Digital Advisory Services

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Data model and dashboard services

Decision support. Asset tracking.

Meeting ESG goals.

Complying with the latest codes.

Visualizing qualitative and quantitative data.

“Instead of being ‘data-driven,’ companies should be ‘data-informed,’ using it to challenge preconceptions.”

These needs, and a host of others, are driving organizations to leverage new tools and platforms to better understand their buildings, their campus, and their real estate portfolio.

Our team of specialists—including strategists, planners, user experience experts, data scientists, and analysts—can help structure and organize your data so that you can visualize it and easily sort through it for insights.

We start with what you have, then connect it with external data sources to give you an accurate picture: what is inside your buildings, how they are being used, how they are perceived by occupants, how are they performing, and possible scenarios to accommodate future needs.

Sometimes we build these tools as part of a design project or master plan and other times clients ask us to do this work as a stand-alone assignment. Regardless, our goal is to give you tools that are intuitive, informative, and help you communicate with stakeholders.

― Digital Advisory Services

Our tools and process

Our tools

― Occupancy & Scenario Planning

Creating blocking, stacking, space use diagrams to explain the mix of factors that drive demand and space use.

― Benchmarking & Modeling

Leveraging our sector-specific benchmark data, your own historic data, and machine learning/predictive modeling to forecast and plan.

― Integrating People & Place Data

Uncovering insights from the intersection of occupant experience data (POEs, surveys) and building performance data.

― Capturing Insights & Weighing Priorities

Helping decision-makers visualize their priorities (growth, flexibility, cost, sustainability) and to weigh major decisions and investments.

― Tracking Sustainability

Measuring and cataloging social and environmental impacts for internal planning and public dissemination.

― Jumpstarting a Database

Creating a framework for your space data to capture the right inputs and display the right outputs.

Our process

― Goal Setting

What are you trying to measure? How do these metrics tie to organizational KPIs? What is most important to your leadership or stakeholders?

― Data Assessment

What source data is available now? How accurate is it? How accurate do we need it to be? Is field verification required?

― Data Set Correlation

Are buildings, rooms, occupancy consistently labelled? Does your organization have standards for capturing or reporting space data?

― Platform Design

Need a dashboard? Would you connect organizational data to GIS? Do you prefer a server or can it be securely located in the cloud?

― Testing & Roll-out

What are the different user groups and what level of access do they need?

― Data Maintenance

Do you need help periodically updating your space data to accommodate new data sources or changes over time?

How our models work.

We co-create custom tools with our clients based on your specific needs, building on previous examples and adding new features

Our models can be a stand-alone consulting service or part of a larger design project, ranging from a single floor to a building portfolio

(e.g. Excel) or

and can be built to

with your existing

Source data

We take your space and operational data and tie it to publicly available data


We build a menu that allows you to model “what if” scenarios such as growth, headcount, space types, planning ratios, portfolio changes, etc.

Dynamic reporting

We customize graphics, tables, dashboards, and maps to help you visualize space requirements, shortfall/surplus, costs, carbon emissions, or other KPIs important to you

― Digital Advisory Services

Selected projects

Space Budgeting Dashboard

Programming Tool


nj Estimate program requirements based on headcounts of different workstyle “personas” with detail breakdowns for focus, collaboration, amenity, and support space.

nj Calculate the total square footage requirements based on headcounts and work styles.

― WHAT IT IS Calculates the total square footage requirement based on headcounts and work styles.

Restack Dashboard

Adjacency Planning Tool


nj Select “Stacking” like Current HC, Growth, Location, and Total Stack Seat Demand.

nj Select “Project” for Location, Decision, Cost, Demand, Capacity, and Delta.

nj Select department locations, select scope of work for each floor, view resulting cost and space occupancy metrics.

Quickly tests stacking scenarios and assesses cost implications.

Space Use Dashboard

Building Occupancy Tool


nj Data pulled from Revit using AreaSync, a custom Perkins&Will tool.

nj Select “Project” for Location, Decision, Cost, Demand, Capacity, and Delta.

nj Select space by floor, department, or space type, update space changes quickly.


Captures changes in building occupancy over time. Pulls data from REVIT file on periodic basis to capture any changes in space assignment or use.

Benchmarking Dashboard

Cost Modeling Tool


nj Select “Stacking” for Current HC, Growth, Location, and Total Stack Seat Demand.

nj Select “Project” for Location, Decision, Cost, Demand, Capacity, and Delta.

nj Select department locations, select scope of work for each floor, view resulting cost and space occupancy metrics.

Compares space and cost metrics across projects and peers to understand best practices.

Carbon Emissions Dashboard

Sustainability Tool


nj Key functions include reporting key metrics at the campus level, i.e. energy consumption, renewable energy generation, and carbon emissions.

nj View carbon reduction over time based on the proposed projects and energy conservation measures.

nj Custom-built web application.

― WHAT IT IS Evaluates energy conservation measures and projects through multiple scenarios across multiple buildings.

Street “Vibrancy” Program

Urban Planning Tool


nj Visualize thousands of data points including field analysis and external data.

nj Measure urban fabric connectivity and integrity, street wall and building/sidewalk interface activity, and public realm quality and comfort.

nj This program and the platform it sits on are custom Perkins&Will tools.

― WHAT IT IS Helps cities evaluate the vibrancy of their streets—safety, walkability, and structure—in order to prioritize investments.

Campus Portfolio Planning Platform

A 3D Mapping & Data Visualization Tool


nj Filter based on assets, features, timestamps, styling, and saved filter states

nj 3D map of a campus or portfolio

nj Data visualizations

nj Custom Perkins&Will tool

nj Calculations of each typology usage is adjusted by parameters you can control

nj Compare supply and demand relative to target utilization and industry standards

nj Understand how portfolio of assets rank across key buildings

nj Create hypothetical scenarios for the long-term planning of asset creation, modification, or removal, and the related impact on capacity/production

nj Track metrics informing overall facility and land planning strategy

nj Platform is a custom Perkins&Will tool.

Synthesizes large amounts of data to assist with decision making and to communicate the data-driven reasoning behind inspiring planning solutions.
― WHAT IT IS Thematically renders data with synchronized map and chart-based visualization.

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