GM’S MESSAGE Dear Members,
GM Andrew Johnston
After more than a year of lockdowns, it has been heartening to see so many of you so dedicated to golf and, more importantly, Sentosa Golf Club. We are pleased and excited to see each and every one of you and we can all sympathize with the fact that the unexpected desire to play golf during this period has resulted in unforeseen challenges, as we work to meet the demands and handle record-breaking levels of rounds played day in and day out. As you attempt to book your golf game and come to the Club, the last thing you want is to experience a long waiting time out on the golf course or for your F&B back at the Clubhouse. We know you expect more. The current challenges in booking games are expected to be temporary. We will continue to use the ballot/draw system until restrictions become more relaxed. We also know that good pace of play matters to your enjoyment, and we will pay special attention to marshaling to keep all groups moving out on the golf courses. The team at Sentosa Golf Club is here to serve you and is taking significant actions to alleviate any distress and anxiety you might have. We recognize the reason you come to play golf with us is to enjoy yourself and escape. Whether that revolves around the rivalry of beating the golf course, competing with your flight mates, or just having an enjoyable walk and talk around the golf course, taking in the wonderful views and balance we have developed with nature. We know that to provide a world class experience, great conditioning delivered by our hard working and dedicated Golf Agronomy team, as well as the rest of the men and women at SGC is critical. One of our self-made inspirational tools is a quote on the back wall of the Golf Maintenance facility. This was added about eight years ago to help the SGC team identify and illustrate that, to be legendary, we must commit to excellence. We encourage the team to pass by this quote on the way out to the golf courses every day. This quote helps the team identify the commitment required daily, it does not ask why or when, and even how much? The commitment must be an unconditional hidden spirit to win at all costs. “Champions come and go, but to be legendary you got to have heart, more heart than the next man, more than anyone in the world” - Muhammad Ali. We are devoted to you our Members and Guests, and we recognize it is all about you. We want you to say to yourself as you leave Sentosa Island, ‘Wow, that was worth it!’, and go home with great memories that last a lifetime. This is why year in and year out the Sentosa Golf Club team rolls up its sleeves in every aspect of the business to find success. Success is not always measured only by revenue. To strive for perfection, to drive world class golf course conditioning and hospitality, to make our Members and Guests smile with pride is the measure of success we are looking to achieve. This is why as we bring our Food & Beverage programme and offerings back online from the most recent temporary closure, we have been working hard behind the scenes on new menus and combinations to improve your pre- and post-game experiences. If you want to be treated to one of the best bespoke dining experiences in Singapore, we invite you to make a reservation for a private dinner with Chef KK and I am certain you will leave saying to your guests, ‘I bet you didn’t know Sentosa Golf Club has such a world class culinary team.’ Excellence is not a given, it is a commitment. And the commitment to excellence must be a daily pursuit. Excellence is something we are chasing at Sentosa Golf Club. I hope we never catch it because, as long as we are chasing it, you have our word we will continue to go further, dig deeper and try every innovation, to achieve our goal of producing better course conditions and excellent hospitality all year round. As we begin to move from pandemic to endemic, we are committed to serving at the pleasure of our Members and Guests and to make sure that the experience you receive is beyond the best it can be. Sincerely Andrew Johnston General Manager & Director of Agronomy