Second Quarter Report - April-June 2011

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PEPY’s Programs Quarterly Update: April-June 2011 Child-to-Child Project • Youth Leadership Project (YLP) Sahakhoom Apheewat Sala (SAS) Program • Supplemental Program

Child-to-Child Project

Child-to-Child Methodology

Community Development Program Mission

After many trials, assessments, and evaluations, our CtC educators came up with 6 steps to help the community easily identify and resolve the most pressing issues in their communities.

Using an active learning approach, the Child-to-Child (CtC) initiative encourages children to identify the most pressing problems in their communities by working with other members of their Child Club. Currently, there are 18 Child Clubs, and 8 educators facilitate these clubs. Of the 25 clubs from last quarter, 7 of these have transitioned to Youth Leadership clubs. Through topic-based problem solving around health, environmental, and human rights issues, the Child Clubs learn about important issues while aiming to build life skills such as leadership, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and decision-making. By building these critical skills among children in Chanleas Dai, we hope to further PEPY’s general mission: investing time and resources in people, connecting them with the skills, systems, and inspiration necessary to achieve their goals, raise their standards of living, and improve the quality of education in their communities. This quarter, PEPY’s teachers and students have faced a couple of setbacks based on two huge factors. The first major setback was the Khmer New Year celebration in mid April, teachers and students were given two weeks off to celebrate the New Year, but a lot of teachers chose to take the whole month of April off without giving much notice, leaving students without a teacher. The second factor was the coming of the rainy season. In the wet season, many parents force their children to drop out of school to help tend to family farms and bring in more income.

Statistics in target areas Commune


# of Children per Club

Club Educator

Chanleas Dai

1. Chanleas Dai


Miss Yong Mary

2. Kouk Pouch


Miss Yong Mary

3. Preah Lean


Mr. Riem Bon

4. Rolom Svay


Mr. Riem Bon

5. Kombau


Mr. Ry Romdos

6. Dounkay


Miss Yong Mary

7. Domrey Slab


Mrs. Seurn Sinath


Mrs. Seurn Sinath

8. Tameak


Mr. Ry Romdos

9. Khnar Jo


Mrs. Khean Sak

10. Run


Mr. Hem Saly

11. Kouk Thnout


Miss Srey Mao


Miss Srey Mao

12. Chhouk Rath


Mrs. Srey Voun

13. Tramkong


Miss Srey Mao


Mrs. Srey Voun


Mr. Ry Romdos

364 children

8 educators


1. Somrong

Total: 2 communes 14 villages


Discuss and identify most prominent issues plaguing the community via a Town Hall meeting.


Investigate the factors and causes of the problem. CtC students and educators work together to identify and understand who or what is involved in the problem.


Gather information and reach an understanding. Our educators help empower the students to teach each other the circumstances and how they can make a positive change.


Work together to find the best and most simple way to address the problem.



Execute of the resolution. CtC educators’ help students understand the pros and cons of each proposed solution, then create a plan to inform and involve the community. In the past, students have used presentations, plays, and campaigns. Evaluate the process to make sure the problem has been resolved. Identify the steps to mitigate the problem in the future.

In the last quarter, most of our CtC clubs had similar concerns for the health of their community and the environment. Through CtC’s methodology, children were able to express their concerns regarding sanitation and personal hygiene. Students raised awareness of these issues through activities and campaigns. They also educated members of their community on the importance of environmental and health issues. For example, students from certain groups designed logos and slogans to encourage their friends and neighbors to be better stewards of their environment. In some rural communities, CtC clubs placed trash bins in front of people’s houses (with their logos on the bin) and taught them to dispose of trash in the bins instead of throwing it on the ground. In addition to the campaigns focused on trash disposal, various CtC clubs also organized plays to teach the importance of hygiene and environmental consciousness. In this quarter, CtC clubs are working on ways to inform their friends and community about the importance of oral hygiene and the effects it could have on your body if you don’t maintain a clean mouth. In addition, CtC clubs are working on campaigns regarding the need for clean clothes and traffic / bicycle safety.

Chhou Rath village Chhou Rath Village has decided to spend its resources on enforcing and monitoring the results of their trash collection campaign. For the past three months, this club has received a lot of positive responses from the community and has noticed their community members taking a lot of steps towards improving their environment. Because of the success of their last campaign, this CtC club has decided to move on to tackling the issue of oral and dental hygiene. Educators and students are researching illnesses caused by improper oral hygiene, as well as instructions on how for to care for your mouth and teeth.

Youth Leadership Project Project Mission Using an active learning approach based upon Child-to-Child methodologies, the Youth Leadership Project (YLP) encourages young people to act upon the most pressing problems they identify in their own communities. Through topic-based problem solving around health, environmental, and human rights issues identified by young people as problems in their own communities, the Youth Leadership Program educates about important social problems while aiming to build life skills such as leadership, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and decision-making. By building these critical skills among young leaders in Chanleas Dai and Snoul commune, we hope to further PEPY’s general mission of aiding rural communities in improving their own standards of living.

Goals for the Upcoming Year nn To support young, strong-minded leaders in becoming positive role models in their community nn To provide the tools and knowledge to empower young leaders to make positive changes in their community nn To improve the life skills of young leaders – including problem solving, decision-making, and positive thinking nn To teach young leaders to appreciate and love their community with open-mindedness and positive self-development nn To help young leaders to create their own goals and have the confidence to succeed nn To encourage older community members to support young leaders in their activities and programs

Project Summaries The Youth Leadership Project is a new project, launched on April 24th, 2011. Participants include 5 teachers and 74 young adults. These students, ranging in age from 15 to 25, go through a 45-week course which helps them gain the selfconfidence to organize group projects and conduct public-speaking presentations. In addition, the course helps to sharpen life skills such as problem solving, decisionmaking, and positive thinking. In the curriculum, students are taught about the leadership role they can take on in their community. By learning to prioritize their schoolwork / family life, manage their time well, value the importance of communication, and building strong relationships, these young leaders are internalizing the building blocks of success.

Statistics in target areas




# of Youth per club

Club Educator

Chanleas Dai

Chanleas Dai


Mrs. Khean Sak

Preah Lean


Mr. Riem Bon



Mrs. Seurn Sinath

Domrey Slab


Mrs. Khean Sak



Miss Srey Mao



Miss Srey Mao




Mr. Chum Lout

Total: 2 communes

7 villages

74 youths

5 educators



Research & Assessment In addition to the 45-week course, students’ progress will be monitored to ensure the proper tools are provided at the right time. Before the course, students are given a questionnaire to help them determine goals as well as identify any problems they may have observed in their community. During the course, the YLP staff note any changes in the student’s behavior, arrange regular visits to the student’s home to interview his/her family, and conduct one-on-one feedback sessions with the student.

Program Challenges During the rainy season, which runs from May until October, daily activities become more difficult for everyone. Many unpaved roads in the village become muddy to such an extent that they become nearly impassible, making the commute to school extremely difficult. Also during the wet season, many of our staff become sick with a cold or the flu, forcing them to take days off. To address this issue, PEPY holds staff trainings to demonstrate how to take care of one’s health in order to prevent getting sick often. In addition to increased illness, many parents force their children to drop out of school to help tend family farms or illegally migrate to Thailand to find work. Our staff has taken many steps to address this problem. For example, PEPY staff conducts home visits to talk to families in an attempt to communicate the importance of an education. However, the home visit method hasn’t been very effective to date. As a next step, our staff will discuss this issue at the next community meeting for more brainstorming on how to best remedy this problem; the club will decide how to present this information.


Chanleas Dai Village The Youth Leadership Project is running very well in this village. Students in this group have shown a strong desire to learn as well as the confidence to share their thoughts and ideas with the community. They have been eager and interested in everything presented to them. Each individual student in this YLP group has identified what profession he/she wants to pursue and the necessary steps needed to take to make it happen.

Domrey Slab Village Domrey Slab has one of the smaller clubs. There are only 5 members and all of them are girls. This group is doing well and is also very eager to learn more about ways to improve their community, environment and themselves.

Tameak and Dounkay Village The Youth Leadership Project in these villages has been off to a slow start. The teachers are finding that the students aren’t very motivated. Our teachers are researching new teaching methods as well as fun activities to pique student’s curiosity and motivate them to participate more in group work.

Run Village Child-to-Child and The Youth Leadership Project have implemented a new program called Homework Club. The focus is to help the students improve their Khmer reading and writing skills, in addition to providing homework support in subjects, such as math and science. This workshop also gives students a place to go after school to relax or discuss other concepts he/she may have learned in one of our Youth Leadership Projects.

Sahakhoom Apheewat Sala (SAS) Program SAS empowers communities to develop sustainable schools that provide all children with a quality education. The SAS Team and the School Support Committees (SSCs) of Chanleas Dai, Prasat Khnar, and Run Primary Schools are proud to bring you these latest updates from Cambodia.

Chanleas Dai Primary School School Snapshot Student enrollment: ........................................................................................434 Grade levels: .......................................... kindergarten – Grade 6 (10 classes) Teachers/administrators: .................................................................................. 10 School Support Committee Members: ............................................................9

Latest Activities 1. Fundrasing - Bon Phakar Bon Phakar, a religious ceremony, is traditionally used to bring in members of a community to raise funds to support religious functions as well as construct or maintain religious buildings. However in Chanleas Dai, the money from Bon Phakar went towards school and community related activities. The ceremony was organized by teachers, community members, children, and local authorities to share common ideas and goals to improve and support education in their community. In April, Chanleas Dai community raised 1,060,000 Riel (approx. US$265) from Bon Phakar. With that money, the SSC added four more garden plots to improve school yard ambiance.

2. Expansion of School Garden With the addition of four more garden plots, Chanleas Dai now has a total of eight lush gardens to add to the school’s once barren scenery. A few weeks ago, students and community members came together to lay down the soil, segment the flowerbed, and plant the seedlings. As the rainy season emerges, the students are looking forward to seeing the gardens bloom with life and color.

3. Student Market On June 1st, children, community representatives, teachers, and SSC members celebrated International Children’s Day by setting up their very own practice market place. This holiday is also celebrated in other parts of the world in recognition of children’s basic rights. The goal was to strengthen the Friendly

Expansion of the school garden

School policy from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. To this end, children worked in groups to sell art, food, and other handmade items. This activity help bolster student’s critical thinking and communications skills by learning firsthand about teamwork, planning and evaluation, trading, and customer/ community needs. The marketplace not only helped students learn new skills, but it also generated a small income as well to put towards next year’s development plan.

4. Mushroom Growing In early January, students took a field trip to a farm to learn more about gardening and agriculture. With skills at hand and plans in place, SSC and community started a mushroom growing activity with the hopes to make this into an incomegenerating project. The SSC and the students put in a lot of hard work and eagerly anticipated their first batch of mushrooms. Unfortunately, after much effort, the mushroom spores did not produce. Through this setback, students learned that the mushroom spores were not quite ready and that they needed more training on monitoring the mushrooms. Even though the project was not successful, the community is still strongly committed in trying again next year once they are better equipped with additional agriculture knowledge and plant nursery skills.

5. Fish Pond The SSC and students have begun preparations to make a fish pond in the school compound to sell fish for consumption. The initial investment includes a plastic sheet, labor, and training. The students have dug the pond, and next they will put water in the pond and source baby fish and fish food. A fish pond income cycle lasts about 2.5 months. The cycle starts with purchasing baby fish and ends with harvesting the entire pond and selling the mature fish. Baby fish are available for purchase June through September allowing for two cycles to be completed per year. Total cost of this project: Initial Investment 4M X 8M Plastic Sheet Pond Liner




Labor for digging the pond


Total Initial expense


Expenses 2kg baby fish

$20.00 ($10 / kg)

3-4 bags fish food (25-30kg/ bag)

$60.00 ($15/ bag)

5 kg chemicals-lime




Total Expenses


6. Providing Materials for Pre-School Class The objective of this project was to provide better quality teaching practices and learning materials for our pre-school students. This project was to begin in December 2010, but was delayed as two of our facilitators took maternity leave. Both facilitators returned to work in May 2011 and SSC and community members are currently working to provide the learning materials needed. The total cost is 810,500 Riel (approx. US $202) PEPY’s SAS program contributed 70% and the community contributed 30%.

7. Teacher Evaluation Each month during the 2nd quarter, each teacher’s methods are evaluated. The evaluation is conducted by the principal, who may be accompanied by a member of PEPY’s staff. The inspection focuses on effective teaching and learning (ETL) and classroom management. In May and June, teachers’ performances were better when compared to April’s, due to Khmer New Year on April 14-16. Students and teachers were given a two-week holiday, but some teachers took more time off leaving students without a teacher. In April, May, and June, teachers continued to use books to record student attendance, academic performance, scores, and accomplishments.

School Support Committee Meetings Three meetings were held in the reporting period. Nine SSC members attended the meeting for April, May and June.

Meeting topics included: nn Completed activity review nn Monthly academic results nn Planning for implementation of activities for the coming month nn Bon Phakar for raising funds nn Student marketplace nn Selecting a student representative to be a part of the SSC

Prasat Knar Primary School School Snapshot

4. Planting Trees and Cassava To improve the school’s greenery, the school set aside 220 sq meters for various flowers as well as 23 trees and 22 bushes of cassava. This project was not initially intended to be implemented in the school development plan, but after an SSC meeting, they believed there was a need to expand their garden.

Student enrollment: ......................................................................................... 579

School Support Committee Meetings

Grade levels: ............................................kindergarten – Grade 6 (12 classes)

In this quarter, the SSC has organized three meetings which focused on:

Teachers/administrators: ...............................................................................10/7 School Support Committee Members: ........................................................... 12

Latest Activities

nn Review of completed activities nn Monthly academic results nn Planning activities for the coming month nn Bon Phakar for fundraising nn Making improvements to the mushroom project nn Expanding school gardens nn Building a water supply system and water pump

1. Fundrasing - Bon Phakar Just as in Chanleas Dai, Bon Phakar was also organized in this village to raise funds to support community activities. The ceremony was put together by teachers, community members, children, and local authorities. The purpose was to share common ideas and goals to improve and support education in their community. In April, during the Khmer New Year celebration, Bon Phakar raised 530,000 Riel (approx. US$132). The SSC has decided to use the money to improve school facilities and support the school’s development plan for next year.

2. Making a Water Pump This project was not originally included in the school development plan, but SSC felt compelled to do something to mitigate the need for children carrying buckets of water to supply the restrooms with water. After a community meeting, it was decided to build an 84 meter pump that will draw water from a nearby pond.

nn The total cost for this project cost is 228,500 Riel (approx. US$57) nn The community contributed 40% = 92,400 Riel (approx. US$23) nn PEPY’s SAS program contributed 60% = 136,400 Riel (approx. US$34) nn The project started on May 5, 2011 and finished on May 8,2011, resulting in a better water supply system for the community.

3. Mushroom Growing This community followed a similar method to Chanleas Dai, and was also unsuccessful in growing mushroom spores. Prasat Knar is still optimistic and is eager to learn more about agriculture and will try again next year. Also, people in the community were so kind and supportive of this project, some community members grew their own mushrooms and brought them to the school.

Making a water pump

Hun Sen Run Primary School School Snapshot Student enrollment: .......................................................................................354 Grade levels: ........................................... kindergarten – Grade 6 (6 classes)

Strengthening Capacity PEPY’s SAS Team works to improve the capacity of teachers, principals and School Support Committee (SSC) members. These activities are SAS standard support, and thus totally funded by PEPY. This quarter, we’ve been busy organizing and delivering the following activities:

School Activities for Chanleas Dai, Prasat Knar, and Run:

Teachers/administrators: .................................................................................. 4

1. PRA Training for SSCs, Teachers, and Students

School Support Committee Members: ......................................................... 12

Training activities for the SSCs, teachers, and students take place at each of the different schools. The training took place in Prasat Knar primary school on May 25, Hun Sen Chanleas Dai primary school on May 24.

Latest Activities 1. Well Construction This activity started on March 26th and was completed on April 29th. The total budget for construction was 2,033,000 Riel (approx. $510), of which the community contributed 10% (the same amount as in the first quarter for 2011).

2. Mushroom Growing Project The SSC is preparing to make mushroom spores. They have already purchased the materials needed to make mushroom spores and grow mushrooms. The total spent on materials as $147, of which the community contributed 10%.

3. School Visit by Parents and Guardians

The training discussed topics such as: nn Last year’s problems and this year’s priority problem nn The most influential male and female community members to suggest to the school director as additions to SSCs nn Identifying exceptional students to participate in SSCs nn Identifying possible solutions to the highest priority problems nn Identifying reasons why children do not go to school nn Identifying how parents prioritize children’s education and why nn Identifying who has perceived ownership of the school in the community and why

In April, one SSC member organized a school visit, in which 5 Parents/guardians participated. During the visit, SSC members and the school headmaster presented on the progress of school activities and then visited the school compound and classrooms to observe teaching. Parents/guardians observed:

2. Provide technical support on Effective Teaching and Learning and Mathematic teaching methology

nn School activities, including children and teachers working well together in

nn Prasat Khnar: 7 visits, 5 teachers nn Run: 6 visits, 3 teachers nn Chanleas Dai: 4 visits, 4 teachers

the classroom nn School is clean and has improved facilities such as a well, a hut in which to rest, and more trees. nn Both children and teaching materials in the classroom are organized very well.

School Support Committee Meetings In April, the SSC members of Run Primary school had three meetings, each of which took place at the end of each month. There were 13 participants. The agenda for each of the monthly meetings included:

1. Monthly academic results 2. Review of completed activities 3. Discussion of ongoing activities 4. Preparation of the upcoming activities in the school development plan 5. Other items as they were raised

This quarter the technical team has established and prepared activities to provide technical support to teachers in three primary schools:

During the school visit, the technical team conducts class observation to learn about teacher strengths and weaknesses and provide feedback. Technical trainers introduce new methodologies and materials to help teachers teach in each subject and each lesson more effectively. The topic of meeting are: nn How to make and use teaching materials nn How to use open and closed questions nn Classroom Management

Since the Technical Training Team has established and implemented school support, we have seen an improvement in teaching quality. Students have been engaged and proactive in their lessons.

Supplemental Program PEPY’s Supplemental Programs are designed to enhance the government curriculum that is administered in every Cambodian government school. Our Supplemental Programs include the Creative Learning Class, Engineering Club, and English Classes that are available to Junior High School students in Chanleas Dai. The Traveling Teacher Support program provides English training and curriculum development assistance to primary school teachers at Cambodian government schools. Our Creative Learning Classes (CLC) aim to enable students to think critically, problem-solve, and express themselves through a variety of mediums while engaging in a cross-curricular program including science, social studies, and math. These CLC classes have expanded to include an Engineering Club, in which students learn how to fix laptops, build robots from legos, and create their own games. Our English classes not only actively engage students with the materials delivered by our Cambodian English teachers, but also have inspired them to take what they have learned back to their communities and lead their own English classes. Our Traveling Teacher Support program is based on the understanding that only when English teachers are supported with adequate materials and curricula, both teachers and students can reach their full potential.

Creative Learning Classes (CLC) In CLC, classes are designed to allow students to express their ideas creatively and collaboratively, as most of their other classes use rote memorization and lecture-style teaching methods. In addition to science, social studies, and math, CLC incorporates the use of XO laptops into the curriculum. This quarter students learned how to create their own email account, research information, and navigate the Internet. Students gave a presentation to share what they learned and the methods they developed for exploring the Web. Everyone used XO laptops, a learning tool equipped with activities and tools specifically tailored to engage young learners, encourage creativity, and improve logical reasoning.

Creative Learning Space (CLS) CLS isn’t a class, but rather a place where students can read books, study, do group activities, and use XO laptops in their free time. This quarter, CLS attendance was lower than average due to several seasonal factors. Many students are forced to drop out of school in April to either help out on their family farm or illegally migrate to Thailand to find work. Month












Total Daily Avg # of Students




A new activity, the “Book Writing Workshop”, was recently started in the CLS space. The workshop will take place 3 days a week for 4 hours for the remainder of the school year. Students will work together in groups to create their own story book plots, characters, and illustrations. The initial response to this new program was positive, and 60 students registered to participate. Students were eager to write about themselves and what they know and present their thoughts in a book of their own.


Problems and Solutions

The Library isn’t just a place where students can check out books. They can also organize group meetings to discuss their ideas and chat about their favorite books. As with CLS, library attendance has been lower than average recently due to several seasonal factors relating to the rainy season. As such, fewer books than average were checked out this quarter.


Grade Level

Number Student Visits to the Library March



























A lot of the classes offered by Supplemental programs incorporate many books in its lesson plan. In the past, the books were not organized well – many 6th grade level books were in 1st grade classrooms and some classes didn’t have levelappropriate reading material to offer to their students. Also, a lot of the teachers were not teaching students to care for the books. Many books were being returned with scribbles and tattered, worn out pages to the point they were unreadable. To address this issue, our Supplemental Program staff worked with the principle of the school and teachers to make sure students know how to care for the books so the next class will be able to use them.

Student Drop out Rate This is a serious problem and very hard one to deal with. Prioritizing school attendance is difficult for many families during the rainy season, as parents need as much help as they can get to tend to their farms. In addition, many parents pull their kids out of school to earn money working on other farms. To remedy this problem, PEPY staff members have conducted home visits, making the case for the importance of education, and asking that students return to school. In addition to home visits, our staff is brainstorming other ways to incentivize school attendance, such as new activities or arts & crafts projects.

Bike Program




Books checked out




Books lost




In the past, students in the Engineering Club worked with Lego Wedo Robotic Kits to build impressive moving structures. This experience inspired our students to build moving structures out of cast off items like old plastic bottles, discarded cardboard boxes, straws, and paper cups. These electric-powered moving structures are on display in the school library. This activity was so inspirational that even the librarians made their own creations.

Sarakk, our program manager, is passionately in favor of every student in the Chanleas Dai area owning a bike to ensure that students get to school safely and on time. To this end, 33 bikes were handed out to students. However, a majority of the students dropped out and never returned the bikes. The few bikes that were returned were so broken, they could not be ridden. In the future, before the bikes are handed out, students are to sign a contract stating that if the student should drop out of school, the bike must be returned. In addition, students are taught how to care and fix their bikes so that they are wellmaintained.

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