没有缺乏 由一个微小病毒衍生出一个虽有心理准备,但仍深感措手不及的行动 管制令,不管我喜欢与否,都得待在家里 “短暂退修” 两个月。无论如 何,在这两个月期间,不管是家庭,工作与教会三方面,都让我见证了上 帝的供应到底是怎么一回事儿。 (1)家庭篇 这两个月期间(三月中旬直到五月五日重新上班为止),虽然收入减 半,却发现原来我们平常的花费,想要的远多过所需要的。因行动受限制 的关系,花费都真正局限在所需要的衣食住行上而已。骤然发现,原来我 们真正需要的,就仅此而已。所以,收入虽然减半,但是哈利路亚,日子 却依然没有缺乏。再者,就是原来许多的活动,都是不必要的。没有了这 些平常让我们忙碌不堪且占据时间的活动,我们多了一家人相处的时间与 空间。大家可以不慌不忙地等候午餐、晚餐的预备,不必慌慌张张地吃饭, 还可以一起在家里玩拼图、玩纸板游戏、一起观赏电视节目等等。这些都 是因祸得福的恩典,都是平常忙碌的日子里不经意被我们忽略掉的幸福。 (2)工作篇 虽然今年年初中国武汉爆出疫情时,我因为工作上的接触,也已经隐 约地感觉到危机的莅临,自己心里多少也有了些筹谋盘算。但是,3月16 日当天那区区48小时颁布下来的行动管制令,多多少少还是让公司的现金 流出现了一些状况。就在心里不踏实的时候,我向神说:“阿爸父,封城 了,孩子的路也都被堵住了,您就为孩子开路吧!” 结果,这段期间, 即发生了三件让我极其感动的事。上帝再一次为信靠祂的人开路。 第一件事:行管令的第一个星期,我赶紧给一个客户发了一则短讯,希 望他能够把所欠下的费用缴清,好让公司短缺的现金得到补给。不到一个 小时,对方就爽快地回复:没问题。两天后,对方就把支票转入了公司的 账号里。此时此刻,大家都在为钱烦恼的时候,对方竟然毫无犹豫地付款, 岂能不让人感动呢?就这样,三月尾,甚至是整个四月,因着这笔“及时 雨”,公司而能够如常发薪,仿佛什么事情都没有发生过似的。 第二件事:行管令一再14天又14天地被延长,我心里又开始感到不踏实 了。四月中旬,我鼓起勇气向办公室的业主(Landlord)发了一则短讯, 要求他从5月份开始将租金减半,直至行管令结束为止。感谢主,这则短 讯,业主几乎是即刻且毫无犹豫地回复了三个字:没问题!
第三件事:业主的反应增添了我的信心,也是 另一个见证,是上帝在财务上的供应。行管 上帝给我的印证。于是我花了一个下午,草拟了 令之故,教会的实体主日敬拜足足停办了16个主 一封 “家书” 发给公司的所有同事,寻求他们 日(4个月),直至今年7月5日才在政府当局的允 接纳我的提议:各人按工资的数额多寡,扣押不 许下开始实体敬拜。这段期间,我们看见教会的 同比例的薪金,直到公司获允重新开业运作为止。 收入(即奉献)如过山车般地起起落落,但开销 感谢主,在 “家书” 发出不到两个小时内,我 却 丝 毫 没 有 减 少 。 因 为 看 见 社 区 里 的 需 要 , 就得到所有成员的正面回应:没问题! 而透过社会关怀委员会所发起的食物援助计划, 以上三件事,三个 “没问题” 的回应,其 无形中增加了教会的开销。坦白说,开始时,我 实都让我心里深受感动。感谢神,祂知道,并为 们心里是有些担忧的。推出马来亚银行二维码的 我们供应我们所需要的。就这样,靠着神的恩典, 奉献管道,其实也是要鼓励弟兄姐妹们不要忘记 公司在行管令期间都蒙上帝供应所需要的,没有 奉献的“善意提醒”举措之一。但是,非常奇妙 缺乏。我们也无需扣薪、无需裁员,皆大欢喜! 的,在五月份、六月份、七月份的执事会会议里 (3)教会篇 所提呈的财政报告中,都一次又一次地看见上帝 3月15日开始,执事会已经议决暂停实体敬拜, 供应祂的教会所需要的。每一次的供应真的都是: 转为线上崇拜。如今看回去,我们感恩圣灵在当 不多、不少、刚刚好!哈利路亚,我们的上帝是 中的引领,让我们提早一两个星期做出了相关的 应当称颂的! 准备。所以行管令于18日生效后的四个月里,甚 这个行管令期间,从自己家庭,工作上与教 至是连续的16个主日线上崇拜,百美堂在筹备的 会里服侍的经历,上帝一次又一次地让我验证了 过程中不至于手忙脚乱;而且在所需要的一切, 祂的应许,以此与众弟兄姐妹共同勉励: 如器材与拥有相关技术知识的人才上,都经历了 先寻求祂的国和祂的义,这些东西都要加给 圣灵的带领,上帝的供应。如今,虽然局部恢复 你们了。所以,不要为明天忧虑,因为明天自有 实体崇拜,但我们依然能够进行现场直播,为留 明天的忧虑;一天的难处一天当就够了。(马太 在家里的弟兄姐妹们提供线上直播崇拜的便利。 福音 6:33-34) 而且,我们也因祸得福:在我们当中发掘了许多 人才与恩赐,因而开拓了主日学的线上敬拜、幼 儿的线上敬拜、国语的线上敬拜、每星期的线上 祷告会、查经班和各个小组的线上聚会。301的福 音线上聚会,也获得不俗的反应。这些新领域的 开发,也让我们看见教会未来的发展趋势与需要, 和上帝在这个教会中所预备的资源与装备,为神 成就祂所托付教会的大使命。荣耀归于至上的主。
Issue #28
God’s provision is sufficient Written by: Lawrence Teen Translated by: Dorcas Yeoh
A tiny virus led to a Movement Control Order (MCO) that I had anticipated but still somehow deeply unprepared for; like it or not, I had to go on a "short retreat" at home for two months. In any case, during those two months, I was able to testify to what God's provision is really all about, in terms of family, work and church. (1) The Family Chapter In the past two months (until May 5th), even though our income was halved, we realized that we were spending much more than we needed in the past. Due to the restriction of MCO, we were only able to spend on food, clothing, shelter and transportation that we needed. We suddenly realized that was all we really needed. So although our income was halved, Hallelujah, we were not lacking. Furthermore, the many activities that we used to do were unnecessary. Without these activities that normally keep us busy and occupy our limited time, we have more time and space to spend together as a family. We can wait for lunch and dinner to be ready without rushing, we don't have to eat in a hurry, we can play jigsaw puzzles and board games at home, we can watch TV shows together, etc. These are the blessings that we have been blessed with, the blessings that we unknowingly neglected during our busy days.
(2) The Workplace Chapter Although the pandemic broke out in Wuhan, China, earlier this year, I already felt the arrival of the crisis deep down in my heart vaguely because of my work contacts. On the 16th of March, with 48 hours notice before MCO is commenced, it somehow still affected the company's cash flow situation. Just when my heart was unsettled, I told God in my heart: “Abba Father, the city is under lockdown and your children's paths are blocked, so open a way for your children!” As a result, I experienced three incidents that touched me deeply during this time. Once again, God made a way for those who trust in Him. The first incident: During the first week of MCO, I hurriedly sent a short message to a client, hoping that he would pay the fees he owed so that the company's shortage of cash could be overcome. In less than an hour, the client responded with a quick reply: No problem! Two days later, he transferred the cheque to the company's account. At this moment, when we are all worried about money, he paid us without any hesitation. How is this not a touching incident? At the end of March, or even April, because of this, our company was able to make payroll as usual, as if nothing had happened. The second incident: I was getting unsettled again when MCO was repeatedly extended for 14 days. In mid-April, I mustered up the courage to send a short message to the landlord of my company, asking for a 50% reduction in rent for the month of May until the end of MCO. Thank God that immediately upon receiving this text message, the landlord replied without hesitation with two words: No problem!
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The third incident: The response of the landlord added to my faith and was a sign of God's assurance. So I spent an afternoon drafting a "family letter" to be sent to all of my colleagues in the company, seeking their acceptance of my offer, each withholding varying percentages of their salary until the company would be allowed to reopen and resume operations. Thank God, within less than two hours of the "family letter" being sent, I had a positive response from all the members: No problem! The three responses of "no problem" from all three of these incidences touched my heart deeply. Thank God that He knows and provides for us what we need. So by God's grace, the company was provided with everything it needed during the MCO period, and there was no shortage. And we didn't have to take a pay cut or fire any employees, it was all good! (3) The Church Chapter As of 15th March, the LCEC members resolved to suspend physical worship and switch to online worship. Looking back, we are thankful for the guidance of the Holy Spirit that we were able to make preparations a week or two in advance. In the four months since MCO came into effect on 18th March, 16 consecutive Sundays have been devoted to online worship, and since preparation was made earlier, Permai Church didn’t feel so overwhelmed in preparing for the online worship services. Nowadays, although physical worship service is partially resumed, we are still able to provide the convenience of live online worship for our brothers and sisters who are staying at home. Moreover, we have been blessed to discover many talents among our church members, pioneering online worship for Sunday School, toddlers and even the BM online service. Furthermore, weekly
online prayer meetings, bible study, various CG meetings, and even 301's gospel online meetings have received good response. These new areas of development have given us a glimpse of future trends, needs and resources that God has prepared and equipped in this church to fulfill the Great Commission that He has entrusted to His church. Glory be to the Lord over all. Another testimony is on the financial provision by God. Due to the MCO, the church's physical Sunday worship service was suspended for 16 Sundays (4 months) until 5th of July this year, when the government authorities allowed physical worship to begin. During that period, we saw the church's income (i.e. offering) fluctuated like a roller coaster. Nonetheless, our expenses did not decrease at all, but rather increased, as we saw a need in the community and initiated a food assistance program through the Social Concern Committee. Frankly speaking, we were quite worried at the start. The introduction of Maybank’s QR code was actually part of a "friendly reminder" to encourage our brothers and sisters not to forget to offer to God. Amazingly, the financial reports that we saw in May, June and July during LCEC meetings showed God's provision for the needs of His church again and again. It’s true that every provision is no more, no less, but sufficient! Hallelujah, our God is to be praised! During this MCO, through my own family, work and church service, God has validated His promise to me time and time again. Therefore, I would like to encourage dear brothers and sisters with a bible verse: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own.” (Matthew 6:33-34)
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