiveness of each programme - see later for more information • Can be delivered anywhere in the UK • Have a dedicated Project Manager to support you • Include course evaluations and recommendations • Can be supported by expert mentoring for specific cases and ongoing - see later for more information • Sit alongside our ‘Resolution Hub’ – An expansive collection of free, downloadable resources, including white papers, blog posts, webinars, skills tips, scripts for effective conflict management, conflict resolution Q&A and much more. • Conclude with a Resolution Readiness Review - an informal workshop (face-to-face or online) with key organisational stakeholders to help plan and implement a constructive, creative and collaborative approach to conflict resolution at work. The review will help you get the most out of conflict resolution, mediation and investigation strategies.

Tel. 0845 600 8851


Why People Resolutions? Experienced Trainers

Expert Mentoring and Ongoing support

Our programmes are run by professional trainers who:

Additionally, People Resolutions experts can provide:

• Have conducted relevant training for many years

• Expert mentoring during individual cases e.g. mediation, investigation, etc.

• Are excellent facilitators as well as technical experts

• Online or face-to-face refreshers, continuing practice sessions or an

• Are members of appropriate professional bodies with relevant qualifications

ongoing support package

• Bring a wealth of practical experience and insight into the training room to bring materials to life and engage delegates

Contact us about the costs for these support services.

• Combine knowledge with practical, organisation-specific application through case studies, role plays, interactive discussion and scenarios.

Customised Learning Material

Blended Learning and E-Learning

We will work with you to design a bespoke learning event, taking into account aspects

People Resolutions will work with you to create the maximum learning

such as organisational culture, issues and behaviours relevant to your organisation’s

opportunity by using a blended learning approach. We already have some

environment, policies and procedures. Our training delivery is backed up with tried

online material which we can weave into courses, and we can create content to

and tested investigation processes, materials and standards. All casework material

be used within your own e-learning framework and provide tailored webinars,

and content is customised to your needs.

video tips, scripts and investigation guides. People Resolutions also has links with specialist e-learning partners to assist us in producing practical knowledge or skills-based e-learning materials.

Tel. 0845 600 8851

RESOURCES Argument to Agreement Participants will all receive a copy of the pocket

Please get in touch for more information

guide – From Argument to Agreement – Resolving Disputes through Mediation by John Crawley from John Crawley Mediation Books Cambridge 2012 The ABC Guide to Workplace Conflict Resolution by John Crawley – published by People Resolutions Ltd is also part of your on-course pack.

0845 600 8851 @Peopleres

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