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Total EMC Distribution 474,000

Central Hastings


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2013 XV1900 RAIDER S

News A damp weekend for the Tweed Fair


Serving Stirling, Marmora, Madoc, Tweed & Area

July 11, 2013





of TRENTON 613-965-6626

Sparky’s making the rounds.

Page 4


... of umbrellas.

Page 11


Shiny and bright beside the canal.

Valerie and Jessie Prevost were pretty excited about going on the Ferris wheel at the Tweed Fair. Photo: Scott Pettigrew

Page B10


Dogs and owners alike had a great time

By Judy Backus

Are you sure it’s Red?

Page B22

Please turn to page 2 for more on the Tweed Fair.

EMC News - Marmora - Despite very changeable weather which included several downpours, the July 7 Bark For Life, an initiative designed to raise funds toward the purchase of digital mammography equipment at Campbellford Memorial Hospital, was a great success. Just prior to the event’s start, Catherine Holt, who is involved with donor relations at the hospital’s foundation, said that such equipment was critical in the ďŹ ght

against breast cancer, and the Bark for Life program was a fun way to engage supporters. The pledged event for dogs and their owners, involved a two-kilometre walk from the park to the dam and back, with $3,000 having been raised through advance pledges and sponsorship. In addition to the walk, there was face painting for both young and older individuals, barbecued hot dogs, a silent auction, and a paws wall memorial where participants could purchase a paw

symbol in memory of a beloved pet or family member. Dr. Gwen Robertson, of Campbellford Veterinary Services was on hand to answer questions about canine health, as was a representative from K-9 Comfort Inn who provided demonstrations relating to dog agility and obedience. As well, a group of local musicians known as “Off the Grid� provided entertainment from the shelter of the gazebo. Then there were the dogs themselves, which came in every shape, size and

colour, representing a wide variety of breeds. All seemed enthusiastic when it came to the walk, setting out with tails wagging and owners in tow. Just prior to the start of the walk, during the introduction of the event, Catherine Holt welcomed all, saying that while they were there to raise funds for digital mammography, they were also celebrating the special relationship we have with our pet companions.

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Please see “Soggy� on page 3


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Tweed Fair a success in spite of the rain By Scott Pettigrew EMC Events - Tweed - It rained on Friday night and on Sunday but Saturday turned out to be a stellar day for the Tweed Fair. Attendance numbers were up on Saturday and there were a number of new rides.

Marmora Inn s *ULY TH TO *ULY TH s





Please call for reservations

Abby Nicole Hunt enjoyed a ride at The Tweed Fair Saturday as she and her mother were visiting all the way from Victoria B.C. Photo: Scott Pettigrew


(613) 472-6887

Township Update Visit www.stirling-rawdon.com for community events and municipal updates

Shayden and Bentley York did a tandem slide at the Tweed Fair. Photo: Scott Pettigrew

2013 Service Dog Tags Municipal Survey


Water Meters The Water Meter Program continues, Council and staff would like to thank residents involved for their cooperation. Public Works employees will be locating curb stands by hand and therefore there may be some inconvenience to private property during the installation program. StirlingRawdon staff will repair the yards as soon as possible. Please be patient during this program as we are extremely busy with installations. If you have any concerns or wish to make an appointment to get your meter installed, please contact Gregg Joslin at 613-848-8142

Upcoming Meetings

Mon. July 15 at 7 p.m.



Economic Development


Did you know?


Hazard: The product or its fumes will catch fire easily if it is near heat, flame or spark.




Factoid: Ontario households generate close to 20 - 40 litres of hazardous waste annually.

Agendas for Council meetings are now available online www.stirling-rawdon.com on the Friday prior to the meeting Thurs. July 11 at 6 p.m.

Savannah and Carter Moak are seen here riding the flying elephant at the Tweed Fair. Photo: Scott Pet-


A survey will be available in the Municipal Office and on line at www.stirling-rawdon.com. Residents of Stirling-Rawdon are encouraged to participate in this survey as we wish to learn your views about (a) the importance of existing municipal services; and (b) your satisfaction with these services. There are also opportunities for you to share your ideas and suggestions on how the Municipality can better serve and communicate with you.

Statistic: QWS collected 65,530 litres in 2012


Sam and Troy Wickens put their horses to the task of pulling on a hot and muggy afternoon at the Tweed Fair. Photo: Scott Pettigrew

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2 Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013


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Soggy two-kilometre walk 1st Annual Stirling -Rawdon Registration Fair Thursday, August 8th’ 6pm-9pm Stirling Curling Club Demonstrations, Contests, Registrations and more.....

when you are well. They know when you are happy. They know when you are sad … We love them to death and what would we do without them?” She concluded by reminding all, that if something didn’t seem right with regard to one’s health, to “go and get it checked.” Last to speak was Emily Vassiliadis, co-ordinator of the Peterborough office of the Canadian Cancer Society, who said the Society, currently celebrating its 75th anniversary, “was very proud to be partnering with Campbellford Memorial Hospital Foundation. supporting their goal of purchasing digital mammography equipment.” She indicated that Bark For Life was a Canadian Cancer Society fund raiser, and wished all success in

the day’s activities. She provided some encouraging cancer statistics, saying that when Cancer Society funding research first began in the 1940s, 25 per cent of those diagnosed with cancer, survived. Those figures have changed significantly, with today’s survival numbers at 62 per cent. Then, with the music Who Let the Dogs Out? playing in the background, it was time for the two kilometre walk to begin for the very excited dogs. At the conclusion of the soggy 2013 Nissan 2013 Nissan 2013 Nissan day, Holt indicated the total raised had reached $4,300, but it would be a few days before the final tally ent In ives and Offers when you Finance with Nissan Canada from June 20th – 24th only. was known. She indicated that PLUS from 1:30ent pm-3:30 drop in for ayou free carwith wash and hot dog, they planned to hold the Saturday event entIn In ives ivesand andOffers Offerswhen when youFinance Finance with Nissan Nissan Canada Canada from from June June 20th 20th –– 24th 24th only. only. an autograph from ex Maple Leaf and Belleville Bull Rob Pearson! again next year asand the get walkers, PLUS 1:30 drop in for aa free wash and In pm-3:30 ives and Offers when withcar Nissan Canada fromhot Junedog, 20th – 24th only. PLUS Saturday Saturday from froment 1:30 pm-3:30 drop inyou forFinance free car wash and hot dog, who numbered 20, and sponsors ent In ives and Offers when youLeaf Financeand with Nissan CanadaBull from June – 24th only. and from ex Maple Belleville Rob20th Pearson! and get get an an autograph autograph ex Maple Leafdrop andin Belleville Bull Pearson! were all keen to participate. 2013 ALTIMA 2013 ROGUE PLUS Saturdayfrom from 1:30 pm-3:30 for a free carRob wash and hot dog,




Mortgage on medical centre paid % UP TO

By Judy Backus

EMC News - Marmora Reeve Terry Clemens began the July 2 council meeting by making presentations on matters of importance. The first was good news in the form of an announcement that the last mortgage payment had been paid that day on the medical centre. A press release related to compliance issues at the landfill, a document he read in its entirety. He mentioned that the Ministry of the Environment had issued an amended approval with several key elements, the first being the fact that the remaining capacity of the landfill is 42,062 cubic metres, “providing 10.5 to 13.5 years of capacity.” The authority to transport “bulky and construction demolition off site,” could increase that number to 20 plus years. Clemens read, “With our current recycling programs in

place and continued public support on actively recycling, this number could increase again.” The amended approval also permits trench reclamation, “allowing us to excavate areas not known to have received any waste in the past.” As well, approval has been given for the acceptance of fluorescent light bulbs, dry cell batteries and propane tanks, and when a sufficient volume has been accumulated, arrangements will be made to have a licensed hauler remove them. Another point was the fact that the recycling of rubber tires under the Ontario Tire Stewardship Program will continue. The final and longest point in the release referred storm water management and the fact that “any storm water accumulation in the waste disposal trench will be managed by dewatering and piping it to a soakaway pit [a lot-



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Event co-ordinator Tara Hunt, of the Pooch Parlour in Marmora, was next up to the microphone, thanking participants and sponsors for their support, saying that this was a day to “celebrate the therapeutic benefits between pets and pet parents.” She mentioned the losses to cancer that she and many had experienced, going on to say she believed in the cause and appreciated everyone’s attendance. Pat Fox, a breast cancer survivor, told the group of her experience with atypical symptoms of the disease, cautioning all to pay attention to their bodies. When it came to dogs, she said, “They love you no matter what. They don’t care if you are big, small, short, tall—whatever. They are the best comfort ever. They know


Continued from page 1


Whether it’s a short term activity or long term volunteering, there is something for everyone. If your organization wishes to participate visit www.stirling-rawdon.com under News/Notices to fill out a form. Call 613-395-3341 for more information


With the music who Let the Dogs Out? blasting in the background, a group of 20 dogs and their owners headed out on the twokilometre trek from Memorial Park to the dam and back during the July 7 Bark for Life held to raise funds to support the purchase of digital mammography equipment for Campbellford Memorial Hospital. Photo: Judy Backus







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Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013 3

Centre Hastings ramps up fire prevention program The municipality of Centre Hastings, in compliance with Ontario fire prevention regulations, has appointed a fire prevention co-ordinator to educate residents. Sparky, the safety dog, is an integral part of the program. Chief Stan Laton (l) is shown with Captain Andrew Wood, the newly appointed co-ordinator (r) with Michelle in front of her dad, Deputy Chief Dennis Derry (aka Sparky).



Photo: Diane Sherman



By Diane Sherman

EMC News - Centre Hastings - Centre Hastings Fire Chief Stan Laton announced the appointment of Captain Andrew Wood as ďŹ re prevention co-ordinator for the municipality at council meeting June 26. In his report to council Laton concluded, “This is a monumental step toward reaching an achievable goal that

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SEALED TENDERS, on the forms supplied, will be received at the Municipality of Mamora and Lake Offices until: Tuesday, August 6th, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.


TENDERS will be opened publicly, at the Municipality of Marmora and Lake Office, 12 Bursthall Street, Marmora, Ontario immediately after closing. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. If you require additional information, please contact.

4 Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013

We Can Help


The tender must be accompanied by an Agreement to Bond or a letter from a financial institution agreeing to supply a letter of credit. Tenders must also include a tender deposit in the form of a Certified Cheque or Bid Bond made payable to THE MUNICIPALITY OF MARMORA AND LAKE, in an amount not less than that specified in the Tender Documents.

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Victor Reid, Environmental Services Manager Municipality of Marmora & Lake Town Hall, 12 Bursthall Street, Marmora On K0K 2M0 T: (613) 472-6285 F: (613) 472-1023 v.reid@marmoraandlake.ca

EMC News - Stirling - This year the Hastings County Plowing Match and Farm Show turns 25. After years of steady growth, the local agricultural exhibition is expected to draw crowds of several thousand when the gates open just south of Stirling on August 21. Hosted by Doug Parr and Bruce Philp, who own adjoining properties that Parr farms as part of his dairy operation, this year’s show will feature more than 300 exhibitors offering more than a century of farming technology and the latest in equipment, services and techniques. “We have a really good site this year and things are going well,� says Show President Jim Gunning, who is heading up a team of seasoned show organizers well accustomed to the months of preparation required for an annual event in a new location each year. And Parr and Philp say it is an honour to be hosting the 25th Anniversary show. Both have generations of farming behind them and are regular visitors to the show. Philp, a

Elder Abuse...Let’s Talk

I general, this project includes the installation of approximately 400m of new watermain and appurtenances, and approximately 80 m of new sanitary sewer including a new maintenance hole and services along Highway 7 west of North Maloney Street.

Mr. Tony Guerrera, Project Manager The Greer Galloway Group Inc. 620 Wallbridge-Loyalist Road R.R. 5, Belleville, On, K8N 4Z5 T: (613) 473-4030 F: (613) 966-3087 tguerrera@greergalloway.com

By Richard Turtle

Plowing Match celebrating 25th anniversary




no one should ever feel the devastating effects of ďŹ re. I am conďŹ dent that Andrew and his team will be able to make a positive impact on our community.â€? Captain Wood is a 16-year veteran with the department, working out of Station One, Huntingdon ďŹ re hall. He was at Station Two in Madoc on Saturday to begin his job in promoting ďŹ re prevention awareness by introducing himself to residents. “Local media is an important tool for getting the information out there. We are hoping they will work with us.â€? He said there is an information pamphlet which will be placed in key areas throughout Centre Hastings and communications programs are planned for presentation at schools, organizations, and to seniors. “In other words, we’re going to be more in your face.â€? He said education is the start of prevention. Chief Laton said the program has stages of development set out by the Ontario Fire Prevention and Protections Act (FPPA) which lay out a strategic plan to do a risk assessment, and, “do ďŹ re prevention inspections upon request or complaint.â€? Included in the plan is a smoke alarm program and home escape planning, which includes an enforcement strategy relating to installation and maintenance of smoke alarms. He said, “The job of the co-ordinator is to, logistically, make everything happen.â€? Wood will not be working alone. He will work with a team from the 40-member department. All members are trained in prevention Wood said, though he, speciďŹ cally, is taking courses pertinent to his new role. Laton said Centre Hastings is statistically at par with the rest of Ontario in risk assessment, with causes of ďŹ re incidents attributable to electrical appliances, wiring, cooking and smoking. He said statistics also show ďŹ res are most often caused by actions of children and seniors. “Children are often over-conďŹ dent and seniors have various limitations. These are the facts, and, we have to address this.â€? Laton said, “The world has changed rapidly [with new materials]. Fires burn hotter and faster, they are not the same as ten years ago. We wholeheartedly believe with this program we can prevent ďŹ res rather than having to suppress them.â€?

retired public servant, says for him the show is very much a tribute to his father, who was also a longtime supporter of the Plowing Match. Robert Warren Philp passed away on March 31, 2012, but, his son says, was well aware of the upcoming show and its planned location “We got word [of hosting the show] before he died and he was really excited about it,â€? Bruce says, adding when show time rolls around he will be remembered by many of the visitors. “Dad was involved in the Plowing Match so it’s nice to host the event.â€? And Robert, he adds, was the consummate farmer. “He made his living off the place.â€? Today it’s Doug Parr who’s on the land. A dairy farmer from Hoards Station, Parr too has a history of farming behind him. And that family tradition, he says, is now being pursued by two of his sons, Kevin and Stephen. And while Parr admits hosting the show means adjusting to ďŹ t someone else’s schedule, the ďŹ elds will be cut and ready for organizers and he is certain to be among the thousands of visitors in attendance. “It’s always a good show,â€? he says. Along with the latest in agricultural technology, the Plowing Match also features live entertainment, demonstrations, workshops, family activities, children’s programs and antique machinery and tractors in full operation. The annual event will also mark the end of Brianna Dracup’s two-year reign as Queen of the Furrow when a new winner is announced on the second day of the program. Horse and antique tractor plowing competitions will also be held as well as competitions in various other tractor classes. Family Program Chair Kay Summers and Crafts Chair Helen Thompson say there will be plenty of activities for the whole family and lots of local produce and merchandise available for sale as well as workshops and presentations on a variety of subjects. The Hastings County Plowing Match and Farm Show will be held August 21 and 22 at 255 Fairgrounds Road, Quinte West, with the gates opening at 9 a.m. Admission is $5 for adults with children under 12 free.

Kiwanis supports Heritage Centre youth programs the Kiwanis it will help us work on some of the new ideas we have for youth art,� said Evan Morton. “With the last Kiwanis donation we were able to get a rotating stand which we use throughout the year to display art done by local students. Now that we have some funds, we can start planning again. It is so important for the kids to have a place outside of school where they can show their art. “Some of these children show amazing talent. The kids who are great in sports get lots of recognition all the time but sometimes there is a child who has a gift in art or music and these children need promotion as well. If we can encourage just one child toward nurturing their artistic gifts then so much the Kiwanis President Wayne Kay and member Michael Cassidy are seen here presenting a cheque for $500 to Heritage Centre Curator Evan Morton. Photo: Scott Pettigrew better.�

Youth Cancer programs get much-needed financial bump EMC News - Tweed - Two representatives from the Canadian Cancer Society met with Tweed Kiwanis to receive a much-needed cheque from the Kiwanis for $500 after this year’s Relay for Life run was off the target by more than $100,000. “Every one of these donations big or small will have an impact,â€? said Amy Doyle, manager of the Hastings-Prince Edward-Brighton ofďŹ ce. She was joined by fund-raising manager Brad Warner. Amy continued, “The Relay for life is the Cancer Society’s signature event and we now have four Relays in the area. Our goal this year was $670,000 and we fell short by about $110,000.This donation from the Tweed Kiwanis will mean that young people suffering from cancer will get rides for treatment and the donation impacts local youth who need transportation. “One of things about the Canadian Cancer Society is people who make donations can allocate where they want the money to go or just put the money

in the general fund. We do prevention programs, research, information, we have a call line; there is a lot of work the Society is involved in with research being one of the biggest programs. Locally the transportation programs are the ones that people see and feel the most.â€? Amy went on to say that the ride programs for children mean that when children have to be accompanied by parents, which often involves going to places like Toronto for example, the funds will help offset the ďŹ nancial burden for parents who must stay overnight. “Pediatric cancer research is something we are heavily involved as well,â€? said Amy. “The Tweed Kiwanis are pleased to be able to support the Canadian Cancer Society’s youth programs. Cancer is wide spread and touches everyone sooner or later,â€? said Tweed Kiwanis President Wayne Kay. “The society has so many programs and we appreciate the fact that the money we donate will be used locally.â€?

Summery fun at the library EMC News - The Tweed Public Library started the summer off with fun and plenty of laughter Wednesday, July 3. The summer reading program is based on the “Amazing Race� and we had five teams of four. One of the games was to go on a trip but they had to put on the clothes they would be taking all at once. It was a bit of a challenge but the teams soon learned how to work together to get the job done quicker. Thanks go all of the sponsors in town that have helped provide our weekly prizes. This week the top team won free slices at Vito’s Pizzeria. Next week is a surprise. Come in and sign up. Our weekly program will run for the next six weeks on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. for children ages seven through 12. Photo: Submitted

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Tweed Kiwanis President Wayne Kay and Kiwanis member Michael Cassidy (right) are seen here at the Tweed Pavilion presenting a cheque for $500 to Amy Doyle, manager the Hastings-Prince Edward-Brighton Canadian Cancer Society office and fund-raising manager Brad Warner. On the far left is Kiwanis member Larry King. Photo: Scott Pettigrew





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Tandem Axle Manual Side Load Garbage Compaction Truck The Municipality of Centre Hastings is seeking quotes for a new tandem axle manual side load garbage compaction truck. Some requirements are: 1. Dual drive (right hand drive controls) 2. Drop frame chassis 3. Single stream 4. Automated lift arm NOT REQUIRED 5. 30 Cubic Yard rear dump packer body 6. Winter hydraulic oil heating package 7. Full safety equipment and lights All Requests for Quotes must be sealed, marked Compaction Truck and received at the Municipal Office by 12:00 p.m. noon on Thursday, July 25, 2013. The lowest quote or any part of any quote, not necessarily accepted. A full list of required features and options are available upon request to: Roger Taylor, Superintendent of Public Works Municipality of Centre Hastings 7 Furnace Street, Box 900 Madoc ON KOK 2KO Tel: (613)473-4030 Fax: (613)473-5444 Email: rtaylor@centrehastings.com





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By Scott Pettigrew

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EMC News - Tweed - The Tweed Kiwanis presented a cheque for $500 to Tweed Heritage Centre curator Evan Morton to help support youth art programs. Tweed Kiwanis President Wayne Kay said, “The Heritage Centre has a number of programs that are youth oriented; everything from an art gallery to encouraging children to tour the centre and learn about their own history.� Wayne went on to say the Kiwanis also makes an annual donation to the Historical Society which is a component of the Heritage Centre. “We make that donation to help the society offset the cost of meetings as well as the use of the pavilion.� “With this donation from

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By Scott Pettigrew

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Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013 5


The real cost of nuclear generated power Dear Editor, In response to the letters expressing opinions over Ontario’s use of nuclear generation, I would like to add this one to the list. First, to consider building, or even refurbishing the most expensive form of generation, (over the life time use and subsequent toxic storage of used fuel and irradiated core, plus decommissioning of the building and site), boggles the mind. Ontario can currently buy hydraulic power from Quebec, which is non-polluting and the cheapest power available. Second, nuclear is extraordinary dangerous,

witness the crisis in Japan as the Fukushima operator tries to contain radioactive water used to cool the spent fuel, (for years after the useful life of the reactor). Large concrete water containers are being built at the rate of one a week, that cover nearly all available space at the complex. Concern has been expressed that they will eventually be emptied into the sea, which in the area is already above acceptable levels of radiation. The USA and Japan are currently lobbying for a huge increase in the international allowable levels of radiation. The other side of the globe Sellafield in the UK, (renamed

from Winscale, its name at the time of its accident), cleanup costs have reached $1.5 billion per year with no end in sight. Need I mention Three Mile Island, Chernobyl etc. I realize Canada is different and it can’t happen here. Oh, er, yes it did, at the NRU and NRX reactors in Ontario during the early years. Not long ago we saw the Harper government overrule the nuclear safety commission to force a startup of its isotope reactor. You cannot talk about cost of nuclear unless you take in the full life cycle and cost of decommissioning, which is expected to be higher than the cost of construction. Spent fuel

storage has been kicked around since the Candu first started producing material for the U.S. bomb program nearly 60 years ago, with no proven safe system in place yet. We do not have a cost factor for this legacy to determine the true cost of nuclear power. Hydro’s $20-billion nuclear debt neatly downloaded onto the taxpayer during the Conservatives “sell off the store” routine, has been around a long time. Sometime in the 1970s I wrote an open letter printed in the Bancroft Times asking then AECL’s Lorne Gray several questions: when could we expect Ontario’s nuclear debt to be paid off? Why would AECL pay

millions into a Swiss bank account to unknown persons, for unknown services? The answer to the letter was that it was just normal business practice. Not much changed there with the new owners SNC-Lavalin in the courts for bribing government officials abroad with millions, to be sucked out of the customers’ pockets. The World Bank has banned SNC-Lavalin from any of its funded projects for the next ten years; I guess they were happy to get the contract without a bidding process for $600 million to design the refurbishing of Darlington. We should remember Darlington went 400 per cent over budget during

its construction as a cautionary tale. SNC-Lavalin is now the sole owner via a subsidiary of AECL now called Candu Energy Inc. It is still being “funded,” however, by the taxpayer through the Harper government. Locally the Ontario Energy Board claims that since 2006 45 per cent of the increase in our electricity generation costs has been the result of subsidies for nuclear power, while only six per cent has been for green energy. The more money involved the more likely there will be corruption. Add secrecy and double the probability. Paul Whittaker, Gilmour

Dear Editor, I would like to commend both Steve Brawley, and T. Murray for writing a couple of insightful letters, and their recognition that our electoral system is antiquated Oil Change $27.95 and requiring reform before it and Environmental fee $2 not included the whole parliamentary system IgVchb^hh^dc on both the provincial and federal 10% Seniors 6$8 ;ajh]^c\ levels become irrelevant. Discount 8=:8@ JE But there is a straightforward (PARTS ONLY) and simple answer to the question ask, obviously one Elections LET PETE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR VEHICLE NEEDS they Canada does not want you know 3 INDUSTRIAL DR., CAMPBELLFORD about. The solution to their problem (At the south end) is called, “Refusing their ballot.” You proceed the same way as in the regular voting process, until the poll clerk hands you your ballot. You hand it back saying, “I refuse my ballot.” This is recorded as refused ballot not a spoiled one. The major problem with our whole system is the fact that it has not been reformed since the mid

1840s. It was during this time, I understand, that the concept of every vote being considered a vote of confidence arose. The British government united the legislatures of Upper and Lower Canada after the rebellions of 1837. No one party could muster a majority government, so they started to form coalitions headed by a member from Upper Canada and one from Lower Canada, and they in turn presented themselves to the house and proposed a platform. If they received a vote of confidence, they stayed in power and held power, one issue at time. If they were defeated, they were duty bound to resign, and call on the lieutenant-governor to ask two other people to form a government or call an election. They went through many of these coalitions. However, Sir John A. finally won a majority government in late 1867,

and a check and balance on our system was lost. Worse still, he became a virtual dictator, because he could command the support of all the members of his party. Then they proceeded to consider it as they do today, as a vote of confidence in the government. What is required in my opinion, is an all-party agreement to severely restrict the number of votes of confidence to a select few, and open up all other votes to free votes in which MPs and MPPs would vote either their conscience or better still the polled opinions of their constituents. Our so-called, “first past the post” style of election is also totally out of date. It only works correctly if there are only two candidates running in each riding, thus assuring one of them will receive 50 per cent or more of the votes. However as soon as you add

three or more candidates, you split the vote so that it is possible for candidates to win election with 35 per cent of votes, or in other words 65 per cent of voters did not want him and voted for someone else. The solution I believe is the preferential ballot. So instead of marking your ballot with an X you would put a number beside each candidate’s name according to your preference, that you wished each candidate to finish. If no candidate won 51 per cent of the vote in the first round, you would drop the candidate with the fewest votes, and his number two votes would be allotted to the other candidates until one of the candidates would have received the magic 51 per cent of the vote. Then he/she could truthfully say they had the support of the majority of voters in their riding. John A.D. McLean, Belleville


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Dear Editor, Do you see honeybees in your gardens? Many people are telling us there were no bees visiting their apple blossoms. For some 15 years, honeybees have been under much stress. This past winter some 30 per cent of local bee colonies have died. In some cases losses have been 100 per cent. Normal losses 20 years back were two to three per cent There appear to be a number of possible causes for the

bees’ death. Honey bees pollinate, usually for free, a third of our food sources: apples, cherries, peaches, pears, raspberries, cucumbers, the clovers, soya bean and many more. Other insects assist in pollination but much less efficiently than the bee. The chief suspect is the varroa mite, a pinhead critter that lays its eggs with the developing larva crippling the infant bee and

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6 Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013


sucking life from adult host bees. In this process, deadly viruses are passed from mite to bee. Beekeepers treat their colonies with chemicals spring and fall but the mite quickly adapts and different medications are called for. Pesticides take their toll on bees, particularly the neonicotinoidbased ones that scramble the honeybees’ sense of navigation. In Europe a major effort to ban these



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pesticides has recently been defeated by the billion dollar neonicotinoid market. Present day farming practices present further crises. Monoculture in which vast acreage is cultivated with a single plant species provides only a junk food diet for the bee. Bees require a mix of various nectars and pollens for good nutrition. The ongoing elimination of fencerows to create huge open fields for massive farm equipment defies the bee. Bees will only collect nectar at the borders of these extended fields. Extensive spraying to kill weeds further eliminates alternative diet for the bee. Another agricultural development in which the genetic structure of plants is altered to enhance its resistance to blight and disease is now being studied for its effect on bees. From the U.S. come reports of bees abandoning their homes. They simply disappear. One beekeeper to our south says that only several hundred of his 1,400 colonies he rents out for pollination services have survived. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that honeybees contribute $20 billion annually to the U.S. economy. The parasitic mite, viruses, poor nutrition, monoculture, pesticides and herbicides, and genetic playing around combine to threaten a third of our food resources. We and the bees are in trouble. Yours truly, Don Wilson, Stirling


End of the Arab Spring?

EMC Editorial - If the people in charge of the various opposition parties in Egypt had any strategic vision, they would not have launched the mass protests that caused the army to oust President Mohammed Morsi on July 4. They would have bided their time and waited for the next election. Because there is probably still going to be a next election in Egypt, despite the coup, and now Gwynne Dyer the Muslim Brotherhood might actually win it. There is a good deal of chatter in the media at the moment about the “end of the Arab Spring,” some of it by commentators who can barely conceal their delight. Egypt, with almost one-third of the world’s total Arab population, was the great symbol of the democratic movement’s success, and now Egyptian democracy is in a mess. But the drama still has a long way to run. Morsi is now under arrest, as are many other leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the passionate demonstrations and counter-demonstrations in the streets of Egypt’s cities make it hard to imagine that any compromise is possible. Indeed, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin warned last weekend that Egypt risks stumbling into a civil war like the one that has devastated Syria. Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei, on the other hand, justified the military coup by claiming that it had been the only alternative to civil war—which could, he said, have been as bad as Somalia. Really? One suspects he doesn’t know much about Somalia. Indeed, one suspects he doesn’t really know much about his own country either (he has spent most of his career abroad). There was no risk of civil war in Egypt before last week’s military intervention, and there is no risk of civil war now either. What we are seeing is a no-holds-barred struggle for power between rival political movements, in a system where the political rules are newly written, hotly disputed, and poorly understood. And all the players have made some serious mistakes. The Muslim Brotherhood, on the basis of last year’s 51.7 per cent majority for Morsi in the presidential election, assumed that it had the unquestioning support of half the population. This was probably not true. Many voted for Morsi in recognition of the Muslim Brotherhood’s long resistance to six decades of military dictatorship. Others voted for him in gratitude for the Brotherhood’s unfailing support for the poor, or in disgust

at the fact that Morsi’s only opponent in the second round of the election was a left-over from the Mubarak regime. Perhaps as few as half of them actually voted for the Brotherhood’s core project of Islamising Egyptian law and forcing its own version of Islamic values on Egyptian society—but the Brothers seemed to think they all had. Even if that had been true, trying to impose fundamental changes on a country with the support of only half the population was not wise. Some of the constitutional changes Morsi imposed, and some of his tactics for pushing them through, may actually have been the result of political compromises within the Brotherhood, where he constantly had to fend off the fanatics who wanted even more extreme measures. Nevertheless, the secular opposition parties inevitably saw him as an extremist, and genuinely feared that he would somehow manage to force the whole package on Egypt. So the secular parties responded with extraconstitutional tactics of their own: mass demonstrations that were explicitly intended to trigger a military takeover that would sideline Morsi and the Brotherhood. In only four days of demos, they succeeded, in large part because the army, a resolutely secular organisation, had its own grave misgivings about where Morsi’s government was taking Egypt. But the army hasn’t actually seized power. It has appointed Adly Mansour, the head of the Constitutional Supreme Court, as interim president, with the task of organising new parliamentary and presidential elections. It will not be possible to exclude the Muslim Brotherhood from those elections without turning the whole process into a farce, especially since the Brotherhood will probably be going through some changes of its own. The Muslim Brotherhood took little part in the 2011 revolution, and the men at the top, including Morsi, were utterly unprepared for power. They are now likely to be replaced by a younger generation of leaders who are more flexible and more attuned to the realities of power. They might even win the next election, despite all Morsi’s mistakes this time round. That’s the real irony here. If the opposition parties had only left Morsi in power, his unilateral actions and his inability to halt Egypt’s drastic economic decline would have guaranteed an opposition victory at the next election. Now it’s all up in the air again. But democratic politics is far from over in Egypt. Foolish things have been done, but the Arab Spring is not dead.


I am now a corporation Dear Editor, Since the court has declared corporations to be persons, I felt that myself being a person should be taxed as a corporation so I went and got a corporate tax form and hired a starving corporate tax lawyer to help me out with all the tax deductions. He told me that I could only be a person in the U.S. but that were a great many great tax loopholes and gimmicks in Canada so we went ahead. Transportation deductions: Since I use the bus and subway twice a day for 365 days (I work two jobs thus the 365 days.) This works out to 365 times, two times my daily expense. Meal deductions - I have a burger with fries and a coffee twice a day (again 365 days.) I believe this would

P.O. Box 25009, Belleville, ON K8P 5E0 250 Sidney Street Phone: 613-966-2034 Fax: 613-966-8747 This edition serves the following communities: Stirling, Marmora, Madoc, Tweed & Area Published weekly by: Record News Communications, A division of Performance Printing Limited

work out to 365 times two times meal expenses. Advertising - I send out many resumes by email, phone and mail so I figure I should be able to claim my Internet, phone and mail charges as a legitimate expense. Since I have collected receipts for all these transactions, I have been forced to buy an extra envelope so I am including the cost for the envelope and mailing charges. It is great being a corporation and I expect to get a large refund which I intend to hide offshore. I invite all the working persons out there to fill in the expense blanks and get a corporate tax form and join me in the Cayman Islands. Jack Knowles, Brighton

Vice President & Regional Publisher Mike Mount mmount@perfprint.ca 613-283-3182, ext 104

Editor Terry Bush tbush@metroland.com 613-966-2034, ext 510

Regional General Manager Peter O’Leary poleary@perfprint.ca 613-283-3182, ext 112

Central Hastings News Tery Bush tbush@metroland.com 613-966-2034, ext 510

Group Publisher Duncan Weir dweir@perfprint.ca 613-283-3182, ext 164

Classifieds Heather Naish hnaish@theemc.ca 613-966-2034, ext 560 1-888-Words Ads Deadline: Monday 3:00pm

Publisher John Kearns jkearns@theemc.ca 613-966-2034, ext 570

Connected to your community

A-well-a everybody’s heard ... By Terry Bush

EMC Editorial - Well, that’s gratitude for you. We don’t bother adding up our birdseed bills anymore. The money we spend means little to us; we just like to help our local feathered friends make it through the winter while at the same time enjoying their antics. A win-win situation for everyone. We all have our own avian favourites, of course. My personal choice for that honour would have to be chickadees because no matter what the temperature, those little guys are out there foraging and I admire their perseverance. Come hell or high water, when the feeder gets filled, the chickadees are waiting a foot or two away, bibs at the ready. It’s also nice to have them drop by along the trail while out for a walk and the fact that they’ll come right up to you in response to a little squeak or two from chilly lips is doubly endearing. Cardinals, woodpeckers, nuthatches, juncos and grosbeaks are all fun to see as would be blue jays if they weren’t so darn pushy. Rounding out the list would be assorted sparrows which, while not flashy, do have nice songs. When spring rolled around this year, most everyone went on their merry way except the sparrows who stuck around to eat my grass seed. We were willing to share, though not to the extent they demanded and luckily they went elsewhere after germination. Except for one pair. In their minds, familiarity was essential in a nesting site and so they settled into a small mugo pine a few steps from where the empty feeder hung. Then it started. I don’t know if the male sparrow saw his reflection in one of the panes of the bay window next to the pine or he didn’t like people close to his nest but for the next week, he spent most of his time rapping on the window with his beak, wings and feet. Comical soon became annoying. Finally my wife hauled out a bed sheet and strung it across the kitchen chairs so it sealed off two of the windows from his sight. Things were quiet for a change. Eventually he positioned himself in front of the remaining window and the racket resumed. He then added a new twist to his routine. Every time he approached the window to make a fuss, he lightened his load on the side of the house. This was getting personal. We shooed him, pounded on the glass, and exchanged a few choice words but evidently didn’t get our point across. Finally we gave up. He was just protecting his nest from any and all predators so we resigned ourselves to the fact that things would only quiet down when the nest was empty. When that day finally arrived, the silence was like a Christmas gift. And our worries of a second round of egg laying in that location were all for naught. A week went past, and at 5:20 one morning a familiar sound rousted me from what I’m sure was a stellar dream

involving women, money and some exotic locale. The little bugger was at the bedroom window. Now, there was no way around the notion that he had it in for me for some reason. Maybe that one and only small bag of coated grass seed I had spread gave him a bellyache. Someone had to pay. It was game on again. My first thought was to cut down the cedar tree beside the window. It had been planted too close to the house and was pushing against the eaves trough. It also had never been pruned and was now quite spindly. That plan was soon put to rest by the better half. (She has to go away for the weekend sometime.) So I said to myself, “Self, if you were a bird, what would get your goat.” Having been an avid birder in my youth, I fired up the computer and printer and before long a couple of kestrels (sparrow hawks) were cut out and positioned in the window. Rubbing my hands with glee, I figured my superior brain had won the day. The rap, rap, rap continued. As I peeked around the corner, the little jerk was taking a round out of the hawk’s head. I hid around the corner and every time he showed up, I pounded the glass and yelled. He was up to the challenge and increased his visits. He was now a man on a mission. “You want a piece of me,” he shrieked. Wait, maybe that was me who said that. That little sparrow was now spending 80 per cent of his waking hours trying to get inside to take me out. He never ate. When I looked at the window on Friday, he’d made an attempt to crack the glass. Tiny little feathers and bodily fluids were stuck to the window where he’d rammed it with his head. He kept on coming. In between his charges, he’d sit in the cedar tree or on a branch of an elm 20 feet away and sing his happy little songs. He wasn’t fooling anyone. Mare jokes the bird has rabies. I think he has brain damage and don’t see anything funny about the situation. A 24-gram bird should not be able to get a 195-pound man’s goat. That’s just not right. Late one night when it seemed there was no other recourse for me other than to admit defeat, it came to me. I needed a scaresparrow. The next morning, I tore down those wimpy kestrels and hung a shirt outside. I slept in until 6 a.m. When I reached out and pulled it in, the bird reappeared with even more ferocity. I let him expend his energy for the day. The shirt went back up. The bird disappeared. I was finally winning and wanted to crow about it so I sat on the deck and taunted him. He didn’t like it but too damn bad. He got me back Sunday morning at 5:36 a.m. because I forgot to put the shirt up the night before. Unfortunately, the bird is still the word. Distribution Manager David McAdams dmcadams@perfprint.ca 613-966-2034, ext 513

Advertising Consultant Jennet Honey jhoney@theemc.ca 613-966-2034, ext 509

Production Manager Glenda Pressick gpressick@theemc.ca 613-966-2034, ext 520 Read us online at www.EMCNortheast.ca THE DEADLINE FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING IS MONDAY AT 11:00AM Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013 7

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Cheaper shovels Giant hogweed correction save time and energy

Dear Editor, Your horticultural correspondent rightly describes how much of a worker’s energy is saved by simply using the lighter, slightly smaller shovels now available for $10 or less. Made in Canada by the venerable Garant Tool Company, such shovels prove that our crippled manufacturing sector can actually produce a useful, well-made tool that out-competes cheap imports. As for the advanced, expensive allmetal, ergonomic shovel, also produced by Garant, it lasted four days in our nursery before its head twisted off. Josef Reeve, Golden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank

Dear Editor, I owe the readers of the EMC an apology regarding the local sightings of giant hogweed reported last week. On the same day the EMC goes to press, I learned from Dan Joyner, with the Ministry of the Environment, that subsequent to the sighting last year, investigation by agricultural experts in Kingston determined these plants were not giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) but a plant resembling it. Locally, giant hogweed has been discovered in Murray Ward, Mr. Joyner reports. Scott Olan, an agronomist and pesticide manager with the Ontario government has

examined plant photographs and has not made a conclusive identification. He says he will be forwarding samples to the University of Guelph Herbarium for DNA analysis and positive identification and a determination of its potential toxicity. There are a number of local plants resembling giant hogweed at different stages of its development, including Angelica, poison hemlock, wild carrot, cow parsnip and others. Joe Bartok, a local naturalist, believes on the basis of close observation that the plants seen in this area are in fact common elderberry. Mr. Joyner also has concluded that the plants observed are a type of native

elderberry. While relieved to find the plants seen around Tweed are not in fact giant hogweed, I’m a bit embarrassed by my shortcomings as a botanist. This report of local giant hogweed is premature, but it may be only a matter of time until the real thing shows up. Tweed and area residents would do well to familiarize themselves with giant hogweed and the local plants resembling it. Many Internet sites, such as that of the Ministry of Natural Resources offer good descriptions and photographs. But again, apologies for the false alarm. Brett Mann, Tweed

Abandoned buildings get attention at council

By Judy Backus

EMC News - Marmora At the July 2 council meeting Reeve Terry Clemens provided an update on issues relating to the buildings at numbers one and three McGill Street which are currently boarded up having been abandoned by the owner, Frank Diadamo, who, as Clemens stated, “is no longer in the area and cannot be located.” Property standards orders have been issued against the property with regard to garbage and falling bricks, with a temporary fence having been put in place with public safety in mind. Clemens mentioned that there were several mortgages relating to the property, as well as “two liens by Revenue Canada total in excess of $1 million.” Kawartha Credit Union have said they have written off a $325,000 mortgage, “and have no further interest in the property.” Outstanding taxes amount to about $60,000 and a Tax Sale for 3 McGill is planned for this fall, with 1 McGill to be “eligible for Tax Sale in 2015.” Clemens mentioned that a permanent fence would be put in place along the south and west sides of the buildings, saying it was likely that the properties would “remain in their current boarded up state until at least some time in 2015.” Clemens did have some good news to report, that being the fact that Jay Hicks, the new owner of the former hotel, “had completed the necessary upgrades to the facility and is now accepting residential and commercial tenants.” He continued, “Mr. Hicks is to be congratulated for the improvements he has made to the facility. We appreciate his investment in the downtown and wish him all the very best.”

Lionel Bennett of Marmora Insurance and Meghan Callaghan of BFL Insurance and Risk Management Services, were next on the agenda, providing detailed updates for each coverage category and answering questions relating to the municipal insurance renewal which has been signed and, at a cost of $97,168, represents a marginal increase over last year. As Callaghan stated, “We look to find the best insurance companies to insure your risk.” Under the heading of New Business, Councillor Elaine Jones thanked the municipal staff for their help and involvement with the Canada Day celebrations, saying, in reference to the crowds at the park, “It was amazing to see the community pull together and people enjoy themselves like they did yesterday.” The meeting continued with Reeve Clemens saying that although a bylaw was in place to the effect that motorized vehicles were not allowed on municipal parkland, there were currently no signs in place to that effect, a situation which would soon be remedied. Kathy Hamilton again made use of the public input portion of the meeting, thanking council for the ad which had appeared in the paper to indicate that a planning meeting scheduled for that morning had been cancelled. Wayne Beck, who at the last meeting had spoken out about the number of both commercial and residential properties which were in a state of disrepair, said he appreciated the efforts which had been made with regard to the downtown buildings and looked forward “to the same success on residential properties.” The next council meeting, which will be held in the Dickey Lake area, is scheduled for August 13 at 2 p.m.

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(FAR LEFT) Jamie Spurvey was the first musician of the season to perform from the gazebo during the July 2 opening session of Music in the Park, the popular weekly sessions which continue each Tuesday evening throughout July and August. Photo: Judy Backus

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(LEFT) Seven-year-old Nate Treverton was one of the younger country enthusiasts to enjoy Music in the Park. He dressed for the occasion wearing a cowboy hat, plaid shirt, jeans and western style boots, and ready to move to the tunes provided by Jamie Spurvey. Photo: Submitted




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By Judy Backus

BURLEIGHED GMAIL COM s WWW %D"URLEIGH COM VIEW OVER PRESQUILE BAY. 185 ft sea wall, 40 EMC Entertainment - Marmora ft boat dock. Beachcomber hot tub, large deck, gazebo, s One of the sure signs the summer seaprof landscaped, irrig., custom kitchen, 2 baths/ Jacuzzi tub/ walk-in shower, 3 beds, all appl’s, gas FP, gas son has begun is the arrival of Music in T stove, hardwood, granite, AC, security, 1700 sf JUS4%$ the Park. Presented by members of the Open to offers. Call 613 475-9072 or 613 242-7110. 3 ) Marmora Crowe Valley Lions Club, the CV[ ^GA [A;P ?A;PĂŠ >;PP =VTI\^AAP , Tuesday evening sessions feature a variety of performers, with those yet to come Jamie Spurvey, who has appeared at ?I[A>^V[\ ¤¤¤9yvÂŽÂŒ Â˜Â›yy‡9wŽ‰ being Roger and Nicole Duval, Wrought the Havelock Jamboree, kickedW[A\I?AT^\ off the WP;^IT`R DVP? Iron Roots/Bruce Forsyth, Larrie Bron- season with a range of music which ;e;[? ;e;[? VzÂżwy²çÛβĂ?çç²çÂ?çÂ? son and Friends, Family Tradition, Leo had a broad appeal. Among theĂ›Ă?Ă?Ă›²ÂšÂ?Â?š pieces šÂ?Â?ĂŽ²ÂšÂ?Ă›Â? Provost and Friends, Brian Cosbey and he presented were the Gambler, Bit by Ă›²+çç²ÿšÂ?²çÂ?çÂ? \u‡y˜ [yÂ?Band. PI> Ellie Kelly, and the Jim Hayward Bit,;˜˜ Â˜Â›uŒ› Eight by Ten Picture, as well as "2)#+ "5.'!,/7 /. 42%%$ #/5.429 ,/4 39 Prince Albert St.W., Madoc, Ontario, K0K 2K0 3POTLESS BDRM HOME ON SPACIOUS LANDSCAPED LOT %XTENSIVE UPDATES The audience, seated in›Žlawn chairs some Waylon Jennings and Willie NelPlease callWelcomes direct atWendy McCoy, Ax y =ÂŽÂŒ Â˜Â›yy‡ Welcomes Wendy McCoy, Sales Representative to Sales Representative to INCLUDE WINDOWS DOORS FURNACE GAS lREPLACE KITCHEN BATHROOMS AND email: wendy.mccoy@century21.ca on the grassy expanse of Marmora’s son. He also presented some music he 613-242-0568 the team. Wendy will be working in the Marmora the team. Wendy willMUCH MORE 4OUR AT WWW EDBURLEIGH COM -INUTES FROM #AMPBELLFORD be working in the Marmora Memorial Park, can enjoy time with had co-written with friend Rob Hood, \u‡y˜ [yÂ?•y˜yŒ›u› £y OPEN HOUSE area and looks forward to helping her new clients area and looks forward to helping her new clients friends and family while the performers one of those being She’s Like a Brand keep the two-hour going Ă›²ĂŽ NewWR Chevy.VWAT Another, composed with 7 a reality. make their Real Estate dreams a reality. make their Real Estate%dreams VWAT GV`\A music \`T9 sessions ;W[9 šÛ\^ĂŠ GV`\A \;^9 ;W[9 šÂ?^GĂŠ Ă›²ĂŽ WR DAV[DAV`\ cIAe\Ă… . )#% from within the gazebo. his manager Robert Treverton, was 2 Ă›Â? GI>OV[i D[VcAĂŠ =APPAcIPPA 0 ššĂ?Miles C;[PAi ;cAĂŠ =APPAcIPPA While there is no admittance charge, titled Five Hundred Away From Please call direct at Please call direct at D is taken during the Yesterday. D a silver collection T T I I ^ ^ 613-242-0568 613-242-0568 \ \ evening, Pwith the proceeds directed to Spurvey has been I PI on the music scene e e the many community endeavours supsince he was a boy, releasing his ďŹ rst CD TAby the Lions. As Lion Kevin Roy, at the age of 14, TAthat being “A Long Way ported SUNDAY JULY 14, 2013 2-4PM this year’s Chairman of Music in the From Homeâ€? a collection of traditional 93 Boyd Road, Marmora Park said on July 2, which marked the Newfoundland songs. Spurvey, who This 5 year old bungalow has it all on 16.75 acres of beautiful natural country property.The ďŹ rst session of the summer, “Last year was born in Newfoundland, but current- custom kitchen is a chef’s dream with tons of cupboards, huge centre island, pantry and stainless appliances overlooking the dining area with French doors to the patio.The vaulted ceiling 7!4%2&2/.4 "5.'!,/7 we had some big crowds and everybody ly lives in Belleville, continues to write steel in the living room promotes the flow of air and light.The master suite has the luxury hotel feel BDRM HOME WITH v FRONTAGE ON /!+ ,!+% MINUTES FROM 3TIRLING OR enjoyed themselves.â€? He added, “I hope and perform. As his bio ŸÛĂ?ÜÊĂ?Â?Â? with vaulted ceiling, large walk-in closet and an en-suite to die for.There are two generouslysays, “Keep ŸšĂ?Ă?ĂŠĂ?Â?Â? ŸÛ+ÜÊĂ?Â?Â? Ÿš+Ă?ĂŠĂ?Â?Â? "ELLEVILLE !PPLIANCES INCLUDED #ONTACT %D bedrooms and an additional four piece bath.This unique property offers a 30X40 carriage we eÂŽÂŒxy•zœ‡ get decent ĂŒ:š weather and good crowds. your eyes and ears on Jamie Spurvey, sized (OUR /FlCE 0AGER s %MAIL CAMPBELLFORD house with loft, currently being usedey‡‡ as a home gym. Perfect for that home business. There is an I‰‰uwœ‡u›y ĂŒ vyx•ŽŽ‰ zu‰ Â‡Š ~Ž‰y w‡Ž˜y NEXICOM NET ›Ž ›~y \Â?Ž•›˜ vyx•ŽŽ‰ zu‰ Â‡Š ~Ž‰y  ÂŒ |ÂŽÂŽx ‰u ÂŒÂ›u ÂŒyx ÂŽÂ?yÂŒ wÂŽÂŒwyÂ?› ~ ²Â•uÂŒw~9 Wu› ÂŽ xŽŽ•˜ W• Â‰y Au˜› AÂŒx x Â˜Â›uÂŒwy additional detached double garage for all those toys. No lack of storage or space here. I think we will because we’ve some he is a man on a mission with‡Žwu› ÂŽÂŒ9 a voice eu‡… ÂŒ| ey‡‡Œy˜˜ >yŒ›•yĂˆ [ £y•z•ŽŒ› ^•u Â‡ Ă´Â?Ă™9 CŽ•‰u‡ ‡ £ ÂŒ| ÂŒy |~vŽ•~ÂŽÂŽx9 Cœ‡‡ v• wÂ… ¤ Â›~gotu››uw~yx |u•u|y9 y§Â›yÂŒx ÂŒ| ŽŒ›Ž xywÂ…9 PÂŽ¤y• ‡yÂŁy‡ •yxÂŽÂŒy šÂ?Â?+Ăˆ ÂŒy¤y• ›Ž will =y‡‡y£ ‡‡y uÂŒx ˜w~ŽŽ‡˜9 I‰‰uwœ‡u›y good coming!â€? and•ŽŽ‰ sound that leaveW‡uÂŞu you wanting x ÂŒ ÂŒ| Â•ÂŽÂŽÂ‰Â˜Ăˆ ‰u ÂŒ z‡ŽŽ• zu‰ Â‡Š •ŽŽ‰ uÂŒx zœ‡‡ vu˜y‰yŒ›9 MLS #2133324 $489,000 ĂŒ groups vu›~˜  ÂŒw‡œx ÂŒ| yŒ˜œ Â›y9 Ru ÂŒ ‡yÂŁy‡ ˜œŒ R0012205951 wu•Â?y› uÂŒx z•y˜~‡Š [ÂŽÂœ|~  ÂŒWendy Â?‡œ‰v ÂŒ| Country music artist and songwriter Welcomes Wendy McCoy, Sales Representative to Â?u ÂŒÂ›yx šÂ?Ă™Â?9 Welcomes McCoy, Sales Representative to zuw ÂŒ| ‡Ž£y‡Š Â?u•…‡uÂŒx9 e Â›~ u ‰u ÂŒÂ›yÂŒuÂŒwy² more!â€? ĂŒ vyx•ŽŽ‰ v• wÂ… vœŒ|u‡Ž¤ ¤ Â›~ |u•u|y9 \›œŒŒ ÂŒ| ˜œŒ˜y›˜ uÂŒx ~Âœ|y ¤y‡‡ uÂ?Â?ÂŽ ÂŒÂ›yx •yw •ŽŽ‰  ÂŒ ‡Ž¤y•  ÂŒ Â?‡uwy ÂŽÂŒ ‡Ž¤y• ‡yÂŁy‡9 PÂŽÂŁy‡Š Â?• £u›y ‡Ž› ÂŽÂŒ ›~y yx|y y§Â›y• ÂŽÂ• ŠÂŽÂœ wuÂŒ •y‡u§ ÂŽÂŒ ›~y xywÂ…  ÂŒ ŠÂŽÂœÂ• vuwÂ…Šu•x vŠ ‡yÂŁy‡9 CŽ•‰u‡ ‡ £ ÂŒ| uÂŒx x ÂŒ ÂŒ| •ŽŽ‰ u˜ ¤y‡‡9 theCu•‡yŠ team. Wendy the team. Wendy will be workingz•yy in the Marmora ? Â•yw› ÂŽÂŒÂ˜Y =• x|y Ž• c w›Ž• u ›Ž ;ÂŁy9will be working in the Marmora

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? Â•yw› ÂŽÂŒÂ˜Y Cu•‡yŠ ;ÂŁy ›Ž G w…Ž•ŠĂŠ \›uŒ‡yŠ Wu•… \Âœv

RP\Ì šÛʚúÛ

RP\ĂŚ šÛΚÜÜĂŽ make their Real Estate dreams a reality.


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\u‡y˜ [yÂ? PI> ;˜˜ Â˜Â›uŒ› ›Ž Ax y =ÂŽÂŒ Â˜Â›yy‡

šÂ?ÙÙ OPEN HOUSE SAT;W[9 JULY 13TH, 1-3pm VWAT GV`\A \`T9 šÛ\^ĂŠ Ă›²ĂŽ WR 518 UPPER FLINTON RD. Ă›Â? GI>OV[i D[VcAĂŠ =APPAcIPPA Hwy 7 east from Hwy 37, turn ŸšÎÜÊĂ?Â?Â?


on to Upper Flinton Rd. which >~u•‰ ÂŒ| wŽœŒ›•Š ~Ž‰y  ÂŒ u ‡Ž£y‡Šis •œ•u‡ left off˜y›› ÂŒ|9 Hwy 7 or=• |~› north off ˜Â?uw ÂŽÂœÂ˜ Â… Â›w~yÂŒĂˆ ‡u•|y x ÂŒ ÂŒ| •ŽŽ‰Hwy ¤ Â›~ ˜›ŽŒy Â?•ŽÂ?uÂŒy 7, proceed to 518.



|u˜ z Â•yÂ?‡uwy9 DyÂŒy•Žœ˜ ‰u˜›y• vx•‰ ¤r ~ Â˜ ~y• w‡Ž˜y›˜9 e Cœ‡‡Š TA z ÂŒ Â˜~yx vu˜y‰yŒ›9 \Â?uw ÂŽÂœÂ˜ ‰u ÂŒ ‡yÂŁy‡ zu‰ Â‡Š •ŽŽ‰9 ² Ru ÂŒÂ›yÂŒuÂŒwy z•yy v• wÂ… ÂŁÂ ÂŒŠÂ‡ y§Â›y• ÂŽÂ• u˜ ¤y‡‡ u˜ xÂŽÂœv‡y 2 u››uw~yx storey Cape|u•u|y Cod, features eat-in spacious uÂŒx large Â?‡yŒ›Š ÂŽz kitchen, Â?u•… ÂŒ|9 Ty¤ living •ŽŽz room Ă…Ă˝Â? with Šyu• wood fireplace, ÂŒ4bdrms, bdrm with 3pc ensuite and walk-in closet. ˜~ ÂŒ|‡yÂ˜Âľ šÂ?ÙÙ9master ;‡‡ ÂŒy¤ ¤ ÂŒxÂŽ¤Â˜ ›~•Žœ|~Žœ›9 ;vÂŽÂŁy Full partly finished basement with walkout and wood stove. 32x32 separate |•ŽœŒx Â?ŽŽ‡ ¤ Â›~ u‡‡ u››uw~‰yŒ›˜9


workshop/garage, heated with separate 100 amp service. All this and much more on 68 acres of land.RP\ĂŚ šÛΚÜÿÂ? MLS#2132757


eÂŽÂŒxy•zœ‡ ĂŒ:š vyx•ŽŽ‰ zu‰ Â‡Š ~Ž‰y  ÂŒ |ÂŽÂŽx ÂŒy |~vŽ•~ÂŽÂŽx9 Cœ‡‡ v• wÂ… ¤ Â›~ u››uw~yx |u•u|y9 ĂŒ vu›~˜  ÂŒw‡œx ÂŒ| yŒ˜œ Â›y9 Ru ÂŒ ‡yÂŁy‡ ˜œŒ •ŽŽ‰ uÂŒx ~Âœ|y ¤y‡‡ uÂ?Â?ÂŽ ÂŒÂ›yx •yw •ŽŽ‰  ÂŒ ‡Ž¤y• ‡yÂŁy‡9 CŽ•‰u‡ ‡ £ ÂŒ| uÂŒx x ÂŒ ÂŒ| •ŽŽ‰ u˜ ¤y‡‡9

HOUSE\;^9 Sun. July 14thšÂ?^GĂŠ 12 - 1:30pm VWATOPEN GV`\A ;W[9 Ă›²ĂŽ WR 390 Cannifton Rd. ššĂ? C;[PAi ;cAĂŠ =APPAcIPPA ŸÛ+šÊÂ?Â?Â?


RP\Ì šÛΚšÎš make their Real Estate dreams a reality.

¤¤¤9yvÂŽÂŒ Â˜Â›yy‡9wŽ‰ >AT^[;P PV>;^IVT Please call direct at VzÂżwy²çÛβĂ?çç²çÂ?çÂ? 613-242-0568 Ă›²+çç²ÿšÂ?²çÂ?çÂ?

W[A\I?AT^\ DVP? ;e;[? Ă›Ă?Ă?Ă›²ÂšÂ?Â?š

South of 401

W• Â‰y yu˜› ^ yÂŒx ‡Žwu› ÂŽÂŒ9 \Â?uw ÂŽÂœÂ˜ Ă™9Ă˝ ˜›Ž•Š ¤y‡‡ PI\ ~Ž‰y9 CyÂŒwyx  ÂŒ Šu•x9 IŒ˜œ‡u›yx Ă™9Ă˝ wu• ‰u ÂŒÂ›u ÂŒyx e |u•u|y ÂŽÂŒ z•ŽŒ› uÂŒx vuwÂ…Ăˆ TA ¤ Â›~ ¤ÂŽÂ•Â…vyÂŒw~ ‡u•|y xŽŽ•˜$279,900 ¤ Â•yx ¤ Â›~ ˜yÂ?u•u›y v•yuÂ…y• Â?uÂŒyÂ‡Ăˆ Ùý9Ă´ g ÂšĂŒ9ĂĽ9 V• | ÂŒu‡ Immaculate 3 bedroom family home right on the water, close to the Sports & Gu•x¤ÂŽÂŽx Ă…Â˜y‡‡yÂ•ÂşÂ˜Trail ¤ Â‡Â‡ ÂŒ| ÂŒy|Ž› u›y RŽ˜› Wellness Centre, Riverfront & 401.›ŽFormal living & •yz ÂŒ Â˜~ ÂŒ|Âľ dining rooms, main ¤ ÂŒxÂŽ¤Â˜ >yŒ›•u‡ u Â• uÂŒx š wyŒ›•u‡ ÂŁuw˜9parkland. floor family room•yÂ?‡uwyx9 and full basement. Stunning sunsets facing lovely With a maintenance-free exterior you can relax on the deck in your backyard RP\ĂŚ šÛšççĂ?+ by the Moira River or tinker in the garage with 4 work bays. MLS#2130487


PIcA =i ^GA [IcA[Ă…

Please call direct at 613-242-0568

A?IA =VTI\^AAP \u‡y˜ [yÂ?•y˜yŒ›u› £y




Hwy 62 North ŸÛ+�Ê��� to Townsend Rd.

ĂŒ vyx•ŽŽ‰ v• wÂ… vœŒ|u‡Ž¤ w‡Ž˜y ›Ž vœ˜ •Žœ›y uÂŒx u‡‡ u‰yÂŒ Â› y˜9 CyÂŒwyx Šu•xĂˆ zœ‡‡ vu˜y‰yŒ› $312,900 uÂŒx y§Â›yÂŒxyxĂˆ xy›uw~yx |u•u|y zŽ• ›~y Just minutes from Belleville. Spacious open concept, split level home featuring sunken living room, four>yŒ›•u‡ bedrooms, two large bright maple kitchen featur~uÂŒxŠÂ‰uÂŒ9 u Â•bathroom, uÂŒx ˜Â?• ÂŒÂ…‡y• ˜ŠÂ˜Â›y‰˜  ÂŒ ing centre island & eating area. Patio doors to multi-level sundeck and above ground z•ŽŒ› uÂŒx ˜ xy Šu•x˜9 pool. All surrounded by over five acres of mature woodlands. Finished basement with in-floor radiant heating, woodstove, in-law suite & 3-piece bathroom. Attached with RP\ĂŚ šÛÎÂ?çÜš MLS# 2133580 double car garage with new extension.


CV[ AÂŒx ^GA [A;P ?A;PĂŠ =VTI\^AAP and Tenacity ey‡‡>;PP ‰u ÂŒÂ›u ÂŒyx ÂŽÂ?yÂŒ wÂŽÂŒwyÂ?› ~ ²Â•uÂŒw~9 Wu› ÂŽ xŽŽ•˜ W• Â‰y Au˜›Integrity ‡Žwu› ÂŽÂŒ9 eu‡… ÂŒ| x Â˜Â›uÂŒwy ›Ž =y‡‡y£ ‡‡y W‡uÂŞu uÂŒx ˜w~ŽŽ‡˜9 I‰‰uwœ‡u›y ĂŒ vyx•ŽŽ‰ v• wÂ… vœŒ|u‡Ž¤ ¤ Â›~ |u•u|y9 ? Â•yw› ÂŽÂŒÂ˜Y =• x|y Ž• c w›Ž• u ›Ž Cu•‡yŠ ;ÂŁy9

RP\Ì šÛÎ�Ü+ú

y§Â›yÂŒx ÂŒ| ŽŒ›Ž xywÂ…9 PÂŽ¤y• ‡yÂŁy‡ •yxÂŽÂŒy šÂ?Â?+Ăˆ ÂŒy¤y• wu•Â?y› uÂŒx z•y˜~‡Š Â?u ÂŒÂ›yx šÂ?Ă™Â?9 [ÂŽÂœ|~  ÂŒ Â?‡œ‰v ÂŒ|  ÂŒ Â?‡uwy ÂŽÂŒ ‡Ž¤y• ‡yÂŁy‡9 PÂŽÂŁy‡Š Â?• £u›y ‡Ž› ÂŽÂŒ ›~y yx|y



end ŸÛ+�Ê���ofNorth MacDonald

\Â?uw ÂŽÂœÂ˜ vœŒ|u‡Ž¤ ¤ Â›~ ‡u•|y yu›  ÂŒ Â… Â›w~yÂŒ9 ;‰Â?‡y wÂœÂ?vÂŽu•x ˜Â?uwy9 Ty¤ ˜yÂ?› w šÂ?Â?ø9 Pu•|y $178,900 zu‰ Â‡Š •ŽŽ‰ ¤ Â›~ |u˜ z Â•yÂ?‡uwy uÂŒx Â?u› ÂŽ xŽŽ• Prime east end location. story well maintainedšhome. in y§Â›yÂŒx ÂŒ| ŽŒ›ŽSpacious ‡u•|y1.5 xywÂ…9 ;››uw~yx wu• Fenced |u•u|y yard. Insulated 1.5 car garage with workbench & large doors on front and back, ¤ Â›~ uÂŒxpanel, ÂŽzz wy9 šÂ?Â?ĂŽ9 wired with zœ•Œuwy separate breaker 15.4 =Ž›~ X 23.6. zœ•Œuwy Original Hardwood (sellers willing to negotiate refinishing). Most windows replaced. Central air and 2 RP\ĂŚ šÛšÿÿÜ+ central vacs. MLS#2126698


I‰‰uwœ‡u›y ĂŒ vyx•ŽŽ‰ zu‰ Â‡Š ~Ž‰y w‡Ž˜y ›ŽR0012206257 ›~y \Â?Ž•›˜ ey‡‡Œy˜˜ [ £y•z•ŽŒ› Ă´Â?Ă™9 CŽ•‰u‡ ‡ £ ÂŒ| Central>yŒ›•yĂˆ Hastings News^•u Â‡ - Thursday, July 11, 2013 x ÂŒ ÂŒ| Â•ÂŽÂŽÂ‰Â˜Ăˆ ‰u ÂŒ z‡ŽŽ• zu‰ Â‡Š •ŽŽ‰ uÂŒx zœ‡‡ vu˜y‰yŒ›9 \›œŒŒ ÂŒ| ˜œŒ˜y›˜ zuw ÂŒ| ‡Ž£y‡Š Â?u•…‡uÂŒx9 e Â›~ u ‰u ÂŒÂ›yÂŒuÂŒwy² z•yy y§Â›y• ÂŽÂ• ŠÂŽÂœ wuÂŒ •y‡u§ ÂŽÂŒ ›~y xywÂ…  ÂŒ ŠÂŽÂœÂ• vuwÂ…Šu•x vŠ



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Garden tour earned over $3,000 for the library By Scott Pettigrew

EMC News - Tweed - Terry DeSilva has been Friend of the Library for many years and helped organize a garden tour around Tweed that included eight different private gardens. She said her hopes were that at least 200 people would attend and buy a pass and her expectations were exceeded as they estimate around 206 took the tour. It was very fortunate that the weather co-operated as Friday and Sunday both saw showers and the tour took place between 10 and 4 p.m. on the Saturday. “The funds earned for the library go toward very speciďŹ c things at the library that will include a sound system for the meeting room and books in the juvenile non-ďŹ ction section,â€? said Terry. A large group of gardeners met at her house on Sunday morning and had to have umbrellas and

rain coats as they started a tour of their own to see each other’s gardens. “There were eight private gardens and three community gardens on the tour. As much as this year was very gratifying, it would not really be practical to have another tour next year unless we had eight completely different gardens to tour; we may have another tour in three to ďŹ ve years.â€? All the people who toured had nothing but rave reviews of the gardens and many commented on the warm reception they received at each home. The idea of the Sunday tour is to give a chance for the volunteers who helped out with the garden tour to see the gardens on the tour as many of them have never seen each other’s gardens. “We will have our lunch at Pauline Weber’s gardens. All in all it has been a very worthwhile experience to do the tour.â€?

Library receives donation

kia kia )'


EMC News - During recent renova, tions, Stirling Rotarian Andrew All of the volunteers and gardeners who participated in a Garden Tour fund raiser for the Tweed Library gathered at Terry DeSilva’s garden to start a garden . tour of their own in the rain Sunday. Photo: Scott Pettigrew Marre presented Stirling-Rawdon That’s The Power To. Surprise Public Library Chief Librarian Sue That’s the Power to Surprise kia )' kia )' kia )' Winfield with a cheque for $250 , to purchase new books for circulation. Marre says while a small club, . members of Stirling Rotary make That’s The Power To. Surprise That’s the Power to Surprise kia )' )' regular donations to local pro FINANCING ON OFFER ENDS NOVEMBER 30 � grams, including the library, food Nicely equipped with bank and children’s programs, as well as international projects. memory seat. �

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$ #


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BI-WEEKLY BI-WEEKLY DOWN MONTHS APR least a total of 20 to keep up with the work. Marney Horton and Ann Nickerson were in the EMC News - Madoc - The Thrift Store in Madoc is a popular place for shoppers. For over 30 years store last Friday. It was a busy day. OFFER END FINANCING ON 2013 Nickerson has been volunteering for six years at the store has generated income from sales of “genNOVEMBER S SEDAN 30 tly usedâ€? clothing and various articles for house and the shop. She said, “People in Madoc are very genINCLUDES 2012 EVERYBODY WAS SALE PRICE home. Dollars earned from those sales are distrib- erous. They give us some beautiful things, but, we INCLUDES $17,883 $13,993 $WINS uted throughout the year to various non-proďŹ t agen- need volunteers badly.â€? EVERYBODY WAS SALE PRICE 000 She spoke briey as she served customers in the cies. OFFER1,E NDS FINANCING ON 2013 $23,178 $16,928 $WINS N O V EM Cathy Granger, chair of the board which oversees little boutique adjacent to the main store. B ER 30 SEDAN 1 ,000 INCLUDES One customer said she was pleased to see things distribution of funds, said she felt it was important 2012 SELECT MODELS EVERYBODY WAS SALE PRICE to let the public know how valuable their donations she donated on display, while another customer, INCLUDES $17,883 $13,993 $WINS 2013 Brenda Campbell, said the store is always a shopEVERYBODY and patronage can be. WAS SALE PRICE 1,000 ! " ! ! family comes down from Coe “We donated $21,000 to ten different agencies in ping stop when her ! # !&K ! !& ! $23,178 $16,928 $WINS here and evthe 2012 ďŹ scal year. That is amazing, considering Hill. “There is always a good selection SORENTO LX AT AWD: WE’VE GOT TO THE 2013 1,000 INCLUDES Military Benefit INCLUDES YOU COVERED LIKE US ON SELECT MODELS First Time Buyer we sell most items for ďŹ ve dollars and under. That’s erything is neat and clean.â€? TO LEARN MORE. EVERYBODY EVERYBODY WINTER READY FOR AN EXTRA IT FROM WITH ATMadill said it takes FOR UP hands TO to deal with the Grad Rebate many a OWN lot2013 of volume.â€? & & FEATURE: Offer Ends Soon. volume of products " ! ! they receive. She is hoping to She said the store’s success is a result of the dedi ! ! # !&K volunteers. cation of many volunteers who work along with ! !& ! one recruit some younger $ $ forward $ WE’VE GOT TO THE 2013 SORENTO LX AT AWD: Military Benefit INCLUDES # Marney Horton is now retired; sheINCLUDES looks paid employee, store manager Marjorie Madill. MaYOU COVERED LIKE US ON First Time Buyer BI-WEEKLY BI-WEEKLY DOWN MONTHS APR TO LEARN MORE. willingEVERYBODY EVERYBODY dill was IT hired to the position January WINTER READY FOR AN EXTRA OWN FROM WITH of 2012 when to ATworking in the shop. FOR“It UPtakes TO time and Grad Rebate ness to volunteer on a regular basis. It’s a commitlong-time manager& Sylvia Ellis retired. Like us on & FEATURE: Currently there are 13 volunteers, Madill said, ment because the rest of the team depends on us.â€? Rebate To learn more $ The non-proďŹ t charitable organization though she could use more. She is hoping to have at $ is listed $ www.facebook.com/boyerkia # as CentreMONTHS Hastings Community SupBI-WEEKLY BI-WEEKLY DOWN APR port and Education Incorporated. The agency distributed the funds locally to

The Three Oaks Foundation, Heart of Starting at % % % % Hastings Hospice, Madoc food bank, # $ #

$ # $ Foundations of Madoc, Adopt a Child, # $ 60 Millennium Parkway Mounted. Balanced. Installed. 76/ +" +!# + /42, *,1,9/47: 192: #/A6/9 %%%%% " 84 9'1.(&8.43 .:* %%%%% 64)9(*6 %%%%% 68 .6 the Bruce Lee Foundation, Anchor of 4' ?

1.*38 6.2 Some conditions apply. See dealer for details. www.boyerkia.com 76/ 7= # />:8,8/9 %%%%% 411*(8 84 ) 1&33*6 %%%%% ((4938 /62: $8/44/6 1**) %%%%% 45<;6.8*6 676/ Hope, People Helping People, the Ma- 64/*(8

1 year FREE Storage />:8,8/9 *).& 307 at g tin ar 0,;, (,42-A/3 6.2 796/ 192: %%%%% 4; 6*7 St . !4,66/9 %%%%% 644+6*&)*6 %%%%% 64)9(8.43

) <5* @,6 ,0/6;, )/447> doc Angel Tree, and Food for Learning. *,.43 /6;9,4 % % % % 4,-3 Available on select makes & models. %%%%% *:.7.43 3*; 1&7*6 4(92*38 4(&8.43

By Diane Sherman

$4,6002013 Cash Savings 0% 2013 for 84 months/ $200 Bi-Weekly, $0 Down

Forte SX shownU


Rondo EX-V6 Luxury shown






! $ " !



Forte SX shownU

" ! ! ! # !&KTH

A +6 /3)19*+7 *+1/:+6= *+78/3'8/43 '3* ,++7 4, $2,890 CASH SAVINGS@ '3* $1,000 EVERYBODY WINS SAVINGS Â? BASED ON A PURCHASE PRICE OF $17,883. A +6 ('7+* 43 468+ +*'3 % ! +'1+6 46*+6 2'= (+ 3+)+77'6=

Rondo EX-V6 Luxury shownU


A +6 /3)19*+7 *+1/:+6= *+78/3'8/43 '3* ,++7 4, $5,250 CASH SAVINGS@ '3* $1,000 EVERYBODY WINS SAVINGS Â? BASED ON A PURCHASE PRICE OF $23,178. A +6 '3* ,+'896+7 ('7+* 43 43*4 % ;/8.




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=+'6 02 ;466= ,6++ ! )4256+.+37/:+ facebook.com/kiacanada A +6 /3)19*+7 *+1/:+6= *+78/3'8/43 '3* ,++7 4, $5,250 CASH SAVINGS@ '3* $1,000 EVERYBODY WINS ;'66'38= 127,000+ Likes SAVINGS Â? BASED ON A PURCHASE PRICE OF $23,178. A +6 '3* ,+'896+7 ('7+* 43 43*4 % ;/8.

$11 WINS EP 1.49% 60 WINS ST 1,000 OR 1,000 UP $11 WINS 1.49% 60 WINS STEP NORD FROST 1,000 UP 1,0005 $ 95 849 NORD FROST 5 SNOW1-888-402-9595$84995 ES TIRO N W S Oil Change $ 95 S E R I T 39 21 Point Winter Inspection Custom Orthotics Oil Change $17,883 $13,993 $ WINS 95 39 21 Point Winter Inspection 1,000 Boyer KIA WINS $23,178 $16,928 $17,883 $13,993 WINS 1,000 1,000

0 $0



see dealer for details


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12-11-01 10:06 AM

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Volunteer workers keep shelves and racks stocked at the popular Madoc WAS PRICE Thrift2012 Store which donated $21,000 to ten different agencies overSALE the past year. Marney Horton, with store manager Marjorie Madill, and Ann Nickerson sort clothing donations in the busy back room of the St. Lawrence Street shop. Photo: Diane Sherman






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43)*37*) 773

@ 60 Millennium Parkway A +6 /3)19*+7 *+1/:+6= *+78/3'8/43 '3* ,++7 4, $2,890 CASH SAVINGS Central Hastings News - Thursday, July '3* 11, 2013 11 $1,000 EVERYBODY(613) WINS SAVINGS Â? BASED ON A PURCHASE PRICE OF $17,883. A +6 ('7+* 43 468+ +*'3 % ! +'1+6 46*+6 2'= (+ 3+)+77'6= 1-877-501-7726 apply. See dealer for details. ! $ Some conditions " ! !


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Bi-weekLy. $0 DOWN PAYMENT. taXes not incLuDeD. offers incLuDe freight, pDi, & LeVies. purchase price $34,788* incLuDes $2,000 cash creDit.♦♦


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VEHICLE PRICING IS NOW EASIER TO UNDERSTAND BECAUSE ALL OUR PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT, PDI AND MANDATORY GOVERNMENT LEVIES. p����� d� ��� ���l�d� ���l���bl� ��x�� ��d ppsa. c�������� ��� b� ��q����d �� ��� �� �� $799 ��� d��l�� ����.*** For the latest information, visit us at gmc.gm.ca, drop by your local Buick GMC Dealer or call us at 1-800-GM-DRIVE. *Offer applies to the purchase of 2013 GMC (Sierra 1500 SL Ext. Cab 2WD G-BBPZ/Terrain SLE FWD G-BBP0/Acadia SLE FWD G-BBP2). ‡0%/0%/1.99% purchase financing offered by GMCL for 72/84/84 months on 2013 GMC (Sierra 1500 SL Ext. Cab 2WD G-BBPZ/Terrain SLE

FWD G-BBP0/Acadia SLE FWD G-BBP2). O.A.C by RBC Royal Bank/TD Auto Finance Services/Scotiabank. Rates from other lenders will vary. Example: $10,000 at 0%/2.71%/0%/1.99%/1.99%/3.65% APR, monthly payment is $138.89/$150.64/$119.05/$127.63/$127.63/$135.08 for 72/72/84/84/84/84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0/$846.08/$0/$720.92/$720.92/$1,346.72, total obligation is $10,000/$10,846.08/$10,000/$10,720.92/$10,720 .92/$11,346.72. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly/Bi-weekly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Monthly/Bi-weekly payments based on a purchase price of $25,798/$29,888/$36,788 with $0 down payment. ♦$7,500 is a manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2013 GMC Sierra 1500 Ext. & Crew Cab and is reflected in offers in this advertisement. Other cash credits available on most models. See dealer for details. ♦♦$2,500/$2,000/$2,000/$2,000 is a manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2013 GMC Sierra 1500 Crew Cab/2013 GMC Sierra 1500 Ext. Cab/2013 GMC Terrain SLE-1/2013 GMC Acadia and is reflected in offers in this advertisement. Such credit is available only for cash purchase and by selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing such credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Other cash credits available on most models. See dealer for details. */‡/♦/♦♦/***Freight & PDI ($1,600/$1,550/$1,550), registration, air and tire levies and OMVIC fees included. Insurance, licence, PPSA, dealer fees and applicable taxes not included. Offers apply as indicated to 2013 new or demonstrator models of the vehicle equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario Buick GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only (including Outaouais). Dealers are free to set individual prices. Quantities limited, dealer order or trade may be required. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ®Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG Inc. ▲Based on latest available competitive information at time of printing. ♠Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ††2013 Sierra 1500 SLT Ext. Cab 4WD with PDJ & S86, MSRP with freight, PDI & levies $51,104. 2013 Terrain FWD Denali, MSRP with freight, PDI & levies $41,629. Dealers are free to set individual prices. ¥Offer only valid from July 3, 2013 to September 3, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GMC Terrain, Pontiac Torrent, Aztek, Sunrunner, Buick Rendezvous, Saturn Vue will receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, lease or factory order of an eligible new 2013 GMC Terrain. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. ¥¥Offer only valid from July 3, 2013 to September 30, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a GM or competitor pickup truck to receive a $1,000 credit towards the purchase, finance or lease of an eligible new 2013 Model Year Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty, Chevrolet Heavy Duty, GMC Sierra Light Duty, GMC Sierra Heavy Duty, or Chevrolet Avalanche. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details.

12 Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013

Friendly Quilters share passion for past

and it’s all volunteers,� says Members of Stirling’s Friendly Quilters, President Connie Nobes (r) and Demember Connie Nobes, of nise Zandbergen, work on a quilt during FibreFest at Farmtown Park. the dozen or so women who meet Tuesday mornings at the Masonic Hall on North Street. And they are always welcoming of new members, says Zandbergen. “You’re doing good for your community and you get to learn a lot from the women you work with.� The only requirements, she says, are rudimentary sewing skills and a keen eye. Together, the quilters have completed several creations of various collective designs s 3CRAPBOOKING #LASSES over the years which have been used as fund raisers or s "IRTHDAY 0ARTIES donated to those in need. “Everybody has their tal- casual and highly pro- vited all manner of ques- often without pausing s #ARD -AKING s 3TAMP 3UPPLIES ents,� Zandbergen says of ductive. And while their tions, the quilters were from their latest piece of s #ROPS &RIDAY EVENINGS the group, and meetings are presence at FibreFest in- happy to answer them, work. R0012099186

EMC Lifestyles - Stirling The recent FibreFest, hosted at Farmtown Park last Sunday afternoon, provided members of The Stirling Friendly Quilters with a good excuse to get together and share their passion for needles and thread with the public. “This is what we do,� says quilter Denise Zandbergen. Joined by fellow members of the group, and able to offer a significant history of the art of quilting, she says their more private weekly meetings see them gather in bunches to quilt and share memories and use their skills to make a little money for local charities. “We’re a charitable group

New business will deliver potable water truck before, so it has a stainless steel tank. That’s important,� he stated. “People don’t like aluminum.� He said he will have about $12,000 invested in the tanker by the time he is finished. Erwin worked three summers at Murphy’s Lumber mill plus in the fields and milking cows with Angus and Don McKinnon, both jobs close to home in the township. He saved his money and set his goals to have his own business. He said he took a lot of technical courses while at Centre Hastings Secondary School; auto mechanics and welding classes are helpful in his work. Erwin hasn’t established a client base yet as he was awaiting the final touches on the truck before promoting his business. Bold graphics done by Keith Hill of Laser Imprints, clearly advertise the service. Steve expects to have some business cards out soon, but if you need some potable water you can call him now at 613847-5417.

www.sweetsentiments.ca OR CALL 613-969-8311 222 Bell Blvd., Belleville (Reid’s Dairy Plaza)

Divine Diamonds & Jewellery

60% OFF

Diamonds & Coloured Stones Young entrepreneur Steve Erwin, of Madoc Township, has started a business delivering potable water to locations from Belleville to Bancroft and surrounding areas. Photo: Diane Sherman

Generations shop at Wells EMC News - Stirling - When you work automotive tastes and experiences. at the same place for years, you’re bound “Bob Hoard bought at least 30 new veto see some of the same people. hicles,� Wells says, adding his son Kenny And Wells Ford Service Manager has been a Wells customer for more than Mike Wells knows that well. Repeat 25 years. “And now Michael Hoard has business, he says, is one of they things bought his first car at Wells Ford so we they strive for at the dealership. It’s a just want to say thanks to the Hoard famsure sign of customer satisfaction. But ily.� even Wells had to admit that a recent purchase by Michael Hoard marked a new level in customer loyalty. Hoard is now the fourth generation of Hoards to buy a vehicle from a third generation of Wells. “I thought that was kind if special,� Wells says. “In 1947 Ross Hoard bought a one-ton Ford [truck] for $1,550 brand new,� says Wells, whose grandfather, Harold Wells, owned the dealership at the time. And so began a long- Allan Wells (l) and Mike Wells, flank three generations of term relationship that has lasted Hoards, Bob, Michael and Kenny, who have purchased cars at 65 years. Following in his fa- the dealership since Ross Hoard bought a truck there in 1947. ther’s footsteps, Bob had similar Photo: Submitted



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QUESTION: Connie, problem yard. They scare !Grackles are a in my off the birds and the feeders until they are empty. Is other won’t leave

there a solution? ANSWER: Three things may lessen the problem or fix it altogether. ! ! Number 1. Nyjer seed. Number 2. Safflower seed. Number 3. Silo or tube feeders placed inside large cages. Most Grackles (note I said most)

will not bother with nyjer feeders as the opening is too small, made just of


for the small beaks finches. seed is not eaten by Grackles Rose or Squirrels the ! vast majority of the ! time. It is eaten by Cardinals, Purple Doves Breasted Grosbeaks, House and Finches, and Chipmunks.

The It should be offered by itself on a tray or platform feeder. Birdhouse

with carries a feeder a cage to keep out large birds and large squir

cage which ! over rels. We also carry just the when placed a tube or silo " feeder ! will definitely keep out Grackles as well as Starlings and other

- large birds. Drop by or call we would love to help.

! # " ! ( ! &

%$"!"#'!" " ! ''!& !'&"&


EMC Business - Madoc Steve Erwin of Madoc Township graduated from high school in 2011. This week he announced he is under way with his own business of hauling potable water for customers from Belleville to Bancroft and points in between. He determined there is a market for reasonably priced delivery of potable water in the region, to fill pools, cisterns, wells and even hot tubs. He says he has arranged to buy treated water from the City of Belleville and has set his price from $100 to $150 per load. The easygoing 19-year-old said he has been taking various courses to get to this point. He was the youngest person in a five-week training course with Meta Employment services and Trenval, and is still active with the Ontario self-employment benefit program. He trained for a Class DZ driver’s license to operate his new, used, water truck, which he said he bought from the St. Isidore fire department in eastern Ontario. “It was a milk


By Diane Sherman

See our Calendar of Events at


By Richard Turtle

Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013 13


By Kate Everson

Liz Manley came to town and she wasn’t skating

EMC News - Quinte West - The day Liz Manley came to town, July 6, the whole crowd of people at the YMCA celebrated. “There’s no me without her,â€? Liz said about her mother, Joan Manley, who was being added to the Sports Wall of Fame. Liz said her mother helped her become a skating star, starting in ice rinks in Trenton and Belleville and winning a silver medal at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary and a silver medal at the world championships in Budapest, Hungary. “She didn’t want the limelight,â€? Liz said. “But she was there with me, even staying up to 2 a.m. so I could get ice time.â€? She said this is a great honour for her mother who died ďŹ ve years ago, as of

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Junior “B� Hockey Players


The NEW Perth Blue Wings Junior “B� Hockey Club seeks five (5) elite hockey players for their 2013-14 Eastern Ontario Junior B Hockey League Team. You MUST be highly coachable, physically fit, MENTALLY tough and born between 1993-1997 (16-20 years old) to qualify. ONLY those seriously committed to competing for an EOJHL Championship need apply. Application Deadline: Wednesday, June 28th, 2013. For a FREE detailed information Kit, sent by First Class Mail, on your request, email Michael McLean at: Michael@PerthBlueWings.com or visit www.NEWBlueWings.com and leave your full mailing address. PerthBlueWings.com

yesterday (July 5). “The timing could not be better,â€? she said with a smile. Liz said as time goes by she keeps getting compliments about her mom. She thanked the community for supporting her when she ďŹ rst started skating here. “I am a Trenton-Belleville girl,â€? she said. “This is my home. This is where Liz Manley was created and started.â€? She was one of the ďŹ rst to be added to the Quinte West Sports Wall of Fame. “I am so proud to have been born and raised here,â€? she said. Committee chair Doug Whitney presented her with a bouquet of owers. After all the presentations, she posed beside her picture and then her mother’s picture across from it on the Wall. Chair Doug Whitney noted this is the ďŹ fth year of the Sports Wall of Fame inductions and includes six athletes, 18 builders and ďŹ ve teams. This makes a total of 56 athletes, 105 builders and 77 teams on the Wall. He thanked the com-

Liz Manley takes a snap of her mother’s picture just unveiled on the Quinte West Sports Wall of Fame. Manley credits her mother for her international success as a skating star and tells how her mother never wanted the lime- Gord Tripp is presented with a special certificate from Dave Mills representing the Ontario Golf Association. Photo: Kate Everson light. Photo: Kate Everson

mittee for all their hard work gathering information and searching archives and contacting people. “They are hard working and dedicated,� he said. The committee includes Doug Walsh, Brian Coxwell, Don Cole, Bill Huffman, Wilf Beattie, city staff Cheryl Paul and Jaclyn Grimmon and Councillor Leslie Roseblade. He also noted sadly that committee members Carl Coveney and Maureen Scott were not able to be here. Builders honoured for volunteering to help athletes and teams for over ten years included Albert Defosse, Anna Poste, Charlie Barker, Chuck MacAulay, Debbie Carriere, Donald “Red� McGil-

livray, Duncan Armstrong, Ernie Curtis, Herb Mitchell, Joan Manley, John Holmes, Jon Gibbons, Marty Knack, Mary Lou Throw, Sandy Musson, Sheran (Richardson) Barker, Stan Klemencic and Tom (Bubba) Gauthier. Athletes honoured were Craig MaxďŹ eld (runner), Dave Stewart (horse trainer), Derek Zandstra (cycling), Gord Tripp (golf), Mike MacNeil (runner) and Rob Couture (golf). Gord Tripp was also honoured with a certiďŹ cate from Dave Mills representing the Ontario Golf Association. Teams honoured were the 1973 Ontario Junior Tankard Champions, 1961

Trenton Ambers Soccer Club, 20122013 Quinte West Hawks OMHA Juvenile A Champions, 2012-2013 Quinte West Hawks OMHA Midget A Champions, and 2012-2013 Quinte West Hawks OMHA Novice A Champions. “We have had 32 Ontario champions since 1963,â€? said Doug Whitney. “This is the ďŹ rst time we have had Midget.â€? Jaclyn Grimmon thanked everyone for their support in the Quinte West Sports Wall of Fame.

Committee member Doug Walsh presents a certificate to Dave Stewart, horse trainer. Photo: Kate Everson

Committee member Brian Coxwell presents a cerQuinte West Hawks OMHA Midget A Champions pick up certificates from their coach. Photo: Kate Everson tificate to cyclist Derek Zandstra. Photo: Kate Everson




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14 Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013


Cougars in tough at Canadian qualifier By Bill Freeman

EMC Sports - New Dundee The Campbellford OPG Bantam Cougars were in tough at the Canadian championship qualifier in New Dundee near Kitchener over the weekend. The young squad of first-year players was looking for berth at the national finals in Winnipeg or possibly one of two spots in the Eastern Canadian championships in Drummondville, Quebec. The tourney was defined by its excellence with six or seven of the teams ranked as legitimate candidates to book a trip to the national of eastern Canadian final. In the end the Kitchener-Waterloo Kolts finished first and earned a trip out west while Grand Valley and Tavistock finished second

and third respectively qualifying for the eastern finals. The young Cougars squad finished fifth. In their opening game Friday night Campbellford faced Osgoode from the Ottawa area and although they were not on their game they took a 6 - 5 lead into the top of the seventh with the bases loaded but a controversial call led to a default on a force-out at the plate. On the B side, the Cougars defeated Shakespeare 7 - 3 to stay alive in the double knock-out tourney. Stew Battman, with a triple, and Nathan Broek scored twice for Campbellford. The Cougars then knocked off Wellesley 4 - 1 with Broek pitching a four hitter with nine strike-

outs; he also had two hits at the plate and scored a pair of runs with an additional RBI. The squad came up short Sunday morning in a 3 - 1 loss to the Baden Pirates which eliminated the team from contention. All three runs came in the fifth inning on four hits by the Pirates. Campbellford scored on an inside-thepark home run by Ty Tebo. Broek had eight K’s. Campbellford is right back at it in Stirling Men’s League action as well as the league tourney playdowns on Saturday. The OPG Cougars sport an impressive 7 - 3 record in Stirling League play. The OASA bantam tournament is in Cobourg on the Civic Holiday weekend.

John Lamorre of the Campbellford OPG Bantam Cougars bats during tournament action over the weekend in New Dundee. Photo: Submitted

Drivers, start your engines EMC Sports - Shannonville - It was another busy weekend at Shannonville Motor Speedway as bikers, racers and spectators gathered for the Summer Classic on the 1.8-kilometre Nelson Circuit. Featuring solo motorcycle riders, sidecar racing, classic bikes, drag racing and much more, the event attracted more than 150 participants from across the U.S. and Canada, and included the second event of the year for the Vintage Road Racing Association.

Trevor Tandy (red car) gets a jump on fellow competitor Kyle Jessup during a drag racing event at Shannonville on Sunday, July 7.


David Webster of Carp makes his way through the course during a VRRA P2 Hwt, Mwt Production race at Shannonville on Sunday, July 7.


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PO Box 459, 12 Bursthall St. Marmora, Ont., K0K 2M0 Ph (613) 472-6285, Fax (613) 472-1023 Environment Services Department v.reid@marmoraandlake.ca

NOTICE: The Municipality of Marmora and Lake Environmental Services are planning an open house of the Water and Wastewater facilities. Tour to start Wednesday July 17th 10:00am at the Water Plant 22 Water Street.

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Yours truly,




ing in the second leg of the VRRA summer race series.

Belleville: R0012205693

Victor Reid, Manager Environmental Services v.reid@marmoraandlake.ca More than 150 riders congregated at Shannonville Motor Speedway this weekend, many participat- 613-472-6285

Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013 15



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TM The Hyundai names, logos, product names, feature names, images and slogans are trademarks owned by Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. †Finance offers available O.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Services based on a new 2013 Santa Fe XL FWD/Genesis Coupe 2.0T 6-Speed Manual/Veloster 6-Speed Manual with an annual finance rate of 0% for 36/96/96 months. Bi-weekly payments are $409/$136/$99. $0 down payment required. Cost of Borrowing is $0. Finance offers include Delivery and Destination of $1,760/$1,565/$1,495, fees, levies, and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Finance Offers exclude registration, insurance, PPSA and license fees. Delivery and Destination charge includes freight, P.D.E., dealer admin fees and a full tank of gas. Financing example: 2013 Veloster 6-Speed Manual for $20,730 (includes $600 price adjustment) at 0% per annum equals $99 bi-weekly for 96 months for a total obligation of $20,730 with $0 down payment. Cash price is $20,730. Cost of Borrowing is $0. Example price includes Delivery and Destination of $1,495, fees, levies, and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Example price excludes registration, insurance, PPSA and license fees. ΊPrice adjustments are calculated against the vehicle’s starting price. Price adjustments of up to $600 available on 2013 Veloster 6-Speed Manual. Price adjustments applied before taxes. Offer cannot be combined or used in conjunction with any other available offers. Offer is non-transferable and cannot be assigned. No vehicle trade-in required. â—ŠLeasing offer available O.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Services based on new 2013 Genesis 3.8L GDI with an annual lease rate of 0%. Monthly payment is $498 per month for 48 month walk-away lease. $0 down payment. First monthly payment required. Total lease obligation is $23,904. Lease offer includes $600 dealer to customer lease credit, Delivery and Destination of $1,760, fees, levies, charges and all applicable taxes (excluding HST). Registration, insurance, PPSA and license fees are excluded. Delivery and Destination charge includes freight, P.D.E., dealer admin fees and a full tank of gas. Lease based on 20,000km per year; $0.25 per excess kilometre. Lease a new 2013 Genesis Sedan 3.8L GDI, and you’ll be entitled to a $600 dealer to customer lease credit. Dealer to customer lease credit applies before taxes. Offer cannot be combined or used in conjunction with any other available credits or promotion other than the Hyundai Financial Service’s Genesis Sedan promotional lease offer. Offer is non-transferable and cannot be assigned. No vehicle trade-in required. Purchasers or lessees of a new 2013 Genesis 3.8L GDI, who can provide a valid vehicle registration showing current ownership of any vehicle, will also be entitled to a $1,500 price adjustment. Price adjustment applies after taxes. Offer cannot be combined or used in conjunction with any other available offers. Offer expires on July 31, 2013. Offer is non-transferable and cannot be assigned. No vehicle trade-in required. ĘˆFuel consumption for 2013 Santa Fe XL FWD (HWY 7.8L/100KM, City 11.6L/100KM)/Genesis Coupe 2.0T 6-Speed Manual (HWY 6.6L/100KM; City 10.0L/100KM)/Veloster 6-Speed Manual (HWY 5.3L/100KM; City 7.5L/100KM)/Genesis 3.8L GDI (HWY 7.2L/100KM; City 11.4L/100KM) are based on Energuide. Actual fuel efficiency may vary based on driving conditions and the addition of certain vehicle accessories. Fuel economy figures are used for comparison purposes only. Ę•Price of models shown: 2013 Santa Fe XL Limited AWD/Genesis Coupe 3.8L GT 6-Speed Manual/Veloster Tech 6-Speed Manual/Genesis 5.0 GDI R-Spec is $44,795/$38,700/$24,830/$55,395. Prices include Delivery and Destination charges of $1,760/$1,565/$1,495/$1,760, fees, levies, and all applicable charges (excluding HST). Prices exclude registration, insurance, PPSA and license fees. †◊ΊĘ•Offers available for a limited time, and subject to change or cancellation without notice. See dealer for complete details. Dealer may sell for less. Inventory is limited, dealer order may be required. ††Hyundai’s Comprehensive Limited Warranty coverage covers most vehicle components against defects in workmanship under normal use and maintenance conditions.


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4 door SUV, 2.4L, automatic, air, heated seats, one owner, local trade, 87,161 kms. Stk #195809


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www.bellevillehyundai.com 16 Central Hastings News - Thursday, July 11, 2013

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