Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club - Australia
+ News Events Classifieds Ride Reports and More Autumn 2012 Quarterly Club Mag
Issue 125
V J M C I N C A u st r alia
VJMC Inc Australia The Australian branch of the VJMC is a registered association incorporated in the state of New South Wales. Objectives of the VJMC: To foster the preservation, restoration, riding and enjoyment of older Japanese motorcycles.
125 C ontents
President’s Report |4| Melbourne Metro Report | 6-9 | Bikes by the Bay | 10-11 | Picnic at Hanging Rock | 12-13 | SA Area Report | 14-15 | Tamworth Area Report | 16-17 | Vince Report | 18| QLD Autumn Calendar | 19 | 2012 National Rally | 20-33 | 2013 National Rally | 34-35 | Classifieds | 36-38 | VJMC Club Info | 40-41 | Membership Renewal | 42-43 |
Membership Applications and Renewals: VJMC Inc, PO Box 5240, Daisy Hill QLD 4127 Website: VJMC Australia Committee President John McNair (07) 3133 0191 Secretary Heather Garth 0416 358 882 Treasurer Stan Perry (02) 6296 7274 Area Rep Coordinator Jeff Eeles Merchandise Heather Garth 0416 358 882 Librarian Lyndon Adams (02) 4945 1780 Web Manager quarterly VJMC Magazine This is a forum for members in which they may advertise bikes and/or parts for sale or wanted, exchange ideas and restoration tips, seek advice, share opinions and experiences, or anything else relating to the club’s objectives. Contributions are very welcome. Editor Tom Calderwood Postal address: 2/2 617 Spencer St, West Melbourne VIC 3003
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
A Word From
The President Well the 2012 AGM and Rally has come and gone and again there was an amazing array of motorcycles present in all shapes and sizes. It really is great to see all these wonderfully restored machines on show. One of the attractions for the rally is catching up with members from interstate and country.
t was good to catch up with Peter Hunt from South Australia (Rally Host next year) and also Ian Hearne, Heather, Daryl and others from Victoria. Also good to see Phil and Pam from Canberra and Graham from Gunning along with Janet from the Wagga area and Tony and Lyn who again rode over from Broken Hill on the good old Honda 750 K2. We all have a common interest regardless of where we live in this great country and it’s always great to catch up. A few regulars were missing this year though and we did miss catching up with you. I heard that Bill from Bairnsdale and Cathy from Canberra were not well. Graeme and Lynn from Brisbane couldn’t be there with Lynn having been in a battle with cancer. Alan and Pam from western Victoria couldn’t make it this year along with Peter and Helen from Mackay and some others. To all you folk, I hope to see you at Victor Harbor in SA next year. The AGM was held and it looks like you are stuck with me again for another year. I thought I might have got knocked over in the rush to take on the job but alas it was not to be and here I am again. But that’s okay, I am quite happy to take it on again and will give it my best. Might even exceed my two visits to the VJMC Forum (eh Megsy)!
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Our committee truly is National now with members in Victoria, Canberra, South Australia, NSW and Queensland. To those folks who are new to the National Committee I would like to welcome you and I would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to those who have departed the committee for their valuable service over the past year or more. I must say thank you to Greg Watson who stepped up and took over the membership secretary job after Lynn became ill. I must also say a very big thank you to Lynn and Graeme for the great job they did in getting the membership up to date, with Lynn spending many hours on the job to clear the backlog. In the coming months we should have some big changes to the club website which should make access easier and will have more up to date information from each of the areas available. Old Bike Australasia has put out a new special edition magazine called Japanese Classics. The magazine features great machines from all over the east coast and many of them are in the VJMC. The VJMC gets quite a lot of mentions throughout and of course we have a full page advertisement for the club. So get out to your newsagent and pick up a copy and support the magazine that supports the VJMC. So until next time, ride safe. John McNair
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Club News
Club News
Melbourne Metro area Words Jeff Eeles
Father Daughter Ride Day A catchy title maybe, but not quite true really! The fact is that we’ve had Fathers and Daughters out on rides together before. Also, this wasn’t a true ‘Club Ride’ as we hadn’t listed it anywhere and just threw it together at a day’s notice.
o, what was different about this one? John Bacon and I both have primary school-aged children … daughters obviously. Mia, in my case, Jana with JB. Both girls have been out on the bikes before and both enjoy a day out, once in a while, with their Dads. However, we’ve never really done a significant road ride with the girls before.
So, with the school holidays in full swing and a spare Sunday available, we decided on a run out to Healesville. The location of the 2009 and 2010 VJMC Rallies, Healesville is a nice easy hour or so from Melbourne and takes you through some very scenic country. JB and I took the Eltham, Kangaroo Ground, Yarra Glen and Old Healesville Road route to Healesville and enjoyed it so much the choice for the ride home was no contest. The omni-present Z1300 doing duty for Mia and I and, the GPz1100 for John and Jana … both 1983 models coincidentally ... the big, old 1980’s dinosaurs ran as smooth as silk! As a bit of a sweetener for the girls, we promised a trip to the RACV Country Club at Healesville where an indoor heated pool awaited them. After a casual lunch in the Member’s Lounge, the girls enjoyed nearly a couple of hours swimming and playing in the pool. JB and I
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
spent time, as ‘old codgers’ do, chatting about bikes, work and life in general. Mid-afternoon and it was time to move on. With the girls out of the pool and appropriately dressed again, we wandered up to the town centre for a look around. An ice-cream shop was located and another laid-back hour or so spent watching dozens and dozens of bikes passing through town. Many of you may know that Healesville is the gateway to some of the most popular riding roads close to Melbourne and, with a bright mid-20’s day, they were out in force. Eventually though, all good things must come to an end. We saddled up and headed off back home. Everyone agreed we’d had a great day out and there’s every chance it’ll happen again. Perhaps, next time, we’ll find some other Father-Daughter combo’s to share the fun.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Club News
Club News
RAAF Museum Ride Day
It was just one week after the (unofficial) Father-Daughter Ride but, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to get back on a bike and enjoy another glorious sunny Sunday. A ride to the RAAF Museum at Point Cook was on the Club calendar and I was keen to go.
respectable meeting time meant I didn’t have to be up at ‘sparrow’s’, and a quiet breakfast was enjoyed before heading out to the shed to saddle up and head off. I’m not sure why, but rather than grab the Mach 3, the bike I’d thought about taking all week, I chose to take the W650 and, at the end of the day, I’m rather glad I did. At the meeting point, Neale (GPz1100B2), Anna GT550), Brian (Z1100 shaftie), Mark Drury (riding an HD!! He claims it’s built from at least 50% Jap parts anyway!) and myself were the only starters. That was a bit disappointing as the ride had been in the calendar for a while and there seemed to have been some real interest early on.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
However, we met four more members down at the Museum. David (GS750) and new guy Ray (Spada 250). Also, newbies Rupert, on a very nice CB400/4, and Lisa on a very tidy CB250RS. The group looked a bit healthier now!
I’m no aircraft fanatic particularly and that’s probably why I’d never been to the Museum before. However, in my pre-teen years, like a lot of kids, I collected and built several model aeroplanes, mainly WW2 stuff. So the museum’s display was a little bit of a nostalgia trip back to my youth as I recognized real life examples of kits I’d built up nearly 50 years before! The museum has a great display of old planes, as well as an historic fly-by on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. We were treated to the sight of a little trainer plane, a CT-4A Airtrainer giving a 10-15min demo by a retired Squadron Leader, now Qantas pilot, with commentary direct from the cockpit!
We also checked out the restoration hanger (oh, for a shed that big!!) where a few aircraft were under repair or restoration, including a Mustang fighter. Time soon flew by (no pun intended) and we had to make tracks for home. Those heading back to the other side of town decided on the quick way back up the freeway, while those closer to home went off in their respective directions. It was good to meet newcomers Lisa, Rupert and Ray. Thanks for coming along guys, we hope to see you on more Club rides in the near future.
Why was I glad I’d opted for the W rather than the H1? Well, Neale had (wisely) chosen not to take the boring freeway run down to Point Cook, and had mapped out a route through the suburbs, including two beach esplanades with some very pleasant ‘views’ (it was already 30c+ by this time and the beaches were well populated!). Frankly, the H1 would have been a pain in those conditions, and the relaxed W made it all so much easier.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Club News
Club News
Bikes by the bay 2012 Williamstown Words Trevor Whitty // Images Jeff Eeles
This year’s Bikes by the Bay followed last year’s successful format, being held at Seaworks on Nelson Place in Williamstown.
n ‘eleventh-hour’ ride was arranged and I met Heather Garth and Jeff Eeles at the appointed place. Not a big roll-up for a brilliant day weather-wise but we knew some members who lived closer would be there. On arrival we were directed to park in the huge Seaworks building. Almost before we could get
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
off the bikes, we were greeted by members of the CBX-6 Club, many of whom are VJMC members too and they had one of the biggest gatherings of 6’s I’ve seen for a while. Wandering around the displays, we ran into Kevin Drazdauskas and his wife; Matt Leahy and Jayne; Hendo; and, a few others including Alan Haines who just happened to ‘drop in’ from Bendigo. Alan, where hasn’t that SRX been? After being totally rained out in 2009 and 2010 using their traditional area of Commonwealth Reserve, the Williamstown Motorcycle Club
moved the event just down the road to the Seaworks complex with a huge amount of undercover space, together with the open area of the adjacent jetty, all right on a picturesque section of Port Phillip Bay. Bikes by the Bay has always had a casual ‘park and display’ format with anyone welcome to come along on any bike, park up and display.
hundreds of bikes from all eras. This year, Bikes by the Bay paid homage to the V-twin and, despite the possibility of the display being swamped with American machines, there really was very few. Instead, Dukes, Guzzis and Morinis Vincents and some Honda CX’s flew the flag for the v-twin format. There may have been some other brands, but I don’t recall. Of course, just about all the Jap brands have v-twin cruisers now.
Naturally, restorers of all manner of bikes have used the day to bring out the best of their oldies whether they be vintage, veteran, classic, post classic or modern. Visitors, therefore, get to see
The usual food stalls were there, as well as music and the popular ‘Pirates Tavern’. A great show and fantastic weather.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Club News
Club News
2012 picnic at hanging rock Words Neale Binnion // Images Tim Binnion
The 12th of February found us congregating at the BP near Calder. The weather was a little threatening but ended up being just about right with a bit of cloud about.
eff Eeles (z1300) John Towle (GSX1100) the ever enthusiastic Trevor Whitty (H1F), Chris Sansom (Buell, ahem) Rupert and Lisa and myself plus some guy on a late Suzuki who was looking for the Norton Club (!?), set off via a short ride over Mount Macedon to the Macedon Ranges & District Motor Club’s 25th Annual Picnic at Hanging Rock. This is one of the best multi-marque car and bike shows around Melbourne. The emphasis is on cars but there are usually a few interesting bikes. This year the organisers were supposed to be enforcing the 25 years old or over vehicle age rule but that didn’t seem to stop hordes of Harley Evos blocking up the bike area. I guess they all look old to some people, certainly old technology! So we flew the flag for old Jap bikes, including my 30 year old unrestored GPz1100 with working fuel injection. My daughter piked out of the ride and elected to travel with her brother in the family HT Monaro. However, at least three other ladies from the VJMC rode bikes. Lisa Walker rode up on her CB250RS with husband Rupert (CB400F), Kathy Hall rode her CB400N with husband Andrew (z650). Sharon Lingard from Echuca (CB125) rode along with Barry Nilsen (XJ750), while Carl Schubert (Bendigo) and his z1300 where also there along with another member’s GPz750 Turbo.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
It’s quite a large event spread through picnic areas and the racecourse, which sees horses twice a year. There is almost too much to see in one day. Hanging Rock is, funnily enough, mainly made from rocks, formed from volcanic lava eons ago. It’s worth the short walk up to the rocks. I keep telling myself I’ll do it one day, but there is too much to see at the display, including old trucks, stationary engines, rocker cover racing, a kiddies farm, the inevitable Shannon’s display which featured Jim Richards and his new Touring Car Masters AMX Javelin etc. Oh yeah, there were llamas there too ... We all wandered around in little groups till we got tired of it all and then set off for our own versions of civilisation or at least shelter. Northern readers will be pleased to hear that there were a couple of showers on the way home.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
club news
SA REPORT Words Peter Hunt
We’ve had some pretty ordinary weather over here this summer, some of which struck on Saturday 11th Feb when we had a scheduled ride/coffee/lunch.
club news
he plan was to meet at Meadows and then travel to Victor Harbor for lunch.... by the time I got to the departure point I was wet and the 750 was filthy and my sense of humour was nearly history. I had been accompanied by a mate on his Ducati, and waiting for us at Meadows was a lone Honda 400/4 owned by another Peter (no relation, haha). The 3 of us had a coffee and then headed to Victor, where the weather had cleared somewhat and the roads had dried. We had some lunch, and good chat, and a bit of a tour around to The Bluff.
Peter and I are also members of a Honda Four forum, on which there is a world relay happening, the baton being a rubber Godzilla travelling mostly on Honda Fours. He started off in Daytona, has crossed America and some of Canada, been through NZ, and I collected him at Phillip Island during the Classic. What a great event that is!. After a tour of Australia he heads to Europe. It’s just a bit of fun and has been great in bringing together some of the forum members who would normally only know each other through postings on the forum.
You might be able to spot the lizard in the pic. There is no intended message in the Ducati being parked next to the rubbish bin, by the way! The following day I headed out again, this time in brilliant sunshine, to meet another forum member. You meet the nicest people on a Honda, as you would all know. Here is a schedule for the rest of the events this year: • Sunday April 15th - Mick’s Ride/BBQ/Shed Day - meet at Stirling at 10am. Similar format to last year - a day not to be missed (thank you Mick!!). • Monday June 11th - Queen’s Birthday Ride Day - note this is the Monday Public Holiday. Details TBA. • Sunday August 26th - Ride Day. Details TBA. • Sunday October 14th - Charity Display Day - we will have a prominent location to display the steeds and raise money for a worthy charity - please support this day! Details TBA. • Sunday December 2nd - Xmas Ride/Lunch - Details TBA, but similar to the successful day last year. Details will posted on our website and I will email out to all those on my list - if you haven’t been getting those emails, please let me know so I can add you. See ya round!
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Club News
Club News
Tamworth Area Group Report Words Paul Rowling
Happy New Year and greetings from the northwest! Hope you all had an enjoyable summer. It’s been a little wet up here but the upside of that is that overall the weather’s been fairly mild and our dams are full.
owever, the rain hasn’t dampened our spirits or stopped us from getting out and about, we’ve had quite a few ride days over January and February. Pretty much had rides most week ends, some just the local “Round the Block” format to our lunch spot, a couple further afield. At the end of Feb we ventured out to Lake Keepit for a look at
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
the water, then went onto Manilla for lunch. We had thirteen bikes start that one, four dropped off half way to go home to watch the Supers, but nine of us braved the showery rain and completed the trip. A great day out. Four of us made the journey down to Phillip Island for the Island Classics, what a great trip. Despite being rained upon for almost the entire first day down to Gundagai (and for most of the return journey!) we had an absolute ball. It’s a fantastic meeting, fabulous old race bikes, friendly people in the pits and we were blessed with brilliant sunshine, I think it’s the first time I’ve actually been sunburnt at PI! I highly recommend getting there if you can.
We’re also preparing for the Barry Sheene Festival of Speed (on two weeks after the Rally); having been there several times we expect another great weekend. One of our new members, Steve Dobson will be competing on his Period Five Z1R Kwaka (as he did at the Island), so we’ll be cheering him on. It will also be great to watch (and hear) young Levi Day blitz the competition on his CB72 based Post Classic 350 and 500 racers. These are absolutely awesome little machines owned, engineered and developed by Jerry Kooistra from South Oz. They are amazingly quick, and the sound, AHHH!! I read that they are heading off to Daytona later in the year, should show the yanks a thing or two.
Shannon’s thing, watchout for FT500’s updates in Ramblings, be great to see some of the riders from over the mountains join in. And of course our Blue Ribbon Day will be in November (25th most likely), last year we raised $1220 in the Club’s name, anyone out there want to try and top that? Be an interesting inter-group challenge don’t you think? Otherwise why not make the trek up to Tamworth? The New England offers lots of interesting ride options, locally there are many types of accommodation available from camping to five-star, or we might even put you up for nicks. Also, we have a perpetual trophy for the “People’s Choice” bike in the show, so what’s holding you back? The offer’s on the table, anyone brave enough?
This year we have several things in the pipeline, coming up soon is a motor show sponsored by Shannon’s, second year for this and should be quite a thing. We hope to get about twenty bikes in the hall under our Club banner. We’ve also an overnight ride to the coast coming up sometime in May) the original date clashes with the
Several of us will making the trip to Warilla and are looking forward to meeting up with you all. You’ll find us at the Lake Windemere Caravan Park, drop in, we’re sure to have some refreshments and are always up for a chat about vintage Jap bikes. See you there.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Club News
Club News
the lower hunter Hope you are all in good health and had a great Christmas. I am afraid that I was a bit busy to write a report in the last magazine, for that I apologise. I even missed the lower Hunter VJMC Christmas party, owing to the fact that our son was getting married at Evans Head, on that same weekend. I really like to attend all VJMC events and was sorry to have to miss our end of year get together. I must say that Evans Head is one of the nicest places that I have been to, there is a great camping and swimming site on the river, with a neat B.B.Q area and a small but nice shopping centre. I will have to go back and spend some time there. On January 22nd five of us rode to Williamtown Fighter World at the RAAF base to have a look around, there is plenty to see, with all sorts of fighter planes from the first world war up till the 90’s. They have the MIG 21 that frightened the crap out of everyone at the 1988 GP at Phillip Island, me included.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
They also have a couple of Spitfires a mark 9 and a Mark 13 and a Messerschmitt ME 109 as well as a lot more. It was enjoyable sitting in the cafeteria and having a chat with the guys. Noel Terry, Bruce Robinson, Steve Timmis, Paul Embleton and myself. On February 22nd we had a run to Wisemans Ferry, and were supposed to meet up with the Sydney guys. I was unable to attend that day as we had visitors from Canberra so decided to give it a miss. I asked Phil Kendrigan if he would oversee things for the day, which he did. There were only a few riders turn up, but it was a weekend that most of the regular members were unable to attend, some with broken ribs and some with broken bikes. I would like to thank Phil for looking after things for me, and I hope to have a report on that ride for next magazine. Stay Safe Vince
South east Queensland
Autumn ride calendar May 2012; 5th, 6th & 7th
Long weekend run to Casino and Tenterfield with two fantastic shed visits (to be confirmed) and visit to Bald Rock near Tenterfield which is the largest granite rock in the southern hemisphere and the 2nd largest rock in Australia. Leave BP garage Yatala (exit 38) of M1 to Gold Coast at 8.30am
Tuesday 8th
Club Meeting at the Belmont Tavern in Belmont Shopping Centre corner Burstall Ave and Belmont Rd Belmont at 7pm.
Sunday 27th
Ray Owen Concourse at the Mount Tamborine Convention Centre 237 Beacon Rd North Tamborine. Swap Meet starts at 6am. Admission $5.00 per adult. Leave BP Garage Beaudesert Rd Browns Plains (opp wineglass water tower) at 8.30am.
June 2012; Sunday 8th
Sunshine Coast Hinterland Ride via the Postman’s Track off Stanley River Road to Maleny. Meet at the Caltex Garage Gympie Rd Carseldine (just north of Beam’s Rd) 9am.
Tuesday 10th
Club Meeting at the Belmont Tavern in Belmont Shopping Centre corner Burstall Ave and Belmont Rd Belmont at 7pm.
Sunday 15th
Laverda Concourse at Cleveland Showgrounds
Saturday 28th
Honda CB750 Club’s “Living in the 70’s Bike Show” at Pro Honda Ipswich Rd Rocklea. Various categories with prizes. Starts at 8.30am.
JuLY 2012; Tuesday 12th
Club Meeting at the Belmont Tavern in Belmont Shopping Centre corner Burstall Ave and Belmont Rd Belmont at 7pm.
Sunday 17th
Breakfast at the Beenleigh Historical Museum Café 205 Main Street Beenleigh (exit 35 of M1 freeway) at 9.30am then Tiddler Ride in area after breakie.
23rd & 24th
Pine Rivers Swap Meet at Petrie.
Sat 30th
Mid Year Trivia Night at Thorneside Community Hall 188 – 192 Mooroondu Rd Thorneside near Wellington Point. Dinner supplied. $20 pp.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
national rally
Words/Images Steve Phelps
VJMC 2012
The VJMC 2012 National Rally was held at Warilla NSW for the second year running. With the wettest week ever recorded and widespread flooding across New South Wales leading up to the rally our luck held out with the rain petering out on Thursday afternoon to be replaced by beautiful clear, dry and sunny conditions over the weekend. 20
national rally
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
he rally was hosted by the Warilla Bowls and Recreation Club which is set in large park-like grounds with plenty of sealed carparking space to accommodate the rally. Rally check in on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning was busy with 176 machines officially registered and VJMC members from Queensland, NSW, ACT Victoria and South Australia streaming in for the weekend.
The Saturday ride route was a 130km loop from Warilla down through Berry, over Cambewarra Mountain, down through Kangaroo Valley and on to Fitzroy Falls for morning tea, before returning through Robertson and Macquarie Pass. Climbing up the Illawarra escarpment conditions were brisk and perfect with clear blue skies, streaming waterfalls spilling off the escarpment and mist filled valleys. The volume of rain created a few
minor water hazards- floodways, potholes and a minor landslide on Barrengarry, but these just added to the variety of a perfect morning ride.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
At Fitzroy Falls I counted over 100 bikes when I arrived and quite a few more rolled in after I headed over for a great morning tea. The variety and quality of bikes was amazing with everything from a Honda S90 and a
national rally
national rally
Among the more notable events at the rally was a tie in the “Most Desirable” (Bike of the Rally) category between the 1985 VF1000R owned by local member Stuart Innes and Terry Cook’s 1973 CB750 – trophies will be awarded to both of these members. With so many outstanding examples of restoration work in the field, judges had a very challenging task. The Best Suzuki award was taken out by the beautifully restored T125 of Ian Stevens – while it is unusual it’s not unknown for a tiddler to win a major trophy at the VJMC Nationals, and the Best Modified / Special award went to Simon Whittaker for his pair of Honda CB250/350 cafer racers, a
Suzuki T125 at the smaller end of the group to classic and even late model superbikes all completing the ride without incident. After lunch back at Warilla the serious business of the rally swung into gear with the Concours display and judging under way and rally entrants voting for “Best Bike” through the afternoon. The afternoon display was unaffected by rain this year and drew out a huge number of visitors. The rally results are reported below and speak for themselves - the judges commented on the difficulty of selecting winners from the many machines presented at the very highest standards of originality and restoration which are a great credit to the VJMC and members.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
great example of what can be done with “workhorse” models with some imagination and hard work. Jim Merryck’s beautifully restored CBX1000 took out several awards including Best Honda, Best Restoration, and Best Motorcycle 1976-1980, and Glen Palmer again picked up awards for his beautifully finished DT1, one of two Glenn bought to Warilla. The 2013 National Rally will be held at Victor Harbor in South Australia – for details of the VJMC refer to the website at au , email to or mail to VJMC Inc. PO Box 5240 Daisy Hill, Qld, 4127.
The Longest Ride to the rally was again taken out by serial winner Tony Hepburn who always rides to the rally (wherever it is) from his home in Broken Hill on his 1972 CB750 with his wife, usually taking several weeks to do a round trip. The Hard Luck award this year went to John Scott, who was unable to make it to the rally due to flooding at Leeton. Sunday again presented a perfect day for the morning back country run into Kiama, a lovely 50km track winding through emerald green dairy farms, hedgerows and lanes lined with drystone fences before emerging high above the coast for the final run down to Kiama and Blowhole Point.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
national rally
national rally
Results Judges Award Category Best HONDA Best Kawasaki Best KAWASAKI Pre 1981 (Zpower) Best Kawasaki Post 1981 (Zpower) Best SUZUKI Best YAMAHA Best Restoration Best Japanese – Other Marques Best Single Best Off-Road Best Competition Motorcycle Best Original Unrestored Best Modified or Special
Model CBX1000 1973 Z1 1972 Z1 1981 KZ750 Ltd T125 FZR1000 CXB1000Z 1967 BSGTR 1967 BS90 Mtn DT1 Bucket Racer 1981 KZ750 Ltd CB250 CB350
Owner Jim Merryck Clyde Ikin Geoff Knight Max Keys Ian Stevens Keith O’Brien J Merryck Andrew Cox Ray Kinch Glenn Palmer Ken Lindsay Max Keys Simon Whittaker
Awarded by Rally Entrants Vote Category Bike of the Rally - Most Desirable Bike of the Rally - Most Desirable Best Motorcycle to 1960 Best Motorcycle 1961-1965 Best Motorcycle 1966-1970 Best Motorcycle 1971-1975 Best Motorcycle 1976-1980 Best Motorcycle 1981-1991 Best Motorcycle 1992 onwards
Model 1985 VF1000R 1973 CB750 1959 C71E C77 DT1 1973 GT380 CBX1000Z 1981 Katana W650 2004
Owner Stuart Innes Terry Cook Colin Campbell Ian Hearn Glenn Palmer David Howe Jim Merryck Peter Mann David Stevenson
Awarded by Committee Category President’s Choice Oldest Motorcycle Best Tiddler Motorcycle
Model 1970 CB750 1959 C71 Z50 Mini Trail
Special Interest Award
Longest Distance Rider Hard Luck Award
1972 CB750
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Owner Wayne Smith Colin Campbell Ray Fox Simon Whittaker Café Racers Tony Hepburn John Scott
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
national rally
national rally
Results Highly commended and special mentions Model XL250 Z1A CB72 VF1000R
Owner Ray Burrows Paul Lenehan Steve Ashkenazi Stuart Innes
Katana 750 DT1 RZ500 FJ1100 Z1 ZX750 H1D Y80 CD175 (A pair)
Peter Mann Glenn Palmer Dick Lipscombe David Bradbury Clyde Ikin Chris Dupen Vince Foreman Steve Allport Phil Dawes
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Peter Mann’s classic 1981 Suzuki Katana 750
David Howe’s 1974 Suzuki GT380 (Best 1970-1975)
Paul Johnson’s 1981 GS1000G
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Ken Lindsay’s Honda Elsinore CR125M
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Steve Ashkenazi’s 1966 Honda CB72
Tony Sculpher’s 1978 Honda CBX1000Z
Col Dusting’s Suzuki GSX1100 at Kiama
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Ken Lindsay’s 1980 Honda SuperLite RCB150 (Best Competition Motorcycle)
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
national rally
national rally
National Rally Sponsors please remember our supporters next time you are shopping for your next project. The CBX Book by Ian Foster – everything every CBX owner or enthusiast needs to know about this groundbreaking Honda.
Tony Sculpher – author of Kawasaki (K) Z1000 & Z1-R – the reference manual for owners of these classic models from Kawasaki.
Used & Classic Bike Enthusiast Magazine – Australia’s newest magazine for classic bike enthusiasts and collectors, on sale at all good newsagencies and bookstores.
MotorActive – Meguiars – quality motorcycle cleaning, detailing and maintenance products.
Permanent Painted Coatings – providers of specialised restoration chemicals, treatments and paints for vehicle restoration and protection, including fuel tank repair kits. 1/4 Prosperity Parade Warriewood NSW 2102 (02) 9999 0122
ZPower – specialists in replacement genuine and aftermarket parts for Kawasaki, classic and modern Japanese, Harley and Triumph motorcycles. Phone 02-42298228 Email
Raritee Tee Shirts - Steve Runnalls designer of classic motorcycle, car and aircraft themed Tee shirts - available online from Contact Steve and Gai Runnalls Email- or Contact Steve on mobile 0418 222 348 Campbell Classic Motorcycles – specialising in classic Honda, restoration and sales of classic motorcycles. Specialist Hydrablasting service to return corroded and dirty parts to new condition.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Tec Bike Parts – suppliers of OEM replacement parts for classic motorcycles. or contact Keith Allen on Tec-Au also known as tecshox on ebay or Tec Bike Parts has a range of quality shock absorbers styled to replace the shocks of the Japanese bikes of the 70’s and 80’s. The range of goods is expanding with reproduction stands for Kawasaki 900/1000’s and H2 triples as well as other accessories for Hinckley Triumphs all at unbelievable prices.
Shannons Insurance – specialised insurance for classic cars and bike owners. Call 134646 or
Wayne Gardner Approved – suppliers of specialist motorcycle products including Panolin - specialised oils and maintenance products. Full catalog available from
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
n a t i o n a l ra l l y
n a t i o n a l ra l l y
2013 Rally news Words Peter Hunt - SA Regional Rep
I was fortunate enough to attend the 2012 National Rally at Warilla, and what a fantastic event it was. Congratulations to the organisers Steve, Allan and partners and the many helpers that made the event the great spectacle it was. You have done the Club proud. I run out of adjectives when I try to describe the sight of 150+ bikes assembled for the runs and display; it has to be seen to be truly appreciated. What I really enjoyed was the vast variety of machines on show, from Monkey and Gag bikes to the big 6 and 4 cylinder offerings, strokers, ‘diesels’, rotaries, something for everyone. Congratulations to all those that entered their bikes and those that won awards, they were all greatly deserved. And, of course, meeting members who were previously just a name on
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
or visit (Ph 08 8551 0777) to see what else is available. Victor Harbor is the #1 tourist destination in SA, so there is no shortage of places to stay, with something to suit all tastes and budgets.
Thank you to the club for allowing us the opportunity. If we get it right, and have the desire, we have got it for 2014 as well.
I’m sure we can use that in our promotional kits and advertising as an added incentive to get people to attend and attract sponsors. As I write this, just days after the 2012 rally, we already have members who have booked their accommodation for next year. That’s a good sign! Rally HQ will be the Victor Harbor Beachfront Holiday Park (Ph 1800 620 100) and we have all of the cabins and villas being held for us, so get in before they all go and secure your spot for next March, right in the action hub! If you are ready to book, contact the Park direct and mention the Rally to receive a 10% discount. Perhaps let me know that you’ve booked so I can gauge the numbers and progress.
It is a significant year, 2013 marks the 30th anniversary of the club, and so it seems quite appropriate to have it return to the ‘state of origin’.
There are numerous other options including, just a kilometre away, http://www. (Ph 08 8552 1949)
As we get closer, I’ll make sure that the finer details are released so keep an eye on the website and future magazines, but be assured we’ll have some great rides, meals and locations, and of course good old SA hospitality as they say in the there or be square.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
the forum was a highlight for me too. I feel like I have made some new friends and hope to spend more time with them in the future. And so to 2013. March 15th to 17th in Victor Harbor, South Australia. I acknowledge that we have big shoes to fill and a hard act to follow, but we’ll give it a red hot go and do what we can to make it a rally to remember, for all the right reasons!
Attractions include beaches, walks, seals, penguins, pubs, cafes and of course the locals, haha. Full details are on the club website forum, or you can email me or phone 0429 900 784 for further info.
wanted Source for 6volt 6/3amp tail/ stop light globes to suit “ 250” type tail light for 1961 Honda Benly CB92 125cc. ( I think they are known as festoon type). Thanks. Memb number A1337. Contact Ken Kerfoot 0448 072 331.
Suzuki RM500 1984 or 1985F in fine to exc condition. Also Suzuki RMs in good order, any size from 1975-1988 for cash buyer Blue Mtns. Contact Arthur (02) 4784 2365 AH
for sale Honda VF400/4 3/1983 19000kms, vg condition, original Lithgow bike from local dealer. Last reg to April 2011 - $5,500 neg. Yamaha AS3 125cc 10/1971 – Original Blue Mtns machine from Leura, 14000 miles, unregistered, completely original. View photos on the VJMC website classified page. Contact Arthur (02) 4784 2365 AH. Three bikes for sale. • Bridgestone 350 GTR several models approx. 1968 model • Lilac 250 V twin Approx 1959 model • Marusho 500 flat twin (a copy of a BMW) Model R 92 1964 model The 3 bikes are all in Perth, WA. Contact John on (02) 9416 6377 or
1977 Yamaha RD400-D. This bike was built in January 1977 with matching frame and engine numbers. It only has 1,114 original miles and has been stored inside much of its life. The original red factory paint, seat, and instrument cluster are in outstanding condition and have no fading. I purchased this bike 8 years ago, and since then I have ridden the four times. This is the nicest RD400-D I have seen since the 1970s. Everything is original on this bike, with the exception of the brand new Avon Roadrunner Tyres. The bike handles perfect and has an amazing amount of horsepower for its size. All documentation, owner’s manual, shop manual, and toolkit are included. $6999 Call Rick on 0424 446 426 (Melbourne).
Honda TL125S 1977 Model. One Owner, original condition. 11,000 km, full electrics. Includes Log Book and Owner’s manual. NSW Rego QBV-15 April 2013 $2000 ono. Call Phil on 0409 347 009.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Suzuki RE5A Rotary 1975. 40,000kms running perfectly. Just fitted a new battery and master cylinder assembly. Excellent condition, bike is currently unregistered. Has always been kept indoors. $12,000 or best offer Contact Joe 07-55436681 for details.
2012 Rally badges and t-shirts
1971 T 500 Suzuki two stroke. Restored in 1995 is in good condition. Was on club plates. Should be able to get registered easily. $4000 ono 1 GT 250 not going, 95% complete; plus 1 GT 250 not going, 75% complete with box of parts. $800 for both. Or $4500 for the three bike package. Phone Daryl (Kurri Kurri NSW) 0413 269 354 or 0412 674 323.
new books for sale The Castrol Six Hour Production Race – Jim Scaysbrook. 240 page HC sealed pack, profusely illustrated complete description, full entry lists and results of each year’s event. 75$ ($15 P&P posted anywhere in Australia). Standard Catalog of Japanese Motorcycles 1959-2007 - Doug Mitchel. 400 pages softcover reference for Honda – Suzuki – Kawasaki – Yamaha models full of illustrations and classic advertisements from the period. 40$ plus $15P&P posted anywhere in Australia. Will combine postage. Contact Steve (02) 9456 2851 AH or email
2012 Rally Badges and T Shirts For Sale $10 each (+$7.20P&P) anywhere in Australia. These are the lightweight grey cotton rally Tshirt, round crew neck type with the 2012 rally logo.(Note we have no L size TShirts left) Badges are the standard high quality enamelled brass rally badge with pin. All other sizes & badges currently available, email to check or to place an order to Pay by direct deposit to: CBA Bank BSB: 062-801 Account No: 10240696 Account Name: VJMC Rally Account or send a cheque or mail order to Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club Rally, 5B Alan Road, Berowra Heights
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
1. G3TR-A 100cc - 1971 model. This bike is very original for its age. I was quite surprised, when it was delivered to me, how unmolested it was. I like to buy them like that, because it saves hunting for major parts that might be missing. I’m asking $600 for this one. Comes with a couple of rare NOS factory optional parts. 2. G5 100cc - Yellow bike - 1972 model. Again, this is a fairly unmolested bike. It has a bit more surface rust, and a few more (slightly) bent bits than the G3TR. Also a $600 ask. 3. F9-B 350cc - 1974 model. Commonly known as the ‘Big Horn’ (although that name really only truly belonged to an earlier version of this model) I’ve had this one for years and always wanted to restore it. I realise now, that I probably won’t get around to it. I rescued it from some kids who wanted to use it as a paddock bike. It probably needs a tad more work than the other two but, again, it has nearly all its major parts. It has a brand new CDI box fitted - I know, I sold it to the kids just before I bought the bike! The CDI was listed at $874 retail back in 1993 (probably available on eBay somewhere now for $250!). Asking $1,500 for this one. I have sales brochures for all of them, plus Owner’s Manuals and, possibly Service Manuals as well as the Assembly & Preparation Manuals too. These items will be included to the ‘right’ buyer.
Over the years, I’ve collected some spares for each of the bikes (less so for the ‘72 G5, as I haven’t had it too long). Some of the spares are NOS parts, some used. Again, when I get to sorting out what I’ve got, the spares are part of the deal. Welcome to view at any convenient time. They are all runners, but haven’t been started for some time and, might need nursing back into life (read ...... lots of kicking and swearing!). For each bike that sells at the asking price, I’ll donate $50 to the Club. Contact Jeff Eeles on 0409 912 065 or Buy now … display at Victor Harbor next year!!
VJMC Rally Video Compilation – as seen at the Warilla Rally, updated for 2012. DVD VJMC rallies – compiled video of all VJMC rallies from 2004-2012. $20 each posted anywhere in Australia. Contact or 02-94562851 AH.
Buy and sell motorcycles
service and repairs across a wide range of motorcycles
road-worthy certificates (rwc)
Right hand exhaust pipe for Honda 1961 Benly 125 Super Sport, or manufacturer of same. Contact Ken on 0448 072 331
phone: 1300 GASSIT(1300 427748) | fax: 03 9489 9626 email: web:
81 Station Street, Fairfield, Victoria 3078 | Open six days a week: Monday to Friday 9:00 to 17:00 | Saturday 9:00 to 13:00
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Club info
club info
Historic Rego NSW Conditional Registration Sydney Roadworthy Inspections David Bernardi | 0431 661 769 All other NSW areas contact Lyndon Adams | (02) 4945 1780
he VJMC is a worldwide club. There are independent branches in North America (USA/Canada), UK, New Zealand and Australia. Some enthusiasts are members of more than one branch. Direct enquiries for overseas branches of the VJMC to: North America President: Stuart Covington, 55 Howard St, Lunenburg, MA 01462 USA. Website: Email: United Kingdom Chairman: Malcolm Linsley, VJMC PO Box 21671 Falkirk, FK1 9AL. Website: Email: New Zealand: Ross & Trudy Charlton, 2 Te Miti St, Paekakariki, Wellington. Email:
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Meets Melbourne Metro Meet: Grandview Hotel Cnr Station Street & Heidelberg Road, Fairfield 7.00pm on the last Tuesday night of each month Contact: Michael Catchpole (03) 9809 4046
Melbourne - North East Brian Cutler | 0409 024 482 Melbourne - West Kevin Drazdauskas | 0419 884 560 Melbourne - South East Trevor Whitty | 0419 807 212 Central Vic Graeme Climas | (03) 5446 3844 West Gippsland Dennis Flynn 0407 359 278
Canberra Greg Russell 0414 469 016
NSW Bathurst Vacant. Rep required. Far North Coast Rob Andrews (02) 6621 4083 Goulburn Malcolm Peden (02) 4821 5060 Hunter Vince Foreman (02) 4973 1852 Mid Hunter Allan Kensit (02) 4938 7223 Manning Steve Wardle (02) 6551 5546
The club has a sizeable library of magazines, workshop manuals and parts manuals for members to use. Enquires:
Central Victoria Meet: Garlands Bakehouse & Cafe 124 High Street, Kangaroo Flat 10.00am every Sunday morning Contact: Ivan Eeles (03) 5448 4746
Stan Perry | (02) 6296 7274
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club Inc
Mid North Coast Trevor Ellis (02) 6655 5911 North West Graeme Tonkin (02) 6724 8454
Mid Hunter Meet: Greta Workers Club Cnr New England Highway & West Street, Greta Quarterly social meet - contact for time & dates Contact: Allan Kensitt (02)4938 7223 or 0405 492700
Queanbeyan Rob Hogan (02) 6299 7579 South Coast Patrick Sager (02) 4473 6191 Sydney David Bernardi 0431 661 769 Sydney South/West Allan Dykstra (02) 9824 7165 Sydney Inner Steve O’Farrell (02) 9517 3490 Tamworth Paul Rowling 0411 696 852
Queensland SE Queensland Steve Day Sunshine Coast Rob Skewes (07) 5451 1972 Mackay Peter & Helen Douglas (07) 4954 3653
Tamworth: Meet at the Tamworth City Bowling Club ANZAC Park, Brisbane Street, Tamworth. 6.30pm on the last Thursday of every month Contact Paul 0411 696 852 or
ACT Meet: The Mawson Club Heard Street, Mawson, ACT 7.30pm on the first Monday night of each month. Contact: Greg Russell 0414 469 016
VIC Melbourne Michael Catchpole (03) 9809 4046 Central Victoria Ivan Eeles (03) 5448 4746 Western Victoria Alan & Pam Stork 0401 995 060 West Gippsland Dennis Flynn 0407 359 278 North-East Victoria Bob & Jenny Kitchener (03) 5775 1370
South Australia Peter Hunt 0429 900 784
WA / TAS Reps needed.
More Info: Contact Jeff Eeles 0411 051 902 if you are interested in getting VJMC happening in your area.
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Member Renewal Annual subs VJMC Inc
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f your fees are due, please complete and send this renewal slip with payment. Direct Credit is now available. If paying by direct credit, please complete and send this renewal as confirmation.
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We are looking for articles / photos/ letters for future issues of the mag. Email contributions to:
Deadline for Winter Issue is June 25
Due Date Cost: $40 single, $50 family. Additional Info (address / contact change etc)
Email I give the VJMC Committe and Reps permission for my contact details to be provided to other membes on request. (Name, phone, email and locality only). Signed Date Cheques / Money orders payable to VJMC Inc, or Direct Credit: VJMC Inc Australia BSB 062-801 ACC 10-240-688 Please include your member number as detail. Send to: VJMC Inc PO Box 5240 Daisy Hill QLD 4127
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Annual Fees Australian residents Family (member + 1 other) New Zealand Overseas
1/6/10 1/7/10 New Renew $45 $40 $55 $50 $50 $45 $55 $50
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club
Suzuki T125 Stinger
The Suzuki T125 Stinger is becoming a bit of a cult collector bike. And they win trophies too! When Stingers first appeared in showrooms, the Buck Rogers futuristic look was too much for some, but now it’s just too cool. This is a recent resto and a very rideable classic. Call VJMC member Michael Catchpole for details.
1989 Kawasaki ZXR750-H1
It’s a tale of two greens this month, with our 1989 Kawasaki ZXR750-H1 ready for a new home. This low mileage classic needed a makeover but was basically sound. With fresh Trevor Whitty paint and new tyres, brakes, clutch, chain and sprockets, it looks as good as it goes. Call VJMC member Michael Catchpole for details.