第16期 一转眼行动管制令(MCO)已经过了 大约两个月半,感觉时间过得好快。回 想起这段日子,真的感谢上帝的眷顾和 保守,要数算祂的恩典。 当进入第一阶段的行动管制令时, 还没有特别的感觉,就当做是平常的生 活,只是不能去见顾客、不能去逛街、 不能去享受咖啡、不能去健身……除了这 些的活动,一般上我都喜欢呆在家里, 所以对我而言并没什么影响。每天忙着 给自己做饭,跟进政府所宣布的个人或 公司的补助金,当然也不忘了做运动。 感恩的是,有家人、朋友、还有主内弟 兄姐妹的关心;他们都怕我寂寞或不习 惯……我的每一天,都过得很充实。
在属灵方面,除了每日读经祷告, 我也花更多时间研读圣经及属灵书籍, 还参加了线上神学课程。在这MCO期间, 我坦诚地了解了我内心的孤独,寂寞和 问题。我也懂得如何把它带到上帝面前, 将自己内心的感受告诉上帝。清心的祷 告,与神共处。“因祢十架,我活着;因 祢十架,我得胜。因祢大能掌权释放; 奇妙作为在我生命中”。
当政府一次又一次地延长行动管制 令,老实说,心中有些压力和不安,因 为将要面对收入减少的问题。即便有再 多的钱,人的内心还是不满足。为何不 选择跟随着耶稣的脚步走呢!所以,学 习知足,无论处富裕,无论处贫穷。我 学习信靠上帝,无论前面道路如何,凡 事都要信靠祂。因为我知道:我赤身出 于母胎,也必赤身归回。赏赐的是耶和 华,收取的也是耶和华;耶和华的名是 应当称颂的。【约伯记1:21】 在这MCO期间,也不忘记追求自己 的梦想 ——学习弹琴。我参与了线上学 习keyboard的课程。一直以来,我都希 望自己能弹钢琴。这念头初始于我的大 学时期。我知道总有一天,我能用钢琴 声来赞美上帝,也能在每天的灵修里自 弹自唱。
最后,再次感谢上帝,在这段MCO 期间对我及家人、朋友、还有教会的弟 兄姐妹们的眷顾与保守。愿以马内利的 上帝与我们每个人同在,无论我们出我 们入,耶和华的亮光都照亮我们每个人。
文: 伍必文
Issue #16 In the blink of an eye, two and half months have passed since MCO, time flies. Looking back on those days, I really thank God for His care and protection, and I count His blessings. When MCO first started, I didn’t have any special feeling and life was just usual, except I couldn’t go out to meet clients, or go shopping, or to enjoy coffee, or to go to the gym. Other than these activities, generally I prefer to stay at home, therefore there was not much impact to me. Everyday I would be busy cooking for myself, staying updated for the Government's announcement on individual or company subsidies, and not forgetting to exercise also. I am thankful for the concern from family, friends and brothers and sisters in Christ; who were worried that I will be lonely or not used to MCO life. My daily life was with contentment.
On the spiritual aspect, besides daily devotion and prayers, I have also spent more time reading the bible and spiritual books and joined online theology courses. During MCO, I dealt with loneliness and problems deep inside my heart honestly. I learned to bring the problems to God and talk to God on my inner feelings. Pray with a pure heart and spend time with God. “Because of the cross, I live; because of the cross, I’m victorious; Because of Your great power, wonderful deeds are done in my life”.
When the announcement on extension of the MCO was made by the Government again and again, frankly, there was some pressure and anxiety in my heart, as I would face the problem of lesser income. However, no matter how much money we have, men’s hearts can hardly be satisfied. So why not choose to follow the path of Jesus! Therefore, I learn to be content, whether living in plenty or in want. I learned to rely on God, no matter what the future will be, I will trust Him in everything. Because I know, “naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised”. [Job 1:21, NIV] During the MCO, I have not forgotten to pursue my dream also—which was to learn to play the piano. I have joined online keyboard lessons. It was my wish to play piano, and this idea started since my university days. I believe one day, I can play the piano to worship God, and play it during my daily devotion.
Lastly, once again I thank God for His protection and care for me as well as my family, friends, and brothers & sisters in Christ during the MCO. May Emmanuel God always be with us wherever we go, the light of Jehovah shines on every one of us.
By: Steven Ngoo / Translated by: Mandy Loh