Prize Giving 2023

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“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”

academic year is coming to an end but it is, more importantly, an opportunity to celebrate the successes enjoyed during that year. We can enjoy together the reports contained in this review; those achievements by the whole school and not just those who receive prizes. At the end of last year we re ected on a school whose activity was taking a more normal shape after the years a ected by the pandemic. is year we have enjoyed a more conventional pre-Covid existence. e return to the busy schedule of normality has not been easy: School drama, concerts, a full sporting programme of competition, debating and MUN and a regular school social calendar has all been enjoyed whilst working through a rigourous academic timetable. I have, however, never apologised for the demands of the Peponi day: it is designed to be busy and not only engage pupils but also provide good exercise for qualities that will be key features of our pupils’ adult lives.

Tenacity, industry and commitment are basic and essential talents that will de ne their character. Knowledge of particular facts or an ability to debate or play a musical instrument, or the speed that one can run a short or long distance will be respected but these traits will be secondary if not aligned to an individual’s commitment and hard work to improve.

What has impressed me this term is the general warmth and dedication to not only the school community but our broader interest to our wider community that has been demonstrated by a vast majority of our pupils. Our return to active participation in a wide variety of charitable activity for our society, which faces challenges incomparable to our own, is commendable but the general understanding and compassion demonstrated by members of this community should not be underestimated.. I think what is beginning to de ne our pupils is a genuine and relatable sense of care for those in and around the school. Are we perfect? Sadly, we are not and we are not in a position to rest our industry and lay back on our virtue. We have more work to do but the over-riding ethos that has emerged out of our return to normality is positive. A subject that I have often re ected on this term and one that was used as the Hilary term’s Chapel theme has been kindness. In our busy, rushed and directed lives, kindness is something that we can all often forget.

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But as the ancient Chinese Taoist philosopher said “Kindness in words creates con dence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”

is was written in the ve century B.C.E. Two and a half millennia later we are still working on these principles but we are developing into a school with con dence, a school with wisdom and, most importantly, a school of friendship.

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.

Emily Dickinson

I conclude my introduction with a poem and this year’s is a very simple verse written by the American poet Emily Dickinson. Its simplicity relates to the simple, natural and basic act of kindness. Our lives are worth so much more if we devote them to helping others and in helping others we deliver a stream of kindness that creates con dence, wisdom and love.

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To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe
- Anatole France


Dean of Study

Mr. Jimmy Carter

We are called many things: educators, mentors, instructors, Sir, Ms and Mrs among many other baptismal names. No matter what we are called, we all agree that truly, we have a gift of in uencing lives both inside and outside of our classrooms. Everyone can recall at least one special teacher, if not more, that has profoundly impacted their life. Teachers are the awe-inspiring, rock stars of education.

ere is no doubting that at Peponi School, we work tirelessly to enrich the lives of the next generation. Our devotion, hard work, and eternal positivity never goes unnoticed evidenced by celebratory examination results.

e Deans at Peponi School work hand in hand with the Deputy Head Academic to ensure a seamless ow of the daily teaching and learning.

e Deanery follows the Cambridge IGCSE speci cation in Form 1 & 2, Shell and Lower V, Upper V and GCE at A-Level in addition to Edexcel-Pearson Speci cation for Art, Mathematics and Music at all levels.

In keeping sync with the National Curriculum for England and Wales, Art, Mathematics, English, Drama, Sciences, Geography, History and ICT are compulsory subjects in Shell. At IGCSE Level, Mathematics, English and Sciences are compulsory subjects for all pupils whilst they have an option of choosing one or taking both of the remaining subject disciplines in addition to, Business Studies and Computer Science that are introduced at this stage. As pupils transition to A-Level, Economics is an additional optional subject which is introduced.

Mr. Jimmy Carter Ogodo leads the team of enthusiastic professionals in sustaining and progressively improving our academic standards.

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“A teacher a ects eternity; he can never tell where his in uence stops."
- Henry Adams

Dean of Study

In this rapidly evolving world, it is essential to instill a lifelong love of learning in pupils as they are the architects of our future.

Alvin To er aptly declared, " e illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

Pupils who foster a love for learning are more inclined to nd success in their academic pursuits. eir inherent motivation to learn drives them to persevere through challenges, leading to improved academic performance. e process of learning serves as a means for personal growth and development. As pupils pursue knowledge, they acquire new skills, insights, and a profound understanding of themselves and the world surrounding them. is self-discovery ultimately bolsters their con dence, self-esteem and sense of purpose. is is the learner that we foster here at Peponi school.

e Deanery is the amalgamation of the Science subjects along with Physical Education, the Modern Foreign Languages, Religious Studies, Psychology and Sociology, and nally, whole-school games. Mr. Seoras Strain facilitates all teaching professionals within the deanery. is has both short term and long term implications from assisting the Deputy Head Academic in the day-to-day management of the school, up to spearheading the continual professional development of teachers in the school, alongside Mr. Ogodo.

e Deanery contains a range of subjects which, in the mainstay, follow the Cambridge speci cation. ose subjects that also choose to follow the Edexcel-Pearson curricula include Religious Studies, French, Kiswahili and the range of Science subjects.

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e English faculty has maintained its tradition of hard work and impeccable achievement in academics as well as other inter disciplinary activities over the last years. From the Juniors in Form 2, to the Seniors soon joining various universities all across the world, the department has inspired and furnished our learners with priceless reading, writing and communication skills.

Inter House Debate

Debate is a formal and highly academic activity that requires a lot of research, strategizing and team work in order to come up with winning arguments. Both the Seniors and the Juniors enjoy taking part in the inter-house debate. Chala successfully defended the Senior Debate cup and right now the Juniors are ghting it out although both Chala and Magadi have taken an early lead.

Apart from the diverse lessons where pupils cover various genres of Literature, the faculty also oversees the Diploma and Charter Reading programmes, an activity that continues to develop the love for reading among the pupils. In academics, we continue to post and celebrate impressive performances in English and Literature in the public examinations.

e faculty also encourages pupils to participate in various competitions.

Mr. Karl Cook- Teacher of English & Deputy Head (Pastoral) Mrs. Lillian Ayatta- Teacher of English Mrs. Claire Nightingale- Teacher of English & Director of Awards Ms Coralie Moon- Teacher of English and Drama.
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Rhino Cup Debate

e Rhino Cup debate team for this academic year consisted of Saahir Dewany, Maansi Ruparel and Ryan Gontier. is team was labelled the ‘Dream Team’ as they sailed all the way to the nals where they defeated the defending Champions Brookhouse -Karen in the nals and brought the much coveted trophy home.

Verse Speaking

In February, two pupils took part in the annual verse speaking competition organised by Nairobi Academy. e group was impressive in terms of poetry interpretation, elocution and the use of facial expressions. Congratulations to Bianca Agarwal and Miranda Kansiime who mesmerized the audience with their recitals of ‘ e Cookie ief’ and ‘For Teenage Girls With Wild Ambitions’.

World Scholar’s

World Scholar’s is a vibrant activity with thirty scholars preparing for the Global Round to be held In London. e teams are working hard and con dently looking forward to a round that can be very grueling.

A Level English

At Sixth Form, the department has enjoyed one of its largest cohorts at A level and the wealthy variety of texts, from the epic tragedy of King Lear to the sensitivities of Browning poetry; from the romantic restlessness of Tennessee Williams' plays to the gothic elements in Dracula. is has ensured that the pupils have been exposed to a richness of English Literature. e A Level Symposium this year meant that Sixth Form pupils joined forces with Crawford School to share best practice and discuss both examination expectations as well as look at contextual landscapes for each text. is provided opportunity for fruitful exploration and pupils learned much from their peers in another school, as well as impact of di ering teaching styles.

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“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
Maya Angelou


e Peponi School production of ‘Macbeth’ was a great success and a fantastic way to nish o the Hilary term. e pupils performed incredibly well, committing themselves to creating believable characters and an eerie atmosphere. e production was performed over two days; performing one matinee and evening show each day. e focus and characterisation was outstanding, bringing this challenging story to life.

From the beginning of the year, our pupils proved their commitment to the production; physical and immersive theatre is a new skill for many of our performers. roughout rehearsals, the performers discovered, developed and honed their skill in this contemporary theatre form. On top of this, the pupils had the challenge of performing on site-speci c stages. roughout the performance, scenes took place on di erent stages, transporting the audience to witch’s cavern, Macbeth’s home, and the King’s castle.

One of the highlights was ‘ e Ghost of Banquo’ scene in the main hall. e mix of stage lighting and real candles created a tense atmosphere for the audience. e use of slow motion, levels and silent movement accentuated the idea of a ghostly gure arriving in the castle!

Earlier in the Hilary term, the whole school was entertained by the performances in inter-house drama. e theme for this year was twisted fairy tales. e audience witnessed re-telling’s of the following fairy tales; Rumpelstiltskin, Hansel and Gretel, e Golden Goose and Snow White. e junior category involved twisting the story of a classic fairy tale, and the senior category having to modernise the same fairy tale. e pupils worked very hard to create entertaining and exciting versions of their allocated fairy tale. Congratulations to Jipe for winning the trophy!

e department continues to grow with a good number of students opting for academic drama, and extra-curricular activities. e results being achieved at IGCSE are impressive. I look forward to working with our pupils next year, academically, and for our next school production!

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at which hath made them drunk hath made me bold, what hath quenched them hath given me re.
- Lady Macbeth (Act II; Scene 2)


For the AS papers, the percentages were 73% A to C with 48% being A grades. At A Level, 84% of the candidates secured grades of A* to C with 52% being A* or A.

Mr. John Njoroge - Teacher of Mathematics

Mr. Antony Mogere - Teacher of Mathematics

Peponi School places a strong emphasis on Mathematics as part of the core of its academic program. Beyond the content of the course, the school recognises the importance of teaching valuable problem-solving skills and logical thinking. Our goal is to prepare pupils for real-world challenges in all areas of life, work, and study. Peponi encourages each pupil to approach Mathematics with a positive attitude, con dence, skill, and enjoyment. is approach has proven very successful, as Mathematics is one of the most popular subjects at the school. While it is mandatory at IGCSE, many pupils choose to continue studying it at A-level and beyond. At the moment, 71% of VI Form students opt to do so, making it easily the most chosen subject. Peponi takes great pride in its pupils' achievements, as they consistently produce excellent results across all levels of Mathematics.

e results for the 2021/22 examinations were no exception. At IGCSE, the A* to C (or 9 to 4 as it is now known) was 98% with over half recording grades of A* or A.

Our junior years continue to shine at a range of external Mathematics competitions held by the University of Waterloo, Canada. Our Shell pupils will sit for the Gauss Contest just before Prize Giving so we must wait for those results but our Lower and Upper V pupils sat respectively for the Pascal and Cayley Contests in Hilary with some outstanding results. Our top performers were;

Pascal 1st - Rohin Sharma

2nd - Tirth Shah

3rd - Nesa Kochhar

4th - Njeri Kibuchi

5th - Saanvi Vora

Cayley 1st - Samskara Shah

2nd - Prinay Galaiya

2nd - Dev Gardi

4th - Pasha Haria

4th - Netania Mwaura

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Mr. Julian Pallister - Teacher of Mathematics Mr. David Kimani - Teacher of Mathematics and Head of Careers and University Placement

ese contests are very demanding, and our winners’ scores compare very well to those from all around the world. Samskara’s score was particularly noteworthy. She was comfortably within the top 5% of about 36,000 entries worldwide and she was listed in the International Roll of Honour published by the university.

In addition to the ‘internationals’ we have our internal, junior series of challenges. Several problems are set over the course of a term that require problem-solving abilities over and above those needed for the standard curricula. Each term, the Fermat Cup is presented to the pupil that has solved the most in the best style. ere have been several close-fought battles this year and emerging from these, our recent winners are are;

Trinity 2022 – Diva Shah

Michaelmas 2022 – Rian Shah & Yuv Galaiya

Hilary 2023 – Rian Shah

Congratulations go to all those mentioned above but also to all the many other pupils that

Prize Giving 2023


Ms Laura Gillespie – Teacher of Biology

Ms Pauline Amondi – Teacher of Biology

is year the Biology department welcomed the arrival of Miss Laura Gillespie. Laura is an experienced Biologist from the UK who came to Peponi from Tanzania where - as well as teaching Biology throughout the school - she was also the Assistant Headteacher. She joins Mr. Robin Backhouse and Miss Pauline Amondi in the department.

e 2022 examination season was another successful one in which - for the second year in a rowone of our pupils achieved the highest Biology A Level result in Kenya.

Outside of the classroom, we continue to enrich the Biology experience in a number of ways:

e Princeton Project remains an area of the Shell programme which develops the pupils’ all-round scienti c literacy and has adapted to give the pupils more creative freedom in their choice of project.

Lower Fifth pupils have competed in the Biology Challenge - an international competition to test their knowledge and

For our Form II pupils the Forest School project has (quite literally) grown, with around one third of the site now planted with indigenous trees. ey have recently enjoyed a residential trip to Brackenhurst where they were inspired for a greener future by seeing and being involved in the great works being carried out by environmental NGOs in Kenya. Form II have also been on a eld trip to Brown’s Cheese Factory where they learned about how an understanding of Biology can be applied to food production.

e Peponi African Wildlife Society is now an accredited Field Guides of Southern Africa (FGASA) centre, authorised for the delivery of the ‘Nature Ambassador’ quali cation. Six pupils have already successfully completed this programme, demonstrating thorough knowledge and understanding of Africa’s wildlife and ecosystems. ey completed a eld trip to Nairobi National Park and are looking forward to an upcoming trip to Amboseli

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Like other Science subjects, IGCSE Chemistry pupils follow Edexcel Pearson speci cation.

Chemistry deals with the properties, composition, and structure of substances. Formation of new substances during chemical reactions is a key component of Chemistry. Chemists use evidence gained from observations and experiments to build models and theories of the structure and reactivity of materials. eories are tested by further experiments and an appreciation of accuracy and reliability is gained. At Peponi School, pupils are exposed to di erent experimental techniques in Chemistry. is involves pupils doing the actual experiments, modelling and analysing the results, and looking for underlying patterns. It ranges from introduction and laboratory safety in Form II and Shell, to Organic Synthesis and Analytical Techniques like nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in Sixth Form Chemistry. During the year, the Shell pupils have been actively involved with the Princeton Science project, where their practical and investigating skills have been enhanced.

e Shell pupils have carried out detailed investigations under the guidance and supervision of Mr Wachara and Mr Kamande.

eir counterparts in Sixth Form follow Cambridge International Exams AS and A level speci cation. Peponi School pupils have a commendable record of accomplishment in external examinations and awards. e academic Year 2022/23 was not any di erent. At IGCSE level, 15 out of 20 pupils (75%) achieved A* to A. ere was a 100% pass rate of A* to C. is exceeded the 2022 UK National grades. At A level, 87.5% of the candidates obtained A* to C. is also exceeded the UK National averages and CIE grade statistics for 2022.

On the award front, Ryan Gontier received the 2022 Pearson Outstanding Learners’ Award for the highest mark in Kenya, in IGCSE Chemistry. It was also a great honour to have received two awards from Cambridge, for the June 2022 exam series. Pascha Hulsman was top in Kenya in A level Chemistry. Neha Shah – Top in Kenya, in AS level Chemistry. Congratulations to all the winners and their teachers for the outstanding performance.

Our pupils continue to take up courses in Engineering, Medicine and other related elds in some of the top Universities in the world. We take this earliest opportunity to congratulate and celebrate Neha Shah, who has been o ered a place at the prestigious Cambridge University to study Engineering.

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Mr. Ephraim Wachara – Teacher of Chemistry Mr. Charles Kamande – Teacher of Chemistry


At Peponi, Physics is o ered as two courses in two stages. e IGCSE course, examined by Pearson/Edexcel, comes in three options i.e. Separate Sciences, Double Award and Single Science Physics. e advanced course, taught at AS and A-Levels, is examined by Cambridge International Examinations, CIE. We are pleased that our pupils secured top-in-Kenya awards at both IGCSE and A-Levels.

Physics teaching aims to inculcate in learners the critical skills of scienti c inquiry, while developing life-long attitudes and mindsets underpinning good practice in science, such as curiosity, systematic approach to problem-solving, objectivity, analysis, creativity and inventiveness.

Recognising that the world around us is complex and constantly changing, the study of Physics focuses on empowering and engaging learners with relevant knowledge, skills and understanding, in order that they can become con dent citizens.

ey are expected to develop an informed interest in scienti c matters, while appreciating the usefulness of the subject, pupils are also expected to appreciate limitations of scienti c methods and acknowledge that applications of Physics can be simultaneously bene cial and detrimental to the individual, the community and the environment. In light of which, constant observance of safety is imbued in learners from the outset. Our pupils are expected to demonstrate due care for the environment and, in the context of health and safety, understand their responsibility to themselves, others and society. Early adoption of the right combination of knowledge and skills, allows learners to undertake the right trajectory to further study of Physics - and eventual entry into relevant careers such as engineering.

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Experimental work in the Physics lab


Why study Geography?

Geography enjoys overwhelming popularity among pupils across the year groups. With a dedicated team of professional teachers, pupils have been exposed to varied interactive teaching strategies that have enabled learners to internalize, process and recall information easily. All pupils take up Geography in Form I, II and Shell, where they study a foundation course which supports IGCSE study for those who opt to continue the subject in Lower Fifth. Our Shell course currently includes Plate Tectonics, Population and Settlement. More than 75% of the group then continues with Geography for IGCSE (CAIE IGCSE Geography 0460). In 2022, 91% of pupils were awarded A*-C grades. Around 30 pupils undertake Geography (CIE International A Level 9696) in the Sixth Form where results are typically above the school average.From the theoretical concepts pupils explore in class, the practical aspect is vital as it

brings into reality the real world of Geography. From Shell, pupils are introduced to eld enquiry techniques with a trip to Naivasha to study Settlements and Urban Land use. Perhaps the most looked forward to trip is Coastal Landforms in Mombasa with Lower Fifth pupils who experience the coastal landscape whilst enriching themselves with landform knowledge and eldwork skills which they use up to A Level. e Upper Fifth sum up IGCSE eld studies with a trip to Naro Moru on River Pro le and Resultant Landforms. e Sixth Form is where the knowledge and understanding learnt in formative years is applied. Pupils build and develop their analytical skills and use this as a foundation in preparation for their university study. Whether planning to be a doctor, lawyer, and environmentalist or join the creative arts, Geography plays a major role in everyone’s life and gives us an in-depth appreciation of our rapidly-changing world.

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Geography helps us to explore and understand space and place - recognising the great di erences in cultures, political systems, economies, landscapes and environments across the world, and exploring the links between them - Royal Geographical Society


Mr. Mark Durston - e Headmaster and Teacher of History

Mr. Joseph Njuguna - Teacher of History

Mr. Jimmy Carter Ogodo - Dean of Study and Teacher of History

Many people study History in high school and come away thinking it’s boring, irrelevant, or both. But as we get older, even just by a few years, we start to see the importance of understanding the past. When it comes to the possibilities of 'learning from history' there are doubtless many things we could aspire to learn. Some of those would be more practically useful, in terms of contributing to the normal and decent functioning of well-meaning societies than others. Events in the past have displaced families and groups, changing the makeup of regions and often causing tensions. Such events have also created government systems that have lasted generations beyond when they started. And all of it a ects each person alive today.

Studying History helps us understand how events in the past made things the way they are today. With lessons from the past, we not only learn about ourselves and how we came to be, but also develop the ability to avoid mistakes and create better paths for our societies.

From a broad-spectrum of 19th and 20th Century History, the CIE syllabus allow teachers to choose a range of thematic areas for study with a dominance of European and American History at both the IGCSE and GCE AS and A2 Levels. Pupils have enjoyed discussions focusing on the analysis and evaluation of the causes of World Wars 1 and II, the Rise of the Nazis and Holocaust, the Origin, Development and End of the Cold War, the Russian Civil War, Treaty of Versailles, Success and Failure of the League of Nations and World dictators.

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“History is for human self-knowledge ... the only clue to what man can do is what man has done. e value of history, then, is that it teaches us what man has done and thus what man is.”
- R. G. Collingwood

It is with hindsight to the above that we embarked on a memorable and exciting post Covid-19 History and Religious Studies trip to Vietnam, Cambodia and United Arab Emirates. At the mention of the rst two nations, a glooming and regretfully, dark historical past hang in the air. Intentionally, we tend to be subjective and judge them as nations that are lagging behind on the socio-political and economic aspects of growth.

What we don’t know and see is that, the present political leadership of these nations have used the “dark past” to market the countries and generate revenues that have enhanced their economic growth.

e Far East destinations proved to be a marvel to behold. Breath taking sites and hiking from cruise ship in Halong Bay to the dazzling architectural masterpiece temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia built at the 14th Century provided a spectacle of beauty, wonder, and magni cence to behold. e 28 strong team of travellers accompanied by Ms. Nightingale, Mr Strain and myself-Mr. Ogodo enjoyed mouth-watering dishes of local cuisines in some of the nest restaurants with a balance of inviting fast food meals. A tri cycle ride along the streets of Hanoi ensured we seamlessly interacted with the locals as the fresh evening aura of Hanoi welcomed us into the city. e opportunities to shop despite the harsh economic times in Ho Chi Minh city, Siem Reap and Dubai left us dragging luggage stocked with souvenirs, out ts and snacks for our loved ones back at home. Adrenaline rush roller coasters amidst exciting and adventurous activities at the Ferari World in Abu Dhabi left us clamouring for more.

Despite the numerous opportunities to enjoy, the trip also brought to us the harsh realities of American involvement in the Vietnam war. A visit to the Cu Chi Site in Ho Chi Mihn led us to an adventurous experience of the underground hide-outs and homes for Viet Cong ghters against heavy airstrike shelling from the Americans modern ghter jets and helicopters. Our spirits were further dampened and underpinned by a sense of grief and melancholy, from the narrations of our tour guide depicting cruelty of Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot regime, which massacred over 2 million people in just three years in the killing elds of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 2 days earlier, we had met Aki Ra, the founder of the Cambodian Landmine Museum. We also heard from a former rogue soldier, who had dedicated his life to clearing thousands of landmines planted in Cambodia.

Back home, the 2nd local History eld enquiry study trip for our Shell pupils to Voi, Tsavo and Maktau in the Taita Taveta County was a super success. It was worthwhile to let our young ones discover how the Great War found its way into Kenya and Tanzania despite the locals knowing nothing about its causes miles away in Europe. Saltlick Lodge provided a breath taking ambience and meals needed after a hectic day under intense tropical heat in the eld.

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Business Studies

Mr. Peter Nduati - Teacher of Economics and Business

Mr. Samuel Njoroge - Teacher of Economics and Business

Mr. Moses Nyoro - Teacher of Economics and Business

Business Studies is a popular subject at Peponi School. It is o ered initially as an IGCSE course and later at AS and A-level. It is examined by the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) body. Pupils learn how businesses are managed and get a practical experience through experiential learning activities. During the May-June 2022 examinations, we enjoyed a pass rate of over 90% from all of the pupils who sat for the IGCSE and A-level examination. e students are adequately prepared to have a critical understanding of the way enterprises are organised and managed by entrepreneurs.

e teaching of Business Studies involves experiential learning where pupils engage in various investment activities with an aim of becoming future entrepreneurs. We host an annual ‘Business Fiesta’ where pupils exhibit various business ideas for sale at the school grounds. is year, the esta raised over fty thousand shillings towards the school charities. e pupils have access to current business news via a live feed from Bloomberg which gives real time data of global business and economic events. All these opportunities help them to connect business theory with the real practice.

Pupils who choose take up Business related courses, often go on to read at competitive universities. Many of the pupils have been admitted to read Business, Finance and Economics related courses at leading universities in the USA, UK, Canada and Australia among others. In the 2022/23 academic year, both the IGCSE and A- Level Business Studies groups posted impressive results that were exceptional.

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Business Fiesta


Mr. Peter Nduati - Teacher of Economics and Business

Mr. Samuel Njoroge - Teacher of Economics and Business

Mr. Moses Nyoro - Teacher of Economics and Business

Pupils enjoy learning Economics which is o ered to both AS and Level candidates. e 2023 new syllabus developed by Cambridge International Examinations board encourages pupils to explore their subject in depth and to build their critical analysis and research skills. For the past two years, Peponi School has produced the best pupil in Kenya. In the May – June 2021 examinations, Sohail Ahmed, who was admitted in the University of Cambridge to read Land Economics. In May – June 2022, Kian Patel was the top pupil in Kenya and is looking to take an Economics course in the UK. e pupils are introduced to econometric tools of analysis which helps them to interpret real world economic issues.

e methodology of instruction in Economics involves a practical approach where pupils are introduced to both quantitative and qualitative problem solving skills that helps them to analyse local and current economic issues. Pupils interrogate macroeconomic issues like in ation, balance of payments, unemployment and exchange rates with a view of understanding how they a ect our local economies. In addition, they appreciate the application of cost bene t technique of decision making and how it in uences the government intervention polices both at the microeconomic and macroeconomic environments. e aim of this is to develop e ective and in uential future policy makers.

On balance, most of our pupils enjoy the teaching of Economics. ey end up getting placements in various Universities to read Economics and Finance related courses. Pupils always post impressive results and get admissions to top Universities in the UK, US, Australia and Canada among others.

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e relevance of Psychology in contemporary society cannot be underestimated. By understanding Psychology, we can improve how we live our lives and society in general. In our syllabus, every study is undertaken with a speci c purpose in mind which can then be applied in everyday life – whether it is improving how we learn, understanding how groups of people behave or treating a disorder. We are very intentional about teaching our pupils to recognise how psychological studies can be applied to other scenarios in everyday life.

Psychology is a popular subject at Peponi School. It is a two year course which is introduced at AS level. e rst year consists of learning some of the world’s most in uential psychological experiments and analysing their strengths and weaknesses. e second year focuses on more traditional forms of psychology such as mental health where we cover a range of mental disorders and how to treat them, as a school we also o er “health psychology” which is a useful module for any students planning on medical careers or service industry. is provides a good foundation for the study of Psychology or related courses in higher education.

For our class project, we worked with our School Counsellor and the Ministry of Health to run the Wellness Week.We organised talks and undertook activities that were geared towards empowering the Peponi community, with an emphasis on ideas of how to handle di cult emotions in healthy ways.

To conclude the activities for the week, the Upper VI Psychology class visited the Kamili Organisation. is institution provides a ordable psychological care and carries out community projects that aid in promoting mental health. is visit enabled the students to understand their course content better by engaging rst hand with patients and mental healthcare practitioners. ey had a chance to hear di erent experiences from the psychologist, patients and psychiatric nurses at the clinic. rough the generous contribution of the Peponi community, we donated cash to support the various projects run by the organisation.

With the vast majority of our Psychology pupils achieving an A-C grade for their A levels in the 2022 May/June exams, as an institution we are statistically over the average of the UK school results. As such we are very proud of the results that we achieve and are con dent that we will have a repeat performance this year.

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Psychology class visit the Kamili organisation Mrs. Anne Maina – Senior Tutor and Teacher of Psychology and Sociology Mrs. Concepta Juma - Teacher of Psychology and Sociology


Sociology is o ered at the Upper and Lower Sixth level. It is a Social Science that aims to o er an insight into human social life. ose reading the subject can expect to cover topics such as family, gender roles, education, media, culture and globalisation. e course asks students to learn sociological theories in tandem with developing research skills, which are examined in Paper 1. e topics o ered by CIE for Lower Sixth are all compulsory, but the Upper Sixth syllabus has some optional topics that candidates can choose from. is makes it easier for students to narrow down and study a few topics, in detail, which prepares them for the in-depth study that they will experience at university level.

e art of Sociology is that it allows students to apply their knowledge to everyday life situations; as well as relate what is happening around them to what they are learning in class. In our classroom, we learn from each other; all of us have been socialised di erently and we thrive in understanding how these experiences we have had a ect how we relate to others and our behaviour as a society. As such, our lessons are full of interesting debates and have a very interactive nature.

We encourage our students to read widely and make reference to several credible sources in their written responses. is is especially helpful when tackling the 26 and 35-mark essay questions. is skill is developed through practice and students will manage to master it, over time.

We are very happy with the good results that the subject has been posting and we look forward to continuing to exceed these grades with future cohorts.

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Mrs. Anne Maina – Senior Tutor and Teacher of Psychology and Sociology Mrs. Concepta Juma - Teacher of Psychology and Sociology

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Mr. Yohann Henry – Teacher of French and Spanish

Ms. Jacqueline Olembo – Teacher of French and Kiswahili

Mrs. Gladys Ongwae – Teacher of Spanish and Kiswahili

Ms Claudia Avisa – Teacher of Kiswahili

e members of the MFL Faculty were very pleased with the IGCSE examinations results that came out in August 2022. Indeed, out of twenty-four candidates for French, eight achieved an A* grade, ve an A grade, six a B grade and three a C grade. Moreover, 100% of our learners of French equalled or exceeded their predicted grades which denotes very accurate predictions made by the MFL teachers, and on the whole, very good pupils’ performances.

In Spanish, out of twelve pupils, two achieved an A* grade, two an A grade, six a B grade and two a C grade. 75% of our learners of Spanish equalled or exceeded their predicted grades. It is a clear indication of the hard work that was put into the preparation of the candidates.

In Swahili, out of six candidates, four achieved a grade 9 and one a grade 8. Moreover, 100% of our learners of Swahili equalled or exceeded their predicted grades.

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A* A B C Pupils 8 5 6 3 Grade % 33% 21% 25% 12.5% CIE
A* A B C Pupils 2 2 6 2 Grade % 16.5% 16.5% 50% 16.5%
IGCSE French - Grades
IGCSE Spanish - Grades

Pupils 4 1

Grade % 80 20

In both AS and A2 French, our candidates achieved B grades. In A2 Spanish, one candidate obtained a B grade and the other one a C grade.

e Mandarin Chinese Club has been taking place this academic year and will reappear in Michaelmas 2023. It is a good opportunity for our pupils to be exposed to this fascinating tonal language that they may well nd incredibly useful in a few years’ time when they start applying for jobs. Our short-term target will be to prepare our pupils for the HSK 1 examination but our long-term target will subsequently be to sit for the IGCSE Mandarin Chinese Examinations.

Similarly, some of our pupils who have been showing interest in French and Spanish national quali cations have been taking examinations at various levels (from absolute beginner to lower intermediate). It is our aim to encourage as many pupils as possible to follow in their footsteps in the coming academic year.

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Pearson Edexcel GCSE Swahili - Grades 9 8

Religious Studies

Religious Studies (R.S.) is a compulsory subject for all Form 2 and Shell pupils. From the Lower Fifth onwards pupils can choose to continue their R.S. studies all the way up to their nal A-level year, at Key Stage 5. is academic year has seen our department grow with the welcome addition of Ms. Esther Mwangi; who has added a new avour to the department and o ered students an exciting new way of exploring the key elements of Sikhism, Buddhism and an introduction to philosophical issues, in the Lower school. I want to thank her for her contribution to the department.

Pupils who opt to take Religious Studies beyond their Shell year will take an inquiring, critical and re ective approach to the study of faith, exploring di erent beliefs, cultures and fundamental questions, with a view to relate these studies to their own values and the wider world. Here at Peponi we use the Edexcel IGCSE R.S. syllabus which comprises of two papers. e rst paper requires learners to explore key themes of faith, philosophy and ethics and answer questions in relation to these issues, drawing upon a religion of their choice.

e second paper sees students become experts on a chosen faith, our emphasis here is on Christianity, where we learn about all elements of the faith from the founder, to festivals to features of a church.

At the top of the school our departing A2 cohort have been an outstanding year group who have developed a healthy level of debate and critical intrigue. e R.S. A-level is a demanding course that requires students to read challenging philosophical and ethical texts, then respond with longer written style responses and also develop cogent arguments of their own. is has seen the quality of conversation elevated in the classroom and led to fantastic pupil outcomes in their written work. We are expecting an outstanding year in terms of results.

For all those still engaged in their school career at Peponi, I would encourage all pupils to sincerely consider taking Religious Studies at IGCSE and A-level as it will develop their ability to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced and cogent written arguments. R.S. also o ers students the opportunity to re ect on and develop their own values, beliefs and attitudes in the light of what they have learned; meaning that they can go onto contribute e ectively as citizens of our inter-connected world.

I wish to thank all those A-level students leaving us to join university, for the hard work that they have put into their studies, and I wish them well in the next chapter of their learning.

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The Learning Support DepartmentCRANE

Mr. Fred Matu - Head of Learning Support (Crane)

Ms Hellen Mutua - Learning Support - Science

Mr. George Kimani - Learning Support - English

Mrs. Miriam Kinyua - Learning SupportMathematics

We are proud of another successful year where the Learning Support Department, Crane, has continued to provide vital support to our pupils. In addition to our regular in-class and withdrawal support interventions, we have also embraced the use of assistive technology to support our learners. is has mainly been utilized through adopting new word processing and audio recording equipment, as well as the use of computer software that aids our pupils to access the curriculum.

Our role in the school remains crucial as we continue to o er the much needed support in English, Mathematics and Science. We plan to extend similar support to Humanities in the coming year.

By providing exam support (access arrangements) the Crane department ensures that all pupils have adequate access to all internal and external exams, by removing any barriers that may hinder them. We are proud of our impact and success in ensuring that pupils who receive support attain their target grades in the core subjects.

We appreciate the continued parental support and involvement in the process of support provision.

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Ms Betty Wakhu - Teacher of Art

Ms Mary Mukule - Teacher of Art

The Annual Art Competition

is year’s theme was Minimalism. Despite the rather busy start to the term, pupils were able to quickly organise themselves, led by their Heads of House. e entries had a great mix of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork. ere was sti competition especially between Jipe and Elementaita House but at the end, there can only be one winner; Elementaita won this year’s competition, congratulations! Below are some highlights from the exhibition.

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Visit to Tafaria Castle & Centre for the Arts

In February this year, the Fifth and Sixth Form pupils took a two-day trip to Tafaria Castle. is was an opportunity for both the Fine Artists and the Photographers to learn more about the creative world and its possibilities, from pottery and textiles to sculpture and applied art in museums.

Pupils were also able to meet with a painter, Patricia Spoor, who facilitated a painting session. Accompanying sta were not left out and were happy to participate in the activities!

Below are some of the nished paintings and testimonials from the pupils.

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“I loved how each sculpture represented a topic and how the artists conveyed emotions in their visual arts…” - Aya Mohsen(E)

“I have learnt that art really has zero limits; when I saw the instrument that was created using simple wood and recordings implanted in them to make music, combining technology to make an incomprehensible instrument, this was truly inspiring.”

“At Tafaria, you have complete creative freedom and you can reduce waste by recycling it.”

“I saw the appeal in being unique as an artist, although drawing inspiration is important, it is just as important to express yourself fully in your own way”


“I learnt that there is more to art than just drawing and painting. I learnt that an artist can express themselves in many di erent ways and one can create art in almost any environment”

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Below are some comments from the pupils:

The Orchid Society

is year, the Orchid Society resumed their activities after a two-year break resulting from the pandemic. e aim of orchid competition is to encourage pupils of all ages to learn more about orchids, and show o their own artistic talent. e theme this year was 'Orchid Manyatta.' All the artwork submitted in this competition were displayed at the Annual Orchid Show at the Exhibition Hall at the Sarit Centre in October 2022.

We are delighted that Bianca Agarwal (Lower Vth) and Tanya Haria (Shell) took part in the competition and secured position two and three, respectively, in their respective categories. ey were awarded certi cates and gift vouchers.

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Bianca Agarwal (Lower Vth) Tanya Haria (Shell)

ICT and Computer Science

Mr. omas Njuguna - Teacher of Computer Science and ICT

Mr. John Kutner - Teacher of ICT

Technology has become the focal point from which everything revolves around in the world today. It’s an undeniable fact that technology runs the world! Studies across the board shows that job market for graduates who are versed with the technical and human sides of information management systems is gaining a major traction. At Peponi School we rmly believe that high-quality education in computing technology to our pupils goes a long way in embedding lifelong skills needed to cope in the ever-changing digital world.

What you can expect studying ICT and Computer Science at Peponi School

In our tailored curriculum, we strive to ensure that each pupil develops competency and con dence with the necessary technology. We achieve this by placing great emphasis on acquisition of knowledge, skills and understanding of core computational concepts and experience.

Our curriculum delivery entails provision of video tutorials, sca olding, remedial lessons, coding and other varied learning activities that nurture computational thinking and problem solving minds.

e content taught at Form 1 and 2 and Shell gives learners the knowledge foundation, skills and understanding that allow strong transition onto either ICT or Computer Science at Fifth Form.

In the AS and A2 (Sixth form), pupils have an opportunity to extend their studies by taking A-Level Advanced Information technology. is will always provide a stable platform for quali cation to enable a successful career choice, in not only computing in its own right, but also as an enabler for other disciplines within the STEM category.

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Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.


I am absolutely delighted that this year has seen a welcome return to a full musical programme, both in school and out of school. Indeed, I get the impression that even more is happening now than it did a few years ago!

Following the return of the Joint Peponi Schools’ Music Teachers’ Seminar & INSET in early September, we continued our hosting of the Young Vocalist’s Competition in late September with the Finals on Sunday 9th October. Despite having only four entries, Amara Pannu reached the Junior Final and Maansi Ruparel won the Senior Final, triumphing over four other competitors from St. Andrews, Turi.

Our Remembrance Service was poignant as ever with Taha Jivanji (Trumpet) performing the Last Post and the Rouse, our Combined Choirs singing After the War and the String Ensemble performing Barber’s Adagio for Strings. In mid-November, the Nairobi Orchestra concerts featured a number of Peponi Sta , with Mr. Laight playing violin, Mr. Wataka conducting and Ms. Davies playing cello. Our Michaelmas Concert on 28th November was earlier than usual due to the school exams, with around two hours of quality performances from our pupils and sta along with a special guest appearance from the Nairobi Chamber Chorus.

As we entered the Hilary term, we realised just how much was going on! Pinkey Mhajan and Reeyan Gosrani performed at the Annual Music Recital Event at Oshwal Academy Nairobi (Junior High) on Wednesday 25th January and less than a week later, we welcomed the return of ‘live’ practical examinations with a visiting examiner for the London College of Music exams.

e Inter-House Music Competition in early February was, I believe, the best I’ve ever seen in my time at Peponi School, involving around half of the pupils in the school. e category winners were Darsh Shah (Junior Instrumental Solo), Baraka Wakaba (Junior Vocal Solo), Ronav Vora (Senior Instrumental Solo) and Neha Shah (Senior Vocal Solo). e overall winners were Jipe, once again, but Magadi were incredibly close!

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At the end of the February half-term break, the Young Musician’s Competition returned as ‘live’ preliminaries at Kenton College followed by the Finals on Sunday 5th March. We had our best ever performance in the competition with Reeyan Gosrani (Saxophone) winning the Intermediate Solo category and Ruchi Raja reaching the Intermediate Solo nal. In the Open Ensemble category, our Flute Trio (Wanjiru Kibuchi, Kheya Shah & Katanu Muindi) came 2nd and our Saxophone Trio (Aarav Patel, Ngumo Kibuchi & Reeyan Gosrani) came 3rd. In the Senior Solo category, Dia Khimasia (Saxophone) came 3rd whilst Samyak Raja (Violin) was declared the winner!

Only a few days later, we hosted, for the rst time, the Peponi School Concert Festival which involved around 250 pupils and 20 sta from ISK, Rosslyn Academy, St Austin’s Academy, MPESA Foundation Academy and our own pupils. e audience was treated to a variety of Choirs, Concert Bands and Orchestras. It was a real success and we hope to continue hosting it.

e Hilary concert involved many high quality solos and ensembles and also a memorable guest performance from the visiting soloist for the Nairobi Orchestra concerts, Sam Brown (Guitar). e Nairobi Orchestra concerts themselves took place at Peponi House on 18th & 19th March with Mr. Laight conducting and Mr. Wataka on clarinet.

We very much look forward to the next academic year where we will continue to develop and expand our use of the additional practice rooms, the recording studio and the Chapel.


Physical Education

Over the years, PE has become a popular subject as it is fundamentally designed to foster enjoyment and success in physically active pursuits. As a course, it provides our learners with the opportunity to pursue a range of physical activities, within which, they are then encouraged to develop an understanding and appreciation of the tactical, technical and physical principles of competition. e PE syllabus compliments a number of other IGCSEs such as the sciences, Psychology and Sociology. Con dence and competence across a range of skillsets are thoroughly developed through PE at Peponi.

Our lessons continue to be highly interactive with two practical lessons per fortnight, allowing pupils to engage in activities they would never otherwise experience in their own free time. We have seen a 100% pass rate throughout the years of o ering the course, and our 2022 cohort were no exception, achieving a number of A-A* grades.

Our A-level curriculum continues in the same fashion, with interactive practical and theory lessons. e course is split equally across the two years, with the AS syllabus contributing the rst 50% of the overall grade. Pupils study in greater depth from the IGCSE course and it supplements Biology and Psychology very well. e theoretical curriculum is split into three main parts; Anatomy and Physiology, Psychology and Social and Cultural Aspects. ese are all studied in both years but with a di erent focus from one year to the next. ey must also train and compete in two sports to their highest standard, along with being assessed in a written analysis of their personal develop programme for the AS level, and a verbal analysis of another performer, summating their theoretical knowledge across both years for the A level assessment. Our A-level cohort had some excellent grades with over 80% of the class achieving A*-C.

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Ms. Hannah Sweatman – Teacher of PE
Go con dently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
- Henry David Thoreau


Model United Nations

e Model United Nation (MUN) simulates the activities of United Nations Organization and aims to build up the con dence and enhance the debating skills of all the participants. It allows pupils to immerse themselves into the world of the United Nations.

A delegation of 19 pupils from Peponi School had the opportunity to participate in the 29th Annual MSMUN Conference held at the United Nations O ces in Nairobi from January 29th to February 3rd, 2023. is conference, themed "Ubuntu: I Am Because We Are," brought together hundreds of pupils from di erent schools in Kenya and beyond. After months of remote learning due to the pandemic, the pupils were thrilled to attend the rst physical conference in years.

e East African Model United Nations program consists of the EAMUN conference, for pupils aged between 14 to 19 years, and the MSMUN conference, for pupils aged between ages 11 to 14 years. For over a decade our pupils have created a tradition of excellence at all Model United Nations levels.

e Peponi School delegation was tasked with representing ve countries: Ghana, Estonia, Bangladesh, Antigua and Barbuda, and the Press Corps. Each day, the General Assembly kicked o the proceedings, followed by a keynote speaker invited by the executive committee to address the assembly. Peponi School pupils took an active part in the debate, proposing amendments to motions and participating in lively discussions. eir level-headed and convincing participation resulted in an enriching, educational, and exhilarating experience.

e hard work and commitment of Peponi School pupils paid o in the form of numerous awards and honourable mentions in various categories. Several pupils, including Amara Pannu, Shayan Dewany, Baraka Kahugu, and Nahla Jeilan received Best Resolution and Best Delegate awards in di erent committees, with Tanya Haria receiving Best Photographer for Press Corps. Furthermore, Rian Shah, Yuv Galaiya, Nesa Kochhar, Diva Karania, and Darsh Shah received Honourable Mentions.

On the last day of the conference, Dr Terry Howard, the founder of the MSMUN programme, gave an inspiring and emotional speech, prompting the pupils to give a standing ovation to the organising committee for putting together a highly successful conference. e MSMUN Conference was an absolute success, and the participating pupils are eagerly anticipating the next conference.

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East Africa Model United Nations

e same spirit and enthusiasm exempli ed in MSMUN was replicated in the 41st annual gathering of the East African Model United Nations conference-EAMUN. From a massive turn up of over a thousand delegates from across 9 nations, delegates from Peponi School displayed their debating and persuasive skills in the Political, Economic

Aarav Patel freshly graduated from the MSMUN conference energized to prove the executive committee wrong in having a junior chair scaling the monumental leadership ladder, to make it to the top echelons of the organization. Sheer determination, resilience, hard work and belief in self-con dence summarised his celebrated award as a Senior Chair and honorable member of the Executive committee. delegate from Serbia.

Saahir Dewany walked into UNON Assembly representing the delegation Mauritania in the Political and Economic committee. His determination to be heard by chairs by teaming up with delegates from other nations to either support or vote against resolution paid o handsomely. He summed up our achievements with Honorary Best Speaker mention.

Special thanks to Ryan Gontier for spending his afternoons to ensure the quality of debate presented was simply exemplary. His passion for the programme is evident in the number of hours he spent to train our MSMUN delegates inspiring the young ones to build con dence by believing in themselves.

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Lower Sixth Community Service

Further I have learned that the act of giving time through simple interactions from person to person cannot be understated. On the rst day, I met a four-year-old girl named Sandra. Initially she was extremely shy and could barely meet my eyes but eventually she turned to look at me and we smiled at each other. It is di cult to put into words how incredible it was to watch her slowly open up and talk to me; from just telling me her name to telling me her favourite places to play with her friends. After meeting her I became immersed in the experience on a new level and began to face the reality and importance of this project at its core.

In the second last week of Michaelmas Term 2022, the Lower VI travelled to Gilgil to complete our Community Service project and put the resources we had acquired throughout the year to use. We appreciate the generosity and kindness of those who donated funds, food items, sanitary items and more. ese items helped us enhance the impact left by classes before us as well as contribute to the successful projects we hope to see in years to come. is experience has been unlike any other. I have learned to appreciate the value of something I would have previously perceived to be a small gesture. A packet of biscuits. A bottle of juice. A high- ve. It was moving to see how much joy can be created from something seemingly small.

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“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

ere were moments that brought me an irreplaceable sense of joy. is was very prominent at the primary school we spent time cooking, painting and teaching. e children in the year 7 class I worked with were so eager to learn and participated wholly in anything they were presented with. When we left the school for the last time on this particular project, I was somewhat surprised at how overcome with emotion I was. ere were also stories and observations that were di cult to hear and see due to the harsh realities that many children face in our community. However, I am also grateful for these instances because they have encouraged me to continue thinking about how I can help to positively in uence our community going forward.

In trying to make a change for the better in our community, I also experienced a change in perspective. Nothing is too small to give when given with a kind heart. is is a lesson I learned from Wanjiku – in the youngest class - who had played every game on the playground with such enthusiasm. On our nal day at the primary school (during this trip), she gave me a small wild ower. I was truly touched by her thoughtfulness!

I am thankful to have been a part of such a meaningful project and hope to always strive to help make a positive impact on the community around me.

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Happiness is a by-product of an e ort to make someone else happy.
- Gretta Palmer, Author and Editor


Peponi School’s sports programme continues to evolve and maintain a top-tier position in Kenyan Association of International School Sport Organisation (KAISSO). Our recent history is marked by successful campaigns across a number of sports and levels of competition in hockey, tennis, swimming and cricket. We have continued to expand to a wide of range of sports during our games afternoons, which allows all of our pupils to explore personal interests and appreciate the bene ts of both individual and team pursuits.

Despite the challenges faced by our young sports people in the years gone by, we have witnessed a growing passion for sports amongst all as they have found and reignited their spark. All have exempli ed a willingness and inspiration to participate and compete week-on-week, and with particular reference to the development of our after school sports programme, which continues to a ord every pupil additional time in their pursuit of sporting excellence.

Our continuation of competitive xtures at the commencement of the Michaelmas term was a welcome opportunity, particularly for our senior year groups with the introduction of senior netball for the rst time in our history. Even so, our junior year groups have set the standard of excellence, with multiple competitive endeavours throughout multiple campaigns, proving to be a highly successful cohort of young athletes.

Michaelmas also welcomed the brand-new Talented Athlete Programme, where our top young athletes at Peponi are presented with new and varied challenges aimed to challenge and stretch their sporting ability.

Boys’ & Girls’ Athletics

In Michaelmas, Peponi kicked o the much-anticipated athletics term by participating in various athletics and cross country meets. rough excellent teamwork as well as individual e orts, the team competed with strength at the Rosslyn, KAISSO and St. Andrew’s, Turi cross country meets, as well as the two Braeburn & Peponi athletics meets. We are proud to have been able to return to hosting our annual Peponi Sprints and Relays meet, where the whole team managed an overall third position with the junior girls leading their category. e entire team fought hard in every event but mostly, we celebrate the successes of our junior girls’ exceptional performances throughout the season who nished no lower than top three positions in all meets: Neema

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e 2022-23 netball season has been nothing short of amazing for Peponi. roughout the season, both the junior and senior squads have made signi cant progress, learning new skills and ways of playing that have made them more con dent and versatile on the court. From competing in a variety of matches, including the Hillcrest and BGE tournaments, to friendly games, the teams have shown courage every time they’ve stepped onto the court.

One of the standout moments of the season was reaching the semi nals of the BGE and Hillcrest tournaments. It was a testament to the hard work of the coaching sta and the commitment of the girls that four teams were able to be formed out of over 80 players, resulting in a highly competitive team.

e outgoing netball team, led by Captain Lisa Musunga and Sports Captain Dia Khimasia, has left behind a legacy of commitment and determination that will undoubtedly inspire the next generation of players to continue improving and striving for success. None of this would have been possible without the exceptional coaching and support of national team skipper Parin Simiyu. Simiyu's presence on the coaching team breathed new life into the teams, resulting in a signi cant improvement in their performance within a short amount of time. Hosting the national netball team squad three times throughout the season was a great honor for the Peponi netball programme, and the training sessions conducted by the national team provided an excellent opportunity for the players to learn.

To top it all o , the national team also participated in the Parents vs. Pupils festival, where they mixed with pupils, teachers, and parents, playing against each other and creating unforgettable memories for all. All in all, the 2022-23 netball season was certainly one for the sporting archives, lled with great games, progress, and memories that will last a lifetime.

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Boys’ & Girls’ Hockey

e hockey teams at our school have wrapped up an extraordinary season, marked by outstanding achievements and unwavering determination. e girls' teams, in particular, had a season to remember, showcasing their skills and achieving remarkable results throughout.

e Colt Girls' team participated in the highly competitive Peponi Tournament and the KAISSO Tournament. eir journey was nothing short of thrilling, as they narrowly missed out on the playo s in the semi nals, falling short in penalty shootouts. Among their standout performers was Clare Ndegwa, who not only proved to be an exceptional player but also excelled as the team's goalkeeper. Ndegwa's exceptional talent and dedication earned her the most votes for the player of the season award. Congratulations to Clare and the entire Colt Girls' team for their remarkable e orts.

e Senior Girls' team kicked o the season with great anticipation, aiming to become the team of the season and the year. ey showcased their skills and determination in various tournaments, including the Peponi Tournament, the Rosslyn Tournament, and the KAISSO Tournament. Led by their captain, Gakenia Kagucia, the team consistently put on impressive performances. e Senior Girls' team achieved a stunning feat by winning all the tournaments they participated in, remaining unbeaten throughout the season. A special mention goes out to Gakenia Kagucia, Dia Khimasia, Kayleigh Fernandes, Lisa Musunga, Palvi Shah, Millie Ra man, Kario Karani, Tara Vora, Fatma Jeilan, Netania Mwaura, and Rianna N. Shah for their outstanding contributions. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Coach Rhoda for guiding the team to such tremendous success.

e U14, U15, and U19 boys' and girls' teams also displayed immense dedication and perseverance throughout the season. Despite facing tough opponents, injuries, mocks, and personal setbacks, these teams remained focused on their goals. ey worked tirelessly in training, constantly pushing their limits to enhance their strength, skills, and teamwork.

e U19 Boys' team faced a particularly challenging game against their arch-rivals, losing in two major nals through penalty shootouts. However, their determination and never-say-die attitude propelled them to bounce back and eliminate their arch-rivals in two consecutive semi nals. eir remarkable resilience and unwavering spirit exempli ed true

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sportsmanship, as they continued to show respect and support for their opponents while relentlessly pursuing their own goals. Meanwhile, the U19 Girls' team had an exceptional and unbeaten season that will be remembered for years to come. eir hard work, resilience, and determination paid o as they emerged victorious in the Peponi Invitational Tournament, the Rosslyn Tournament, and the highly coveted KAISSO Tournament. e U19 Girls' team has set a shining example for aspiring athletes, proving that with dedication and perseverance, anything is possible.

eir incredible success will undoubtedly inspire future generations of players to reach for the stars. We also extend our best wishes to those departing, as they continue their hockey careers in the next chapter of their lives.

As the school newspaper, we applaud all the hockey teams for their exceptional performances and commend them for their unwavering commitment and sportsmanship. ey have made us proud, and their achievements will be remembered as an inspiration for years to come.

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Girls’ Cricket

Trinity term thus far has seen the inaugural year of Peponi Girls’ Cricket. Following some uncertainty around whether or not there would be a vested interest, we were proved pleasantly surprised to be able to eld two full competitive teams to compete at our rst ever girls’ cricket competition at Premier School on Saturday 13th May. One team even ended up on the podium! A huge well done to the junior girls cohort of young sportswomen who continue to trailblaze Peponi Sport, we are genuinely very excited for the now-near future of cricket at Peponi and on the East Africa stage.

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Hilary 2022 saw Peponi take a number of our teams to the County rounds of the International Schools Swimming Championships, KSF Nairobi County and KSF National Swimming Meets where, pre-COVID, we have enjoyed an annual presence. Spurred on by an inspired team captain, Anaya Jessa, with rousing speeches and encouraging words, the team fought hard to work on their training and compete to their strengths during meets. ey fought for fantastic opportunities to showcase their development as they gained tremendous momentum through the season. Our Head of Swimming, Paul Oduor would like to mention Carlo Blunsum, Kario Karani, Ayaan Jessa, Diva Shah, Darsh Shah, Harnek Singh, Katanu Muidi, Kavata Muidi, andie Muya, Julian Colville, Maisha Done and Rianna Shah who all competed and gained an incredibly amount of silverware throughout the entire season. eir e orts at the swimming meets ranked us head-to-head with a number of meet records, setting multiple new school records in the process.

Boys’ Basketball

Peponi school once again had a good basketball season as we showcase the amazing talent of boys and girls that we have at the school. eir commitment and hard work is applauded by many and the programme is moving swiftly in a positive direction. In Hilary, we hosted both our own U15 Peponi basketball tournament and the U15s KAISSO tournament. Our U19 boys missed out on both KAISSO and Peponi tournaments knock out stages but did demonstrate an admirable level of sportsmanship. Peponi tournaments knock out stages but did demonstrate an admirable level of sportsmanship.

Peponi tournaments knock out stages but did demonstrate an admirable level of sportsmanship. Our U15 boys lead by captain, Mwema Mutinda, did very well and sadly fell short in the nals in both the KAISSO and Hillcrest tournaments. . Our U15B team also had a chance to participate more on our school xtures which was encouraging. A special mention to Andrew Akampa whom during the tournaments, got a huge amount of MVP nominations. Our head coach, Ancet Wafula, was also voted for as the Coach of the Year for running a nonpro t organisation that aims at providing opportunities for underprivileged girls to learn and develop basketball skills. We are very proud of the work that Coach Ancet has done in the world of basketball in Nairobi.

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2022/23 Peponi cricket has maintained an exceptional standard of play across all competitions and age groups. Both the under 15 & under 19 boys’ groups progressed their way into the nals KAISSO competitions after some hard-fought pool-stage victories. Our Lower Fifth, all the way through to our Upper Sixth cohorts also had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour Stellenbosch and Cape Town in South Africa to play against some of the world’s most renowned schools for cricket, which was a good eye opener for all the boys and a truly unrivalled learning experience. It was a year for the archives that also saw one of our own, Saavir Karania (L6), represent Kenya in the under 19 Cricket World Cup quali ers that was held in Nigeria in September & October at just 16 years old. He maintains a central part of the national set up that will be looking to continue their quali cation bid for the World Cup next year and we wish him the very best.

Girls’ Basketball

Girls’ basketball in Peponi has gained popularity amongst pupils, sparking an immense interest. Both boys and girls participate, scrambling for balls and eagerly rushing to the court. e girls, especially the juniors, have embraced the sport with the help of coaches Ancet Wafula and Dun. e junior girls' team, including some newcomers, surprised everyone by becoming the KAIISSO Division One champions. Despite an initial loss, their self-belief drove them to the semi nals and ultimately to a 18-12 victory in the nal against Aga Khan, securing Peponi's rst-ever girls basketball title. Yetini Kiplimo was recognised as the tournament's Most Valuable Player. With junior team members transitioning to the senior team, the future of girls' basketball at Peponi looks very promising. e achievements and passion of the girls in basketball are a testament to their dedication and support from their coaches. Congratulations to them, and we anticipate further growth and success in the coming years.

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Girls’ Football

Girls' football in Peponi maintains its presence this year, with interest and participation now picking up 70 girls training under coach Dun, who also introduced early morning and evening sessions to accommodate the numbers. eir dedication resulted in impressive performances at the KAISSO tournament, where the senior team secured third place, led by standout players Palvi Shah, Muthoni Githinji, and Dia Khimasia.

Boys’ & Girls’ Tennis

e mixed age & gender tennis team has performed exceptionally well throughout this season, but especially well in the Peponi Invitational tournament, winning all but one of their matches and emerging as the overall champions. ey demonstrated an impressive range of skillsets, with each contributing their best to secure victories. Despite challenging opponents and matchups, the team remained determined and focused, showing a great resilience throughout the competition. e team's diverse composition, comprising of upcoming talents and experienced Peponians, worked together seamlessly.

UVth and LVth players showcased their potential, giving hope for the team's future. e LVth team excelled, guiding the U15s group to a third place in the KAIISSO Premier League and the Shell pupils, a fourth place in Division 1. eir defensive tact shone, but then scoring goals proved to be our biggest challenge. In Division 1, the –predominantly – Shell team won two matches, drew two, and lost one – an impressive feat for our newcomers. Peponi's depth and talent were evident in being able to eld two teams in the U15s cohort, highlighting their passion for the game. Besides KAISSO, the teams engaged in friendly matches and inter-school competitions, picking up plenty of life lessons along the way to developing a competitive spirit. Supported by the school administration and coaching sta , Peponi's girls' football program looks promising, and is poised for continued success in the coming years.

A mention goes to Aaryan Khimasia for dominating the singles, and to Ruchi & Dylan for persevering to victory in the mixed doubles. For the rst time in Peponi’s history, we were also able to send two full teams to the International School of Kenya tournament, also picking up numerous medals & trophies during the April holidays. A special mention must go to Tirth & Oscar, Abhay and Aarav & Heema.

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Closing Remarks

As upholders of excellence, humility, and integrity, we, in the sports department, express our gratitude and admiration to our young athletes for their class performances and approaches to competition in sports during the 2022/23 academic year.

We also want to acknowledge the unity of our sports department, which has been central in providing an invaluable experience during this initial rise of Peponi Sport. To our departing and continuing students, we wish you the best of luck in your lifelong pursuit of sport. We rmly believe that you have been a part of creating something unforgettable at Peponi School.

Inter House Competitions (Ushindi Cup)

Over the course of this year we have seen the welcome return of House Competitions, as year groups have managed to come together in teams and competed at both Junior and Senior level as well as for the House as a whole. e competitions this year have been competitive, inclusive and, in many cases, very close! Congratulations to all those pupils and sta who have made such competitions so successful.

Each competition contributes to the overall House trophy called the Ushindi Cup.

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Event Winner(s)

Girls’ Cross Country

Boys’ Cross Country

Girls’ Basketball

Boys ‘Basketball

Girls’ Football

Boys’ Football

Girls’ Athletics

Boys’ Athletics

Girls’ Hockey

Boys’ Hockey

Girls’ Swimming

Boys’ Swimming


Rugby (Trinity 2022)


Juniors: Elementaita

Seniors: Jipe

Juniors: Chala

Seniors: Magadi

Juniors: Jipe

Seniors: Jipe

Juniors: Magadi

Seniors: Magadi

Juniors: Jipe

Seniors: Jipe

Juniors: Chala

Seniors: Magadi

Juniors: Elementaita

Seniors: Jipe

Juniors: Chala

Seniors: Magadi

Juniors: Jipe

Seniors: Jipe

Juniors: Chala

Seniors: Magadi

Juniors: Jipe

Seniors: Jipe

Juniors: Magadi

Seniors: Magadi

Juniors: Chala

Seniors: Chala

Juniors: Chala

Juniors (Trinity 2022): Jipe

Seniors (Michaelmas 2022): Jipe

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Peponi School Charity Committee has been active in charity activities during the academic year.

e team has been active in fundraising through Mufti days, bake sales, break time pizza and other innovative fundraising initiatives. e highlight of our fundraising was the inaugural Peponi School Charity Walk and Fair on March 15th, 2023. e theme was ‘walking together towards sustainable hunger alleviation, step by step” is is because we are very passionate towards nding a sustainable solution to the endemic famine and hunger that ravages our country every year. We partnered with Food Banking Kenya limited in this noble initiative

e walk raised over Ksh 2.1 million, which will be channeled to Food Banking Kenya to construct solar food driers that will be used to dry and store perishable food, which would have otherwise gone to waste. e twin objectives are to stem food shortage and ensure sustainable hunger alleviation throughout the year.

On the 25th November 2022, Peponi School donated assorted food items worth Ksh 1 million. e donations were channeled through Food Banking Kenya, who distributed the food to around 2,500 families in Turkana. is was still an initiative the Charity committee members who coordinated the collection of the food donations from the student body, parents and other stakeholders.

A number of students in the Charity Committee and Charity Ministry have demonstrated focus, commitment and team spirit in all our endeavours. I take this opportunity to thank all of them for their invaluable contributions and support. Special mention is deserved by many in this great team and some who are not members, but support the Committee morally and materially. I would like to highlight e Saini family who contributed Ksh 1 million to support the Charity walk. Ms. Betty Wakhu’s tutor group raised Ksh 29,000 in support of the Charity Fair, and Mr. Simon Odundo’s tutor group raised Ksh 36,000 and had the most innovative fundraising concept.

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From the School Counsellor

Peponi School is dedicated to the holistic development of all students. is year, the Counselling department carried out di erent activities to enhance the emotional and mental well-being of students as well as the community around them.

rough utilization of the Mentorship Programme, we started o the year by pairing our youngest pupils with mentors to o er them a big brother and big sister; to help them navigate the new environment of secondary school. is allowed the new pupils to integrate into the community well as they received support from the older pupils.

To equip parents with skills to care for themselves and their children, online talks were carried out each term. ese talks covered topics on Raising Resilient Children (all parents), Fostering Self E cacy (VIth Form parents), Building Bonds (Vth Form parents), and Navigating Life in High School (Form II and Shell parents).

Input from the Counselling department culminated in the Wellness Week that focused on teaching pupils Self-Regulation skills. is saw the Upper VI Psychology students visit the Kamili Organisation. is is an organisation that provides a ordable mental healthcare services across Kenya. e students were able to get rst hand exposure to people living with di erent mental health challenges. As an institution we were also able to provide nancial support from the Peponi community, to facilitate projects run by the clinic.

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Ms Michelle Wanjiku – School Counsellor

Peponi Explorers Society Team

e pouring rain, the steep ascent and slippery slopes made the climb arduous and challenging. However, the spectacular scenery and amazing views from the summit, will inspire us all,for years to come. Climbing the Aberdare Mountain Peak (3,817m asl) right in the heart of the Aberdare ranges will forever leave fond memories with each and every one of us.

Outdoor adventure is key to the holistic growth of pupils in Peponi School and during every term, various activities and journeys are undertaken by members of the Peponi family in harsh, remote and ragged places. In Michaelmas Term, the Peponi Explorers Society team (PESTs) undertook an expedition to the pristine Aberdare Forest.

e group comprising of Peponi pupils and sta , made their way to Wanjohi area where they set up their base camp at Tree Trail Camp. e cold temperatures, muddy conditions and constant drizzle ensured that the adventure journey would demand blood,sweat and tears from each one of us.

e team of adventurers tackled the imperious and formidable Aberdare Mountains Seven Ponds circuit tenaciously and managed to get a team to the summit. e group also interacted with members of the local community and were involved in various activities with them.

During the Trinity Term, another group of hikers made their way to Maasai land, past Ngong Hills to the cradle of mankind; the Olorgasailie area. It was a pleasant and refreshing experience to nd the normally dry arid conditions and the thorny bushes of Olorgasailie area, full of lush green vegetation cover and all the seasonal rivers and lakes teeming with water. e abundance in nature and teeming bird life, made the hike pleasant, full of unforgettable memories and experiences.

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“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
“Earth and sky, woods and elds, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.”
- John Lubbock
John Muir

The President’s Award

is year Mr. Backhouse took the reins as Peponi’s President’s Award Coordinator. One of the new developments has been the introduction of a new Monday after-school session during which participants at all levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold) have undertaken training, mostly relating to the adventurous journey (expedition) section. e participants have attended sessions ranging from nutrition and camp cooking, rst aid, equipment and navigation to group activities based around expedition scenarios.

Our Bronze group (consisting of 73 pupils from Shell) successfully completed their qualifying expedition at Kakuzi Ranch from 19-20th May. For many of them this was th rst time taking responsibility for the planning and completion of an overnight hiking and camping expedition. Although challenging, the pupils have now learned something about themselves as well as demonstrating resilience in going outside of their comfort zone.

Earlier in the year a group of pupils from Lower Fifth and the Sixth Form undertook the arduous ascent of Mount Kenya’s Lenana Peak (4,985m above sea level) for their Silver and Gold expeditions. Impressively, all pupils made it to the top. In doing so they showed impressive determination as well as group solidarity in looking out for each other.

Beyond the expedition side of PA, the pupils have also completed a range of activities which count towards their skill, physical recreation and voluntary service sections. e Forest School has been a popular choice for the latter, with pupils contributing regularly

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Top Three 2022-2023

As with previous years we have been well served by our Prefect and Minister body. ey have been exemplary in many respects and shown a genuine compassion for many aspects of their roles. Our Top ree have also continued the tradition of demonstrating outstanding leadership skills: Samar, Aditya and Ella, have been rst-class. As I commented on at the Honours Dinner, where we say goodbye to our Upper VI, they have led with resilience and determination but they have also led with compassion, understanding and example. ey leave us this year very much in their debt. I comment on the quality of our Top ree at the end of every tenure and the danger of simply writing accolades as we thank those who have led our school is obvious.

However, they are sincere and they are especially true of Samar, Aditya and Ella: they have proved that leadership is simply not just command, it is not about coming rst and it is most de nitely not, by necessity, deserving of reward. e purpose of leadership is to serve, and all three have given a great deal to the school in not only their individual areas of interest but in many areas.

As we look towards the newly appointed top three and other Ministers and Prefects, we would encourage them to develop their own style but to follow the example of those who have led the School Council this year. Samar, Aditya and Ella, and all o cers of the School, thank you.

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To The Class of 2023

Your journey with our school may stop here, but above all, it is the beginning of new heights for you. School is an essential part of life and I am happy you have allowed it to have the impact that is needed in your lives. Continue to be dedicated to your work. May you continue to be relevant as you have always been with us in this school and achieve greater heights in your future education.

I believe in your dreams and I am sure you will accomplish your goals. Just believe you can and you will see how you can accomplish your goals and make your

Today is your special day and I am so glad to see that you have really grown in every area of your life, not just as a graduating pupil from our prestigious school, but as a young mind who has yielded to be equipped with the right mind-set for the future ahead.

Make new friends, but do not forget the old ones who always love you. Be strong as you strive for great success in life, the challenges you face on your way to success are nothing compared to the joy it brings

Your dream to change the world through your childhood ambition should not die. My desire is to see you ful ll your dream and accomplish great success. Always desire to grow in wisdom. It will guide and direct your decisions in life.

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I remember those times when you cried and said: “I can’t do it because I am not the best.” ose times tore my heart but they braced me to encourage and let you know “you can do it”.

Best in Kenya

We would like to congratulate all our pupils on their outstanding achievements as the best performing learners in Kenya and the World in the June 2022 examination session. e awards re ect the talent and hard work of learners, and acknowledge the dedication and commitment of both teachers and parents.

Congratulations to our high achievers for a job well done. We as a school are proud to have incubated you through the years and you have never let us and yourselves down.

Tel: +(254) 0733 615 193; +(254) 0722 287 248 | Email: | Website:
Neha Snehar Shah Shrey Beju Haria Tasha Ndonga
Vora Hulsman
Shrey Beju Haria Top in the World Cambridge International A Level Physical Education Tasha Ndonga Top in Kenya Cambridge IGCSE Drama Pascha Schmidt-Hulsmann Top in Kenya Cambridge International A Level Biology Pascha Schmidt-Hulsmann Top in Kenya Cambridge International A Level Chemistry Neha Shah Top in Kenya Cambridge International AS Level Chemistry Kian Mitesh Patel Top in Kenya Cambridge International A Level Physics Kian Patel Top in Kenya Cambridge International A Level Economics Tasha Ndonga Highest Mark in Kenya Pearson IGCSE Religious Studies Tara Vora Highest Mark in Kenya Pearson IGCSE Biology Ryan Gontier Highest Mark in Kenya Pearson IGCSE Physics Ryan Gontier Highest Mark in Kenya Pearson IGCSE Chemistry Name Award Quali cation Subject
Prize Giving 2021 Peponi School @peponi_school Peponi School peponi_school P.O. Box 236, Ruiru 00232 +(254) 020 354 6456 +(254) 0733 615 193; +(254) 0722 287 248

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