Pepperdine Graziadio Dean’s Report 2019

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dean’s report 1



CONTENTS About Graziadio Celebrating 50 Years Enrollment Update Our Faculty Corporate Relations Academic Partnerships Global Programs Marquee Events Graziadio Difference Meet the Board Notable Alumni Honorary Alumni


from the dean For 50 years, the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School has pioneered innovation in business and leadership, while capitalizing on its Christian roots to provide a values-centered education that is ethical in focus and global in orientation. We pride ourselves on providing a top-tier graduate school experience – led by industry-leading faculty, staff deeply committed to student success, and a forward-thinking business curriculum. As we celebrate this remarkable milestone of our 50th year, we reflect on the strengths of our past and look forward to the innovations of our future. With over 450 MBA programs in the nation, we are incredibly proud to be recognized and ranked as a top business school. Our recent rankings include #61 Best Business School by Forbes, #21 Best Online MBA by US News and World Report, #19 Global Executive MBA by CEO Magazine, #16 in Global Entrepreneurship by Bloomberg Businessweek, and #9 MBA by Pitchbook. Pepperdine Graziadio offers an immersive and dynamic academic community that focuses on an innovative curriculum, small class sizes, and a wide array of resources to connect students with the best opportunities. We prepare our students to live a “life of leadership,” providing them the tools to make a lasting impact both within their industry, and within their local communities. Through our ASPIRE 2025 strategic plan, we are preparing future leaders to successfully navigate the fourth industrial revolution with an enhanced focus on transformational, experience driven learning. I encourage you to learn more about our academic achievements and university milestones, as we continue to develop our students to embody Best for the World Leaders. Sincerely yours,

“ t o d ay n o t t o m o r r o w ” – George Graziadio Jr. 4

Deryck J. van Rensburg, Dean


about graziadio At Graziadio, our mission is simple. Inspired by our Christian values, we seek to promote transformational learning, create applied knowledge, and equip our students to become Best for the World business leaders and entrepreneurs. Our programs foster a community of passionate students who want to make a lasting impact within the world of business. Founded in 1969, Graziadio centers itself around imperative core values: integrity, courage with compassion, a pioneering spirit, and action taken “today not tomorrow.”

Our ASPIRE 2025 Strategic Plan calls us to “establish global distinction in developing Best for the World Leaders,” and we have mapped out the foundation for the future of Graziadio based on three focal elements: + Teach responsible business practices that impact positively on a global scale + Adapt our business education to meet the demands of our graduates and employers + Equip our institution to evolve with the coexistence of people and machines

our values


A S P I R E 2 0 2 5 strategic plan

TODAY not to m orrow

in te g rit y a lways

c ourage with com pas s i on

p i o n e e rin g spi r it

These priorities and initiatives will provide structure to how Graziadio will excel against its goals based on four fundamental pillars: students, faculty, people and organizations, and the ecosystem.


o u r history

Pepperdine Graziadio Business School was founded in 1969 and endowed by George L. Graziadio Jr., in 1996. Our focus is on a student-centric, “real world of business” education. We are dedicated to shaping leaders who will contribute to the betterment of business practice. Our ethos can be traced back to our founding and is reflected in our program offerings to this day.

2019 Graziadio’s 50th anniversary and celebration of providing 50 years of valuescentered, entrepreneurial learning


196 9

Doors open at the business school of Pepperdine College


Veterans program launches



Residency at the Malibu campus

Long Beach campus opens

School renamed after benefactor George L. Graziadio, Jr.



Drescher campus completed and E2B launches


SEER program developed


Entrepreneurial vision partnership launch with Dun & Bradstreet

Launch of Peate Institute for Entrepreneurship and Most Fundable Companies initiative

2018 Launch of the first doctorate program at Graziadio



College achieves university status



Pepperdine Plaza opens at the West LA campus


Arnold Beckman donates first gift


Westlake Village campus opens


Receives AACSB accreditation


Launch of Private Capital Markets project

Launch of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and the Center for Applied Research

2017 2015

Center for Women in Leadership opens

AEG partnership launches sports and entertainment program



Steve Wozniak Cofounder Apple Computer

Celebrating 50 years of

best for the world leaders To celebrate 50 years of educating students in the field of business, the Graziadio Business School hosted a full-day event at the Novo Room, part of L.A. LIVE, in Downtown Los Angeles, to reflect upon the accomplishments of our past and look at the incredible opportunity we have in our future.


+ Salim Ismail Singularity University + Alison Lewis Johnson & Johnson + Alex Grimwade 20th Century Fox + Dalana Brand Twitter + Bob Johansen Institute for the Future + John Figueroa Genoa Healthcare + Britta Wilson Pixar Animation Studios + Andrei Cherny Aspiration + Lindsay Moran Environmental Investigation Agency + Edward Hess Darden Graduate School of Business 11


2 0 1 9 E N R O L L M E N T u p d at e 2 0 1 9 C la s s C ha r acte r is tics

39% MBA Pro grams 32% Mas ter o f S cience Pro grams 7%

Bachelo r‘s (BS M) Pro gram


Do cto ral Pro gram

20% O Nline pro grams (mba, ms, bs m) O n cam pus an d o n l i n e p ro g ra ms GENDER

50.2% Female 49.8% Male


31.5% Int‘l Citizenship 68.5% Domestic Citizenship


33.5% White/Caucasian 30% Asian 5.6% Black 1.2% Hispanic 0.6% American Indian 1% Pacific Islander 27.9% Unknown

2 0 18 - 2 0 19 Ne w E NR O L L M EN T GR O W T H

+ 43% + 7% + 262% + 34%

MBA Programs Master of Science Programs

Online Programs Total

280+ new enrollments for the 2018-2019 term

We are proud to be achieving gender parity





2 0 1 9 D E PA R T M E N TA L FAC U LTY AWARDS Pepperdine Graziadio Transformation Teaching Award + Robert Lee Accounting / Finance + Gary Mangiofico Applied Behavioral Science / Organization Theory and Management + Lynda Palmer Law / Marketing / Economics + Erik Krogh Decision Sciences / Information Systems / Strategy Julian Virtue Professorship + 2018-2020 Dr. Jared Ashworth Dr. James DiLeillo + 2018-2019 and continuing Dr. Jillian Alderman Dr. Darren Good Dr. Robert Lee Dr. Zhike Lei Dr. Jaclyn Margolis Dr. Jim Salas Dr. Rick Walton Denney Academic Chair Professorship + 2017-2019 and continuing Dr. Owen Hall, Jr.


Rothschild Applied Research Fellow Award + Jaclyn Margolis Assistant professor of applied behavioral science

The Graziadio Business School

50th Anni vers ary Res earc h Award $3,000 recipients:

$2,500 recipients:

+ Pilot Study of CEO Traits, Risk, and Firm Performance by Dr. Jillian Alderman, Dr. Joetta Forsyth, Dr. Charla Griffy-Brown, and Dr. Richard Walton + Effects of Contract Flexibility and Stability on the Decision to Work for Ride-Sharing Services by Dr. Soo Jeong “Chris” Hong and Dr. Nelson Granados + Research Journeys: Increasing Understanding About the Creation and Impact of Scholarship by Dr. Bobbi Thomason and Dr. Cristina Gibson

+ The Structure of Spatial Housing Submarkets: The Case of Los Angeles, a Polycentric City by Dr. Donn Kim + In Search of a Better Volatility by Dr. Clemens Kownatzki + Disclosure Policy when an Analyst is on the Board of Directors: Evidence from Management and Analyst Earnings Forecasts by Dr. Kwangjin (K.J.) Lee


i n d u s t r y - l e a d i n g faculty fac u lty i n th e n ew s D r . J o h n Pag l i a Dr. John Paglia, professor of finance and senior associate dean, academic affairs, testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Small Business for the “SBA Management Review: Small Business Investment Company Program.” John Paglia’s written testimony reviews key findings from his research on the Small Business Investment Company program prepared by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress. The research and assessment conclude that many small businesses continue to struggle to find financing and capital they need in order to grow. The SBIC program positions small businesses that may be overlooked, have limited access to funding, or have a moderate understanding of the types of capital and financing components available, and addresses funding challenges. Dr. Paglia’s research states the demonstrated success the SBIC program has had with job creation, filling voids in the small business financing and diversifying the small business sector.


c enter for ap p l i ed research (car) 2 0 19 ac tivitie s January, 2019: Launch of CAR newsletter series, featuring the latest research highlights, awards and honors, funding and collaboration opportunities, and more. March 1, 2019: Sponsored the Thriving in Research panel at the Pepperdine Graziadio faculty retreat. March 4, 2019: Hosted a half-day information and consultation session with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the School of Public Policy. June 11, 2019: Hosted the annual Pitch and Posters research forum which enables faculty to present current and forthcoming research. June 28-29, 2019: Hosted Graziadio’s first annual conference on applied research with the Executive Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program.

featu red P U BL I C ATI ON S C r is tina gib s o n + Organizational Psychology Review: Cycles of implicit and explicit team coordination: Understanding team adaptation from a team knowledge–based approach with Rico, R., SánchezManzanares, M., and Clark, M. + Journal of International Business Studies: Managing team formalization to increase team effectiveness and meaningfulness of work in multinational organizations with Dunlop, P. and Cordery, J.L. + Academy of Management Review: Is organizational behavior over-theorized? with Kim, P.H., Ployhart, R. + Journal of Applied Psychology: Job crafting revisited: Implications of an extended framework for active changes at work with Bindl, U., Unsworth, K., and Stride, C. + Group and Organization Management: Team performance archetypes: Toward a new conceptualization of team performance over time with Quigley, N., Collins, C.C., and Parker, S.K. + Human Relations: Crossing team boundaries: A theoretical model of team boundary permeability and why it matters with Dibble, R. 17

C O R P O R AT e

partnerships Pepperdine Graziadio is committed to fostering the connection between industry and academics, emphasizing an experience-driven education through our longstanding relationships in the business community. We’re proud to partner with some of the nation’s leading companies, connecting organizations to star talent as well as offering exclusive scholarships, networking opportunities, and increasing our partners’ intellectual capital.

TEN new partners endless opportunities $50,000 scholarship winners: + Activision Blizzard: Angela Park + AEG: Austin Caldwell + AON: Blake Dethlefsen + Caltech: TBA Spring ‘20 + Farmers Insurance: KT Berthet + Kaiser Permanente: Giang Hong + Reyes Coca-Cola Bottling: Delia Vasquez + Precision Castparts Corporation: TBA Spring ‘20 19


partnerships In 2019, the Graziadio Business School announced its partnership with 2U, Inc., a leading global educational technology provider. In conjunction with 2U came the launch of three new online Master of Science degree offerings – where students attend weekly live classes led by Graziadio faculty and participate in interactive coursework on the 2U platform. Students also attend one to two inperson immersions during their time in the program.

t hr ee N EW O N L IN E PR O G R A M offer ings

BRYA N T STIBE L I NT E R NS HI P PR O GR A M The Pepperdine Graziadio Business School is proud to partner with Bryant Stibel, a private equity and alternative investment firm founded by Kobe Bryant and Jeff Stibel. Our partnership provides an experiential learning environment that is real and prepares students to work on actual deals. In 2019, 25 students participated in the first module and 17 students in the second module. All students presented investment ideas to Bryant Stibel’s team and students were then interviewed for a summer internship opportunity. In addition, students were given the opportunity to present to the president of the L.A. venture association as well as two executives in the venture capital community.

+  MS IN MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP +  MS IN Human Resources +  MS IN Applied Analytics

Summer 2019: First online intake of the MS in Management and Leadership and MS in Human Resources program. + 100% of students registered for their second term in the fall. + 350+ students from 23 states and the District of Columbia are represented in the online programs. Fall 2019: First online launch of the MS in Applied Analytics. Our Online MBA: The delivery of our online MBA program fully transitioned to the 2U application in Fall 2019, consolidating our online degree offerings to one external platform. 20




Through our Global Programs Office, we welcome exchange students from around the world to experience Pepperdine as a FullTime MBA student in addition to providing our students the opportunity to study abroad at one of our 30+ partner universities.

wh e re we go Alajuela Bangkok Barcelona Beijing Bellville Birmingham Bordeaux Brisbane Brussels Calcutta 22

Cape Town Cergy-Pontoise Copenhagen Dublin Dusseldorf Gold Coast Guangzhou Hong Kong Innsbruck Lille

Lima Lund Maastricht Madrid Mannheim Marseille Nagoya Nantes Penalolen Pilar

Reims Rhineland Rouen Sao Paulo Seoul St. Gallen Strasbourg Warsaw

Fall 2018 trimester ABROAD

Inc oming exchange

MS in Global Business Int’l MBA Full-Time MBA Part-Time MBA Total Abroad

Fall 2019

19 students

Spring 2019

12 students

Summer 2019

1 student

Double Degree

3 students

Total Exchange

32 students

21 students 3 students 4 students 5 students 33 students

Spring 2019 trimester ABROAD Part-Time MBA

3 students

Where our exchange students are from: + UK + Hong Kong + Denmark + Spain + France + Austria

+ China + Netherlands + South Korea + Germany + Poland + Japan


marquee events a t g r a z i a d i o

CE NTE R F OR WOM EN I N L E A DE RSHI P Ex ecutive roundtabl e | women l earnin g to g e th e r Diversity in AI and the Smart Machine Age with Robin Washington, chief financial officer, Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Board Readiness Training Designed to position more women on corporate boards in California.

Ex ecutive Speaker Series The Center for Women in Leadership Executive Speaker Series features industry-leading executives dedicated to the empowerment and success of female leaders. This year’s speakers included: +  Beatrice Guillaume-Grabisch | CEO, Nestle Germany +  Mary-Ann Somers | Senior Vice President, Intuit +  Bridget Baker | CEO, Baker Media

E xecut iv e d o c to r o f b us i n e s s a d mi ni s t rati on and Cente r f o r Ap p l i e d R e s e a r c h c o n f e re nce The first inaugural Executive Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) and Center for Applied Research (CAR) Conference was held on June 28-29 and hosted by Dr. John Mooney and Dr. Zhike Lei at our Drescher Graduate Campus in Malibu. Event highlights:

fIF TH A NNUA L : Future of h ea lth ca re sy m p osium

+ Attendees included our inaugural DBA cohort, faculty, and staff + 21 thought-engaging presentations on new research and the current state of the industry from internal faculty, current DBA students, and guests + Sessions included panel discussions, interactive sessions, and professional development workshops

+  Over 380 attendees, our largest symposium yet +  Keynote speakers: - Eric Topol, founder, Scripps Translational Science Institute (STSI) - Jeff Stibel, brain scientist


Healthcare Leaders hip in the AI Revo lutio n: O ppo rtunity in t h e Sm ar t M ach i n e Ag e Our 2019 event explored the innovations in healthcare and how AI will play a key role in the future of the industry. Key highlights:


ALUMNI and exter nal engagement EVENTS Annual Graziadio Welcome Reception +  Largest alumni networking event at the E.P. & L.P Rooftop Lounge + 240 attendees Graziadio ASPIRE 2025 Series: Waves of Disruptive Innovation +  Three-day series showcasing Best for the World Entrepreneurs, Alumni, and Thought Leaders + 253 attendees “Tech Mix” with Dr. Mark Chun +  Annual technology mixer with Apple, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Cisco, and more + 75 attendees

marquee events a t g r a z i a d i o Nat ional I n s titu t e o f P u b l i c F i na nc e Graziadio partnered with the National Institute of Public Finance to offer a Certificate in Public Treasury Management, the only certificate specifically designed for public treasury and investment management professionals. The 2019 Institute hosted 176 participants total, including approximately 20 state treasurers and 60 state treasury/CIO staff over four days.


2018 m ost f u nda bl e c om pa ni e s® s h o w c a s e e v e n t a s s e e n in Entrepreneur Magazine +  Over 160 attendees from the Graziadio community and LA startup ecosystem +  Featured guests: Dan Peate of Peate Ventures, Jeff Stibel of Bryant Stibel, and Jim Casparie and Elliot Reiff of The Venture Alliance +  The startup competition reached over 2,500 companies across 47 states +  15 companies named to the 2018 Most Fundable Companies list with five early-stage startups were designated “highly promising”

Presidents and Key Executives MBA Alumni Reunion and Summit +  Theme: Leadership Strategies for the AI Revolution +  110 attendees both days Master of Science in Organization Development Conference and Reunion +  Biennial conference + 173 attendees Executive Leadership Series: The Future of Leadership +  Keynote: Robin Washington CFO, Gilead Sciences, Inc. + 43 attendees Annual Nonprofit Board Mixer +  19 participating nonprofits +  Keynote: Dr. Vince Beresford Executive Director, Slave 2 Nothing at In-N-Out Burger + 96 attendees 27

EDUCATION TO C OMMUN IT Y (e2C) The Graziadio E2C program allows our students to connect directly with a nonprofit organization to build their understanding of organizational structures, team efficiencies, leadership development, and leading effective change. Participating nonprofits: + Good Shepherd Center + Westside Foodbank + A Place Called Home + Training and Research Foundation + Los Angeles Mission Break It to Make It

EDUCATION TO b usin e ss (e2b )

t h e g r a z i a d i o difference

Our Graziadio faculty have created numerous instructional methods to help students translate theory into practice—ranging from guest speakers and industry site expeditions to service learning and clientbased projects including our Education to Business (E2B) program. We’re also members of PRME, a United Nations-supported initiative founded to raise the profile of sustainability in schools, and to equip today’s business students with the understanding and ability to deliver change tomorrow. These types of industry collaborative methods provide an effective means for transformational learning and expand student professional networks through exchanges with industry leaders. 28

Our E2B program is integral to Graziadio’s learning experience, connecting our MBA students with leading executives to solve complex challenges facing today’s most notable organizations. We partner with global powerhouses, regional brands, and startups for our students to hone their professional attributes at a pace and intensity exceeding internships and practicums. Since the program’s inception in 2002, 542 E2B client projects have been completed with 45-50 projects being conducted annually. Eighty-four percent of our clients have indicated they are likely or very likely to implement the recommendations made by at least one of the student groups and 82% of clients have requested to participate in an E2B project again. E2B program participants: + Hyundai Technologies, Inc. + Area51-ESG + Johnson & Johnson + CoreVest + Howard’s

Socially, En v i ro nm entally, and Et hically Re spon sib le (SEER) B u si n e ss St r at e gy The SEER program allows students to complement their degree with courses and activities that will prepare them to understand the complexities of issues such as sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and ethics, and how these tie into producing a superior product that generates financial growth. 2019 program in review: +  Hosted a panel at the historic 50th anniversary Industry 4.0 event highlighting purpose-driven leadership within the 21st century +  SEER program expansion to MS in Management and Leadership, MS in Global Business, as well as our global programs (starting Spring 2020) +  SEER capstone strategy project advised social enterprise Hilltop Coffee on expanding mission and scale +  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) certificate relaunched 29

Current board members Cindy Ayloush Phil Bardack Charles Bassett Ron Berryman Christine Bishop Bert Boeckmann Mark Bowles Steve Calvillo Frank Cornell

M e e t t h e board

In 1996, following George Graziadio’s generous endowment of the School of Business and Management at Pepperdine University, the Graziadio Board was created as a vital link to the business world being served by the school. George phoned dozens of long-time friends and business giants in Southern California to serve on the Board, and remarkably they all said yes. Today, the Graziadio Board is a group of prominent business leaders who advise and counsel on the school’s program and direction. Our high profile advisory council main objectives are to: +  Enhance the reputation and recognition of the Graziadio Business School +  Provide advice and counsel to the dean +  Assist the dean with fund and resource development +  Communicate, endorse, and advocate the Pepperdine Graziadio’s interests


Keith Dorsey John Figueroa Kathleen Grave Louis Graziadio Lynn Hein Lisa Kerscher Patrick Khoury Darren Lee Kimber Maderazzo

Mark Miller Steve Milovich John Mitchell Russell Mohberg Vince Monteparte Bob Mosbaugh Quincy Newell Christian Oh Morgan Rector

John Renfro Denise Roberson Larraine Segil Don Skinner Judy Smythe Robert Thom Robin Washington Cedric Watkins

welcome vince Monteparte Our newest board member Vince Monteparte is a venture partner at Sway Ventures, a venture capital firm that invests in technology companies. He is a seasoned investor and entrepreneur, having both founded and invested in software and technology companies throughout his career. He has also managed various strategy, technology, and go-to-market teams and is knowledgeable in all facets of growing a business from a startup into a mature organization. Along with investing, Monteparte’s expertise includes business operations, customer service licensing, client implementations, and software information. Prior to his current position, he founded Miro Technologies, a computer systems design service and served as the company’s president and chief executive officer until it was acquired by the Boeing Company in 2012. During his tenure, he was responsible for the strategic direction and delivery of the company’s operational performance from its headquarters in La Jolla, California, and offices in the United Kingdom and Middle East. He was also listed as a finalist for the San Diego Business Journal’s 2010 Most Admired CEO award for his role in making Miro Technologies a good corporate citizen. Vince graduated from the Graziadio Business School’s Executive MBA program in 2001. He was honored as the school’s Distinguished Alumnus in 2018. 31

notable A l u m n i

Oscar Mun oz | FULLY EM P LOYED M B A ‘8 6 C HI E F E X E C U T I V E O F F I C E R | U N I T ED AI RL I N ES As CEO of United Airlines, Oscar Munoz has led an incredible turnaround with stock rising more than 50 percent, new focus on top-tier operational reliability, and improved customer satisfaction. Oscar takes great pride in the renewal of trust and purpose among United employees, which he calls the New Spirit of United. In his past career, Oscar was president and COO at CSX Railways where he led a team that successfully increased the company’s market capitalization from $6 billion to more than $40 billion, by focusing on growth and creating value for customers, stakeholders and the community.

fi ona m a | E xecu ti ve m ba ‘00 State tr e a s ur e r | s tate o f c a l ifo r n ia In November 2018, Fiona was elected as California’s 34th State Treasurer. With more votes than any other candidate for treasurer in the state’s history, Fiona is the first woman of color and first woman certified public accountant elected to the position. Before being elected Treasurer, she was an elected member of the California Board of Equalization from 2015 to January 2019 and worked to protect the rights of taxpayers.

“My Pepperdine Graziadio MBA experience matched my personal life perspective: focus on today and plan for tomorrow in a highly competitive environment.”


Fiona was a member of the State Assembly from 2006-2012 and served as Speaker Pro Tempore from 2010-2012, building a reputation as a solution-oriented public servant and skillfully forming unlikely coalitions to overcome California’s most complex problems. As an assembly member, she authored 60 bills which were signed into law during the Great Recession by two different party governors. Fiona’s successful legislation to ban toxic chemicals in baby products (phthalates) became a model for federal legislation and is now a federal law. From 2002- 2006, she served on the San Francisco County Board of Supervisors and championed a human rights campaign to end human trafficking. Pepperdine Graziadio stood out to Treasurer Ma because of its in-depth analysis of real-life companies instead of studying theory and case studies. During the program, Fiona and her cohort visited a white-collar prison. The experience was eye-opening, “I learned that it is not worth it to cut corners or take unnecessary risk in business or in life in general.”

“At Graziadio, I gained the knowledge necessary to make a good living. More importantly, I gained the wisdom necessary to make a meaningful life.”

Oscar has held various positions across the spectrum, from consumer products and branding to the telecom industry, first at PepsiCo and Coca Cola, and then AT&T. Despite the diversity of those experiences, Oscar states the common denominator that binds them all is the importance of communication, authenticity, and valuedriven decision-making. In 2018, Oscar returned to his alma mater to deliver the commencement address to Pepperdine Graziadio’s graduating MBA class. Drawing upon lessons he learned throughout his career, as well as his upbringing as the oldest of nine children in a modest Hispanic immigrant household, Oscar offered important wisdom for business and life, “for too much and for too long we’ve been told that you can’t be both profitable and principled. My experience teaches the opposite: embodying good values creates the greatest value for any organization. That’s the best lesson I learned at Pepperdine.”


notable A l u m n i

JEFF SPRECHER | FULLY EMP LOYED M B A ‘8 4 I nt e r c o nt i ne ntal E xc hang e | F OU N D ER, CH AI RMAN , AN D CEO Ne w Yo r k St o c k E xc hang e | C hai rman

B et t y U ri be | E xe cu ti ve m ba ‘00

Jeff Sprecher, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE: ICE) has, for nearly two decades, led a company transforming global markets through information, technology, and transparency. Along the way, the New York Stock Exchange, which ICE owns and Jeff chairs, has helped companies around the globe raise more capital and drive more growth than any other exchange.

C A Ba n k a n d Tr us t | E x e c utiv e V P Gr e ate r S o uth e r n C a l i f o r ni a B us in e s s a n d Pe r s o n a l Ba n kin G B OV c h a ir | Pe ppe r din e GR A DUA TE S c h o o l o f E duc atio n a n d P syc ho l o gy Since the age of 19, Dr. Uribe has expanded and sold over five successful companies. As executive vice president at California Bank & Trust, she oversees a $6 billion line of business. She has successfully turned around every organization she has led, with the latest turnaround going from 3 percent to 37.5 percent YOY pre-tax profit increase in a four-year period. Under her leadership, California Bank & Trust has been recognized as the #1 bank in Orange County by the Orange County Register for five consecutive years.

“My Graziadio experience provided me tools to make a significant impact on others, while creating unprecedented results, transforming every area of my life.”

Balancing her life and career, while writing an international bestselling book: #Values, the Secret to Top Level Performance in Business and Life, she keeps the Graziadio values of “Freely ye received, freely give” top of mind. Betty has become a global leader, being asked to speak to heads of state, dignitaries, and global leaders. While attending Graziadio she was undergoing a challenging time. “I went to my strategy professor and asked for an extension on a critical assignment. At the time I was a full-time student, had a full-time job, and was about to become the full-time single mother of two young girls. To my surprise, the professor said, ‘Let’s take the assignment aside, tell me what I can do to help you get through this.’ I immediately felt completely supported. I turned in the project on time and was committed to step up to the plate even more.” Betty’s personal goal is to raise enough funds to provide a full college education to 100 underserved individuals in each continent by the time she is 80 years old. She has already funded over 60 scholarships, 53 of which are in Southern California.


Starting from scratch in 2000, ICE, which went public on the NYSE in 2005, now has a market cap of over $50 billion. Jeff tends to avoid publicity and yet, in 2019, for the sixth consecutive year, Barron’s included him on their list of the World’s 30 Best CEOs.

“My time as a young executive living in California in the early 1980s, and especially my years at Graziadio, sharpened my entrepreneurial vision and laid out a road map I’ve followed ever since.”

Jeff was born in the Midwest and got his engineering degree there, but his entrepreneurial spark was lit at Graziadio. Driven to start new things, he moved to Los Angeles in the early 1980s to open the California office of Trane, the air conditioning giant. Working hard by day, he burned the candle at both ends attending Graziadio’s night and weekend classes. Graziadio’s case study method brought him face-to-face with new companies, industries, and issues. With Ronald Reagan in the White House and Jerry Brown as governor of California, deregulation was the rallying cry, extending into the renewable energy markets. In a roundabout way, this sparked a lifechanging opportunity for Jeff while at Graziadio. As part of his organizational behavior class, Jeff dove inside a local firm to see what made it tick, finding executives building a business model around energy deregulation. One of them tapped Jeff as his first hire at a new startup called Western Power Group. Three years later, Jeff was running that company. He credits Graziadio’s organizational behavior class. Without it, he says, he might never have been a CEO at all. 35

2008 - 2019

distinguished alumni

a n d h o n o r a ry d o c t o r at e s h o n o r a ry d o c t o r at e s

distinguished alumni awards Dan Sanders Stasia Cato Washington Vincent J. Monteparte Oscar Munoz Quincy C. Newell Paul Smucker Wagstaff Cedric Watkins II James S. Metcalf Robert Kyncl Cindy Ayloush Kimber L. Maderazzo Don M. Bailey Ali Alireza Thomas A. Lucas Mark Miller James N. Harger Earl M. Cummings Zackery A. Hicks David W. Neu Blake J. Irving Britta Wilson Jeffrey Sprecher


2019 2019 2018 2018 2018 2017 2017 2017 2016 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012

Lore Harp-McGovern David T. Feinberg Bernard Kinsey Robin L. Washington T. Kendall Hunt Lynn Powers David Bowman Susanna Kass Fiona S. Ma John G. Figueroa Luis Faura Melodie I. Mayberry-Stewart Andrews Weather Alejandro Bustamante

2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008

2018 2018 2017 2017 2017 2016 2015 2015 2015 2014 2013 2013 2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008

Michael J. McCloskey Gary L. Toebben Thomas J. Donohue Calin Rovinescu Jay Frank Harrison III Raymond W. Smith Fred Sands Ann Ehringer Jeffrey M. Stibel George Schlatter Alfred A. Plamann Gary D. Burnison William J. McMorrow Dan T. Cathy Richard Newman Paul N. Hopkins Carl J. Schramm Craig and Barbara Barrett Mark Burnett and Roma Downey Robert A. Eckert Anne M. Sweeney Bonnie McElveen-Hunter Wolf Hengst




be s t for the wor ld leader s 40

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