Peoria Unified School District December 2015 PULSE Newsletter

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Peoria Unified Sch�l District DEC 2015 | MONTHLY NEWSLETTER & MENUS PEORI Calendar Highlights: Dec 3 | Early Release MyLife Day: Area 1 Elem. & Area 2 HS




We Give Thanks for Community Support

Dec 16 | Early Release HS Only, Course Assessments Dec 17 | Early Release: elem. schools that start at 8 a.m. will dismiss at 11 a.m.; 8:40 a.m. will dismiss at 11:40 a.m., HS will release at 10:20 a.m. Dec 17 | Governing Board mee�ng, 5 p.m. Dec 18-Jan 1 | Winter Break, all schools are closed; district offices are open Dec 21-25 | All schools and district offices are closed Dec 28-30 | District offices are open Dec 31-Jan 1 | District offices closed


Ira A. Murphy Elementary students show apprecia�on for override elec�on results: Cesar Avalos, Andrew Quezada, Perla Desmond, Nayeli Botello, Juan Granados, Angie Warner Garcia, Karla Avilez, Naima Mora Or�z and Delilah Viveros Narvaez.

Jan 4 | School Resumes

Peoria Uni�ied is grateful to the community for voting in favor of the budget increase which passed by 52.85% or 1,882 votes. More than 32,000 district patrons exercised their right to vote in Peoria Uni�ied’s 13% override election. The current 10% override, which voters have approved since 1996, has added approximately $17.8 million to the district’s annual budget and funds areas such as assistant principals, existing class sizes, nurses, physical education, arts education, reading programs, instructional coaches and gifted education. The additional three percent will be used to attract and retain quali�ied teachers and staff and implement full-day kindergarten in our 34 elementary schools for the 2016-17 school year.

The Future Looks Bright for Peoria Unified Students Peoria Unified, one of Arizona’s largest unified school districts, prides itself on a 95 percent high school graduation rate, excelling schools, award-winning teachers, high AIMS test scores, specialized signature programs and championship sports programs. WWW.PEORIAUD.K12.AZ.US

As I sit in the Board room at the Peoria Uni�ied district of�ices, I am often completely amazed and astounded by the students that come to the meetings to show their many wonderful acJudy Doane Governing Board complishments and the bright futures that they see before them. We have artists, musicians, scientists

and leaders from many diverse �ields among our students. I have come to know and appreciate many of the different programs offered by our gifted staff here in Peoria. I know we all love to see this, and to encourage these students to continue on with their excellent work. To all of our students, I would like to say: this is the time when you are able to make decisions about your future, and enact them with greater ease

than at any other time in your lives. Please make sure to consider this fact as you make choices regarding your classes. Not everyone wants to be an academic, or musician, or artist, etc., but there are an array of programs available to help with whatever your �ield of interest might be. Peoria Uni�ied wants to see you excel, and we want to help you �ind the future you desire. It’s in your grasp! Happy Holidays to all!


Give Yourself Credit on Your Taxes and Support Your Local School, too Under the state tax credit program, a taxpayer can direct a portion of their state income tax to a public school and get a dollar-fordollar credit. A taxpayer can also specify where to direct those funds. Individual taxpayers are allowed a tax credit of up to $200, or up to $400 as

a married couple �iling a joint return. A credit may only be used to the extent it reduces a tax liability to zero. Any unused amounts may be carried forward for not more than �ive consecutive years. The majority of tax credits collected in Peoria Uni�ied schools fund

extracurricular activities such as Kindergarten Academy, athletics and band. A tax credit contribution can be directed to school with the greatest need, or designate it toward a speci�ic student and their extracurricular activity, such as: �ield trip, athletics, band (high school only), character education, tutoring, tuition for Kindergarten Academy and the EXCEL before- and afterschool program. Recently, the State Legislature expanded the tax credit law to include fees paid for college preparatory tests, such as SAT or AP, and industry credentials or certifications earned through Career & Technical Educa�on programs.

Parents can direct a tax credit contribu�on toward fees for field trips, such as Heritage Elementary’s recent trip to Bu�erfly Wonderland; or par�cipa�on fees, such as marching band. In November, Cactus High competed for the first �me in the State Marching Band Championships, placing sixth overall. Well done, Cobras!

The new law also extends the deadline for tax credit contributions from Dec. 31 to April 15.

Peoria Uni�ied offers several ways to make a tax credit contribution: online at www.peoriaud.k12., or the district’s mobile App; the pre-printed form and envelope included in the district’s Annual Review recently mailed to all district households; and a form can also be obtained at all schools. If you’d like to complete yours before the end of the year, make a tax credit contribution at your school site before Winter Break or, stop by the District Administration Center, 6330 W. Thunderbird Road on Dec. 18, 28, 29, 30 — or come by 9 a.m - 1 p.m., Dec. 31, for a drive-thru, dropoff event at the district of�ice, and enjoy a free cup of cocoa and a cookie as our way of saying “thanks” for your support!

MET Professional Academy is Best in the West

The Medical, Technology & Engineering (MET) Professional Academy, Peoria Uni�ied’s newest Signature Program, received an Honorable Mention for Excellence in Innovation at the WestMARC Best of the West Awards. According to MET Director Adriana Parsons, students enrolled in the MET Professional Academy earn industry credentials and college credits, gain employability and professional skills such as communication, leadership, critical thinking and business ethics. Find out more about the MET Professional Academy at, or #PeoriaMET.

DEC 2015 PULSE | PG 2

Commemorations to Honor Veterans Held Throughout Peoria Unified The sacri�ice and service of veterans and active duty military was honored at Veterans Day events held throughout the district. Students and staff invited Veterans to attend school-wide assemblies with patriotic music, visual presentations and speeches. Veterans were presented with hand-written notes of thanks and �lags. Some schools served the veterans a meal. The following is a list of a few of the commemorations: l Apache Student Council hosted more than 25 veterans for breakfast; Sunset Heights Elementary fourth-graders collected toiletries and candy to send to military personnel overseas l Canyon hosted 90 veterthrough Opera�on Gra�tude, a charity that has mailed more than one million care packages to troops. ans and family members lowing breakfast and an l Desert Harbor held an cheering students folfor breakfast; assembly; l Cheyenne held a concert lowed by a barbeque assembly featuring a l Sundance served relunch; band performance, a including �ifth- through l Fo o t h i l l s h o s t e d a freshments at an assempatriotic sing-a-long, eighth-grade choir stubly where the Advanced breakfast followed by a recognition of military dents singing patriotic Art Class created a large performance of choral, personnel written on songs; Tree of Honor of names l Coyote Hills National band and dance; a Wall of Honor and of veterans written on l Frontier held an assemposted in the front of�ice Junior Honor Society the leaves; bly for veterans and inwindow; honored 53 veterans l Vistancia National Jul cluded a Wall of Honor Desert Valley invited and presented notes of nior Honor Society and of photographs of family veterans for an honorthanks and �lags from Student Council hosted members in the miliary walk around the each branch of the milimore than 60 veterans tary; campus lined with tary at breakfast; and family members for l Oasis National Junior breakfast and invited Honor Society and PTSO them to tour the halls to provided lunch for more see patriotically decothan 160 veterans and, rated classroom doors in a letter to the prinand share stories with cipal, a Vietnam Vet students; wrote that the students l Zuni Hills held an astreated him with honor sembly after breakfast, and respect for which he where students and was very thankful; staff escorted veterans l Paseo Verde held an asdown the center aisle sembly that included a to a slideshow of photos band performance and of veterans and active comments from studuty military in their dents and staff; l Pioneer invited vetercommunity. ans to visit classrooms Peoria Flex Academy students Tateum Richardson, Ronnie Tallabas, Beyka Raygoza Cruz and Gabriela Gonzales Mar�nez organized a Stockings for Soldiers drive and to discuss their service collected over 400 items for 40 stockings to be distributed to deployed troops. and engage students fol-

DEC 2015 PULSE | PG 3

Paseo Verde Elementary Second-Graders “Mustache” You to Stay Off Drugs During Red Ribbon Week Second-graders in Kris�n Dow’s class at Paseo Verde Elementary took the student pledge during Red Ribbon Week. Students at schools across the district par�cipated in ac�vi�es throughout National Red Ribbon Week, which annually occurs the last week in October.

“I pledge to stay in school and learn the things that I need to know. I pledge to make the world a better place for kids like me to grow. I pledge to keep my dreams alive and be all that I can be. I pledge to help others and to keep myself drug free.”

Long Locks Shortened for Charity at Ira A. Murphy Family Event Ira A. Murphy and Santa Fe Elementary Band Director, Kate Menasco, organized a charity hair drive that took place during Ira A. Murphy’s annual Safe Streets family event. Twelve contributors collectively donated more than 100 inches, or nine feet of hair, to a foundation that makes wigs for women undergoing chemotherapy. Each hair donation was a minimum of eight inches in length.

DEC 2015 PULSE | PG 4

Kate Menasco, Ira A. Marissa Vasquez, in seventh- Alonda Olivas, in fourth- Bryana Madrid, in sixthMurphy and Santa Fe Band grade at Santa Fe grade at Ira A. Murphy grade at Ira A. Murphy teacher

Valeria Taddei, in eighth- Melanie Gonzales, in Des�ny Rodriguez, in eighth- Andrea Peraza, in eighthgrade at Ira A. Murphy grade at Ira A. Murphy seventh-grade at Ira A. grade at Ira A. Murphy Murphy

Centennial Coyotes Win State Title for the Westside The Centennial High Coyotes celebrated their 28-6 win against Desert Ridge for the 5A Division I State �tle Nov. 27 at the University of Phoenix Stadium, and earned a place in history as the first school west of the 1-17 to win the Div. I title since 1982. The Coyotes are the defending Division II State Champions — their fi�h state �tle since 2006.

Kellis Students Build & Deliver Gi� to Country Meadows Teacher

Former Country Meadows Elementary students taking Building Trades classes at Raymond S. Kellis HIgh: James Hegar, Nicholas Benedict, Nathaniel Harrington and Mariah Lopez, presented Phillip Boone, formerly their Technology, Life and Career (TLC) teacher, with a picnic table they constructed especially for him. Also pictured: Jamie Miller, Kellis Building & Trades teacher. Correc�on: In the Nov. PULSE newsle�er, a photo iden�fied the Raymond S. Kellis High Building Trades students formerly from Co�on Boll, instead of Country Meadows, and student Leo Lopez Valladares’ name was spelled incorrectly.

Santa Fe Lends Helping Hands to St. Mary’s Food Bank

Santa Fe Elementary Student Council and Na�onal Junior Honor Society students Andraya Romero, Ana Gomez, Ariella Monreal, David Pantoja, Jazmine Mateo Meza, Kyle Samford, Marissa Vasquez and Marijayne Bell, were among 36 who volunteered at St. Mary’s Food Bank and sorted nearly three tons of food. Their efforts will help to feed 5,877 people.

DEC 2015 PULSE | PG 5

Peoria High Cadets Visit Ira A. Murphy for Team-Building

Annual Anti-Bullying Student Art Contest is Underway!

Peoria High ROTC cadets lead team-building ac�vites, excercises and a friendly game of dodge ball with eighth-graders at Ira A. Murphy. Former Ira A. Murphy student and ROTC cadet, Samantha Smithart, demonstrated the correct way to stand at a�en�on and at ease.

Country Meadows Among 400 at First Responders S.W.A.G. Event

Pe o r i a U n i � i e d h a s teamed up with the City of Peoria and Peoria Police Of�icers to present the fourth annual Anti-Bullying Art Contest. Students in third- through twelfthgrades can create a visual image, photo or video that best represents this year’s internet safety theme, #ThinkTwiceBeforeYou Type. Anti-Bullying Art Contest artwork is due to your student’s art teacher or assistant principal by

Friday, Feb. 19. Winners will be noti�ied in late March and the winning artwork will be revealed and on display at the Peoria Arts & Cultural Festival, Saturday, April 2 in Oldtown Peoria. For contest details, visit, click on School Safety in the Schools drop down tab. For more information, call 623-486-6100 or email

Desert Palms Seventh-grader is Published in Poetry Book

Country Meadows Elementary students: Eddie Trejo Sanchez, Ella Maskell, Jayden Cardenas, Jessica Murillo, Jacob Bowman, Shawn Hamilton Wells, Devon Watz, Caitlin Henderson and Carson Smith were among 400 students to par�cipate in the annual S.W.A.G. (Students With Aspiring Goals) event at Grand Canyon University. The S.W.A.G. program brings together high school students as mentors to middle school students to help them set and achieve high academic and interscholas�c goals. More than 40 Peoria and Glendale Police officers and Firefighters hosted the event for students, which included a pizza dinner and basketball game. Also pictured: seventh-grade teacher Maria Calderon.

DEC 2015 PULSE | PG 6

Lauren Brown, a student at Desert Palms Elementary, wrote a poem that was published in a collec�on en�tled, Poetry on Our Terms. More than 8,700 seventh-grade students from across the na�on submi�ed poems in the sixth annual 7GP poetry contest sponsored by the 7th Grade Poetry Founda�on, and just 118 poems were selected for the book.

Spirit & Cheer Takes Sunrise Mountain to National Competition Sunrise Mountain High Spiritline/Cheer team: Bailee Hunter (alternate), Taylor Tan, Nicole Hammond, Katie Maple and Izzy Bogard, competed at the USA Na�onals qualifier and took first place in the All-Girl Stunt division, the Show Cheer team took fourth place. The placement will take both teams to Anaheim in March for na�onal compe��ons. Not pictured: Maddie Krill.

Kellis Key Club Exceeds Goal for Lymphoma Society When members of the Raymond S. Kellis High Key Club discovered that blood cancers are the No. 1 cancer killer of people under age 20, they decided to raise funds to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Amy Nygard, Key Club Advisor and Marke�ng Teacher, said the students set a goal at $1,846, which amounts to $1 for each student. With support from the student body and staff, the Club raised $2,500 from organized events such as a lemonade stand at football games to a student hat day.

Pesticide Application Schedule Peoria Unified is required to provide wri�en no�fica�on at least 48 hours prior to the applica�on of any pesticides at any school site. Pes�cides are applied in the late afternoon, after school is dismissed. Dec 1 Oakwood, Peoria Elem., Santa Fe Dec 2 Sundance, Sun Valley Dec 3 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills Dec 4 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch Dec 7 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch Dec 8 Centennial, Oasis Dec 9 Ira A. Murphy, Peoria High Dec 10 Alta Loma, Apache, Cheyenne, Sunset Heights Dec 11 Desert Palms, Heritage, Kachina, Paseo Verde Dec 14 Cactus, Desert Valley, Foothills, Ironwood Dec 18 Country Meadows, Desert Harbor, Raymond S. Kellis Dec 22 Coyote Hills, Lake Pleasant, Liberty Dec 23 Sky View Dec 25 Vistancia Jan 1 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch Jan 4 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch Jan 5 Oakwood, Peoria Elementary, Santa Fe Jan 6 Sundance, Sun Valley Jan 7 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills Jan 8 Desert Palms, Heritage, Kachina, Paseo Verde

More Than 500 Tour College & Career Event at Peoria High Students and parents who a�ended Peoria Unified’s Career Explora�on Event at Peoria High toured through the woodshop where they had an opportunity to assemble a make-and-take toolbox with materials donated by 3-G Construc�on Company, a family-owned local business. Students enrolled in Construc�on Technologies programs located at Cactus, Centennial, Ironwood, Peoria and Raymond S. Kellis high schools can earn college credits toward a Cer�ficate of Comple�on (CCL) in Construc�on Trades or an Associate of Science in Construc�on.

Those who toured the greenhouses saw how plants are grown in several mediums: soil, pellets and hydroponically - which is a nutrient-rich circula�ng water system. According to Agriculture teacher Brian Fuller, the greenhouse also houses an Aquaculture system to farm fish for science classes. Students enrolled in the Agriscience Program can earn college credit toward an Associate of Science in Urban Hor�culture, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Science Educa�on or Veterinary Technician Cer�fica�on.

DEC 2015 PULSE | PG 7

Peoria Unified School District BREAKFAST & LUNCH MENUS Numbers to the right of calendar date indicate the 6-day rota�on schedule.






Chocolate Chip French Toast Cereal Kits

Biscuits & Gravy Cereal Kits

Mini Powdered Donuts Cereal Kits

Cinnamon Stuffed Bagel Cereal Kits

Strawberry Pancakes Cereal Kits

Fun Fish W/ Muffin Cheeseburger Pumpkin Harvest Box

Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin Teriyaki Chicken Bowl PB&J Pac k

Grilled Cheese Meatball Sub Sandwich Southwest Chicken Salad

Pretzel Melt Chicken Tenders W/ Roll Garden Salad W/ Roll

Personal Pan Pizza Enchilada Style Burrito Spicy Popcorn Salad

Oranges Carrots Garbanzo Beans

Apples Chilled Peaches Bell Peppers

Frozen Berries Cucumbers Chilled Pineapple

Carnival Cauliflower Salad Honeydew

100% Juice Tator Tots Cucumber


W/ Scoops


UBR Bar Cereal Kits

Egg Croissant Sandwich Cereal Kits

Glazed Breakfast Bar Cereal Kits

Nacho Bites Chicken Pa�y Sandwich Ham Sandwich

Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin Scoops W/ Beans & Cheese Chicken Caesar Wrap

Mini Corn Dogs Cheese Crisp Mediterranean Wrap

Grapes Broccoli Salad

Banana Black Beans Tropical Fruit

Pears Celery Carrots







Breakfast Pizza Cereal Kits

Cinnamon Roll Cereal Kits

Holiday Meal


Baked Chicken Garden Salad W/ Roll Cookie Scalloped Potatoes Tangelos Cauliflower

Sicilian Pepperoni Pizza Chicken Fajitas Veggie Wrap


Mini Blueberry Waffles Cereal Kits

Pancake on a Stick Cereal Kits

Omelet & Biscuit Cereal Kits

Yogurt & Gripz Cereal Kits

Pizza Bites Chef’s Choice California Turkey Sandwich

Teriyaki Beef Dippers W/ Rice Breakfast Lunch Box Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin

Oranges Carrots, Celery

Apples Bell Peppers Broccoli

Bean & Cheese Burrito Taco Salad Beef So� Taco Churro Day Frozen Berries Pinto Beans Cucumbers

EARLY DISMISSAL NO LUNCH Schools that start at 8 a.m. dismiss at 11 a.m. and schools that start at 8:40 a.m. dismiss at 11:40 a.m.





Crinkle Fries Chilled pears Cucumbers





Holiday Break December 18th through January 1st


School Resumes January 4th, 2015. HAPPY


Mini Maple Pancakes Cereal Kits

French Toast Sticks Cereal or Yogurt Kits

Breakfast Bagel Pizza Cereal Kits

Egg & Bacon Breakfast Sandwich Cereal or Yogurt Kits

Cherry Frudel Cereal or Yogurt Kits

Mini Cheese Burgers Fun Fish W/ Roll Cereal Kits

Chicken Nuggets W/ Muffin Nacho Bites Harvest Box

Corn Dog Veggie Sandwich Sweet Southern Brunch

Turkey & Gravy W/ Biscuit Shrimp Bites Garden Salad w/ Muffin

Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza Gordita Taco Oriental Chicken Salad W/ Bar

Apples Edamame Chilled Peaches

Green Beans Chilled Applesauce Oranges

Cubed Potatoes Kale Salad Banana

Cauliflower Grapefruit Jicama

Cucumbers 100% Juice Apples




Elementary Breakfast Includes:

December 3rd is a My Life Early Release Day for Apache, Canyon, Coyote Hills, Desert Harbor, Foothills, Fron�er, Ira A. Murphy, Kachina, Lake Pleasant, Oakwood, Oasis, Parkridge, Paseo Verde, Peoria Tradi�onal, Pioneer, Sundance, Sunset Heights, Vistancia Zuni Hills, Ironwood High, Peoria High, Peoria Transi�on Center, Raymond S. Kellis High.

Meal Price, $1.50 Reduced Price, 30-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents

Elementary schools that start at 8:00 a.m. will dismiss at 11:00 a.m. and schools that start at 8:40 a.m. will dismiss at 11:40 a.m. High schools will dismiss at 10:20 a.m.

Choice of Hot Entrée or Breakfast Kit Fruit & 100% Fruit Juice White or Chocolate Milk



Elementary Lunch Includes:

Choice from 2 Hot & 1 Cold Entrée Fruit & Vegetable Bar (Minimum 5 choices) White, Strawberry or Chocolate Milk Meal Price, $2.50 Reduced Price, 40-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents

Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Peoria Unified School District

High School Menu 2015

Breakfast Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit & Milk

Breakfast Prices Student Meal $1.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.30 Adult Meal $1.75

Breakfast Entrées Available Daily  Assorted Cereal, Cereal Bars & Granola Bars with choice of side item (Cheese, Yogurt or Graham Crackers)  Breakfast Pizza, Bagel with Cream Cheese, Mini Donuts, Bread Slices, Pop-Tarts, & Benefit Bars available daily Monday


Super Bun 30


Chocolate Chip French Toast Blueberry Waffles



Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich


Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich


French Toast S�cks


Mini Pancakes

Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich


Fruit & Yogurt Parfait

Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich

Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll


Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Green Chili Egg & Cheese Burrito


Breakfast Pla�er


Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Burrito


Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich



(Omelet, Biscuit, Hash Brown) 16


Lunch Entrées Available Daily Garden Salad Chef Salad Bean & Cheese Burrito Spicy Chicken Sandwich Pizza

    

Breakfast Bowl

Biscuits & Gravy

December 21- January 1

Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich


Beverages Flavored & White Skim Milk 1% White Milk Bo�led Water Assorted Fountain Drinks Sides Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Bar Hot Vegetables (Varies Daily)

Grilled Chicken Sandwich Chicken Pa�y Sandwich PB&J Sandwich Chicken Nuggets or Strips Hamburger/Cheeseburger

Lunch Entrée Specials for November Monday


Chicken Caesar Salad Mandarin Orange Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Crunch Bar Lunch Box Ham Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad 30

Gordita Taco Teriyaki Chicken Bowl


Chicken Quesadilla Sichuan Chicken Bowl

14 14

Raspberry Chicken Salad Cobb Salad Bagel Lunch Box Pastrami Sandwich Turkey Bacon Wrap Veggie Sub Super Nachos 1


Chicken Fajitas Mac & Cheese w/ Roll


Chef’s Choice

Cheesy Fajita Sub General Tso Bowl

Cheese Quesadilla Chicken Parm


Chicken Caesar Salad Southwest Chicken Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Crunch Bar Lunch Box California Turkey Sandwich Veggie Wrap So� Tacos 2

Meatball Sub Green Enchiladas


Red Enchiladas Orange Chicken Bowl




Chicken Fajitas Beefy Mac w/ Roll

Meatball Sub Teriyaki Chicken Bowl

Lunch Prices Student Meal $2.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.40 Adult Lunch $3.75

December 3rd is a My Life Early Release Day for Ironwood High, Peoria High, Peoria Flex Academy, & Raymond S. Kellis High. These sites dismiss at 10:20 a.m. and no lunch will be served.




Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl

Chicken Caesar Salad An�pasto Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Crunch Bar Lunch Box Turkey Sandwich Veggie Wrap Clux Delux Sandwich 4

Fish & Chips Clux Delux Sandwich



Buffalo Chicken Wrap Holiday Meal w/ Cookie 17

No Lunch


Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Burrito


Raspberry Chicken Salad Cobb Salad Bagel Lunch Box Italian Combo Sub Chicken Caesar Wrap Veggie Sub



Chef’s Choice 18

No Lunch



Cheese Quesadilla Fe�uccini Alfredo

Glazed Breakfast Bar


Lunch Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit, Vegetable & Beverage     


Yogurt & Muffin




Yogurt & Muffin



December 21- January 1

Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl


Philly Cheesesteak Cheesy Fish Sandwich

Menu items are subject to change without no�fica�on. If the first choice is not available, an alternate will be served. Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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