行管令期间的点点滴滴 话说农历新年期间,对武汉的封城感到震惊, 的味道。福州肉燕,葱油饼,味道挺不错。 因此才要去认识和了解这个病毒。我们也四处 6.没有斋戒月市集, 自己动手下厨。 东奔西跑,为的是买口罩上飞机回乡。“你有口 7.学会做400次咖啡当下午茶,也可以很满足。 罩吗?”“哪里能买到口罩?”成了2020年农历 8.做了狗都不理的包子,很失望,至今没勇气再 新年的热门问候语。 搓面粉。 2020年3月18日是我人生中难忘的日子,因 刚开始还很清楚知道当天是第几天的行动管 为实施了行动管制令。妈妈因为年轻时经历过 制令,到后来要问外子:今天是第几天了?区区 “戒严”,所以就把这个管制令当做“现代版戒 50多天就经不起数字的摧残。 严”。我在中学时期对2020年是充满幻想和期待 唇齿相依也会有不小心咬到的一天,每当夫 的,也以为汽车可以在天空翱翔,殊不知要面对 妻之间发生争执, 圣灵都会提醒我:“孩子, 病毒的威胁和政局的动荡。 你的温柔和耐心在哪里?” 在这期间,原来我的人生还有很多的第一次 在家里,我没特意裝扮自己,更没有学会哆 正要上演: 啦A梦的声音。感谢神,祂依然如此爱我,保守 1.第一次认识Zoom,就结下了不解之缘。小组、 我们平安度过每一天! 祷告会、查经班、启发课程等等都得靠它。虽然 没有实体聚会, 但依然可以在线上相聚。 2.将电脑搬回家,居家办工。 起床刷牙洗脸后 就直上工作岗位,何其方便。但日子久了却又开 始怀念堵车的日子...... 3.外子成了家里的代购—— 列张清单,他就可 以高高兴兴地出门,两手满满地回来(偶尔也会 货不对版,大家高兴就好。他在家实在待不住)。 4.他也是个细心的油漆工人, 还十分“有规划” 地分配工作, 怕油完了就没事做了,不知如何 打发时间。偶尔也做些小烹饪,他的啤酒鸡做得 特别好吃。 5.我呢,第一次煮鼎边糊,有妈妈的味道,家乡
Issue #27
Written by: Susan Yew Translated by: Dorcas Yeoh
Bits and Pieces of My MCO Life During Chinese New Year, I was shocked by the news of Wuhan’s lockdown. Therefore, I decided to find out and understand more about this virus. We also ran around trying to get face masks to board the plane to return to our hometown. "Do you have a face mask?" "Where can I buy face masks?" became a popular greeting for Chinese New Year in 2020. 18th March, 2020 is an unforgettable day in my life because of the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO), which my mother called the "modern version of martial law” as she experienced “martial law” when she was young. When I was in high school, I was looking forward to the year 2020, when cars might be able to fly in the sky. But little did I know, I had to face the threat of viruses and political turmoil. During this period of time, I experienced lots of ‘firsts’ in my life! 1. I used Zoom for the very first time and ‘formed a bond’ with it. Cell group meetings, prayer meetings, bible study, Alpha course, etc. all depend on it. Although we can’t have physical meetings, we could still gather online. 2. I took my computer home and worked from home. How convenient it is to get up, brush my teeth, wash my face and then get straight to work! But as the days went by, I started to miss the traffic jam days... 3. My husband had to go shopping on our family’s behalf. He usually goes out happily and returns home with both hands full (He buys the wrong stuff occasionally but it's okay. He can't really stay home anyway).
4. He is a meticulous painter, and does his work very diligently, fearing that there will be nothing left to do after completing this painting task. He also cooks every now and then, and his beer chicken is especially delicious. 5. As for me, it was the first time I cooked “Foo Chow wok-edge noodles” (ding bian hu), and it’s taste reminded me of my mother and my hometown. I also cooked “Foo Chow meat dumplings” (rouyan) and scallion pancakes, and I think I did a decent job. 6. There was no Ramadan bazaar this year so I had to cook. 7. I learnt how to make 400 times Dalgona coffee for afternoon tea and I felt very satisfied. 8. I was disappointed with the buns I made though. Till today, I still don't have the courage to knead the dough. In the beginning of MCO, I kept counting the days since lockdown started. But later on, I had to ask my husband: “What day of MCO is it today?” The numbers don't hold up in just 50 days. Even lips and teeth might accidentally bite one day, when couples engage in conflicts, the Holy Spirit would remind me: “Child, where did your gentleness and patience go?” I didn't purposely dress up at home, nor did I learn how to imitate Doraemon’s voice. Thank God, as He still loves me and has been keeping us safe everyday!