1 4 T H D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 T U R N ED O U T N OT TO B E TOO H OT SU N DAY FO R TH E R I D E, Q U ITE N I CE CO N D ITI O N S A LTH O U G H A B IT W I N DY I N A FE W SEC TI O N S. Rode from Bec's Bakehouse and followed the coast to Moana, back out to Aldinga, Silver Sands then a break at Myponga Reservoir. The riding to Carrickalinga, Yankalilla, Inman Valley Road, Sawpit Road, Pambula Road then across South Road down Crows Nest Road Lookout, where we had another break, appreciated as the roads were a bit rough. Then it was a short trip to Goolwa Bakery where we had lunch. After that, we all went our own way home. Much thanks to all as the cornering system went smashingly well and thanks to Garry who volunteered, with high-vis vest to be tail-end charlie. People who work the cornerman system well, makes the whole ride flow so much better. Thanks to all, very much enjoyed leading the ride. Richard Furler
1 0 T H J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1 SM A L L T U R N - U P AT PR I CE’S B A K ERY AT Had re-registered the ZRX1100 for 3 months as it G O L D EN G ROV E V I L L AG E, WA S G O I N G TO B E A WA R M O N E AT 35C+, SO W E D ECI D ED has just been sitting in the shed for ages while I’ve been riding the Z1300. Just a bit of difference in O N A Q U I CK R I D E U P TO LO B E TH A L. the weight and nimble handling factor! Forgot how Going up the top of Seaview Road, Range Road much fun the ZRX is. North, coming out at Houghton, Inglewood where Replenished our fluids and a bight to eat from the we continued around the Millswood Reservoir Amberlight Café, bit of casual chatting for a while, cutting across to the Gorge Road, passing through then time to head back home going our separate Cudlee Creek where those early-start bike riders ways. Thanks, Peter Donnellan were already settling in for their morning cup of Coffee. Chucked a right at Cudlee Creek Road, then a sharp right onto Fox Creek Road, love this stretch. Mid way through we hooked a left on a not so common Staffords Road, connecting up to Miller Road, pass the Quarry which led us in to the back of Lobethal where we found the shadiest spot in the Main Street.