Case Study: Training Workplace Investigation Training (UK University) The University’s HR department deals with around 30 grievances per month and fosters a network of line managers acting as internal investigators to handle the volume of complaints. It was felt necessary to support these Investigating Officers (IOs), tasked with conducting efficient and accurate investigations alongside their day jobs, in developing their skillset and growing their confidence in this area, given the potential costs and repercussions to the University of not producing investigation reports of a robust nature and consistency. Following a successful pilot course delivered to the HR team, People Resolutions trained a total of 50 Investigating Officers as follows: •
An intensive one-day training programme centered on our best practice approach to conducting
investigations, with reference throughout to the University’s Grievance Procedure. The day was highly interactive with live interview planning and questioning practice as well as opportunity for café-style discussion to draw out delegates’ individual challenges/concerns from their existing experience. •
Key learning objectives included: Defining the terms of the investigation; Analysis of evidence;
Conducting interviews effectively, and; Producing a ‘bullet proof’ report.
Please note that the names and organisations of the parties involved have been omitted for confidentiality purposes.
Tel. 0845 600 8851
Case Study: Training •
Union representatives were invited to the training events and were present in many of the sessions
which proved beneficial in terms of keeping open channels of communication and a mutual understanding of the respective roles in an investigation. •
A post-course assessment activity (i.e. homework in the form of writing a report based on a set
case study) allowed delegates to put their new skills into practice and benefit from personalised feedback to coach them to their highest standard. The assessment reports were shared with the commissioning team to provide ongoing support. •
Following the course, a toolkit of standardised investigator materials were placed on the
intranet for IOs to access as reference materials at any time, including an example of a ‘model’ report for benchmarking purposes. Feedback confirmed that over a two-month period, the HR team and IOs felt significantly more confident in dealing with grievances and knew where to seek additional support if needed. Many reported that they had found the training day engaging, “more fun” than they had anticipated, and highly applicable back in the workplace. Follow up People Resolutions has returned at intervals to top up the training and have also conducted a threeday ILM endorsed programme to brand new IOs, playing an active role in helping select those most appropriate to undergo the training. We were also asked to train 25 administrative staff in effective note taking for internal investigations. The University continues to call upon People Resolutions as external investigators to carry out their most complex/sensitive of cases as and when appropriate. . Please note that the names and organisations of the parties involved have been omitted for confidentiality purposes.
Tel. 0845 600 8851