Dave Wiltshire's Brassie

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With the bead at the eye of the hook, catch in the wire at the bend and start to work towards the eye of the hook. Wind the wire in touching turns

Ensuring the turns remain touching by holding the leading tag secure, wind the loose end of the wire over the body in open turns to form the rib. Be careful to keep the underbody tight together – or else the rib will slip between the wire base wraps. Keeping pressure on the wire wraps towards the eye will help, as will angling the rib more steeply.

Secure the rib with the leading wire tag. Catch in the thread and secure the wire. Trim the loose ends.

Spin the bobbin anti-clockwise to unwind the thread. Split the thread with a dubbing needle and inserts your chosen dubbing.

Re-spin the bobbin holder to trap the fibres in the thread – then wind forward to form the thorax. Sweep the fibres backwards with each wrap.

Whip finish behind the bead.


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