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West Carleton


Arnprior Fair





Treatment facility plans discussed at public meeting


By DAVID JOHNSTON Special to the EMC

The history and heritage of the Ottawa River will once again be celebrated at Riverfest, scheduled for Aug. 14. – Pg. 4


The renowned Bowes brothers, including John (left) and Ed (right) Bowes, along with their father Clarence, entertain the large crowd on hand at Fitzroy Provincial Park Thursday, July 21 for a concert fundraiser. Sponsored by Waste Management, money raised at the show will go toward the CHEO Foundation. Also performing, but not pictured, are brothers Andy and Rod Bowes.

Carleton-Mississippi Mills MP Gordon O’Connor had an opportunity to see the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge off as they departed Ottawa. – Pg. 14


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Fly-In for breakfast at Carp Airport next Sunday, Aug. 7 Special to the EMC

EMC News - Feel free to drop in, drive in, even fly in for breakfast next Sunday. That morning, the Ottawa Chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) - Chapter 245 will host a FlyIn/Drive-In Breakfast on at the Carp Airport from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. – rain or shine. (Details at www.eaa245.org/) The cost of breakfast is $6 and includes bacon, egg, toast, beans, tomatoes, coffee/ tea, and orange juice. The small amount of funds raised from this annual event will go to towards the maintenance and upkeep of the chapter’s hangar and workshop at Carp Airport. However, the breakfast is also intended to encourage public awareness of sport aviation in the Ottawa area, attract new members to the chapter and to recreational flying and also as a meet and greet for pilots from the various airports in the surrounding area.

In previous years the Annual breakfast has attracted as many as 350 – 400 people for breakfast and as many as 100 aircraft from local airports all across eastern Ontario and western Quebec. The EAA is “the organization that enables people to realize their dreams of flight” and the organization is supported by local chapters located throughout Canada, the USA and around the world. Additional information can be found at www.eaa.org

Aircraft Association, is a growing and diverse organization of members with a wide range of aviation interests and backgrounds. EAA was founded in 1953 by a group of individuals in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who were interested in building their own airplanes. Through the decades, the organization expanded its mission to include antiques, classics, warbirds, aerobatic aircraft, ultralights, helicopters and contemporary manufactured aircraft.

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EMC News - A public meeting to discuss a proposed leachate treatment facility for the Carp Road dumpsite drew a handful of curious taxpayers, mostly landowners from nearby residential developments. The session was hosted Monday July 18 at the Carp Mess Hall by Waste Management (WM), which is proposing to construct a leachate treatment facility for its existing waste disposal facility and waste processing operations at 2301 Carp Road. “This facility will allow us to better manage the leachate produced from the solid waste at this site,” site manager Ross Wallace told about 20 people in attendance. “The leachate treatment facility will treat the leachate produced from the landfill prior to discharge into the city’s sanitary sewage system,” said Wallace. Treating is required to bring the leachate down to chemical levels acceptable by city bylaw. Treated leachate is piped from the site into the city’s system at rates controlled

by the municipality. Wallace says treating the leachate will allow the company to send up its maximum of 233 gallons per minute through the sanitary drain. “The proposed facility uses a single train Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) treatment process. SBRs use a proven and reliable technology that is widely used for the treatment of wastewaters. Furthermore, SBR’s are used by WM as a leachate treatment standard and are in place and successful at many WM landfill sites. The implementation of this technology will allow WM to effectively manage the volume of leachate in storage at the site, while meeting requirements for discharge of treated leachate to the city’s sanitary sewer.” At present, some of the leachate produced by the landfill is used to irrigate a 25,000-tree poplar forest on the site. However, this process can only be done about six months a year, forcing WM to store excess leachate in the base of the landfill to await processing.

More importantly, the orThe chapter hangar is located in front of the First Air ganization focused on people, hangar on the east side of the offering the opportunity to airport and can be reached make new aviation friends via the Carp Road entrance to and form relationships while the Airport opposite the Irish encouraging the sharing of Hills Golf Course. Parking is information, stories and enPhoto I by DAVID JOHNSTON Afollow U the T signs. O C thusiasm. A R The E focus & E S of EAA A C C E S S O R free. Just For more information con- is communication, through A leachate treatment plant is proposed to manage tact Curtis Hillier at 613-831- its publications, Chapter net- leachate produced at the Carp Road landfill. A pub6352 or Russ Robinson at work, websites, the annual lic meeting was held in Carp July 18 to review the convention AirAdventure and project. Waste Management Engineer Rémi Godin 613-831-2485. numerous other programs. (right) illustrates the proposed site to Ward 5 Councillor Eli El-Chantiry while WM Director of Public Affairs Backgrounder A the U T O C A R E & C C E looks S on. S O R I E S EAA, Experimental French See BREAKFAST page 3 AWayne

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August 4-7 www.arnpriorfair.com 345363-0421

Ward Office 5670 Carp Road, Kinburn, ON K0A 2H0 613-580-2424 ext. 32246 • Fax 613-580-2507 Email: Eli.El-Chantiry@Ottawa.ca City Hall 613-580-2475 • Fax: 613-580-2515 Website: www.eliel-chantiry.ca


EMC - Your Community Newspaper

Local family fights to bring home medals By KATHRYN GLYNN Staff Writer

EMC Sports - The Weston family is into heavy metal. Gold, silver and bronze that is. The family of four; Mick, Carolyn and their children Hannah, 14 and Calem, 11 have just returned from Dundee, Scotland where they competed in the GFT World Taekwon-Do Championships earlier this month and picked up some shiny souvenirs. This is the second time the family has travelled to the world championships, but the first to compete. Mick, a first degree black belt, sparred in five matches over two days with first, second and third degree black belts from Puerto Rico, Scotland, Germany and Canada. He was very happy with his silver finish-gold going to Germany. He also picked up a bronze medal in patterns and earned third place for his power break. “I made some great friends; Taekwon Do enthusiasts from 16 different countries,” he said. Hannah received silver for her patterns and a bronze in sparring but was disappointed in a silver in her jumping front snap kick. Tied with Germany at seven feet she, “second-guessed myself on my last jump and just missed my target and ended up with silver,” she said.


Shown here (left to right) are Andy Sparks, Mick, Carolyn, Calem and Hannah Weston and Ron Sparks. The Westons recently competed in the GFT World Taekwon-Do Championships in Dundee, Scotland. Calem placed with a bronze in sparring. He had hoped to do better in his patterns but was pleased to be told that he had a great kick by a black belt from South Africa. Carolyn took gold in patterns. “I had torn one of my groin muscles 10 weeks prior to Scotland and was very worried about being able to hold my side kick steady and high enough. So I was thrilled when I placed first in my rank,” she said.

She also picked up bronze in sparring and placed first on side kick board break. In all Carolyn Weston said she was, “very proud of our little family”. Extended stay Extending their overseas stay to visit family, the Westons spent a day exploring Edinburgh Castle, and searching the Loch Ness for Nessie before travelling to England. In London they fit in Madame Tussaud’s Wax

Museum, The Lion King, Tower of London, Millennium Bridge, St. Paul’s, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Picadilly and Trafalgar squares, Royal Mall and Buckingham Palace. “It was a fast and furious two weeks, but we enjoyed it all,” Weston said. The Westons are students of the Sparks TaeKwon-Do school in Constance Bay, owned and operated by Ron Sparks, a fifth degree black belt.


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They enrolled their children in the program in September of 2005 Taekwon-Do means ‘foot hand way’ and is a series of clean kicks and punches used with bare feet and hands to defend against one’s opponent. It is best known for its high jumping and spinning kicks. “That first class the kids both looked so nervous, I gave Mick a nudge and suggested he stand up there with them. He loved it,” Weston recalled. By the next week Carolyn

had donned the Dobok as well, and the whole family was participating. “It’s fantastic! It’s great physical activity and it works your brain as well,” she said. Attending the Worlds in Scotland has motivated each member in different ways. For Carolyn it means gearing up her sparring. “Speed is becoming crucial and I need to learn how to punch in the face. Sounds awful, I want to avoid them,” she said. Hannah was inspired by a team patterns event and has returned committed to work with a friend on these. Calem too was inspired. His time spent with the many black belts - many of whom were quite young and some encouraging words, “have made him feel that one day he can be as good as them,” Weston noted. “Mick, he was in competition heaven. It didn’t matter that he had bruised ribs or a severely bruised fist; he smiled from ear to ear. He is certainly pumped to attend the 2013 Worlds. The next major tournament for the family will take place July 2012 in Toronto as Master Palella hosts the 10th Anniversary Grand Master Parks Worlds Tournament. Then in 2013, The Republic of North Cypress will host the GTF World Championships and the Westons hope to make that another family affair.

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From front page

He said the proposed facility would be located south of the landfill footprint approximately 375 metres from Carp Road. Ward 5 West CarletonMarch councillor Eli ElChantiry applauded the actions of WM, informing the audience that a public meeting was not required to approve the construction of the facility. He stressed that this facility is not connected to expansion plans also under way at the site. “Having this facility on site is the most practical approach to deal with leachate that is already there,” he said. “The City of Ottawa has been trying to set up something like this at our site on Trail Road. Treating the leachate on site reduces the impact to the sewer system, so this is good news.” WM engineer Rémi Godin called the facility “an extra safeguard for the existing

process. This will help us to comply with the city bylaw for discharge.” He added that the facility is not a sewage treatment plant. “This plant has the best available technology for treating leachate. Having it on site has a positive impact on the environment.” The state-of-the-art facility involves pumping leachate from an underground storage area at the base of the landfill to four holding tanks in the facility. Then chemicals such as alum are added for phosphorus control and sodium hydroxide for alkalinity control. The procedure also has an odour control system. The entire facility will be built behind a berm designed to capture and contain any leachate that could spill from the facility in the event of a leak or malfunction. However, the leachate would not enter storm water containment systems. “Storm water drains into a pond located to the east,”

said Godin. “Storm water collected in the pond will not be released.” The facility would be accessed via the existing vehicular access from Carp Road. Ross Wallace said the facility will generate negligible traffic, consisting of a sludge removal truck once every two weeks, one delivery of chemicals every six months, and a pick-up truck each to transport workers. In questioning the proposal, neighbouring resident and watchdog of the landfill Gerry Augusta asked, “What has changed to warrant building this facility now?” Ross Wallace replied, saying, “It is simply a better way to manage the leachate on the site. It gives us more opportunity to bring our system up to the latest standards.” He added that WM has similar facilities operating at a number of other locations.

in Oshkosh Wisconsin. For the long-time aviation enthusiast and pilot, EAA has programs and activities that allow people to meet others with the same interests. If you have dreamed of flying, but didn’t realize you could participate, you are invited to learn more about EAA through their website at - eaa.org. More importantly, meet others just like you.

Today, aviation is competing with other recreational activities. Therefore, the EAA wants you to feel welcome.

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David Johnston is a freelance writer currently on assignment with the EMC.

BREAKFAST From front page

You don’t have to be a pilot or aircraft owner to be a member of EAA. You can find different ways to fulfill your aviation interest, whether it’s participating in EAA’s Young Eagles Program (with a goal of giving one million kids an airplane ride) or visiting the world’s premier aviation event. . EAA AirAdventure

Whether you are interested in building, buying or owning an airplane; seeing the world’s greatest air show performers; meeting aviation personalities; or just enjoy being around airplanes, then EAA is the place for you.

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Getting Here

Beginning at 6pm, a cash BBQ will be available at all concerts courtesy of your local youth groups. All funds will go to supporting local youth initiatives. Donations to CHEO will also be collected. Please give generously!

For more information contact: 613-580-2424 x33527 or adam.orourke@ottawa.ca


West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011 3


EMC - Your Community Newspaper

Riverfest to celebrate history of Ottawa River By PHIL AMBROZIAK Staff Writer

EMC News – History will be flowing full force at Pinhey’s Point Aug. 14. That’s the date for this year’s Riverfest, an event aimed at celebrating the history and heritage along the Ottawa River. “We want to celebrate anyone who has played a part in the river’s history, both past and present,” explained Emily Pearce, communications and marketing assistant with the city’s heritage services unit.

“It’s an event that has been held for many, many years to the point where it has become somewhat of an institution,” remarked Melissa Lansing, education and interpretation programs officer at Pinhey’s Point. “Over the years, many people have both lived and worked along the river, all the way up to today.” Among the featured activities planned for this year’s Riverfest are heritage demonstrations, games, live music and the opportunity to see the river from an explorer’s

perspective with voyageur canoe rides and to pirate a view of the Hamnett Pinhey mansion aboard tall ship, Black Jack. “There will be fun for the whole family,” Pearce said. “Heritage demonstrations will include sheep shearing, blacksmithing, lace making, leathersmithing and more. Becky Mason will also be performing canoe ballet, which should be very interesting to see, while Pinto Valley Ranch will be providing wagon rides.” The event will also include

a barbecue hosted by Scouts Canada. “This is our biggest event of the year,” Lansing continued. “While we’re still working on having different heritage tradespeople come out, it will be great for people to be able to see, learn and, in some cases, even try their hand at some of these old trades.” Riverfest celebrations at Pinhey’s Point will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost for the event is $6 per person, $10 per pair and $16 per family.

“It’s an event that has been held for many, many years to the point where it has become somewhat of an institution.” MELISSA LANSING EDUCATION & INTERPRETATION PROGRAMS OFFICER

“Most people who come to Pinhey’s Point are often in awe of just the scenery

itself,” Lansing said. “Riverfest provides them with a little something extra. The music and the ambience just make it all the more special.” For more information about Riverfest, call 613-8324347 or visit www.ottawa.ca/ museums. “There will be something for everyone and it will truly be a lot of fun for the whole family,” Lansing concluded. Pinhey’s Point is located at 270 Pinhey’s Point Rd. in Dunrobin.

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EMC - Your Community Newspaper

City offers precautions to help prevent children from drowning By Phil Ambroziak Staff Writer

EMC News – Drowning Prevention Week, which officially began July 16, couldn’t have come at a better time. With its arrival, and in the wake of a July 17 incident which saw a two-year-old boy rushed to CHEO after being pulled from a backyard swimming pool in Stittsville, the City of Ottawa has issued a series of precautions that could prevent children from drowning throughout the remainder of the summer season. “Firstly, we want to ensure people keep children and nonswimmers within arms reach while in the water,” remarked Greg Bender, a recreation supervisor with the city’s parks and recreation department. “It’s also important to always be vigilant and constantly supervising, especially if you have a big pool, if you are at the beach or at the cottage. According to information provided by the city, among Ontario children age five years and under, drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death. Two-thirds


Youngsters such as these two should always be supervised by an adult when swimming in a pool, at the beach or at the cottage. The City of Ottawa recently issued a series of swimming safety tips that should be adhered to by swimmers of all ages. of these drownings happen to those who never intended to get wet in the first place. Unattended toddlers are especially at risk of drowning because they are mobile and very curious.

“One thing we’re recommending is if you’re ever having any type of get together at the pool or such, is that you designate an adult as an official supervisor. You can take turns, rotating every half-hour

or so, but it is essential to always have an adult supervisor on hand.” The city also encourages children and adults alike to take swimming lessons. “It’s a lifelong skill and activity,” Bender said. “We also encourage people to learn CPR and First Aid.” It’s also suggested that one always have a personal flotation device when in a boat or a watercraft. And, if you have a swimming pool, it is essential to install four-sided fencing around all pool, measuring at least five feet or 1.5 metres high and including a self-latching and self-closing gate. “And, with it being so hot outside this time of year, it’s important to always drink lots of water and to stay hydrated,” Bender noted. “You should also practice sun sense by ensuring you stay out of the sun and have plenty of sunscreen. If you follow all of these tips, you should have a safe and happy summer.” For more information on drowning prevention, call 3-1-1 or visit www.ottawa.ca.

Humane Society full after two weeks EMC News - Two weeks after moving into its new facility, the Ottawa Humane Society (OHS) was full. During that period the OHS took in 531 cats and 175 dogs. “We moved into our new building June 23. By July 11, we’d reached our capacity for cats,” said Bruce Roney, OHS Executive Director. “In the first two weeks we admitted an astounding 34 per cent more cats and 66 per cent more dogs than the previ-

ous year.” The new facility is designed to accommodate more animals annually, but on a day-to-day basis, it is currently operating at maximum capacity. This was not unexpected. “New shelters generally experience an increase in admissions when they first open; however, we understand that it normally occurs after two months. It was a surprise when we were full in two weeks,” said Roney.

There are many reasons that people give up their pets, according to Roney, but it boils down to irresponsible behaviour that results in animal homelessness and overpopulation: not spaying/neutering; no identification such as collar/tag and microchip; inappropriate pet choices for owner lifestyle; and not meeting the physical needs of the animal for food, water, shelter and veterinary care. “The number of animals

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Light Rail On Track By Jim Watson This month I am very pleased to tell you that on July 14th City Council voted unanimously to adopt a realistic and affordable light rail plan that meets our $2.1 billion budget. People have told me time and again that it’s time we stopped the dithering on light rail on got shovels in the ground. This new plan does just that, and in a way we can be proud of. Let me highlight some of the major improvements with this light rail plan: We have chosen a new tunnel alignment that is significantly closer to the surface and runs under Queen Street. The shallower tunnel accomplishes two very important things. It reduces the risk of cost overruns and also reduces the estimated cost for the entire project to the original price tag of $2.1 billion even after inflation is factored in. This is great news for our taxpayers who have, understandably, worried about costs. With this new plan, we will also be able to acquire a fixed-price contract that puts the responsibility on those building the tunnel to get it done on time and on budget. This Council is making good decisions to ensure the financial security and operational ability of the light rail project. We intend to have shovels in the ground by 2013 and the first trains running from Blair Rd. through the downtown tunnel to Tunney’s Pasture by 2018. Building this light rail network in Ottawa is the single biggest city building project undertaken since the Rideau Canal and it’s imperative that we do it right.


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This first phase is the most important one because we are building the foundation that will allow for expansion to the west, east and south as our city continues to grow.

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admitted is a sobering reminder of the need for the Ottawa Humane Society in the first place,” said Roney. “We still have work to do in our community, and education is the key.” For families considering adopting an animal, the summer can be a good time to integrate a new pet into the home. Photos and profiles of animals available for adoption are also available on the OHS website www.ottawahumane.ca.

Mayor’s Report

With this new and improved light rail plan, Ottawa is on the right track and that’s something we can all be proud of.

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Jim.Watson@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011 5

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11-07-07 3:00 PM

ottawa scene CONCERTS NKOTBSB, featuring New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys, hits the stage at Scotiabank Place Aug. 4 at 7:15 p.m. Tickets available online at ticketmaster.ca Roger Daltrey will perform The Who’s iconic rock opera Tommy in its entirety at Scotiabank Place on Sept. 28. Keith Urban comes to Scotiabank Place Sept. 9 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets available online at ticketmaster.ca The legendary Jeff Beck is in concert Oct. 16 at 8 p.m. at the National Arts Centre. Tickets available online at ticketmaster.ca

Fifty Plus Ballroom and Line Dancing is held 1-3 p.m. Mondays/Fridays at the RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Dr. 613-731-8366, 613-7366206.


The Ottawa Little Theatre presents Agatha Christie’s Spider’s Web July 19-30. For tickets call 613-233-8948. The Classic Theatre Festival presents The Fourposter at the Mason Theatre, 13 Victoria St. from Aug. 5-28. Jan de Hartog’s comedic chronicle of a marriage performed by some of Canada’s top theatrical talent at the Classic Theatre Festival, Ottawa Valley’s only professional summer theatre company.

The Brookstreet Hotel’s Options Bar is offering live music Friday and Saturday nights. Local entertainment performs Friday from 8 p.m. to midnight and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 p.m. There will be no live music during the month of July but Tyler Kealey will perform on the Options Bar Patio every Wednesday from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. The Options Bar, (Brookstreet Hotel), is located at 525 Legget Dr. in Kanata. Visit www.brookstreet.ca. The Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival takes place July 23 to Aug. 5. Festival will feature 97 events, 300 artists and 75,000 avid fans. For tickets, visit ottawachamberfest.com or call 613-2346306. The event is the winner of seven Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for the Arts. Meet the Folkers at the Ottawa Folk Festival from Aug. 2528 at Hog’s Back park (corner of Riverside Drive and Heron Road). For tickets, visit www. ottawafolk.com



Scottish Country Dancing: 7:30 p.m. Mondays at various locations. Instruction provided, no partner needed. For more information, call 613729-6198.

The Ottawa Humane Society Auxiliary meets at 1:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month at the Parkdale United Church, 429 Parkdale Avenue (between Wellington


EMC - Your Community Newspaper

Street and Gladstone Avenue). Please call Diane BartlettFraser at 613-836-1492 for more information. The Sound of Light competition, an international competition, takes place Aug. 6-20 during various nights at the Casino du Lac Leamy. For information, visit www.feux. qc.ca

MUSEUMS The Canadian Museum of Nature presents Extreme Mammals from June 3 to Nov. 6. From the largest land mammal, to the smallest, to the just

plain weird, Extreme Mammals explores the surprising and often extraordinary world of extinct and living mammals. For more information, visit www.nature.ca The Missing Lives exhibition takes place at the Canadian War Museum until September. This exhibition consists of more than 40 images by renowned British photographer Nick Danziger. The images are masterful and moving. The Study of Hands is on at the National Art Gallery May 20 to Aug. 21. This installation drawn from the NGC’s

collection comprises over 60 works of art, including photographs, prints, drawings, and paintings by Canadian and international artists. Highlights include works by Frank Carmichael, M.C. Escher, Loni Leibermann, Lisette Model, August Sander, Gary Schneider, Joyce Wieland and the School of Giulio Romano. Caravaggio and His Followers in Rome explores how one brilliant and temperamental artist changed the course of art history in a career that spanned less than two decades. Five years in the making, the exhibition brings together a dozen of Caravaggio’s masterpieces with more than 40 paintings by the great artists who looked to him for inspiration. Exhibit is on at the National Gallery of Canada until Sept. 17. It is organized by the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa and the Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth. Come explore the uneasy and evolving relationship between warfare and the medical profession over 150 years, from the Crimean War to contemporary conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Through hundreds of powerful artifacts and striking images, War and Medicine exhibit at the Canadian War Museum will highlight the personal experiences of medical practitioners and their patients in war. Show runs until Nov. 13.


Pretty, Ugly, Art exhibit is on at the Patrick John Mills Gallery, 286 Hinchey Ave. from July 7 - 30. Participating artists include Lily Butter, Drew Edwards, Mathieu Laca, Michèle LeCourtois. Shannon Lee, Patrick John Mills, Zaneta Pernicova, Bruce Stewart, Lorena Ziraldo. Featured sculptor is Deborah Arnold (June - July). The Exposure Gallery at 1255 Wellington St. is hosting The Ancient Tea Horse Road, a photographic exhibit by Jeff Fuchs until Aug. 9. The Urban Art Show takes place July 23 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Park at Elgin and Gilmour streets, across from Jack Purcell Community Centre, in Ottawa’s lively Elgin Street district, This fine show features local art and craft at its best. Don’t miss your chance to buy great art directly from over 60 friendly neighbourhood artists! The Ottawa West Arts Association (www.owaa.ca) presents “ Sizzling Summer” July 9 Sept. 9. Experience a heat wave of colours when visiting the OWAA gallery to view new hot artworks from local artists and fill out a People’s Choice ballot of your favorite work at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex, 1500 Shea Road, Stittsville. Complex is open 7 days a week 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friends of the Farm presents Art on the Farm Aug. 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the NCC, Driveway and Maple Drive. Enjoy viewing some wonderful art.

What ’ s Happe ning This W eek Local event happening over the coming weeks?

Free to non-profit organizations.

6 West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011


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COMMENTARY Don’t catch this wave


Sensei Greg McPherson of Therien Martial Arts in Stittsville is an expert in the fine art of the push-up. He, along with Sensei Rogan Ferguson of Manotick have each pledged to do 20,000 push-ups by Sept. 6 in a fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. To date, McPherson has raised more than $2,000.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Kindness to strangers is alive and well

Adam and Ella Mohr Stittsville

DEAR EDITOR: On Wednesday, July 13, while out for a walk, my wife and I were caught in a downpour and took shelter at the old railway station on Abbott Street in Stittsville. Shortly after, a cyclist also took cover from the deluge. As we wondered how we would get home, he took out his cell phone and called his daughter. Within minutes, she appeared in a minivan and drove us home. This unselfish act toward complete strangers deserves public recognition. We are truly thankful and appreciative for this generosity and wish to thank Jim Narraway and his daughter Teal. We in Stittsville are truly fortunate to have such caring citizens living among us. Jim’s parting words to us were “pay it forward.”

Councillor offers thanks for Love Kanata event DEAR EDITOR: I would like to thank Pastor Keith MacAskill and the more than 40 volunteers from the Bridlewood Community Church of the Nazarene for the Love Kanata event on Wednesday, July 20. It was my pleasure to meet with the many volunteers and attendees at the event to express our love for Kanata. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful neighbours! Thank you for all your work to make our community a place to celebrate. I look forward to joining you at future events. Sincerely, Allan Hubley, Councillor Kanata South

EMC Editorial - When it comes to our weather, be careful what you wish for. Those of us who griped about the cool, damp spring may likely be the same people complaining about the unprecedented heat wave that struck all of Ontario and beyond this month. But while we may also want to poke fun at those complainers at times, the oppressive heat and humidity is no joke for those who may already have a pre-existing condition. Area health units tell us everyone can be at risk – especially when the mercury hits 35 Celsius with a humidex reading of 47. But the elderly, people with chronic illness, infants and preschoolers need to have as limited exposure to the elements as possible. The following tips are provided by the Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit but applies whether one lives in the heart of the city or in the valley. The list includes: • not leaving children, adults or pets in parked cars or sleeping outside in direct sunlight, • consulting one’s doctor or pharmacist regarding the side effects of one’s medications, • drinking plenty of water and 100 per cent fruit juices throughout the day, even if one doesn’t feel thirsty. Remember to take sips often and not to guzzle your drink, • eating foods that have high water content such as watermelon, grapes and oranges, • avoiding drinking alcoholic beverages, coffee and cola, • avoiding going out in the blazing sun or heat when possible. If one must go outside, stay in the shade as much as possible. Plan any necessary outdoor activities in early morning or evening, • whenever possible going to an air-conditioned room or building, including shopping malls and libraries, • wearing a wide-brimmed hat outdoors, • keeping window shades or drapes drawn and blinds closed on the sunny side of the home, • keeping electric lights off or turning them down low, • taking a cool bath or shower periodically or cool down with cool, wet towels. • visiting a local pool or beach – check for postings at http:// www.healthunit.org/water/test/beach_results.htm • wearing loose fitting, light clothing, • avoiding eating heavy meals and using the oven, • avoiding strenuous outdoor physical activity. While the mercury is no longer in record territory, based on the summer to date the same issues could arise at anytime. Take care out there.

A camping we will go, whether I like it or not EMC Lifestyle – Nothing says summer like a threenight stay at an Ontario Provincial Park. Yes, I can safely say I’ve finally come to enjoy camping. I say “finally” for a couple of reasons. The first being the fact I’d never been on a fullfledged camping trip until three years ago and the second being that my very first camping experience was nothing short of a disaster. I’m not entirely sure why I’d never been camping. It seems it was a family tradition for most people I know to pack up the tent and the sleeping bags and head off into the backwoods for a oneof-a-kind brush with nature. I suppose my family wasn’t big on tradition. Either that or, because my dad’s career as a soldier required him to spend countless weeks on end “living” in a tent, he was


quite content just to stay home whenever time allowed for it. As a youngster, the closest I ever came to camping was whenever my brother and I would set up our family tent in the backyard or when my best friend’s dad would set up his tent trailer in his driveway and allow us to “camp” there for a night or two. While both were unforgettable experiences I will cherish for the rest of my days, they never really captured the true essence of camping. My first true camping trip, which took place during the


57 Auriga Drive, Suite 103 Ottawa, ON, K2E 8B2 613-723-5970 Published weekly by: Record News Communications, A division of Performance Printing Ltd. V.P. of Publishing: Duncan Weir *ÕL Ã iÀ\ÊÊ iÊ/À>VÞ mtracy@perfprint.ca

summer of 2008, was also unforgettable. Unfortunately, it’s unforgettable for all the wrong reasons. In fact, it was an experience that almost turned me off camping forever. My wife is one of those individuals who would regularly go camping during her youth. It was a summer ritual she wanted to continue ever since we met and she simply couldn’t believe I’d never been camping in my entire life. In spite of her continual efforts to convince me it would be fun, it wasn’t until I was reunited with the same

ADVERTISING SALES: Sales Co-ordinator: Carly McGhie 613-688-1479 cmcghie@perfprint.ca DISPLAY ADVERTISING: Barry Silverman 613-688-1484 Emily Warren 613-688-1478 i ÃÃ>Ê/ Õ iÞÊÊȣΠÈnn £{n Michael Price 613-688-1486 Geoff Hamilton 613-688-1488 Valerie Rochon 613-688-1669 Jill Martin 613-688-1665 âÊ7> ÊÊȣΠÈnn £ÈÇÓ Mike Stoodley 613-688-1675 Nathan Kair 613-688-1652

friend whose family owned the aforementioned tent trailer that I finally decided to give it a try. We planned a joint camping adventure with my family and his and, seeing as he was the most experienced, I left the major planning details to him. Sometimes what looks good on paper, however, doesn’t always translate so well in real life. When it came time to embark on our adventure, we found ourselves packing two vans full of camping gear and supplies, not to mention our three children and his (at the time) two and setting off on a close to three-hour drive to a provincial park known as Silent Lake. Keep in mind; I am still innocent and somewhat naïve to the rigours of camping at this point in time. Upon arrival, I quickly experienced a baptism of fire when it was

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES: Sharon Russell 613-688-1483 ADMINISTRATION: Crystal Foster 613-723-5970 PRODUCTION: 613-723-5970 ottprepress@thenewsemc.ca EDITORIAL: Managing Editor: Ryland Coyne rcoyne@perfprint.ca Ãà V >ÌiÊ ` Ì À\Ê/ iÀiÃ>Ê À Ìâ ȣΠÈnn £ÈÈÇÊÊÊÌvÀ ÌâJi V > >Ì>°V> Associate Editor: Jake Davies ȣΠÈnn £{Ç{ÊÊÊ `>Û iÃJÌ ii V°V> Column/Feature Writer: Jeff Maguire ivvÀiÞ° >}Õ ÀiJÀ }iÀðV

Member of: Ontario Community Newspapers Association, Canadian Community, Newspapers Association, Ontario Press Council, Association of Free Community Papers

discovered the site we’d reserved was a “walk-in” site. This meant we had to park our vehicles and walk a good five minutes or more to our designated campsite. This, of course, translated into several trips to and from our vans as we carried what seemed like an endless supply of coolers, camping gear and other really heavy items. It wouldn’t have been so bad had it not been for the sweltering heat, swarms of mosquitoes and the rough terrain (including numerous tree roots sticking out of the ground, a bridge and a hill) we had to endure during our back-and-forth trek. Once we were settled in, things were actually okay … for a while. Unfortunately, my friend’s wife began to feel under the weather and, aside from daily trips to the beach, there really wasn’t much for us to do until it grew dark and

REPORTERS: Ottawa West: Diane Sawchuk 613-688-1473 dsawchuk@theemc.ca "ÌÌ>Ü>Ê- ÕÌ \Ê > ViÊ/ iÃÃi ȣΠÈnn £{ÇxÊ Ì iÃÃi JÌ ii V°V> Nepean/Barrhaven: Steph Willems 613-688-1477 swillems@theemc.ca Ottawa East: Sabine Gibbins 613-688-1655 sgibbins@theemc.ca Orleans: Charelle Evelyn 613-688-1654 cevelyn@theemc.ca > >Ì>É-Ì ÌÌÃÛ i\Ê* Ê LÀ â > ȣΠÇÓÎ x ÇäÊÊ«> LÀ â > JÌ ii V°V> Kanata/Stittsville: Sabine Gibbins 613-688-1655 sgibbins@theemc.ca Arnprior/ WC: Kate Glynn kglynn@theemc.ca


we could sit around the campfire shooting the breeze. The icing on the cake came a few days into the trip when we planned to cook hamburgers for dinner. We just finished cooking the food when the sky suddenly opened up and we were hit with an intense rainstorm. Our dinner was ruined, drenched by the deluge that seemed to come out of nowhere. We scrambled into our respective tents as quickly as possible. As I got out of my wet clothes, I quickly discovered our tent was flooded. Amidst a barrage of curse words more powerful than the sudden downpour, we cleaned up the mess as quickly as possible and tried to get some sleep. By this point, I officially declared “camping sucks.” Little did I know; it would get See CAMP page 8

UÊ `ÛiÀÌ Ã }ÊÀ>ÌiÃÊ> `ÊÌiÀ ÃÊ> `ÊV ` Ì ÃÊ>ÀiÊ>VV À` }ÊÌ Ê the rate card in effect at time advertising published. UÊ / iÊ>`ÛiÀÌ ÃiÀÊ>}ÀiiÃÊÌ >ÌÊÌ iÊ«ÕL à iÀÊà > Ê ÌÊLiÊ >L iÊ for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount charged for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to negligence of its servants or otherwise... and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount charged for such advertisement. UÊ / iÊ>`ÛiÀÌ ÃiÀÊ>}ÀiiÃÊÌ >ÌÊÌ iÊV «ÞÀ } ÌÊ vÊ> Ê>`ÛiÀÌ Ãi i ÌÃÊ prepared by the Publisher be vested in the Publisher and that those advertisements cannot be reproduced without the permission of the Publisher. UÊ / iÊ*ÕL à iÀÊÀiÃiÀÛiÃÊÌ iÊÀ } ÌÊÌ Êi` Ì]ÊÀiÛ ÃiÊ ÀÊÀi iVÌÊ any advertisement.

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EMC - Your Community Newspaper

Local club sets sail for another season By PHIL AMBROZIAK Staff Writer

Every Tuesday $11 per person


sociated with these things, but our trainers are certified by the Canadian Yachting Association,” Desrochers said. “At most other clubs, you have to be a boat owner. Our club allows you to learn and have fun on the water without specifically having to invest in and maintain your own boat. We have a fleet of about two dozen vessels of different types.” While lessons were expected to begin July 23 and run until the end of August,

Desrochers did indicate enrollment has been a little slow because of the summer vacation season and there could still be an opportunity for those looking to sign up a little later than usual. As of Aug. 1, cost for a family membership to the club will be $225 while single memberships will run $175. For more information, visit www.kanatasailingclub.com or email ksc.membership@ gmail.com.


covered each individual glow stick was held within a hard plastic casing by, you guessed it, Scotch tape. So, here I am in the dark, getting eaten alive by mosquitoes trying to peel off a tiny piece of Scotch tape from each package of glow sticks before I can use them to illuminate the campsite. Soon, glow sticks of every shape and colour were littered about the entire perimeter of our site. It looked ridiculous and didn’t really do much to solve our initial problem. By now my temper has reached an all-time high … just in time for a couple of park rangers to walk by with their flashlights and see me standing outside the tent in, what my wife likes to refer to as my “tighty whities” (although they were in fact boxer shorts) with dozens of multi-coloured glow sticks scattered around. What a revolting development it was.

Come the following year, my wife once again brought up the camping as something we could do during our summer holidays. Of course I was steadfast against it, but like any good husband, all of my ranting and raving soon turned into simple compliance. This time, however, we stayed close to home and booked a site at nearby Fitzroy Provincial Park. Much to my surprise, the experience was like night and day compared to the previous year. We only stayed three days, just enough time to have fun without growing too irritable. The weather also co-operated with us the entire time and I quickly learned this was what camping was truly all about.

Submitted photo

For more than 30 years, vessels have been sailing from the Kanata Sailing Club. The club recently began training sessions for the season, proving it to be a great option for long-time sailors and newcomers alike.

Pick up Location Departure Smith Falls: Beckwith St at Russell 10:15 AM Perth: Perth Mews 10:40 AM Carleton Place: Barons Motor Inn 11:05 AM Kanata: Centrum Staples 11:30 AM Casino Arrival: 12:00pm Casino Departure 5:00pm

Return 6:45 PM 6:20 PM 5:55 PM 5:30 PM


EMC News – It may be small, but it has a lot of heart. For more than 30 years, the Kanata Sailing Club, which currently boasts close to 120 members, has served as a haven for long-time sailing enthusiasts and beginners alike. Located at 1610 Sixth Line Rd. near Shirley’s Bay, the club is a membership-driven organization that offers a challenging experience for all who take part. “It’s a little club – it’s not as large as some of the others in the area,” explained John Desrochers, the club’s membership director. “Mem-

bers who join are offered training and, recently, we held an open house in the hopes of enticing a few more people to come out while the weather is still nice. We simply want to offer people an enjoyable time on the Ottawa River.” While a fee of $325 is required to cover all costs associated with sailing lessons, the club does offer the added bonus of providing boats to its members. “There is always a cost as-


From page 7

worse. The rain soon stopped, but I could not sleep … probably due to a combination of anger and discomfort. Later that night, my wife and I thought we heard an animal rustling around outside. Concerned because we’d left our sopping-wet hamburgers nearby in our efforts to escape the rain, we thought we’d better investigate. Upon exiting the tent, I was immediately attacked by the swarms of mosquitoes, which most of you probably know seem to triple in numbers at nighttime. Nevertheless, I managed to find my way through the darkness to the picnic table and quickly had my hands on a bag of glow sticks. Getting them out of the wrappers was easy; the hard part came when I dis-

I hope there will be a chance for us to do it again before the summer is out. Camping really can be a fun-filled experience no one should be denied.

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EMC - Your Community Newspaper

ADHS reunion draws near

Arnprior Fair aims to be biggest in Valley By THERESA FRITZ Associate Editor

EMC Events – The biggest fair in the Ottawa Valley is only one week away. The 157th Arnprior Agricultural Society Fair will take over the fairgrounds on Galvin Street from Thursday, Aug. 4 to Sunday, Aug. 7. As always, the event is shaping up to provide a ton of family fun, entertainment and of course shine the spotlight on local agriculture. “It is just going to be an amazing event,” said agricultural society director Lynn Grinstead. “Last year we had record numbers through the gate and it is because of that we could make this year’s fair bigger.” One of the reasons the fair can lay claim to being the biggest in the Valley is the fact it will have more rides than any other around. “We will have a minimum of 14 rides,” explained Grinstead. Some of the fair’s returning favorites will include agricultural exhibits, team penning, dairy, beef and 4H shows. Also returning is the very popular demolition derby, which draws in major

crowds to the fairgrounds. The lawn tractor pull will also be back. “Scott (Rancourt) puts a lot of effort into organizing the demolition derby,” Grinstead noted. On the musical front, attendees will get to take a trip back in time as 1980s rock/ new wave band Platinum Blonde headlines on the Friday night. The Juno Awardwinning band was inducted into the Canadian Music and Broadcast Industry Hall of Fame. Some of the string of hits fair-goers will be able to hear include ‘It Doesn’t Really Matter’, ‘Standing in the Dark’, ‘Not in Love’ and ‘Sad Sad Rain’, to name but a few. Grinstead recalled she saw Platinum Blonde play at her college in 1984 and had her photo taken with them. She plans to bring the photo with her to the show. “They have great songs,” she stated. Opening up for Platinum Blonde will be local band Gamut. Other concerts during the fair will be put on by local bands Just Two Guys and Carvalho. The Thursday night lineup, introduced last year to

EMC Events - They are coming from far and near to the Almonte District High School reunion July 30 at the Almonte Community Centre. According to registrar Steve Rooney, guests are expected from all over North America, with the furthest registered so far visiting from Victoria, B.C. and the southern U.S.A. Former students of Almonte High School from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s will be gathering. The theme of the Reunion is ‘Years of Glory...Almonte High in the Sixties’. Alumni will gather at the school in the afternoon for tours of the old school building, the threestory structure dating back to Tait MacKenzie and James Naismith in 1874. They will enjoy a look at the new gymnasium with its huge display of trophies and championship banners going back to the early 1950s. Alumni will reminisce about the glory days of Almonte track and field, when the ‘Orange and Black ‘would fill six buses full of contestants for the county track and field meet. The arrival of the “Almonte Armada” would be greeted with groans of disbelief and resignation from the other Lanark County high

rave reviews, returns this year with the truck and tractor pull. For children and animal lovers, the Bowmanville Zoo’s exotic animal show returns with a larger collection of animals. Grinstead said the zoo will also be bringing a baby big cat and people will be able to have their photo taken with the animal. There will also be a Kids’ Amazing Race. The Lunch Box – Deal or No Deal returns for kids with a bicycle as a grand prize as well as bingo on the Sunday afternoon of the fair. “It will be a cash prize bingo but we need people to participate to run it,” Grinstead emphasized. The Sunday will also feature the strong man competition. “I’m very excited about the fair. It is just going to be an amazing event,” Grinstead concluded. She urged everyone to support the Arnprior Agricultural Society’s efforts to continue providing a community fair that offers something for everyone. Please see a future edition of the EMC for a complete and detailed fair lineup.

schools. In the evening, alumni will gather for cocktails at the Almonte Community Centre at 6 p.m., with a hot sit-down meal at seven. There will be a program of welcome and reminiscence after dinner, followed by an evening of dancing to the music of

The Heartbeats, a widely-known rock and roll revival band. People are able to register for this event electronically through the Almonte District High School Alumni Association, or by calling Terry Currie at 613-839-3439.

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GettinG to Know wildlife Motherhood for Squirrels is a demanding Job

By Donna DuBreuil,

President, OttawaCarleton Wildlife Centre


The female squirrels that were seen resting on the fence rail at the Wildlife Centre during June were looking pretty tuckered out. It was no wonder, after caring for up to five babies over the late winter and spring months. The eastern Grey Squirrel has her babies as early as March and in our climate that presents a real challenge. The female must find a secure spot when her newborn babies are only as big as your thumb and subject to be preyed upon by crows. The typical tree nests or dreys afford no protection at that time of year due to the lack of leaf cover. A second litter is born in July and August when the weather is less harsh but still female squirrels are looking for safe spots, such as a soffit or shed that offers protection

from predators and the elements when babies are most vulnerable. There are fewer babies born during the summer. We speculate it is because they are born to adults who were themselves born late in the season the year before. The care of the young is the sole responsibility of the mother, and she is very devoted. We would sometimes get calls from people concerned about squirrels with hair loss. When it was confirmed that the hair loss was around the squirrel’s shoulders and upper back, we were able to assure people it was quite natural. Mother squirrels will pluck their hair and use it to line the nest as warm insulation for tiny babies. You can always tell a mother squirrel with ‘teenagers’ because her hair will have started to come back in and the short new growth will often be a different shade. It appears that

the squirrel is wearing a dark ‘vest’ with lighter ‘pants’. Most likely the squirrels you see around your property at this time are females with babies close by. Trapping and relocating adult squirrels is never humane as they don’t do well in a new territory. It is also a death sentence for the babies that are left behind to suffer and die of starvation. The babies mature quickly; developing hair by three weeks. Their eyes open by four weeks and by nine weeks, they are venturing out of the nest with mother. By 12 weeks they are quite independent although the summer litter will often den with their siblings over the winter. If squirrels have taken up temporary residence in a soffit or attic, once they leave in mid to late September, you can do the animal-proofing. Check out the website below for detailed help.



West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011 9


EMC - Your Community Newspaper

New Fall/Winter Recreation Guide now online EMC News - The city’s new Fall/Winter Recreation Guide is now available and can be found at ottawa.ca/recreationguide. The city is going green with this year’s Recreation Guide by no longer printing the guide, which will end up saving an estimated 600 trees each year as well as eliminating printing and distribution costs. The online Recreation Guide is an easy-to-use

interactive resource which contains a wealth of sports, fitness, recreation and creative programming for all ages. Programs are divided into separate PDF files that allow easy access to the specific areas of interest. Online users can find, view, share and e-mail any pages or sections. Public access computers, available at Ottawa Public Libraries and at some city recreation and other government facilities, are also an option

Councillor’s Corner ELI EL-CHANTIRY

for viewing the guide. Visit your local recreation and culture facility where customer service staff is available to help with selecting programs, registration and



Fantastic Foundlings Believe it or not, this is the best time of year for the avid gardener. When most of the big box garden centres are literally folding their tents, bargains abound. Forget the annuals, look in the dark corners or back lots of the nursery for scruffy little perennials or shrubs that most people overlook because they are not perfect. Three years ago we found a pile of 2 gallon perennials with a sign saying 2 for $5.00 In that pile we found a neglected Genista and a Tamarisk that at first glance looked dead. On closer inspection we could see that the Tamarisk was sending out tiny new shoots despite being terribly pot-bound. Three years later we have a Tamarisk that is five feet tall and full of candy floss pink blossoms. The Genista with it’s quirky domed branch structure was just a cascade of brilliant yellow flowers. Not too bad for five dollars. Most nurseries have deep discounts at this time of year. Don’t be afaid to ask the staff where the deals are. Take it from me, a lot of the best deals go home with the employees. Just because the plants looks a little scruffy or have some browned off leaves, doesn’t mean they are not viable. Take home an orphan and give it some care and you will be amazed at what nature provides. I have paid premium for perfect and it’s understandable when you want instant impact in the garden but if you think long term and want beauty on a budget, look for a few foundlings. If you have any gardening questions contact us at info@floraldesignlandscaping.com Submitted by Gord Knights – Manager, Floral Design Nursery

answering questions. Facility brochures will also be available online or can be picked up at the centre. Ambush performing at Fitzroy Provincial Park on July 28 The last concert in the popular Concerts in the Park series at Fitzroy Provincial Park is taking place on July 28 with Ambush performing. There will be a cash barbecue beginning at 6 p.m. and the live entertainment starts

at 7 p.m. All funds from the barbecue will go toward local youth initiatives. Bring your lawn chair and your dancing shoes. It will be a great evening of entertainment and I hope to see you there. For more information on the event contact Adam O’Rourke at 613-580-2424 ext. 33527. OPS recruiting auxiliary volunteers The Ottawa Police Service is now accepting applications for Auxiliary Policing volunteer opportunities. The Auxiliary Police Project is a volunteer program, intended to enhance community based policing by providing an opportunity for citizens to participate and volunteer with law enforcement. Auxiliary Police

volunteers will provide a complementary service to the sworn officers by assisting officers while under constant supervision. Auxiliary Police receive training to conduct duties such as delivering crime prevention programs, searching for missing persons, foot patrol, community policing functions and other routine non-police officer duties as assigned. The deadline for application submissions is Aug. 31, 2011. Applicants must be 18 years or older, possess a high school diploma, live in Ottawa, be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, be of good moral character, meet a minimum general fitness level and pass a background clearance check. To complete an application visit ottawapolice.ca.


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7th Annual

Pet Adoptions

Capital Pre-Season Challenge

August 12-13, 2011 Four game minimum Separate levels from Initiation to Midget (1994 to 2006) Teams of 7 to 10 skaters and a goalie Continuous flow 4-on-4 hockey with loads of excitement # 4025 Gwen D/S/H Spayed female 2 years

# 3970 Lily D/S/H Spayed female 9 months

# 4006 Cassie D/S/H Brown tabby w/ white 9 months

We would love for you to meet # 4041 & 4042 WILL & KATE Will & Kate were born in one of the shelter’s foster homes, they are now ready to find a home of their own. They are adorable kittens with great personalities. Both kittens are very sweet, they are well socialized and easy to handle. They enjoy running, playing and climbing and are very active. They are affectionate and very friendly. Will & Kate are at the Pet Valu in Arnprior for viewing. The shelter would like to place this adorable pair together and would be willing to reduce the adoption fee. They will make wonderful companions.

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Quebec team dominates fourth Gil Read memorial event EMC Sports - The weather was perfect, the crowds were impressive and for an all-star team from Quebec so were the pickings! The Quebec Seniors rolled over most of their opponents to easily win the fourth annual ‘Gil Read Memorial Men’s Fastpitch Tournament’ in Carp last weekend. The Quebec tournament team is comprised of players from Donnacona Blue Sox (Quebec City area) and other clubs from the province including Quyon Combat Flyers who

play in the local league. They claim $1,800 cash for their exertions in Carp! It’s been a productive summer for the Quebec Seniors. They were runners-up in a tournament at Cambridge, Massachusetts the previous weekend and they won a competition at Au Sable Forks, New York (near Lake Placid) played July 8-10. At Au Sable the Quebecers defeated Carp 14C Victory in the final. Playing as Donnacona many of the winning players in Carp this past

weekend were also champions at the prestigious Jim Bradford men’s fastball tournament in Cobourg, Ontario in June. Sunday afternoon the Quebec squad blanked Napanee North Key Junior Express 6-0 to capture the Gil Read tournament trophy. North Key was one of two sides from the Lake Ontario community entered in the competition. The champions didn’t lose a game in the 10-team event, winning three and tying one to lead the B Pool standings. They then won their

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semi-final contest 10-1 over Fitzroy Harbour West Carleton Electric of the Greater Ottawa Fastball League (GOFL), easily qualifying for the championship game. The Quebec side scored a total of 60 runs in six games on the weekend. They used offence to overwhelm their opponents in the absence of their top starting pitcher Francis Leclair. He was unavailable to play in Carp. Napanee North Key made it to the final after compiling a 3-1 mark in the B Pool. Their only round-robin setback was a 14-8 defeat at the hands of the Quebec Seniors Saturday morning. In the semi-finals

North Key downed previously undefeated Kars Aces from GOFL 8-5 to make it to the title game. North Key claimed $700 for finishing as runnersup in Carp. Kars, the defending GOFL champions, was a perfect 4-0 in the A Pool, posting the best record in the preliminary round of the event. All funds raised during the annual competition go to the Gil Read Memorial Foundation which assists underprivileged children in the Ottawa area who wish to play organized sports. This is the second year the tournament was held at Carp Fairgrounds and,

assisted by ideal summer weather, it is expected to be the most successful yet (watch for a future story in the EMC on the outcome of the venture). Six of the seven teams in GOFL took part in the Gil Read memorial with Kars and Fitzroy WC making it to the semi-finals. Quyon (Quebec) Combat Flyers, who won the 2010 event in Carp, didn’t enter this year. But several of their top players were in the winning Quebec Seniors’ line-up. Quyon is undefeated in GOFL play so far this season! See Read page 13



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From page 12

Among GOFL teams entered, Fitzroy WC Electric went 3-1 in the A Pool while host Carp finished 2-2. In the B Pool Barrhaven Broadway Blues finished 2-1-1 while Ottawa Blitz (known as Taylor’s Blitz for tournament purposes) was 1-3. Stittsville 56ers, the last place side in GOFL this season, were an uninspiring 0-4 in Carp. Also in Pool A Napanee Shoeless Joe’s Express finished 1-3 while Cree Nation Bears were 0-4. Local West Carleton fastball fans had to be impressed by the performances of both local sides. Fitzroy made it to the semi-finals before losing to the eventual champions from Quebec. Carp, meanwhile, was a highly competitive 2-2. In Pool A action Fitzroy WC outscored Carp 8-5 in the tournament opener Friday night. Saturday Electric edged Napanee Shoeless Joe’s 4-3 before taking it on the chin 9-0 versus Kars later in the day. Sunday they outlasted Cree Nation 11-10

to make the playoffs. After losing to rivals Fitzroy Friday, 14C Victory shut out Napanee Shoeless Joe’s 9-0 and blasted Cree Nation 9-1 in action on Saturday. Carp fell out of the competition Sunday with a 6-2 loss to GOFL rival Kars. Until 2010 the tournament, which is named in memory of Gil Read a long-time coach from the Ottawa area who died tragically in 2007, was played at Carlington Park in west-central Ottawa. Facility rental costs skyrocketed in the city proper, however, prompting the organizing committee to seek another venue. They settled on Carp Fairgrounds, hoping to attract more fans and increase revenues. As mentioned all proceeds from the competition go to a charitable foundation established in Gil Read’s name. The money assists children, who could not otherwise afford the cost, to play competitive sports. Last year’s tournament in Carp was a complete success. The foundation received nearly $10,000, almost double the profit from 2009.

The tournament’s namesake, the late Gil Read, led three men’s teams to the Canadian championships in 1993, 1995 and again in 1999. He also coached Team Ontario to gold medals at the 1997, 2001 and 2005 Canada Summer Games. For the youngest players in particular, last weekend’s Carp competition served as a warm-up for the upcoming Junior Nationals. That tournament will take place in Napanee Aug. 8-14. Anyone interested in the Gil Read tournament or those wishing to make a donation to this worthwhile cause can reach Al Read by telephone at 613-435-3199. Or they can call Chris Read at 613-292-7379 or contact him by e-mail at thereadfamily@ rogers.com. For additional information on the tournament and the Gil Read Memorial Foundation, visit the tournament website: www. gilreadmemorial.com. (Watch for a wrap-up story on the 2011 tournament in a future edition of the EMC!)

Jon Brunette Memorial Golf Tournament goes Aug. 6 By THERESA FRITZ Associate Editor

EMC Sports – Get ready to tee it up for a worthy cause. The ninth annual Jon Brunette Memorial Golf Tournament is set for Saturday, Aug. 6 at Carp’s Irish Hills Golf and Country Club. Tee off for the tournament is at 1 p.m. and the tournament is a fundraiser for the Jon Brunette Memorial Fund. The Memorial Fund was established to honour the memory of Jon Brunette who lost his life in a snowmobile accident on March 17, 2003. Jon played his minor hockey in the WCMHA system (1990-1998)

and with the Ottawa Valley Titans (1998-1999). He then played three years with the Arnprior Packers Jr. B Hockey Club. The tournament is also in loving memory of Malcolm Brunette, father of Jon and Eric Brunette, who passed away in August 2007. This is the only fundraiser we do for the fund,” explained Jon’s mother Val Brunette. “We usually have between 20 to 25 teams of four.” The money raised goes to sponsor a player from West Carleton who plays for an Ottawa Valley Titans team. The money goes directly to help pay for the registration

fees. As well, the fund sponsors the year-end fun day for the Initiation program (4-5 year-old players) for the West Carleton Minor Hockey Association. Even though he died at the tender age of 20, Jon Brunette did do a bit of golfing himself. The cost to play in this year’s tournament is $320 per team ($80 per person in advance) or $90 per person at the door and the fee includes 18 holes of golf, green fees and golf cart as well as a barbecue buffet dinner. To register, contact Val Brunette at 613832-1346 or e-mailv.brunette@xplornet.com.

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West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011 13


EMC - Your Community Newspaper

Local MP has honour of bidding farewell to royal couple By PHIL AMBROZIAK Staff Writer

EMC News – It was a responsibility of royal proportions. On Saturday, July 2, Carleton-Mississippi Mills MP Gordon O’Connor was tasked with bidding farewell to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (Prince William and wife Catherine Middleton) as they prepared to board their plane to continue their Canadian tour, a visit which began in the nation’s capital June 30.

“My wife and I had a chance to meet them as they were preparing to leave Ottawa,” O’Connor confirmed. “It was my duty to introduce them to the line of VIPs on hand and to officially say goodbye to them as they boarded their plane.” The MP went on to explain that, in major cities such as Ottawa, a Member of Parliament traditionally welcomes royal visitors in this manner while another minister sees them on their way at the conclusion of their stay.

“In this case, (Ottawa West-Nepean MP) John Baird was there to greet them and I was the one to say farewell,” he said. During their time in Canada, the royal couple was scheduled to visit eight cities before departing the country on July 8. These included Ottawa; Montréal; Québec City; Charlottetown, P.E.I.; Summerside, P.E.I.; Yellowknife and Calgary. They also paid a surprise visit to fire-ravaged Slave Lake, Alberta. The recent visit was Prince

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William’s third to Canada, having been here in 1991 and 1998. It was the first visit to Canadian soil for the duchess. Past encounters While O’Connor is likely to never forget his brush with royalty, it’s not the first time he’s had an opportunity to meet members of the royal family. “We also had a chance to meet the Queen and Prince Philip when they were in Ottawa last year and, years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Prince Charles,” O’Connor remarked. O’Connor, who currently

serves as chief government whip and minister of state, served more than 30 years in the Canadian military. Prince Charles, he said, is the honourary colonel in chief of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, the minister’s former regiment, which is now based in Petawawa. It was during his time in the military that O’Connor met Prince Charles. He said it’s been an honour each and every time he’s met someone from the royal family. “My wife and I were quite honoured to meet the young couple,” he continued. “They were both very charming

people. When we met the Queen and Prince Philip, it was a little different because we met them at Government House; spoke with them there and then proceeded to the airport. This time, however, the duke and duchess came to the airport from a special function, so our time with them was shorter.” The MP concluded by expressing how much his wife likes the Queen and the entire royal family, reiterating how honoured they were to be on hand for the farewell ceremony. “It was an honour and quite a pleasure,” he said.




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Carleton-Mississippi Mills MP Gordon O’Connor can be seen chatting with Prince William (far left) while the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine Middleton can be seen mingling with O’Connor’s wife Carol and others prior to the royal couple’s departure from Ottawa July 2.




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14 West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011





EMC - Your Community Newspaper

It took a lot for Father to come apart at the seams Mary Cook’s Memories BY MARY COOK

his impatience. It was a blistering hot day in the middle of the summer. Father had spent several days mowing hay. It had been raked, stooked and left in piles around the fields. Then the stooks were forked onto the big flat bottomed wagon and pulled into the barn yard by the team of horses. The wagon was drawn up on the side of the barn where a small door opened near the roof, and the horses untied from the wagon. Through a combination of pulleys, and one rope hanging loosely down from the little door in the barn, a hay fork hung. One horse was hooked up somehow to these ropes holding the hayfork, hay was clamped from the pile on the wagon, the horse ordered to move ahead, and the hayfork full of hay was slowly raised up to the little door opening into the hayloft of the barn. It was Everett’s job, since he was the oldest of the brothers, and certainly the most dependable, to stay in the hay mow and once the fork full of hay was eased into the loft, a

rope was pulled, opening the hayfork releasing the hay. Everett had to keep moving the hay to the back of the loft, continually making room for what was still to be hauled up off the wagon. It was when Father and Everett were heading back to the field that day, with the team for more loose hay, that the trouble began. Emerson and Ronny were supposed to be raking up any hay that had fallen off the wagon and make it ready to be hauled up into the hayloft when another load was returned. Queenie, the old nag that was used to pull the hay off the wagon and into the loft, with this series of ropes and pulley was almost asleep in the heat of the day. Well, no one knows if it was Emerson’s idea or Ronny’s. But they thought it might be fun to ride the hay fork up into the hay mow while they waited for the next load to come from the field. One would straddle the fork, and the other would urge old Queenie to walk back and forth, hauling the one on the fork upwards. Neither lad considered that their bodies were much heavier than the soft hay. Emerson thought he should be the first to go since he was the oldest. He straddled the fork lift, and Ronny nudged Queenie awake, and taking a hold of

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her bridle urged her onward. Emerson got about three feet off the ground, when the pulley left the framework of the barn, the ropes snapped, and the whole operation came to a pile on the ground. Well, that was the day Father lost his patience! Really lost his patience. He looked at

the pile of ropes and the fork, Queenie chewing the hay that had yet to be raked into a pile, Emerson and Ronny were nowhere to be found, and you didn’t have to have a university education to know what had happened! I was watching from the cement pump stand where I was playing jacks, and I saw

Father stand and look at the mess for a full five minutes. Then he took off his old straw hat, flung it to the ground, and proceeded to jump up and own on it until it was as flat as a pancake. He let out a slew of swear words in German – and this time they were mixed in with a few choice ones in English.

My View From Island View


So I was giving some thought this week to the sport of fishing. I have never really fished before. In fact, I have always been of the mind that it is a lazy, boring waste of time. How can anyone just sit in a boat for hours with a line in the water hoping to catch a little itty bitty fish? And this is not a cheap sport to boot. By the time you buy a boat, motor, rod, reel, worms and your beverages for the weekend, those little fish are no longer free. In fact when you add it all up, one small fish could be worth upwards of $200! So to my horror, in the last few weeks I found myself accepting an opportunity to go fishing. I did wonder what had I gotten myself into? I decided, I will go but I am going to bring my book (Ice Bound: A Doctor’s Incredible Battle for Survival at the South Pole) and a nice soft cushion for my bottom. Practice was my first lesson. My teacher set me up with everything I needed, taught me how to cast and then left me alone. When I felt like I had the hang of it, off we set for the prime pickerel location. Apparently this is a VERY special spot and I am NOT to divulge this location to anyone. After trolling for about an hour, I did indeed get a bite. I expected my teacher to grab the rod from my hands and bring it in for me but NO. With patient guidance, the teacher talked me through escorting this fish right to the net and low and behold, there stuck on my hook was a 10 lb. pickerel! The teacher was speechless...the teacher was without words, but best of all, the teacher gave me a high five with one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen. Having no basis for comparison, I did ask if this was a BIG fish and apparently it was not big at all but more in the


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MONSTER category. Well... I must tell you, I am hooked! For those of you who know what it’s like to eat fresh fried fish within 2 hours of catching it, you will know exactly why I am hooked! The calm and stillness of the water before sunset mixed with the adrenaline rush of each bite is almost impossible for me to grasp. I crave the solitude, silence and simplicity of this special place by the water that only a select few people know about. I feel so blessed to be able to experience this. When I got back to Island View, I shared my story with the residents and in return I received admiration, fun teasing but most of all I received their excellent fishing stories. One of our residents used to serve on a mine sweeper during peace time in the 1960’s. One day the boat was anchored just off shore. Bored with nothing to do because most of the crew were asleep, he went into the kitchen, grabbed a chunk of beef, a meat hook and a long strap. He put all this together to form a crude piece of fishing equipment and proceeded to catch a shark! Pulling the wild beast up with the winch, he almost had it when the clever fish decided to spit out the hook and swim free. Upset, his officer couldn’t understand how stupid he could be trying to fish for shark with out a barb on his hook! Eric Bartlett was one of our residents who sadly passed away in the spring. His fishing tale is completely different and I would like to share it with you. His son, Ian, gave me

permission to share his story: Not only was Dad an avid fisherman, he was also an expert swimmer, life guard and swimming instructor as well as a certified diving instructor. This was all fine until the military decided to combine his skills as an ammunitions and explosives expert with his proficient underwater diving experience. During the FLQ crisis in the late 1960’s Dad was assigned the delightful task of inspecting all of the underwater piers and foundations for all of the bridges crossing the Rideau Canal. This was a security measure to prepare a safe passage for Queen Elizabeth when she visited Canada for Expo 67. How is that for the ultimate fishing story! Fishing, for explosives, during a Canadian political crisis. So what did I discover from my fishing experience? Well...I realized I was dead wrong about fishing! I learned how to just be in a quiet place with the teacher, sharing time and space in a little boat on one of the most beautiful lakes you can imagine. I discovered the peace that can come from just being and not always having to exchange words. Because sometimes a high five and a big smile are all you really need.

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EMC Lifestyle - My sister Audrey said it was a blessing none of us could understand German. Because when Father was provoked, really provoked, he let off a slew of swear words we all knew he wouldn’t repeat in English! Now, it took a lot to provoke Father. Mother said he was the most patient man in the world. The endless job of cleaning out the barns, milking the cows twice a day, and feeding the pigs, never got a complaint from Father. He was one to keep his feelings to himself. But when he got provoked, really provoked, we all knew what would happen. On more than one occasion, for instance the time the cows broke down the fence in the barn yard after he had spent three days putting it up, he walked over, never said a word, but bit the stem of his pipe right in half. We knew then, he was really provoked. He never took it out on the cows, though. He just set to work rebuilding the fence, which took another two or three days. Yes, he sure was a patient man, just like Mother said he was. But he could lose his patience when it came to Emerson’s or Ronny’s pranks, although then he did little more than chew on his pipe, and shake his head. But one day, that wasn’t enough to satisfy

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album, “Contact”, in which Friday, August 6 4:00 Steffl - 10:00 drummer Chris erpmwas replaced by Sasha Tukatch. Saturday, August 7 Though unsuccessful in the 8:00 am – 10:00 pm states, “Contact” was still a August hit in CanadaSunday, in 1988/89, but8 9:00 am – 2:00 pm not as much as their previous releases. It had sold 100,000 copies without a tour or promotion other than music videos for “Fire”, “Connect Me” and “If You Go ThisTime” but the band had decided to leave their label after the cancelation of a major world tour in 1989, renaming themselves The Blondes for one last release, 1990’s “Yeah Yeah Yeah” on their own label, Justin Entertainment. By 1990 the band had decided to venture into solo projects and Platinum Blonde was no more until mid 1999, when former members Mark Holmes and Sasha Tukatsch toured with fellow Vertigo/ No.9 member Dave Barrett to promote the release of “Seven Year Itch (1982-1989)”, the


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band’s greatest hits compilation, and their No.9 indie release. The following year Sasha Tukatch was replaced by “Juice” (formerly of LimbLifter) and in 2001 & 2002 the band toured Canada once more, to promote “Are You Sitting Comfortably?”, an 11 track album comprised of new and re-recorded No.9 material due for release in Fall 2002. This material was unfortunately not released until 2007 but five former members of the band have performed a charity concert in Toronto on the 28th of December 2003. “Are You Sitting Comfortably?” was eventually released as a solo album by Mark Holmes in 2007 and in 2010 the original members of the band re-united in celebration of the induction into the Canadian Music and Broadcast Hall Of Fame, minus bassist Kenny Maclean, who had unfortunately passed away in Toronto


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Who are Platinum Blonde? Platinum Blonde are a Canadian new wave rock band that had several hit singles and albums in Canada from 1983-1988, their most popular single being the platinum hit “Crying Over You”. Founded by Manchester (England) native Mark Holmes in 1982, the trio had emerged from the Toronto club scene in 1983 with hit EP “Six Track Attack”, a recording produced by the world famous David Tickle that was later expanded into the Double Platinum “Standing In The Dark” LP. By late 1984 the band had invaded the airwaves in Canada with four hit singles, their Juno nominated “Standing In The Dark” and “Doesn’t Really Matter” music videos obtaining high rotation on the newly created Much Music, Canada’s national music video network. They had graduated from clubs to the country’s largest arenas within a few months of the release of “Standing In the Dark”, creating near riots at several venues including their free concert in Nathan Philips Square in Downtown Toronto in 1984. In 1985, the band released the Quintuple Platinum selling album “Alien Shores”, within a year of the release of “Standing In The Dark”. This album featured the addition of a fourth member (ex-Deserter Kenny Maclean) and the introduction of a harder sound but their fans remained and the album yielded hit after hit, four including “Crying Over You” and the Billboard charting “Somebody Somewhere”, their first and only American hit. The success of this album allowed the band to headline their own “Alien Invassion Tour” of Canada, one of the most successful tours of Canada by a Canadian artist in the eighties. But having been introduced to American listeners with “Somebody Somewhere”, the band was now eyeing the American market, changing once more their look and sound for their third

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EMC Events - The 157th Arnprior Agricultural Society Fair takes place August 4, 5, 6, 7 at the fairgrounds located off Galvin Street. Fun starts on Thursday night with the Midway all day and the popular truck and tractor pull in the evening followed by “Just Two Guys” from Arnprior entertaining on stage. Friday night will host an exciting night of 80’s music with the hit band Platinum Blonde performing on stage at 9:45pm.



Platinum Blonde to perform at Arnprior Fair Admissions:




signs to the Sales Centre. Hours: Mon-Thu 11am-6pm; Weekends & Holidays: 12-5pm; Closed Fridays. Note: Prices and availability are subject to change. E.&O.E.


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August 4 – Thursday Admissions:

August 6 – Saturday

Thursday: Midway All Day Midway $5 gate admission PLUS a nonperishable food item for the Arnprior food bank! Truck and Tractor Pull 7:00 pm Friday: Team Penning 12:00 - 4:00 pm, FREE! Entertainment – Just Two Guys 8:00 pm 4-H Beef Show All Other Times: Lunchbox Deal or No Deal (8-10) August 5 – Friday Adults Before 5:00 pm- $8.00 Bowmanville Exotic Animal Shows Midway All Day After 5:00 pm- $10.00 Bowmanville Exotic Animal Shows 12:30, 2:30 and 4:30 pm Children Circus Delights Under 6 years old- FREE! Entertainment – Gamut 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm Ages 7 to 12- $2.00 “Amazing Race” (ages 10 – 13) Headline Entertainment Parking Demo Derby – Platinum Blonde 9:45 pm – 11:30 pm Parking is $2.00. Please note that there is limited handicapped parking. Entertainment – Carvalho

Gate Times:




All Day 9:30 am – 4:00 pm 10:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30, 2:30 and 4:30 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 9:30 pm – 12:00 am

Thursday, August 5 4:00 – 9:00 pm Friday, August 6 4:00 - 10:00 pm Saturday, August 7 8:00 am – 10:00 pm Sunday, August 8 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

WATERFRONT LAND Renfrew, Arnprior or Kanata commuters! Build your dream home here on this 3.94 acre property on the Beautiful MADAWASKA RIVER.

Valley Wide Real Estate 194 Daniel St. S., Arnprior







Spacious all brick 4 bedroom, family bungalow. Fishing, Boating, Golf & Skiing all here to Clean & Tidy, 3 bedroom home, easy rear Wood floors, main floor family room, formal dining Enjoy! Comfortable home, walkout lower yard to maintain, 2 car garage/workshop. room, generous sized & beautifully landscaped level, c/air, attractive decking.MLS#796472 MLS# 793338 property. MLS#801473 $ $ $

613-623-7303 Mike & Donna Defalco YARd sAle uNdeR the teNt & iN the GARdeN CeNtRe


Executive brick bungalow on attractive landscaped property. This home shines from top to bottom, a pleasure to view. MLS#798034 $

Sales Rep/ 613-979-2601 Broker 613-623-2602


Call Mike or Donna Defalco 613-623-7303/884-7303




Hard to find, 235 FEET OF BEAUTIFUL SHORELINE, excellent for young families, grandchildren, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, plus 2 bunkies. $



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236 Madawaska Blvd., Arnprior


ED Sale EXTEND , to Saturday July 30!


August 7 – Sunday

August 4, 5, 6, 7!




The Biggest Fair In The Ottawa Valley!


Midway Free Breakfast (with admission) Sunday Worship Service Bowmanville Exotic Animal Shows 4-H Dairy Show Team Penning Bingo Lawn Tractor Pull Strongman Competition

All Day

Thursday: 10:00 – 11:30PLUS am a nonperishable food item for the Arnprior food bank! $5 gate admission Friday: 11:30 am 12:00 - 4:00 pm, FREE!

12:30, and 2:30 12:00 pm All Other Times: Adults 9:30 am – 4:00 pm Before 5:00 pm- $8.00 1:00pm– 4:00 After 5:00 $10.00pm 1:00 – 4:00 pm Children 1:00 – 4:00 pm

“House Specials” • Fine Canadian • Italian • Chinese Food

Fair Gates Open:

Thursday, August 4 4:00 pm Friday, August 5 1:00 pm, Saturday, August 6 10:00 am, Parking Parking is $2.00. Please note that there isSunday, limited handicapped August 7parking. 10:00 am Under 6 years old- FREE! Ages 7 to 12- $2.00

Fair Admissions:

Fair Concessions:


Family Friday: 12:00 – 2:00 pm, $2 All Other Times: Gate Times: Adults Before 5:00 pm- $8.00 After 5:00 pm- $10.00 Poutine Queen Fries, Ken’s BBQ, Children Under 6 years old- FREE! AgesThursday, 7 to 12- August $2.00 5 Wanna Wafel, Scentsy Wickless 4:00 – 9:00 pm Parking Candles, Greenfield Homes, Fun Factor, Friday, August 6 Parking is $5.00. Please note that there 4:00 is limited parking. Papa Dee’s Ice Cream, Milano’s Pizza, ……. - 10:00 handicapped pm

129 John St. N., Arnprior

fully licensed

613-623-0344 • 613-623-8946

Saturday, August 7 8:00 am – 10:00 pm

194 Daniel St. S., Arnprior


Sunday, August 8 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Valley Wide Real Estate

Donna Nych




Heather Kennedy & Mike Labelle Sales Representative

Mike & Donna Defalco

Jenn Spratt



Sales Rep/Broker



Bruce Skitt

Sales Representative


JENN SPRATT 613-623-4846


50 ACRES jUST OUTSIDE OF TOWN Confederation log home with horse barn, groomed trails and log cabin in the bush. MLS#797815 Call Jenn


MCgONIgAL bRICK FARMHOUSE AVAILAbLE NOW Large 5 bedrooms 3 baths. Outbuildings and Absolutely spotless - classy decor. Impressive yard attached workshop/garage. Available now with outstanding perennial gardens. Call Jenn. $ $ MLS#791395 Call Jenn 245,000 329,900 Yours for only

MIKE LABELLE 613-797-0202

SATURDAY, jULY$499,500 30 2-4PM









MIKE & DONNA DEFALCO 613-623-2602

Beautifully maintained A-frame on half acre. Screened sun room, 3 bdrms, lrg family rm, detached garage, paved drive. Mins. to lake, $ golf, ski hill. MLS#799088 289,900




Town of Arnprior - residential building lot.




Executive subdivision offers this wonderful WATERFRONT HOME, just 35 minutes west of Bayshore. 4 bdrms, 3 baths, lrg rm sizes, walkout LL, landscaped property. www.thedefalcos.ca Call Mike or Donna Defalco 613-623-2602/623-7303

Town of Arnprior - commercial vacant land downtown.




This bungalow living space can accommodate many family sizes. Recent upgrading, private rear yard, 2+2 bdrms ,gas, c/air. MLS#798031. Call Mike or Donna Defalco $ 613-623-2602/623-7303

Call Mike or Donna Defalco 613-623-2602


ONLY $349,900

Enjoy all seasons. 3 level home offers walkout lower level, bdrms & baths on each floor, a great entertaining property. Excellent boating. Swimming & fishing. $ MLS#793644


WATERFRONT Furnished 3 bdrm 2 storey home w/200 ft frontage on lake, tiered walks & decks to lakefront gazebo, boat incl. Located in 4 season resort. $ MLS#781169 495,000


6 plus acres. Golf course near by. Attractive residential area.



17 Buscomb Way, Calabogie. Tastefully maintained home on Calabogie Lake w/107 ft shoreline, views of surrounding hills, close to ski hill, golf, ATV/hiking trails. So much to enjoy all year! MLS#780748






4367 Calabogie Rd. Set like a jewel on the Madawaska River known as “Sonnet Harbour”. Elegant master bdrm & ensuite w/private balcony, gracious living & dining areas, cathedral ceilings, hardwood flrs, 4 season sun room, newly built family room w/separate entrances. MLS#787541








DOCHART ESTATES 4 bedrm 3 bathrm stone bungalow on a beautiful 2 acres lot. Pride of ownership is evident in the impeccably kept home! MLS#792986 Call Jenn $429,900

HEATED WORKSHOP/GARAGE Premium landscaped property on the edge of town, 3 bdrm bungalow, 1.5 baths, woodstove. MLS#780610




2 bdrm raised ranch, generous sized lot on Colin Street. Main floor laundry, double garage offers access to LLl, c/air, c/vac.



DONNA NYCH 613-623-7836 NE



74 Johnston St., Arnprior (Sandy Hook) – Enjoy those hot summer days sitting by the pool or relax in the bright air conditioned home. 2+1 bdrms. A Good Home! MLS#789454


NEW PRICE 30 Hugh St., Arnprior – Solid 2 bdrm home needs some updating but very live able! MLS#791075 $


2884 White lake Rd., White Lake - A delightful 1+bdrm Post & Beam Home in amongst the trees at White Lake. MLS#788720 $








1793 Calabogie Rd., Burnstown – 2+1 bedroom bungalow w/full walk-out lower level & built of ICF Construction. This is a well built home on a clean $ body of water. MLS#787624 535,900

223 Wesley.3 bedrm with 1 bedrm apt in good condition with improvements. Detached garage/workshop. Across from fairgrounds and river.Great neighborhood. $ Call Bruce Skitt 225,000

103 Hayes St., Braeside - Immaculate, Overlooking The Ottawa River. Terrific View. Wraparound Cedar Deck, Double Sided Gas Fireplace Master Bdrm To Living Rm., $ 379,900 4 Bdrm. Mls#781697 Call Bruce Skitt

114 Campbell Dr., Arnprior – minutes from the 417 for an easy commute to Ottawa! 3 bdrms, 1.5 baths. MLS#796945 $




200 Poole St., Arnprior - NEW POOL & NEW BACKYARD, triple brick completly renovated, private fenced & landscaped lot. Inground pool, patio, deck. Barn style heated workshop w/lots of power. Bright & spacious w/4bedrooms & 3 baths. You won’t be disappointed! MLS#787523 Call Bruce Skitt $















BRUCE SKITT 613-769-3164


63 7th Avenue, Arnprior, A Great Family Area With Ball Diamonds, Playground & Beach Within Walking Distance.2 Levels Offering Ample Living Space.Deep Lot.Eatin Kitchen With Access To Side Deck.Family Room And Den On Lower Level. Mls#785652 Call Bruce Skitt $194,900

18 West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011



215 Daniel St., Arnprior - large, functional, Solid & comfortable residence. Two entrances off of daniel. Could easily be converted to a number of uses. Excellent visibilty! MLS#790970 Call Bruce Skitt $


Looking for privacy,waterfront,and nature on your doorstep then this is it!Completely natural 4.8 Acres with 200 ft on banner creek with access to madawaska river.Year round and well built with walkout lower level. Very bright and spacious.Entirely hidden from road.Many updates.Footings in for large deck.Hardwood flooring and ceramic tile flooring.Very unique setting.Under 20 minutes to $ arnprior. Mls798449




Kanata_5.125x7.75_Jul25_fin_EMC - July 25 25/07/11 1:35 PM Page 1

E t s

u g u

D e

h T e

v a S

e t a


e invite you to experience and enjoy all that The Royale has to offer. Please join us for our upcoming events.

Thursday, August 4th Ice Cream Social 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Monday, August 15th

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Tuesday, August 30th Wine Tasting & Food Expo 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

RSVP at 613.592.6426 Call us today for a personal tour and complimentary gift*


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ts n ve

West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011 19

Check out these 8 Listings!

4367 Calabogie Rd.


Set like a jewel on the Madawaska River known as “Sonnet Harbour”. Elegant master bdrm & ensuite w/ private balcony, gracious living & dining areas, cathedral ceilings, hardwood flrs, 4 season sun room, newly built family room w/separate entrances. MLS#787541



OPEN HOUSES SatUrday, JULy 30 2-4PM ce

Someone You can Trust... www.joneill.ca

GALE REAL ESTATE 591 March Road Kanata, Ontario



this week in

John O’Neill Sales Representative

BUS: 613-270-8200 DIRECT: 613-294-5184 RES: 613-832-2503



107 Williamson St., Fitzroy Harbour - 2 bdrm bungalow in “The Harbour”. Recently sided & insulated, Large lvg rm, eat in kitchen, 2 generous sized bdrms. Covered porch at rear, private lot. Oversized single car garage. A great place to call home. MLS#800293






1048 Madawaska St CALABOGIE - Renovated waterfront . Family room with air tight wood fireplace, den with propane fireplace, dining room & eat in kitchen. Second floor balcony with gazebo - gorgeous view of Calabogie Lake. Detached heated workshop, 2 storage sheds. Newer shingles, newer windows, newer siding. Convection heat. MLS 786274

74 Richards Lane, Arnprior - Renovated 2 bdrm mobile on Lake Madawaska. Newer windows; roof & insulation 2004; siding 2011; flooring 2011; attached covered porch, detached workshop heated & insulated. All appliances incl. Immediate occupancy. MLS#800739



Mill Ridge Road, Arnprior - 5 acre lot, fully fenced, driveway installed. Flat open area at front. The lot gently slopes up to a naturally treed area at the rear. Excellent building site. MLS#801604


Tastefully maintained home on Calabogie Lake w/107 ft shoreline, views of surrounding hills, close to ski hill, golf, ATV/hiking trails. So much to enjoy all year! MLS#780748




17 Buscomb Way, Calabogie.


4402 Limestone Rd OTTAWA - 4 bedroom , 2 bath side split on 2+ acre lot. Quiet cul de sac. Lots of upgrades incl windows, furnace, roof, baths, siding, electrical, septic. Main floor den and family room, large lvg rm, eat in kitchen. Unfinished basement. Original kitchen cupboards. Detached garage/workshop. MLS 795486


173 Turners Rd ALMONTE, - 1880’S stone home 48 tranquil acres. Country style kitchen, formal lvg rm, 3 large bdrms. Pine floors thruout. outbuildings - box stalls for horses. Within 20 minutes of Kanata. Possession date subject to pending severance. Furnace 2007, 200 amp service, oil tank 2001, newer windows upstairs, drilled well 2007 MLS 794675

wa ter

3944 Farmview Rd OTTAWA - Virtually new, never lived in 3200’ sq ft bungalow on a 9 acre naturally treed lot. 4 bdrm, 3 bath open concept home with cathedral ceilings. Pine, slate & ceramic floors, extremely large principal rooms, all new stainless appliances. Covered front porch, 2 decks on rear. Full, partially finished basement offering an additional 3200 sq ft of living space - walk out. Man made pond in front yard. MLS 796268

Mike Labelle Sales Rep Valley Wide Real Estate, Brokerage 194 Daniel St. S., Arnprior

613-623-7303 (24/7) CELL PHONE 613-797-0202

499 6th Conc. Pakenham - 71 acres naturally treed - sugar maples to the rear of the property, driveway installed, lots of excellent sites to build your dream home. Wildlife abounds. Survey on file - the property is Zoned Rural. Lockbox on gate. MLS#800275


$169,000 $169,000

613.253.4253 Carleton Place 613.622.7759 Arnprior 613.422.6757 Kanata

Perth: 613.267.8066

Ottawa: 613.422.6757 TF : 1.877.251.8672


www.century21explorer.ca EN OP

Melanie Ferguson* C: 790.9131

Lee-Ann Legault* C: 294.2440




SAT & SUN JULY 30 & 31, 12-4 PM $397,000 197 Country Lane. New 3 bdrm, 2 bath bungalow on estate lot minutes to Carleton Place. AngelaJohnstone.com

$209,900 Snowbirds? Retirees? Home, business? Consider this spacious 2 storey townhome with pretty, private yard. Handy location close to downtown & bonus riverview. Sharon












Bill Cheffins* C: 250.9900

Ian McNeely* C: 229.4899

$279,900 Find peace & tranquality at this

$284,900 Stately Victorian w/covered front

bdr 2 bath. Come see for yourself. For more info call Melanie 613-790-9131

verandah 10’ ceilings, huge kitchen w/eating area & dining rm. Private yard. Call Angela 613-227-2869. Click Angela Johnstone.com

beautiful 3+1 nearly new country home. Ideally located between CP & SF. Easy commute to Ottawa. www.marieshaw.ca

$89,900 LOT 4 Stonewood Dr. 1 acre building

$329,000 7606 Hwy 15 Doaba Grocer & Gas

$429,900 Prospect area. Looking for peace

$239,900 Come home to Perth & this spacious 3+1 bdrm bungalow in Perthmore. Plenty of curb appeal, mature trees, fenced backyard. Call today! www.marieshaw.ca

lot in sunset woods. (off 8th line Beckwith) Nat. gas under ground services, covenants apply 613-913-9915 macdonaldrowe.com

$206,900 10 Spicer. Great 3 bdrm., 2 bath townhome in family neighbourhood. Lower level finished, main flr. bdrm. loft. Call 613913-9915. Click MacDonaldRowe.com

Marie Shaw* C: 292.0964

***Broker of Record **Broker *Sales Representative

20 West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011



$879,900 Country Estate on 100 acres. Exquisite stone home. Amazing kitchen. Huge heated garage. Superb horse barn. www.3310-countryroad10.com. Margaret 613-323-4903

bar. Great location w/more houses being built. 2 bdrm & den apt for owner occupied. Call 613-913-9915 or www.macdonaldrowe.com

and quiet, no neighbours and 9 acres, this is it! 4 beds, 3 bath home. Call Peter for all details. 613-451-0000.

$227,500 Move-in condition – 10 min. from Carleton Place. Finished basement, 3 bdrm, 2 acres, most appliances, garage option. Call Mike 613-253-5741

Buy or Sell and receive Air Miles

Sharon Bare* C: 316.8000

Heather Anka* C: 227.2652




Keith Hawn* C: 304.6167


SATURDAY JULY 30, 2-4 PM $219,900 Spacious end unit town home. 3


$399,000 16951 Hwy 7. Minute east of Perth – what would you like to see here? Email your response to marie.shaw@century21.ca




$329,000 3 bdrm bung. Mississippi Lake. Hrdwd main level, lower level walkout, tiled w/infloor heating. Spectacular view of lake from 2 level deck. This is your chance for a waterfront home.

Mike McCue* C: 253.5741

$274,900 163 Down St. 2+1 bdrm., hi-ranch in central Carleton Place. Fenced yard, above ground pool, carport. LeeAnn 613-294-2440.

Danette Hanneman C: 720.4430 *

Margaret Burniston C: 323.4903**


MacDonald-Rowe*** C: 913.9915

®™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne,Inc. and Century 21

Angela Johnstone C: 227.2869 *


this week in




RIVERVIEW REALTY LTD. Each OfficE indEpEndEntly OwnEd and OpEratEd 61 GORE STREET EAST, PERTH 613-267-2221



email: info2@remaxriverview.com INTERESTED IN A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE?

Rebecca Wissler ASA Broker


Al Jonkman

Jennifer Glazier

Sales Representative

Sales Representative




Rick Palmer

Sales Representative


Bridget O’Flaherty

Sales Representative


Randy Cavanagh

Sales Representative


Demi Thompson

Sales Representative


Kelly Blair

Sales Representative






All units are 2 bed, ensuite, main bath, open plan concept, single garage, deck, fenced yard, fully rented and no maintenance issues. $695,000 Please call for further information. Rebecca: 613 264 9481


Sweet 3 bed bungalow with natural shoreline on Tay. Dining area, bright kitchen. Main floor laundry space. Efficient little house- many updates, cozy wood fireplace. Detached single car garage. Great place for nature lovers and gardeners. $174,900. Call Bridget: 613 264 7519



Enjoy cottage life on Christie Lake. Two bedroom cottage with nice views of the lake and good clean water. Take the short drive to serenity and relaxation. $229,000

Fairytale setting...private & tranquil - immaculate 4 bed /4bath Tudor - soaring cathedral ceilings w/ flr to ceiling windows making you feel at one with nature! Exposed wood beams, hwd & handcrafted Mexican tile flrs, guest/ granny suite. A must see! $649,000

240 PERCY ST. SMITHS FALLS NEW PRICE: $224,900 Attractive, low maintenance 3+1 bedroom, 2 bath bungalow, in a sought after neighbourhood, surrounded by quality homes and close to all amenities.



This home has 3 beds plus 4pc bath on main level, eat-in kitchen, lg living rm w hardwood floors, lots of natural light. Lower level family room w/gas stove, possible 4th bed or rec room as well as 2 pc bath, storage and workshop. Fenced backyard w/ above ground pool. $205,000


Elegant custom home on 1.5 acre estate lot on Grand 2-storey foyer, great room w/10 ft tray ceilings, Tuscan stone fireplace & gleaming oak floors open to formal D/Rm. Expansive cherry kitchen w/island, sunny dining nook & main floor family rm w/fireplace. Amazing master suite. Lower level family rm + rec room/gym/5th bed. 4-car garage!

Incredible 2+acres private compound. 562ft shoreline. All buildings stone clad. Home approx 6000’, indoor pool, sauna, hot tub, 4+ baths, open concept living dining Great Room. 10 & 12 ft ceilings, heated floors throughout. Outdoor pool. Adjoining lot is severed & can be purchased with subject property. $1,570,000

NEW PRICE - $109,900 175 CLYDE LANE, LANARK Perfect starter home. Open concept, eat-in kitchen, 2beds, laundry rm, sunroom, loads of outdoor storage. ATV & snow mobile heaven, but close to amenities. Why rent when you can own!

Private 13 acre setting Picturesque stone beauty at the edge of Perth full of vintage charm! Handsome woodwork - deep window sills, interior wood shutters, & wide plank flrs. New maple kitchen, stunning family rm addition, mn flr bath/ laund & new 2nd lev bath add function & space! 4 stall driveshed. $349,000


Character home with energy efficiency, 13+acres- 10 min to Perth. Updates - wiring, roof, insulation, furnace, solar hot water, carpet free, 2 baths. Impeccably maintained home -acreage with trails- Peace and Quiet! - BRING AN OFFER. $339,000.

Great location on the Perthmore subdivision. No rear neighbours, double garage, all season sun room, deck, ensuite, main floor laundry. Open plan design newer home. $344,900


Almost 10 acres only 25mins from Perth. 4+beds, large open concept kitchen. Stone fireplace in sunken living room – walkout to 3 season porch., Master w 2pc ensuite. Detached oversized garage- ideal for home office/workshop. Settle into country living. $329,000


This incredible log home is nestled on the banks of Bolton Creek. Approx 26 acres, 4 beds, 2 baths, open concept living area. Juliet balcony off master. Above ground pool at deck level. Separate refurbished cottage also on the creek. Only 20mins west of Perth. $399,000



Swimming Pool – Bungalow with detached garage and above ground swimming pool located on approximately 1 acre just minutes from Westport. 4 beds, 2 baths, large master with ensuite and Jacuzzi tub. Large private backyard. $198.000


NEW PRICE - $499,900 1211 NARROWS LOCK RD BIG RIDEAU LAKE Waterfront home, separate apartment & garage. Year round home located on the Big Rideau. Large lot, gazebo, deck and dock. 3 beds, 2 baths, a/c, appliances, hardwood/ceramic flooring, 15ft ceilings and beautiful views.


Duplex in central location walking distance to stores, banks, hospital & schools. 3 beds on both sides, large eat in kitchen, spacious living & dining room. Gas hot water heating system. $185,000


Large spacious 4 bed home with 5.2 acres in Perth & waterfront on the Tay. Wood floors, high ceilings, original trim & baseboards. Large eat in kitchen, separate dining area, living room, study. Newer addition w/laundry, office bathrm & family room with gas fireplace & wrap around decks. A great family home waiting for your personal touch! $379,000

UPPER RIDEAU LUXURY ABOUNDS Elegant 3bed custom built executive home – 369ft of level waterfront, excellent swimming & boating. Gourmet kitchen, ensuite w/oversized shower & whirlpool. Lots of storage space & garage w insulated workshop. $1,100,000.



Approx 2 acres of nicely landscaped property only 30 mins to Westport. 4 Beds, 2.5 baths, office/den, eat in kitchen. Huge rec room, workshop, attached garage. Enjoy privacy from both decks. $385,000

Welcome to country paradise! 5 yr new board & batten bungalow offers 23 acres of privacy & trails! 2+2 bed open concept liv/din w/gleaming hwd, cust kitchen, spacious sunrm. Finished walkout L/L w/FamRm, wdstve, 3 pc bath, 2 lg beds, office& more! Attd & detd garage w/ workshp. Rad flr heat & prop-on-demand HW. $354,900


Level, excellent swimming, an extremely well maintained and planned 3 bedroom all season home. Lower level walk out, Decks, Double garage with loft + garage for the toys, Large bright rooms great for entertaining or just to enjoy the views. All the bells and whistles. $850,000.

SILVER LAKE WATERFRONT Year round home Private & quiet with 3 beds and 1.5 baths. Maple kitchen cabinets, maple hardwood flooring. Dock, 2 car garage and a Bunkie for the kids or guests. New roof wiring & plumbing, wood burning stove. Sit back and relax! $314,000

Spectacular kitchen/family room addition featuring cathedral ceilings, H/W floors, & gas F/P. Dream kitchen w/sparkling granite! Main floor -g rand foyer, spacious LR/DR/ & 2pc bath 3 spacious beds, new bath on 2nd floor & 3rd floor attic reno. 200ft deep private fenced yard. $348,750


Love horses? Your home sits on 153 acres w/large outbuildings & facilities especially for horses. The period home features 4 beds, 3 baths, family rm, eat in kitchen, dining rm, formal living, ensuite, laundry rm. All the hard work has been done – total move in condition. $599,000


N SHORE ROAD, RIDEAU LAKES Approx 2.17 acres. Fabulous vistas. $199,900 HIGHWAY 15, RIDEAU LAKES. Approx 6 acres. $123,000 298 ELLISVILLE RD, LANSDOWNE Approx 97 acres - $119,900 SAND HILL ROAD, NR KINGSTON 4.5 acres – 10 mins to Hwy 401 $79,900 KYES ROAD, LANSDOWNE – Nice level lot, 6.8 acres great location $68,500 STONE ROAD, DRUMMOND/N.ELMSLEY – Approx 2.5 acres MAPLE LANE, S SHERBROOKE. Rural subdivision $20,000 COUNTY ROAD 8 1.67 acre near Phillipsville. $16,500 CONCESSION 3, TAY VALLEY MAPLE GLEN Approx 39 acres recreational land. $15,000 Tranquil unique custom built 4 bed home with SPRING FLOWER LN,FRONTENAC access to Otty Lake and your dock in a great location. Fantastic lot, Walk out basement, Double garage. Call Approx 1.66 acre lot for recreational getfor further details. $359,000 away $12,500


370 ft of waterfront with 3.75 acres – Excellent clean deep shoreline for swimming. Cottage is in excellent condition and is fully furnished, Property comes complete with a Bunkie and a boathouse. $349,900



Low maintenance, 3 bedroom, brick bungalow conveniently situated within easy walking distance of downtown. Don’t delay... It didn’t last long!

DREAMS FOR SALE - CHOOSE wiSELy… CHOOSE Members of Rideau St Lawrence and Ottawa Boards

West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011 21


this week in

Tips to remember when visiting an open house EMC Business - There’s a lot of information out there for sellers staging an open house, but surprisingly few guidelines for the people who come to view them. For some, an

open house viewing may simply be an impulse activity to satisfy their curiosity about a neighbor’s home. However, for serious buyers, especially first time buyers who have

Why Pay More Why Pay More -

Bayshore area


4% Commission

Immaculately Clean Describes This Wonderful Family Hi Ranch Home In A Great Family Area, Eat Off The Floors Clean, Upgraded Kitchen Counter Tops And Flooring, Hardwood All Professionally Refinished On The 2nd Level, New Hi/Eff Gas Furnace, Lower Level Family Retreat Room, Two Full Baths, No Rear Neighbours, Extremely Private, Great House, Great Value. List Price: $359,900

What a wonderful family home on such a lovely and peaceful family street in the heart of Bridlewood. This stunning home will amaze you with the size inside and out. The lot is 34 x 150, no back neighbours backs onto the Jogging Trail,Upgrades include, New Furnace, Bathrms,flooring throughout, roof, some windows,full lower level inlaw suite, two full bathrms one half bath, freshly painted, master bedrm enjoys a walk in closet. Kanata Bridlewood Call today List Price: $349,900

Real Estate Matters Robert Pugh

limited experience in seeing different home styles and layouts, visiting open houses can be a very worthwhile exercise. To plan an effective open house tour, you should start with a map. Plot out the addresses of where the open houses are located, and the times of showings to ensure that you make the most productive use of your time.

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Harold McKay Direct:

Also are you inbetween homes, are you renovating your current home and are looking for temporarey accomadations. Well we also own and operate McKellar Park Suites, where you could stay in a fully furnished 1 and 2 bedroom full size apartments on a short term stay. No lease to sign. Stay for a week or a month. Excellent rates. Check us out. www.mckellarpark.com


Elinor Tanti Direct:


Elizabeth Powell Direct:


Julie McKay Direct:


Kim Mays Direct:



1177 Drummond 10 B Innisville

Come be amazed by this custom built square log home! A lovely 3 bedroom on a 3.9 acre wooded lot, only about 30 min from Kanata/Ottawa. $329,900

8842 Hwy 15, Carleton Place

On line at

2 storey,4 bdrm home on 7.98 acres only about 30 min from ottawa! New kitchen w/granite/quartz countertops, new laundry/mud room, powder room, hardwood floors throughout the main level & 2nd floor, new stair treads,gas fireplace in family room. $399,000


1429 Derry Side Road, Beckwith

Beautiful 2 bdrm bungalow sitting on 2+ acres, single car garage. Minutes outside of Carleton Place

SOLD Call Elizabeth Powell

Liz Wall


22 West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011

304 Thomas St., Carleton Place Lovely 3+1 bedroom high ranch with finished lower level and attached garage on a large lot in a lovely area of town. House has had many upgrades, too many to list. $310,000 Call Liz Powell


341 Dufferin St, Carleton Place Lovely 2 bedroom bungalow, Living room, lg eat in Kitchen, full bathroom on main level Family room with gas FP ,Office/Bedroom, Laundry in basement

SOLD Call Liz Powell


3314 Carp Road, Carp

This beautiful custom built 2 storey full brick home boasts a large living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, sunken family room/wood FP, solarium, laundry room & powder room all on main level with the 2nd story having 4 bedrooms, full bath & lg ensuite/walkin closet, hardwood, ceramic & linoleum throughout both levels.

Call Liz Powell

Beautifully appointed custom built 3 bed home on the magnificent shores of the Ottawa River. 155 ft water frontage. 1.4 ac lot. Orig log structure built in 1975 with an extensive addition & walk out basement in 2000. Open concept lvg/din area with fabulous views to the river; spacious kitchen with stone f/p & granite counters; lge decks; 2 additional f/p; 2 baths; Lge family rm. Plus 490 sq ft(MPAC)guest rm & garage. $875,000

Beautiful waterfront property on the Ottawa River. 155 ft of frontage. The lot has been cleared and is ready for construction. Great area for boating, swimming and fishing. Hydro at road. Gorgeous views and beautiful sunsets. $150,000

136 Greenway Drive, Westmeath

Call Kathi Norton at 613-867-8945

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To place a Classified or Business Directory advertisement please contact Sharon Russell 613-688-1483 or email srussell@thenewsemc.ca



Call Kathi Norton at 613-867-8945

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Call Julie McKay

Call Liz Powell

To Promote your product on

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Call Liz Powell



108 Comba Drive, Carleton Place

Call Julie McKay


Kathy Duncan Direct:

Beautiful well kept bungalow with loads of natural light. Kitchen features oak cabinets and ceramic flrs with a large island for food prep. Open concept livrm and dinrm with a gas fireplace and patio dr leading to a large deck. Famrm/den can be used as a 3rd bdrm. Bsmt is ready for your finishing touches.

Loads of charm and character in this century old home. Recent updates include High Efficiency Gas Furnace, Roof with Maxi Vents, Updated Bathroom and Kitchen, Updated Plumbing and Electrical, Freshly painted throughout, Landscaping.

for a free evaluation Only 4% Full MLS Service.

To Advertise in the

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fore your visit, you’re ensured of having the right person to look after your interests when it’s time to make an offer. Of course, if you aren’t yet working with a sales representative, open houses can provide a great opportunity to not only look for the right house, but the right salesperson. This article is not intended as a solicitation to buy or sell real estate, and is presented as a general source of information. Robert can be contacted at Coldwell Banker Rhodes & Company, Brokerage at 613-796-7727 or toll free at 1-888-335-6565.


Looking For A Cottage In Round Lake? Well Here It Is, And Priced To Sell, This Wonderful Water Front Cottage Comes Fully Equiped With A Separate Bunk House To Sleep Four Very Comfortably, Single Car Garage, Wonderful Large Cottage With A Wood Burning Fireplace , Fantastic Sun Sets You Think You Are In Heaven, Views Of The Round Lake To Die For. Cottage for sale in Round Lake Excellent Location On The Lake, Shows Very Well. near Golden Lake, List Price: $299,900


If you don’t already know the neighbourhood, then that’s the first place to start. Look at your map, and see where major transportation links are located, as well as parks, schools, shopping and amenities. If everything you see on the map looks good, then start out with a driving tour of the neighbourhood itself, before you devote some time to viewing individual houses.

If you plan on visiting an open house, and you’re already working with a real estate salesperson, be sure to notify them in advance. Your sales representative can be a very valuable source of information about the neighborhood, and may possibly even be familiar with the individual property. Also, depending on the rules of your local real estate board, visiting an open house without your agent present may result in conferring certain rights on the salesperson who is showing the property. If you discuss this with your salesperson be-

Carleton Place:

613-257-4663 • Almonte: 613-256-3114 • Ottawa: 613-831-3110 • Arnprior: 613-623-3665

Cedar shavings, dry, in large round bale bags, about 300 lbs., $25+ tax. (613)283-3629. Cedar slab, great for inexpensive fences, kindling and helping hardwood burn. In bundles roughly 3 feet by 4 feet by 10 feet long, 1500 lbs., steelbanded, loaded on your truck or trailer. $40. (613)283-3629. Cedar (white) lumber, most sizes, lengths of 6’, 8’, 10’, 12’, 14’, and 16’ 5/4 decking board fencing, tongue and groove, board and batten, channel rustic. www.scoutenwhitecedar.ca (613)283-3629.

Disability Products. Buy and Sell stair lifts, scooters, bath lifts, patient lifts, hospital beds, etc. Call Silver Cross Ottawa (613)231-3549. Firewood. 8’ hardwood for sale; Looking to buy standing timber. (613)312-9859. Firewood - Cut, split and delivered or picked up. Dry seasoned hardwood or softwood from $50/face cord. Phone Greg Knops (613)658-3358, cell (613)340-1045.

Hot tub for sale 2010 Jacuzzi J-230 Hot Tub- Seats 5-6 persons, 25 Jets, the largest tub of the J-200 collection featuring waterfall, full body lounger, extra LED lighting package and beverage holders. 84 in x 84 in x 36 in. 2 speed pump. Silverwood cabinetry with matching brown cover and brown steps. Purchased in August 2010, barely used with plenty of warranty remaining. Will also include chemical starter kit. Why buy new? Valued at $7,600 + hst. Save the tax! $5,499. Lo-cated in Smiths Falls 613-240-8364. Table 40” round + two 10” leaves and 4 chairs (birch) $175. Sofa & loveseat, classic style, rolltop arms, taupe/yellow tones $450. Antique pine washstand 27”Hx26”Wx17”D (4 drawers + cupboard) $100. Danby Diplomat small bar fridge $25. Small pine chest 18”Hx34”Wx16”D $30. Call (613)257-8238.


Hunter Safety/Canadian Firearms Courses and examsthroughout the year. Organize a course and yours is free. Call Wenda Cochran 613-2562409. Hunter Safety/Canadian Firearms Course August 19, 20, 21, Carp. To register call Wenda Cochran (613)256-2409.



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Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary William (Bill) & Lorraine Sly July 29, 2011 Love and best wishes from your family: Maureen & Chris; David, Kathy & Mackenzie; Paul, Janet, Coleman & William

We repair, modify or demolish any size of structure. Salvaged buildings, timber and logs for sale. Various size buildings




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Mountain bike. Giant. NRS2. Full suspension. 27 speed. Shimano Deore LX. 20.5” frame. $800. (613)264-9298.


- ` }ÊUÊ- vwÌ >ÃV >ÊUÊ, w } UÊ7 ` ÜÃÊEÊ Àà UÊxÊEÊÈ»Ê-i> iÃà >ÛiÃÌÀ Õ} } UÊ i>vÊ Õ>À` UÊ ÀiiÊ ÃÌ >Ìià Sacha Babin 613-283-2430


Certified piano technician, with Piano Technician’s Guild, extensive experience with tuning, repairing and rebuilding. www.piano4u.ca. Grant Pattingale (613)284-8333 or 1-877-742-6648.

John Denton Contracting (613) 283-0949 Cell (613) 285-7363

Hunter Safety/Canadian Firearm Safety Courses held throughout the valley all year long. Organize a group, get yours free. Gift certificates available. Competitive pricing. Dave Arbour 613-257-7489. www.valleysportsmanshow.com Hunter Safety/Canadian Firearm Safety Course Richmond. Aug. 5, 6 and 7. To register: Dave Arbour (613)257-7489. www.valleysportsmanshow.com Leupold rifle scope. VX111 4-1/2-14X40. As new. $500 firm; Bushnell 1-1/2-4-1/2X32, $125 firm. (613)264-9298.

You’ll be

LD SO on the News EMC


Cedar Hedges- Cedar trees for hedging 4’-8’ high. Installation and delivery available with a 1 yr warranty on all installations. Best Trees! Best Prices! Call Sheldon 613-720-0261 or 613269-3425.

Wanted to buy. Richmond area. 100 cedar logs. 12’x3” min. diameter. 100 cedar posts. 8’. (613)838-5463.

1997 Ford F150 Ext cab, long box 2WD, box liner, upgraded cd player, air, auto, 4.6L, 306,000 kms. Many new parts, white ext with grey cloth. Asking $2500. 613-285-9873 or 613-240-8364.

Assortment of used tires, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.5. Sum-mers, all-season and snows. Also used car parts. Gord 613-257-2498.

Custom inline bale wrapping. Increase the palatability and feed value of your hay. Lagois Farms (613)327-5079. Feed Barley for sale. Antrim area. Phone (613)832-1040 after 6 p.m.

Firewood Processors, Canadian Made. Cuts up to 16” diameter, 13 h.p. Honda. $8,900. www.blackscreek.ca 1(888)989-3717. Hyland Seeds- Booking now for frost seeding for hay and pastures. Corn, soyabeans, forage seed, cereals. Phone Greg Knops, (613)658-3358, (613)340-1045, cell.

EMC Classifieds Get Results!

EMC Full-Time Reporter/ Photographer

TOWN OF ARNPRIOR Request for Proposal Design/Build Emergency Power Generator PW-2011-02

SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., Thursday August 11, 2011 for “Design/Build Emergency Power Generator Tender PW-2011-02” in the Town of Arnprior. Jacquie Farrow-Lawrence, Town Clerk Town of Arnprior 105 Elgin Street West Arnprior, ON K7S 0A8 TENDER FORMS and documents may be obtained from the Municipal Office, Town Hall, Arnprior, Ontario between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday from July 28, 2011 to August 11, 2011. INQUIRIES should be directed to: John Steckly, Civil Engineering Technologist Town of Arnprior 105 Elgin Street West Arnprior, Ontario Tel.: (613) 623-4234 ext. 238 Fax: (613) 623-9960 jsteckly@arnprior.ca



Blueberries, Ireland’s Pickyour-own, fresh picked or fro-zen during the month of July. 1761 Grenville County Road 16 at Eastons Corners Open 8:00 to 8:00. Call for availability (613)283-1788 www.irelands.ca


Performance Printing requires a reporter/photographer for the Ottawa East and Orleans EMC Newspapers. The successful candidate will have a wide range of skills including news and feature writing, photography and lay-out. Working knowledge of InDesign and Adobe Photoshop would be assets. Having a car and camera equipment a must. A journalism degree or diploma, or at least two years’ experience a key requirement. Submit resumes to rcoyne@perfprint.ca by Wednesday, August 4th, 2011. No Phone Calls Please


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West Carleton Kanata EMC -- Thursday, Thursday, July July 28, 28, 2011 2011 23 23

COMING EVENTS IH 884 Tractor Loader $8,950;versatile 160 4X4 Loader $1,2500; Ford 7600 tractor $7,250; JD 820 MOCO as new $5,750; White 1370 4X4 load-er $8,500. 613-223-6026.

13 yr. old Pinto mare, broke to saddle and harness. Phone (613)658-9069. Debbee’s Bees, New Honey Bee Equipment and Bee keeper supplies - now open, 434 McCann Rd., Portland. Call for appointment (613)483-8000. District 10 Multi-Breed Ram and Ewe Production Sale, Saturday July 30th, 2011, Spencerville Fair Grounds. Morning Education Program - “Selecting Breeding Stock Using Performance Indicators” 9-11:30 a.m., Viewing 11:30 a.m. Auction starting at 1 p.m. Contact: Gary Lapier (613)298-3983 or rockyhylandfarm@ripnet.com St. Jean’s Farrier Service. (613)283-1198.

EMC Classifieds Get Results!

Store front office space for lease, downtown Carleton Place. Reception area plus 4 offices and kitchenette. (613)286-5119.

1200 sq. ft. furnished loft apartment 2 bedroom, kitchen dining, t.v. area, overlooking big Rideau Lake, 10 minutes from Perth, no pets, must be able to climb stairs. $1200/ monthly inclusive. Nonsmokers. Call (613)227-1990. Arnprior - Bright, clean & quiet bldg. 1 BR avail., Call (888)480-5559. Arnprior, downtown, (2) 1 bedroom ground floor apartments, completely renovated, clean, quiet, calm building, $680 and $750 inclusive. First, last and references. (613)8840166. For rent one bedroom apartment. Clean bright, large closets with storage, patio door to deck. To Kemptville 15 min, to 416 10 min. No pets, $700 inc hydro. Aug 01 South Mountain (613)989-3657.

Perth, 2 Bdrm roomy apartment. Quiet location and bldg, close to amenities. Coin laundry, parking. $675/mth plus hydro. First and last. (613)2985429. Perth, 3 bedroom restored heritage home, private yard, sunroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, 1-1/2 baths, 5 appliances. $1,350/month includes parking and utilities. (613)264-0821. Very nice Victorian home, Smiths Falls, nice neighbourhood, eat-in kitchen, family room, parlour, dining room, natural refinished woodwork, hardwood floors. Enclosed yard with gardens, driveway, gas utilities. Ideal retired/professional. $1100/month. References. Available September 1. (613)757-0438.

EMC Classifieds Get Results!

Single car garage. Centrally located to Smiths Falls, Perth, Carleton Place and Richmond. $100/mth. (613)283-8387.

33+ acres, cleared and mixed bush, 10 minutes west of Carleton Place. Possible finan-cial assistance available. (613)257-1341. Beautiful hi-ranch in Montague! Minutes from historical Merrickville. Visit www.ottawahomesonline.ca to see pictures and specifications. Contact me for a view-ing! Micheal Ruspic 613-302-7367. Country lot, 14 acres (Treed). Prime location! Richmond/ North Gower Area. Asking $121,900. Call Rick for more information (613)489-2001.

Ottawa River- Gorgeous Waterfront Lot! 1.6 acres, 25 min. from Kanata. Dream. Plan. Build. $309,000. Barb Reynolds, Broker & Jenn Reynolds Sales Rep. Royal LePage Performance Realty (613)238-2801, (877)757-7386


Kevin Dodds Gallery 47 John St. Arnprior (613)623-9820 www.kevin.art.com email: kevin@kevindoddsart.com New originals, canvas prints, 2012 Kevin Dodds Lang calanders for sale. Open Tuesday-Saturday 11 am-5 pm. Paintings also available at the Pakenham General Store. (613)624-5280. Stone Fence TheatreTickets on sale for 2011: New supper theatre show: The Opeongo Opera, July-October, in Eganville and Killaloe. Plus concerts: July 21: Louis Schryer, July 28: “In a Little Shack up the Pontiac,” with Debbie Bechamp & co., August 3: Stephanie Cadman and Celtic Blaze. August 10- Russell DeCarles from Prairie Oyster. Website: www.stonefence.ca. Reserve for best seats. Local (new): 613-756-3081 toll-free (as ever): 1-866-310-1004.

You’ll be

LD SO on the News EMC

Attention retirees, free booklet explaining how to pre-plan funeral arrangements with no hassle. (613)485-4320.

Found. Sandy orange cat, young male, found in the Richmond area. Call (613)8382641.

Affordable cottage rentals, Sylvania Lodge, McDonald’s Corners. Starting at $550/week. Some availability for August and September. (613)278-0091 www.sylvanialodge.com White Cedars Tourist Park- 6 waterfront cottages. Seasonal RV sites available for viewing. By appointment only. Please call (613)649-2255. View at www.whitecedars.ca (No Dropins Please).

Attention! Turn 5-10 hours a week into $5,000 a month on your computer. Free online training. Flexible hours. www.offthepath.info Full/Part Time Cleaners/Team Leaders for growing residential cleaning company based in North Gower. Mon-Fri. No evenings. No weekends. $11.00-$14.00/hr. (613)4893993 or elitecleaning@storm.ca Prestige Valley Renos Inc. is looking for experienced workers competent in home renovations. Drywall, taping, mudding, framing and trim are minimal requirements. Transportation provided from Iroquois. Please forward resume and references to 24 Maple Ave, Iroquois, K0E 1K0. No follow up calls please. PSW’s needed immediately, Part Time with Benefits. Osgoode Care Centre, 7650 Snake Island Rd, Metcalfe, ON, K0A 2P0, fax (613)821-0070, email: sdaly@osgoodecare.com




Campbell View & Campbell Place, Robert Street, Arnprior

Roofer Wanted. Must have 5 year experience, (No Subs). (613)229-8864 Marc.

Certified Mason. 10 years experience. Chimney repair, restoration, parging, repointing. Brick, block and stone. Small/big job specialist. Free estimates. 613-250-0290. House Cleaning Company. Simplify your live. Let us clean your house and you won’t be disappointed. Call (613)2622243. Tatiana.

Experienced tutor for in home tutoring. Math, French, English, Science, Socials. All levels. Local references. John (613)282-4848.

Decorating, home staging and colour consultations by area professional. Functional space planning, downsizing and increasing curb appeal. Contact via refinedrooms.ca or (613)862-7585.

One of the Biggest Flea Markets in the area Now Open Wednesday to Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm 355827_TF

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For The Love Of A Great Find... The Tin Barn Market! Open Sundays 9-5. Handmade. Secondhand. Vintage. Funky Stuff for Home & Garden. Hwy 29 North of Almonte. www.tinbarnmarket.blog-spot.com

Location: Rob Streets Auction 5 miles south of Smiths Falls Corner of Hwy 15 and Bay Road

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Major Responsibilities: UÊ *iÀv À ÃÊ vÕ VÌ ÃÊ Ü V Ê >ÞÊ V Õ`i\Ê «Ài«°]Ê iV > V> ]Ê >À iÃÃ]Ê V>L i]Ê «À Ìi`Ê V ÀVÕ ÌÊ L >À`Ê ÃÕL >ÃÃi L iÃ]Ê Ã«À>ÞÊ >«« V>Ì ]Ê > `Ê Ã«iVÌ ]Ê ÌÞ« V> ÞÊ Ü À }Ê vÀ Ê `i ÃÊ > `É ÀÊ `À>Ü }Ã]Ê Ü Ì Ê *À `ÕVÌ °Ê Ê *Ài«>ÀiÃÊ V « i ÌÃÊ > `Ê Ü ÀiÃÊ LÞÊ Õà }Ê >ÕÌ >Ìi`Ê ÀÊ > Õ> Ê v À }]Ê Ê « ÌÊ Ì Ê « ÌÊ Ü À }Ê> `Êà `iÀ }]ÊVÕÌÌ }]Ê> `Ê >` }ÊV « i ÌÃÊ Ì Ê«À Ìi`ÊV ÀVÕ ÌÊL >À`ÃÊ vÌi ÊÕà }ÊV ÕÀÊV `i`Ê >ÌiÀ > à iÞÊ+Õ> wV>Ì ÃÊ,iµÕ Ài`\ UÊ iÀÌ wV>ÌiÊ Êi iVÌÀ VÃÊ>ÃÃi L ÞÊvÀ Ê>ÊÀiV } âi`Ê ÃÌ ÌÕÌ ]Ê ÀÊiµÕ Û> i ÌÊÜ À ÊiÝ«iÀ i ViÊ vÊÓÊÞi>Àà UÊ Ý«iÀ i ViÊ>ÃÃi L }ÊÌ Ê Ì>ÀÞÊ ÀÊ>iÀ ë>ViÊÃÌ> `>À`ÃÊ­ * È£ä]Ê -/ ää£]Ê - -/ nÇÎ °Î® UÊ i ÃÌÀ>ÌiÃÊ} `Ê i Ì> Ê> `Ê« Þà V> ÊiÞi > `ÊV À` >Ì UÊ7 À }Ê Ü i`}iÊ vÊ - ]ÊL>À V ` }]Ê-* Ê> `Ê -"Ê äääÊ«À Vi`ÕÀià UÊ Ü i`}iÊ vÊL>à VÊV «ÕÌiÀÊà ÃÊ ÃÊ> Ê>ÃÃiÌ UÊ L ÌÞÊÌ ÊÕ `iÀÃÌ> `Ê`À>Ü }ÃÊ> `Ê Ì iÀÊ ÃÌÀÕVÌ Ã

SMT Machine Operators

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for Peter Aylings & Associates (Aylings Marina) @ 220 Forced Rd., Merrickville, ON on Wed., Aug., 3/11 @ 6 pm

Approx. 110 engines to include Hercules, Chrysler & Continental flatheads. 2-371 Detroit engines w/ velvet drive gears (diesel). V8 Ford, Chev, Chris-Craft engines & others. 7.5 Mercury motor (for parts). Several lower units. Five 3 to 6½ kw generators (gas). 550 volt compactor. 1953-33 ft Chris-Craft bull nose cruiser w/ Chris-Craft M engine (in process of restoration). c1960’s Chris-Craft 24 ft wooden boat. 17 ft Chris-Craft Lancer boat w/ boat trailer. 28 ft. fiberglass Chris-Craft Coho boat. 28 ft Carver fiberglass boat w/ Chevy V8 motor & Mercury TR drive. 26 ft steel sail boat. 25 ft sail boat. 32 ft steel houseboat w/ V8 Chevy engine. 36 ft Georgian steel houseboat w/ 2-TR drives. c1973-17 ft Chris-Craft Lancer boat w/ tandem axle trailer. 25 ft Trojan boat w/ V8 Ford motor. 1963 Trojan wooden boat. 1948 Owens wooden boat w/ 2 Chrysler flathead motors. 17 ft fiberglass boat & trailer. c1940’s wooden Cruise-Along boat w/ 2 Chrysler flathead motors. Trojan 26 ft wooden boat. 2-30 ft Owens wooden cruiser boats. Wooden Peterborough lakeside boat w/ 33 hp Johnson outboard motor & trailer. 42 ft Richardson boat. 28 ft steel boat (custom built). Hough-Model HA payloader (needs engine). 1987 Ford 4x4 dually truck w/ 6.9 diesel engine & snowplow. 1985 GMC dump truck w/ 3208 Cat engine. 1984 F250 XL diesel truck w/ 6.9 engine (running condition). 1966 Dodge 800 tractor truck w/ 413 engine. Lge qty of scrap metal. Wooden 18 ft Chesapeake lap stroke boat. 1 to 1½ transmission. Used steel roofing & many other articles too numerous to mention....... This auction is dedicated to preserving the rich cruiser craft. It offers one-of-a-kind vessels in various states of repair, to be appreciated for their beauty. The Payloader & trucks are in need of restoration. Be on time no smalls. All merchandise must be removed within one 1 week of auction. Terms: Cash, Cheque, M/C, Visa, Interac

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EMC - Your Community Newspaper

Can Hudak avoid shooting himself in the foot? EMC Lifestyle - The end of July and with the 40th Ontario general election set for Thursday, Oct. 6 the rhetoric – not to mention the attack advertising – is heating up as the parties move into high gear on the campaign highway. At this stage it looks very good for the Progressive Conservatives and leader Tim Hudak. With a doubledigit lead in the polls the Tories are poised to make good on their long standing promise to oust Premier Dalton McGuinty and the Liberal Party. There’s little doubt McGuinty’s own standing in the eyes of voters has much to do with his party’s present position. The Ottawa native isn’t well liked. In fact that is probably a major understatement. McGuinty clearly isn’t popular with many in his own party. I will admit he’s never been my favourite politician and that is definitely an understatement. I’ve made that clear in previous columns in this newspaper. McGuinty’s second given name starts with the initial ‘J’ (for James). Long ago I took the liberty of changing it to ‘B’ (for ban). This guy loves bans, of every kind. The one that upset me the most was the Liberals’ questionable ban on pesticides. I see the evidence of that decision every time I look at our front lawn. Thankfully the

Reflections JEFF MAGUIRE

lawn care people are quickly getting a handle on that problem though. Our maintenance firm has made great strides in lowering our personal weed count this year. The pointless ban on smoking in vehicles containing children (you can still smoke at home with the kids in the house of course) is another classic. Worst of all perhaps is the McGuinty government’s move toward banning development in some areas. That is something Randy Hillier, Tory MPP for Lanark, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, among others is fighting as the rural rights crusade (a justifiable campaign I believe) continues. In fairness I freely admit to supporting the Grit-driven ban on cellular telephones and other hand held devices. Dalton’s bans are probably the least of our worries. It’s the free spending by his government that really has us up against it in this province. Consider the ‘Fair Share Health Care Premium’ which is so grossly expensive for

us, the taxpayers. Or the Liberals’ move toward government sponsored daycare through the all-day kindergarten program. The kindergarten plan is still only half rolled out and members of McGuinty’s own party are balking at it, especially with the election approaching. Who in Ontario can forget the infamous E-Health scandal of a couple of years ago? That is one of the biggest and most pointless spending sprees to occur during McGuinty’s nearly eight-year tenure as premier. There’s a lot more including the absolutely gross over compensation of executives at various provincial board and agencies, something that is unforgivable. Evidently some Liberals have failed to understand the real reasons for their possible demise this fall.

West-Nepean, suggested the No. 1 reason for his party’s poll plunge is due to “Tory attack ads.” I laughed because just minutes earlier I heard a Liberal ad attacking the Conservatives on the same radio station. Who is leading the campaign in that department I wonder?

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! When the radio host asked Chiarelli about the clearly aggressive attack campaign by the Liberals he didn’t even attempt to answer. Instead he plowed ahead with what to me sounded suspiciously like a written state-

ment, judging by the monotone in which his remarks were delivered. Don’t you just love politics! Certainly I think we need a change of government in Ontario. See Reflect page 28


Attack ads I chuckled to myself last week when, during an Ottawa radio interview former Ottawa Mayor Bob Chiarelli, now the Liberal MPP for Ottawa

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West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011 27

NEWS EMC - Your Community Newspaper

Avoid Attracting Bears

gun registry? It very quickly turned into a billion-dollar example of bureaucratic bloat that took years to get rid of.

REFLECT From page 27

We have to send a strong message to politicians who have over spent our tax dollars on questionable programs. The Grits have also turned a blind eye to ridiculously lavish compensation for those at the top, many of whom provide little if any value for money. So, it appears to be a “can’t miss” situation for the Conservatives and new leader Hudak. He took office on July 1, 2009. I’m sorry to say that as much as I want to see McGuinty and company gone, I am concerned that their most likely replacements, Hudak and the PCs, are already well off course in a campaign that has barely left the start line. Some of the ideas being advanced by the Tory leader, presumably with the backing of his caucus, are very suspect in terms of value for money, the same thing I have just pilloried the Liberals over. I support a law and order agenda both provincially and federally. But not at any cost! Last Tuesday (July 19) Hudak made a stop in Ottawa during which he announced that a Progressive Conservative government will establish a registry of homes used as grow-ops (marijuana grow operations) and drug labs. He noted that since January, a total of 13 Ottawa homes have been “busted” by police as grow-ops. Hudak’s point is that people currently purchase homes without being aware they were used for such nefarious purposes. He accused McGuinty and the Liberals of opposing such a registry “despite widespread public support.” I don’t know about you but every time I hear the words “government operated registry” I break into a cold sweat! Remember the federal long

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So, how much will a grow operation registry ultimately cost Ontarians? Hudak’s grow-op registry announcement came just 24 hours after he said that, if elected, a Tory government will also invest in a program to put electronic monitors on sexual offenders in this province. He says the $50 million program will place GPS-enabled ankle bracelets on the 14,000 registered sex offenders in Ontario. In Ottawa last week Hudak hinted such a program will probably be extended to include other dangerous criminals. “We are going to have more to say about using modern technology (to fight crime) in the time ahead,” he told reporters. Mr. Hudak should make a call to Stephen Harper and find out how the federal Conservatives won the 2006 election. Perhaps he just needs a reminder? Because the reality is that in January of that year Harper became prime minister and a minority Conservative government claimed power in Canada by running a campaign that wasn’t terribly long on original ideas and avoided focusing on expensive programs. Instead Harper and company ran against then Liberal PM Paul Martin, his government and their highly questionable record. It worked and the federal Tories have been in office ever since. Consider those important facts Mr. Hudak! There is a much faster route to success this October, if you will only follow it. If you have any comments or questions for Jeff Maguire he can be reached by email at: jeffrey.maguire@ rogers.com 344811_0714


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Summer Camp, Aug. 17-19

Aug. 7, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. $10/person

1 p.m. to 3 p.m. $5/child per day


Tag your tree with a $50.00 deposit for transplanting in the fall. Get here early for the best selection and we will give you your choice of any remaining annuals or vegetables with any $50.00 purchase.

Perennials still 40% off.

Aug. 8-12, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

New Summer HourS

Beginning July 18th we will be closed mon, Tues,wed, and open Thursday through Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Diefenbunker: Canada’s Cold War Museum

We’re worth the drive.

Summer Spy Camp: The Hunt for a Mole!

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28 West Carleton EMC - Thursday, July 28, 2011




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2860 Donnelly Drive, Kemptville 613- 314-4125

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Aug. 8-12, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


EMC - Your Community Newspaper

Pasta salad has a touch St. Mary’s hosted successful strawberry social on July 13 of the Mediterranean Food Stuff


78 with tuna. I’ve also included directions for cooking the pasta without heating up the kitchen in the hot weather. A Touch of the Mediterranean Salad One-and-a-half cups uncooked spiral pasta (such as fusilli or rigatoni) Two plum tomatoes, seeded and diced One can artichoke hearts, drained and cut into quarters Eight to 10 pitted black olives, sliced Two tbsp. diced red onion Two tbsp. olive oil One-and-a-half tsp. red wine vinegar 1/4 tsp. basil pinch of oregano 1/2 tsp. sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. pepper Two tbsp. pine nuts 1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese To cook the pasta without

heating up the kitchen, bring a pot of water to the boil. Add the pasta, stir, then remove the pot from the heat, and cover it. Let the pot sit for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring the pasta once. The heat of the water will continue to cook the pasta. After 12 minutes, check whether the pasta is done. It should be firm with no starchy flavour. When the pasta is ready, drain it, and set it aside. Let it cool completely before adding the remaining ingredients. Otherwise, if the pasta is warm, it will absorb the dressing and become soggy. Transfer the pasta to a mixing bowl, and stir in the tomato, artichoke hearts, olives and onion. In a measuring cup, combine the oil, vinegar, basil, oregano, sugar, salt and pepper. Mix well. Pour the dressing over the salad, stir gently, and refrigerate it for two to three hours to let the flavors blend. Just before serving, transfer the salad to a serving bowl, and sprinkle the pine nuts and feta cheese on top Serves three to four.

6th Line Road, Dunrobin. Follow the signs toward Pinhey’s

Point, and continue a short distance past it on 6th Line.

Arnprior’s Historic Theatre Friday, July 29 to Thursday, Aug 4 , 2011

Crazy, Stupid, Love


EMC Lifestyle - I have a CD which has over one million recipes, all organized by content and ingredients. Even when I’m not looking for a recipe, it’s fascinating to browse through. When I started writing this column, I decided to find out just how many recipes this CD has for pasta salad. I typed “pasta salad” into the search engine, and up came 2,440 recipes. When I added “artichokes” as an ingredient to narrow the search, it came up with 144 recipes for pasta salads with artichokes. Out of curiosity, I changed the ingredient from “artichoke hearts” to “tuna” expecting to see lots of recipes, but there were only 78. Then, I changed “tuna” to “black olives” and was really surprised when 506 pasta recipes with black olives came up. The CD, of course, doesn’t include the variations that we all come up with whenever we make salads. Here is my version of a pasta salad with a Mediterranean touch. With this recipe, there are now 2,441 pasta salad recipes, 145 with artichokes, 507 with black olives, but still only

EMC Events - Every year, St. Mary’s Anglican Church on 6th Line in Dunrobin hosts a Raspberry Social. Teams of people pick the berries from Baskin’s Berries which is a nearby farm owned by parishioners of St. Mary’s. This year it was held Wednesday, July 13 from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. It is one of the four fundraisers that St Mary’s holds each year. Each person gets a big piece of white cake which is cut in half. Mashed raspberries and sugar are placed between the two pieces. Fresh raspberries and whipped cream are added to the top for a delicious finishing touch. This year part of the proceeds will go to Chrysalis House. St Mary’s is located at 2574


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Local events and happenings over the coming weeks — free to non-profit organizations Fax: 613-723-1862, E-mail: tlepack@theemc.ca EMC Events


July. Drive In Car Bingos take place every Wednesday in July at the Carp Fairgrounds. Barbecue starts at 6:30 p.m. with bingo starting at 8 p.m. July 7 to Aug. 25. A Whale of a Tale Drop In Story Time at 10:15 a.m. (30mins) Drop in for a delightful half hour program of stories, rhymes and more. Family program. Register for free summer programs at the Carp branch of the Ottawa Public Library at www.BiblioOttawaLibrary. ca starting June 22. For more information call 613-8395412. Aug 2. Sea Creature Cartoon Cel Painting. Paint amazing cartoon sea creatures


on a cel of acetate just like cartoon animators do for TV & movies. 9 a.m. (60 min.) Ages 7-12. Register for free summer programs at the Carp branch of the Ottawa Public Library at www.BiblioOttawaLibrary.ca starting June 22. For more information call 613-839-5412. Aug 8. V is for Viking. Voyage back in time to the land of the ancient Vikings. 2 p.m. (60 min.) Ages 6-12. Register for free summer programs at the Carp branch of the Ottawa Public Library at www.BiblioOttawaLibrary.ca starting June 22. For more information call 613-839-5412. Aug 16. Splash: Closing Party. Wrap-up the Summer Reading Club 2011 with magician, John Pert. Pick up your Summer Reading Club

Sheep Dog Trials Aug. 5 to 7

You’ll also enjoy Birds of Prey Grass Creek Park Jungle Cat World 2993 Highway 2 East Flyball & Agility Kingston ON K9 Police Unit Craft & Artisans fair 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sheep to Shawl Only $10 a day, Competition & Auction Kids 10 and under Children’s area & more! admitted free.

diploma. 2 p.m. (60 min.) Ages 4-12. Register for free summer programs at the Carp branch of the Ottawa Public Library at www.BiblioOttawaLibrary.ca starting June 22. For more information call 613-839-5412. Every Wednesday. Are you a compulsive overeater? Is your food addiction affecting your life? Consider Overeaters Anonymous New Location As of the first Wednesday in June Carp Memorial Hall 3739 Carp Road Wednesdays, 6:30 -7:30 p.m. Contact Catherine 8325476. TOPS. Losers Unit. We lost over 800,000 pounds last year. How did you make out? TOPS, the longest serving non-profit weight loss support group in North America, is looking to form new chapters in the Carp, Dunrobin and Almonte areas. You and three of your friends can work together to achieve outstanding weight loss and health improvement using the techniques and tools in the TOPS program, Please contact Jim Parker at 613 8384777 if you would like more information on being part of this outstanding success story. For more information on the TOPS program go to www. tops.org.



Summer Swimming lessons at Auger’s Beach One Week Confirmed. The week of lessons from July 25-29 has been confirmed and the second week from August 1216 looks promising. WE will update you once the second week has been confirmed. For

information, you can reach Janet Lavern at 613-832-9047, janet@janetlavern.com or see the Facebook group page under CONSTANCE BAY BEACH SWIMMING LESSONS. Aug. 20. St. Gabriel’s Parish Traditional Roast Beef Dinner Saturday August 20th 5-7 0p.m. Constance &Buckham’s Bay Community Centre 262 Len Percell Drive For info. and Tickets contact 613 832 8930.

dunrobin ATOPS. Losers Unit. We lost over 800,000 pounds last year.How did you make out? TOPS, the longest serving non-profit weight loss support group in North America, is looking to form new chapters in the Carp, Dunrobin and Almonte areas. You and three of your friends can work together to achieve outstanding weight loss and health improvement using the techniques and tools in the TOPS program, Please contact Jim Parker at 613 8384777 if you would like more information on being part of this outstanding success story. For more information on the TOPS program go to www. tops.org.


Aug. 16. The Huntley Township Historical Society presents a Guided Tour of the CBC Building at the corner of Richardson Side Road and William Mooney Rd. Start time is 2 p.m. Please come and enjoy this interesting tour. Light refreshments served. Information: Suzanne 613-839-5203

FITZROY Saturday, Aug. 13. St. George’s Annual Corn Roast & BBQ will be held, 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. Cost $10 Adults, $5 (ten years & under). Proceeds will be donated to Bill & Amy Newell who experienced extensive damage to their home and property from the wind storm in April. Come out, sit down, have a chat with your neighbour and enjoy delicious Hudson Corn and Fitzroy Beef while supporting a good cause! The Fitzroy Harbour Seniors Club meets the second Tuesday of every month from Sept. to June at 12:30 p.m.. Come out and join us for a meeting and potluck. We also have carpet bowling on Mondays and Fridays, and shuffleboard on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. All of these activities take place at the Fitzroy Community Centre, 100 Clifford Campbell Dr. For more info call 613-623-4170.

Camp Awesome Come and Explore “God’s Wild Kingdom” July 25 – 29 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Registration Forms are available at the St George’s Anglican Church in mail post at Church Office Door. They are also available online at the Anglican Church and United Church Web sites www. anglicanfitzroyparish.ca, www.fitzroypastoralcharge. ca.

arnprior Every Saturday. Arnprior Farmers’ Market Location

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Elgin Street, Arnprior, ON; every Saturday, from 8am to 1pm, from May to October! Located in the heart of Arnprior, the Arnprior Farmers’ Market is running its 4th season, under the umbrella of the Arnprior Business Improvement Association. Connect with the community and find fresh, in-season, quality veggies, berries, fruits, preserves, baking and hand-crafted, local art, crafts, and personal care products. Volunteers Needed. Arnprior Seniors Home Support is in need of volunteers in two areas. If you have some free time and would like to give back to our community, Arnprior-Braeside-McNab Seniors At Home Program is looking for you. Volunteers are needed for delivery of our Meals on Wheels Program and our Seniors Shopping Program. If you are interested in volunteering for either of these two programs, please contact Susan Sarsfield at 623-7981 or e-mail SusanSarsfield@CSSAgency.ca Aug. 28. 12th Annual Seniors BBQ in the Park in Robert Simpson Park, noon to 2:30 p.m. Entertainment provided by Gerry Letand & Friends. Two hamburgers, Wes’ fries, drink and ice cream cup from Tracey’s Dairy. All proceeds to Arnprior-Braeside-McNab Seniors at Home Program Inc. July 31. Calvary Baptist Church Monthly Music Night at 6:30 p.m.. Everyone is welcome to attend. Information about this event please call Pastor Bruce at 613.623.4863. Aug. 7. The August Valley Singles Lunch will be held at The Arnprior Golf Club at Sand Point on Sunday, Aug. 7 at 12:30 p.m. For info call Fay at (613)256-8117 or Johanna at (613)432-7622. Aug. 28. Calvary Baptist Church is extends an invitation to attend our Monthly Music Night presenting ‘The Bridge Builders” (Rev. Larry Mack) beginning at 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend at 156 Landrigan St. For more information please call Pastor Bruce at 613.623.4863. Ongoing Bottle Drive for the Arnprior and District Humane Society. Drive runs all year. Please drop your wine, beer and liquor empties at the shelter 490 Didak Dr.,Arnprior. For information call 613623-0916 and check out our web site www.arnpriorhumanesociety.ca.

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Patience is a virtue, Aries. The best will be in store for you Aries, this week’s circumstances test your ability to later in theIfweek. There’s chance for adventure multitask. you look at itnot as much a game, it could be easier to Monday or Tuesday, things pick up on Wednesday. make it through the but week unscathed. Avoid stress.

LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct Libra, start thinking about 23 curbing your spending. Your Libra, you can’t seem to stop talking, and others are starting finances are in trouble if youhumble don’t make some changes. to grow frustrated Be more and respect others’ More is going than is comingyou intowill your opinions this out week. Otherwise be accounts. flying solo.

TAURUS – -Apr 21/May 21 21 TAURUS Apr 21/May Taurus, lighthearted attitude younight to sail Taurus, your a good night is in store thisenables week. The brings through situations Teach this rewards stressful you did not expect. without Working anxiety. hard yields more technique to high-strung than financial success. relatives who could use the help.

SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 22 SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov Scorpio,there’s you are somewhat scattered it’s Scorpio, notfeeling much you can do about the and current because Complaining of the high-energy, high-intensity type of week situation. about things won’t solve anything, coming You may need to find place to sothat whyis waste theup.breath? Better news is ona the horizon.

GEMINI May22/Jun 22/Jun GEMINI –-May 21 21 Gemini, you exude a casual confidence this week, but Trust your Someone who seems like they inside yourinstincts, feelings Gemini. are rumbling beneath the surface. have your best you interests may have ulterior That’s because haveata heart lot onreally your mind. motives. Heed Capricorn’s sage advice. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Expect lack CANCERa –complete Jun 22/Jul 22of concentration this week, Cancer. That’s financial situation to deal with, Cancer,because you mayyou feelhave like ayou’re the only one keeping the and taking up all of yourthis brain activity. ship it’s from sinking. However, is not the case. Behindthe-scenes work is taking place, too. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, you are feeling a bit irresponsible, even if you have LEO – Jul items 23/Aug pressing to 23 handle. That’s because you have been Leo, it seems if drama is always That’sa taking on too as much and your mindfollowing is saying you. it needs because you tend to be the life of the party or prefer all break.

1. A fencing sword 6. Agreement between two states 36. Streetcar (Br.) 10. Cut wood 37. Runs PCs 14. The jejunum to the cecum 38. Cola name 15. Common market people 39. French river 17. Woven purse style of MA 40. Winged fruit 19. Young goat 42. Ripened plant ovules 20. Den of a wild animal 44. Uniform 21. Sea catfish genus 45. Am. Martial Arts Soc. 22. Rosenberg prosecutor Roy 46. Kosher NYC bakery 23. Liberal rights organization 48. Early Cubist painter Juan 24. Tossed or flung 49. Boxer Muhammad 25. Shrimp sauteed in butter & garlic 52. “Twilight” actor 28. Veras are one type 55. Worker who coats ceilings 30. Hail (nautical) 56. Of the dowry 31. __ & Hammer 57. Vertical spar supporting sails 33. Football’s Flutie 58. Mark for deletion 34. Bus fees 59. Enlighten


1. Fall below the surface 2. Jai __, sport 3. Curved segment 4. A sunken groove 5. Rivalrous 6. Beijing 7. Hungarian Violinist Leopold 8. Cathode-ray tube 9. Genus nicotiana plants 10. Most electropositive metal 11. Hawaiian head lei 12. Small integers 13. W. states time zone 16. Negotiation between enemies 18. Songwriter Sammy 22. Horsefly 23. Wimbledon champion Arthur 24. US band conductor John Philip 26. French capital 27. Formerly Persia

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 20 You have new morebeginnings options than first realized. It’sexcited time Capricorn, haveyou arrived and you’re you put your into action and getshare busy.your Pisces about all of theplan prospects. Others may joyproves but to be a big help that on Thursday. not to the extent you do. You can use the assistance. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 AQUARIUS Jan mind 21/Feb Aquarius, –your is 18 full of ideas, but you have no plan Aquarius, alright bego cautious with your of attack.it’s You can’ttojust in without a fewdecisions, ideas on but how taking much too long couldaindicate you’re ready for a to proceed. Think it over little more andnot have patience. change. Soon a spouse or partner will grow impatient. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces,– now is not the PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20 time to take the next step even though you feel confident. You need some It’s hard to accept help sometimes, Pisces. Butmore help financial is what backing. you need right now. Accept it with open arms.

Last week’s week’s Last answers answers

This This weeks puzzle in puzzle answers answers in next issue Julyweeks 15th issue

Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test!

28. Form a sum 29. W.C.s (Br.) 30. They ___ 32. Woman (French) 34. Sylvan 35. Kwa 36. Belongs to CNN founder 38. Play boisterously 39. Seaboard 41. Most specified 42. Existentialist writer Jean Paul 43. Utter sounds 46. Fr. naturalism writer Emil 47. Son of Lynceus 48. Kelt 49. ____ Spumante 50. Bread unit 51. Inwardly 52. Revolutions per minute 53. Pakistani rupee 54. Wynken, Blynken & ___

Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!



eyes be on you. Think about being less conspicuous. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, won’t make22 a lot of sense to others this week, VIRGOyou – Aug 24/Sept but that’s OK since you friends know what get done. Virgo, it’s hard to keep if youyou are need overlytocritical of Real estate plans full force. the way they live are theirinlives. Remember, no one is perfect — including you. Keep an open mind.


SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 You’re in over head,toSagittarius. Too many You feel like your you want do something out ofprojects the ordinary and enough helpers can youbefeeling thisnot week, Sagittarius. But leave it could betteroverto stick to the whelmed. YouOtherwise may wantyou to tackle one thing a time. status quo. may ruffle a fewatfeathers.

Every Tuesday and Thursday until August 18 Over


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EMC - Your Community Newspaper

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Richmond Rd.; Natural Food Pantry 205 Richmond St..; Natural Food Pantry Billings Bridge Mall, 2277 Riverside Dr.; Nature's Care Health Products 1500 Bank St.; Nature's Care Health Products 202 Bank St.; Nature's Care Health Products 64 Beechwood Ave.; Nutrition House Carlingwood Mall, 2121 Carling Ave.; Nutrition House Billings Bridge Plaza, 2277 Riverside Dr. E.; House Rideau Centre, 50 Rideau St.; Nutrition House St. Laurent Shopping Ctr, 1200 St. Laurent Blvd.; Nutrition House Merivale Mall, 1642 Merivale Rd.; Rainbow Natural Foods Britannia Plaza, 1487 Richmond Rd.; Total Health River Gate Plaza, 3625 Rivergate Way�ALMONTE: Almonte Natural Foods 12 Mill St.�BROCKVILLE: Health & Harmony 1275 Kensington; New Horizons Towne Centre Plaza, 163 Ormond St.�CARLETON PLACE: Carleton Place Drug Mart 47 Lansdowne Ave.; The Granary Bulk & Natural Food Store 107 Bridge St. �CHESTERVILLE: Seaway Valley Pharmacy Chesterville 21 Main St. �CORNWALL: Cornwall Medical Pharmacy 609 Pitt St.; Medical Arts Pharmacy 30 13th Street E.�GATINEAU: Gagné en Santé 224 Rue Bellehumeur; La Boîte à Grains 325 boul. Gréber; La Boite à Grains 581 St-Joseph; Pharmacie Yves Audette (Zellers) 425 boul. St-Joseph (Place Cartier); Pharmacie Stéphane Dalpé (Zellers) 920 boul. Maloney O. (Galerie Gatineau); Sol Aliments Naturels 186 rue de la Colline �GLOUCESTER: Nutrition Company Gloucester Ctr, 1980 Oglivie Rd. �HAWKESBURY: L'Ami de la Santé 230 Main Street. E. �KANATA: Granny's Natural Food Emporium Hazeldean Mall; Natural Food Pantry 442 Hazeldean Rd. �KEMPTVILLE: Nature's Way Select Foods 2676 Hwy43 �KILLALOE: Grandma's Pantry 183 Queen St.�KINGSTON: Green Door Vitamins 201 Wellington St.; Nutrition House Kingston Centre, C477 1046 Princess St.; Sigrid's Natural Foods Lasalle Park Plaza, 506 Days Rd. Unit I;Tara Natural Foods 81 Princess St. �MANOTICK: Manotick Natural Market 1160 Beaverwood Rd. �MORRISBURG: Seaway Valley Pharmacy 45 Main St. �NAPANEE: Mainstay Herbals 71 John St.;�NEPEAN: Kardish Bulk Food and Nutrition Centre 1568 Merivale Rd.; Kardish Specialty Foods 3659 Richmond Rd.; Mother Hubbard‘s 250 Greenbank Rd. �ORLEANS: Nutrition House Place D'Orleans 110 Place D'Orleans Dr. �PEMBROKE: Health Advantage 1107 Pembroke St. E.; Integrated Nutrition 570 Nelson St..�PERTH: Foodsmiths 106 Wilson St. W. �PETAWAWA: Beyond Nutrition 3468A Petawawa Blvd. �RENFREW: Pura Vida Nutrition Store(formerly Renfrew Nutrition Store) 267 Stewart St. �SMITHS FALLS: Global Vitamins 25 Beckwith St. N.; Modern Thymes 11 Russell St. E. �SHAWVILLE QC: Proxim, 174 Vitoria St.;�STITTSVILLE: Stittsville IDA Pharmacy1250 Main St.�VANKLEEK HILL: White Palace-Sears 1

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