“It takes a real commitment to fish here, but it’s worth every singleair mile.”
Bill Marts
4 - 17’ angler tenders with 90 HP Yamahas for flats transport.
“Our Mother Ship was a re-fitted icebreaker with very comfortableaccommodations.”
“Thefirst thing our guides did wasto check every singlepieceof gear. Then they retied all the connecting knots and added 130-pound fluorocarbon leaders.�
“I practiced with a 12-weight rod for months and it paid off.”
“Theaggressivetakes and sheer power of a Giant Trevally was beyond anything I had imagined. Fish over 50-pounds could blow-up a rod and/or fry a reel in short order.�
“We’ll never forget theisolation and beauty of Providence Atoll.”
“Here area few of theGT flies that wetied on extra heavy hooks.”
“Watching fish movethrough the waves, throwing-up a wake as they targeted thefly, wasa major adrenalinerush.�
“Welcometo another world … one whereit’s only you and the fish”
“Catching a Milk Fish on thefly was a great thrill for me.”
“Thelist of fish wecaught includes: Giant Trevally - Bonita - Bohar Snapper Emperor Fish - Sailfish - Mottled Grouper Sweet Lips Job Fish - Bluefin Trevally YellowSpotted Trevally - Wahoo - Big Eye Tuna Dogtooth Tuna - Milkfish - Dorado Bumphead Parrotfish - Garfish - WhiteTip Shark Trumpet Fish - Lizard Fish and threedifferent snappers wecouldn’t identify”
Great numbersof Sailfish inhabit thearea.
“ChrisCoilefound out first hand how tough Parrotfish can beon a fly rod.”
“Al Goodall enticed this Grouper with a well placed cast.”
“Everyoneknows that theSeychelles are well known for their excellent bonefishing.�
“Our bonefishing experiencewerefun, but conditions were not in our favor.�
“Thespaceand energy of this place is awesome. I’ve traveled extensively and have never seen thelike of it.”
“Our guideswould cast hookless teasers past thesurf lineto enticea GT.�
“Wecarried two rods as we waded and swam across thechannels between flats – a 10-weight & a 12-weight.”
“By theend of the day wewere exhausted. You need to bein good shape for thiskind of fishing.”
“Would I do it again? No question about it.”